diff options
authorLibravatar Unit 193 <>2018-04-22 15:17:49 -0400
committerLibravatar Unit 193 <>2018-04-22 15:17:49 -0400
commitb9de69ca5433b97cc71ecec489107a7ecbb474de (patch)
parent015aafeafef860756e93a4e8c8608bb4ace8d94e (diff)
parent2f191c302fed4463b1192d2595184a65411adf25 (diff)
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/3.0.07-1'
Update to upstream version '3.0.07-1' with Debian dir a278e12875569136a644482df80402cfa236084e
-rw-r--r--inxi.1.gzbin13303 -> 0 bytes
6 files changed, 18418 insertions, 16299 deletions
diff --git a/LICENSE.txt b/LICENSE.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9cecc1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LICENSE.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,674 @@
+ Version 3, 29 June 2007
+ Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
+software and other kinds of works.
+ The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
+to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast,
+the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to
+share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free
+software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the
+GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to
+any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
+want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
+free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you
+these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have
+certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if
+you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same
+freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive
+or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they
+know their rights.
+ Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps:
+(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License
+giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.
+ For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains
+that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and
+authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as
+changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to
+authors of previous versions.
+ Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run
+modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer
+can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of
+protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic
+pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to
+use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we
+have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those
+products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we
+stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions
+of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users.
+ Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents.
+States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of
+software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to
+avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could
+make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that
+patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. Definitions.
+ "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
+ "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of
+works, such as semiconductor masks.
+ "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this
+License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and
+"recipients" may be individuals or organizations.
+ To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work
+in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an
+exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the
+earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work.
+ A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based
+on the Program.
+ To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without
+permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for
+infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a
+computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying,
+distribution (with or without modification), making available to the
+public, and in some countries other activities as well.
+ To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other
+parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through
+a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.
+ An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices"
+to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible
+feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)
+tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the
+extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the
+work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If
+the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a
+menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.
+ 1. Source Code.
+ The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work
+for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source
+form of a work.
+ A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official
+standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of
+interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that
+is widely used among developers working in that language.
+ The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other
+than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of
+packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major
+Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that
+Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an
+implementation is available to the public in source code form. A
+"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component
+(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system
+(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to
+produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.
+ The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all
+the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable
+work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to
+control those activities. However, it does not include the work's
+System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free
+programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but
+which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source
+includes interface definition files associated with source files for
+the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically
+linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require,
+such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those
+subprograms and other parts of the work.
+ The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users
+can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding
+ The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that
+same work.
+ 2. Basic Permissions.
+ All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of
+copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated
+conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
+permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a
+covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its
+content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your
+rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.
+ You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not
+convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains
+in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose
+of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you
+with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with
+the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do
+not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works
+for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction
+and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of
+your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.
+ Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under
+the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10
+makes it unnecessary.
+ 3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.
+ No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological
+measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article
+11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or
+similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such
+ When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid
+circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention
+is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to
+the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or
+modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's
+users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of
+technological measures.
+ 4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.
+ You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you
+receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
+appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice;
+keep intact all notices stating that this License and any
+non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code;
+keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all
+recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.
+ You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey,
+and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.
+ 5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.
+ You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to
+produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the
+terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified
+ it, and giving a relevant date.
+ b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is
+ released under this License and any conditions added under section
+ 7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to
+ "keep intact all notices".
+ c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this
+ License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This
+ License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7
+ additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts,
+ regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no
+ permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not
+ invalidate such permission if you have separately received it.
+ d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display
+ Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive
+ interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your
+ work need not make them do so.
+ A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent
+works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work,
+and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program,
+in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an
+"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not
+used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users
+beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work
+in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other
+parts of the aggregate.
+ 6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.
+ You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms
+of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the
+machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License,
+in one of these ways:
+ a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
+ (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the
+ Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium
+ customarily used for software interchange.
+ b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
+ (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a
+ written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as
+ long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product
+ model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a
+ copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the
+ product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical
+ medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no
+ more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this
+ conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the
+ Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.
+ c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the
+ written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This
+ alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and
+ only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord
+ with subsection 6b.
+ d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated
+ place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the
+ Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no
+ further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the
+ Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to
+ copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source
+ may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party)
+ that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain
+ clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the
+ Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the
+ Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is
+ available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.
+ e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided
+ you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding
+ Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no
+ charge under subsection 6d.
+ A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded
+from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be
+included in conveying the object code work.
+ A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any
+tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family,
+or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation
+into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product,
+doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular
+product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a
+typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status
+of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user
+actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product
+is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial
+commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent
+the only significant mode of use of the product.
+ "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods,
+procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install
+and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from
+a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must
+suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object
+code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because
+modification has been made.
+ If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or
+specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as
+part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the
+User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a
+fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the
+Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied
+by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply
+if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install
+modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has
+been installed in ROM).
+ The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a
+requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates
+for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for
+the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a
+network may be denied when the modification itself materially and
+adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and
+protocols for communication across the network.
+ Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided,
+in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly
+documented (and with an implementation available to the public in
+source code form), and must require no special password or key for
+unpacking, reading or copying.
+ 7. Additional Terms.
+ "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this
+License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions.
+Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall
+be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent
+that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions
+apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately
+under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by
+this License without regard to the additional permissions.
+ When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option
+remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of
+it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own
+removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place
+additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work,
+for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.
+ Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you
+add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of
+that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:
+ a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the
+ terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or
+ b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or
+ author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
+ Notices displayed by works containing it; or
+ c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or
+ requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
+ reasonable ways as different from the original version; or
+ d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or
+ authors of the material; or
+ e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some
+ trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or
+ f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that
+ material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of
+ it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for
+ any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on
+ those licensors and authors.
+ All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further
+restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you
+received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is
+governed by this License along with a term that is a further
+restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains
+a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this
+License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms
+of that license document, provided that the further restriction does
+not survive such relicensing or conveying.
+ If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you
+must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the
+additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating
+where to find the applicable terms.
+ Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the
+form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions;
+the above requirements apply either way.
+ 8. Termination.
+ You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly
+provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or
+modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under
+this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third
+paragraph of section 11).
+ However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your
+license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a)
+provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and
+finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright
+holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means
+prior to 60 days after the cessation.
+ Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
+reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
+violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
+received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that
+copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after
+your receipt of the notice.
+ Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
+licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
+this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
+reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same
+material under section 10.
+ 9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.
+ You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or
+run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work
+occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission
+to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However,
+nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or
+modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do
+not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a
+covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.
+ 10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.
+ Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically
+receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and
+propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible
+for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.
+ An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an
+organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an
+organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered
+work results from an entity transaction, each party to that
+transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever
+licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could
+give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the
+Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if
+the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.
+ You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the
+rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may
+not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of
+rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation
+(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that
+any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for
+sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.
+ 11. Patents.
+ A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this
+License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The
+work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version".
+ A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims
+owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or
+hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted
+by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version,
+but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a
+consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For
+purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant
+patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of
+this License.
+ Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free
+patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to
+make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and
+propagate the contents of its contributor version.
+ In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express
+agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent
+(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to
+sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a
+party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a
+patent against the party.
+ If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license,
+and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone
+to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a
+publicly available network server or other readily accessible means,
+then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so
+available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the
+patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner
+consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent
+license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have
+actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the
+covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work
+in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that
+country that you have reason to believe are valid.
+ If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or
+arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a
+covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties
+receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify
+or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license
+you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered
+work and works based on it.
+ A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within
+the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is
+conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are
+specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered
+work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is
+in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment
+to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying
+the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the
+parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory
+patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work
+conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily
+for and in connection with specific products or compilations that
+contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement,
+or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.
+ Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting
+any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may
+otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.
+ 12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.
+ If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a
+covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may
+not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you
+to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey
+the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this
+License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program.
+ 13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.
+ Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have
+permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed
+under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single
+combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this
+License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work,
+but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License,
+section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the
+combination as such.
+ 14. Revised Versions of this License.
+ The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of
+the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+ Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the
+Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General
+Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the
+option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered
+version or of any later version published by the Free Software
+Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the
+GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published
+by the Free Software Foundation.
+ If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future
+versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's
+public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you
+to choose that version for the Program.
+ Later license versions may give you additional or different
+permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any
+author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a
+later version.
+ 15. Disclaimer of Warranty.
+ 16. Limitation of Liability.
+ 17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.
+ If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided
+above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms,
+reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates
+an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the
+Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a
+copy of the Program in return for a fee.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ {one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.}
+ Copyright (C) {year} {name of author}
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <>.
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+ If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short
+notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ {project} Copyright (C) {year} {fullname}
+ This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, your program's commands
+might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box".
+ You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school,
+if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary.
+For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see
+ The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program
+into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you
+may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with
+the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
+Public License instead of this License. But first, please read
diff --git a/README.txt b/README.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5443b0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+README for inxi - a command line system information tool
+The new Perl inxi is now here! File all issue reports with the master
+branch. All support for versions prior to 3.0 is now ended, sorry.
+Make sure to update to the current inxi from the master branch before
+filing any issue reports. The code in pre 2.9 versions literally no
+longer exists in inxi 3. Bugs from earlier versions cannot be solved
+in the new version since the pre 2.9 and the 2.9 and later versions
+are completely different internally.
+inxi strives to support the widest range of operating systems and
+hardware, from the most simple consumer desktops, to the most advanced
+professional hardware and servers.
+The issues you post help maintain or expand that support, and are
+always appreciated since user data and feedback is what keeps inxi
+working and supporting the latest or not so latest hardware and
+operating systems.
+See the BSD section below for qualifications re BSDs, and OSX in
+This is the only supported branch, and the current latest commit is
+the only supported 'release'. There are no 'releases' of inxi beyond
+the current commit to master. All past commits are not supported.
+git clone --branch master --single-branch
+OR direct fast and easy install:
+wget -Nc
+OR easy to remember shortcut (which redirects to github):
+wget -Nc
+wget -Nc
+'Tagging' is purely a formality that certain distros can't figure out
+how to do without, that's all. A tag is a pointer to a commit, and has
+no further meaning.
+NOTE: Just because github calls tagged commits 'Releases' does not
+mean they are releases! I can't change the words on the tag page.
+They are tagged commmits, period. I did not want to use tags precisely
+to avoid the idea that inxi has any release that exists that is other
+than it's current master version, but I decided that it was less pain
+to add tags than to argue this point any further.
+All active development is now done on the inxi-perl branch (pinxi):
+git clone --branch inxi-perl --single-branch
+OR direct fast and easy install:
+wget -Nc
+OR easy to remember shortcut (which redirects to github):
+wget -Nc
+wget -Nc
+Once new features have been debugged, tested, and are stable, they
+will move to the master branch.
+If you'd like to look at or check out the Gawk/Bash version of inxi,
+you can find it here, at the inxi-legacy branch (binxi):
+git clone --branch inxi-legacy --single-branch
+OR direct fast and easy install:
+wget -Nc
+OR easy to remember shortcut (which redirects to github):
+wget -Nc
+This version will not be maintained, and it's unlikely that any time
+will be spent on it in the future, but it is there in case it's of
+use or interest to anyone.
+Do not ask for basic help that reading the inxi -h / --help menus, or
+man page would show you, and do not ask for features to be added that
+inxi already has. Also do not ask for support if your distro won't
+update its inxi version, some are bad about that.
+( is easier to remember, and is one click away from
+inxi.htm). The one page wiki on github is only a pointer to the real
+Contains specific Perl inxi documentation, of interest mostly to
+developers. Includes internal inxi tools, values, configuration items.
+Also has useful information about Perl version support, including the
+list of Core modules that _should_ be included in a distribution's
+core modules, but which are unfortunately sometimes removed.
+NOTE: These may not always be up to date, but generally track the most
+recent inxi commits.
+No issues accepted for non current inxi releases. See below for more on
+that. Unfortunately as of 2.9, no support or issues can be accepted for
+older inxi's because inxi 2.9 (Perl) and newer is a full rewrite, and
+legacy inxi is not being supported since our time here on earth is
+finite (plus of course, one reason for the rewrite was to never have
+to work with Gawk->Bash again!).
+This is the best place to place support issues that may be complicated.
+If you are developer, use:
+MAIN BRANCH: master
+DEVELOPMENT BRANCHES: inxi-perl, one, two
+inxi-perl is the dev branch, the others are rarely if ever used. inxi
+itself has the built in feature to be able to update itself from
+anywhere, including these branches, which is very useful for development
+and debugging on various user systems.
+PULL REQUESTS: Please talk to me before starting to work on patches of
+any reasonable complexity. inxi is hard to work on, and you have to
+understand how it works before submitting patches, unless it's a trivial
+bug fix. Please: NEVER even think about looking at or using previous
+inxi commits, previous to the current master version, as a base for a
+patch. If you do, your patch / pull request will probably be rejected.
+Developers, get your version from the inxi-perl branch, pinxi, otherwise
+you may not be current to actual development versions. inxi-perl pinxi
+is always equal to or ahead of master branch inxi.
+Man page updates, doc page updates, etc, of course, are easy and will
+probably be accepted, as long as they are properly formatted and
+logically coherent.
+inxi releases early, and releases often, when under development.
+PACKAGERS: inxi has one and only one 'release', and that is the current
+commit to master branch (plus pinxi inxi-perl branch, of course, but
+those should never be packaged).
+inxi is a command line system information tool. It was forked from the
+ancient and mindbendingly perverse yet ingenius infobash, by locsmif.
+That was a buggy, impossible to update or maintain piece of software,
+so the fork fixed those core issues, and made it flexible enough to
+expand the utility of the original ideas. Locmsif has given his thumbs
+up to inxi, so don't be fooled by legacy infobash stuff you may see
+out there.
+inxi is lower case, except when I create a text header here in a file
+like this, but it's always lower case. Sometimes to follow convention
+I will use upper case inxi to start a sentence, but i find it a bad
+idea since invariably, someone will repeat that and type it in as the
+command name, then someone will copy that, and complain that the
+command: Inxi doesn't exist...
+The primary purpose of inxi is for support, and sys admin use. inxi
+is used widely for forum and IRC support, which is I believe it's most
+common function.
+If you are piping output to paste or post (or writing to file), inxi
+now automatically turns off color codes, so the old suggestion to
+use -c 0 to turn off colors is no longer required.
+inxi should always show you your current system state, as far as
+possible, and should be more reliable than your own beliefs about
+what is in your system, ideally. In other words, the goal in inxi
+is to have it be right more than it is wrong about any system that
+it runs on. And not to rely on non current system state data if at
+all possible. Some things, like memory/ram data, rely on radically
+unreliable system self reporting based on OEM filling out data
+correctly, which doesn't often happen, so in those cases, you want to
+confirm things like ram capacity with a reputable hardware source,
+like, which has the best ram hardware tool I know of.
+The core mission of inxi is to always work on all systems all the
+time. Well, all systems with the core tools inxi requires to operate
+installed. Ie, not Android, yet. What this means is this: you can
+have a 10 year old box, or probably 15, not sure, and you can install
+today's inxi on it, and it will run. It won't run fast, but it will
+run. I test inxi on a 200 MHz laptop from about 1998 to keep it
+honest. That's also what was used to optimize the code at some
+points, since differences appear as seconds, not 10ths or 100ths
+of seconds on old systems like that.
+inxi is being written, and tested, on Perl as old as 5.08, and will
+work on any system that runs Perl 5.08 or later. Pre 2.9.0 Gawk/Bash
+inxi will also run on any system no matter how old, within reason,
+so there should be no difference.
+Real BSDs:
+BSD support is not as complete as GNU/Linux support due to the fact
+some of the data simply is not available, or is structured in a way
+that makes it unique to each BSD. This fragmentation makes supporting
+BSDs far more difficult than it should be in the 21st century. The
+BSD support in inxi is an ongoing process, with more features being
+added as new data sources and types are discovered.
+All BSD issue reports unless trivial and obvious will require 1 of
+two things:
+1. a full --debug 21 data dump so I don't have to spend days trying
+to get the information I need to resolve the issue file by painful
+file from the issue poster. This is only the start of the process,
+and realistically requires 2. to complete it.
+2. direct SSH access to at least a comparable live BSD version/system,
+that is, if the issue is on a laptop, access has to be granted to the
+laptop, or a similar one.
+Option 2 is far preferred because in terms of my finite time on this
+planet of ours, the fact is, if I don't have direct (or SSH) access,
+I can't get much done, and the little I can get done will take 10 to
+1000x longer than it should. That's my time spent (and sadly, with
+BSDs, largely lost), not yours.
+I decided I have to adopt this much more strict policy with BSDs
+after wasting untold hours on trying to get good BSD support, only
+to see that support break a few years down the road as the data inxi
+relied in changed structure or syntax, or the tools changed, or
+whatever else makes the BSDs such a challenge to support. In the end,
+I realized, the only BSDs that are well supported are ones that I have
+had direct access to for debugging and testing.
+I will always accept patches that are well done, if they do not break
+GNU/Linux, and extend BSD support, or add new BSD features, and follow
+the internal inxi logic, and aren't too long. inxi sets initial internal
+flags to identify that it is a BSD system vs a GNU/Linux system, and
+preloads some data structures for BSD use, so make sure you understand
+what inxi is doing before you get into it.
+Do not insult real BSDs by calling OSX a BSD. OSX is the least
+Unix-like operating system I've ever seen that claims to be a Unix,
+its tools are mutated, it's data randomly and non-standardly organized,
+and it totally fails to respect the 'spirit' of Unix, even though it
+might pass some random tests that certify a system as a 'Unix'.
+If you want me to use my time on OSX features or issues, you have to
+pay me, because Apple is all about money, not freedom (that's what
+the 'free' in 'free software' is referring to, not cost), and I'm not
+donating my finite time in support of non-free operating systems.
+inxi's functionality continues to grow over time, but it's also
+important to understand that each core new feature usually requires
+about 30 days work to get it stable. So new features are not trivial
+things, nor is it acceptable to submit a patch that works only on your
+personal system. One inxi feature (-s, sensors data), took about
+2 hours to get working in the alpha test on the local dev system, but
+then to handle the massive chaos that is actual user sensors output
+and system variations, it took several rewrites and about 30 days to
+get somewhat reliable for about 98% or so of inxi users. So if your
+patch is rejected, it's likely because you have not thought it through
+adequately, have not done adequate testing cross system and
+platform, etc.
+Important: the only version of inxi that is supported is the latest
+current master branch release. No issue reports or bug reports will be
+accepted for anything other than current master branch. No merges,
+attempts to patch old code from old releases, will be considered or
+accepted. If you are not updated to the latest inxi, do not file a
+bug report since it's probably been fixed ages ago. If your distro
+isn't packaging a current inxi, then file a bug report with them, not
+here. The only valid working code base for inxi is the current
+release of inxi.
+Distributions should never feel any advantage comes from using old
+inxi releases because inxi has as a core promise to you, the end user,
+that it will NEVER require new tools to run. New tools may be required
+for a new feature, but that will always be handled internally by inxi,
+and will not cause any operational failures. This is a promise, and I
+will never as long as I run this project violate that core inxi
+requirement. Old inxi is NOT more stable than current inxi, it's just
+old, and lacking in bug fixes and features. For pre 2.9 releases, it's
+also significantly slower, and with fewer features.
+inxi is a rolling release codebase, just like Debian Sid, Gentoo, or
+Arch Linux are rolling release GNU/Linux distributions, with no
+'release points'.
+Your distro not updating inxi ever, then failing to show something
+that is fixed in current inxi is not a bug, and please do not post it
+here. File the issue with your distro, not here. Updating inxi in a
+package pool will NEVER make anything break or fail, period. It has no
+version based dependencies, just software, like Perl 5.xx, lspci, etc.
+There is never a valid reason to not update inxi in a package pool of
+any distro in the world (with one single known exception, the Slackware
+based Puppy Linux release, which ships without the full Perl language.
+The Debian based one works fine).
+Sys Admin type inxi users always get the first level of support. ie,
+convince us you run real systems and networks, and your issue shoots
+to the top of the line. As do any real bugs. Failure to supply
+requested debugger data will lead to a distinct lack of interest on
+our part to help you with a bug. ie, saying, oh, x doesn't work,
+doesn't cut it, unless it's obvious why.
+inxi uses 'semantic' version numbering, where the version numbers
+actually mean something.
+The version number follows these guidelines:
+Using example 3.2.28-6
+The first digit(s), "3", is a major version, and almost never changes.
+Only a huge milestone, or if inxi reaches 3.9.xx, when it will simply
+move up to 4.0.0 just to keep it clean, would cause a change.
+The second digit(s), "2", means a new real feature has been added.
+Not a tweaked existing feature, an actual new feature, which usually
+also has a new argument option letter attached. The second number goes
+from 0 to 9, and then rolls over the first after 9. It could also be
+adding a very complicated expansion of existing features, like Wayland.
+It depends.
+The third, "28", is for everything small, can cover bug fixes, tweaks
+to existing features to add support for something, pretty much anything
+where you want the end user to know that they are not up to date. The
+third goes from 0 to 99, then rolls over the second.
+The fourth, "6", is extra information about certain types of inxi
+updates. I don't usually use this last one in master branch, but you
+will see it in branches one,two, inxi-perl, inxi-legacy since that is
+used to confirm remote test system patch version updates.
+The fourth number, when used, will be alpha-numeric, a common version
+would be, in say, branch one: 2.2.28-b1-02, in other words, a branch 1
+release, version 2.
+In the past, now and then the 4th, or 'patch', number, was used in
+trunk/master branches of inxi, but I've pretty much stopped doing that
+because it's confusing.
+inxi does not use the fiction of date based versioning because that
+imparts no useful information to the end user, when you look at say,
+2.2.28, and you last had 2.2.11, you can know with some certainty that
+inxi has no major new features, just fine tunings and bug fixes. And
+if you see one with 2.3.2, you will know that there is a new feature,
+almost, but not always, linked to one or more new line output items.
+Sometimes a fine tuning can be quite significant, sometimes it's a
+one line code fix.
+A move to a new full version number, like the rewrite of inxi to Perl,
+would reflect in first version say, 2.9.01, then after a period of
+testing, where most little glitches are fixed, a move to 3.0.0. These
+almost never happen. I do not expect for example version 4.0 to ever
+happen after the 3.0 release of early 2018, unless so many new
+features are added that it actually hits 3.9, then it would roll
+over to 4.
+### EOF ###
diff --git a/inxi b/inxi
index f36c6dc..92926b5 100755
--- a/inxi
+++ b/inxi
@@ -1,697 +1,124 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# don't quote the following, parsers grab these too
-#### Special thanks to all those in #lsc and #smxi for their tireless
-#### dedication helping test inxi modules.
-#### inxi is a fork of infobash 3.02, the original bash sys info tool by locsmif
-#### As time permits functionality improvements and recoding will occur.
-#### inxi, the universal, portable, system information tool for irc.
-#### Tested with Irssi, Xchat, Konversation, BitchX, KSirc, ircII,
-#### Gaim/Pidgin, Weechat, KVIrc and Kopete.
-#### Original infobash author and copyright holder:
-#### Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Michiel de Boer a.k.a. locsmif
-#### inxi version: Copyright (C) 2008-2018 Harald Hope
-#### Additional features (C) Scott Rogers - kde, cpu info
-#### Further fixes (listed as known): Horst Tritremmel <hjt at>
-#### Steven Barrett (aka: damentz) - usb audio patch; swap percent used patch
-#### Jarett.Stevens - dmidecde -M patch for older systems with the /sys
-#### Current project home page/wiki/git:
-#### Documentation/wiki pages can be found at
-#### Project forums:
-#### IRC support: channel #smxi
-#### Version control:
-#### *
-#### * git: git pull master
-#### * For basic version, no gz files, much smaller, do:
-#### git clone --branch master-plain --single-branch
-#### * source repository url:
-#### This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-#### it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-#### the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-#### (at your option) any later version.
-#### This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#### GNU General Public License for more details.
-#### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-#### along with this program. If not, see <>.
-#### If you don't understand what Free Software is, please read (or reread)
-#### this page:
-#### But the main thing about Free Software is that its' about the freedom
-#### of the individual user, not the corporations that try to coopt it. This
-#### grows easy to forget when people confuse freedom with open source.
-#### * Package names in (...) are the Debian Squeeze package name. Check your
-#### distro for proper package name by doing this: which <application>
-#### then find what package owns that application file. Or run --recommends
-#### which shows package names for Debian/Ubuntu, Arch, and Fedora/Redhat/Suse
-#### * bash >=3.0 (bash); df, readlink, stty, tr, uname, wc (coreutils);
-#### gawk (gawk); grep (grep); lspci (pciutils); ps; find (findutils);
-#### perl (Modules: [HTTP::Tiny IF NO wget/curl/fetch/ftp]; Net::FTP; File::Find);
-#### * Also the proc filesystem should be present and mounted for Linux
-#### * Some features, like -M and -d will not work, or will work incompletely,
-#### if /sys is missing
-#### Apparently unpatched bash 3.0 has arrays broken; bug reports:
-#### Bash 3.1 for proper array use
-#### Arrays work in bash 2.05b, but "grep -Em" does not
-#### RECOMMENDS (Needed to run certain features, listed by option)
-#### -A - for output of usb audio information: lsusb (usbutils)
-#### -Ax -Nx - for audio/network module version: modinfo (module-init-tools)
-#### -Dx - for hdd temp output (root only default): hddtemp (hddtemp)
-#### For user level hdd temp output: sudo (sudo)
-#### Note: requires user action for this feature to run as user (edit /etc/sudoers file)
-#### -G - full graphics output requires: glxinfo (mesa-utils); xdpyinfo (X11-utils);
-#### xrandr (x11-xserver-utils)
-#### -i - IP information, local/wan - ip (iproute) legacy, not used if ip present: ifconfig (net-tools)
-#### -I - uptime (procps, check Debian if changed)
-#### -Ix - view current runlevel while not in X window system (or with -x): runlevel (sysvinit)
-#### -m - all systems, dmidecode, unless someone can find a better way.
-#### -M - for older systems whose kernel does not have /sys data for machine, dmidecode (dmidecode)
-#### -o - for unmounted file system information in unmounted drives (root only default): file (file)
-#### Note: requires user action for this feature to run as user (edit /etc/sudoers file)
-#### For user level unmounted file system type output: sudo (sudo)
-#### -s For any sensors output, fan, temp, etc: sensors (lm-sensors)
-#### Note: requires setup of lm-sensors (sensors-detect and adding modules/modprobe/reboot,
-#### and ideally, pwmconfig) prior to full output being available.
-#### -S For desktop environment, user must be in X and have xprop installed (in X11-utils)
-#### -xx@14 - it really helps to have 'tree' installed on Linux systems with /sys for
-#### debugger data collection, that creates a very useful map of /sys.
-#### BSD Adjustments
-#### * sed -i '' form supported by using SED_I="-i ''".
-#### * Note: New BSD sed supports using -r instead of -E for compatibility with gnu sed
-#### However, older, like FreeBSD 7.x, does not have -r so using SED_RX='-E' for this.
-#### * Gnu grep options can be used if the function component is only run in linux
-#### These are the options that bsd grep does not support that inxi uses: -m <number> -o
-#### so make sure if you use those to have them in gnu/linux only sections.
-#### It appears that freebsd uses gnu grep but openbsd uses bsd grep, however.
-#### * BSD ps does not support --without-headers option, and also does not support --sort <option>
-#### Tests show that -m fails to sort memory as expected, but -r does sort cpu percentage.
-#### * BSD_TYPE is set with values null, debian-bsd (debian gnu/kfreebsd), bsd (all other bsds)
-#### * Subshell and array closing ) must not be on their own line unless you use an explicit \
-#### to indicate that logic continues to next line where closing ) or )) are located.
-#### * Character Encoding: UTF-8 - this file contains special characters that must be opened and saved as UTF8
-#### * Indentation: TABS
-#### * Do not use `....` (back quotes), those are totally non-reabable, use $(....).
-#### * Do not use one liner flow controls.
-#### The ONLY time you should use ';' (semi-colon) is in this single case: if [[ condition ]];then.
-#### Never use compound 'if': ie, if [[ condition ]] && statement.
-#### * Note: [[ -n $something ]] - double brackets does not require quotes for variables: ie, "$something".
-#### * Always use quotes, double or single, for all string values. Really. It won't kill you.
-#### * All new code/methods must be in a function.
-#### * For all boolean tests, use 'true' / 'false'.
-#### !! Do NOT use 0 or 1 unless it's a function return.
-#### * Avoid complicated tests in the if condition itself.
-#### * To 'return' a value in a function, use 'echo <var>'.
-#### * For gawk: use always if ( num_of_cores > 1 ) { hanging { starter for all blocks
-#### This lets us use one method for all gawk structures, including BEGIN/END, if, for, etc
-#### * Using ${VAR} is about 30% slower than $VAR because bash has to check the stuff for actions
-#### SUBSHELLS ARE EXPENSIVE! - run these two if you do not believe me.
-#### time for (( i=0; i<1000; i++ )) do ff='/usr/local/bin/';ff=${ff##*/};ff=${ff%.*};done;echo $ff
-#### time for (( i=0; i<1000; i++ )) do ff='/usr/local/bin/';ff=$( basename $ff | cut -d '.' -f 1 );done;echo $ff
-#### * All functions should follow standard naming--verb adjective noun.
-#### ie, get_cpu_data
-#### * All variables MUST be initialized / declared explicitly, either top of file, for Globals, or using local
-#### * All variables should clearly explain what they are, except counters like i, j.
-#### * Each word of Bash variable must be separated by '_' (underscore) (camel form), like: cpu_data
-#### * Each word of Gawk variable must be like this (first word lower, following start with upper): cpuData
-#### * Global variables are 'UPPER CASE', at top of this file.
-#### ie, SOME_VARIABLE=''
-#### * Local variables are 'lower case' and declared at the top of the function using local, always.
-#### ie: local some_variable=''
-#### * Locals that will be inherited by child functions have first char capitalized (so you know they are inherited).
-#### ie, Some_Variable
-#### * Booleans should start with b_ (local) or B_ (global) and state clearly what is being tested.
-#### * Arrays should start with a_ (local) or A_ (global).
-#### * The color variable ${C2} must always be followed by a space unless you know what
-#### character is going to be next for certain. Otherwise irc color codes can be accidentally
-#### activated or altered.
-#### * For native script konversation support (check distro for correct konvi scripts path):
-#### ln -s <path to inxi> /usr/share/apps/konversation/scripts/inxi
-#### DCOP doesn't like \n, so avoid using it for most output unless required, as in error messages.
-#### * print_screen_output " " # requires space, not null, to avoid error in for example in irssi
-#### * For logging of array data, array must be placed into the a_temp, otherwise only the first key logs
-#### * In gawk search patterns, . is a wildcard EXCEPT in [0-9.] type containers, then it's a literal
-#### So outside of bracketed items, it must be escaped, \. but inside, no need. Outside of gawk it should
-#### be escaped in search patterns if you are using it as a literal.
-#### PACKAGE MANAGER DATA (note, while inxi tries to avoid using package managers to get data, sometimes
-#### it's the only way to get some data):
-#### * dpkg options:
-#### * pacman options:
-#### As with all 'rules' there are acceptions, these are noted where used.
-#### KDE Konversation information. Moving from dcop(qt3/KDE3) to dbus(qt4/KDE4)
-#### * dcop and dbus -- these talk back to Konversation from this program
-#### * Scripting info --
-#### --
-#### * dbus info --
-#### view dbus info --
-#### -- or run qdbus
-#### * Konvi dbus/usage-- qdbus org.kde.konversation /irc say <server> <target-channel> <output>
-#### * Python usage -- (just in case)
-#### Because webpages come and go, the above information needs to be moved to inxi's wiki
-#### Valuable Resources
-#### CPU flags:
-#### Advanced Bash:
-#### gawk arrays:
-#### raid mdstat:
-#### dmi data:
-#### inxi supports advanced testing triggers to do various things, using -! <arg>
-#### -! 1 - triggers default B_TESTING_1='true' to trigger some test or other
-#### -! 2 - triggers default B_TESTING_2='true' to trigger some test or other
-#### -! 3 - triggers B_TESTING_1='true' and B_TESTING_2='true'
-#### -! 10 - triggers an update from the primary dev download server instead of source
-#### -! 11 - triggers an update from source branch one - if present, of course
-#### -! 12 - triggers an update from source branch two - if present, of course
-#### -! 13 - triggers an update from source branch three - if present, of course
-#### -! 14 - triggers an update from source branch four - if present, of course
-#### -! <http://......> - Triggers an update from whatever server you list.
-#### LOG FLAGS (logs to $HOME/.inxi/inxi.log with rotate 3 total)
-#### -@ 8 - Basic data logging of generated data / array values
-#### -@ 9 - Full logging of all data used, including cat of files and system data
-#### -@ 10 - Basic data logging plus color code logging
-## NOTE: we can use hwinfo if it's available in all systems, or most, to get
-## a lot more data and verbosity levels going
-# flag to allow distro maintainers to turn off update features. If false, turns off
-# -U and -! testing/advanced update options, as well as removing the -U help menu item
-# NOTE: Usually you want to create these in /etc/inxi.conf to avoid having to update each time
-### USER CONFIGS: SET IN inxi.conf file see wiki for directions ###
-# override in user config if desired, seems like less than .3 doesn't work as reliably
-# for features like help/version will fit to terminal / console screen width. Console
-# widths will be dynamically set in main() based on cols in term/console
-# note, this is console out of x/display server, will also be set dynamically
-# not used currently, but maybe in future
-# change to less, or more if you have very slow connection
-# set to default LANG to avoid locales errors with , or .
-# Make sure every program speaks English.
-export LC_ALL
-### ARRAYS ###
-## Prep
-# Clear nullglob, because it creates unpredictable situations with IFS=$'\n' ARR=($VAR) IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS"
-# type constructs. Stuff like [rev a1] is now seen as a glob expansion pattern, and fails, and
-# therefore results in nothing.
-shopt -u nullglob
-## info on bash built in: $IFS -
-# Backup the current Internal Field Separator
-## Initialize
-### BOOLEANS ###
-## standard boolean flags ##
-# triggers full display of cpu flags
-# test for dbus irc client
-# kde dcop
-# Debug flood override: make 'true' to allow long debug output
-# for special -i debugging cases
-# show extra output data
-# triggered by -xx
-# override certain errors due to currupted data
-# kde qdbus
-B_RUNNING_IN_DISPLAY='false' # in x type display server
-if tty >/dev/null;then
- B_IRC='false'
- B_IRC='true'
-# this sets the debug buffer
-# Show sound card data
-# Show full hard disk output
-# Set this to 'false' to avoid printing the hostname, can be set false now
-# either -v > 3 or -P will show partitions
-# because many systems have no mdstat file, -b/-F should not show error if no raid file found
-# triggers only short inxi output
-# triggers various debugging and new option testing
-# set to true here for debug logging from script start
-## Directory/file exist flags; test as [[ $(boolean) ]] not [[ $boolean ]]
-B_DMESG_BOOT_FILE='false' # bsd only
-B_MODULES_FILE='false' #
-B_OS_RELEASE_FILE='false' # new default distro id file? will this one work where lsb-release didn't?
-## app tested for and present, to avoid repeat tests
-# cpu 64 bit able or not. Does not tell you actual kernel/OS installed
-# if ((1<<32)); then
-# BITS=64
-# else
-# BITS=32
-# fi
-# echo $BITS
-BASH=${BASH_VERSION%%[^0-9]*} # some bash 4 things can be used but only if tested
-DEBUG=0 # Set debug levels from 1-10 (8-10 trigger logging levels)
-# Debug Buffer Index, index into a debug buffer storing debug messages until inxi is 'all up'
-DISPLAY_OPT='' # for console switches
-## note: the debugger rerouting to /dev/null has been moved to the end of the get_parameters function
-## so -@[number] debug levels can be set if there is a failure, otherwise you can't even see the errors
-SED_I='-i' # for gnu sed, will be set to -i '' for bsd sed
-SED_RX='-r' # for gnu sed, will be set to -E for bsd sed for backward compatibility
-# default to false, no konversation found, 1 is native konvi (qt3/KDE3) script mode, 2 is /cmd inxi start,
-## 3 is Konversation > 1.2 (qt4/KDE4)
-# NO_CPU_COUNT=0 # Whether or not the string "dual" or similar is found in cpuinfo output. If so, avoid dups.
-# This is a variable that controls how many parameters inxi will parse in a /proc/<pid>/cmdline file before stopping.
-SCHEME=0 # set default scheme - do not change this, it's set dynamically
-# this is set in user prefs file, to override dynamic temp1/temp2 determination of sensors output in case
-# cpu runs colder than mobo
-# SHOW_IRC=1 to avoid showing the irc client version number, or SHOW_IRC=0 to disable client information completely.
-# Verbosity level defaults to 0, this can also be set with -v0, -v2, -v3, etc as a parameter.
-# Supported number of verbosity levels, including 0
-### LOGGING ###
-## logging eval variables, start and end function: Insert to LOGFS LOGFE when debug level >= 8
-LOGFS_STRING='log_function_data fs $FUNCNAME "$( echo $@ )"'
-LOGFE_STRING='log_function_data fe $FUNCNAME'
-# uncomment for debugging from script start
-### FILE NAMES/PATHS/URLS - must be non root writable ###
-# File's used when present
-FILE_ASOUND_MODULES='/proc/asound/modules' # not used but maybe for -A?
-FILE_XORG_LOG='/var/log/Xorg.0.log' # if not found, search and replace with actual location
-ALTERNATE_FTP='' # for data uploads
-ALTERNATE_WEATHER_LOCATION='' # weather alternate location
-SELF_PATH='' # filled-in in Main
-# note, you can use any ip url here as long as it's the only line on the output page.
-# Also the ip address must be the last thing on that line. If you abuse this ip tool
-# you will be banned from further access. Most > 24x daily automated queries to it are abuse.
-KONVI_CFG="konversation/scripts/$SELF_NAME.conf" # relative path to $(kde-config --path data)
-ARCH='' # cpu microarchitecture
-### LAYOUT ###
-# These two determine separators in single line output, to force irc clients not to break off sections
-SEP2=' '
-# these will assign a separator to non irc states. Important! Using ':' can trigger stupid emoticon
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+## infobash: Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Michiel de Boer aka locsmif
+## inxi: Copyright (C) 2008-2018 Harald Hope
+## Additional features (C) Scott Rogers - kde, cpu info
+## Further fixes (listed as known): Horst Tritremmel <hjt at>
+## Steven Barrett (aka: damentz) - usb audio patch; swap percent used patch
+## Jarett.Stevens - dmidecode -M patch for older systems with the /sys
+## License: GNU GPL v3 or greater
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with this program. If not, see <>.
+## If you don't understand what Free Software is, please read (or reread)
+## this page:
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+# use diagnostics;
+use 5.008;
+use Cwd qw(abs_path); # qw(abs_path);#abs_path realpath getcwd
+use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper); # print_r
+use File::Find;
+use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
+# Note: default auto_abbrev is enabled, that's fine
+Getopt::Long::Configure ('bundling', 'no_ignore_case',
+'no_getopt_compat', 'no_auto_abbrev','pass_through');
+use POSIX qw(uname strftime ttyname);
+# use feature qw(state);
+## INXI INFO ##
+my $self_name='inxi';
+my $self_version='3.0.07';
+my $self_date='2018-04-17';
+my $self_patch='00';
+## Self data
+my ($self_path, $user_config_dir, $user_config_file,$user_data_dir);
+## Debuggers
+my $debug=0;
+my (@t0,$end,$start,$fh_l,$log_file); # log file handle, file
+my ($b_hires,$t1,$t2,$t3) = (0,0,0,0);
+# NOTE: redhat removed HiRes from Perl Core Modules. Why? who knows.
+if (eval {require Time::HiRes}){
+ Time::HiRes->import('gettimeofday','tv_interval','usleep');
+ $b_hires = 1;
+@t0 = eval 'Time::HiRes::gettimeofday()' if $b_hires; # let's start it right away
+## Hashes
+my ( %alerts, %client, %colors, %dl, %files, %rows, %system_files, %use );
+## Arrays
+# ps_aux is full output, ps_cmd is only the last 10 to last
+my (@app,@dmesg_boot,@dmi,@gpudata,@ifs,@ifs_bsd,@paths,@pci,@ps_aux,@ps_cmd,
+## Disk arrays
+my (@dm_boot_disk,@dm_boot_optical,@glabel,@gpart,@labels,@lsblk,@partitions,
+my @test = (0,0,0,0,0);
+## Booleans
+my ($b_arm,$b_console_irc,$b_debug_gz,$b_display,$b_dmesg_boot_check,$b_dmi,
+## Disk checks
+my ($b_dm_boot_disk,$b_dm_boot_optical,$b_glabel,$b_lsblk,$b_partitions,
+my ($b_sysctl_disk,$b_update,$b_weather) = (1,1,1);
+## System
+my ($bsd_type,$language,$os) = ('','','');
+my ($cpu_sleep,$dl_timeout,$limit,$ps_count,$usb_level) = (0.35,4,10,5,0);
+my $sensors_cpu_nu = 0;
+my ($bits_sys);
+## Tools
+my ($display,$ftp_alt,$tty_session);
+my $display_opt = '';
+## Output
+my $extra = 0;# supported values: 0-3
+my $filter_string = '<filter>';
+my $line1 = "----------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
+my $line2 = "======================================================================\n";
+my $line3 = "----------------------------------------\n";
+my ($output_file,$output_type) = ('','screen');
+my $prefix = 0; # for the primiary row hash key prefix
+# these will assign a separator to non irc states. Important! Using ':' can
+# trigger stupid emoticon. Note: SEP1/SEP2 from short form not used anymore.
# behaviors in output on IRC, so do not use those.
-SEP3='' # do not set, will be set dynamically
-LINE2='- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -'
-# Default indentation level. NOTE: actual indent is 1 greater to allow for spacing
-COLS_INNER='' ## for width minus INDENT
-# these will be set dynamically in main()
-# Only for legacy user config files se we can test and convert the var name
-### COLORS ###
-# Defaults to 2, make this 1 for normal, 0 for no colorcodes at all. Use following variables in config
-# files to change defaults for each type, or global
-# Same as runtime parameter.
-## color variables - set dynamically
-## Always leave these blank, these are only going to be set in inxi.conf files, that makes testing
-## for user changes easier after sourcing the files
-## Output colors
-# A more elegant way to have a scheme that doesn't print color codes (neither ANSI nor mIRC) at all. See below.
-unset EMPTY
-ANSI_COLORS="       "
-IRC_COLORS=" \x0314 \x0301 \x0304 \x0305 \x0309 \x0303 \x0308 \x0307"
-IRC_COLORS=" $IRC_COLORS \x0312 \x0302 \x0313 \x0306 \x0311 \x0310 \x0300 \x0315 \x03"
-# See above for notes on EMPTY
-## note: group 1: 0, 1 are null/normal
-## Following: group 2: generic, light/dark or dark/light; group 3: dark on light; group 4 light on dark;
-# this is the count of the first two groups, starting at zero
-#echo ${#A_COLOR_SCHEMES[@]};exit
-# WARNING: In the main part below (search for 'KONVI')
-# there's a check for Konversation-specific config files.
-# Any one of these can override the above if inxi is run
-# from Konversation!
-# In cases of derived distros where the version file of the base distro can also be found under /etc,
-# the derived distro's version file should go first. (Such as with Sabayon / Gentoo)
-DISTROS_DERIVED="antix-version aptosid-version kanotix-version knoppix-version mandrake-release mx-version pardus-release porteus-version sabayon-release siduction-version sidux-version slitaz-release solusos-release turbolinux-release zenwalk-version"
-# debian_version excluded from DISTROS_PRIMARY so Debian can fall through to /etc/issue detection. Same goes for Ubuntu.
-DISTROS_EXCLUDE_LIST="debian_version devuan_version ubuntu_version"
-DISTROS_PRIMARY="arch-release gentoo-release redhat-release slackware-version SuSE-release"
-DISTROS_LSB_GOOD="mandrake-release mandriva-release mandrakelinux-release manjaro-release"
-# this is being used both by core distros and derived distros now, eg, solusos 1 uses it for solusos id, while
-# debian, solusos base, uses it as well, so we have to know which it is.
-DISTROS_OS_RELEASE_GOOD="arch-release SuSE-release "
-## Distros with known problems
-# DSL (Bash 2.05b: grep -m doesn't work; arrays won't work) --> unusable output
-# Puppy Linux 4.1.2 (Bash 3.0: arrays won't work) --> works partially
-# Note that \<ltd\> bans only words, not parts of strings; in \<corp\> you can't use punctuation characters like . or ,
-# we're saving about 10+% of the total script exec time by hand building the ban lists here, using hard quotes.
-BAN_LIST_NORMAL='chipset|components|computing|computer|corporation|communications|electronics|electrical|electric|gmbh|group|incorporation|industrial|international|nee|revision|semiconductor|software|technologies|technology|ltd\.|\<ltd\>|inc\.|\<inc\>|intl\.|co\.|\<co\>|corp\.|\<corp\>|\(tm\)|\(r\)|®|\(rev ..\)'
-BAN_LIST_CPU='@|cpu |cpu deca|([0-9]+|single|dual|triple|tri|quad|penta|hepta|hexa|octa|multi)[ -]core|ennea|genuine|multi|processor|single|triple|[0-9\.]+ *[MmGg][Hh][Zz]'
-# See github issue 75 for more details on value: *, triggers weird behaviors if present in value
-# /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_name:['*']
-# this is for bash arrays AND avoiding * in arrays: ( fred * greg ) expands to the contents of the directory
-### USB networking search string data, because some brands can have other products than
-### wifi/nic cards, they need further identifiers, with wildcards.
-### putting the most common and likely first, then the less common, then some specifics
-USB_NETWORK_SEARCH="$USB_NETWORK_SEARCH|Actiontec.*Wireless|Actiontec.*Network|AirLink.*Wireless|Asus.*Network|Asus.*Wireless|Buffalo.*Wireless|Davicom|DWA-.*RangeBooster|DWA-.*Wireless|ENUWI-.*Wireless|LG.*Wi-Fi|Rosewill.*Wireless|RNX-.*Wireless|Samsung.*LinkStick|Samsung.*Wireless|Sony.*Wireless|TEW-.*Wireless|TP-Link.*Wireless|WG[0-9][0-9][0-9].*Wireless|WNA[0-9][0-9][0-9]|WNDA[0-9][0-9][0-9]|Zonet.*ZEW.*Wireless|54 Mbps"
-# then a few known hard to ID ones added
-# belkin=050d; d-link=07d1; netgear=0846; ralink=148f; realtek=0bda;
+my %sep = (
+'s1-irc' => ':',
+'s1-console' => ':',
+'s2-irc' => '',
+'s2-console' => ':',
+my %show = ('host' => 1);
+my %size = (
+'console' => 115,
+# Default indentation level. NOTE: actual indent is 1 greater to allow for
+# spacing
+'indent' => 11,
+'indent-min' => 90,
+'irc' => 100, # shorter because IRC clients have nick lists etc
+'max' => 0,
+'no-display' => 130,
+# these will be set dynamically in set_display_width()
+'term' => 80,
+'term-lines' => 100,
+## debug temp tools
+$client{'test-konvi'} = 0;
@@ -701,15637 +128,16338 @@ USB_NETWORK_SEARCH="$USB_NETWORK_SEARCH|050d:935b|0bda:8189|0bda:8197"
#### MAIN
#### -------------------------------------------------------------------
- # This must be set first so log paths are present when logging starts.
- set_user_paths
- eval $LOGFS
- local color_scheme='' kde_config_app=''
- # this will be used by all functions following, lower case for bash parameter expansion
- local Ps_aux_Data="$( ps aux | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' )"
- # This function just initializes variables
- initialize_data
- # Source global config overrides, needs to be here because some things
- # can be reset that were set in initialize, but check_required_apps needs
- if [[ -s /etc/$SELF_NAME.conf ]];then
- source /etc/$SELF_NAME.conf
- fi
- # Source user config variables override /etc/inxi.conf variables
- if [[ -s $SELF_CONFIG_DIR/$SELF_NAME.conf ]];then
- fi
- set_display_width 'live' # can be reset with -y
- # echo B_IRC $B_IRC
- # echo sep3: $SEP3
- # Check for dependencies BEFORE running ANYTHING else except above functions
- # Not all distro's have these depends installed by default. Don't want to run
- # this if the user is requesting to see this information in the first place
- # Only continue if required apps tests ok
- if [[ $1 != '--recommends' ]];then
- check_required_apps
- check_recommended_apps
- fi
- # previous source location, check for bugs
- ## this needs to run before the KONVI stuff is set below
- ## Konversation 1.2 apparently does not like the $PPID test in get_start_client
- ## So far there is no known way to detect if qt4_konvi is the parent process
- ## this method will infer qt4_konvi as parent
- get_start_client
- # note: this only works if it's run from inside konversation as a script builtin or something
- # only do this if inxi has been started as a konversation script, otherwise bypass this
- # KONVI=3 ## for testing puroses
- if [[ $KONVI -eq 1 || $KONVI -eq 3 ]];then
- if [[ $KONVI -eq 1 ]]; then ## dcop Konversation (ie 1.x < 1.2(qt3))
- DCPORT="$1"
- shift 3
- elif [[ $KONVI -eq 3 ]]; then ## dbus Konversation (> 1.2 (qt4))
- DCSERVER="$1" ##dbus testing
- DCTARGET="$2" ##dbus testing
- shift 2
- fi
- # always have the current stable kde version tested first,
- # then use fallbacks and future proofing
- if type -p kde4-config &>/dev/null;then
- kde_config_app='kde4-config'
- elif type -p kde5-config &>/dev/null;then
- kde_config_app='kde5-config'
- elif type -p kde-config &>/dev/null;then
- kde_config_app='kde-config'
- fi
- # The section below is on request of Argonel from the Konversation developer team:
- # it sources config files like $HOME/.kde/share/apps/konversation/scripts/inxi.conf
- if [[ -n $kde_config_app ]];then
- IFS=":"
- for kde_config in $( $kde_config_app --path data )
- do
- if [[ -r $kde_config$KONVI_CFG ]];then
- source "$kde_config$KONVI_CFG"
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- fi
- ## leave this for debugging dcop stuff if we get that working
- # print_screen_output "DCPORT: $DCPORT"
- # print_screen_output "DCSERVER: $DCSERVER"
- # print_screen_output "DCTARGET: $DCTARGET"
- # first init function must be set first for colors etc. Remember, no debugger
- # stuff works on this function unless you set the debugging flag manually.
- # Debugging flag -@ [number] will not work until get_parameters runs.
- # "$@" passes every parameter separately quoted, "$*" passes all parameters as one quoted parameter.
- # must be here to allow debugger and other flags to be set.
- get_parameters "$@"
- # If no colorscheme was set in the parameter handling routine, then set the default scheme
- if [[ $B_COLOR_SCHEME_SET != 'true' ]];then
- # This let's user pick their color scheme. For IRC, only shows the color schemes, no interactive
- # The override value only will be placed in user config files. /etc/inxi.conf can also override
- if [[ $B_RUN_COLOR_SELECTOR == 'true' ]];then
- select_default_color_scheme
- else
- # set the default, then override as required
- color_scheme=$DEFAULT_COLOR_SCHEME
- if [[ -n $GLOBAL_COLOR_SCHEME ]];then
- color_scheme=$GLOBAL_COLOR_SCHEME
- else
- if [[ $B_IRC == 'false' ]];then
- if [[ -n $CONSOLE_COLOR_SCHEME && -z $DISPLAY ]];then
- color_scheme=$CONSOLE_COLOR_SCHEME
- elif [[ -n $VIRT_TERM_COLOR_SCHEME ]];then
- color_scheme=$VIRT_TERM_COLOR_SCHEME
- fi
- else
- if [[ -n $IRC_X_TERM_COLOR_SCHEME && $B_CONSOLE_IRC == 'true' && -n $B_RUNNING_IN_DISPLAY ]];then
- color_scheme=$IRC_X_TERM_COLOR_SCHEME
- elif [[ -n $IRC_CONS_COLOR_SCHEME && -z $DISPLAY ]];then
- color_scheme=$IRC_CONS_COLOR_SCHEME
- elif [[ -n $IRC_COLOR_SCHEME ]];then
- color_scheme=$IRC_COLOR_SCHEME
- fi
- fi
- fi
- set_color_scheme $color_scheme
- fi
- fi
- if [[ $B_IRC == 'false' ]];then
- else
- # too hard to read if no colors, so force that for users on irc
- if [[ $SCHEME == 0 ]];then
- else
- fi
- fi
- # all the pre-start stuff is in place now
- B_SCRIPT_UP='true'
- self_debugger "Debugger: $SELF_NAME is up and running..."
- # then create the output
- print_it_out
- eval $LOGFE
- # weechat's executor plugin forced me to do this, and rightfully so, because else the exit code
- # from the last command is taken..
- exit 0
+sub main {
+# print Dumper \@ARGV;
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ initialize();
+ ## use for start client debugging
+ # $debug = 10;
+ # set_debugger(); # for debugging of konvi issues
+ #my $ob_start = StartClient->new();
+ #$ob_start->get_client_data();
+ StartClient::get_client_data();
+ # print_line( Dumper \%client);
+ get_options();
+ set_debugger(); # right after so it's set
+ check_tools();
+ set_colors();
+ set_sep();
+ # print download_file('stdout','https://') . "\n";
+ generate_lines();
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ cleanup();
+ # weechat's executor plugin forced me to do this, and rightfully so,
+ # because else the exit code from the last command is taken..
+ exit 0;
#### -------------------------------------------------------------------
#### -------------------------------------------------------------------
-# No args taken.
- eval $LOGFS
- local bash_array_test=( "one" "two" )
- # check for array ability of bash, this is only good for the warning at this time
- # the boolean could be used later
- # bash version 2.05b is used in DSL
- # bash version 3.0 is used in Puppy Linux; it has a known array bug <reference to be placed here>
- # versions older than 3.1 don't handle arrays
- # distro's using below 2.05b are unknown, released in 2002
- if [[ ${bash_array_test[1]} -eq "two" ]];then
- B_BASH_ARRAY='true'
- else
- self_debugger "Suggestion: update to Bash v3.1 for optimal inxi output"
- fi
- # test for a few apps that bsds may not have after initial tests
- if type -p lspci &>/dev/null;then
- B_LSPCI='true'
- fi
- if [[ -n $BSD_TYPE ]];then
- if type -p sysctl &>/dev/null;then
- B_SYSCTL='true'
- fi
- if type -p pciconf &>/dev/null;then
- B_PCICONF='true'
- fi
- fi
- # now setting qdbus/dcop for first run, some systems can have both by the way
- if type -p qdbus &>/dev/null;then
- B_QDBUS='true'
- fi
- if type -p dcop &>/dev/null;then
- B_DCOP='true'
- fi
- eval $LOGFE
-# Determine if any of the absolutely necessary tools are absent
-# No args taken.
- eval $LOGFS
- local app_name=''
- # bc removed from deps for now
- local depends="df gawk grep ps readlink tr uname wc"
- if [[ -z $BSD_TYPE ]];then
- depends="$depends lspci"
- elif [[ $BSD_TYPE == 'bsd' ]];then
- depends="$depends sysctl"
- # debian-bsd has lspci but you must be root to run it
- elif [[ $BSD_TYPE == 'debian-bsd' ]];then
- depends="$depends sysctl lspci"
- fi
- # no need to add xprop because it will just give N/A if not there, but if we expand use of xprop,
- # should add that here as a test, then use the B_SHOW_DISPLAY_DATA flag to trigger the tests in de function
- local x_apps="xrandr xdpyinfo glxinfo"
- if [[ $B_RUNNING_IN_DISPLAY == 'true' ]];then
- for app_name in $x_apps
- do
- if ! type -p $app_name &>/dev/null;then
- self_debugger "Resuming in non X mode: $app_name not found. For package install advice run: $SELF_NAME --recommends"
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- app_name=''
- for app_name in $depends
- do
- if ! type -p $app_name &>/dev/null;then
- error_handler 5 "$app_name"
- fi
- done
- eval $LOGFE
-# Set PATH data so we can access all programs as user. Set BAN lists.
-# initialize some boleans, these directories are used throughout the script
-# some apps are used for extended functions any directory used, should be
-# checked here first.
-# No args taken.
- eval $LOGFS
- BSD_VERSION=$( uname -s 2>/dev/null | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' )
- # note: archbsd says they are a freebsd distro, so assuming it's the same as freebsd
- if [[ -z ${BSD_VERSION/*bsd*/} || -z ${BSD_VERSION/*dragonfly*/} || -z ${BSD_VERSION/*darwin*/} ]];then
- if [[ -z ${BSD_VERSION/*openbsd*/} ]];then
- BSD_VERSION='openbsd'
- elif [[ -z ${BSD_VERSION/*darwin*/} ]];then
- BSD_VERSION='darwin'
- fi
- # GNU/kfreebsd will by definition have GNU tools like sed/grep
- if [[ -z ${BSD_VERSION/*kfreebsd*/} ]];then
- BSD_TYPE='debian-bsd' # debian gnu bsd
- else
- BSD_TYPE='bsd' # all other bsds
- SED_I="-i ''"
- SED_RX='-E'
- ESC=$(echo | tr '\n' '\033')
- fi
- fi
- # now set the script BOOLEANS for files required to run features
- # note that freebsd has /proc but it's empty
- if [[ -d "/proc/" && -z $BSD_TYPE ]];then
- B_PROC_DIR='true'
- elif [[ -n $BSD_TYPE ]];then
- B_PROC_DIR='false'
- else
- error_handler 6
- fi
- initialize_paths
- if type -p dig &>/dev/null;then
- DNSTOOL='dig'
- fi
- # set downloaders.
- set_downloader
- if [[ -n $BSD_TYPE ]];then
- if [[ -e $FILE_DMESG_BOOT ]];then
- fi
- else
- # found a case of battery existing but having nothing in it on desktop mobo
- # not all laptops show the first. /proc/acpi/battery is deprecated.
- if [[ -n $( ls /proc/acpi/battery 2>/dev/null ) || -n $( ls /sys/class/power_supply/ 2>/dev/null ) ]];then
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -e $FILE_CPUINFO ]]; then
- fi
- if [[ -e $FILE_MEMINFO ]];then
- fi
- if [[ -e $FILE_ASOUND_DEVICE ]];then
- fi
- if [[ -e $FILE_ASOUND_VERSION ]];then
- fi
- if [[ -f $FILE_LSB_RELEASE ]];then
- B_LSB_FILE='true'
- fi
- if [[ -f $FILE_OS_RELEASE ]];then
- fi
- if [[ -e $FILE_SCSI ]];then
- B_SCSI_FILE='true'
- fi
- if [[ -n $DISPLAY ]];then
- fi
- if [[ -e $FILE_MDSTAT ]];then
- B_MDSTAT_FILE='true'
- fi
- if [[ -e $FILE_MODULES ]];then
- fi
- if [[ -e $FILE_MOUNTS ]];then
- B_MOUNTS_FILE='true'
- fi
- if [[ -e $FILE_PARTITIONS ]];then
- fi
- # default to the normal location, then search for it
- if [[ -e $FILE_XORG_LOG ]];then
- B_XORG_LOG='true'
- else
- # Detect location of the Xorg log file
- if type -p xset &>/dev/null; then
- FILE_XORG_LOG=$( xset q 2>/dev/null | grep -i 'Log file' | gawk '{print $3}')
- if [[ -e $FILE_XORG_LOG ]];then
- B_XORG_LOG='true'
- fi
- fi
- fi
- # gfx output will require this flag
- if [[ $( whoami ) == 'root' ]];then
- B_ROOT='true'
- fi
- eval $LOGFE
- local path='' added_path='' b_path_found='' sys_path=''
- # Extra path variable to make execute failures less likely, merged below
- local extra_paths="/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/opt/local/bin"
- # this needs to be set here because various options call the parent initialize function directly.
- SELF_PATH=$( dirname "$0" )
- # Fallback paths put into $extra_paths; This might, among others, help on gentoo.
- # Now, create a difference of $PATH and $extra_paths and add that to $PATH:
- IFS=":"
- for path in $extra_paths
- do
- b_path_found='false'
- for sys_path in $PATH
- do
- if [[ $path == $sys_path ]];then
- b_path_found='true'
- fi
- done
- if [[ $b_path_found == 'false' ]];then
- added_path="$added_path:$path"
- fi
- done
- PATH="$PATH$added_path"
- # echo "PATH='$PATH'"
- ##/bin/sh -c 'echo "PATH in subshell=\"$PATH\""'
-# arg: $1 - version number: main/patch/date
- # note, this is only now used for self updater function
- case $1 in
- date)
- SELF_DATE=$( gawk -F '=' '
- /^SELF_DATE/ {
- print $NF
- exit
- ;;
- main)
- SELF_VERSION=$( gawk -F '=' '
- print $NF
- exit
- ;;
- patch)
- SELF_PATCH=$( gawk -F '=' '
- print $NF
- exit
- ;;
- esac
-# Set the colorscheme
-# args: $1 = <scheme number>|<"none">
- eval $LOGFS
- local i='' a_output_colors='' a_color_codes=''
- if [[ $1 -ge ${#A_COLOR_SCHEMES[@]} ]];then
- set -- 1
- fi
- # Set a global variable to allow checking for chosen scheme later
- SCHEME="$1"
- if [[ $B_IRC == 'false' ]];then
- a_color_codes=( $ANSI_COLORS )
- else
- a_color_codes=( $IRC_COLORS )
- fi
- for (( i=0; i < ${#A_COLORS_AVAILABLE[@]}; i++ ))
- do
- eval "${A_COLORS_AVAILABLE[i]}=\"${a_color_codes[i]}\""
- done
- IFS=","
- a_output_colors=( ${A_COLOR_SCHEMES[$1]} )
- # then assign the colors globally
- C1="${!a_output_colors[0]}"
- C2="${!a_output_colors[1]}"
- CN="${!a_output_colors[2]}"
- # ((COLOR_SCHEME++)) ## note: why is this? ##
- # handle some explicit colors that are used for no color 0
- if [[ $SCHEME -eq 0 ]];then
- RED=''
- fi
- eval $LOGFE
-# args: $1 - default OR override default cols max integer count
- local cols_max_override=$1
- if [[ $cols_max_override == 'live' ]];then
+sub initialize {
+ set_os();
+ set_path();
+ set_user_paths();
+ set_basics();
+ system_files('set');
+ get_configs();
+ # set_downloader();
+ set_display_width('live');
+sub check_tools {
+ my ($action,$program,$message,@data,%commands,%hash);
+ if ( $b_dmi ){
+ $action = 'use';
+ if ($program = check_program('dmidecode')) {
+ my $result = system("$program -t chassis >/dev/null 2>&1");
+ if (!$result){
+ if ($b_root) {
+ @data = grabber("$program --type chassis");
+ if ( grep { $_ =~ /No SMBIOS/i } @data ){
+ $action = 'smbios';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($result){
+ $action = 'permissions';
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $action = 'missing';
+ }
+ %hash = (
+ 'dmidecode' => {
+ 'action' => $action,
+ 'missing' => 'Required program dmidecode not available',
+ 'permissions' => 'Unable to run dmidecode. Are you root?',
+ 'smbios' => 'No SMBIOS data for dmidecode to process',
+ },
+ );
+ %alerts = (%alerts, %hash);
+ }
+ # note: gnu/linux has sysctl so it may be used that for something if present
+ # there is lspci for bsds so doesn't hurt to check it
+ if ($b_pci || $b_sysctl){
+ if (!$bsd_type){
+ if ($b_pci ){
+ %hash = ('lspci' => '-n',);
+ %commands = (%commands,%hash);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($b_pci ){
+ %hash = ('pciconf' => '-l',);
+ %commands = (%commands,%hash);
+ }
+ if ($b_sysctl ){
+ # note: there is a case of kernel.osrelease but it's a linux distro
+ %hash = ('sysctl' => 'kern.osrelease',);
+ %commands = (%commands,%hash);
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ( keys %commands ){
+ $action = 'use';
+ if ($program = check_program($_)) {
+ # > 0 means error in shell
+ #my $cmd = "$program $commands{$_} >/dev/null";
+ #print "$cmd\n";
+ $action = 'permissions' if system("$program $commands{$_} >/dev/null 2>&1");
+ }
+ else {
+ $action = 'missing';
+ }
+ %hash = (
+ $_ => {
+ 'action' => $action,
+ 'missing' => "Missing system tool: $_. Output will be incomplete",
+ 'permissions' => "Unable to run $_. Root required?",
+ },
+ );
+ %alerts = (%alerts, %hash);
+ }
+ }
+ %commands = ();
+ if ( $show{'sensor'} ){
+ %commands = ('sensors' => 'linux',);
+ }
+ # note: lsusb ships in FreeBSD ports sysutils/usbutils
+ if ( $usb_level ){
+ %hash = ('lsusb' => 'all',);
+ %commands = (%commands,%hash);
+ %hash = ('usbdevs' => 'bsd',);
+ %commands = (%commands,%hash);
+ }
+ if ($show{'ip'} || ($bsd_type && $show{'network-advanced'})){
+ %hash = (
+ 'ip' => 'linux',
+ 'ifconfig' => 'all',
+ );
+ %commands = (%commands,%hash);
+ }
+ foreach ( keys %commands ){
+ $action = 'use';
+ $message = 'Present and working';
+ if ( ($commands{$_} eq 'linux' && $os ne 'linux' ) || ($commands{$_} eq 'bsd' && $os eq 'linux' ) ){
+ $message = "No " . ucfirst($os) . " support. Is a comparable $_ tool available?";
+ $action = 'platform';
+ }
+ elsif (!check_program($_)){
+ $message = "Required tool $_ not installed. Check --recommends";
+ $action = 'missing';
+ }
+ %hash = (
+ $_ => {
+ 'action' => $action,
+ 'missing' => $message,
+ 'platform' => $message,
+ },
+ );
+ %alerts = (%alerts, %hash);
+ }
+ # print Dumper \%alerts;
+sub set_basics {
+ # set to default LANG to avoid locales errors with , or .
+ # Make sure every program speaks English.
+ $ENV{'LANG'}='C';
+ $ENV{'LC_ALL'}='C';
+ # remember, perl uses the opposite t/f return as shell!!!
+ $b_irc = ( system('tty >/dev/null') ) ? 1 : 0;
+ # print "birc: $b_irc\n";
+ $b_display = ( $ENV{'DISPLAY'} ) ? 1 : 0;
+ $b_root = ( $ENV{'HOME'} eq '/root' ) ? 1 : 0;
+ $dl{'dl'} = 'curl';
+ $dl{'curl'} = 1;
+ $dl{'tiny'} = 1; # note: two modules needed, tested for in set_downloader
+ $dl{'wget'} = 1;
+ $dl{'fetch'} = 1;
+ $client{'console-irc'} = 0;
+ $client{'dcop'} = (check_program('dcop')) ? 1 : 0;
+ $client{'qdbus'} = (check_program('qdbus')) ? 1 : 0;
+ $client{'konvi'} = 0;
+ $client{'name'} = '';
+ $client{'name-print'} = '';
+ $client{'su-start'} = ''; # shows sudo/su
+ $client{'version'} = '';
+ $colors{'default'} = 2;
+# args: $1 - default OR override default cols max integer count. $_[0]
+# is the display width override.
+sub set_display_width {
+ my ($width) = @_;
+ if ( $width eq 'live' ){
## sometimes tput will trigger an error (mageia) if irc client
- if [[ $B_IRC == 'false' ]];then
- if type -p tput &>/dev/null;then
- TERM_COLUMNS=$(tput cols)
- TERM_LINES=$(tput lines)
- fi
+ if ( ! $b_irc ){
+ if ( check_program('tput') ) {
+ # trips error if use qx()...
+ chomp($size{'term'}=qx{tput cols});
+ chomp($size{'term-lines'}=qx{tput lines});
+ $size{'term-cols'} = $size{'term'};
+ }
+ # print "tc: $size{'term'} cmc: $size{'console'}\n";
# double check, just in case it's missing functionality or whatever
- if [[ -z $TERM_COLUMNS || -n ${TERM_COLUMNS//[0-9]/} ]];then
- fi
- fi
- # Convert to new variable names if set in config files, legacy test
- if [[ -n $LINE_MAX_CONSOLE ]];then
- fi
- if [[ -n $LINE_MAX_IRC ]];then
- fi
- # this lets you set different widths for in or out of display server
- # if [[ $B_RUNNING_IN_DISPLAY == 'false' && -n $COLS_MAX_NO_DISPLAY ]];then
- # fi
- # TERM_COLUMNS is set in top globals, using tput cols
- if [[ $TERM_COLUMNS -lt $COLS_MAX_CONSOLE ]];then
- fi
+ if ( $size{'term'} == 0 || $size{'term'} !~ /\d/ ){
+ $size{'term'}=80;
+ # we'll be using this for terminal dimensions later so don't set default.
+ # $size{'term-lines'}=100;
+ }
+ }
+ # this lets you set different size for in or out of display server
+ # if ( ! $b_running_in_display && $configs{'COLS_MAX_NO_DISPLAY'} != 0 ){
+ # $size{'console'}=$configs{'COLS_MAX_NO_DISPLAY'};
+ # }
+ # term_cols is set in top globals, using tput cols
+ # print "tc: $size{'term'} cmc: $size{'console'}\n";
+ if ( $size{'term'} < $size{'console'} ){
+ $size{'console'}=$size{'term'};
+ }
# adjust, some terminals will wrap if output cols == term cols
- # echo cmc: $COLS_MAX_CONSOLE
+ $size{'console'}=( $size{'console'} - 2 );
+ # echo cmc: $size{'console'}
# comes after source for user set stuff
- if [[ $B_IRC == 'false' ]];then
- else
- fi
- else
- COLS_MAX=$cols_max_override
- fi
- # echo cm: $COLS_MAX ci: $COLS_INNER
- # curl/wget are faster than HTTP::Tiny
- if $B_CURL == 'true' && type -p curl &>/dev/null;then
- NO_SSL=' --insecure'
- # wget has had some issues with not testing their code leading to -O failure
- elif $B_WGET == 'true' && type -p wget &>/dev/null;then
- NO_SSL=' --no-check-certificate'
- # check for bsd stuff
- elif $B_FETCH == 'true' && type -p fetch &>/dev/null;then
- DOWNLOADER='fetch'
- NO_SSL=' --no-verify-peer'
- # this is much slower than curl or wget
- elif type -p perl &>/dev/null && perl -MHTTP::Tiny -e 1 &>/dev/null;then
- DOWNLOADER='perl' # does not use ssl by default
- elif [[ $BSD_VERSION == 'openbsd' ]] && type -p ftp &>/dev/null;then
- else
- DOWNLOADER='no-downloader'
- fi
- # echo $DOWNLOADER
- local b_conf='false' b_data='false'
+ if ( ! $b_irc ){
+ $size{'max'}=$size{'console'};
+ }
+ else {
+ $size{'max'}=$size{'irc'};
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $size{'max'}=$width;
+ }
+ # print "tc: $size{'term'} cmc: $size{'console'} cm: $size{'max'}\n";
+# NOTE: most tests internally are against !$bsd_type
+sub set_os {
+ @uname = uname();
+ $os = lc($uname[0]);
+ my $type = lc($uname[-1]);
+ $b_arm = 1 if $type =~ /arm|aarch/;
+ if ($type =~ /(armv[1-7]|aarch32|sparc_v9)/){
+ $bits_sys = 32;
+ }
+ elsif ($type =~ /(alpha|64)/){
+ $bits_sys = 64;
+ }
+ if ( $os =~ /(bsd|dragonfly|darwin)/ ){
+ if ( $os =~ /openbsd/ ){
+ $os = 'openbsd';
+ }
+ elsif ($os =~ /darwin/){
+ $os = 'darwin';
+ }
+ if ($os =~ /kfreebsd/){
+ $bsd_type = 'debian-bsd';
+ }
+ else {
+ $bsd_type = $os;
+ }
+ }
+# This data is hard set top of program but due to a specific project's
+# foolish idea that ignoring the FSH totally is somehow a positive step
+# forwards for free software, we also have to padd the results with PATH.
+sub set_path {
+ # Extra path variable to make execute failures less likely, merged below
+ my (@path);
+ @paths = qw(/sbin /bin /usr/sbin /usr/bin /usr/local/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/X11R6/bin);
+ @path = split /:/, $ENV{'PATH'} if $ENV{'PATH'};
+ # print "paths: @paths\nPATH: $ENV{'PATH'}\n";
+ # Create a difference of $PATH and $extra_paths and add that to $PATH:
+ foreach my $id (@path) {
+ if ( !(grep { /^$id$/ } @paths) && $id !~ /(game)/ ){
+ push @paths, $id;
+ }
+ }
+ # print "paths: @paths\n";
+sub set_sep {
+ if ( $b_irc ){
+ # too hard to read if no colors, so force that for users on irc
+ if ($colors{'scheme'} == 0 ){
+ $sep{'s1'} = $sep{'s1-console'};
+ $sep{'s2'} = $sep{'s2-console'};
+ }
+ else {
+ $sep{'s1'} = $sep{'s1-irc'};
+ $sep{'s2'} = $sep{'s2-irc'};
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $sep{'s1'} = $sep{'s1-console'};
+ $sep{'s2'} = $sep{'s2-console'};
+ }
+sub set_user_paths {
+ my ( $b_conf, $b_data );
+ # this needs to be set here because various options call the parent
+ # initialize function directly.
+ $self_path = $0;
+ $self_path =~ s/[^\/]+$//;
- if [[ -n $XDG_CONFIG_HOME ]];then
- b_conf=true
- elif [[ -d $HOME/.config ]];then
- b_conf=true
- else
- fi
- if [[ -n $XDG_DATA_HOME ]];then
- b_data=true
- elif [[ -d $HOME/.local/share ]];then
- b_data=true
- else
- fi
+ if ( defined $ENV{'XDG_CONFIG_HOME'} && $ENV{'XDG_CONFIG_HOME'} ){
+ $user_config_dir=$ENV{'XDG_CONFIG_HOME'};
+ $b_conf=1;
+ }
+ elsif ( -d "$ENV{'HOME'}/.config" ){
+ $user_config_dir="$ENV{'HOME'}/.config";
+ $b_conf=1;
+ }
+ else {
+ $user_config_dir="$ENV{'HOME'}/.$self_name";
+ }
+ if ( defined $ENV{'XDG_DATA_HOME'} && $ENV{'XDG_DATA_HOME'} ){
+ $user_data_dir="$ENV{'XDG_DATA_HOME'}/$self_name";
+ $b_data=1;
+ }
+ elsif ( -d "$ENV{'HOME'}/.local/share" ){
+ $user_data_dir="$ENV{'HOME'}/.local/share/$self_name";
+ $b_data=1;
+ }
+ else {
+ $user_data_dir="$ENV{'HOME'}/.$self_name";
+ }
# note, this used to be created/checked in specific instance, but we'll just do it
# universally so it's done at script start.
- if [[ ! -d $SELF_DATA_DIR ]];then
- mkdir $SELF_DATA_DIR
- fi
- if [[ $b_conf == 'true' && -f $HOME/.$SELF_NAME/$SELF_NAME.conf ]];then
- echo "Moved $SELF_NAME.conf from $HOME/.$SELF_NAME to $SELF_CONFIG_DIR"
- fi
- if [[ $b_data == 'true' && -d $HOME/.$SELF_NAME ]];then
- rm -Rf $HOME/.$SELF_NAME
- echo "Moved data dir $HOME/.$SELF_NAME to $SELF_DATA_DIR"
- fi
+ if ( ! -d $user_data_dir ){
+ mkdir $user_data_dir;
+ # system "echo", "Made: $user_data_dir";
+ }
+ if ( $b_conf && -f "$ENV{'HOME'}/.$self_name/$self_name.conf" ){
+ #system 'mv', "-f $ENV{'HOME'}/.$self_name/$self_name.conf", $user_config_dir;
+ # print "WOULD: Moved $self_name.conf from $ENV{'HOME'}/.$self_name to $user_config_dir\n";
+ }
+ if ( $b_data && -d "$ENV{'HOME'}/.$self_name" ){
+ #system 'mv', '-f', "$ENV{'HOME'}/.$self_name/*", $user_data_dir;
+ #system 'rm', '-Rf', "$ENV{'HOME'}/.$self_name";
+ # print "WOULD: Moved data dir $ENV{'HOME'}/.$self_name to $user_data_dir\n";
+ }
+ $log_file="$user_data_dir/$self_name.log";
+ #system 'echo', "$ENV{'HOME'}/.$self_name/* $user_data_dir";
+ # print "scd: $user_config_dir sdd: $user_data_dir \n";
+# args: 1: set|hash key to return either null or path
+sub system_files {
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ if ( $file eq 'set'){
+ %files = (
+ 'asound-cards' => '/proc/asound/cards',
+ 'asound-modules' => '/proc/asound/modules',
+ 'asound-version' => '/proc/asound/version',
+ 'cpuinfo' => '/proc/cpuinfo',
+ 'dmesg-boot' => '/var/run/dmesg.boot',
+ 'lsb-release' => '/etc/lsb-release',
+ 'mdstat' => '/proc/mdstat',
+ 'meminfo' => '/proc/meminfo',
+ 'modules' => '/proc/modules',
+ 'mounts' => '/proc/mounts',
+ 'os-release' => '/etc/os-release',
+ 'partitions' => '/proc/partitions',
+ 'scsi' => '/proc/scsi/scsi',
+ 'version' => '/proc/version',
+ 'xorg-log' => '/var/log/Xorg.0.log'
+ );
+ foreach ( keys %files ){
+ $system_files{$_} = ( -e $files{$_} ) ? $files{$_} : '';
+ }
+ if ( ! $system_files{'xorg-log'} && check_program('xset') ){
+ my $data = qx(xset q 2>/dev/null);
+ foreach ( split /\n/, $data){
+ if ($_ =~ /Log file/i){
+ $system_files{'xorg-log'} = get_piece($_,3);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ return $system_files{$file};
+ }
#### -------------------------------------------------------------------
+#### COLORS
#### -------------------------------------------------------------------
+## arg: 1 - the type of action, either integer, count, or full
+sub get_color_scheme {
+ my ($type) = @_;
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my @color_schemes = (
+ # for dark OR light backgrounds
+ # for light backgrounds
+ # for dark backgrounds
+ # miscellaneous
+ );
+ if ($type eq 'count' ){
+ return scalar @color_schemes;
+ }
+ if ($type eq 'full' ){
+ return @color_schemes;
+ }
+ else {
+ return @{$color_schemes[$type]};
+ # print Dumper $color_schemes[$scheme_nu];
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+sub set_color_scheme {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($scheme) = @_;
+ $colors{'scheme'} = $scheme;
+ my $index = ( $b_irc ) ? 1 : 0; # defaults to non irc
+ # NOTE: qw(...) kills the escape, it is NOT the same as using
+ # Literal "..", ".." despite docs saying it is.
+ my %color_palette = (
+ 'EMPTY' => [ '', '' ],
+ 'DGREY' => [ "\e[1;30m", "\x0314" ],
+ 'BLACK' => [ "\e[0;30m", "\x0301" ],
+ 'RED' => [ "\e[1;31m", "\x0304" ],
+ 'DRED' => [ "\e[0;31m", "\x0305" ],
+ 'GREEN' => [ "\e[1;32m", "\x0309" ],
+ 'DGREEN' => [ "\e[0;32m", "\x0303" ],
+ 'YELLOW' => [ "\e[1;33m", "\x0308" ],
+ 'DYELLOW' => [ "\e[0;33m", "\x0307" ],
+ 'BLUE' => [ "\e[1;34m", "\x0312" ],
+ 'DBLUE' => [ "\e[0;34m", "\x0302" ],
+ 'MAGENTA' => [ "\e[1;35m", "\x0313" ],
+ 'DMAGENTA' => [ "\e[0;35m", "\x0306" ],
+ 'CYAN' => [ "\e[1;36m", "\x0311" ],
+ 'DCYAN' => [ "\e[0;36m", "\x0310" ],
+ 'WHITE' => [ "\e[1;37m", "\x0300" ],
+ 'GREY' => [ "\e[0;37m", "\x0315" ],
+ 'NORMAL' => [ "\e[0m", "\x03" ],
+ );
+ my @scheme = get_color_scheme($colors{'scheme'});
+ $colors{'c1'} = $color_palette{$scheme[0]}[$index];
+ $colors{'c2'} = $color_palette{$scheme[1]}[$index];
+ $colors{'cn'} = $color_palette{$scheme[2]}[$index];
+ # print Dumper \@scheme;
+ # print "$colors{'c1'}here$colors{'c2'} we are!$colors{'cn'}\n";
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+sub set_colors {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ # it's already been set with -c 0-43
+ if ( exists $colors{'c1'} ){
+ return 1;
+ }
+ # This let's user pick their color scheme. For IRC, only shows the color schemes,
+ # no interactive. The override value only will be placed in user config files.
+ # /etc/inxi.conf can also override
+ if (exists $colors{'selector'}){
+ my $ob_selector = SelectColors->new($colors{'selector'});
+ $ob_selector->select_schema();
+ return 1;
+ }
+ # set the default, then override as required
+ my $color_scheme = $colors{'default'};
+ # these are set in user configs
+ if (defined $colors{'global'}){
+ $color_scheme = $colors{'global'};
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( $b_irc ){
+ if (defined $colors{'irc-virt-term'} && $b_display && $client{'console-irc'}){
+ $color_scheme = $colors{'irc-virt-term'};
+ }
+ elsif (defined $colors{'irc-console'} && !$b_display){
+ $color_scheme = $colors{'irc-console'};
+ }
+ elsif ( defined $colors{'irc-gui'}) {
+ $color_scheme = $colors{'irc-gui'};
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (defined $colors{'console'} && !$b_display){
+ $color_scheme = $colors{'console'};
+ }
+ elsif (defined $colors{'virt-term'}){
+ $color_scheme = $colors{'virt-term'};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # force 0 for | or > output, all others prints to irc or screen
+ if (!$b_irc && ! -t STDOUT ){
+ $color_scheme = 0;
+ }
+ set_color_scheme($color_scheme);
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+## SelectColors
- eval $LOGFS
- local spacer=' ' options='' user_selection='' config_variable=''
- local config_file="$SELF_CONFIG_DIR/$SELF_NAME.conf"
- local irc_clear=""
- local irc_gui='Unset' irc_console='Unset' irc_x_term='Unset'
- local console='Unset' virt_term='Unset' global='Unset'
- if [[ -n $IRC_COLOR_SCHEME ]];then
- irc_gui="Set: $IRC_COLOR_SCHEME"
- fi
- if [[ -n $IRC_CONS_COLOR_SCHEME ]];then
- irc_console="Set: $IRC_CONS_COLOR_SCHEME"
- fi
- if [[ -n $IRC_X_TERM_COLOR_SCHEME ]];then
- irc_x_term="Set: $IRC_X_TERM_COLOR_SCHEME"
- fi
- if [[ -n $VIRT_TERM_COLOR_SCHEME ]];then
- virt_term="Set: $VIRT_TERM_COLOR_SCHEME"
- fi
- if [[ -n $CONSOLE_COLOR_SCHEME ]];then
- console="Set: $CONSOLE_COLOR_SCHEME"
- fi
- if [[ -n $GLOBAL_COLOR_SCHEME ]];then
- global="Set: $GLOBAL_COLOR_SCHEME"
- fi
- # don't want these printing in irc since they show literally
- if [[ $B_IRC == 'true' ]];then
- irc_clear=''
- fi
- # first make output neutral so it's just plain default for console client
- set_color_scheme "0"
- # print_lines_basic "0" "" ""
- if [[ $B_IRC == 'false' ]];then
- print_lines_basic "0" "" "Welcome to $SELF_NAME! Please select the default $COLOR_SELECTION color scheme."
- # print_screen_output "You will see this message only one time per user account, unless you set preferences in: /etc/$SELF_NAME.conf"
- print_screen_output " "
- fi
- print_lines_basic "0" "" "Because there is no way to know your $COLOR_SELECTION foreground/background colors, you can set your color preferences from color scheme option list below. 0 is no colors, 1 neutral. After these, there are 4 sets: 1-dark or light backgrounds; 2-light backgrounds; 3-dark backgrounds; 4-miscellaneous."
- if [[ $B_IRC == 'false' ]];then
- print_lines_basic "0" "" "Please note that this will set the $COLOR_SELECTION preferences only for user: $(whoami)"
- fi
- print_screen_output "$LINE1"
- for (( i=0; i < ${#A_COLOR_SCHEMES[@]}; i++ ))
- do
- if [[ $i -gt 9 ]];then
- spacer=' '
- fi
- # only offer the safe universal defaults
- global|irc|irc-console|irc-virtual-terminal)
- if [[ $i -gt $SAFE_COLOR_COUNT ]];then
- break
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- set_color_scheme $i
- print_screen_output "$irc_clear $i)$spacer${C1}Card:${C2} nVidia G86 [GeForce 8400 GS] ${C1}Display Server${C2} x11 (X.Org 1.7.7)"
- done
- set_color_scheme 0
- if [[ $B_IRC == 'false' ]];then
- echo -n ""
- print_screen_output "$irc_clear $i)${spacer}Remove all color settings. Restore $SELF_NAME default."
- print_screen_output "$irc_clear $(($i+1)))${spacer}Continue, no changes or config file setting."
- print_screen_output "$irc_clear $(($i+2)))${spacer}Exit, use another terminal, or set manually."
- print_screen_output "$LINE1"
- print_lines_basic "0" "" "Simply type the number for the color scheme that looks best to your eyes for your $COLOR_SELECTION settings and hit ENTER. NOTE: You can bring this option list up by starting $SELF_NAME with option: -c plus one of these numbers:"
- print_lines_basic "0" "" "94^(console,^no X^-^$console); 95^(terminal,^X^-^$virt_term); 96^(irc,^gui,^X^-^$irc_gui); 97^(irc,^X,^in^terminal^-^$irc_x_term); 98^(irc,^no^X^-^$irc_console); 99^(global^-^$global)"
- print_lines_basic "0" "" ""
- print_screen_output "Your selection(s) will be stored here: $config_file"
- print_lines_basic "0" "" "Global overrides all individual color schemes. Individual schemes remove the global setting."
- print_screen_output "$LINE1"
- read user_selection
- if [[ "$user_selection" =~ ^([0-9]+)$ && $user_selection -lt $i ]];then
- irc)
- config_variable='IRC_COLOR_SCHEME'
- ;;
- irc-console)
- config_variable='IRC_CONS_COLOR_SCHEME'
- ;;
- irc-virtual-terminal)
- config_variable='IRC_X_TERM_COLOR_SCHEME'
- ;;
- console)
- config_variable='CONSOLE_COLOR_SCHEME'
- ;;
- virtual-terminal)
- config_variable='VIRT_TERM_COLOR_SCHEME'
- ;;
- global)
- config_variable='GLOBAL_COLOR_SCHEME'
- ;;
- esac
- set_color_scheme $user_selection
- # make file/directory first if missing
- if [[ ! -f $config_file ]];then
- touch $config_file
- fi
- if [[ -z $( grep -s "$config_variable=" $config_file ) ]];then
- print_lines_basic "0" "" "Creating and updating config file for $COLOR_SELECTION color scheme now..."
- echo "$config_variable=$user_selection" >> $config_file
- else
- print_screen_output "Updating config file for $COLOR_SELECTION color scheme now..."
- sed $SED_I "s/$config_variable=.*/$config_variable=$user_selection/" $config_file
- fi
- # file exists now so we can go on to cleanup
- irc|irc-console|irc-virtual-terminal|console|virtual-terminal)
- sed $SED_I '/GLOBAL_COLOR_SCHEME=/d' $config_file
- ;;
- global)
- -e '/IRC_CONS_COLOR_SCHEME=/d' -e '/IRC_X_TERM_COLOR_SCHEME=/d' $config_file
- ;;
- esac
- elif [[ $user_selection == $i ]];then
- print_screen_output "Removing all color settings from config file now..."
- -e '/IRC_COLOR_SCHEME=/d' -e '/IRC_CONS_COLOR_SCHEME=/d' -e '/IRC_X_TERM_COLOR_SCHEME=/d' $config_file
- set_color_scheme $DEFAULT_COLOR_SCHEME
- elif [[ $user_selection == $(( $i+1 )) ]];then
- print_lines_basic "0" "" "Ok, continuing $SELF_NAME unchanged. You can set the colors anytime by starting with: -c 95 to 99"
- if [[ -n $CONSOLE_COLOR_SCHEME && -z $DISPLAY ]];then
- set_color_scheme $CONSOLE_COLOR_SCHEME
- elif [[ -n $VIRT_TERM_COLOR_SCHEME ]];then
- set_color_scheme $VIRT_TERM_COLOR_SCHEME
- else
- set_color_scheme $DEFAULT_COLOR_SCHEME
- fi
- elif [[ $user_selection == $(( $i+2 )) ]];then
- set_color_scheme $DEFAULT_COLOR_SCHEME
- print_screen_output "Ok, exiting $SELF_NAME now. You can set the colors later."
- exit 0
- else
- print_screen_output "Error - Invalid Selection. You entered this: $user_selection"
- print_screen_output " "
- select_default_color_scheme
- fi
- else
- print_screen_output "$LINE1"
- print_lines_basic "0" "" "After finding the scheme number you like, simply run this again in a terminal to set the configuration data file for your irc client. You can set color schemes for the following: start inxi with -c plus:"
- print_screen_output "94 (console, no X - $console); 95 (terminal, X - $virt_term); 96 (irc, gui, X - $irc_gui);"
- print_screen_output "97 (irc, X, in terminal - $irc_x_term); 98 (irc, no X - $irc_console); 99 (global - $global)"
- exit 0
- fi
- eval $LOGFE
+package SelectColors;
+# use warnings;
+# use strict;
+# use diagnostics;
+# use 5.008;
+my (@data,@rows,%configs,%status);
+my ($type,$w_fh);
+my $safe_color_count = 12; # null/normal + default color group
+my $count = 0;
+# args: 1 - type
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ ($type) = @_;
+ my $self = {};
+ return bless $self, $class;
+sub select_schema {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ assign_selectors();
+ main::set_color_scheme(0);
+ set_status();
+ start_selector();
+ create_color_selections();
+ if (! $b_irc ){
+ main::check_config_file();
+ get_selection();
+ }
+ else {
+ print_irc_message();
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+sub set_status {
+ $status{'console'} = (defined $colors{'console'}) ? "Set: $colors{'console'}" : 'Not Set';
+ $status{'virt-term'} = (defined $colors{'virt-term'}) ? "Set: $colors{'virt-term'}" : 'Not Set';
+ $status{'irc-console'} = (defined $colors{'irc-console'}) ? "Set: $colors{'irc-console'}" : 'Not Set';
+ $status{'irc-gui'} = (defined $colors{'irc-gui'}) ? "Set: $colors{'irc-gui'}" : 'Not Set';
+ $status{'irc-virt-term'} = (defined $colors{'irc-virt-term'}) ? "Set: $colors{'irc-virt-term'}" : 'Not Set';
+ $status{'global'} = (defined $colors{'global'}) ? "Set: $colors{'global'}" : 'Not Set';
+sub assign_selectors {
+ if ($type == 94){
+ $configs{'variable'} = 'CONSOLE_COLOR_SCHEME';
+ $configs{'selection'} = 'console';
+ }
+ elsif ($type == 95){
+ $configs{'variable'} = 'VIRT_TERM_COLOR_SCHEME';
+ $configs{'selection'} = 'virt-term';
+ }
+ elsif ($type == 96){
+ $configs{'variable'} = 'IRC_COLOR_SCHEME';
+ $configs{'selection'} = 'irc-gui';
+ }
+ elsif ($type == 97){
+ $configs{'variable'} = 'IRC_X_TERM_COLOR_SCHEME';
+ $configs{'selection'} = 'irc-virt-term';
+ }
+ elsif ($type == 98){
+ $configs{'variable'} = 'IRC_CONS_COLOR_SCHEME';
+ $configs{'selection'} = 'irc-console';
+ }
+ elsif ($type == 99){
+ $configs{'variable'} = 'GLOBAL_COLOR_SCHEME';
+ $configs{'selection'} = 'global';
+ }
+sub start_selector {
+ my $whoami = getpwuid($<) || "unknown???";
+ if ( ! $b_irc ){
+ @data = (
+ [ 0, '', '', "Welcome to $self_name! Please select the default
+ $configs{'selection'} color scheme."],
+ );
+ }
+ @rows = (
+ [ 0, '', '', "Because there is no way to know your $configs{'selection'}
+ foreground/background colors, you can set your color preferences from
+ color scheme option list below:"],
+ [ 0, '', '', "0 is no colors; 1 is neutral."],
+ [ 0, '', '', "After these, there are 4 sets:"],
+ [ 0, '', '', "1-dark^or^light^backgrounds; 2-light^backgrounds;
+ 3-dark^backgrounds; 4-miscellaneous"],
+ [ 0, '', '', ""],
+ );
+ push @data, @rows;
+ if ( ! $b_irc ){
+ @rows = (
+ [ 0, '', '', "Please note that this will set the $configs{'selection'}
+ preferences only for user: $whoami"],
+ );
+ push @data, @rows;
+ }
+ @rows = (
+ [ 0, '', '', "$line1"],
+ );
+ push @data, @rows;
+ main::print_basic(@data);
+ @data = ();
+sub create_color_selections {
+ my $spacer = '^^'; # printer removes double spaces, but replaces ^ with ' '
+ $count = ( main::get_color_scheme('count') - 1 );
+ for my $i (0 .. $count){
+ if ($i > 9){
+ $spacer = '^';
+ }
+ if ($configs{'selection'} =~ /^global|irc-gui|irc-console|irc-virt-term$/ && $i > $safe_color_count ){
+ last;
+ }
+ main::set_color_scheme($i);
+ @rows = (
+ [0, '', '', "$i)$spacer$colors{'c1'}Card:$colors{'c2'}^nVidia^GT218
+ $colors{'c1'}Display^Server$colors{'c2'}^x11^(X.Org^1.7.7)$colors{'cn'}"],
+ );
+ push @data, @rows;
+ }
+ main::print_basic(@data);
+ @data = ();
+ main::set_color_scheme(0);
+sub get_selection {
+ my $number = $count + 1;
+ @data = (
+ [0, '', '', ($number++) . ")^Remove all color settings. Restore $self_name default."],
+ [0, '', '', ($number++) . ")^Continue, no changes or config file setting."],
+ [0, '', '', ($number++) . ")^Exit, use another terminal, or set manually."],
+ [0, '', '', "$line1"],
+ [0, '', '', "Simply type the number for the color scheme that looks best to your
+ eyes for your $configs{'selection'} settings and hit <ENTER>. NOTE: You can bring this
+ option list up by starting $self_name with option: -c plus one of these numbers:"],
+ [0, '', '', "94^-^console,^not^in^desktop^-^$status{'console'}"],
+ [0, '', '', "95^-^terminal,^desktop^-^$status{'virt-term'}"],
+ [0, '', '', "96^-^irc,^gui,^desktop^-^$status{'irc-gui'}"],
+ [0, '', '', "97^-^irc,^desktop,^in^terminal^-^$status{'irc-virt-term'}"],
+ [0, '', '', "98^-^irc,^not^in^desktop^-^$status{'irc-console'}"],
+ [0, '', '', "99^-^global^-^$status{'global'}"],
+ [0, '', '', ""],
+ [0, '', '', "Your selection(s) will be stored here: $user_config_file"],
+ [0, '', '', "Global overrides all individual color schemes. Individual
+ schemes remove the global setting."],
+ [0, '', '', "$line1"],
+ );
+ main::print_basic(@data);
+ @data = ();
+ my $response = <STDIN>;
+ chomp $response;
+ if ($response =~ /[^0-9]/ || $response > ($count + 3)){
+ @data = (
+ [0, '', '', "Error - Invalid Selection. You entered this: $response. Hit <ENTER> to continue."],
+ [0, '', '', "$line1"],
+ );
+ main::print_basic(@data);
+ my $response = <STDIN>;
+ start_selector();
+ create_color_selections();
+ get_selection();
+ }
+ else {
+ process_selection($response);
+ }
+sub process_selection {
+ my $response = shift;
+ if ($response == ($count + 3) ){
+ @data = ([0, '', '', "Ok, exiting $self_name now. You can set the colors later."],);
+ main::print_basic(@data);
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($response == ($count + 2)){
+ @data = (
+ [0, '', '', "Ok, continuing $self_name unchanged."],
+ [0, '', '', "$line1"],
+ );
+ main::print_basic(@data);
+ if ( defined $colors{'console'} && !$b_display ){
+ main::set_color_scheme($colors{'console'});
+ }
+ if ( defined $colors{'virt-term'} ){
+ main::set_color_scheme($colors{'virt-term'});
+ }
+ else {
+ main::set_color_scheme($colors{'default'});
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($response == ($count + 1)){
+ @data = (
+ [0, '', '', "Removing all color settings from config file now..."],
+ [0, '', '', "$line1"],
+ );
+ main::print_basic(@data);
+ delete_all_config_colors();
+ main::set_color_scheme($colors{'default'});
+ }
+ else {
+ main::set_color_scheme($response);
+ @data = (
+ [0, '', '', "Updating config file for $configs{'selection'} color scheme now..."],
+ [0, '', '', "$line1"],
+ );
+ main::print_basic(@data);
+ if ($configs{'selection'} eq 'global'){
+ delete_all_config_colors();
+ }
+ set_config_color_scheme($response);
+ }
+sub delete_all_config_colors {
+ my @file_lines = main::reader( $user_config_file );
+ open( $w_fh, '>', $user_config_file ) or error_handler('open', $user_config_file, $!);
+ foreach ( @file_lines ) {
+ print {$w_fh} "$_";
+ }
+ }
+ close $w_fh;
+sub set_config_color_scheme {
+ my $value = shift;
+ my @file_lines = main::reader( $user_config_file );
+ my $b_found = 0;
+ open( $w_fh, '>', $user_config_file ) or error_handler('open', $user_config_file, $!);
+ foreach ( @file_lines ) {
+ if ( $_ =~ /^$configs{'variable'}/ ){
+ $_ = "$configs{'variable'}=$value";
+ $b_found = 1;
+ }
+ print $w_fh "$_\n";
+ }
+ if (! $b_found ){
+ print $w_fh "$configs{'variable'}=$value\n";
+ }
+ close $w_fh;
+sub print_irc_message {
+ @data = (
+ [ 0, '', '', "$line1"],
+ [ 0, '', '', "After finding the scheme number you like, simply run this again
+ in a terminal to set the configuration data file for your irc client. You can
+ set color schemes for the following: start inxi with -c plus:"],
+ [ 0, '', '', "94 (console,^not^in^desktop^-^$status{'console'})"],
+ [ 0, '', '', "95 (terminal, desktop^-^$status{'virt-term'})"],
+ [ 0, '', '', "96 (irc,^gui,^desktop^-^$status{'irc-gui'})"],
+ [ 0, '', '', "97 (irc,^desktop,^in terminal^-^$status{'irc-virt-term'})"],
+ [ 0, '', '', "98 (irc,^not^in^desktop^-^$status{'irc-console'})"],
+ [ 0, '', '', "99 (global^-^$status{'global'})"]
+ );
+ main::print_basic(@data);
+ exit 1;
+#### -------------------------------------------------------------------
+#### -------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub check_config_file {
+ $user_config_file = "$user_config_dir/$self_name.conf";
+ if ( ! -f $user_config_file ){
+ open( my $fh, '>', $user_config_file ) or error_handler('create', $user_config_file, $!);
+ }
+sub get_configs {
+ my (@configs) = @_;
+ my ($key, $val,@config_files);
+ if (!@configs){
+ @config_files = (
+ qq(/etc/$self_name.conf),
+ qq($user_config_dir/$self_name.conf)
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ @config_files = (@configs);
+ }
+ # Config files should be passed in an array as a param to this function.
+ # Default intended use: global @CONFIGS;
+ foreach (@config_files) {
+ next unless open (my $fh, '<', "$_");
+ while (<$fh>) {
+ chomp;
+ s/#.*//;
+ s/^\s+//;
+ s/\s+$//;
+ s/'|"//g;
+ s/true/1/; # switch to 1/0 perl boolean
+ s/false/0/; # switch to 1/0 perl boolean
+ next unless length;
+ ($key, $val) = split(/\s*=\s*/, $_, 2);
+ get_config_item($key,$val);
+ # print "f: $file key: $key val: $val\n";
+ }
+ close $fh;
+ }
+# args: 0: key; 1: value
+sub get_config_item {
+ my ($key,$val) = @_;
+ if ($key eq 'ALLOW_UPDATE' || $key eq 'B_ALLOW_UPDATE') {$b_update = int($val)}
+ elsif ($key eq 'ALLOW_WEATHER' || $key eq 'B_ALLOW_WEATHER') {$b_weather = int($val)}
+ elsif ($key eq 'CPU_SLEEP') {$cpu_sleep = $val if $val =~ /^[0-9\.]$/}
+ elsif ($key eq 'DL_TIMEOUT') {$dl_timeout = int($val)}
+ elsif ($key eq 'DOWNLOADER') {
+ if ($val =~ /^(curl|fetch|ftp|perl|wget)$/){
+ # this dumps all the other data and resets %dl for only the
+ # desired downloader.
+ $val = set_perl_downloader($val);
+ %dl = ('dl' => $val, $val => 1);
+ }}
+ elsif ($key eq 'FILTER_STRING') {$filter_string = $val}
+ elsif ($key eq 'LANGUAGE') {$language = $val if $val =~ /^(en)$/}
+ elsif ($key eq 'LIMIT') {$limit = int($val)}
+ elsif ($key eq 'OUTPUT_TYPE') {$output_type = $val if $val =~ /^json|screen|xml/}
+ elsif ($key eq 'PS_COUNT') {$ps_count = int($val) }
+ elsif ($key eq 'SENSORS_CPU_NO') {$sensors_cpu_nu = int($val)}
+ elsif ($key eq 'SHOW_HOST' || $key eq 'B_SHOW_HOST') { $show{'host'} = int($val)}
+ # layout
+ elsif ($key eq 'CONSOLE_COLOR_SCHEME') {$colors{'console'} = int($val)}
+ elsif ($key eq 'GLOBAL_COLOR_SCHEME') {$colors{'global'} = int($val)}
+ elsif ($key eq 'IRC_COLOR_SCHEME') {$colors{'irc-gui'} = int($val)}
+ elsif ($key eq 'IRC_CONS_COLOR_SCHEME') {$colors{'irc-console'} = int($val)}
+ elsif ($key eq 'IRC_X_TERM_COLOR_SCHEME') {$colors{'irc-virt-term'} = int($val)}
+ elsif ($key eq 'VIRT_TERM_COLOR_SCHEME') {$colors{'virt-term'} = int($val)}
+ # note: not using the old short SEP1/SEP2
+ elsif ($key eq 'SEP1_IRC') {$sep{'s1-irc'} = $val}
+ elsif ($key eq 'SEP1_CONSOLE') {$sep{'s1-console'} = $val}
+ elsif ($key eq 'SEP[23]_IRC') {$sep{'s2-irc'} = $val}
+ elsif ($key eq 'SEP[23]_CONSOLE') {$sep{'s2-console'} = $val}
+ # size
+ elsif ($key eq 'COLS_MAX_CONSOLE') {$size{'console'} = int($val)}
+ elsif ($key eq 'COLS_MAX_IRC') {$size{'irc'} = int($val)}
+ elsif ($key eq 'COLS_MAX_NO_DISPLAY') {$size{'no-display'} = int($val)}
+ elsif ($key eq 'INDENT') {$size{'indent'} = int($val)}
+ elsif ($key eq 'INDENT_MIN') {$size{'indent-min'} = int($val)}
+ # print "mc: key: $key val: $val\n";
+ # print Dumper (keys %size) . "\n";
#### -------------------------------------------------------------------
#### -------------------------------------------------------------------
-# args: $1 - debug data type: sys|xorg|disk
+# called in the initial -@ 10 program args setting so we can get logging
+# as soon as possible # will have max 3 files, inxi.log, inxi.1.log,
+# inxi.2.log
+sub begin_logging {
+ return 1 if $fh_l; # if we want to start logging for testing before options
+ my $log_file_2="$user_data_dir/$self_name.1.log";
+ my $log_file_3="$user_data_dir/$self_name.2.log";
+ my $data = '';
+ $end='main::log_data("fe", (caller(1))[3], "");';
+ $start='main::log_data("fs", (caller(1))[3], \@_);';
+ #$t3 = tv_interval ($t0, [gettimeofday]);
+ $t3 = eval 'Time::HiRes::tv_interval (\@t0, [Time::HiRes::gettimeofday()]);' if $b_hires;
+ #print Dumper $@;
+ my $now = strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime;
+ # do the rotation if logfile exists
+ if ( -f $log_file ){
+ # copy if present second to third
+ if ( -f $log_file_2 ){
+ rename $log_file_2, $log_file_3 or error_handler('rename', "$log_file_2 -> $log_file_3", "$!");
+ }
+ # then copy initial to second
+ rename $log_file, $log_file_2 or error_handler('rename', "$log_file -> $log_file_2", "$!");
+ }
+ # now create the logfile
+ # print "Opening log file for reading: $log_file\n";
+ open $fh_l, '>', $log_file or error_handler(4, $log_file, "$!");
+ # and echo the start data
+ $data = $line2;
+ $data .= "START $self_name LOGGING:\n";
+ $data .= "NOTE: HiRes timer not available.\n" if !$b_hires;
+ $data .= "$now\n";
+ $data .= "Elapsed since start: $t3\n";
+ $data .= "n: $self_name v: $self_version p: $self_patch d: $self_date\n";
+ $data .= '@paths:' . joiner(\@paths, '::', 'unset') . "\n";
+ $data .= $line2;
+ print $fh_l $data;
+# NOTE: no logging available until get_parameters is run, since that's what
+# sets logging # in order to trigger earlier logging manually set $b_log
+# to true in top variables.
+# args: $1 - type [fs|fe|cat|dump|raw] OR data to log
+# arg: $2 -
+# arg: $one type (fs/fe/cat/dump/raw) or logged data;
+# [$two is function name; [$three - function args]]
+sub log_data {
+ return if ! $b_log;
+ my ($one, $two, $three) = @_;
+ my $args = '';
+ my $data = '';
+ my $spacer = ' ';
+ # print "1: $one 2: $two 3: $three\n";
+ if ($one eq 'fs') {
+ if (ref $three eq 'ARRAY'){
+ my @temp = @$three;
+ # print Data::Dumper::Dumper \@$three;
+ $args = "\n${spacer}Args: " . joiner($three, '; ', 'unset');
+ }
+ else {
+ $args = "\n${spacer}Args: None";
+ }
+ # $t1 = [gettimeofday];
+ #$t3 = tv_interval ($t0, [gettimeofday]);
+ $t3 = eval 'Time::HiRes::tv_interval(\@t0, [Time::HiRes::gettimeofday()])' if $b_hires;
+ #print Dumper $@;
+ $data = "Start: Function: $two$args\n${spacer}Elapsed: $t3\n";
+ $spacer='';
+ }
+ elsif ( $one eq 'fe') {
+ # print 'timer:', Time::HiRes::tv_interval(\@t0, [Time::HiRes::gettimeofday()]),"\n";
+ #$t3 = tv_interval ($t0, [gettimeofday]);
+ eval '$t3 = Time::HiRes::tv_interval(\@t0, [Time::HiRes::gettimeofday()])' if $b_hires;
+ #print Dumper $t3;
+ $data = "${spacer}Elapsed: $t3\nEnd: Function: $two\n";
+ $spacer='';
+ }
+ elsif ( $one eq 'cat') {
+ if ( $b_log_full ){
+ for my $file ($two){
+ my $contents = do { local( @ARGV, $/ ) = $file; <> }; # or: qx(cat $file)
+ $data = "$data${line3}Full file data: $file\n\n$contents\n$line3\n";
+ }
+ $spacer='';
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($one eq 'cmd'){
+ $data = "Command: $two\n";
+ $data .= qx($two);
+ }
+ elsif ($one eq 'data'){
+ $data = "$two\n";
+ }
+ elsif ( $one eq 'dump') {
+ $data = "$two:\n";
+ if (ref $three eq 'HASH'){
+ $data .= Data::Dumper::Dumper \%$three;
+ }
+ elsif (ref $three eq 'ARRAY'){
+ # print Data::Dumper::Dumper \@$three;
+ $data .= Data::Dumper::Dumper \@$three;
+ }
+ else {
+ $data .= Data::Dumper::Dumper $three;
+ }
+ $data .= "\n";
+ # print $data;
+ }
+ elsif ( $one eq 'raw') {
+ if ( $b_log_full ){
+ $data = "\n${line3}Raw System Data:\n\n$two\n$line3";
+ $spacer='';
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $data = "$two\n";
+ }
+ # print "d: $data";
+ if ($data){
+ print $fh_l "$spacer$data";
+ }
+sub set_debugger {
+ if ( $debug < 10 || $debug > 12){
+ $end = '';
+ $start = '';
+ if ( $debug >= 20 ){
+ error_handler('not-in-irc', 'debug data generator') if $b_irc;
+ my $option = ( $debug > 22 ) ? 'main-full' : 'main';
+ $b_debug_gz = 1 if ($debug == 22 || $debug == 24);
+ my $ob_sys = SystemDebugger->new($option);
+ $ob_sys->run_debugger();
+ $ob_sys->upload_file($ftp_alt) if $debug > 20;
+ exit 0;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($debug >= 10 && $debug <= 12){
+ $b_log = 1;
+ if ($debug == 11){
+ $b_log_full = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($debug == 12){
+ $b_log_colors = 1;
+ }
+ begin_logging();
+ }
+## SystemDebugger
- local sys_data_file='' error='' bsd_string='' sys_traverse_data=''
- local xorg_d_files='' xorg_file='' a_distro_ids=''
- local completed_gz_file='' Ftp_Upload=''
- local Line='-------------------------'
- local start_directory=$( pwd )
- local host='' debug_i='' root_string='' b_uploaded='false'
- if [[ -n $ALTERNATE_FTP ]];then
- fi
- if (( "$BASH" >= 4 ));then
- host="${HOSTNAME,,}"
- else
- host=$( tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' <<< "$HOSTNAME" )
- fi
- if [[ $B_DEBUG_I == 'true' ]];then
- debug_i='i'
- fi
- if [[ -n $host ]];then
- host=${host// /-}
- else
- host="-no-host"
- fi
- if [[ -n $BSD_TYPE ]];then
- bsd_string="-$BSD_TYPE-$BSD_VERSION"
- fi
- if [[ $( whoami ) == 'root' ]];then
- root_string='-root'
- fi
- local Debug_Data_Dir="$SELF_NAME$bsd_string-$host-$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S)-$1$root_string"
- local debug_gz="$Debug_Data_Dir.tar.gz"
+package SystemDebugger;
+# use File::Find q(find);
+#no warnings 'File::Find';
+# use File::Spec::Functions;
+#use File::Copy;
+#use POSIX qw(strftime);
+my $option = 'main';
+my $upload = '';
+my $data_dir = '';
+my $debug_dir = '';
+my $debug_gz = '';
+my @content = ();
+my $b_debug = 0;
+my $b_delete_dir = 1;
+# args: 1 - type
+# args: 2 - upload
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ ($option) = @_;
+ my $self = {};
+ # print "$f\n";
+ # print "$option\n";
+ return bless $self, $class;
+sub run_debugger {
+ require File::Copy;
+ import File::Copy;
+ require File::Spec::Functions;
+ import File::Spec::Functions;
+ print "Starting $self_name debugging data collector...\n";
+ create_debug_directory();
+ print "Note: for dmidecode data you must be root.\n" if !$b_root;
+ print $line3;
+ if (!$b_debug){
+ audio_data();
+ disk_data();
+ display_data();
+ network_data();
+ perl_modules();
+ system_data();
+ }
+ system_files();
+ print $line3;
+ if (!$b_debug){
+ if ( -d '/sys' && main::count_dir_files('/sys') ){
+ sys_tree();
+ sys_traverse_data();
+ }
+ else {
+ print "Skipping /sys data collection. /sys not present, or empty.\n";
+ }
+ print $line3;
+ }
+ run_self();
+ print $line3;
+ compress_dir();
+sub create_debug_directory {
+ my $host = main::get_hostname();
+ $host =~ s/ /-/g;
+ $host ||= 'no-host';
+ my ($arm_string,$bsd_string,$root_string) = ('','','');
+ # note: Time::Piece was introduced in perl 5.9.5
+ my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = localtime;
+ my $version = substr($self_version,0,3);
+ $year = $year+1900;
+ $mon += 1;
+ if (length($sec) == 1) {$sec = "0$sec";}
+ if (length($min) == 1) {$min = "0$min";}
+ if (length($hour) == 1) {$hour = "0$hour";}
+ if (length($mon) == 1) {$mon = "0$mon";}
+ if (length($mday) == 1) {$mday = "0$mday";}
+ my $today = "$year-$mon-${mday}_$hour$min$sec";
+ # my $date = strftime "-%Y-%m-%d_", localtime;
+ if ($b_root){
+ $root_string = '-root';
+ }
+ $bsd_string = "-BSD-$bsd_type" if $bsd_type;
+ $arm_string = '-ARM' if $b_arm;
+ $debug_dir = "$self_name$arm_string$bsd_string-$host-$today$root_string-$version";
+ $debug_gz = "$debug_dir.tar.gz";
+ $data_dir = "$user_data_dir/$debug_dir";
+ if ( -d $data_dir ){
+ unlink $data_dir or main::error_handler('remove', "$data_dir", "$!");
+ }
+ mkdir $data_dir or main::error_handler('mkdir', "$data_dir", "$!");
+ if ( -e "$user_data_dir/$debug_gz" ){
+ #rmdir "$user_data_dir$debug_gz" or main::error_handler('remove', "$user_data_dir/$debug_gz", "$!");
+ print "Failed removing leftover directory:\n$user_data_dir$debug_gz error: $?" if system('rm','-rf',"$user_data_dir$debug_gz");
+ }
+ print "Data going into:\n$data_dir\n";
+sub compress_dir {
+ print "Creating tar.gz compressed file of this material...\n";
+ print "File: $debug_gz\n";
+ system("cd $user_data_dir; tar -czf $debug_gz $debug_dir");
+ print "Removing $data_dir...\n";
+ #rmdir $data_dir or print "failed removing: $data_dir error: $!\n";
+ return 1 if !$b_delete_dir;
+ if (system('rm','-rf',$data_dir) ){
+ print "Failed removing: $data_dir\nError: $?\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ print "Directory removed.\n";
+ }
+# NOTE: incomplete, don't know how to ever find out
+# what sound server is actually running, and is in control
+sub audio_data {
+ my (%data,@files,@files2);
+ print "Collecting audio data...\n";
+ my @cmds = (
+ ['aplay', '-l'], # alsa
+ ['pactl', 'list'], # pulseaudio
+ );
+ run_commands(\@cmds,'audio');
+ @files = main::globber('/proc/asound/card*/codec*');
+ if (@files){
+ my $asound = qx(head -n 1 /proc/asound/card*/codec* 2>&1);
+ $data{'proc-asound-codecs'} = $asound;
+ }
+ else {
+ $data{'proc-asound-codecs'} = undef;
+ }
- if [[ $B_IRC == 'false' ]];then
- echo "Starting $SELF_NAME debugging data collection type: $1"
- if [[ -d $SELF_DATA_DIR/$Debug_Data_Dir ]];then
- echo "Deleting previous $SELF_NAME debugger data directory..."
- rm -rf $SELF_DATA_DIR/$Debug_Data_Dir
- fi
- mkdir $SELF_DATA_DIR/$Debug_Data_Dir
- if [[ -f $SELF_DATA_DIR/$debug_gz ]];then
- echo 'Deleting previous tar.gz file...'
- rm -f $SELF_DATA_DIR/$debug_gz
- fi
- echo "Data going into: $SELF_DATA_DIR/$Debug_Data_Dir"
- echo 'Note: for dmidecode data you must be root.'
- echo $Line
- echo "Collecting system data..."
- # bsd tools
- # freebsd
- if type -p pciconf &>/dev/null;then
- pciconf -l -cv &> $Debug_Data_Dir/bsd-pciconf-cvl.txt
- pciconf -vl &> $Debug_Data_Dir/bsd-pciconf-vl.txt
- pciconf -l &> $Debug_Data_Dir/bsd-pciconf-l.txt
- else
- touch $Debug_Data_Dir/bsd-pciconf-absent
- fi
- # openbsd
- if type -p pcidump &>/dev/null;then
- pcidump &> $Debug_Data_Dir/bsd-pcidump-openbsd.txt
- pcidump -v &> $Debug_Data_Dir/bsd-pcidump-v-openbsd.txt
- else
- touch $Debug_Data_Dir/bsd-pcidump-openbsd-absent
- fi
- # netbsd
- if type -p pcictl &>/dev/null;then
- pcictl list &> $Debug_Data_Dir/bsd-pcictl-list-netbsd.txt
- pcictl list -n &> $Debug_Data_Dir/bsd-pcictl-list-n-netbsd.txt
- else
- touch $Debug_Data_Dir/bsd-pcictl-netbsd-absent
- fi
- if type -p sysctl &>/dev/null;then
- sysctl -a &> $Debug_Data_Dir/bsd-sysctl-a.txt
- else
- touch $Debug_Data_Dir/bsd-sysctl-absent
- fi
- if type -p usbdevs &>/dev/null;then
- usbdevs -v &> $Debug_Data_Dir/bsd-usbdevs-v.txt
- else
- touch $Debug_Data_Dir/bsd-usbdevs-absent
- fi
- if type -p kldstat &>/dev/null;then
- kldstat &> $Debug_Data_Dir/bsd-kldstat.txt
- else
- touch $Debug_Data_Dir/bsd-kldstat-absent
- fi
- # diskinfo -v <disk>
- # fdisk <disk>
- dmidecode &> $Debug_Data_Dir/dmidecode.txt
- dmesg &> $Debug_Data_Dir/dmesg.txt
- lscpu &> $Debug_Data_Dir/lscpu.txt
- lspci &> $Debug_Data_Dir/lspci.txt
- lspci -k &> $Debug_Data_Dir/lspci-k.txt
- lspci -knn &> $Debug_Data_Dir/lspci-knn.txt
- lspci -n &> $Debug_Data_Dir/lspci-n.txt
- lspci -nn &> $Debug_Data_Dir/lspci-nn.txt
- lspci -mm &> $Debug_Data_Dir/lspci-mm.txt
- lspci -mmnn &> $Debug_Data_Dir/lspci-mmnn.txt
- lspci -mmnnv &> $Debug_Data_Dir/lspci-mmnnv.txt
- lspci -v &> $Debug_Data_Dir/lspci-v.txt
- if type -p lsusb &>/dev/null;then
- lsusb &> $Debug_Data_Dir/lsusb.txt
- lsusb -v &> $Debug_Data_Dir/lsusb-v.txt
- else
- touch $Debug_Data_Dir/lsusb-absent
- fi
- if type -p hciconfig &>/dev/null;then
- hciconfig -a &> $Debug_Data_Dir/hciconfig-a.txt
- else
- touch $Debug_Data_Dir/hciconfig-absent
- fi
- ps aux &> $Debug_Data_Dir/ps-aux.txt
- ps -e &> $Debug_Data_Dir/ps-e.txt
- ps -p 1 &> $Debug_Data_Dir/ps-p-1.txt
- runlevel &> $Debug_Data_Dir/runlevel.txt
- if type -p rc-status &>/dev/null;then
- rc-status -a &> $Debug_Data_Dir/rc-status-a.txt
- rc-status -l &> $Debug_Data_Dir/rc-status-l.txt
- rc-status -r &> $Debug_Data_Dir/rc-status-r.txt
- else
- touch $Debug_Data_Dir/rc-status-absent
- fi
- if type -p systemctl &>/dev/null;then
- systemctl list-units &> $Debug_Data_Dir/systemctl-list-units.txt
- systemctl list-units --type=target &> $Debug_Data_Dir/systemctl-list-units-target.txt
- else
- touch $Debug_Data_Dir/systemctl-absent
- fi
- if type -p initctl &>/dev/null;then
- initctl list &> $Debug_Data_Dir/initctl-list.txt
- else
- touch $Debug_Data_Dir/initctl-absent
- fi
- sensors &> $Debug_Data_Dir/sensors.txt
- if type -p strings &>/dev/null;then
- touch $Debug_Data_Dir/strings-present
- else
- touch $Debug_Data_Dir/strings-absent
- fi
- # leaving this commented out to remind that some systems do not
- # support strings --version, but will just simply hang at that command
- # which you can duplicate by simply typing: strings then hitting enter, you will get hang.
- # strings --version &> $Debug_Data_Dir/strings.txt
- if type -p nvidia-smi &>/dev/null;then
- nvidia-smi -q &> $Debug_Data_Dir/nvidia-smi-q.txt
- nvidia-smi -q -x &> $Debug_Data_Dir/nvidia-smi-xq.txt
- else
- touch $Debug_Data_Dir/nvidia-smi-absent
- fi
- echo $CC &> $Debug_Data_Dir/cc-content.txt
- ls /usr/bin/gcc* &> $Debug_Data_Dir/gcc-sys-versions.txt
- if type -p gcc &>/dev/null;then
- gcc --version &> $Debug_Data_Dir/gcc-version.txt
- else
- touch $Debug_Data_Dir/gcc-absent
- fi
- if type -p clang &>/dev/null;then
- clang --version &> $Debug_Data_Dir/clang-version.txt
- else
- touch $Debug_Data_Dir/clang-absent
- fi
- if type -p systemd-detect-virt &>/dev/null;then
- systemd-detect-virt &> $Debug_Data_Dir/systemd-detect-virt-info.txt
- else
- touch $Debug_Data_Dir/systemd-detect-virt-absent
- fi
- echo "Collecting Perl module data..."
- if type -p perl &>/dev/null;then
- perl -MFile::Find=find -MFile::Spec::Functions -Tlwe 'find { wanted => sub { print canonpath $_ if /\.pm\z/ }, no_chdir => 1 }, @INC' 2>/dev/null | sort &> $Debug_Data_Dir/perl-modules.txt
- else
- touch $Debug_Data_Dir/perl-missing.txt
- fi
- echo "Collecting system file data..."
- cat /proc/1/comm &> $Debug_Data_Dir/proc-1-comm.txt
- if type -t get_repo_data &>/dev/null;then
- get_repo_data "$SELF_DATA_DIR/$Debug_Data_Dir"
- fi
- head -n 1 /proc/asound/card*/codec* &> $Debug_Data_Dir/proc-asound-card-codec.txt
- if [[ -f /proc/version ]];then
- cat /proc/version &> $Debug_Data_Dir/proc-version.txt
- else
- touch $Debug_Data_Dir/proc-version-absent
- fi
- local id_dir='/sys/class/power_supply/'
- local ids=$( ls $id_dir 2>/dev/null )
- if [[ -n $ids ]];then
- for batid in $ids
- do
- cat $id_dir$batid'/uevent' &> $Debug_Data_Dir/sys-power-supply-$batid.txt
- done
- else
- touch $Debug_Data_Dir/sys-power-supply-none
- fi
- if type -p shopt &>/dev/null;then
- shopt -s nullglob
- a_distro_ids=(/etc/*[-_]{release,version})
- shopt -u nullglob
- echo ${a_distro_ids[@]} &> $Debug_Data_Dir/etc-distro-files.txt
- for distro_file in ${a_distro_ids[@]} /etc/issue
- do
- if [[ -f $distro_file ]];then
- cat $distro_file &> $Debug_Data_Dir/distro-file${distro_file//\//-}
- fi
- done
- fi
- cat /etc/src.conf &> $Debug_Data_Dir/bsd-etc-src-conf.txt
- cat /etc/make.conf &> $Debug_Data_Dir/bsd-etc-make-conf.txt
- cat /etc/issue &> $Debug_Data_Dir/etc-issue.txt
- cat $FILE_LSB_RELEASE &> $Debug_Data_Dir/lsb-release.txt
- cat $FILE_OS_RELEASE &> $Debug_Data_Dir/os-release.txt
- cat $FILE_ASOUND_DEVICE &> $Debug_Data_Dir/proc-asound-device.txt
- cat $FILE_ASOUND_VERSION &> $Debug_Data_Dir/proc-asound-version.txt
- cat $FILE_CPUINFO &> $Debug_Data_Dir/proc-cpu-info.txt
- cat $FILE_MEMINFO &> $Debug_Data_Dir/proc-meminfo.txt
- cat $FILE_MODULES &> $Debug_Data_Dir/proc-modules.txt
- cat /proc/net/arp &> $Debug_Data_Dir/proc-net-arp.txt
- # bsd data
- cat /var/run/dmesg.boot &> $Debug_Data_Dir/bsd-var-run-dmesg.boot.txt
- echo $COLS_INNER &> $Debug_Data_Dir/cols-inner.txt
- echo $XDG_CONFIG_HOME &> $Debug_Data_Dir/xdg_config_home.txt
- echo $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS &> $Debug_Data_Dir/xdg_config_dirs.txt
- echo $XDG_DATA_HOME &> $Debug_Data_Dir/xdg_data_home.txt
- echo $XDG_DATA_DIRS &> $Debug_Data_Dir/xdg_data_dirs.txt
- if type -t check_recommends_user_output &>/dev/null;then
- check_recommends_user_output &> $Debug_Data_Dir/check-recommends-user-output.txt
- fi
- if [[ $1 == 'xorg' || $1 == 'all' ]];then
- if [[ $B_RUNNING_IN_DISPLAY != 'true' ]];then
- echo 'Warning: only some of the data collection can occur if you are not in X'
- touch $Debug_Data_Dir/warning-user-not-in-x
- fi
- if [[ $B_ROOT == 'true' ]];then
- echo 'Warning: only some of the data collection can occur if you are running as Root user'
- touch $Debug_Data_Dir/warning-root-user
- fi
- echo 'Collecting Xorg log and xorg.conf files...'
- if [[ -e $FILE_XORG_LOG ]];then
- cat $FILE_XORG_LOG &> $Debug_Data_Dir/xorg-log-file.txt
- else
- touch $Debug_Data_Dir/xorg-log-file-absent
- fi
- if [[ -e /etc/X11/xorg.conf ]];then
- cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf &> $Debug_Data_Dir/xorg-conf.txt
- else
- touch $Debug_Data_Dir/xorg-conf-file-absent
- fi
- if [[ -n $( ls /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ 2>/dev/null ) ]];then
- ls /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d &> $Debug_Data_Dir/ls-etc-x11-xorg-conf-d.txt
- xorg_d_files=$(ls /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d)
- for xorg_file in $xorg_d_files
- do
- cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/$xorg_file &> $Debug_Data_Dir/xorg-conf-d-$xorg_file.txt
- done
- else
- touch $Debug_Data_Dir/xorg-conf-d-files-absent
- fi
- echo 'Collecting X, xprop, glxinfo, xrandr, xdpyinfo data, wayland, weston...'
- if type -p weston-info &>/dev/null; then
- weston-info &> $Debug_Data_Dir/weston-info.txt
- else
- touch $Debug_Data_Dir/weston-info-absent
- fi
- if type -p weston &>/dev/null; then
- weston --version &> $Debug_Data_Dir/weston-version.txt
- else
- touch $Debug_Data_Dir/weston-absent
- fi
- if type -p xprop &>/dev/null; then
- xprop -root &> $Debug_Data_Dir/xprop_root.txt
- else
- touch $Debug_Data_Dir/xprop-absent
- fi
- if type -p glxinfo &>/dev/null; then
- glxinfo &> $Debug_Data_Dir/glxinfo-full.txt
- glxinfo -B &> $Debug_Data_Dir/glxinfo-B.txt
- else
- touch $Debug_Data_Dir/glxinfo-absent
- fi
- if type -p xdpyinfo &>/dev/null; then
- xdpyinfo &> $Debug_Data_Dir/xdpyinfo.txt
- else
- touch $Debug_Data_Dir/xdpyinfo-absent
- fi
- if type -p xrandr &>/dev/null; then
- xrandr &> $Debug_Data_Dir/xrandr.txt
- else
- touch $Debug_Data_Dir/xrandr-absent
- fi
- if type -p X &>/dev/null; then
- X -version &> $Debug_Data_Dir/x-version.txt
- else
- touch $Debug_Data_Dir/x-absent
- fi
- if type -p Xorg &>/dev/null; then
- Xorg -version &> $Debug_Data_Dir/xorg-version.txt
- else
- touch $Debug_Data_Dir/xorg-absent
- fi
- echo $GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID &> $Debug_Data_Dir/gnome-desktop-session-id.txt
- # kde 3 id
- echo $KDE_FULL_SESSION &> $Debug_Data_Dir/kde3-full-session.txt
- echo $KDE_SESSION_VERSION &> $Debug_Data_Dir/kde-gte-4-session-version.txt
- if type -p kf5-config &>/dev/null; then
- kf5-config --version &> $Debug_Data_Dir/kde-kf5-config-version-data.txt
- elif type -p kf6-config &>/dev/null; then
- kf6-config --version &> $Debug_Data_Dir/kde-kf6-config-version-data.txt
- elif type -p kf$KDE_SESSION_VERSION-config &>/dev/null; then
- kf$KDE_SESSION_VERSION-config --version &> $Debug_Data_Dir/kde-kf$KDE_SESSION_VERSION-KSV-config-version-data.txt
- else
- touch $Debug_Data_Dir/kde-kf-config-absent
- fi
- if type -p plasmashell &>/dev/null; then
- plasmashell --version &> $Debug_Data_Dir/kde-plasmashell-version-data.txt
- else
- touch $Debug_Data_Dir/kde-plasmashell-absent
- fi
- if type -p kwin_x11 &>/dev/null; then
- kwin_x11 --version &> $Debug_Data_Dir/kde-kwin_x11-version-data.txt
- else
- touch $Debug_Data_Dir/kde-kwin_x11-absent
- fi
- if type -p kded4 &>/dev/null; then
- kded4 --version &> $Debug_Data_Dir/kded4-version-data.txt
- elif type -p kded5 &>/dev/null; then
- kded5 --version &> $Debug_Data_Dir/kded5-version-data.txt
- elif type -p kded &>/dev/null; then
- kded --version &> $Debug_Data_Dir/kded-version-data.txt
- else
- touch $Debug_Data_Dir/kded-$KDE_SESSION_VERSION-absent
- fi
- # kde 5/plasma desktop 5, this is maybe an extra package and won't be used
- if type -p about-distro &>/dev/null; then
- about-distro &> $Debug_Data_Dir/kde-about-distro.txt
- else
- touch $Debug_Data_Dir/kde-about-distro-absent
- fi
- echo $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP &> $Debug_Data_Dir/xdg-current-desktop.txt
- echo $XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP &> $Debug_Data_Dir/xdg-session-desktop.txt
- echo $DESKTOP_SESSION &> $Debug_Data_Dir/desktop-session.txt
- echo $GDMSESSION &> $Debug_Data_Dir/gdmsession.txt
- # wayland data collectors:
- echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE &> $Debug_Data_Dir/xdg-session-type.txt
- echo $WAYLAND_DISPLAY &> $Debug_Data_Dir/wayland-display.txt
- echo $GDK_BACKEND &> $Debug_Data_Dir/gdk-backend.txt
- echo $QT_QPA_PLATFORM &> $Debug_Data_Dir/qt-qpa-platform.txt
- echo $CLUTTER_BACKEND &> $Debug_Data_Dir/clutter-backend.txt
- echo $SDL_VIDEODRIVER &> $Debug_Data_Dir/sdl-videodriver.txt
- if type -p loginctl &>/dev/null;then
- loginctl --no-pager list-sessions &> $Debug_Data_Dir/loginctl-list-sessions.txt
- else
- touch $Debug_Data_Dir/loginctl-absent
- fi
- fi
- if [[ $1 == 'disk' || $1 == 'all' ]];then
- echo 'Collecting dev, label, disk, uuid data, df...'
- ls -l /dev &> $Debug_Data_Dir/dev-data.txt
- ls -l /dev/disk &> $Debug_Data_Dir/dev-disk-data.txt
- ls -l /dev/disk/by-id &> $Debug_Data_Dir/dev-disk-id-data.txt
- ls -l /dev/disk/by-label &> $Debug_Data_Dir/dev-disk-label-data.txt
- ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid &> $Debug_Data_Dir/dev-disk-uuid-data.txt
- #
- ls -l /dev/disk/by-wwn &> $Debug_Data_Dir/dev-disk-wwn-data.txt
- ls -l /dev/disk/by-path &> $Debug_Data_Dir/dev-disk-path-data.txt
- ls -l /dev/mapper &> $Debug_Data_Dir/dev-disk-mapper-data.txt
- readlink /dev/root &> $Debug_Data_Dir/dev-root.txt
- df -h -T -P --exclude-type=aufs --exclude-type=squashfs --exclude-type=unionfs --exclude-type=devtmpfs --exclude-type=tmpfs --exclude-type=iso9660 --exclude-type=devfs --exclude-type=linprocfs --exclude-type=sysfs --exclude-type=fdescfs &> $Debug_Data_Dir/df-h-T-P-excludes.txt
- df -T -P --exclude-type=aufs --exclude-type=squashfs --exclude-type=unionfs --exclude-type=devtmpfs --exclude-type=tmpfs --exclude-type=iso9660 --exclude-type=devfs --exclude-type=linprocfs --exclude-type=sysfs --exclude-type=fdescfs &> $Debug_Data_Dir/df-T-P-excludes.txt
- df -T -P --exclude-type=aufs --exclude-type=squashfs --exclude-type=unionfs --exclude-type=devtmpfs --exclude-type=tmpfs --exclude-type=iso9660 --exclude-type=devfs --exclude-type=linprocfs --exclude-type=sysfs --exclude-type=fdescfs --total &> $Debug_Data_Dir/df-T-P-excludes-total.txt
- df -h -T &> $Debug_Data_Dir/bsd-df-h-T-no-excludes.txt
- df -h &> $Debug_Data_Dir/bsd-df-h-no-excludes.txt
- df -k -T &> $Debug_Data_Dir/bsd-df-k-T-no-excludes.txt
- df -k &> $Debug_Data_Dir/bsd-df-k-no-excludes.txt
- atacontrol list &> $Debug_Data_Dir/bsd-atacontrol-list.txt
- camcontrol devlist &> $Debug_Data_Dir/bsd-camcontrol-devlist.txt
- # bsd tool
- mount &> $Debug_Data_Dir/mount.txt
- btrfs filesystem show &> $Debug_Data_Dir/btrfs-filesystem-show.txt
- btrfs filesystem show --mounted &> $Debug_Data_Dir/btrfs-filesystem-show-mounted.txt
- # btrfs filesystem show --all-devices &> $Debug_Data_Dir/btrfs-filesystem-show-all-devices.txt
- gpart list &> $Debug_Data_Dir/bsd-gpart-list.txt
- gpart show &> $Debug_Data_Dir/bsd-gpart-show.txt
- gpart status &> $Debug_Data_Dir/bsd-gpart-status.txt
- swapctl -l -k &> $Debug_Data_Dir/bsd-swapctl-l-k.txt
- swapon -s &> $Debug_Data_Dir/swapon-s.txt
- sysctl -b kern.geom.conftxt &> $Debug_Data_Dir/bsd-sysctl-b-kern.geom.conftxt.txt
- sysctl -b kern.geom.confxml &> $Debug_Data_Dir/bsd-sysctl-b-kern.geom.confxml.txt
- zfs list &> $Debug_Data_Dir/zfs-list.txt
- zpool list &> $Debug_Data_Dir/zpool-list.txt
- zpool list -v &> $Debug_Data_Dir/zpool-list-v.txt
- df -P --exclude-type=aufs --exclude-type=squashfs --exclude-type=unionfs --exclude-type=devtmpfs --exclude-type=tmpfs --exclude-type=iso9660 &> $Debug_Data_Dir/df-P-excludes.txt
- df -P &> $Debug_Data_Dir/bsd-df-P-no-excludes.txt
- cat /proc/mdstat &> $Debug_Data_Dir/proc-mdstat.txt
- cat $FILE_PARTITIONS &> $Debug_Data_Dir/proc-partitions.txt
- cat $FILE_SCSI &> $Debug_Data_Dir/proc-scsi.txt
- cat $FILE_MOUNTS &> $Debug_Data_Dir/proc-mounts.txt
- cat $FILE_MDSTAT &> $Debug_Data_Dir/proc-mdstat.txt
- cat /proc/sys/dev/cdrom/info &> $Debug_Data_Dir/proc-cdrom-info.txt
- ls /proc/ide/ &> $Debug_Data_Dir/proc-ide.txt
- cat /proc/ide/*/* &> $Debug_Data_Dir/proc-ide-hdx-cat.txt
- cat /etc/fstab &> $Debug_Data_Dir/etc-fstab.txt
- cat /etc/mtab &> $Debug_Data_Dir/etc-mtab.txt
- if type -p nvme &>/dev/null; then
- touch $Debug_Data_Dir/nvme-present
- else
- touch $Debug_Data_Dir/nvme-absent
- fi
- fi
- if [[ $1 == 'disk' || $1 == 'sys' || $1 == 'all' ]];then
- echo 'Collecting networking data...'
- ifconfig &> $Debug_Data_Dir/ifconfig.txt
- ip addr &> $Debug_Data_Dir/ip-addr.txt
- fi
- # create the error file in case it's needed
- if [[ $B_UPLOAD_DEBUG_DATA == 'true' || $1 == 'disk' || $1 == 'sys' || $1 == 'all' ]];then
- touch $SELF_DATA_DIR/$Debug_Data_Dir/sys-dir-error.txt
- fi
- # just on the off chance bsds start having a fake /sys
- ls /sys &> $Debug_Data_Dir/sys-ls-1.txt
- # note, only bash 4> supports ;;& for case, so using if/then here
- if [[ -z $BSD_TYPE ]] && [[ $1 == 'disk' || $1 == 'sys' || $1 == 'all' ]];then
- echo $Line
- sys_data_file=$SELF_DATA_DIR/$Debug_Data_Dir/sys-dir-traverse.txt
- echo "Getting file paths in /sys..."
- sys_tree
- # note, this generates more lines than the full sys parsing, so only use if required
- # ls_sys 5
- touch $sys_data_file
- if type -p perl &>/dev/null;then
- echo "Parsing /sys files..."
- echo -n "Using Perl: " && perl --version | grep -oE 'v[0-9.]+'
- sys_traverse_data="$( sys_traverse_data )"
- if [[ -z "$sys_traverse_data" ]];then
- echo -e "ERROR: failed to generate /sys data - removing data file.\nContinuing with incomplete data collection."
- echo "Continuing with incomplete data collection."
- rm -f $sys_data_file
- echo "/sys data generation failed. No data collected." >> $Debug_Data_Dir/sys-dir-error.txt
- else
- echo 'Completed /sys data collection.'
- echo -n "$sys_traverse_data" > $sys_data_file
- fi
- fi
- fi
- # running in inxi
- if type -t check_recommends_user_output &>/dev/null;then
- echo $Line
- echo "Creating $SELF_NAME output file now. This can take a few seconds..."
- echo "Starting $SELF_NAME from: $start_directory"
- cd $start_directory
- $SELF_PATH/$SELF_NAME -F${debug_i}Rfrploudmxxx -c 0 -@ 8 -y 120 > $SELF_DATA_DIR/$Debug_Data_Dir/inxi-F${debug_i}Rfrploudmxxxy120.txt
- cp $LOG_FILE $SELF_DATA_DIR/$Debug_Data_Dir
- elif type -p inxi &>/dev/null;then
- echo $Line
- echo "Creating basic inxi output file..."
- inxi -Fxxx > $Debug_Data_Dir/inxi-Fxxx.txt
- else
- touch $Debug_Data_Dir/inxi-absent.txt
- fi
- echo $Line
- echo 'Creating tar.gz compressed file of this material...'
- tar -czf $debug_gz $Debug_Data_Dir
- echo 'Cleaning up leftovers...'
- rm -rf $Debug_Data_Dir
- echo 'Testing gzip file integrity...'
- gzip -t $debug_gz
- if [[ $? -gt 0 ]];then
- echo 'Data in gz is corrupted, removing gzip file, try running data collector again.'
- rm -f $debug_gz
- echo "Data in gz is corrupted, removed gzip file" >> $Debug_Data_Dir/gzip-error.txt
- else
- echo 'All done, you can find your data gzipped directory here:'
- completed_gz_file=$SELF_DATA_DIR/$debug_gz
- echo $completed_gz_file
- if [[ $B_UPLOAD_DEBUG_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- echo $Line
- upload_debugger_data "$completed_gz_file" "$Ftp_Upload"
- if [[ $? -gt 0 ]];then
- echo "Error: looks like the Perl ftp upload failed. Error number: $?"
- else
- b_uploaded='true'
- echo "Hurray! Looks like the Perl ftp upload worked!"
- fi
- else
- echo 'You can upload this here using most file managers:'
- echo 'then let a maintainer know it is uploaded.'
- fi
- fi
- else
- echo 'This feature only available in console or shell client! Exiting now.'
- fi
- exit 0
-## args: $1 - depth
- local files=''
- case $1 in
- 1)files='/sys/';;
- 2)files='/sys/*/';;
- 3)files='/sys/*/*/';;
- 4)files='/sys/*/*/*/';; # this should be enough for most use cases
- 5)files='/sys/*/*/*/*/';; # very large file, shows best shortcuts though
- 6)files='/sys/*/*/*/*/*/';; # slows down too much, too big, can cause ls error
- 7)files='/sys/*/*/*/*/*/*/';; # impossibly big, will fail
- esac
- ls -l $files 2>/dev/null | awk '{
- if (NF > 7) {
- if ($1 ~/^d/){
- f="d - "
- }
- else if ($1 ~/^l/){
- f="l - "
+ write_data(\%data,'audio');
+ @files = (
+ '/proc/asound/cards',
+ '/proc/asound/version',
+ );
+ @files2 = main::globber('/proc/asound/*/usbid');
+ @files = (@files,@files2) if @files2;
+ copy_files(\@files,'audio');
+## NOTE: >/dev/null 2>&1 is sh, and &>/dev/null is bash, fix this
+# ls -w 1 /sysrs > tester 2>&1
+sub disk_data {
+ my (%data,@files,@files2);
+ print "Collecting dev, label, disk, uuid data, df...\n";
+ @files = (
+ '/etc/fstab',
+ '/etc/mtab',
+ '/proc/mdstat',
+ '/proc/mounts',
+ '/proc/partitions',
+ '/proc/scsi/scsi',
+ '/proc/sys/dev/cdrom/info',
+ );
+ # very old systems
+ if (-d '/proc/ide/'){
+ my @ides = main::globber('/proc/ide/*/*');
+ @files = (@files, @ides) if @ides;
+ }
+ else {
+ push (@files, '/proc-ide-directory');
+ }
+ copy_files(\@files, 'disk');
+ my @cmds = (
+ ['btrfs', 'filesystem show'],
+ ['btrfs', 'filesystem show --mounted'],
+ # ['btrfs', 'filesystem show --all-devices'],
+ ['df', '-h -T'],
+ ['df', '-h'],
+ ['df', '-k'],
+ ['df', '-k -T'],
+ ['df', '-k -T -P'],
+ ['df', '-P'],
+ ['lsblk', '-fs'],
+ ['lsblk', '-fsr'],
+ ['lsblk', '-fsP'],
+ ['lsblk', '-a'],
+ ['lsblk', '-aP'],
+ ['lsblk', '-ar'],
+ ['lsblk', '-p'],
+ ['lsblk', '-pr'],
+ ['lsblk', '-pP'],
+ ['lsblk', '-r'],
+ ['gpart', 'list'],
+ ['gpart', 'show'],
+ ['gpart', 'status'],
+ ['ls', '-l /dev'],
+ ['ls', '-l /dev/disk'],
+ ['ls', '-l /dev/disk/by-id'],
+ ['ls', '-l /dev/disk/by-label'],
+ ['ls', '-l /dev/disk/by-uuid'],
+ #
+ ['ls', '-l /dev/disk/by-wwn'],
+ ['ls', '-l /dev/disk/by-path'],
+ ['ls', '-l /dev/mapper'],
+ ['mount', ''],
+ ['nvme', 'present'],
+ ['readlink', '/dev/root'],
+ ['swapon', '-s'],
+ ['zfs', 'list'],
+ ['zpool', 'list'],
+ ['zpool', 'list -v'],
+ );
+ run_commands(\@cmds,'disk');
+ @cmds = (
+ ['atacontrol', 'list'],
+ ['camcontrol', 'devlist'],
+ ['glabel', 'status'],
+ ['swapctl', '-l -k'],
+ ['swapctl', '-l -k'],
+ ['vmstat', '-H'],
+ );
+ run_commands(\@cmds,'disk-bsd');
+sub display_data {
+ my (%data,@files,@files2);
+ my $working = '';
+ if ( ! $b_display ){
+ print "Warning: only some of the data collection can occur if you are not in X\n";
+ main::toucher("$data_dir/display-data-warning-user-not-in-x");
+ }
+ if ( $b_root ){
+ print "Warning: only some of the data collection can occur if you are running as Root user\n";
+ main::toucher("$data_dir/display-data-warning-root-user");
+ }
+ print "Collecting Xorg log and xorg.conf files...\n";
+ if ( -d "/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/" ){
+ @files = main::globber("/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/*");
+ }
+ else {
+ @files = ('/xorg-conf-d');
+ }
+ push (@files, $files{'xorg-log'});
+ push (@files, '/etc/X11/xorg.conf');
+ copy_files(\@files,'display-xorg');
+ print "Collecting X, xprop, glxinfo, xrandr, xdpyinfo data, wayland, weston...\n";
+ %data = (
+ 'desktop-session' => $ENV{'DESKTOP_SESSION'},
+ 'gdmsession' => $ENV{'GDMSESSION'},
+ 'gnome-desktop-session-id' => $ENV{'GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID'},
+ 'kde3-full-session' => $ENV{'KDE_FULL_SESSION'},
+ 'xdg-current-desktop' => $ENV{'XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP'},
+ 'kde-gte-4-session-version' => $ENV{'KDE_SESSION_VERSION'},
+ 'xdg-session-desktop' => $ENV{'XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP'},
+ # wayland data collectors:
+ 'xdg-session-type' => $ENV{'XDG_SESSION_TYPE'},
+ 'wayland-display' => $ENV{'WAYLAND_DISPLAY'},
+ 'gdk-backend' => $ENV{'GDK_BACKEND'},
+ 'qt-qpa-platform' => $ENV{'QT_QPA_PLATFORM'},
+ 'clutter-backend' => $ENV{'CLUTTER_BACKEND'},
+ 'sdl-videodriver' => $ENV{'SDL_VIDEODRIVER'},
+ # program display values
+ 'size-indent' => $size{'indent'},
+ 'size-indent-min' => $size{'indent-min'},
+ 'size-cols-max' => $size{'max'},
+ );
+ write_data(\%data,'display');
+ my @cmds = (
+ # kde 5/plasma desktop 5, this is maybe an extra package and won't be used
+ ['about-distro',''],
+ ['aticonfig','--adapter=all --od-gettemperature'],
+ ['glxinfo',''],
+ ['glxinfo','-B'],
+ ['kded','--version'],
+ ['kded1','--version'],
+ ['kded2','--version'],
+ ['kded3','--version'],
+ ['kded4','--version'],
+ ['kded5','--version'],
+ ['kded6','--version'],
+ ['kf4-config','--version'],
+ ['kf5-config','--version'],
+ ['kf6-config','--version'],
+ ['kwin_x11','--version'],
+ ['loginctl','--no-pager list-sessions'],
+ ['nvidia-settings','-q screens'],
+ ['nvidia-settings','-c :0.0 -q all'],
+ ['nvidia-smi','-q'],
+ ['nvidia-smi','-q -x'],
+ ['plasmashell','--version'],
+ ['weston-info',''],
+ ['wmctrl','-m'],
+ ['weston','--version'],
+ ['xdpyinfo',''],
+ ['Xorg','-version'],
+ ['xprop','-root'],
+ ['xrandr',''],
+ );
+ run_commands(\@cmds,'display');
+sub network_data {
+ print "Collecting networking data...\n";
+# no warnings 'uninitialized';
+ my @cmds = (
+ ['ifconfig',''],
+ ['ip','addr'],
+ ['ip','-s link'],
+ );
+ run_commands(\@cmds,'network');
+sub perl_modules {
+ print "Collecting Perl module data (this can take a while)...\n";
+ my @modules = ();
+ my ($dirname,$holder,$mods,$value) = ('','','','');
+ my $filename = 'perl-modules.txt';
+ my @inc;
+ foreach (sort @INC){
+ # some BSD installs have '.' n @INC path
+ if (-d $_ && $_ ne '.'){
+ $_ =~ s/\/$//; # just in case, trim off trailing slash
+ $value .= "EXISTS: $_\n";
+ push @inc, $_;
+ }
+ else {
+ $value .= "ABSENT: $_\n";
+ }
+ }
+ main::writer("$data_dir/perl-inc-data.txt",$value);
+ File::Find::find { wanted => sub {
+ push @modules, File::Spec->canonpath($_) if /\.pm\z/
+ }, no_chdir => 1 }, @inc;
+ @modules = sort(@modules);
+ foreach (@modules){
+ my $dir = $_;
+ $dir =~ s/[^\/]+$//;
+ if (!$holder || $holder ne $dir ){
+ $holder = $dir;
+ $value = "DIR: $dir\n";
+ $_ =~ s/^$dir//;
+ $value .= " $_\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ $value = $_;
+ $value =~ s/^$dir//;
+ $value = " $value\n";
+ }
+ $mods .= $value;
+ }
+ open (my $fh, '>', "$data_dir/$filename");
+ print $fh $mods;
+ close $fh;
+sub system_data {
+ print "Collecting system data...\n";
+ my %data = (
+ 'cc' => $ENV{'CC'},
+ # @(#)MIRBSD KSH R56 2018/03/09: ksh and mksh
+ 'ksh-version' => $ENV{'KSH_VERSION'},
+ 'manpath' => $ENV{'MANPATH'},
+ 'path' => $ENV{'PATH'},
+ 'xdg-config-home' => $ENV{'XDG_CONFIG_HOME'},
+ 'xdg-config-dirs' => $ENV{'XDG_CONFIG_DIRS'},
+ 'xdg-data-home' => $ENV{'XDG_DATA_HOME'},
+ 'xdg-data-dirs' => $ENV{'XDG_DATA_DIRS'},
+ );
+ my @files = main::globber('/usr/bin/gcc*');
+ if (@files){
+ $data{'gcc-versions'} = join "\n",@files;
+ }
+ else {
+ $data{'gcc-versions'} = undef;
+ }
+ @files = main::globber('/sys/*');
+ if (@files){
+ $data{'sys-tree-ls-1-basic'} = join "\n", @files;
+ }
+ else {
+ $data{'sys-tree-ls-1-basic'} = undef;
+ }
+ write_data(\%data,'system');
+ # bsd tools
+ my @cmds = (
+ # general
+ ['sysctl', '-b kern.geom.conftxt'],
+ ['sysctl', '-b kern.geom.confxml'],
+ ['usbdevs','-v'],
+ # freebsd
+ ['pciconf','-l -cv'],
+ ['pciconf','-vl'],
+ ['pciconf','-l'],
+ # openbsd
+ ['pcidump',''],
+ ['pcidump','-v'],
+ # netbsd
+ ['kldstat',''],
+ ['pcictl','list'],
+ ['pcictl','list -ns'],
+ );
+ run_commands(\@cmds,'system-bsd');
+ # diskinfo -v <disk>
+ # fdisk <disk>
+ @cmds = (
+ ['clang','--version'],
+ ['dmidecode',''],
+ ['dmesg',''],
+ ['gcc','--version'],
+ ['hciconfig','-a'],
+ ['initctl','list'],
+ ['ipmi-sensors',''],
+ ['ipmi-sensors','--output-sensor-thresholds'],
+ ['ipmitool','sensor'],
+ ['lscpu',''],
+ ['lspci','-k'],
+ ['lspci','-knn'],
+ ['lspci','-knnv'],# returns ports
+ ['lspci','-n'],
+ ['lspci','-nn'],
+ ['lspci','-nnk'],
+ ['lspci','-mm'],
+ ['lspci','-mmk'],
+ ['lspci','-mmkv'],
+ ['lspci','-mmnn'],
+ ['lspci','-v'],
+ ['lspci',''],
+ ['lsusb',''],
+ ['lsusb','-v'],
+ ['ps','aux'],
+ ['ps','-e'],
+ ['ps','-p 1'],
+ ['runlevel',''],
+ ['rc-status','-a'],
+ ['rc-status','-l'],
+ ['rc-status','-r'],
+ ['sensors',''],
+ # leaving this commented out to remind that some systems do not
+ # support strings --version, but will just simply hang at that command
+ # which you can duplicate by simply typing: strings then hitting enter.
+ # ['strings','--version'],
+ ['strings','present'],
+ ['sysctl','-a'],
+ ['systemctl','list-units'],
+ ['systemctl','list-units --type=target'],
+ ['systemd-detect-virt',''],
+ ['uptime',''],
+ );
+ run_commands(\@cmds,'system');
+ @files = main::globber('/dev/bus/usb/*/*');
+ copy_files(\@files, 'system');
+sub system_files {
+ print "Collecting system files data...\n";
+ my (%data,@files,@files2);
+ @files = RepoData::get($data_dir);
+ copy_files(\@files, 'repo');
+ # chdir "/etc";
+ @files = main::globber("/etc/*[-_]{[rR]elease,[vV]ersion}");
+ push (@files, '/etc/issue');
+ push (@files, '/etc/lsb-release');
+ push (@files, '/etc/os-release');
+ copy_files(\@files,'system-distro');
+ @files = (
+ '/proc/1/comm',
+ '/proc/cpuinfo',
+ '/proc/meminfo',
+ '/proc/modules',
+ '/proc/net/arp',
+ '/proc/version',
+ );
+ @files2=main::globber('/sys/class/power_supply/*/uevent');
+ if (@files2){
+ @files = (@files,@files2);
+ }
+ else {
+ push (@files, '/sys-class-power-supply-empty');
+ }
+ copy_files(\@files, 'system');
+ @files = (
+ '/etc/make.conf',
+ '/etc/src.conf',
+ '/var/run/dmesg.boot',
+ );
+ copy_files(\@files,'system-bsd');
+sub copy_files {
+ my ($files_ref, $type) = @_;
+ my ($absent,$error,$good,$name,$unreadable);
+ foreach (@$files_ref) {
+ $name = $_;
+ $name =~ s/^\///;
+ $name =~ s/\//-/g;
+ $name = "$data_dir/$type-file-$name";
+ $good = $name . '.txt';
+ $absent = $name . '-absent';
+ $error = $name . '-error';
+ $unreadable = $name . '-unreadable';
+ if (-e $_ ) {
+ if (-r $_){
+ copy($_,"$good") or main::toucher($error);
else {
- f="f - "
+ main::toucher($unreadable);
- # includes -> target for symbolic link if present
- print "\t" f $9 " " $10 " " $11
- }
- else if (!/^total / ) {
- print $0
- }
- }' &> $Debug_Data_Dir/sys-ls-$1.txt
+ }
+ else {
+ main::toucher($absent);
+ }
+ }
-# prior to script up set, pack the data into an array
-# then we'll print it out later.
-# args: $1 - $@ debugging string text
- eval $LOGFS
- if [[ $B_SCRIPT_UP == 'true' ]];then
- # only return if debugger is off and no pre start up errors have occurred
- if [[ $DEBUG -eq 0 && $DEBUG_BUFFER_INDEX -eq 0 ]];then
- return 0
- # print out the stored debugging information if errors occurred
- elif [[ $DEBUG_BUFFER_INDEX -gt 0 ]];then
- do
- print_screen_output "${A_DEBUG_BUFFER[$DEBUG_BUFFER_INDEX]}"
- done
- fi
- # or print out normal debugger messages if debugger is on
- if [[ $DEBUG -gt 0 ]];then
- print_screen_output "$1"
- fi
- else
- if [[ $B_DEBUG_FLOOD == 'true' && $DEBUG_BUFFER_INDEX -gt 10 ]];then
- error_handler 2
- # this case stores the data for later printout, will print out only
- # at B_SCRIPT_UP == 'true' if array index > 0
- else
- # increment count for next pre script up debugging error
- fi
- fi
- eval $LOGFE
- local sys_traverse_data="$( perl -e '
- use File::Find;
- use strict;
- # use warnings;
- use 5.008;
- my @content = ();
- find( \&wanted, "/sys");
- process_data( @content );
- sub wanted {
- return if -d; # not directory
- return unless -e; # Must exist
- return unless -r; # Must be readable
- return unless -f; # Must be file
- # note: a new file in 4.11 /sys can hang this, it is /parameter/ then
- # a few variables. Since inxi does not need to see that file, we will
- # not use it. Also do not need . files or __ starting files
- return if $File::Find::name =~ /\/(\.[a-z]|__|kernel\/|parameters\/|debug\/)/;
- # comment this one out if you experience hangs or if
- # we discover syntax of foreign language characters
- # Must be ascii like. This is questionable and might require further
- # investigation, it is removing some characters that we might want
- return unless -T;
- # print $File::Find::name . "\n";
- push @content, $File::Find::name;
- return;
- }
- sub process_data {
- my $result = "";
- my $row = "";
- my $fh;
- my $data="";
- my $sep="";
- # no sorts, we want the order it comes in
- # @content = sort @content;
- foreach (@content){
- $data="";
- $sep="";
- open($fh, "<$_");
- while ($row = <$fh>) {
- chomp $row;
- $data .= $sep . "\"" . $row . "\"";
- $sep=", ";
- }
- $result .= "$_:[$data]\n";
- # print "$_:[$data]\n"
- }
- # print scalar @content . "\n";
- print "$result";
- } ' )"
- echo "$sys_traverse_data"
- if type -p tree &>/dev/null;then
- tree -a -L 10 /sys > $Debug_Data_Dir/sys-tree-full-10.txt
- for branch in $( tree -i -L 1 -d --noreport /sys | grep -v 'sys$' );do
- tree -a -L 10 /sys/$branch > $Debug_Data_Dir/sys-tree-$branch-10.txt
- done
- else
- # ls_sys 1
- ls_sys 2
- ls_sys 3
- ls_sys 4
- fi
-## args: $1 - debugger file name; $2 - ftp destination [does not work]
- local result='' debugger_file=$1
- if ! type -p perl &>/dev/null;then
- echo "Perl is not installed!"
- return 2
- elif ! perl -MNet::FTP -e 1 &>/dev/null;then
- echo "Required Perl module Net::FTP not installed."
- return 3
- fi
- echo "Starting Perl Uploader..."
- result="$( perl -e '
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- use 5.008;
- use Net::FTP;
- my ($ftp, $host, $user, $pass, $dir, $fpath, $error);
- $host = "";
+sub run_commands {
+ my ($cmds,$type) = @_;
+ my $holder = '';
+ my ($name,$cmd,$args);
+ foreach (@$cmds){
+ my @rows = @$_;
+ if (my $program = main::check_program($rows[0])){
+ if ($rows[1] eq 'present'){
+ $name = "$data_dir/$type-cmd-$rows[0]-present";
+ main::toucher($name);
+ }
+ else {
+ $args = $rows[1];
+ $args =~ s/\s|--|\/|=/-/g; # for:
+ $args =~ s/--/-/g;# strip out -- that result from the above
+ $args =~ s/^-//g;
+ $args = "-$args" if $args;
+ $name = "$data_dir/$type-cmd-$rows[0]$args.txt";
+ $cmd = "$program $rows[1] >$name 2>&1";
+ system($cmd);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($holder ne $rows[0]){
+ $name = "$data_dir/$type-cmd-$rows[0]-absent";
+ main::toucher($name);
+ $holder = $rows[0];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub write_data {
+ my ($data_ref, $type) = @_;
+ my ($empty,$error,$fh,$good,$name,$undefined,$value);
+ foreach (keys %$data_ref) {
+ $value = $$data_ref{$_};
+ $name = "$data_dir/$type-data-$_";
+ $good = $name . '.txt';
+ $empty = $name . '-empty';
+ $error = $name . '-error';
+ $undefined = $name . '-undefined';
+ if (defined $value) {
+ if ($value || $value eq '0'){
+ open($fh, '>', $good) or main::toucher($error);
+ print $fh "$value";
+ }
+ else {
+ main::toucher($empty);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ main::toucher($undefined);
+ }
+ }
+sub run_self {
+ print "Creating $self_name output file now. This can take a few seconds...\n";
+ print "Starting $self_name from: $self_path\n";
+ my $i = ($option eq 'main-full')? ' -i' : '';
+ my $cmd = "$self_path/$self_name -FRfrploudmxxx$i -c 0 --usb --slots --debug 10 -y 120 > $data_dir/$self_name-FRfrploudmxxxyusbslots120.txt 2>&1";
+ system($cmd);
+ copy($log_file, "$data_dir") or main::error_handler('copy-failed', "$log_file", "$!");
+ system("$self_path/$self_name --recommends -y 120 > $data_dir/$self_name-recommends-120.txt 2>&1");
+sub sys_tree {
+ print "Constructing /sys tree data...\n";
+ if ( main::check_program('tree') ){
+ my $dirname = '/sys';
+ my $cmd;
+ system("tree -a -L 10 /sys > $data_dir/sys-data-tree-full-10.txt");
+ opendir my($dh), $dirname or main::error_handler('open-dir',"$dirname", "$!");
+ my @files = readdir $dh;
+ closedir $dh;
+ foreach (@files){
+ next if /^\./;
+ $cmd = "tree -a -L 10 $dirname/$_ > $data_dir/sys-data-tree-$_-10.txt";
+ #print "$cmd\n";
+ system($cmd);
+ }
+ }
+ # for now, we want all of these as well for better debugging
+ #else {
+ sys_ls(1);
+ sys_ls(2);
+ sys_ls(3);
+ sys_ls(4);
+ #}
+sub sys_ls {
+ my ( $depth) = @_;
+ my $cmd = do {
+ if ( $depth == 1 ){ 'ls -l /sys/ 2>/dev/null' }
+ elsif ( $depth == 2 ){ 'ls -l /sys/*/ 2>/dev/null' }
+ elsif ( $depth == 3 ){ 'ls -l /sys/*/*/ 2>/dev/null' }
+ elsif ( $depth == 4 ){ 'ls -l /sys/*/*/*/ 2>/dev/null' }
+ elsif ( $depth == 5 ){ 'ls -l /sys/*/*/*/*/ 2>/dev/null' }
+ elsif ( $depth == 5 ){ 'ls -l /sys/*/*/*/*/ 2>/dev/null' }
+ };
+ my @working = ();
+ my $output = '';
+ my ($type);
+ my $result = qx($cmd);
+ open my $ch, '<', \$result or main::error_handler('open-data',"$cmd", "$!");
+ while ( my $line = <$ch> ){
+ chomp($line);
+ $line =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
+ @working = split /\s+/, $line;
+ $working[0] ||= '';
+ if ( scalar @working > 7 ){
+ if ($working[0] =~ /^d/ ){
+ $type = "d - ";
+ }
+ elsif ($working[0] =~ /^l/){
+ $type = "l - ";
+ }
+ else {
+ $type = "f - ";
+ }
+ $working[9] ||= '';
+ $working[10] ||= '';
+ $output = $output . " $type$working[8] $working[9] $working[10]\n";
+ }
+ elsif ( $working[0] !~ /^total/ ){
+ $output = $output . $line . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ close $ch;
+ my $file = "$data_dir/sys-data-ls-$depth.txt";
+ open my $fh, '>', $file or main::error_handler('create',"$file", "$!");
+ print $fh $output;
+ close $fh;
+ # print "$output\n";
+sub sys_traverse_data {
+ print "Parsing /sys files...\n";
+ # get rid pointless error:Can't cd to (/sys/kernel/) debug: Permission denied
+ no warnings 'File::Find';
+ File::Find::find( \&wanted, "/sys");
+ process_data();
+sub wanted {
+ return if -d; # not directory
+ return unless -e; # Must exist
+ return unless -r; # Must be readable
+ return unless -f; # Must be file
+ # note: a new file in 4.11 /sys can hang this, it is /parameter/ then
+ # a few variables. Since inxi does not need to see that file, we will
+ # not use it. Also do not need . files or __ starting files
+ # print $File::Find::name . "\n";
+ # block maybe: cfgroup\/
+ return if $File::Find::name =~ /\/(\.[a-z]|kernel\/|parameters\/|debug\/)/;
+ # comment this one out if you experience hangs or if
+ # we discover syntax of foreign language characters
+ # Must be ascii like. This is questionable and might require further
+ # investigation, it is removing some characters that we might want
+ return unless -T;
+ # print $File::Find::name . "\n";
+ push (@content, $File::Find::name);
+ return;
+sub process_data {
+ my ($data,$fh,$result,$row,$sep);
+ my $filename = "sys-data-parse.txt";
+ # no sorts, we want the order it comes in
+ # @content = sort @content;
+ foreach (@content){
+ $data='';
+ $sep='';
+ open($fh, '<', $_);
+ while ($row = <$fh>) {
+ chomp $row;
+ $data .= $sep . '"' . $row . '"';
+ $sep=', ';
+ }
+ $result .= "$_:[$data]\n";
+ # print "$_:[$data]\n"
+ }
+ # print scalar @content . "\n";
+ open ($fh, '>', "$data_dir/$filename");
+ print $fh $result;
+ close $fh;
+ # print $fh "$result";
+# args: 1 - path to file to be uploaded
+# args: 2 - optional: alternate ftp upload url
+# NOTE: must be in format:
+sub upload_file {
+ require Net::FTP;
+ import Net::FTP;
+ my ($self, $ftp_url) = @_;
+ my ($ftp, $domain, $host, $user, $pass, $dir, $error);
+ $ftp_url ||= main::get_defaults('ftp-upload');
+ $ftp_url =~ s/\/$//g; # trim off trailing slash if present
+ my @url = split(/\//, $ftp_url);
+ my $file_path = "$user_data_dir/$debug_gz";
+ $host = $url[0];
+ $dir = $url[1];
+ $domain = $host;
+ $domain =~ s/^ftp\.//;
$user = "anonymous";
- $pass = "anonymous\";
- $dir = "incoming";
- $fpath = $ARGV[0];
- # NOTE: important: must explicitly set to passive true/1
- $ftp = Net::FTP->new($host, Debug => 0, Passive => 1);
- $ftp->login($user, $pass) || die $ftp->message;
- $ftp->binary();
- $ftp->cwd($dir);
- print "Connected to FTP server.\n";
- $ftp->put($fpath) || die $ftp->message;
- $ftp->quit;
- print "Uploaded file $fpath.\n";
- print $ftp->message;
- ' $debugger_file )"
- if [[ "$result" != '' ]];then
- echo "$result"
- fi
- if [[ "$result" == *Goodbye* ]];then
- return 0
- else
- return 1
- fi
+ $pass = "anonymous\@$domain";
+ print $line3;
+ print "Uploading to: $ftp_url\n";
+ # print "$host $domain $dir $user $pass\n";
+ print "File to be uploaded:\n$file_path\n";
+ if ($host && ( $file_path && -e $file_path ) ){
+ # NOTE: important: must explicitly set to passive true/1
+ $ftp = Net::FTP->new($host, Debug => 0, Passive => 1);
+ $ftp->login($user, $pass) || main::error_handler('ftp-login', $ftp->message);
+ $ftp->binary();
+ $ftp->cwd($dir);
+ print "Connected to FTP server.\n";
+ $ftp->put($file_path) || main::error_handler('ftp-upload', $ftp->message);
+ $ftp->quit;
+ print "Uploaded file successfully!\n";
+ print $ftp->message;
+ if ($b_debug_gz){
+ print "Removing debugger gz file:\n$file_path\n";
+ unlink $file_path or main::error_handler('remove',"$file_path", "$!");
+ print "File removed.\n";
+ }
+ print "Debugger data generation and upload completed. Thank you for your help.\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ main::error_handler('ftp-bad-path', "$file_path");
+ }
#### -------------------------------------------------------------------
#### -------------------------------------------------------------------
- local retvalue=0
- local data=$( perl -e 'use strict;
- use warnings;
- use 5.008;
- use HTTP::Tiny;
- sub get_file {
- my ($type, $url, $file) = @_;
- my $response = HTTP::Tiny->new->get($url);
- my $return = 0;
- my $debug = 0;
- my $fh;
- if ($response->{success} == 0 ){
- # print "Failed to connect to server/file!\n";
- $return = 1;
+sub download_file {
+ my ($type, $url, $file) = @_;
+ my ($cmd,$args,$timeout) = ('','','');
+ my $debug_data = '';
+ my $result = 1;
+ $dl{'no-ssl-opt'} ||= '';
+ $dl{'spider'} ||= '';
+ $file ||= 'N/A'; # to avoid debug error
+ if ( ! $dl{'dl'} ){
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if ($dl{'timeout'}){
+ $timeout = "$dl{'timeout'}$dl_timeout";
+ }
+ # print "$dl{'no-ssl-opt'}\n";
+ # print "$dl{'dl'}\n";
+ # tiny supports spider sort of
+ ## NOTE: 1 is success, 0 false for Perl
+ if ($dl{'dl'} eq 'tiny' ){
+ $cmd = "Using tiny: type: $type \nurl: $url \nfile: $file";
+ $result = get_file($type, $url, $file);
+ $debug_data = ($type ne 'stdout') ? $result : 'Success: stdout data not null.';
+ }
+ # But: 0 is success, and 1 is false for these
+ # when strings are returned, they will be taken as true
+ else {
+ if ($type eq 'stdout'){
+ $args = $dl{'stdout'};
+ $cmd = "$dl{'dl'} $dl{'no-ssl-opt'} $timeout $args $url $dl{'null'}";
+ $result = qx($cmd);
+ $debug_data = ($result) ? 'Success: stdout data not null.' : 'Download resulted in null data!';
- else {
- if ( $debug ){
- print "$response->{success}\n";
- print "$response->{status} $response->{reason}\n";
- while (my ($key, $value) = each %{$response->{headers}}) {
- for (ref $value eq "ARRAY" ? @$value : $value) {
- print "$key: $_\n";
- }
+ elsif ($type eq 'file') {
+ $args = $dl{'file'};
+ $cmd = "$dl{'dl'} $dl{'no-ssl-opt'} $timeout $args $file $url $dl{'null'}";
+ system($cmd);
+ $result = ($?) ? 0 : 1; # reverse these into Perl t/f
+ $debug_data = $result;
+ }
+ elsif ( $dl{'dl'} eq 'wget' && $type eq 'spider'){
+ $cmd = "$dl{'dl'} $dl{'no-ssl-opt'} $timeout $dl{'spider'} $url";
+ system($cmd);
+ $result = ($?) ? 0 : 1; # reverse these into Perl t/f
+ $debug_data = $result;
+ }
+ }
+ print "-------\nDownloader Data:\n$cmd\nResult: $debug_data\n" if $test[1];
+ log_data('data',"$cmd\nResult: $result") if $b_log;
+ return $result;
+sub get_file {
+ my ($type, $url, $file) = @_;
+ my $response = HTTP::Tiny->new->get($url);
+ my $return = 1;
+ my $debug = 0;
+ my $fh;
+ $file ||= 'N/A';
+ log_data('dump','%{$response}',\%{$response}) if $b_log;
+ # print Dumper \%{$response};
+ if ( ! $response->{success} ){
+ my $content = $response->{content};
+ $content ||= "N/A\n";
+ my $msg = "Failed to connect to server/file!\n";
+ $msg .= "Response: ${content}Downloader: HTTP::Tiny URL: $url\nFile: $file";
+ log_data('data',$msg) if $b_log;
+ print error_defaults('download-error',$msg) if $test[1];
+ $return = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( $debug ){
+ print "$response->{success}\n";
+ print "$response->{status} $response->{reason}\n";
+ while (my ($key, $value) = each %{$response->{headers}}) {
+ for (ref $value eq "ARRAY" ? @$value : $value) {
+ print "$key: $_\n";
- if ( $type eq "stdout" || $type eq "ua-stdout" ){
- print "$response->{content}" if length $response->{content};
- }
- elsif ($type eq "spider"){
- # do nothing, just use the return value
- }
- elsif ($type eq "file"){
- open($fh, ">", $file);
- print $fh $response->{content};
- close $fh;
- }
- return $return;
+ if ( $type eq "stdout" || $type eq "ua-stdout" ){
+ $return = $response->{content};
+ }
+ elsif ($type eq "spider"){
+ # do nothing, just use the return value
+ }
+ elsif ($type eq "file"){
+ open($fh, ">", $file);
+ print $fh $response->{content}; # or die "can't write to file!\n";
+ close $fh;
+ }
- get_file($ARGV[0],$ARGV[1],$ARGV[2]);' "$1" "$2" "$3" )
- retvalue=$?
- if [[ "$data" != '' ]];then
- echo "$data"
- fi
- return $retvalue
+ return $return;
+sub set_downloader {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ $dl{'no-ssl'} = '';
+ $dl{'null'} = '';
+ $dl{'spider'} = '';
+ # we only want to use HTTP::Tiny if it's present in user system.
+ # It is NOT part of core modules. IO::Socket::SSL is also required
+ # For some https connections so only use tiny as option if both present
+ if ($dl{'tiny'}){
+ if (check_module('HTTP::Tiny') && check_module('IO::Socket::SSL')){
+ import HTTP::Tiny;
+ import IO::Socket::SSL;
+ $dl{'tiny'} = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ $dl{'tiny'} = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ #print $dl{'tiny'} . "\n";
+ if ($dl{'tiny'}){
+ $dl{'dl'} = 'tiny';
+ $dl{'file'} = '';
+ $dl{'stdout'} = '';
+ $dl{'timeout'} = '';
+ }
+ elsif ( $dl{'curl'} && check_program('curl') ){
+ $dl{'dl'} = 'curl';
+ $dl{'file'} = ' -L -s -o ';
+ $dl{'no-ssl'} = ' --insecure';
+ $dl{'stdout'} = ' -L -s ';
+ $dl{'timeout'} = ' -y ';
+ }
+ elsif ($dl{'wget'} && check_program('wget') ){
+ $dl{'dl'} = 'wget';
+ $dl{'file'} = ' -q -O ';
+ $dl{'no-ssl'} = ' --no-check-certificate';
+ $dl{'spider'} = ' -q --spider';
+ $dl{'stdout'} = ' -q -O -';
+ $dl{'timeout'} = ' -T ';
+ }
+ elsif ($dl{'fetch'} && check_program('fetch')){
+ $dl{'dl'} = 'fetch';
+ $dl{'file'} = ' -q -o ';
+ $dl{'no-ssl'} = ' --no-verify-peer';
+ $dl{'stdout'} = ' -q -o -';
+ $dl{'timeout'} = ' -T ';
+ }
+ elsif ( $bsd_type eq 'openbsd' && check_program('ftp') ){
+ $dl{'dl'} = 'ftp';
+ $dl{'file'} = ' -o ';
+ $dl{'null'} = ' 2>/dev/null';
+ $dl{'stdout'} = ' -o - ';
+ $dl{'timeout'} = '';
+ }
+ else {
+ $dl{'dl'} = '';
+ }
+ # no-ssl-opt is set to 1 with --no-ssl, so it is true, then assign
+ $dl{'no-ssl-opt'} = $dl{'no-ssl'} if $dl{'no-ssl-opt'};
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+sub set_perl_downloader {
+ my ($downloader) = @_;
+ $downloader =~ s/perl/tiny/;
+ return $downloader;
-# download_file 'stdout' '' '';echo $?; exit
#### -------------------------------------------------------------------
#### -------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Error handling
-# args: $1 - error number; $2 - optional, extra information; $3 - optional extra info
- eval $LOGFS
- local error_message=''
- # assemble the error message
- case $1 in
- 2) error_message="large flood danger, debug buffer full!"
- ;;
- 3) error_message="unsupported color scheme number: $2"
- ;;
- 4) error_message="unsupported verbosity level: $2"
- ;;
- 5) error_message="dependency not met: $2 not found in path.\nFor distribution installation package names and missing apps information, run: $SELF_NAME --recommends"
- ;;
- 6) error_message="/proc not found! Quitting..."
- ;;
- 7) error_message="One of the options you entered in your script parameters: $2\nis not supported.The option may require extra arguments to work.\nFor supported options (and their arguments), check the help menu: $SELF_NAME -h"
- ;;
- 8) error_message="the self-updater failed, $DOWNLOADER exited with error: $2.\nYou probably need to be root.\nHint, to make for easy updates without being root, do: chown <user name> $SELF_PATH/$SELF_NAME"
- ;;
- 9) error_message="unsupported debugging level: $2"
- ;;
- 10)
- error_message="the alt download url you provided: $2\nappears to be wrong, download aborted. Please note, the url\nneeds to end in /, without $SELF_NAME, like:"
- ;;
- 11)
- error_message="unsupported testing option argument: -! $2"
- ;;
- 12)
- error_message="the git branch download url: $2\nappears to be empty currently. Make sure there is an actual source branch version\nactive before you try this again. Check\nto verify the branch status."
- ;;
- 13)
- error_message="The -t option requires the following extra arguments (no spaces between letters/numbers):\nc m cm [required], for example: -t cm8 OR -t cm OR -t c9\n(numbers: 1-20, > 5 throttled to 5 in irc clients) You entered: $2"
- ;;
- 14)
- error_message="failed to write correctly downloaded $SELF_NAME to location $SELF_PATH.\nThis usually means you don't have permission to write to that location, maybe you need to be root?\nThe operation failed with error: $2"
- ;;
- 15)
- error_message="failed set execute permissions on $SELF_NAME at location $SELF_PATH.\nThis usually means you don't have permission to set permissions on files there, maybe you need to be root?\nThe operation failed with error: $2"
- ;;
- 16)
- error_message="$SELF_NAME downloaded but the file data is corrupted. Purged data and using current version."
- ;;
- 17)
- error_message="All $SELF_NAME self updater features have been disabled by the distribution\npackage maintainer. This includes the option you used: $2"
- ;;
- 18)
- error_message="The argument you provided for $2 does not have supported syntax.\nPlease use the following formatting:\n$3"
- ;;
- 19)
- error_message="The option $2 has been deprecated. Please use $3 instead.\nSee -h for instructions and syntax."
- ;;
- 20)
- error_message="The option you selected has been deprecated. $2\nSee the -h (help) menu for currently supported options."
- ;;
- 21)
- error_message="Width option requires an integer value of 80 or more.\nYou entered: $2"
- ;;
- *) error_message="error unknown: $@"
- set -- 99
- ;;
- esac
- # then print it and exit
- print_screen_output "Error $1: $error_message"
- eval $LOGFE
- exit $1
+sub error_handler {
+ my ( $err, $one, $two) = @_;
+ my ($b_recommends,$b_help,$errno) = (0,0,0);
+ my $message = do {
+ if ( $err eq 'empty' ) { 'empty value' }
+ ## Basic rules
+ elsif ( $err eq 'not-in-irc' ) {
+ $errno=1; "You can't run option $one in an IRC client!" }
+ ## Internal/external options
+ elsif ( $err eq 'bad-arg' ) {
+ $errno=10; $b_help=1; "Unsupported value: $two for option: $one" }
+ elsif ( $err eq 'bad-arg-int' ) {
+ $errno=11; "Bad internal argument: $one" }
+ elsif ( $err eq 'distro-block' ) {
+ $errno=20; "Option: $one has been disabled by the $self_name distribution maintainer." }
+ elsif ( $err eq 'option-feature-incomplete' ) {
+ $errno=21; "Option: '$one' feature: '$two' has not been implemented yet." }
+ elsif ( $err eq 'unknown-option' ) {
+ $errno=22; $b_help=1; "Unsupported option: $one" }
+ ## Data
+ elsif ( $err eq 'open-data' ) {
+ $errno=32; "Error opening data for reading: $one \nError: $two" }
+ elsif ( $err eq 'download-error' ) {
+ $errno=33; "Error downloading file with $dl{'dl'}: $one \nError: $two" }
+ ## Files:
+ elsif ( $err eq 'copy-failed' ) {
+ $errno=40; "Error copying file: $one \nError: $two" }
+ elsif ( $err eq 'create' ) {
+ $errno=41; "Error creating file: $one \nError: $two" }
+ elsif ( $err eq 'downloader-error' ) {
+ $errno=42; "Error downloading file: $one \nfor download source: $two" }
+ elsif ( $err eq 'file-corrupt' ) {
+ $errno=43; "Downloaded file is corrupted: $one" }
+ elsif ( $err eq 'mkdir' ) {
+ $errno=44; "Error creating directory: $one \nError: $two" }
+ elsif ( $err eq 'open' ) {
+ $errno=45; "Error opening file: $one \nError: $two" }
+ elsif ( $err eq 'open-dir' ) {
+ $errno=46; "Error opening directory: $one \nError: $two" }
+ elsif ( $err eq 'output-file-bad' ) {
+ $errno=47; "Value for --output-file must be full path, a writable directory, \nand include file name. Path: $two" }
+ elsif ( $err eq 'not-writable' ) {
+ $errno=48; "The file: $one is not writable!" }
+ elsif ( $err eq 'open-dir-failed' ) {
+ $errno=49; "The directory: $one failed to open with error: $two" }
+ elsif ( $err eq 'remove' ) {
+ $errno=50; "Failed to remove file: $one Error: $two" }
+ elsif ( $err eq 'rename' ) {
+ $errno=51; "There was an error moving files: $one\nError: $two" }
+ elsif ( $err eq 'write' ) {
+ $errno=52; "Failed writing file: $one - Error: $two!" }
+ ## Downloaders
+ elsif ( $err eq 'missing-downloader' ) {
+ $errno=60; "Downloader program $two could not be located on your system." }
+ elsif ( $err eq 'missing-perl-downloader' ) {
+ $errno=61; $b_recommends=1; "Perl downloader missing required module." }
+ ## FTP
+ elsif ( $err eq 'ftp-bad-path' ) {
+ $errno=70; "Unable to locate for FTP upload file:\n$one" }
+ elsif ( $err eq 'ftp-login' ) {
+ $errno=71; "There was an error with login to ftp server: $one" }
+ elsif ( $err eq 'ftp-upload' ) {
+ $errno=72; "There was an error with upload to ftp server: $one" }
+ ## Modules
+ elsif ( $err eq 'required-module' ) {
+ $errno=80; $b_recommends=1; "The required $one Perl module is not installed:\n$two" }
+ else {
+ $errno=255; "Error handler ERROR!! Unsupported options: $err!"}
+ };
+ print_line("Error $errno: $message\n");
+ if ($b_help){
+ print_line("Check -h for correct parameters.\n");
+ }
+ if ($b_recommends){
+ print_line("See --recommends for more information.\n");
+ }
+ exit 0;
+sub error_defaults {
+ my ($type,$one) = @_;
+ $one ||= '';
+ my %errors = (
+ 'download-error' => "Download Failure:\n$one\n",
+ );
+ return $errors{$type};
#### -------------------------------------------------------------------
#### -------------------------------------------------------------------
-# called in the initial -@ 10 script args setting so we can get logging as soon as possible
-# will have max 3 files, inxi.log, inxi.1.log, inxi.2.log
+## CheckRecommends
- # do the rotation if logfile exists
- if [[ -f $LOG_FILE ]];then
- # copy if present second to third
- if [[ -f $LOG_FILE_1 ]];then
- mv -f $LOG_FILE_1 $LOG_FILE_2
- fi
- # then copy initial to second
- mv -f $LOG_FILE $LOG_FILE_1
- fi
- # now create the logfile
- touch $LOG_FILE
- # and echo the start data
- echo "=========================================================" >> $LOG_FILE
- echo "Script started: $( date +%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S )" >> $LOG_FILE
- echo "=========================================================" >> $LOG_FILE
+package CheckRecommends;
+sub run {
+ main::error_handler('not-in-irc', 'recommends') if $b_irc;
+ my (@data,@rows);
+ my $line = make_line();
+ my $pm = get_pm();
+ @data = basic_data($line);
+ push @rows,@data;
+ if (!$bsd_type){
+ @data = check_items('required system directories',$line,$pm);
+ push @rows,@data;
+ }
+ @data = check_items('recommended system programs',$line,$pm);
+ push @rows,@data;
+ @data = check_items('recommended display information programs',$line,$pm);
+ push @rows,@data;
+ @data = check_items('recommended downloader programs',$line,$pm);
+ push @rows,@data;
+ @data = check_items('recommended Perl modules',$line,$pm);
+ push @rows,@data;
+ @data = check_items('recommended directories',$line,'');
+ push @rows,@data;
+ @data = check_items('recommended files',$line,'');
+ push @rows,@data;
+ @data = (
+ ['0', '', '', "$line"],
+ ['0', '', '', "Ok, all done with the checks. Have a nice day."],
+ ['0', '', '', " "],
+ );
+ push @rows,@data;
+ #print Data::Dumper::Dumper \@rows;
+ main::print_basic(@rows);
+ exit 1;
-# NOTE: no logging available until get_parameters is run, since that's what sets logging
-# in order to trigger earlier logging manually set B_USE_LOGGING to true in top variables.
-# $1 alone: logs data; $2 with or without $3 logs func start/end.
-# $1 type (fs/fe/cat/raw) or logged data; [$2 is $FUNCNAME; [$3 - function args]]
- if [ "$B_USE_LOGGING" == 'true' ];then
- local logged_data='' spacer=' ' line='----------------------------------------'
- case $1 in
- fs)
- logged_data="Function: $2 - Primary: Start"
- if [ -n "$3" ];then
- logged_data="$logged_data\n${spacer}Args: $3"
- fi
- spacer=''
- ;;
- fe)
- logged_data="Function: $2 - Primary: End"
- spacer=''
- ;;
- cat)
- if [[ $B_LOG_FULL_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- for cat_file in $2
- do
- logged_data="$logged_data\n$line\nFull file data: cat $cat_file\n\n$( cat $cat_file )\n$line\n"
- done
- spacer=''
- fi
- ;;
- raw)
- if [[ $B_LOG_FULL_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- logged_data="\n$line\nRaw system data:\n\n$2\n$line\n"
- spacer=''
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- logged_data="$1"
- ;;
- esac
- # Create any required line breaks and strip out escape color code, either ansi (case 1)or irc (case 2).
- # This pattern doesn't work for irc colors, if we need that someone can figure it out
- if [[ -n $logged_data ]];then
- if [[ $B_LOG_COLORS != 'true' ]];then
- echo -e "${spacer}$logged_data" | sed $SED_RX 's/\x1b\[[0-9]{1,2}(;[0-9]{1,2}){0,2}m//g' >> $LOG_FILE
- else
- echo -e "${spacer}$logged_data" >> $LOG_FILE
- fi
- fi
- fi
+sub basic_data {
+ my ($line) = @_;
+ my (@data,@rows);
+ my $client = $client{'name-print'};
+ $client .= ' ' . $client{'version'} if $client{'version'};
+ my $default_shell = 'N/A';
+ if ($ENV{'SHELL'}){
+ $default_shell = $ENV{'SHELL'};
+ $default_shell =~ s/.*\///;
+ }
+ my $sh = main::check_program('sh');
+ my $sh_real = Cwd::abs_path($sh);
+ @rows = (
+ ['0', '', '', "$self_name will now begin checking for the programs it needs
+ to operate."],
+ ['0', '', '', "" ],
+ ['0', '', '', "Check $self_name --help or the man page (man $self_name)
+ to see what options are available." ],
+ ['0', '', '', "$line" ],
+ ['0', '', '', "Test: core tools:" ],
+ ['0', '', '', "" ],
+ ['0', '', '', "Perl version: ^$]" ],
+ ['0', '', '', "Current shell: " . $client ],
+ ['0', '', '', "Default shell: " . $default_shell ],
+ ['0', '', '', "sh links to: $sh_real" ],
+ );
+ return @rows;
+sub check_items {
+ my ($type,$line,$pm) = @_;
+ my (@data,%info,@missing,$row,@rows,$result,@unreadable);
+ my ($b_dir,$b_file,$b_module,$b_program,$item);
+ my ($about,$extra,$extra2,$extra3,$extra4,$info_os,$install) = ('','','','','','info','');
+ if ($type eq 'required system directories'){
+ @data = qw(/proc /sys);
+ $b_dir = 1;
+ $item = 'Directory';
+ }
+ elsif ($type eq 'recommended system programs'){
+ if ($bsd_type){
+ @data = qw(camcontrol dig dmidecode fdisk file glabel gpart ifconfig ipmi-sensors
+ ipmitool lsusb sudo smartctl sysctl tree uptime usbdevs);
+ $info_os = 'info-bsd';
+ }
+ else {
+ @data = qw(dig dmidecode fdisk file hddtemp ifconfig ip ipmitool ipmi-sensors
+ lsblk lsusb modinfo runlevel sensors strings sudo tree uptime);
+ }
+ $b_program = 1;
+ $item = 'Program';
+ $extra2 = "Note: IPMI sensors are generally only found on servers. To access
+ that data, you only need one of the ipmi items.";
+ }
+ elsif ($type eq 'recommended display information programs'){
+ if ($bsd_type){
+ @data = qw(glxinfo wmctrl xdpyinfo xprop xrandr);
+ $info_os = 'info-bsd';
+ }
+ else {
+ @data = qw(glxinfo wmctrl xdpyinfo xprop xrandr);
+ }
+ $b_program = 1;
+ $item = 'Program';
+ }
+ elsif ($type eq 'recommended downloader programs'){
+ if ($bsd_type){
+ @data = qw(curl dig fetch ftp wget);
+ $info_os = 'info-bsd';
+ }
+ else {
+ @data = qw(curl dig wget);
+ }
+ $b_program = 1;
+ $extra = ' (You only need one of these)';
+ $extra2 = "Perl HTTP::Tiny is the default downloader tool if IO::Socket::SSL is present.
+ See --help --alt 40-44 options for how to override default downloader(s) in case of issues. ";
+ $extra3 = "If dig is installed, it is the default for WAN IP data.
+ Strongly recommended. Dig is fast and accurate.";
+ $extra4 = ". However, you really only need dig in most cases. All systems should have ";
+ $extra4 .= "at least one of the downloader options present.";
+ $item = 'Program';
+ }
+ elsif ($type eq 'recommended Perl modules'){
+ @data = qw(HTTP::Tiny IO::Socket::SSL Time::HiRes Cpanel::JSON::XS JSON::XS XML::Dumper);
+ $b_module = 1;
+ $item = 'Perl Module';
+ $extra = ' (Optional)';
+ $extra2 = "None of these are strictly required, but if you have them all, you can eliminate
+ some recommended non Perl programs from the install. ";
+ $extra3 = "HTTP::Tiny and IO::Socket::SSL must both be present to use as a downloader option.
+ For json export Cpanel::JSON::XS is preferred over JSON::XS.";
+ }
+ elsif ($type eq 'recommended directories'){
+ if ($bsd_type){
+ @data = qw(/dev);
+ }
+ else {
+ @data = qw(/dev /dev/disk/by-id /dev/disk/by-label /dev/disk/by-path
+ /dev/disk/by-uuid /sys/class/dmi/id);
+ }
+ $b_dir = 1;
+ $item = 'Directory';
+ }
+ elsif ($type eq 'recommended files'){
+ if ($bsd_type){
+ @data = qw(/var/run/dmesg.boot /var/log/Xorg.0.log);
+ }
+ else {
+ @data = qw(/etc/lsb-release /etc/os-release /proc/asound/cards
+ /proc/asound/version /proc/cpuinfo /proc/mdstat /proc/meminfo /proc/modules
+ /proc/mounts /proc/scsi/scsi /var/log/Xorg.0.log );
+ }
+ $b_file = 1;
+ $item = 'File';
+ $extra2 = "Note that not all of these are used by every system,
+ so if one is missing it's usually not a big deal.";
+ }
+ @rows = (
+ ['0', '', '', "$line" ],
+ ['0', '', '', "Test: $type$extra:" ],
+ ['0', '', '', " " ],
+ );
+ if ($extra2){
+ $rows[scalar @rows] = (['0', '', '', $extra2]);
+ $rows[scalar @rows] = (['0', '', '', ' ']);
+ }
+ if ($extra3){
+ $rows[scalar @rows] = (['0', '', '', $extra3]);
+ $rows[scalar @rows] = (['0', '', '', ' ']);
+ }
+ foreach (@data){
+ $install = '';
+ $about = '';
+ %info = item_data($_);
+ $about = $info{$info_os};
+ if ( ( $b_dir && -d $_ ) || ( $b_file && -r $_ ) ||
+ ($b_program && main::check_program($_) ) || ($b_module && main::check_module($_)) ){
+ $result = 'Present';
+ }
+ elsif ($b_file && -f $_){
+ $result = 'Unreadable';
+ push @unreadable, "$_";
+ }
+ else {
+ $result = 'Missing';
+ $install = " ~ Install package: $info{$pm}" if (($b_program || $b_module) && $pm);
+ push @missing, "$_$install";
+ }
+ $row = make_row($_,$about,$result);
+ $rows[scalar @rows] = (['0', '', '', $row]);
+ }
+ $rows[scalar @rows] = (['0', '', '', " "]);
+ if (@missing){
+ $rows[scalar @rows] = (['0', '', '', "The following $type are missing$extra4:"]);
+ foreach (@missing) {
+ $rows[scalar @rows] = (['0', '', '', "$item: $_"]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (@unreadable){
+ $rows[scalar @rows] = (['0', '', '', "The following $type are not readable: "]);
+ foreach (@unreadable) {
+ $rows[scalar @rows] = (['0', '', '', "$item: $_"]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!@missing && !@unreadable){
+ $rows[scalar @rows] = (['0', '', '', "All $type are present"]);
+ }
+ return @rows;
+sub item_data {
+ my ($type) = @_;
+ my %data = (
+ # directory data
+ '/sys/class/dmi/id' => ({
+ 'info' => '-M system, motherboard, bios',
+ }),
+ '/dev' => ({
+ 'info' => '-l,-u,-o,-p,-P,-D disk partition data',
+ }),
+ '/dev/disk/by-id' => ({
+ 'info' => '-D serial numbers',
+ }),
+ '/dev/disk/by-path' => ({
+ 'info' => '-D extra data',
+ }),
+ '/dev/disk/by-label' => ({
+ 'info' => '-l,-o,-p,-P partition labels',
+ }),
+ '/dev/disk/by-uuid' => ({
+ 'info' => '-u,-o,-p,-P partition uuid',
+ }),
+ '/proc' => ({
+ 'info' => '',
+ }),
+ '/sys' => ({
+ 'info' => '',
+ }),
+ # file data
+ '/etc/lsb-release' => ({
+ 'info' => '-S distro version data (older version)',
+ }),
+ '/etc/os-release' => ({
+ 'info' => '-S distro version data (newer version)',
+ }),
+ '/proc/asound/cards' => ({
+ 'info' => '-A sound card data',
+ }),
+ '/proc/asound/version' => ({
+ 'info' => '-A ALSA data',
+ }),
+ '/proc/cpuinfo' => ({
+ 'info' => '-C cpu data',
+ }),
+ '/proc/mdstat' => ({
+ 'info' => '-R mdraid data (if you use dm-raid)',
+ }),
+ '/proc/meminfo' => ({
+ 'info' => '-I,-tm, -m memory data',
+ }),
+ '/proc/modules' => ({
+ 'info' => '-G module data (sometimes)',
+ }),
+ '/proc/mounts' => ({
+ 'info' => '-P,-p partition advanced data',
+ }),
+ '/proc/scsi/scsi' => ({
+ 'info' => '-D Advanced hard disk data (used rarely)',
+ }),
+ '/var/log/Xorg.0.log' => ({
+ 'info' => '-G graphics driver load status',
+ }),
+ '/var/run/dmesg.boot' => ({
+ 'info' => '-D,-d disk data',
+ }),
+ # system tools
+ # apt-dpkg,apt-get; pm-arch,pacman; rpm-redhat,suse
+ 'curl' => ({
+ 'info' => '-i (if no dig); -w,-W; -U',
+ 'info-bsd' => '-i (if no dig); -w,-W; -U',
+ 'apt' => 'curl',
+ 'pacman' => 'curl',
+ 'rpm' => 'curl',
+ }),
+ 'camcontrol' => ({
+ 'info' => '',
+ 'info-bsd' => '-R; -D; -P. Get actual gptid /dev path',
+ 'apt' => '',
+ 'pacman' => '',
+ 'rpm' => '',
+ }),
+ 'dig' => ({
+ 'info' => '-i wlan IP',
+ 'info-bsd' => '-i wlan IP',
+ 'apt' => 'dnsutils',
+ 'pacman' => 'dnsutils',
+ 'rpm' => 'bind-utils',
+ }),
+ 'dmidecode' => ({
+ 'info' => '-M if no sys machine data; -m',
+ 'info-bsd' => '-M if null sysctl; -m; -B if null sysctl',
+ 'apt' => 'dmidecode',
+ 'pacman' => 'dmidecode',
+ 'rpm' => 'dmidecode',
+ }),
+ 'fdisk' => ({
+ 'info' => '-D partition scheme (fallback)',
+ 'info-bsd' => '-D partition scheme',
+ 'apt' => 'fdisk',
+ 'pacman' => 'util-linux',
+ 'rpm' => 'util-linux',
+ }),
+ 'fetch' => ({
+ 'info' => '',
+ 'info-bsd' => '-i (if no dig); -w,-W; -U',
+ 'apt' => '',
+ 'pacman' => '',
+ 'rpm' => '',
+ }),
+ 'file' => ({
+ 'info' => '-o unmounted file system (if no lsblk)',
+ 'info-bsd' => '-o unmounted file system',
+ 'apt' => 'file',
+ 'pacman' => 'file',
+ 'rpm' => 'file',
+ }),
+ 'ftp' => ({
+ 'info' => '',
+ 'info-bsd' => '-i (if no dig); -w,-W; -U',
+ 'apt' => '',
+ 'pacman' => '',
+ 'rpm' => '',
+ }),
+ 'glabel' => ({
+ 'info' => '',
+ 'info-bsd' => '-R; -D; -P. Get actual gptid /dev path',
+ 'apt' => '',
+ 'pacman' => '',
+ 'rpm' => '',
+ }),
+ 'gpart' => ({
+ 'info' => '',
+ 'info-bsd' => '-p,-P file system, size',
+ 'apt' => '',
+ 'pacman' => '',
+ 'rpm' => '',
+ }),
+ 'hciconfig' => ({
+ 'info' => 'Experimental',
+ 'info-bsd' => '',
+ 'apt' => 'bluez',
+ 'pacman' => 'bluez-utils',
+ 'rpm' => 'bluez-utils',
+ }),
+ 'hddtemp' => ({
+ 'info' => '-Dx show hdd temp',
+ 'info-bsd' => '-Dx show hdd temp',
+ 'apt' => 'hddtemp',
+ 'pacman' => 'hddtemp',
+ 'rpm' => 'hddtemp',
+ }),
+ 'ifconfig' => ({
+ 'info' => '-i ip LAN (deprecated)',
+ 'info-bsd' => '-i ip LAN',
+ 'apt' => 'net-tools',
+ 'pacman' => 'net-tools',
+ 'rpm' => 'net-tools',
+ }),
+ 'ip' => ({
+ 'info' => '-i ip LAN',
+ 'info-bsd' => '',
+ 'apt' => 'iproute',
+ 'pacman' => 'iproute2',
+ 'rpm' => 'iproute',
+ }),
+ 'ipmi-sensors' => ({
+ 'info' => '-s IPMI sensors (servers)',
+ 'info-bsd' => '',
+ 'apt' => 'freeipmi-tools',
+ 'pacman' => 'freeipmi',
+ 'rpm' => 'freeipmi',
+ }),
+ 'ipmitool' => ({
+ 'info' => '-s IPMI sensors (servers)',
+ 'info-bsd' => '-s IPMI sensors (servers)',
+ 'apt' => 'ipmitool',
+ 'pacman' => 'ipmitool',
+ 'rpm' => 'ipmitool',
+ }),
+ 'lsblk' => ({
+ 'info' => '-o unmounted file system (best option)',
+ 'info-bsd' => '-o unmounted file system',
+ 'apt' => 'util-linux',
+ 'pacman' => 'util-linux',
+ 'rpm' => 'util-linux-ng',
+ }),
+ 'lsusb' => ({
+ 'info' => '-A usb audio; -N usb networking; --usb',
+ 'info-bsd' => '-A; -N; --usb. Alternate to usbdevs',
+ 'apt' => 'usbutils',
+ 'pacman' => 'usbutils',
+ 'rpm' => 'usbutils',
+ }),
+ 'modinfo' => ({
+ 'info' => 'Ax; -Nx module version',
+ 'info-bsd' => '',
+ 'apt' => 'module-init-tools',
+ 'pacman' => 'module-init-tools',
+ 'rpm' => 'module-init-tools',
+ }),
+ 'runlevel' => ({
+ 'info' => '-I fallback to Perl',
+ 'info-bsd' => '',
+ 'apt' => 'systemd or sysvinit',
+ 'pacman' => 'systemd',
+ 'rpm' => 'systemd or sysvinit',
+ }),
+ 'sensors' => ({
+ 'info' => '-s sensors output',
+ 'info-bsd' => '',
+ 'apt' => 'lm-sensors',
+ 'pacman' => 'lm-sensors',
+ 'rpm' => 'lm-sensors',
+ }),
+ 'smartctl' => ({
+ 'info' => '-Dx show hdd temp',
+ 'info-bsd' => '-Dx show hdd temp',
+ 'apt' => '',
+ 'pacman' => '',
+ 'rpm' => '',
+ }),
+ 'strings' => ({
+ 'info' => '-I sysvinit version',
+ 'info-bsd' => '',
+ 'apt' => 'binutils',
+ 'pacman' => '?',
+ 'rpm' => '?',
+ }),
+ 'sysctl' => ({
+ 'info' => '',
+ 'info-bsd' => '-C; -I; -m; -tm',
+ 'apt' => '?',
+ 'pacman' => '?',
+ 'rpm' => '?',
+ }),
+ 'sudo' => ({
+ 'info' => '-Dx hddtemp-user; -o file-user',
+ 'info-bsd' => '-Dx hddtemp-user; -o file-user',
+ 'apt' => 'sudo',
+ 'pacman' => 'sudo',
+ 'rpm' => 'sudo',
+ }),
+ 'tree' => ({
+ 'info' => '--debugger 20,21 /sys tree',
+ 'info-bsd' => '--debugger 20,21 /sys tree',
+ 'apt' => 'tree',
+ 'pacman' => 'tree',
+ 'rpm' => 'tree',
+ }),
+ 'uptime' => ({
+ 'info' => '-I uptime',
+ 'info-bsd' => '-I uptime',
+ 'apt' => 'procps',
+ 'pacman' => 'procps',
+ 'rpm' => 'procps',
+ }),
+ 'usbdevs' => ({
+ 'info' => '',
+ 'info-bsd' => '-A; -N; --usb;',
+ 'apt' => 'usbutils',
+ 'pacman' => 'usbutils',
+ 'rpm' => 'usbutils',
+ }),
+ 'wget' => ({
+ 'info' => '-i (if no dig); -w,-W; -U',
+ 'info-bsd' => '-i (if no dig); -w,-W; -U',
+ 'apt' => 'wget',
+ 'pacman' => 'wget',
+ 'rpm' => 'wget',
+ }),
+ # display tools
+ 'glxinfo' => ({
+ 'info' => '-G glx info',
+ 'info-bsd' => '-G glx info',
+ 'apt' => 'mesa-utils',
+ 'pacman' => 'mesa-demos',
+ 'rpm' => 'glx-utils (openSUSE 12.3 and later Mesa-demo-x)',
+ }),
+ 'wmctrl' => ({
+ 'info' => '-S active window manager (not all wm)',
+ 'info-bsd' => '-S active window managerr (not all wm)',
+ 'apt' => 'wmctrl',
+ 'pacman' => 'wmctrl',
+ 'rpm' => 'wmctrl',
+ }),
+ 'xdpyinfo' => ({
+ 'info' => '-G multi screen resolution',
+ 'info-bsd' => '-G multi screen resolution',
+ 'apt' => 'X11-utils',
+ 'pacman' => 'xorg-xdpyinfo',
+ 'rpm' => 'xorg-x11-utils',
+ }),
+ 'xprop' => ({
+ 'info' => '-S desktop data',
+ 'info-bsd' => '-S desktop data',
+ 'apt' => 'X11-utils',
+ 'pacman' => 'xorg-xprop',
+ 'rpm' => 'x11-utils',
+ }),
+ 'xrandr' => ({
+ 'info' => '-G single screen resolution',
+ 'info-bsd' => '-G single screen resolution',
+ 'apt' => 'x11-xserver-utils',
+ 'pacman' => 'xrandr',
+ 'rpm' => 'x11-server-utils',
+ }),
+ # Perl modules
+ 'Cpanel::JSON::XS' => ({
+ 'info' => '--output json - required for export.',
+ 'info-bsd' => '--output json - required for export.',
+ 'apt' => 'libcpanel-json-xs-perl',
+ 'pacman' => 'perl-cpanel-json-xs',
+ 'rpm' => 'perl-Cpanel-JSON-XS',
+ }),
+ 'HTTP::Tiny' => ({
+ 'info' => '-U; -w,-W; -i (if dig not installed).',
+ 'info-bsd' => '-U; -w,-W; -i (if dig not installed)',
+ 'apt' => 'libhttp-tiny-perl',
+ 'pacman' => 'Core Modules',
+ 'rpm' => 'Perl-http-tiny',
+ }),
+ 'IO::Socket::SSL' => ({
+ 'info' => '-U; -w,-W; -i (if dig not installed).',
+ 'info-bsd' => '-U; -w,-W; -i (if dig not installed)',
+ 'apt' => 'libio-socket-ssl-perl',
+ 'pacman' => 'perl-io-socket-ssl',
+ 'rpm' => 'perl-IO-Socket-SSL',
+ }),
+ 'JSON::XS' => ({
+ 'info' => '--output json - required for export (legacy).',
+ 'info-bsd' => '--output json - required for export (legacy).',
+ 'apt' => 'libjson-xs-perl',
+ 'pacman' => 'perl-json-xs',
+ 'rpm' => 'perl-JSON-XS',
+ }),
+ 'Time::HiRes' => ({
+ 'info' => '-C cpu sleep (not required); --debug timers',
+ 'info-bsd' => '-C cpu sleep (not required); --debug timers',
+ 'apt' => 'Core Modules',
+ 'pacman' => 'Core Modules',
+ 'rpm' => 'perl-Time-HiRes',
+ }),
+ 'XML::Dumper' => ({
+ 'info' => '--output xml - Crude and raw.',
+ 'info-bsd' => '--output xml - Crude and raw.',
+ 'apt' => 'libxml-dumper-perl',
+ 'pacman' => 'perl-xml-dumper',
+ 'rpm' => 'perl-XML-Dumper',
+ }),
+ );
+ my $ref = $data{$type};
+ my %values = %$ref;
+ return %values;
+sub get_pm {
+ my ($pm) = ('');
+ if (main::check_program('dpkg')){
+ $pm = 'apt';
+ }
+ elsif (main::check_program('pacman')){
+ $pm = 'pacman';
+ }
+ elsif (main::check_program('rpm')){
+ $pm = 'rpm';
+ }
+ return $pm;
+# note: end will vary, but should always be treated as longest value possible.
+# expected values: Present/Missing
+sub make_row {
+ my ($start,$middle,$end) = @_;
+ my ($dots,$line,$sep) = ('','',': ');
+ foreach (0 .. ($size{'max'} - 16 - length("$start$middle"))){
+ $dots .= '.';
+ }
+ $line = "$start$sep$middle$dots $end";
+ return $line;
+sub make_line {
+ my $line = '';
+ foreach (0 .. $size{'max'} - 2 ){
+ $line .= '-';
+ }
+ return $line;
#### -------------------------------------------------------------------
+#### TOOLS
#### -------------------------------------------------------------------
- local Line=$LINE1
- local gawk_version='N/A' sed_version='N/A' sudo_version='N/A' python_version='N/A'
- local perl_version='N/A'
- if [[ $B_IRC == 'true' ]];then
- print_screen_output "Sorry, you can't run this option in an IRC client."
- exit 1
- fi
- initialize_paths
- print_lines_basic "0" "" "$SELF_NAME will now begin checking for the programs it needs to operate. First a check of the main languages and tools $SELF_NAME uses. Python is only for debugging data uploads unless Perl is missing."
- echo $Line
- echo "Bash version: $( bash --version 2>&1 | awk 'BEGIN {IGNORECASE=1} /^GNU bash/ {print $4}' )"
- if type -p gawk &>/dev/null;then
- gawk_version=$( gawk --version 2>&1 | gawk 'BEGIN {IGNORECASE=1} /^GNU Awk/ {print $3}' )
- fi
- if type -p sed &>/dev/null;then
- # sed (GNU sed) 4.4 OR GNU sed version 4.4
- sed_version=$( sed --version 2>&1 | awk 'BEGIN {IGNORECASE=1} /^(GNU sed version|sed)/ {print $4;exit}' )
- if [[ -z $sed_version ]];then
- # note: bsd sed shows error with --version flag
- sed_version=$( sed --version 2>&1 | awk 'BEGIN {IGNORECASE=1} /^sed: illegal option/ {print "BSD sed";exit}' )
- fi
- fi
- if type -p sudo &>/dev/null;then
- sudo_version=$( sudo -V 2>&1 | awk 'BEGIN {IGNORECASE=1} /^Sudo version/ {print $3}' )
- fi
- if type -p python &>/dev/null;then
- python_version=$( python --version 2>&1 | awk 'BEGIN {IGNORECASE=1} /^Python/ {print $2}' )
- fi
- # NOTE: does not actually handle 5/6 version, but ok for now
- if type -p perl &>/dev/null;then
- perl_version=$(perl --version | grep -m 1 -oE 'v[0-9.]+')
- fi
- echo "Gawk version: $gawk_version"
- echo "Sed version: $sed_version"
- echo "Sudo version: $sudo_version"
- echo "Python version: $python_version (legacy, no longer used)"
- echo "Perl version: $perl_version"
- echo $Line
- echo "Test One: Required System Directories (Linux Only)."
- print_lines_basic "0" "" "If one of these system directories is missing, $SELF_NAME cannot operate:"
- echo
- check_recommends_items 'required-dirs'
- echo "Test Two: Required Core Applications."
- print_lines_basic "0" "" "If one of these applications is missing, $SELF_NAME cannot operate:"
- echo
- check_recommends_items 'required-apps'
- print_lines_basic "0" "" "Test Three: Script Recommends for Graphics Features."
- print_lines_basic "0" "" "NOTE: If you do not use X these do not matter (like a headless server). Otherwise, if one of these applications is missing, $SELF_NAME will have incomplete output:"
- echo
- check_recommends_items 'recommended-x-apps'
- echo 'Test Four: Script Recommends for Remaining Features.'
- print_lines_basic "0" "" "If one of these applications is missing, $SELF_NAME will have incomplete output:"
- echo
- check_recommends_items 'recommended-apps'
- echo 'Test Five: Script Recommends for Remaining Features.'
- print_lines_basic "0" "" "One of these downloaders needed for options -i/-w/-W (-U/-! [11-15], if supported):"
- echo
- check_recommends_items 'downloaders'
- echo 'Test Six: System Directories for Various Information.'
- echo '(Unless otherwise noted, these are for GNU/Linux systems)'
- print_lines_basic "0" "" "If one of these directories is missing, $SELF_NAME may have incomplete output:"
- echo
- check_recommends_items 'system-dirs'
- echo 'Test Seven: System Files for Various Information.'
- echo '(Unless otherwise noted, these are for GNU/Linux systems)'
- print_lines_basic "0" "" "If one of these files is missing, $SELF_NAME may have incomplete output:"
- echo
- check_recommends_items 'system-files'
- echo 'All tests completed.'
+# Duplicates the functionality of awk to allow for one liner
+# type data parsing. note: -1 corresponds to awk NF
+# args 1: array of data; 2: search term; 3: field result; 4: separator
+# correpsonds to: awk -F='separator' '/search/ {print $2}' <<< @data
+# array is sent by reference so it must be dereferenced
+# NOTE: if you just want the first row, pass it \S as search string
+# NOTE: if $num is undefined, it will skip the second step
+sub awk {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($ref,$search,$num,$sep) = @_;
+ my ($result);
+ # print "search: $search\n";
+ return if ! @$ref || ! $search;
+ foreach (@$ref){
+ if (/$search/i){
+ $result = $_;
+ $result =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($result && defined $num){
+ $sep ||= '\s+';
+ $num-- if $num > 0; # retain the negative values as is
+ $result = (split /$sep/, $result)[$num];
+ $result =~ s/^\s+|,|\s+$//g if $result;
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $result;
+# $1 - Perl module to check
+sub check_module {
+ my ($module) = @_;
+ my $b_present = 0;
+ eval "require $module";
+ $b_present = 1 if !$@;
+ return $b_present;
+# arg: 1 - string or path to search gneerated @paths data for.
+# note: a few nano seconds are saved by using raw $_[0] for program
+sub check_program {
+ (grep { return "$_/$_[0]" if -e "$_/$_[0]"} @paths)[0];
-# Should come after above for debugging tests
-# args: $1 - check item
- local item='' item_list='' item_string='' missing_items='' missing_string=''
- local package='' application='' feature='' type='' starter='' finisher=''
- local package_deb='' package_pacman='' package_rpm='' downloaders_bsd=''
- local print_string='' separator='' width=56
- local required_dirs='/proc /sys'
- if [[ -n $BSD_TYPE ]];then
- downloaders_bsd='fetch:BSD-only~BSD-only~BSD-only~:-i_wan_ip;-w/-W;-U/-!_[11-15]_[OR]
- ftp:ftp-OpenBSD-only~ftp-OpenBSD-only~ftp-OpenBSD-only~:-i_wan_ip;-w/-W;-U/-!_[11-15]_[OR]'
- fi
- # package-owner: 1 - debian/ubuntu; 2 - arch; 3 - yum/rpm
- # pardus: pisi sf -q /usr/bin/package
- #
- #
- local required_apps='
- df:coreutils~coreutils~coreutils~:partition_data
- gawk:gawk~gawk~gawk~:core_tool
- grep:grep~grep~grep~:string_search
- perl:perl~perl~perl~:debugger_uploader;_debugger_/sys_traverse
- lspci:pciutils~pciutils~pciutils~:hardware_data
- ps:procps~procps~procps~:process_data
- readlink:coreutils~coreutils~coreutils~:
- sed:sed~sed~sed~:string_replace
- tr:coreutils~coreutils~coreutils~:character_replace
- uname:uname~coreutils~coreutils~:kernel_data
- wc:coreutils~coreutils~coreutils~:word_character_count
- '
- local x_recommends='
- glxinfo:mesa-utils~mesa-demos~glx-utils_(openSUSE_12.3_and_later_Mesa-demo-x)~:-G_glx_info
- xdpyinfo:X11-utils~xorg-xdpyinfo~xorg-x11-utils~:-G_multi_screen_resolution
- xprop:X11-utils~xorg-xprop~x11-utils~:-S_desktop_data
- xrandr:x11-xserver-utils~xrandr~x11-server-utils~:-G_single_screen_resolution
- '
- local recommended_apps='
- dig:dnsutils~dnsutils~bind-utils:-i_wlan_IP_(Default)
- dmidecode:dmidecode~dmidecode~dmidecode~:-M_if_no_sys_machine_data;_-m_memory
- file:file~file~file~:-o_unmounted_file_system
- hciconfig:bluez~bluez-utils~bluez-utils~:-n_-i_bluetooth_data-dev_only-not_used
- hddtemp:hddtemp~hddtemp~hddtemp~:-Dx_show_hdd_temp
- ifconfig:net-tools~net-tools~net-tools~:-i_ip_lan-deprecated
- ip:iproute~iproute2~iproute~:-i_ip_lan
- sensors:lm-sensors~lm_sensors~lm-sensors~:-s_sensors_output
- strings:binutils~~~:-I_sysvinit_version
- lsusb:usbutils~usbutils~usbutils~:-A_usb_audio;-N_usb_networking
- modinfo:module-init-tools~module-init-tools~module-init-tools~:-Ax,-Nx_module_version
- runlevel:sysvinit~sysvinit~systemd~:-I_runlevel
- sudo:sudo~sudo~sudo~:-Dx_hddtemp-user;-o_file-user
- tree:tree~tree~tree~:-@1[1-5]_debugger_sys_tree
- uptime:procps~procps~procps~:-I_uptime_(check_which_package_owns_Debian)
- '
- local downloaders="
- curl:curl~curl~curl~:-i_wan_ip;-w/-W;-U/-!_[11-15]_[Default|OR]
- wget:wget~wget~wget~:-i_wan_ip;-w/-W;-U/-!_[11-15]_[OR]
- $downloaders_bsd
- perl:perl~perl~perl~:-i_wan_ip;-w/-W;-U/-!_[11-15]_[Module_HTTP::Tiny]
- "
- local recommended_dirs='
- /sys/class/dmi/id:-M_system,_motherboard,_bios
- /dev:-l,-u,-o,-p,-P,-D_disk_partition_data
- /dev/disk/by-label:-l,-o,-p,-P_partition_labels
- /dev/disk/by-uuid:-u,-o,-p,-P_partition_uuid
- '
- local recommended_files="
- $FILE_ASOUND_DEVICE:-A_sound_card_data
- $FILE_CPUINFO:-C_cpu_data
- $FILE_LSB_RELEASE:-S_distro_version_data_[deprecated]
- $FILE_MDSTAT:-R_mdraid_data
- $FILE_MEMINFO:-I_memory_data
- $FILE_OS_RELEASE:-S_distro_version_data
- $FILE_PARTITIONS:-p,-P_partitions_data
- $FILE_MODULES:-G_module_data
- $FILE_MOUNTS:-P,-p_partition_advanced_data
- $FILE_DMESG_BOOT:-D,-d_disk_data_[BSD_only]
- $FILE_SCSI:-D_Advanced_hard_disk_data_[used_rarely]
- $FILE_XORG_LOG:-G_graphics_driver_load_status
- "
- if [[ -n $COLS_INNER ]];then
- if [[ $COLS_INNER -ge 90 ]];then
- width=${#LINE1} # match width of $LINE1
- elif [[ $COLS_INNER -ge 78 ]];then
- width=$(( $COLS_INNER - 11 ))
- fi
- fi
- case $1 in
- downloaders)
- item_list=$downloaders
- item_string='Downloaders'
- item_string=''
- missing_string='downloaders, and their corresponding packages,'
- type='applications'
- ;;
- required-dirs)
- item_list=$required_dirs
- item_string='Required file system'
- item_string=''
- missing_string='system directories'
- type='directories'
- ;;
- required-apps)
- item_list=$required_apps
- item_string='Required application'
- item_string=''
- missing_string='applications, and their corresponding packages,'
- type='applications'
- ;;
- recommended-x-apps)
- item_list=$x_recommends
- item_string='Recommended X application'
- item_string=''
- missing_string='applications, and their corresponding packages,'
- type='applications'
- ;;
- recommended-apps)
- item_list=$recommended_apps
- item_string='Recommended application'
- item_string=''
- missing_string='applications, and their corresponding packages,'
- type='applications'
- ;;
- system-dirs)
- item_list=$recommended_dirs
- item_string='System directory'
- item_string=''
- missing_string='system directories'
- type='directories'
- ;;
- system-files)
- item_list=$recommended_files
- item_string='System file'
- item_string=''
- missing_string='system files'
- type='files'
- ;;
- esac
- # great trick from:
- # left pad: sed -e :a -e 's/^.\{1,80\}$/& /;ta'
- # right pad: sed -e :a -e 's/^.\{1,80\}$/ &/;ta'
- # center pad: sed -e :a -e 's/^.\{1,80\}$/ & /;ta'
- for item in $item_list
- do
- if [[ $( awk -F ":" '{print NF-1}' <<< $item ) -eq 0 ]];then
- application=$item
- package=''
- feature=''
- location=''
- elif [[ $( awk -F ":" '{print NF-1}' <<< $item ) -eq 1 ]];then
- application=$( cut -d ':' -f 1 <<< $item )
- package=''
- feature=$( cut -d ':' -f 2 <<< $item )
- location=''
- else
- application=$( cut -d ':' -f 1 <<< $item )
- package=$( cut -d ':' -f 2 <<< $item )
- location=$( type -p $application )
- if [[ $( awk -F ":" '{print NF-1}' <<< $item ) -ge 2 ]];then
- feature=$( cut -d ':' -f 3-6 <<< $item )
- else
- feature=''
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -n $feature ]];then
- print_string="$item_string$application (info: $( sed 's/_/ /g' <<< $feature ))"
- else
- print_string="$item_string$application"
- fi
- starter="$( sed -e :a -e 's/^.\{1,'$width'\}$/&./;ta' <<< $print_string )"
- if [[ -z $( grep '^/' <<< $application ) && -n $location ]] || [[ -d $application || -f $application ]];then
- if [[ -n $location ]];then
- finisher=" $location"
- else
- finisher=" Present"
- fi
- else
- finisher=" Missing"
- missing_items="$missing_items$separator$application:$package"
- separator=' '
- fi
- echo "$starter$finisher"
- done
- echo
- if [[ -n $missing_items ]];then
- echo "The following $type are missing from your system:"
- for item in $missing_items
- do
- application=$( cut -d ':' -f 1 <<< $item )
- if [[ $type == 'applications' ]];then
- echo
- package=$( cut -d ':' -f 2 <<< $item )
- package_deb=$( cut -d '~' -f 1 <<< $package )
- package_pacman=$( cut -d '~' -f 2 <<< $package )
- package_rpm=$( cut -d '~' -f 3 <<< $package )
- echo "Application: $application"
- print_lines_basic "0" "" "To add to your system, install the proper distribution package for your system:"
- print_lines_basic "0" "" "Debian/Ubuntu:^$package_deb^:: Arch Linux:^$package_pacman^:: Redhat/Fedora/Suse:^$package_rpm"
- elif [[ $type == 'directories' ]];then
- echo "Directory: $application"
- elif [[ $type == 'files' ]];then
- echo "File: $application"
- fi
- done
- if [[ $item_string == 'System directory' ]];then
- print_lines_basic "0" "" "These directories are created by the kernel, so don't worry if they are not present."
- fi
- else
- echo "All the $( cut -d ' ' -f 1 <<< $item_string | sed -e 's/Re/re/' -e 's/Sy/sy/' ) $type are present."
- fi
- echo $Line
+sub cleanup {
+ # maybe add in future: , $fh_c, $fh_j, $fh_x
+ foreach my $fh ($fh_l){
+ if ($fh){
+ close $fh;
+ }
+ }
-#### -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#### -------------------------------------------------------------------
+# returns count of files in directory, if 0, dir is empty
+sub count_dir_files {
+ return unless -d $_[0];
+ opendir my $dh, $_[0] or error_handler('open-dir-failed', "$_[0]", $!);
+ my $count = grep { ! /^\.{1,2}/ } readdir $dh; # strips out . and ..
+ return $count;
-# args: $1 - download url, not including file name; $2 - string to print out
-# $3 - update type option
-# note that $1 must end in / to properly construct the url path
- eval $LOGFS
- set_downloader
- local downloader_error=0 file_contents='' downloader_man_error=0
- local man_file_location=$( set_man_location )
- local man_file_path="$man_file_location/inxi.1.gz"
- if [[ $B_IRC == 'true' ]];then
- print_screen_output "Sorry, you can't run the $SELF_NAME self updater option (-$3) in an IRC client."
- exit 1
- fi
- print_screen_output "Starting $SELF_NAME self updater."
- print_screen_output "Currently running $SELF_NAME version number: $SELF_VERSION"
- print_screen_output "Current version patch number: $SELF_PATCH"
- print_screen_output "Current version release date: $SELF_DATE"
- print_screen_output "Updating $SELF_NAME in $SELF_PATH using $2 as download source..."
- case $DOWNLOADER in
- curl)
- file_contents="$( curl $NO_SSL_OPT -L -s $1$SELF_NAME )" || downloader_error=$?
- ;;
- fetch)
- file_contents="$( fetch $NO_SSL_OPT -q -o - $1$SELF_NAME )" || downloader_error=$?
- ;;
- ftp)
- file_contents="$( ftp $NO_SSL_OPT -o - $1$SELF_NAME 2>/dev/null )" || downloader_error=$?
- ;;
- perl)
- file_contents="$( download_file 'stdout' $1$SELF_NAME )" || downloader_error=$?
- ;;
- wget)
- file_contents="$( wget $NO_SSL_OPT -q -O - $1$SELF_NAME )" || downloader_error=$?
- ;;
- no-downloader)
- downloader_error=1
- ;;
- esac
+# args: 1 - the string to get piece of
+# 2 - the position in string, starting at 1 for 0 index.
+# 3 - the separator, default is ' '
+sub get_piece {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($string, $num, $sep) = @_;
+ $num--;
+ $sep ||= '\s+';
+ $string =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
+ my @temp = split(/$sep/, $string);
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ if ( exists $temp[$num] ){
+ $temp[$num] =~ s/,//g;
+ return $temp[$num];
+ }
- # then do the actual download
- if [[ $downloader_error -eq 0 ]];then
- # make sure the whole file got downloaded and is in the variable
- if [[ -n $( grep '###\*\*EOF\*\*###' <<< "$file_contents" ) ]];then
- echo "$file_contents" > $SELF_PATH/$SELF_NAME || error_handler 14 "$?"
- chmod +x $SELF_PATH/$SELF_NAME || error_handler 15 "$?"
- parse_version_data 'main'
- parse_version_data 'patch'
- parse_version_data 'date'
- print_screen_output "Successfully updated to $2 version: $SELF_VERSION"
- print_screen_output "New $2 version patch number: $SELF_PATCH"
- print_screen_output "New $2 version release date: $SELF_DATE"
- print_screen_output "To run the new version, just start $SELF_NAME again."
- print_screen_output "----------------------------------------"
- print_screen_output "Starting download of man page file now."
- if [[ $B_MAN == 'false' ]];then
- print_screen_output "Skipping man download because branch version is being used."
- elif [[ ! -d $man_file_location ]];then
- print_screen_output "The required man directory was not detected on your system, unable to continue: $man_file_location"
- else
- if [[ $B_ROOT == 'true' ]];then
- print_screen_output "Checking Man page download URL..."
- if [[ -f /usr/share/man/man8/inxi.8.gz ]];then
- print_screen_output "Updating man page location to man1."
- mv -f /usr/share/man/man8/inxi.8.gz $man_file_location/inxi.1.gz
- if type -p mandb &>/dev/null;then
- exec $( type -p mandb ) -q
- fi
- fi
- case $DOWNLOADER in
- perl)
- download_file 'spider' $MAN_FILE_DOWNLOAD || downloader_man_error=$?
- ;;
- wget)
- wget $NO_SSL_OPT -q --spider $MAN_FILE_DOWNLOAD || downloader_man_error=$?
- ;;
- esac
- if [[ $downloader_man_error -eq 0 ]];then
- if [[ $DOWNLOADER == 'wget' ]];then
- print_screen_output "Man file download URL verified: $MAN_FILE_DOWNLOAD"
- fi
- print_screen_output "Downloading Man page file now."
- case $DOWNLOADER in
- curl)
- curl $NO_SSL_OPT -L -s -o $man_file_path $MAN_FILE_DOWNLOAD || downloader_man_error=$?
- ;;
- fetch)
- fetch $NO_SSL_OPT -q -o $man_file_path $MAN_FILE_DOWNLOAD || downloader_man_error=$?
- ;;
- ftp)
- ftp $NO_SSL_OPT -o $man_file_path $MAN_FILE_DOWNLOAD 2>/dev/null || downloader_man_error=$?
- ;;
- perl)
- download_file 'file' $MAN_FILE_DOWNLOAD $man_file_path || downloader_man_error=$?
- ;;
- wget)
- wget $NO_SSL_OPT -q -O $man_file_path $MAN_FILE_DOWNLOAD || downloader_man_error=$?
- ;;
- no-downloader)
- downloader_man_error=1
- ;;
- esac
- if [[ $downloader_man_error -gt 0 ]];then
- print_screen_output "Oh no! Something went wrong downloading the Man gz file at: $MAN_FILE_DOWNLOAD"
- print_screen_output "Check the error messages for what happened. Error: $downloader_man_error"
- else
- print_screen_output "Download/install of man page successful. Check to make sure it works: man inxi"
- fi
- else
- print_screen_output "Man file download URL failed, unable to continue: $MAN_FILE_DOWNLOAD"
- fi
- else
- print_screen_output "Updating / Installing the Man page requires root user, writing to: $man_file_location"
- print_screen_output "If you want the man page, you'll have to run $SELF_NAME -$3 as root."
- fi
- fi
- exit 0
- else
- error_handler 16
- fi
- # now run the error handlers on any wget failure
- else
- if [[ $2 == 'source server' ]];then
- error_handler 8 "$downloader_error"
- elif [[ $2 == 'alt server' ]];then
- error_handler 10 "$1"
- else
- error_handler 12 "$1"
- fi
- fi
- eval $LOGFS
- local location='' default_location='/usr/share/man/man1'
- local man_paths=$(man --path 2>/dev/null) man_local='/usr/local/share/man'
- local b_use_local=false
- if [[ -n "$man_paths" && -n $( grep $man_local <<< "$man_paths" ) ]];then
- b_use_local=true
- fi
- # for distro installs, existing inxi man manual installs, do nothing
- if [[ -f $default_location/inxi.1.gz ]];then
- location=$default_location
- else
- if [[ $b_use_local == 'true' ]];then
- if [[ ! -d $man_local/man1 ]];then
- mkdir $man_local/man1
- fi
- location="$man_local/man1"
- fi
-# print_screen_output "Updating man page location to man1."
-# mv -f /usr/share/man/man1/inxi.1.gz /usr/local/share/man/man1/inxi.1.gz
-# if type -p mandb &>/dev/null;then
-# exec $( type -p mandb ) -q
-# fi
- fi
- if [[ -z "$location" ]];then
- location=$default_location
- fi
- echo $location
+# arg: 1 - command to turn into an array; 2 - optional: splitter
+# 3 - optionsl, strip and clean data
+# similar to reader() except this creates an array of data
+# by lines from the command arg
+sub grabber {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($cmd,$split,$strip) = @_;
+ $split ||= "\n";
+ my @rows = split /$split/, qx($cmd);
+ if ($strip && @rows){
+ @rows = grep {/^\s*[^#]/} @rows;
+ @rows = map {s/^\s+|\s+$//g; $_} @rows if @rows;
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @rows;
-#### OUTPUT
+# args: 1 - string value to glob
+sub globber {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my @files = <$_[0]>;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @files;
+# gets array ref, which may be undefined, plus join string
+# this helps avoid debugger print errors when we are printing arrays
+# which we don't know are defined or not null.
+# args: 1 - array ref; 2 - join string; 3 - default value, optional
+sub joiner {
+ my ($ref,$join,$default) = @_;
+ my @arr = @$ref;
+ $default ||= '';
+ my $string = '';
+ foreach (@arr){
+ if (defined $_){
+ $string .= $_ . $join;
+ }
+ else {
+ $string .= $default . $join;
+ }
+ }
+ return $string;
-#### -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#### -------------------------------------------------------------------
+# returns array of:
+# 0 - match string; 1 - search number; 2 - version string; 3 - Print name
+# 4 - console 0/1; 5 - 0/1 exit version loop at first iteration;
+# 6 - 0/1 write to stderr
+# arg: 1 - program lower case name
+sub program_values {
+ my ($app) = @_;
+ my (@client_data);
+ my %data = (
+ ## Clients
+ 'bitchx' => ['bitchx',2,'','BitchX',1,0,0],# special
+ 'finch' => ['finch',2,'-v','Finch',1,1,0],
+ 'gaim' => ['[0-9.]+',2,'-v','Gaim',0,1,0],
+ 'ircii' => ['[0-9.]+',3,'-v','ircII',1,1,0],
+ 'irssi' => ['irssi',2,'-v','Irssi',1,1,0],
+ 'irssi-text' => ['irssi',2,'-v','Irssi',1,1,0],
+ 'konversation' => ['konversation',2,'-v','Konversation',0,0,0],
+ 'kopete' => ['Kopete',2,'-v','Kopete',0,0,0],
+ 'kvirc' => ['[0-9.]+',2,'-v','KVIrc',0,0,1], # special
+ 'pidgin' => ['[0-9.]+',2,'-v','Pidgin',0,1,0],
+ 'quassel' => ['',1,'-v','Quassel [M]',0,0,0], # special
+ 'quasselclient' => ['',1,'-v','Quassel',0,0,0],# special
+ 'quasselcore' => ['',1,'-v','Quassel (core)',0,0,0],# special
+ 'gribble' => ['^Supybot',2,'--version','Gribble',1,0,0],# special
+ 'limnoria' => ['^Supybot',2,'--version','Limnoria',1,0,0],# special
+ 'supybot' => ['^Supybot',2,'--version','Supybot',1,0,0],# special
+ 'weechat' => ['[0-9.]+',1,'-v','WeeChat',1,0,0],
+ 'weechat-curses' => ['[0-9.]+',1,'-v','WeeChat',1,0,0],
+ 'xchat-gnome' => ['[0-9.]+',2,'-v','X-Chat-Gnome',1,1,0],
+ 'xchat' => ['[0-9.]+',2,'-v','X-Chat',1,1,0],
+ ## Desktops
+ 'afterstep' => ['^afterstep',3,'--version','AfterStep',0,1,0],
+ 'awesome' => ['^awesome',2,'--version','Awesome',0,1,0],
+ 'blackbox' => ['^Blackbox',2,'--version','Blackbox',0,1,0],
+ 'budgie' => ['^budgie-desktop',2,'--version','Budgie',0,1,0],
+ 'cinnamon' => ['^cinnamon',2,'--version','Cinnamon',0,1,0],
+ 'dwm' => ['^dwm',1,'-v','dwm',0,1,1],
+ 'fluxbox' => ['^fluxbox',2,'--version','Fluxbox',0,1,0],
+ 'fvwm' => ['^fvwm',2,'--version','FVWM',0,0,1],
+ # command: fvwm
+ 'fvwm-crystal' => ['^fvwm',2,'--version','FVWM-Crystal',0,0,0],
+ 'gnome-about' => ['gnome',3,'--version','Gnome',0,1,0],
+ 'gnome-shell' => ['gnome',3,'--version','Gnome',0,1,0],
+ 'herbstluftwm' => ['^herbstluftwm',-1,'--version','herbstluftwm',0,1,0],
+ 'jwm' => ['^jwm',2,'--version','JWM',0,1,0],
+ # i3 version 4.13 (2016-11-08) © 2009 Michael Stapelberg and contributors
+ 'i3' => ['^i3',3,'--version','i3',0,1,0],
+ 'icewm' => ['^icewm',2,'--version','IceWM',0,1,0],
+ 'kded' => ['^KDE Development Platform:',4,'--version','KDE',0,1,0],
+ 'kded1' => ['^KDE Development Platform:',4,'--version','KDE',0,1,0],
+ 'kded2' => ['^KDE Development Platform:',4,'--version','KDE',0,1,0],
+ 'kded3' => ['^KDE Development Platform:',4,'--version','KDE',0,1,0],
+ 'kded4' => ['^KDE Development Platform:',4,'--version','KDE',0,1,0],
+ # command: lxqt-about
+ 'lxqt' => ['^lxqt-about',2,'--version','LXQT',0,1,0],
+ 'mate-about' => ['^MATE[[:space:]]DESKTOP',-1,'--version','MATE',0,1,0],
+ # note, mate-session when launched with full path returns full path in version string
+ 'mate-session' => ['mate-session',-1,'--version','MATE',0,1,0],
+ 'openbox' => ['^openboxt',2,'--version','Openbox',0,1,0],
+ 'pekwm' => ['^pekwm',3,'--version','pekwm',0,1,0],
+ 'plasmashell' => ['^plasmashell',2,'--version','KDE Plasma',0,1,0],
+ 'qtdiag' => ['^qt',2,'--version','Qt',0,1,0],
+ 'sawfish' => ['^sawfish',3,'--version','Sawfish',0,1,0],
+ 'scrotwm' => ['^welcome.*scrotwm',4,'-v','Scrotwm',0,1,1],
+ 'spectrwm' => ['^spectrwm.*welcome.*spectrwm',5,'-v','Spectrwm',0,1,0],
+ 'unity' => ['^unity',2,'--version','Unity',0,1,0],
+ 'wm2' => ['^wm2',-1,'--version','WM2',0,1,0],
+ 'wmaker' => ['^Window[[:space:]]*Maker',-1,'--version','WindowMaker',0,1,0],
+ 'wmii' => ['^wmii',1,'--version','wmii',0,1,0], # note: in debian, wmii is wmii3
+ 'wmii2' => ['^wmii2',1,'--version','wmii2',0,1,0],
+ 'xfce4-panel' => ['^xfce4-panel',2,'--version','Xfce',0,1,0],
+ 'xfce5-panel' => ['^xfce5-panel',2,'--version','Xfce',0,1,0],
+ 'xfdesktop' => ['xfdesktop[[:space:]]version',5,'--version','Xfce',0,1,0],
+ # command: xfdesktop
+ 'xfdesktop-toolkit' => ['Built[[:space:]]with[[:space:]]GTK',4,'--version','Gtk',0,1,0],
+ ## Shells
+ 'bash' => ['^GNU[[:space:]]bash,[[:space:]]version',4,'--version','Bash',1,0,0],
+ 'csh' => ['^tcsh',2,'--version','csh',1,0,0],
+ 'dash' => ['dash',3,'--version','Dash',1,0,0], # no version, uses dpkg query, sigh
+ # ksh/lksh/mksh/pdksh can't be handled with version but we'll use the search string to
+ # trigger version return and tests
+ 'ksh' => ['ksh',5,'-v','ksh',1,0,0],
+ 'lksh' => ['ksh',5,'-v','lksh',1,0,0],
+ 'loksh' => ['ksh',5,'-v','lksh',1,0,0],
+ 'mksh' => ['ksh',5,'-v','mksh',1,0,0],
+ 'pdksh' => ['ksh',5,'-v','pdksh',1,0,0],
+ 'tcsh' => ['^tcsh',2,'--version','tcsh',1,0,0],
+ 'zsh' => ['^zsh',2,'--version','zsh',1,0,0],
+ ## Tools
+ 'clang' => ['clang',3,'--version','Clang',1,0,0],
+ 'gcc' => ['^gcc',3,'--version','GCC',1,0,0],
+ 'gcc-apple' => ['Apple[[:space:]]LLVM',2,'--version','LLVM',1,0,0],
+ 'sudo' => ['^Sudo',3,'--version','Sudo',1,0,0],
+ );
+ if ( defined $data{$app} ){
+ my $ref = $data{$app};
+ @client_data = @$ref;
+ }
+ #my $debug = main::Dumper \@client_data;
+ main::log_data('dump',"Client Data",\@client_data) if $b_log;
+ return @client_data;
+# args: 1 - desktop/app command for --version; 2 - search string;
+# 3 - space print number; 4 - [optional] version arg: -v, version, etc
+# 5 - [optional] exit first find 0/1; 6 - [optional] 0/1 stderr output
+sub program_version {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($app, $search, $num,$version,$exit,$b_stderr) = @_;
+ my ($cmd,$line,$output);
+ my $version_nu = '';
+ my $count = 0;
+ $exit ||= 100; # basically don't exit ever
+ $version ||= '--version';
+ # adjust to array index, not human readable
+ $num-- if (defined $num && $num > 0);
+ # ksh: Version JM 93t+ 2010--03-05
+ # mksh: @(#)MIRBSD KSH R56 2018/03/09
+ # loksh: @(#)PD KSH v5.2.14 99/07/13.2
+ # --version opens a new ksh, sigh... This so far does not work
+ # because the ENV variable is not visible internally
+ if ($search eq 'ksh'){
+ if ( $ENV{'KSH_VERSION'} ){
+ my @temp = split /\s+/, $ENV{'KSH_VERSION'};
+ if ($temp[2]){
+ $temp[2] =~ s/^v//i; # trim off leading v
+ log_data('data',"Program *ksh array: @temp version: $temp[2]") if $b_log;
+ return $temp[2];
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ # konvi in particular doesn't like using $ENV{'PATH'} as set, so we need
+ # to always assign the full path if it hasn't already been done
+ if ( $app !~ /^\// ){
+ if (my $program = check_program($app) ){
+ $app = $program;
+ }
+ else {
+ log_data('data',"$app not found in path.");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ # note, some wm/apps send version info to stderr instead of stdout
+ if ( $b_stderr ) {
+ $cmd = "$app $version 2>&1";
+ }
+# elsif ( $app eq 'csh' ){
+# $app = 'tcsh';
+# }
+ # quick debian/buntu hack until I find a universal way to get version for these
+ elsif ( $app eq 'dash' ){
+ $cmd = "dpkg -l $app 2>/dev/null";
+ }
+ else {
+ $cmd = "$app $version 2>/dev/null";
+ }
+ log_data('data',"version: $version num: $num search: $search command: $cmd") if $b_log;
+ $output = qx($cmd);
+ # print "$cmd : $output\n";
+ # sample: dwm-5.8.2, ©.. etc, why no space? who knows. Also get rid of v in number string
+ # xfce, and other, output has , in it, so dump all commas and parentheses
+ if ($output){
+ open my $ch, '<', \$output or error_handler('open-data',"$cmd", "$!");
+ while (<$ch>){
+ #chomp;
+ last if $count > $exit;
+ if ( $_ =~ /$search/i ) {
+ $_ = trimmer($_);
+ # print "$_ ::$num\n";
+ my @data = split /\s+/, $_;
+ $version_nu = $data[$num];
+ last if ! defined $version_nu;
+ # some distros add their distro name before the version data, which
+ # breaks version detection. A quick fix attempt is to just add 1 to $num
+ # to get the next value.
+ $version_nu = $data[$num+1] if $data[$num+1] && $version_nu =~ /version/i;
+ $version_nu =~ s/(\([^)]+\)|,|dwm-|wmii2-|wmii-|v|V|\||\(|\))//g if $version_nu;
+ # print "$version_nu\n";
+ last;
+ }
+ $count++;
+ }
+ close $ch if $ch;
+ }
+ log_data('data',"Program version: $version_nu") if $b_log;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $version_nu;
+# print program_version('bash', 'bash', 4) . "\n";
+# arg: 1 - full file path, returns array of file lines.
+# 2 - optionsl, strip and clean data
+# note: chomp has to chomp the entire action, not just <$fh>
+sub reader {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($file,$strip) = @_;
+ return if ! $file;
+ open( my $fh, '<', $file ) or error_handler('open', $file, $!);
+ chomp(my @rows = <$fh>);
+ if ($strip && @rows){
+ @rows = grep {/^\s*[^#]/} @rows;
+ @rows = map {s/^\s+|\s+$//g; $_} @rows if @rows;
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @rows;
+# args: 1 - the file to create if not exists
+sub toucher {
+ my $file = shift;
+ if ( ! -e $file ){
+ open( my $fh, '>', $file ) or error_handler('create', $file, $!);
+ }
-# this removes newline and pipes.
-# args: $1 - string to clean
- eval $LOGFS
- ## RS is input record separator
- ## gsub is substitute;
- gawk '
- RS=""
- }
- {
- gsub(/\n$/,"") ## (newline; end of string) with (nothing)
- gsub(/\n/," "); ## (newline) with (space)
- gsub(/^ *| *$/, "") ## (pipe char) with (nothing)
- gsub(/ +/, " ") ## ( +) with (space)
- gsub(/ [ ]+/, " ") ## ([ ]+) with (space)
- gsub(/^ +| +$/, "") ## (pipe char) with (nothing)
- printf $0
- }' "$1" ## prints (returns) cleaned input
- eval $LOGFE
-## note: this is now running inside each gawk sequence directly to avoid exiting gawk
-## looping in bash through arrays, then re-entering gawk to clean up, then writing back to array
-## in bash. For now I'll leave this here because there's still some interesting stuff to get re methods
-# Enforce boilerplate and buzzword filters
-# args: $1 - BAN_LIST_NORMAL/BAN_LIST_CPU; $2 - string to sanitize
- eval $LOGFS
- # Cannot use strong quotes to unquote a string with pipes in it!
- # bash will interpret the |'s as usual and try to run a subshell!
- # Using weak quotes instead, or use '"..."'
- echo "$2" | gawk "
- }
- {
- gsub(/${!1}/,\"\")
- gsub(/ [ ]+/,\" \") ## ([ ]+) with (space)
- gsub(/^ +| +$/,\"\") ## (pipe char) with (nothing)
- print ## prints (returns) cleaned input
- }"
- eval $LOGFE
+# calling it trimmer to avoid conflicts with existing trim stuff
+# arg: 1 - string to be right left trimmed. Also slices off \n so no chomp needed
+# this thing is super fast, no need to log its times etc, 0.0001 seconds or less
+sub trimmer {
+ #eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($str) = @_;
+ $str =~ s/^\s+|\s+$|\n$//g;
+ #eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $str;
+# args: 1 - hash
+# send array, assign to hash, return array, uniq values only.
+sub uniq {
+ my %seen;
+ grep !$seen{$_}++, @_;
+# arg: 1 file full path to write to; 2 - arrayof data to write.
+# note: turning off strict refs so we can pass it a scalar or an array reference.
+sub writer {
+ my ($path, $ref_content) = @_;
+ my ($content);
+ no strict 'refs';
+ # print Dumper $ref_content, "\n";
+ if (ref $ref_content eq 'ARRAY'){
+ $content = join "\n", @$ref_content or die "failed with error $!";
+ }
+ else {
+ $content = scalar $ref_content;
+ }
+ open(my $fh, '>', $path) or error_handler('open',"$path", "$!");
+ print $fh $content;
+ close $fh;
#### -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#### PRINT
-#### -------------------------------------------------------------------
+##### -------------------------------------------------------------------
+# arg 1: type to return
+sub get_defaults {
+ my ($type) = @_;
+ my %defaults = (
+ 'ftp-upload' => '',
+ 'inxi-branch-1' => '',
+ 'inxi-branch-2' => '',
+ 'inxi-dev' => '',
+ 'inxi-main' => '',
+ 'inxi-pinxi' => '',
+ 'inxi-man' => "$self_name.1.gz",
+ 'inxi-man-gh' => "$self_name.1",
+ 'pinxi-man' => "$self_name.1.gz",
+ 'pinxi-man-gh' => "$self_name.1",
+ );
+ if ( exists $defaults{$type}){
+ return $defaults{$type};
+ }
+ else {
+ error_handler('bad-arg-int', $type);
+ }
+# args: 1 - download url, not including file name; 2 - string to print out
+# 3 - update type option
+# note that 1 must end in / to properly construct the url path
+sub update_me {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ( $self_download, $download_id ) = @_;
+ my $downloader_error=1;
+ my $file_contents='';
+ my $output = '';
+ $self_path =~ s/\/$//; # dirname sometimes ends with /, sometimes not
+ $self_download =~ s/\/$//; # dirname sometimes ends with /, sometimes not
+ my $full_self_path = "$self_path/$self_name";
+ if ( $b_irc ){
+ error_handler('not-in-irc', "-U/--update" )
+ }
+ if ( ! -w $full_self_path ){
+ error_handler('not-writable', "$self_name", '');
+ }
+ $output .= "Starting $self_name self updater.\n";
+ $output .= "Using $dl{'dl'} as downloader.\n";
+ $output .= "Currently running $self_name version number: $self_version\n";
+ $output .= "Current version patch number: $self_patch\n";
+ $output .= "Current version release date: $self_date\n";
+ $output .= "Updating $self_name in $self_path using $download_id as download source...\n";
+ print $output;
+ $output = '';
+ $self_download = "$self_download/$self_name";
+ $file_contents = download_file('stdout', $self_download);
+ # then do the actual download
+ if ( $file_contents ){
+ # make sure the whole file got downloaded and is in the variable
+ if ( $file_contents =~ /###\*\*EOF\*\*###/ ){
+ open(my $fh, '>', $full_self_path);
+ print $fh $file_contents or error_handler('write', "$full_self_path", "$!" );
+ close $fh;
+ qx( chmod +x '$self_path/$self_name' );
+ set_version_data();
+ $output .= "Successfully updated to $download_id version: $self_version\n";
+ $output .= "New $download_id version patch number: $self_patch\n";
+ $output .= "New $download_id version release date: $self_date\n";
+ $output .= "To run the new version, just start $self_name again.\n";
+ $output .= "$line3\n";
+ $output .= "Starting download of man page file now.\n";
+ print $output;
+ $output = '';
+ if ($b_man){
+ update_man($download_id);
+ }
+ else {
+ print "Skipping man download because branch version is being used.\n";
+ }
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ error_handler('file-corrupt', "$self_name");
+ }
+ }
+ # now run the error handlers on any downloader failure
+ else {
+ error_handler('download-error', $self_download, $download_id);
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
-# args: $1 - string to strip color code characters out of
-# returns count of string length minus colors
-# note; this cleanup may not be working on bsd sed
- local string=$1
- # ansi:  irc: \x0312
- # note: using special trick for bsd sed, tr - NOTE irc sed must use " double quote
- string=$( sed -e 's/'$ESC'\[[0-9]\{1,2\}\(;[0-9]\{1,2\}\)\{0,2\}m//g' -e "s/\\\x0[0-9]\{1,3\}//g" <<< $string )
- #echo $string
- LINE_LENGTH=${#string}
- # echo ${#string}
-## this handles all verbose line construction with indentation/line starter
-## args: $1 - null (, actually: " ") or line starter; $2 - line content
- eval $LOGFS
- # convoluted, yes, but it works to trim spaces off end
- local line=${2%${2##*[![:space:]]}}
- printf "${C1}%-${INDENT}s${C2} %s" "$1" "$line${CN}"
- eval $LOGFE
+sub update_man {
+ my ($download_id) = @_;
+ my $man_file_location=set_man_location();
+ my $man_file_path="$man_file_location/$self_name.1" ;
+ my ($man_file_url,$output) = ('','');
+ my $b_downloaded = 0;
+ if ( ! -d $man_file_location ){
+ print "The required man directory was not detected on your system.\n";
+ print "Unable to continue: $man_file_location\n";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if ( ! -w $man_file_location ){
+ print "Cannot write to $man_file_location! Are you root?\n";
+ print "Unable to continue: $man_file_location\n";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if ( -f "/usr/share/man/man8/inxi.8.gz" ){
+ print "Updating man page location to man1.\n";
+ rename "/usr/share/man/man8/inxi.8.gz", "$man_file_location/inxi.1.gz";
+ if ( check_program('mandb') ){
+ system( 'mandb' );
+ }
+ }
+ # first choice is inxi.1/pinxi.1 from gh, second gz from
+ if ( $download_id ne 'dev server' && (my $program = check_program('gzip'))){
+ $man_file_url=get_defaults($self_name . '-man-gh');
+ print "Downloading Man page file...\n";
+ $b_downloaded = download_file('file', $man_file_url, $man_file_path);
+ if ($b_downloaded){
+ print "Download successful. Compressing file...\n";
+ system("$program -9 -f $man_file_path > $man_file_path.gz");
+ my $err = $?;
+ if ($err > 0){
+ print "Oh no! Something went wrong compressing the manfile:\n";
+ print "Local path: $man_file_path Error: $err\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ print "Download and install of man page successful.\nCheck to make sure it works: man $self_name\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $man_file_url = get_defaults($self_name . '-man');
+ # used to use spider tests, but only wget supports that, so no need
+ print "Downloading Man page file gz...\n";
+ $man_file_path .= '.gz';
+ # returns perl, 1 for true, 0 for false, even when using shell tool returns
+ $b_downloaded = download_file('file', $man_file_url, $man_file_path );
+ if ($b_downloaded) {
+ print "Download and install of man page successful.\nCheck to make sure it works: man $self_name\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !$b_downloaded ){
+ print "Oh no! Something went wrong downloading the Man file at:\n$man_file_url\n";
+ print "Try -U with --dbg 1 for more information on the failure.\n";
+ }
-# inxi speaks through here. When run by Konversation script alias mode, uses DCOP
-# for dcop to work, must use 'say' operator, AND colors must be evaluated by echo -e
-# note: dcop does not seem able to handle \n so that's being stripped out and replaced with space.
- eval $LOGFS
- # the double quotes are needed to avoid losing whitespace in data when certain output types are used
- # trim off whitespace at end
- local print_data="$( echo -e "$1" )"
- # just using basic debugger stuff so you can tell which thing is printing out the data. This
- # should help debug kde 4 konvi issues when that is released into sid, we'll see. Turning off
- # the redundant debugger output which as far as I can tell does exactly nothing to help debugging.
- if [[ $DEBUG -gt 5 ]];then
- if [[ $KONVI -eq 1 ]];then
- # konvi doesn't seem to like \n characters, it just prints them literally
- # print_data="$( tr '\n' ' ' <<< "$print_data" )"
- # dcop "$DCPORT" "$DCOPOBJ" say "$DCSERVER" "$DCTARGET" "konvi='$KONVI' saying : '$print_data'"
- print_data="KP-$KONVI: $print_data"
- elif [[ $KONVI -eq 2 ]];then
- # echo "konvi='$KONVI' saying : '$print_data'"
- print_data="KP-$KONVI: $print_data"
- else
- # echo "printing out: '$print_data'"
- print_data="P: $print_data"
- fi
- fi
- if [[ $KONVI -eq 1 && $B_DCOP == 'true' ]]; then ## dcop Konversation (<= 1.1 (qt3))
- # konvi doesn't seem to like \n characters, it just prints them literally
- $print_data="$( tr '\n' ' ' <<< "$print_data" )"
- dcop "$DCPORT" "$DCOPOBJ" say "$DCSERVER" "$DCTARGET" "$print_data"
- elif [[ $KONVI -eq 3 && $B_QDBUS == 'true' ]]; then ## dbus Konversation (> 1.2 (qt4))
- qdbus org.kde.konversation /irc say "$DCSERVER" "$DCTARGET" "$print_data"
-# elif [[ $IRC_CLIENT == 'X-Chat' ]]; then
-# qdbus org.xchat.service print "$print_data\n"
- else
- # the -n is needed to avoid double spacing of output in terminal
- echo -ne "$print_data\n"
- fi
- eval $LOGFE
-# uses $TERM_COLUMNS to set width using $COLS_MAX as max width
-# IMPORTANT: Must come after print_screen_output for debugging purposes
-# IMPORTANT: minimize use of subshells here or the output is too slow
-# IMPORTANT: each text chunk must be a continuous line, no line breaks. For anyone who uses a
-# code editor that can't do visual (not hard coded) line wrapping, upgrade to one that can.
-# args: $1 - 0 1 2 3 4 for indentation level; $2 -line starter, like -m; $3 - content of block.
- local line_width=$COLS_MAX
- local print_string='' indent_inner='' indent_full='' indent_x=''
- local indent_working='' indent_working_full=''
- local line_starter='' line_1_starter='' line_x_starter=''
- # note: to create a padded string below
- local fake_string=' ' temp_count='' line_count='' spacer=''
- local indent_main=6 indent_x='' b_indent_x='true'
- case $1 in
- # for no options, start at left edge
- 0) indent_full=0
- line_1_starter=''
- line_x_starter=''
- b_indent_x='false'
- ;;
- 1) indent_full=$indent_main
- temp_count=${#2}
- if [[ $temp_count -le $indent_full ]];then
- indent_working=$indent_full
- else
- indent_working=$temp_count #$(( $temp_count + 1 ))
- fi
- line_1_starter="$( sed -e :a -e "s/^.\{1,$indent_working\}$/& /;ta" <<< $2 )"
- ;;
- # first left pad 2 and 3, then right pad them
- 2) indent_full=$(( $indent_main + 6 ))
- indent_inner=3
- temp_count=${#2}
- if [[ $temp_count -le $indent_inner ]];then
- indent_working=$indent_inner
- #indent_working_full=$indent_full
- else
- indent_working=$(( $temp_count + 1 ))
- #indent_working_full=$(( $indent_full - $indent_inner - 1 ))
- fi
- line_1_starter="$( sed -e :a -e "s/^.\{1,$indent_working\}$/& /;ta" <<< $2 )"
- line_1_starter="$( sed -e :a -e "s/^.\{1,$indent_full\}$/ &/;ta" <<< "$line_1_starter" )"
- ;;
- 3) indent_full=$(( $indent_main + 8 ))
- indent_inner=3
- temp_count=${#2}
- if [[ $temp_count -le $indent_inner ]];then
- indent_working=$indent_inner
- else
- indent_working=$(( $temp_count + 1 ))
- fi
- line_1_starter="$( sed -e :a -e "s/^.\{1,$indent_working\}$/& /;ta" <<< $2 )"
- line_1_starter="$( sed -e :a -e "s/^.\{1,$indent_full\}$/ &/;ta" <<< "$line_1_starter" )"
- ;;
- # for long options
- 4) indent_full=$(( $indent_main + 8 ))
- temp_count=${#2}
- if [[ $temp_count -lt $indent_full ]];then
- indent_working=$indent_full
- else
- indent_working=$temp_count #$(( $temp_count + 1 ))
- fi
- line_1_starter="$( sed -e :a -e "s/^.\{1,$indent_working\}$/& /;ta" <<< $2 )"
- ;;
- esac
- if [[ $b_indent_x == 'true' ]];then
- indent_x=$(( $indent_full + 1 ))
- line_x_starter="$(printf "%${indent_x}s" '')"
- fi
- line_count=$(( $line_width - $indent_full ))
- # bash loop is slow, only run this if required
- if [[ ${#3} -gt $line_count ]];then
- for word in $3
- do
- temp_string="$print_string$spacer$word"
- spacer=' '
- if [[ ${#temp_string} -lt $line_count ]];then
- print_string=$temp_string # lose any white space start/end
- # echo -n $(( $line_width - $indent_full ))
- else
- if [[ -n $line_1_starter ]];then
- line_starter="$line_1_starter"
- line_1_starter=''
- else
- line_starter="$line_x_starter"
- fi
- # clean up forced connections, ie, stuff we don't want wrapping
- print_string=${print_string//\^/ }
- print_screen_output "$line_starter$print_string"
- print_string="$word$spacer" # needed to handle second word on new line
- temp_string=''
- spacer=''
- fi
- done
- else
- # echo no loop
- print_string=$3
- fi
- # print anything left over
- if [[ -n $print_string ]];then
- if [[ -n $line_1_starter ]];then
- line_starter="$line_1_starter"
- line_1_starter=''
- else
- line_starter="$line_x_starter"
- fi
- print_string=${print_string//\^/ }
- print_screen_output "$line_starter$print_string"
- fi
-# print_lines_basic '1' '-m' 'let us teest this string and lots more and stuff and more stuff and x is wy and z is x and fred is dead and gus is alive an yes we have to go now'
-# print_lines_basic '2' '7' 'and its substring this string and lots more and stuff and more stuff and x is wy and z is x and fred is dead and gus is alive an yes we have to go now'
-# print_lines_basic '2' '12' 'and its sss substring'
-# print_lines_basic '3' '12' 'and its sss substring this string and lots more and stuff and more stuff and x is wy and z is x and fred is dead and gus is alive an yes we have to go now'
-# exit
+sub set_man_location {
+ my $location='';
+ my $default_location='/usr/share/man/man1';
+ my $man_paths=qx(man --path 2>/dev/null);
+ my $man_local='/usr/local/share/man';
+ my $b_use_local=0;
+ if ( $man_paths && $man_paths =~ /$man_local/ ){
+ $b_use_local=1;
+ }
+ # for distro installs
+ if ( -f "$default_location/inxi.1.gz" ){
+ $location=$default_location;
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( $b_use_local ){
+ if ( ! -d "$man_local/man1" ){
+ mkdir "$man_local/man1";
+ }
+ $location="$man_local/man1";
+ }
+ }
+ if ( ! $location ){
+ $location=$default_location;
+ }
+ return $location;
+# update for updater output version info
+# note, this is only now used for self updater function so it can get
+# the values from the UPDATED file, NOT the running program!
+sub set_version_data {
+ open (my $fh, '<', "$self_path/$self_name");
+ while( my $row = <$fh>){
+ chomp $row;
+ $row =~ s/'|;//g;
+ if ($row =~ /^my \$self_name/ ){
+ $self_name = (split /=/, $row)[1];
+ }
+ elsif ($row =~ /^my \$self_version/ ){
+ $self_version = (split /=/, $row)[1];
+ }
+ elsif ($row =~ /^my \$self_date/ ){
+ $self_date = (split /=/, $row)[1];
+ }
+ elsif ($row =~ /^my \$self_patch/ ){
+ $self_patch = (split /=/, $row)[1];
+ }
+ elsif ($row =~ /^## END INXI INFO/){
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ close $fh;
-# Get the parameters. Note: standard options should be lower case, advanced or testing, upper
-# args: $1 - full script startup args: $@
- eval $LOGFS
- local opt='' downloader_test='' debug_data_type='' weather_flag='wW:'
- local use_short='true' # this is needed to trigger short output, every v/d/F/line trigger sets this false
+sub get_options{
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (@args) = @_;
+ $show{'short'} = 1;
+ my ($b_downloader,$b_help,$b_no_man,$b_no_man_force,$b_recommends,$b_updater,$b_version,
+ $b_use_man,$self_download, $download_id);
+ GetOptions (
+ 'A|audio' => sub {
+ $show{'short'} = 0;
+ $show{'audio'} = 1;},
+ 'b|basic' => sub {
+ $show{'short'} = 0;
+ $show{'battery'} = 1;
+ $show{'cpu-basic'} = 1;
+ $show{'raid-basic'} = 1;
+ $show{'disk-total'} = 1;
+ $show{'graphic'} = 1;
+ $show{'info'} = 1;
+ $show{'machine'} = 1;
+ $show{'network'} = 1;
+ $show{'system'} = 1;},
+ 'B|battery' => sub {
+ $show{'short'} = 0;
+ $show{'battery'} = 1;
+ $show{'battery-forced'} = 1; },
+ 'c|color:i' => sub {
+ my ($opt,$arg) = @_;
+ if ( $arg >= 0 && $arg < get_color_scheme('count') ){
+ set_color_scheme($arg);
+ }
+ elsif ( $arg >= 94 && $arg <= 99 ){
+ $colors{'selector'} = $arg;
+ }
+ else {
+ error_handler('bad-arg', $opt, $arg);
+ } },
+ 'C|cpu' => sub {
+ $show{'short'} = 0;
+ $show{'cpu'} = 1; },
+ 'd|disk-full|optical' => sub {
+ $show{'short'} = 0;
+ $show{'disk'} = 1;
+ $show{'optical'} = 1; },
+ 'D' => sub {
+ $show{'short'} = 0;
+ $show{'disk'} = 1; },
+ 'f|flags|flag' => sub {
+ $show{'short'} = 0;
+ $show{'cpu'} = 1;
+ $show{'cpu-flag'} = 1; },
+ 'F|full' => sub {
+ $show{'short'} = 0;
+ $show{'audio'} = 1;
+ $show{'battery'} = 1;
+ $show{'cpu'} = 1;
+ $show{'disk'} = 1;
+ $show{'graphic'} = 1;
+ $show{'info'} = 1;
+ $show{'machine'} = 1;
+ $show{'network'} = 1;
+ $show{'network-advanced'} = 1;
+ $show{'partition'} = 1;
+ $show{'raid'} = 1;
+ $show{'sensor'} = 1;
+ $show{'system'} = 1; },
+ 'G|graphics|graphic' => sub {
+ $show{'short'} = 0;
+ $show{'graphic'} = 1; },
+ 'i|ip' => sub {
+ $show{'short'} = 0;
+ $show{'ip'} = 1;
+ $show{'network'} = 1;
+ $show{'network-advanced'} = 1;
+ $b_downloader = 1 if ! check_program('dig');},
+ 'I|info' => sub {
+ $show{'short'} = 0;
+ $show{'info'} = 1; },
+ 'l|labels|label' => sub {
+ $show{'short'} = 0;
+ $show{'label'} = 1;
+ $show{'partition'} = 1; },
+ 'limit:i' => sub {
+ my ($opt,$arg) = @_;
+ if ($arg != 0){
+ $limit = $arg;
+ }
+ else {
+ error_handler('bad-arg',$opt,$arg);
+ } },
+ 'm|memory' => sub {
+ $show{'short'} = 0;
+ $show{'ram'} = 1; },
+ 'M|machine' => sub {
+ $show{'short'} = 0;
+ $show{'machine'} = 1; },
+ 'n|network-advanced' => sub {
+ $show{'short'} = 0;
+ $show{'network'} = 1;
+ $show{'network-advanced'} = 1; },
+ 'N|network' => sub {
+ $show{'short'} = 0;
+ $show{'network'} = 1; },
+ 'o|unmounted' => sub {
+ $show{'short'} = 0;
+ $show{'unmounted'} = 1; },
+ 'p|partition-full' => sub {
+ $show{'short'} = 0;
+ $show{'partition'} = 0;
+ $show{'partition-full'} = 1; },
+ 'P|partitions|partition' => sub {
+ $show{'short'} = 0;
+ $show{'partition'} = 1; },
+ 'r|repos|repo' => sub {
+ $show{'short'} = 0;
+ $show{'repo'} = 1; },
+ 'R|raid' => sub {
+ $show{'short'} = 0;
+ $show{'raid'} = 1;
+ $show{'raid-forced'} = 1; },
+ 's|sensors|sensor' => sub {
+ $show{'short'} = 0;
+ $show{'sensor'} = 1; },
+ 'sleep:s' => sub {
+ my ($opt,$arg) = @_;
+ $arg ||= 0;
+ if ($arg >= 0){
+ $cpu_sleep = $arg;
+ }
+ else {
+ error_handler('bad-arg',$opt,$arg);
+ } },
+ 'slots|slot' => sub {
+ $show{'short'} = 0;
+ $show{'slot'} = 1; },
+ 'S|system' => sub {
+ $show{'short'} = 0;
+ $show{'system'} = 1; },
+ 't|processes|process:s' => sub {
+ my ($opt,$arg) = @_;
+ $show{'short'} = 0;
+ $arg ||= 'cm';
+ my $num = $arg;
+ $num =~ s/^[cm]+// if $num;
+ if ( $arg =~ /^([cm]+)([0-9]+)?$/ && (!$num || $num =~ /^\d+/) ){
+ $show{'process'} = 1;
+ if ($arg =~ /c/){
+ $show{'ps-cpu'} = 1;
+ }
+ if ($arg =~ /m/){
+ $show{'ps-mem'} = 1;
+ }
+ $ps_count = $num if $num;
+ }
+ else {
+ error_handler('bad-arg',$opt,$arg);
+ } },
+ 'usb' => sub {
+ $show{'short'} = 0;
+ $show{'usb'} = 1; },
+ 'u|uuid' => sub {
+ $show{'short'} = 0;
+ $show{'partition'} = 1;
+ $show{'uuid'} = 1; },
+ 'v|verbosity:i' => sub {
+ my ($opt,$arg) = @_;
+ $show{'short'} = 0;
+ if ( $arg =~ /^[0-8]$/ ){
+ if ($arg == 0 ){
+ $show{'short'} = 1;
+ }
+ if ($arg >= 1 ){
+ $show{'cpu-basic'} = 1;
+ $show{'disk-total'} = 1;
+ $show{'graphic'} = 1;
+ $show{'info'} = 1;
+ $show{'system'} = 1;
+ }
+ if ($arg >= 2 ){
+ $show{'battery'} = 1;
+ $show{'disk-basic'} = 1;
+ $show{'raid-basic'} = 1;
+ $show{'machine'} = 1;
+ $show{'network'} = 1;
+ }
+ if ($arg >= 3 ){
+ $show{'network-advanced'} = 1;
+ $show{'cpu'} = 1;
+ $extra = 1;
+ }
+ if ($arg >= 4 ){
+ $show{'disk'} = 1;
+ $show{'partition'} = 1;
+ }
+ if ($arg >= 5 ){
+ $show{'audio'} = 1;
+ $show{'ram'} = 1;
+ $show{'label'} = 1;
+ $show{'optical-basic'} = 1;
+ $show{'ram'} = 1;
+ $show{'raid'} = 1;
+ $show{'sensor'} = 1;
+ $show{'uuid'} = 1;
+ }
+ if ($arg >= 6 ){
+ $show{'optical'} = 1;
+ $show{'partition-full'} = 1;
+ $show{'unmounted'} = 1;
+ $show{'usb'} = 1;
+ $extra = 2;
+ }
+ if ($arg >= 7 ){
+ $b_downloader = 1 if ! check_program('dig');
+ $show{'cpu-flag'} = 1;
+ $show{'ip'} = 1;
+ $show{'raid-forced'} = 1;
+ $extra = 3;
+ }
+ if ($arg >= 8 ){
+ $b_downloader = 1;
+ $show{'slot'} = 1;
+ $show{'process'} = 1;
+ $show{'ps-cpu'} = 1;
+ $show{'ps-mem'} = 1;
+ $show{'repo'} = 1;
+ #$show{'weather'} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ error_handler('bad-arg',$opt,$arg);
+ } },
+ 'w|weather' => sub {
+ my ($opt) = @_;
+ $show{'short'} = 0;
+ $b_downloader = 1;
+ if ( $b_weather ){
+ $show{'weather'} = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ error_handler('distro-block', $opt);
+ } },
+ 'W|weather-location:s' => sub {
+ my ($opt,$arg) = @_;
+ $arg ||= '';
+ $arg =~ s/\s//g;
+ $show{'short'} = 0;
+ $b_downloader = 1;
+ if ( $b_weather ){
+ if ($arg){
+ $show{'weather'} = 1;
+ $show{'weather-location'} = $arg;
+ }
+ else {
+ error_handler('bad-arg',$opt,$arg);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ error_handler('distro-block', $opt);
+ } },
+ 'x|extra:i' => sub {
+ my ($opt,$arg) = @_;
+ if ($arg > 0){
+ $extra = $arg;
+ }
+ else {
+ $extra++;
+ } },
+ 'y|width:i' => sub {
+ my ($opt, $arg) = @_;
+ $arg = 2000 if defined $arg && $arg == -1;
+ if ( $arg =~ /\d/ && $arg >= 80 ){
+ set_display_width($arg);
+ }
+ else {
+ error_handler('bad-arg', $opt, $arg);
+ } },
+ 'z|filter' => sub {
+ $show{'filter'} = 1; },
+ 'Z|filter-override' => sub {
+ $show{'filter-override'} = 1; },
+ ## Start non data options
+ 'alt:i' => sub {
+ my ($opt,$arg) = @_;
+ if ($arg == 40) {
+ $dl{'tiny'} = 0;
+ $b_downloader = 1;}
+ elsif ($arg == 41) {
+ $dl{'curl'} = 0;
+ $b_downloader = 1;}
+ elsif ($arg == 42) {
+ $dl{'fetch'} = 0;
+ $b_downloader = 1;}
+ elsif ($arg == 43) {
+ $dl{'wget'} = 0;
+ $b_downloader = 1;}
+ elsif ($arg == 44) {
+ $dl{'curl'} = 0;
+ $dl{'fetch'} = 0;
+ $dl{'wget'} = 0;
+ $b_downloader = 1;}
+ else {
+ error_handler('bad-arg', $opt, $arg);
+ }},
+ 'arm' => sub {
+ $b_arm = 1 },
+ 'bsd:s' => sub {
+ my ($opt,$arg) = @_;
+ if ($arg =~ /^(darwin|dragonfly|freebsd|openbsd|netbsd)$/i){
+ $bsd_type = lc($arg);
+ }
+ else {
+ error_handler('bad-arg', $opt, $arg);
+ }
+ },
+ 'dbg:i' => sub {
+ my ($opt,$arg) = @_;
+ if ($arg > 0) {
+ $test[$arg] = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ error_handler('bad-arg', $opt, $arg);
+ }},
+ 'debug:i' => sub {
+ my ($opt,$arg) = @_;
+ if ($arg =~ /^[1-3]|1[0-2]|2[0-4]$/){
+ $debug=$arg;
+ }
+ else {
+ error_handler('bad-arg', $opt, $arg);
+ } },
+ 'display:s' => sub {
+ my ($opt,$arg) = @_;
+ if ($arg =~ /^:?([0-9]+)?$/){
+ $display=$arg;
+ $display ||= ':0';
+ $display = ":$display" if $display !~ /^:/;
+ $b_display = ($b_root) ? 0 : 1;
+ $b_force_display = 1;
+ $display_opt = "-display $display";
+ }
+ else {
+ error_handler('bad-arg', $opt, $arg);
+ } },
+ 'dmidecode' => sub {
+ $b_dmidecode_force = 1 },
+ 'downloader:s' => sub {
+ my ($opt,$arg) = @_;
+ $arg = lc($arg);
+ if ($arg =~ /^(curl|fetch|ftp|perl|wget)$/){
+ if ($arg eq 'perl' && (!check_module('HTTP::Tiny') || !check_module('IO::Socket::SSL') )){
+ error_handler('missing-perl-downloader', $opt, $arg);
+ }
+ elsif ( !check_program($arg)) {
+ error_handler('missing-downloader', $opt, $arg);
+ }
+ else {
+ # this dumps all the other data and resets %dl for only the
+ # desired downloader.
+ $arg = set_perl_downloader($arg);
+ %dl = ('dl' => $arg, $arg => 1);
+ $b_downloader = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ error_handler('bad-arg', $opt, $arg);
+ } },
+ 'ftp:s' => sub {
+ my ($opt,$arg) = @_;
+ # pattern: ftp.x.x/x
+ if ($arg =~ /^ftp\..+\..+\/[^\/]+$/ ){
+ $ftp_alt = $arg;
+ }
+ else {
+ error_handler('bad-arg', $opt, $arg);
+ }},
+ 'h|help|?' => sub {
+ $b_help = 1; },
+ 'host|hostname' => sub {
+ $show{'host'} = 1 },
+ 'indent-min:i' => sub {
+ my ($opt,$arg) = @_;
+ if ($arg =~ /^\d+$/){
+ $size{'indent-min'} = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ error_handler('bad-arg', $opt, $arg);
+ }},
+ 'irc' => sub {
+ $b_irc = 1; },
+ 'man' => sub {
+ $b_use_man = 1; },
+ 'output:s' => sub {
+ my ($opt,$arg) = @_;
+ if ($arg =~ /^(json|screen|xml)$/){
+ if ($arg =~ /json|screen|xml/){
+ $output_type = $arg;
+ }
+ else {
+ error_handler('option-feature-incomplete', $opt, $arg);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ error_handler('bad-arg', $opt, $arg);
+ }},
+ 'no-host|no-hostname' => sub {
+ $show{'host'} = 0 },
+ 'no-man' => sub {
+ $b_no_man_force = 0; },
+ 'no-ssl' => sub {
+ $dl{'no-ssl-opt'}=1 },
+ 'output-file:s' => sub {
+ my ($opt,$arg) = @_;
+ if ($arg){
+ if ($arg eq 'print' || check_output_path($arg)){
+ $output_file = $arg;
+ }
+ else {
+ error_handler('output-file-bad', $opt, $arg);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ error_handler('bad-arg', $opt, $arg);
+ }},
+ 'recommends' => sub {
+ $b_recommends = 1; },
+ 'U|update:s' => sub { # 1,2,3 OR http://myserver/path/inxi
+ my ($opt,$arg) = @_;
+ $b_downloader = 1;
+ if ( $b_update ){
+ $b_updater = 1;
+ if (!$arg && $self_name eq 'pinxi'){
+ $b_man = 1;
+ $download_id = 'inxi-perl branch';
+ $self_download = get_defaults('inxi-pinxi');
+ }
+ elsif ($arg && $arg eq '3'){
+ $b_man = 1;
+ $download_id = 'dev server';
+ $self_download = get_defaults('inxi-dev');
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!$arg){
+ $download_id = 'main branch';
+ $self_download = get_defaults('inxi-main');
+ $b_man = 1;
+ $b_use_man = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ( $arg =~ /^[12]$/){
+ $download_id = "branch $arg";
+ $self_download = get_defaults("inxi-branch-$arg");
+ }
+ elsif ( $arg =~ /^http/){
+ $download_id = 'alt server';
+ $self_download = $arg;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$self_download){
+ error_handler('bad-arg', $opt, $arg);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ error_handler('distro-block', $opt);
+ } },
+ 'V|version' => sub {
+ $b_version = 1 },
+ '<>' => sub {
+ my ($opt) = @_;
+ error_handler('unknown-option', "$opt", "" ); }
+ ) ; #or error_handler('unknown-option', "@ARGV", '');
+ ## run all these after so that we can change widths, downloaders, etc
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ CheckRecommends::run() if $b_recommends;
+ set_downloader() if $b_downloader;
+ show_version() if $b_version;
+ show_options() if $b_help;
+ $b_man = 0 if (!$b_use_man || $b_no_man_force);
+ update_me( $self_download, $download_id ) if $b_updater;
+ if ($output_type){
+ if ($output_type ne 'screen' && ! $output_file){
+ error_handler('bad-arg', '--output', '--output-file not provided');
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $show{'ram'} || $show{'slot'} ||
+ ( ( $bsd_type || $b_dmidecode_force ) && ($show{'machine'} || $show{'battery'}) ) ){
+ $b_dmi = 1;
+ }
+ if ($show{'audio'} || $show{'graphic'} || $show{'network'} ){
+ $b_pci = 1;
+ }
+ if ($show{'usb'} || $show{'audio'} || $show{'network'} ){
+ # to detect wan/lan, we have to use long form to get as much data as possible
+ $usb_level = ($show{'usb'} || $show{'network'}) ? 2 : 1;
+ }
+ if ($bsd_type && ($show{'short'} || $show{'cpu'} || $show{'cpu-basic'} || $show{'machine'} ||
+ $show{'info'} || $show{'process'} || $show{'ram'} ) ){
+ $b_sysctl = 1;
+ }
+ if ($show{'filter-override'}){
+ $show{'filter'} = 0;
+ }
+ # override for things like -b or -v2 to -v3
+ $show{'cpu-basic'} = 0 if $show{'cpu'};
+ $show{'optical-basic'} = 0 if $show{'optical'};
+ $show{'partition'} = 0 if $show{'partition-full'};
+ if ($show{'disk'} || $show{'optical'} ){
+ $show{'disk-basic'} = 0;
+ $show{'disk-total'} = 0;
+ }
+ if ($bsd_type && ($show{'short'} || $show{'disk-basic'} || $show{'disk-total'} || $show{'disk'})){
+ $b_dm_boot_disk = 1;
+ }
+ if ($bsd_type && ($show{'optical-basic'} || $show{'optical'})){
+ $b_dm_boot_optical = 1
+ }
+sub show_options {
+ error_handler('not-in-irc', 'help') if $b_irc;
+ my (@row,@rows,@data);
+ my $line = '';
+ my $color_scheme_count = get_color_scheme('count') - 1;
+ my $partition_string='partition';
+ my $partition_string_u='Partition';
+ my $flags = ($b_arm) ? 'features' : 'flags' ;
+ if ( $bsd_type ){
+ $partition_string='slice';
+ $partition_string_u='Slice';
+ }
+ # fit the line to the screen!
+ for my $i ( 0 .. ( ( $size{'max'} / 2 ) - 2 ) ){
+ $line = $line . '- ';
+ }
+ @rows = (
+ ['0', '', '', "$self_name supports the following options. You can combine
+ these or list them one by one. For more detailed information, see man^$self_name.
+ Examples:^$self_name^-v4^-c6 OR
+ $self_name^-bDc^6. If you start $self_name with no arguments, it will display
+ a short system summary." ],
+ [0, '', '', '' ],
+ ['0', '', '', "The following options, if used without -F, -b, or -v, will
+ show option line(s): A, B, C, D, G, I, M, N, P, R, S, W, d, f, i, l, m, n,
+ o, p, r, s, t, u, w, --slots, --usb - you can use these alone or together
+ to show just the line(s) you want to see. If you use them with -v [level],
+ -b or -F, $self_name will combine the outputs." ],
+ ['0', '', '', $line ],
+ ['0', '', '', "Output Control Options:" ],
+ ['1', '-A', '--audio', "Audio/sound card(s), driver, sound server." ],
+ ['1', '-b', '--basic', "Basic output, short form. Same as $self_name^-v^2." ],
+ ['1', '-B', '--battery', "Battery info, including charge and condition, plus
+ extra info (if battery present)." ],
+ ['1', '-c', '--color', "Set color scheme (0-42). Example:^$self_name^-c^11" ],
+ ['1', '', '', "Color selectors let you set the config file value for the
+ selection (NOTE: IRC and global only show safe color set)" ],
+ ['2', '94', '', "Console, out of X" ],
+ ['2', '95', '', "Terminal, running in X - like xTerm" ],
+ ['2', '96', '', "Gui IRC, running in X - like Xchat, Quassel, Konversation etc." ],
+ ['2', '97', '', "Console IRC running in X - like irssi in xTerm" ],
+ ['2', '98', '', "Console IRC not in X" ],
+ ['2', '99', '', "Global - Overrides/removes all settings. Setting specific
+ removes global." ],
+ ['1', '-C', '--cpu', "CPU output, including per CPU clock speed and max
+ CPU speed (if available)." ],
+ ['1', '-d', '--disk-full, --optical', "Optical drive data (and floppy disks,
+ if present). Triggers -D." ],
+ ['1', '-D', '--disk', "Hard Disk info, including total storage and details
+ for each disk. Disk total used percentage includes swap partition size(s)." ],
+ ['1', '-f', '--flags', "All CPU $flags. Triggers -C. Not shown with -F to
+ avoid spamming." ],
+ ['1', '-F', '--full', "Full output. Includes all Upper Case line letters
+ except -W, plus -s and -n. Does not show extra verbose options such
+ as -d -f -i -l -m -o -p -r -t -u -x, unless specified." ],
+ ['1', '-G', '--graphics', "Graphics info (card(s), driver, display protocol
+ (if available), display server, resolution, renderer, OpenGL version)." ],
+ ['1', '-i', '--ip', "WAN IP address and local interfaces (requires ifconfig
+ or ip network tool). Triggers -n. Not shown with -F for user security reasons.
+ You shouldn't paste your local/WAN IP." ],
+ ['1', '-I', '--info', "General info, including processes, uptime, memory,
+ IRC client or shell type, $self_name version." ],
+ ['1', '-l', '--label', "$partition_string_u labels. Triggers -P.
+ For full -p output, use -pl." ],
+ ['1', '-m', '--memory', "Memory (RAM) data. Requires root. Numbers of
+ devices (slots) supported and individual memory devices (sticks of memory etc).
+ For devices, shows device locator, size, speed, type (e.g. DDR3).
+ If neither -I nor -tm are selected, also shows RAM used/total." ],
+ ['1', '-M', '--machine', "Machine data. Device type (desktop, server, laptop,
+ VM etc.), motherboard, BIOS and, if present, system builder (e.g. Lenovo).
+ Shows UEFI/BIOS/UEFI [Legacy]. Older systems/kernels without the required /sys
+ data can use dmidecode instead, run as root. Dmidecode can be forced with --dmidecode" ],
+ ['1', '-n', '--network-advanced', "Advanced Network card info. Triggers -N. Shows
+ interface, speed, MAC id, state, etc. " ],
+ ['1', '-N', '--network', "Network card(s), driver." ],
+ ['1', '-o', '--unmounted', "Unmounted $partition_string info (includes UUID
+ and Label if available). Shows file system type if you have lsblk installed
+ (Linux) or, for BSD/GNU Linux, if 'file' installed and you are root or if
+ you have added to /etc/sudoers (sudo v. 1.7 or newer)." ],
+ ['1', '', '', "Example: ^<username>^ALL^=^NOPASSWD:^/usr/bin/file^" ],
+ ['1', '-p', '--partitions-full', "Full $partition_string information (-P plus all other
+ detected ${partition_string}s)." ],
+ ['1', '-P', '--partitions', "Basic $partition_string info. Shows, if detected:
+ / /boot /home /opt /tmp /usr /var /var/log /var/tmp. Use -p to see all
+ mounted ${partition_string}s." ],
+ ['1', '-r', '--repos', "Distro repository data. Supported repo types: APK,
+ ['1', '-R', '--raid', "RAID data. Shows RAID devices, states, levels,
+ and components. md-raid: If device is resyncing, also shows resync progress line." ],
+ ['1', '-s', '--sensors', "Sensors output (if sensors installed/configured):
+ mobo/CPU/GPU temp; detected fan speeds. GPU temp only for Fglrx/Nvidia drivers.
+ Nvidia shows screen number for > 1 screen. IPMI sensors if present." ],
+ ['1', '', '--slots', "PCI slots: type, speed, status. Requires root." ],
+ ['1', '-S', '--system', "System info: host name, kernel, desktop environment
+ (if in X/Wayland), distro." ],
+ ['1', '-t', '--processes', "Processes. Requires extra options: c (CPU), m
+ (memory), cm (CPU+memory). If followed by numbers 1-x, shows that number
+ of processes for each type (default: 5; if in IRC, max: 5). " ],
+ ['1', '', '', "Make sure that there is no space between letters and
+ numbers (e.g. write as^-t^cm10)." ],
+ ['1', '', '--usb', "Show USB data: Hubs and Devices." ],
+ ['1', '-u', '--uuid', "$partition_string_u UUIDs. Triggers -P. For full -p
+ output, use -pu." ],
+ ['1', '-v', '--verbosity', "Set $self_name verbosity level (0-8).
+ Should not be used with -b or -F. Example: $self_name^-v^4" ],
+ ['2', '0', '', "Same as: $self_name" ],
+ ['2', '1', '', "Basic verbose, -S + basic CPU + -G + basic Disk + -I." ],
+ ['2', '2', '', "Networking card (-N), Machine (-M), Battery (-B; if present),
+ and, if present, basic RAID (devices only; notes if inactive).
+ Same as $self_name^-b" ],
+ ['2', '3', '', "Advanced CPU (-C), battery (-B), network (-n);
+ triggers -x. " ],
+ ['2', '4', '', "$partition_string_u size/used data (-P) for
+ (if present) /, /home, /var/, /boot. Shows full disk data (-D). " ],
+ ['2', '5', '', "Audio card (-A), sensors (-s), memory/RAM (-m),
+ $partition_string label^(-l), UUID^(-u), short form of optical drives,
+ standard RAID data (-R). " ],
+ ['2', '6', '', "Full $partition_string (-p), unmounted $partition_string (-o),
+ optical drive (-d), USB (--usb), full RAID; triggers -xx." ],
+ ['2', '7', '', "Network IP data (-i); triggers -xxx."],
+ ['2', '8', '', "Everything available, including repos (-r), processes
+ (-tcm), PCI slots (--slots)."],
+ );
+ push @data, @rows;
# if distro maintainers don't want the weather feature disable it
- if [[ $B_ALLOW_WEATHER == 'false' ]];then
- weather_flag=''
- fi
- if [[ $1 == '--version' ]];then
- show_version_info
- exit 0
- elif [[ $1 == '--help' ]];then
- show_options
- exit 0
- elif [[ $1 == '--recommends' ]];then
- check_recommends_user_output
- exit 0
- # the short form only runs if no args output args are used
- # no need to run through these if there are no args
- # reserved for future use: -g for extra Graphics; -m for extra Machine; -d for extra Disk
- elif [[ -n $1 ]];then
- while getopts AbBc:CdDfFGhHiIlmMnNopPrRsSt:uUv:V${weather_flag}xy:zZ%@:!: opt
- do
- case $opt in
- A) B_SHOW_AUDIO='true'
- use_short='false'
- ;;
- b) use_short='false'
- B_SHOW_INFO='true'
- B_SHOW_SYSTEM='true'
- ;;
- use_short='false'
- ;;
- c) if [[ $OPTARG =~ ^[0-9][0-9]?$ ]];then
- case $OPTARG in
- 99)
- ;;
- 98)
- COLOR_SELECTION='irc-console'
- ;;
- 97)
- COLOR_SELECTION='irc-virtual-terminal'
- ;;
- 96)
- ;;
- 95)
- COLOR_SELECTION='virtual-terminal'
- ;;
- 94)
- ;;
- *)
- ## note: not sure about this, you'd think user values should be overridden, but
- ## we'll leave this for now
- if [[ -z $COLOR_SCHEME ]];then
- set_color_scheme "$OPTARG"
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- else
- error_handler 3 "$OPTARG"
- fi
- ;;
- C) B_SHOW_CPU='true'
- use_short='false'
- ;;
- d) B_SHOW_DISK='true'
- use_short='false'
- # error_handler 20 "-d has been replaced by -b"
- ;;
- D) B_SHOW_DISK='true'
- use_short='false'
- ;;
- f) B_SHOW_CPU='true'
- use_short='false'
- ;;
- F) # B_EXTRA_DATA='true'
- B_SHOW_AUDIO='true'
- B_SHOW_CPU='true'
- B_SHOW_DISK='true'
- B_SHOW_INFO='true'
- B_SHOW_RAID='true'
- B_SHOW_SYSTEM='true'
- use_short='false'
- ;;
- use_short='false'
- ;;
- i) B_SHOW_IP='true'
- use_short='false'
- ;;
- I) B_SHOW_INFO='true'
- use_short='false'
- ;;
- l) B_SHOW_LABELS='true'
- use_short='false'
- ;;
- m) B_SHOW_MEMORY='true'
- use_short='false'
- ;;
- M) B_SHOW_MACHINE='true'
- use_short='false'
- ;;
- use_short='false'
- ;;
- N) B_SHOW_NETWORK='true'
- use_short='false'
- ;;
- use_short='false'
- ;;
- use_short='false'
- ;;
- use_short='false'
- ;;
- r) B_SHOW_REPOS='true'
- use_short='false'
- ;;
- R) B_SHOW_RAID='true'
- # it turns out only users with mdraid software installed will have raid,
- # so unless -R is explicitly called, blank -b/-F/-v6 and less output will not show
- # error if file is missing.
- B_SHOW_RAID_R='true'
- use_short='false'
- ;;
- s) B_SHOW_SENSORS='true'
- use_short='false'
- ;;
- S) B_SHOW_SYSTEM='true'
- use_short='false'
- ;;
- t) if [[ $OPTARG =~ ^(c|m|cm|mc)([1-9]|1[0-9]|20)?$ ]];then
- use_short='false'
- if [[ -n $( grep -E '[0-9]+' <<< $OPTARG ) ]];then
- PS_COUNT=$( sed 's/[^0-9]//g' <<< $OPTARG )
- fi
- if [[ -n $( grep 'c' <<< $OPTARG ) ]];then
- fi
- if [[ -n $( grep 'm' <<< $OPTARG ) ]];then
- fi
- else
- error_handler 13 "$OPTARG"
- fi
- ;;
- u) B_SHOW_UUIDS='true'
- use_short='false'
- ;;
- v) if [[ $OPTARG =~ ^[0-9][0-9]?$ && $OPTARG -le $VERBOSITY_LEVELS ]];then
- if [[ $OPTARG -ge 1 ]];then
- use_short='false'
- B_SHOW_INFO='true'
- B_SHOW_SYSTEM='true'
- fi
- if [[ $OPTARG -ge 2 ]];then
- fi
- if [[ $OPTARG -ge 3 ]];then
- B_SHOW_CPU='true'
- B_EXTRA_DATA='true'
- fi
- if [[ $OPTARG -ge 4 ]];then
- B_SHOW_DISK='true'
- fi
- if [[ $OPTARG -ge 5 ]];then
- B_SHOW_AUDIO='true'
- B_SHOW_MEMORY='true'
- B_SHOW_LABELS='true'
- B_SHOW_UUIDS='true'
- B_SHOW_RAID='true'
- fi
- if [[ $OPTARG -ge 6 ]];then
- fi
- if [[ $OPTARG -ge 7 ]];then
- B_SHOW_IP='true'
- B_SHOW_RAID_R='true'
- fi
- else
- error_handler 4 "$OPTARG"
- fi
- ;;
- U) if [[ $B_ALLOW_UPDATE == 'true' ]];then
- self_updater "$SELF_DOWNLOAD" 'source server' "$opt"
- else
- error_handler 17 "-$opt"
- fi
- ;;
- V) show_version_info
- exit 0
- ;;
- w) B_SHOW_WEATHER=true
- use_short='false'
- ;;
- W) ALTERNATE_WEATHER_LOCATION=$( sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//' <<< $OPTARG )
- if [[ -n $( grep -Esi '([^,]+,.+|[0-9-]+)' <<< $ALTERNATE_WEATHER_LOCATION ) ]];then
- use_short='false'
- else
- error_handler 18 "-$opt: '$OPTARG'" "city,state OR latitude,longitude OR postal/zip code."
- fi
- ;;
- # this will trigger either with x, xx, xxx or with Fx but not with xF
- x) if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- elif [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- else
- B_EXTRA_DATA='true'
- fi
- ;;
- y) if [[ -z ${OPTARG//[0-9]/} && $OPTARG -ge 80 ]];then
- set_display_width "$OPTARG"
- else
- error_handler 21 "$OPTARG"
- fi
- ;;
- z) B_OUTPUT_FILTER='true'
- ;;
- ;;
- h) show_options
- exit 0
- ;;
- H) show_options 'full'
- exit 0
- ;;
- ## debuggers and testing tools
- ;;
- @) if [[ -n $( grep -E "^([1-9]|1[0-5])$" <<< $OPTARG ) ]];then
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- fi
- exec 2>&1
- # switch on logging only for -@ 8-10
- case $OPTARG in
- 8|9|10)
- if [[ $OPTARG -eq 10 ]];then
- B_LOG_COLORS='true'
- elif [[ $OPTARG -eq 9 ]];then
- B_LOG_FULL_DATA='true'
- fi
- B_USE_LOGGING='true'
- # pack the logging data for evals function start/end
- create_rotate_logfiles # create/rotate logfiles before we do anything else
- ;;
- 11|12|13|14|15)
- case $OPTARG in
- 11)
- debug_data_type='sys'
- ;;
- 12)
- debug_data_type='xorg'
- ;;
- 13)
- debug_data_type='disk'
- ;;
- 14)
- debug_data_type='all'
- ;;
- 15)
- debug_data_type='all'
- B_DEBUG_I='true'
- ;;
- esac
- initialize_data
- debug_data_collector $debug_data_type
- ;;
- esac
- else
- error_handler 9 "$OPTARG"
- fi
- ;;
- !) # test for various supported methods
- case $OPTARG in
- 1) B_TESTING_1='true'
- ;;
- 2) B_TESTING_2='true'
- ;;
- 3) B_TESTING_1='true'
- B_TESTING_2='true'
- ;;
- 1[0-3]|http*)
- if [[ $B_ALLOW_UPDATE == 'true' ]];then
- case $OPTARG in
- 10)
- self_updater "$SELF_DOWNLOAD_DEV" 'dev server' "$opt $OPTARG"
- B_MAN='false'
- ;;
- 11)
- self_updater "$SELF_DOWNLOAD_BRANCH_1" 'branch one server' "$opt $OPTARG"
- B_MAN='false'
- ;;
- 12)
- self_updater "$SELF_DOWNLOAD_BRANCH_2" 'branch two server' "$opt $OPTARG"
- B_MAN='false'
- ;;
- 13)
- self_updater "$SELF_DOWNLOAD_BRANCH_3" 'branch three server' "$opt $OPTARG"
- B_MAN='false'
- ;;
- http*)
- self_updater "$OPTARG" 'alt server' "$opt <http...>"
- B_MAN='false'
- ;;
- esac
- else
- error_handler 17 "-$opt $OPTARG"
- fi
- ;;
- 30)
- B_IRC='false'
- ;;
- 31)
- B_SHOW_HOST='false'
- ;;
- 32)
- B_SHOW_HOST='true'
- ;;
- 33)
- ;;
- 34)
- ;;
- 40*)
- if [[ $DISPLAY == '' ]];then
- DISPLAY=':0'
- fi
- ;;
- 41)
- B_CURL='false'
- set_downloader
- ;;
- 42)
- B_FETCH='false'
- set_downloader
- ;;
- 43)
- B_WGET='false'
- set_downloader
- ;;
- 44)
- B_CURL='false'
- B_FETCH='false'
- B_WGET='false'
- set_downloader
- ;;
- ftp*)
- ;;
- # for weather function, allows user to set an alternate weather location
- location=*)
- error_handler 19 "-$opt location=" "-W"
- ;;
- *) error_handler 11 "$OPTARG"
- ;;
- esac
- ;;
- *) error_handler 7 "$1"
- ;;
- esac
- done
- fi
- ## this must occur here so you can use the debugging flag to show errors
- ## Reroute all error messages to the bitbucket (if not debugging)
- if [[ $DEBUG -eq 0 ]];then
- exec 2>/dev/null
- fi
- #((DEBUG)) && exec 2>&1 # This is for debugging konversation
- # after all the args have been processed, if no long output args used, run short output
- if [[ $use_short == 'true' ]];then
- fi
- # just in case someone insists on using -zZ
- if [[ $B_OVERRIDE_FILTER == 'true' ]];then
- fi
- # change basic to full if user requested it or if arg overrides it
- if [[ $B_SHOW_RAID == 'true' && $B_SHOW_BASIC_RAID == 'true' ]];then
- fi
- eval $LOGFE
+ if ( $b_weather ){
+ @rows = (
+ ['1', '-w', '--weather', "Local weather data/time. To check an alternate
+ location, see -W."],
+ ['1', '-W', '--weather-location', "<location> Supported options for
+ <location>: postal code; city, state/country; latitude, longitude.
+ Only use if you want the weather somewhere other than the machine running
+ $self_name. Use only ASCII characters, replace spaces in city/state/country names with '+'.
+ Example:^$self_name^-W^new+york,ny"]
+ );
+ push @data, @rows;
+ }
+ @rows = (
+ ['1', '-x', '-extra', "Adds the following extra data (only works with
+ verbose or line output, not short form):" ],
+ ['2', '-B', '', "Vendor/model, status (if available)." ],
+ ['2', '-C', '', "CPU $flags, Bogomips on CPU; CPU microarchitecture +
+ revision (if found)." ],
+ ['2', '-d', '', "Extra optical drive features data; adds rev version to
+ optical drive." ],
+ ['2', '-D', '', "HDD temp with disk data if you have hddtemp installed, if
+ you are root, or if you have added to /etc/sudoers (sudo v. 1.7 or newer).
+ Example:^<username>^ALL^=^NOPASSWD:^/usr/sbin/hddtemp" ],
+ ['2', '-G', '', "Direct rendering status (in X); Screen number GPU is
+ running on (Nvidia only)." ],
+ ['2', '-i', '', "For IPv6, show additional scope addresses: Global, Site,
+ Temporary, Unknown. See --limit for large counts of IP addresses." ],
+ ['2', '-I', '', "Default system GCC. With -xx, also shows other installed
+ GCC versions. If running in shell, not in IRC client, shows shell version
+ number, if detected. Init/RC type and runlevel (if available)." ],
+ ['2', '-m', '', "Max memory module size (if available), device type." ],
+ ['2', '-N -A', '', "Version/port(s)/driver version (if available)." ],
+ ['2', '-N -A -G', '', "PCI Bus ID/USB ID number of card." ],
+ ['2', '-R', '', "md-raid: second RAID Info line with extra data:
+ blocks, chunk size, bitmap (if present). Resync line, shows blocks
+ synced/total blocks." ],
+ ['2', '-s', '', "Basic voltages (ipmi only): 12v, 5v, 3.3v, vbat." ],
+ ['2', '-S', '', "Desktop toolkit, if available (GNOME/Xfce/KDE only);
+ Kernel gcc version" ],
+ ['2', '-t', '', "Adds memory use output to CPU (-xt c), and CPU use to
+ memory (-xt m)." ],
+ ['2', '--usb', '', "For Devices, shows USB version/speed." ],
+ );
+ push @data, @rows;
+ if ( $b_weather ){
+ @rows = (['2', '-w -W', '', "Wind speed and direction, humidity, pressure,
+ and (-w only) time zone." ]);
+ push @data, @rows;
+ }
+ @rows = (
+ ['1', '-xx', '--extra 2', "Show extra, extra data (only works with verbose
+ or line output, not short form):" ],
+ ['2', '-A', '', "Chip vendor:product ID for each audio device." ],
+ ['2', '-B', '', "Serial number, voltage now/minimum (if available)." ],
+ ['2', '-C', '', "Minimum CPU speed, if available." ],
+ ['2', '-D', '', "Disk serial number." ],
+ ['2', '-G', '', "Chip vendor:product ID for each video card; OpenGL
+ compatibility version, if free drivers and available; compositor (experimental)." ],
+ ['2', '-I', '', "Other detected installed gcc versions (if present). System
+ default runlevel. Adds parent program (or tty) for shell info if not in
+ IRC. Adds Init version number, RC (if found)." ],
+ ['2', '-m', '', "Manufacturer, part number; single/double bank (if found)." ],
+ ['2', '-M', '', "Chassis info, BIOS ROM size (dmidecode only), if available." ],
+ ['2', '-N', '', "Chip vendor:product ID for each NIC." ],
+ ['2', '-R', '', "md-raid: Superblock (if present), algorithm. If resync,
+ shows progress bar." ],
+ ['2', '-s', '', "DIMM/SOC voltages (ipmi only)." ],
+ ['2', '-S', '', "Display manager (dm) in desktop output if in X (e.g. kdm,
+ gdm3, lightdm)." ],
+ ['2', '--slots', '', "Slot length." ],
+ ['2', '--usb', '', "Vendor:chip ID." ],
+ );
+ push @data, @rows;
+ if ( $b_weather ){
+ @rows = (['2', '-w -W', '', "Wind chill, dew point, heat index, if available." ]);
+ push @data, @rows;
+ }
+ @rows = (
+ ['1', '-xxx', '--extra 3', "Show extra, extra, extra data (only works
+ with verbose or line output, not short form):" ],
+ ['2', '-B', '', "Chemistry, cycles, location (if available)." ],
+ ['2', '-D', '', "Firmware rev. if available; partition scheme, in some cases." ],
+ ['2', '-I', '', "For 'Shell:' adds ([su|sudo|login]) to shell name if present;
+ for 'running in:' adds (SSH) if SSH session." ],
+ ['2', '-m', '', "Width of memory bus, data and total (if present and greater
+ than data); Detail for Type, if present; module voltage, if available; serial number." ],
+ ['2', '-R', '', "zfs-raid: portion allocated (used) by RAID devices/arrays.
+ md-raid: system md-raid support types (kernel support, read ahead, RAID events)." ],
+ ['2', '-S', '', "Panel/shell info in desktop output, if in X (like gnome-shell,
+ cinnamon, mate-panel); (if available) dm version number, active window manager." ]
+ );
+ push @data, @rows;
+ if ( $b_weather ){
+ @rows = (['2', '-w -W', '', "Location (uses -z/irc filter), weather observation
+ time, altitude (shows extra lines for data where relevant)." ] );
+ push @data, @rows;
+ }
+ @rows = (
+ ['1', '-y', '--width', "Output line width max (integer >= 80). Overrides IRC/Terminal
+ settings or actual widths. Example:^inxi^-y^130" ],
+ ['1', '-z', '--filter', "Adds security filters for IP/MAC addresses, serial numbers,
+ location (-w), user home directory name. Default on for IRC clients." ],
+ ['1', '-Z', '--filter-override', "Absolute override for output filters. Useful for
+ debugging networking issues in IRC, for example." ],
+ [0, '', '', "$line" ],
+ [0, '', '', "Additional Options:" ],
+ ['1', '-h', '--help', "This help menu." ],
+ ['1', '', '--recommends', "Checks $self_name application dependencies + recommends,
+ and directories, then shows what package(s) you need to install to add support
+ for that feature." ]
+ );
+ push @data, @rows;
+ if ( $b_update ){
+ @rows = (
+ ['1', '-U', '--update', "Auto-update $self_name. Will also install/update man
+ page. Note: if you installed as root, you must be root to update, otherwise
+ user is fine. Man page installs require root. No arguments downloads from
+ main $self_name git repo." ],
+ ['1', '', '', "Use alternate sources for updating $self_name" ],
+ ['2', '1', '', "Get the git branch one version." ],
+ ['2', '2', '', "Get the git branch two version." ],
+ ['3', '3', '', "Get the dev server ( version." ],
+ ['2', '<http>', '', "Get a version of $self_name from your own server;
+ use the full download path, e.g.^$self_name^-U^" ]
+ );
+ push @data, @rows;
+ }
+ @rows = (
+ ['1', '-V', '--version', "Prints $self_name version info then exits." ],
+ [0, '', '', "$line" ],
+ [0, '', '', "Debugging Options:" ],
+ ['1', '', '--debug', "Triggers debugging modes." ],
+ ['2', '1-3', '', "On screen debugger output." ],
+ ['2', '10', '', "Basic logging." ],
+ ['2', '11', '', "Full file/system info logging." ],
+ ['1', '', ,'', "The following create a tar.gz file of system data, plus $self_name
+ output. To automatically upload debugger data tar.gz file
+ to $self_name^--debug^21" ],
+ ['2', '20', '', "Full system data collection: /sys; xorg conf and log data, xrandr,
+ xprop, xdpyinfo, glxinfo etc.; data from dev, disks,
+ ${partition_string}s, etc." ],
+ ['2', '21', '', "Upload debugger dataset to $self_name debugger server
+ automatically, removes debugger data directory, leaves tar.gz debugger file." ],
+ ['2', '22', '', "Upload debugger dataset to $self_name debugger server
+ automatically, removes debugger data directory and debugger tar.gz file." ],
+ ['1', '', '--ftp', "Use with --debugger 21 to trigger an alternate FTP server for upload.
+ Format:^[ftp.xx.xx/yy]. Must include a remote directory to upload to.
+ Example:^$self_name^--debug^21^--ftp^" ],
+ [0, '', '', "$line" ],
+ [0, '', '', "Advanced Options:" ],
+ [1, '', '--alt', "Trigger for various advanced options:" ],
+ ['2', '40', '', "Bypass Perl as a downloader option." ],
+ ['2', '41', '', "Bypass Curl as a downloader option." ],
+ ['2', '42', '', "Bypass Fetch as a downloader option." ],
+ ['2', '43', '', "Bypass Wget as a downloader option." ],
+ ['2', '44', '', "Bypass Curl, Fetch, and Wget as downloader options. Forces
+ Perl if HTTP::Tiny present." ],
+ ['1', '', '--display', "[:[0-9]] Try to get display data out of X (default: display 0)." ],
+ ['1', '', '--dmidecode', "Force use of dmidecode data instead of /sys where relevant
+ (e.g. -M, -B)." ],
+ ['1', '', '--downloader', "Force $self_name to use [curl|fetch|perl|wget] for downloads." ],
+ ['1', '', '--host', "Turn on hostname for -S." ],
+ ['1', '', '--indent-min', "Set point where $self_name autowraps line starters." ],
+ ['1', '', '--limit', "[-1; 1-x] Set max output limit of IP addresses for -i
+ (default 10; -1 removes limit)." ],
+ );
+ push @data, @rows;
+ if ( $b_update ){
+ @rows = (
+ ['1', '', '--man', "Install correct man version for dev branch (-U 3) or pinxi using -U." ],
+ );
+ push @data, @rows;
+ }
+ @rows = (
+ ['1', '', '--no-host', "Turn off hostname for -S. Useful if showing output from servers etc." ],
+ );
+ push @data, @rows;
+ if ( $b_update ){
+ @rows = (
+ ['1', '', '--no-man', "Disable man install for all -U update actions." ],
+ );
+ push @data, @rows;
+ }
+ @rows = (
+ ['1', '', '--no-ssl', "Skip SSL certificate checks for all downloader actions
+ (Wget/Fetch/Curl only)." ],
+ ['1', '', '--output', "[json|screen|xml] Change data output type. Requires --output-file
+ if not screen." ],
+ ['1', '', '--output-file', "[Full filepath|print] Output file to be used for --output." ],
+ ['1', '', '--sleep', "[0-x.x] Change CPU sleep time, in seconds, for -C
+ (default:^$cpu_sleep). Allows system to catch up and show a more accurate CPU
+ use. Example:^$self_name^-Cxxx^--sleep^0.15" ],
+ ['0', '', '', $line ],
+ );
+ push @data, @rows;
+ print_basic(@data);
+ exit 1;
-## print out help menu, not including Testing or Debugger stuff because it's not needed
- local color_scheme_count=$(( ${#A_COLOR_SCHEMES[@]} - 1 ))
- local partition_string='partition' partition_string_u='Partition'
- if [[ $B_IRC == 'true' ]];then
- print_screen_output "Sorry, you can't run the help option in an IRC client."
- exit 1
- fi
- if [[ -n $BSD_TYPE ]];then
- partition_string='slice'
- partition_string_u='Slice'
- fi
- # print_lines_basic "0" "" ""
- # print_lines_basic "1" "" ""
- # print_lines_basic "2" "" ""
- # print_screen_output " "
- print_lines_basic "0" "" "$SELF_NAME supports the following options. You can combine them, or list them one by one. Examples: $SELF_NAME^-v4^-c6 OR $SELF_NAME^-bDc^6. If you start $SELF_NAME with no arguments, it will show the short form."
- print_screen_output " "
- print_lines_basic "0" "" "The following options if used without -F, -b, or -v will show just option line(s): A, B, C, D, G, I, M, N, P, R, S, f, i, m, n, o, p, l, u, r, s, t - you can use these alone or together to show just the line(s) you want to see. If you use them with -v^[level], -b or -F, it will show the full output for that line along with the output for the chosen verbosity level."
- print_screen_output "- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -"
- print_screen_output "Output Control Options:"
- print_lines_basic "1" "-A" "Audio/sound card information."
- print_lines_basic "1" "-b" "Basic output, short form. Like $SELF_NAME^-v^2, only minus hard disk names ."
- print_lines_basic "1" "-B" "Battery info, shows charge, condition, plus extra information (if battery present)."
- print_lines_basic "1" "-c" "Color schemes. Scheme number is required. Color selectors run a color selector option prior to $SELF_NAME starting which lets you set the config file value for the selection."
- print_lines_basic "1" "" "Supported color schemes: 0-$color_scheme_count Example:^$SELF_NAME^-c^11"
- print_lines_basic "1" "" "Color selectors for each type display (NOTE: irc and global only show safe color set):"
-# print_screen_output " Supported color schemes: 0-$color_scheme_count Example: $SELF_NAME -c 11"
-# print_screen_output " Color selectors for each type display (NOTE: irc and global only show safe color set):"
- print_lines_basic "2" "94" "Console, out of X"
- print_lines_basic "2" "95" "Terminal, running in X - like xTerm"
- print_lines_basic "2" "96" "Gui IRC, running in X - like Xchat, Quassel, Konversation etc."
- print_lines_basic "2" "97" "Console IRC running in X - like irssi in xTerm"
- print_lines_basic "2" "98" "Console IRC not in X"
- print_lines_basic "2" "99" "Global - Overrides/removes all settings. Setting specific removes global."
- print_lines_basic "1" "-C" "CPU output, including per CPU clockspeed and max CPU speed (if available)."
- print_lines_basic "1" "-d" "Optical drive data (and floppy disks, if present). Same as -Dd. See also -x and -xx."
- print_lines_basic "1" "-D" "Full hard Disk info, not only model, ie: /dev/sda ST380817AS 80.0GB. See also -x and -xx. Disk total used percentage includes swap partition size(s)."
- print_lines_basic "1" "-f" "All cpu flags, triggers -C. Not shown with -F to avoid spamming. ARM cpus show 'features'."
- print_lines_basic "1" "-F" "Full output for $SELF_NAME. Includes all Upper Case line letters, plus -s and -n. Does not show extra verbose options like -d -f -l -m -o -p -r -t -u -x"
- print_lines_basic "1" "-G" "Graphic card information (card, display server type/version, resolution, renderer, OpenGL version)."
- print_lines_basic "1" "-i" "Wan IP address, and shows local interfaces (requires ifconfig
- network tool). Same as -Nni. Not shown with -F for user security reasons, you shouldn't paste your local/wan IP."
- print_lines_basic "1" "-I" "Information: processes, uptime, memory, irc client (or shell type), $SELF_NAME version."
- print_lines_basic "1" "-l" "$partition_string_u labels. Default: short $partition_string -P. For full -p output, use: -pl (or -plu)."
- print_lines_basic "1" "-m" "Memory (RAM) data. Physical system memory array(s), capacity, how many devices (slots) supported, and individual memory devices (sticks of memory etc). For devices, shows device locator, size, speed, type (like: DDR3). If neither -I nor -tm are selected, also shows ram used/total. Also see -x, -xx, -xxx"
- print_lines_basic "1" "-M" "Machine data. Device type (desktop, server, laptop, VM etc.), Motherboard, Bios, and if present, System Builder (Like Lenovo). Shows UEFI/BIOS/UEFI [Legacy]. Older systems/kernels without the required /sys data can use dmidecode instead, run as root. Dmidecode can be forced with -! 33"
- print_lines_basic "1" "-n" "Advanced Network card information. Same as -Nn. Shows interface, speed, mac id, state, etc."
- print_lines_basic "1" "-N" "Network card information. With -x, shows PCI BusID, Port number."
- print_lines_basic "1" "-o" "Unmounted $partition_string information (includes UUID and LABEL if available). Shows file system type if you have file installed, if you are root OR if you have added to /etc/sudoers (sudo v. 1.7 or newer) Example:^<username>^ALL^=^NOPASSWD:^/usr/bin/file^"
- print_lines_basic "1" "-p" "Full $partition_string information (-P plus all other detected ${partition_string}s)."
- print_lines_basic "1" "-P" "Basic $partition_string information (shows what -v^4 would show, but without extra data). Shows, if detected: / /boot /home /opt /tmp /usr /var /var/log /var/tmp . Use -p to see all mounted ${partition_string}s."
- print_lines_basic "1" "-r" "Distro repository data. Supported repo types: APK; APT; PACMAN; PISI; PORTAGE; PORTS (BSDs); SLACKPKG; URPMQ; YUM; ZYPP."
- print_lines_basic "1" "-R" "RAID data. Shows RAID devices, states, levels, and components, and extra data with -x/-xx. md-raid: If device is resyncing, shows resync progress line as well."
- print_lines_basic "1" "-s" "Sensors output (if sensors installed/configured): mobo/cpu/gpu temp; detected fan speeds. Gpu temp only for Fglrx/Nvidia drivers. Nvidia shows screen number for > 1 screens."
- print_lines_basic "1" "-S" "System information: host name, kernel, desktop environment (if in X), distro"
- print_lines_basic "1" "-t" "Processes. Requires extra options: c^(cpu) m^(memory) cm^(cpu+memory). If followed by numbers 1-20, shows that number of processes for each type (default:^$PS_COUNT; if in irc, max:^5): -t^cm10"
- print_lines_basic "1" "" "Make sure to have no space between letters and numbers (-t^cm10 - right, -t^cm^10 - wrong)."
- print_lines_basic "1" "-u" "$partition_string_u UUIDs. Default: short $partition_string -P. For full -p output, use: -pu (or -plu)."
- print_lines_basic "1" "-v" "Script verbosity levels. Verbosity level number is required. Should not be used with -b or -F"
- print_lines_basic "1" "" "Supported levels: 0-$VERBOSITY_LEVELS Example: $SELF_NAME^-v^4"
- print_lines_basic "2" "0" "Short output, same as: $SELF_NAME"
- print_lines_basic "2" "1" "Basic verbose, -S + basic CPU + -G + basic Disk + -I."
- print_lines_basic "2" "2" "Networking card (-N), Machine (-M) data, if present, Battery (-B), basic hard disk data (names only), and, if present, basic raid (devices only, and if inactive, notes that). similar to: $SELF_NAME^-b"
- print_lines_basic "2" "3" "Advanced CPU (-C), battery, network (-n) data, and switches on -x advanced data option."
- print_lines_basic "2" "4" "$partition_string_u size/filled data (-P) for (if present): /, /home, /var/, /boot. Shows full disk data (-D)."
- print_lines_basic "2" "5" "Audio card (-A); sensors^(-s), memory/ram^(-m), $partition_string label^(-l) and UUID^(-u), short form of optical drives, standard raid data (-R)."
- print_lines_basic "2" "6" "Full $partition_string (-p), unmounted $partition_string (-o), optical drive (-d), full raid; triggers -xx."
- print_lines_basic "2" "7" "Network IP data (-i); triggers -xxx."
- # if distro maintainers don't want the weather feature disable it
- if [[ $B_ALLOW_WEATHER == 'true' ]];then
- print_lines_basic "1" "-w" "Local weather data/time. To check an alternate location, see: -W^<location>. For extra weather data options see -x, -xx, and -xxx."
- print_lines_basic "1" "-W" "<location> Supported options for <location>: postal code; city, state/country; latitude, longitude. Only use if you want the weather somewhere other than the machine running $SELF_NAME. Use only ascii characters, replace spaces in city/state/country names with '+'. Example:^$SELF_NAME^-W^new+york,ny"
- fi
- print_lines_basic "1" "-x" "Adds the following extra data (only works with verbose or line output, not short form):"
- print_lines_basic "2" "-B" "Vendor/model, status (if available)"
- print_lines_basic "2" "-C" "CPU Flags, Bogomips on Cpu;CPU microarchitecture / revision if found, like: (Sandy Bridge rev.2)"
- print_lines_basic "2" "-d" "Extra optical drive data; adds rev version to optical drive."
- print_lines_basic "2" "-D" "Hdd temp with disk data if you have hddtemp installed, if you are root OR if you have added to /etc/sudoers (sudo v. 1.7 or newer) Example:^<username>^ALL^=^NOPASSWD:^/usr/sbin/hddtemp"
- print_lines_basic "2" "-G" "Direct rendering status for Graphics (in X)."
- print_lines_basic "2" "-G" "(for single gpu, nvidia driver) screen number gpu is running on."
- print_lines_basic "2" "-i" "For IPv6, show additional IP v6 scope addresses: Global, Site, Temporary, Unknown."
- print_lines_basic "2" "-I" "System GCC, default. With -xx, also show other installed GCC versions. If running in console, not in IRC client, shows shell version number, if detected. Init/RC Type and runlevel (if available)."
- print_lines_basic "2" "-m" "Part number; Max memory module size (if available)."
- print_lines_basic "2" "-N -A" "Version/port(s)/driver version (if available) for Network/Audio;"
- print_lines_basic "2" "-N -A -G" "Network, audio, graphics, shows PCI Bus ID/Usb ID number of card."
- print_lines_basic "2" "-R" "md-raid: Shows component raid id. Adds second RAID Info line: raid level; report on drives (like 5/5); blocks; chunk size; bitmap (if present). Resync line, shows blocks synced/total blocks. zfs-raid: Shows raid array full size; available size; portion allocated to RAID"
- print_lines_basic "2" "-S" "Desktop toolkit if available (GNOME/XFCE/KDE only); Kernel gcc version"
- print_lines_basic "2" "-t" "Memory use output to cpu (-xt c), and cpu use to memory (-xt m)."
- if [[ $B_ALLOW_WEATHER == 'true' ]];then
- print_lines_basic "2" "-w -W" "Wind speed and time zone (-w only)."
- fi
- print_lines_basic "1" "-xx" "Show extra, extra data (only works with verbose or line output, not short form):"
- print_lines_basic "2" "-A" "Chip vendor:product ID for each audio device."
- print_lines_basic "2" "-B" "serial number, voltage (if available)."
- print_lines_basic "2" "-C" "Minimum CPU speed, if available."
- print_lines_basic "2" "-D" "Disk serial number; Firmware rev. if available."
- print_lines_basic "2" "-G" "Chip vendor:product ID for each video card; (mir/wayland only) compositor (alpha test); OpenGL compatibility version, if free drivers and available."
- print_lines_basic "2" "-I" "Other detected installed gcc versions (if present). System default runlevel. Adds parent program (or tty) for shell info if not in IRC (like Konsole or Gterm). Adds Init/RC (if found) version number."
- print_lines_basic "2" "-m" "Manufacturer, Serial Number, single/double bank (if found)."
- print_lines_basic "2" "-M" "Chassis information, bios rom size (dmidecode only), if data for either is available."
- print_lines_basic "2" "-N" "Chip vendor:product ID for each nic."
- print_lines_basic "2" "-R" "md-raid: Superblock (if present); algorythm, U data. Adds system info line (kernel support,read ahead, raid events). If present, adds unused device line. Resync line, shows progress bar."
- print_lines_basic "2" "-S" "Display manager (dm) in desktop output, if in X (like kdm, gdm3, lightdm)."
- if [[ $B_ALLOW_WEATHER == 'true' ]];then
- print_lines_basic "2" "-w -W" "Humidity, barometric pressure."
- fi
- print_lines_basic "2" "-@ 11-14" "Automatically uploads debugger data tar.gz file to EG: $SELF_NAME^-xx@14"
- print_lines_basic "1" "-xxx" "Show extra, extra, extra data (only works with verbose or line output, not short form):"
- print_lines_basic "2" "-B" "chemistry, cycles, location (if available)."
- print_lines_basic "2" "-m" "Width of memory bus, data and total (if present and greater than data); Detail, if present, for Type; module voltage, if available."
- print_lines_basic "2" "-S" "Panel/shell information in desktop output, if in X (like gnome-shell, cinnamon, mate-panel)."
- if [[ $B_ALLOW_WEATHER == 'true' ]];then
- print_lines_basic "2" "-w -W" "Location (uses -z/irc filter), weather observation time, wind chill, heat index, dew point (shows extra lines for data where relevant)."
- fi
- print_lines_basic "1" "-y" "Required extra option: integer, 80 or greater. Set the output line width max. Overrides IRC/Terminal settings or actual widths. If used with -h, put -y option first. Example:^inxi^-y^130"
- print_lines_basic "1" "-z" "Security filters for IP/Mac addresses, location, user home directory name. Default on for irc clients."
- print_lines_basic "1" "-Z" "Absolute override for output filters. Useful for debugging networking issues in irc for example."
- print_screen_output " "
- print_screen_output "Additional Options:"
- print_lines_basic "4" "-h --help" "This help menu."
- print_lines_basic "4" "-H" "This help menu, plus developer options. Do not use dev options in normal operation!"
- print_lines_basic "4" "--recommends" "Checks $SELF_NAME application dependencies + recommends, and directories, then shows what package(s) you need to install to add support for that feature. "
- if [[ $B_ALLOW_UPDATE == 'true' ]];then
- print_lines_basic "4" "-U" "Auto-update script. Will also install/update man page. Note: if you installed as root, you must be root to update, otherwise user is fine. Man page installs require root user mode."
- fi
- print_lines_basic "4" "-V --version" "$SELF_NAME version information. Prints information then exits."
- print_screen_output " "
- print_screen_output "Debugging Options:"
- print_lines_basic "1" "-%" "Overrides defective or corrupted data."
- print_lines_basic "1" "-@" "Triggers debugger output. Requires debugging level 1-14 (8-10 - logging of data). Less than 8 just triggers $SELF_NAME debugger output on screen."
- print_lines_basic "2" "1-7" "On screen debugger output"
- print_lines_basic "2" "8" "Basic logging"
- print_lines_basic "2" "9" "Full file/sys info logging"
- print_lines_basic "2" "10" "Color logging."
- print_lines_basic "1" "" "The following create a tar.gz file of system data, plus collecting the inxi output to file. To automatically upload debugger data tar.gz file to inxi^-xx@^<11-14>"
- print_lines_basic "1" "" "For alternate ftp upload locations: Example:^inxi^-!^^-xx@^14"
- print_lines_basic "2" "11" "With data file of tree traverse read of /sys."
- print_lines_basic "2" "12" "With xorg conf and log data, xrandr, xprop, xdpyinfo, glxinfo etc."
- print_lines_basic "2" "13" "With data from dev, disks, ${partition_string}s, etc., plus /sys tree traverse data file."
- print_lines_basic "2" "14" "Everything, full data collection."
- print_screen_output " "
- print_screen_output "Advanced Options:"
- print_lines_basic "1" "-! 31" "Turns off hostname in output. Useful if showing output from servers etc."
- print_lines_basic "1" "-! 32" "Turns on hostname in output. Overrides global B_SHOW_HOST='false'"
- print_lines_basic "1" "-! 33" "Forces use of dmidecode data instead of /sys where relevant (-M)."
- print_lines_basic "1" "-! 34" "Skips SSL certificate checks for all downloader activies (wget/fetch/curl only). Must go before other options."
- print_lines_basic "1" "-! 40" "Will try to get display data out of X. Default gets it from display :0. If you use this format: -! 40:1 it would get it from display 1 instead, or any display you specify as long as there is no space between -! 40 and the :[display-number]."
- print_lines_basic "1" "-! 41" "Bypass curl as a downloader option."
- print_lines_basic "1" "-! 42" "Bypass fetch as a downloader option."
- print_lines_basic "1" "-! 43" "Bypass wget as a downloader option."
- print_lines_basic "1" "-! 44" "Bypass curl, fetch, and wget as a downloader options. Forces Perl if HTTP::Tiny present."
- if [[ $1 == 'full' ]];then
- print_screen_output " "
- print_screen_output "Developer and Testing Options (Advanced):"
- print_lines_basic "1" "-! 1" "Sets testing flag B_TESTING_1='true' to trigger testing condition 1."
- print_lines_basic "1" "-! 2" "Sets testing flag B_TESTING_2='true' to trigger testing condition 2."
- print_lines_basic "1" "-! 3" "Sets flags B_TESTING_1='true' and B_TESTING_2='true'."
- if [[ $B_ALLOW_UPDATE == 'true' ]];then
- print_lines_basic "1" "-! 10" "Triggers an update from the primary dev download server instead of source server."
- print_lines_basic "1" "-! 11" "Triggers an update from source branch one - if present, of course."
- print_lines_basic "1" "-! 12" "Triggers an update from source branch two - if present, of course."
- print_lines_basic "1" "-! 13" "Triggers an update from source branch three - if present, of course."
- print_lines_basic "1" "-! " "<http://......> Triggers an update from whatever server you list."
- print_lines_basic "1" "" "Example: inxi^-!^"
- fi
- print_lines_basic "1" "-! " "<ftp.......> Changes debugging data ftp upload location to whatever you enter here. Only used together with -xx@^11-14, and must be used in front of that."
- print_lines_basic "1" "" "Example: inxi^-!^^-xx@^14"
- fi
- print_screen_output " "
-## print out version information for -V/--version
+sub show_version {
+ require Cwd;
+ import Cwd;
# if not in PATH could be either . or directory name, no slash starting
- local script_path=$SELF_PATH script_symbolic_start=''
- if [[ $script_path == '.' ]];then
- script_path=$( pwd )
- elif [[ -z $( grep '^/' <<< "$script_path" ) ]];then
- script_path="$( pwd )/$script_path"
- fi
- # handle if it's a symbolic link, rare, but can happen with script directories in irc clients
- # which would only matter if user starts inxi with -! 30 override in irc client
- if [[ -L $script_path/$SELF_NAME ]];then
- script_symbolic_start=$script_path/$SELF_NAME
- script_path=$( readlink $script_path/$SELF_NAME )
- script_path=$( dirname $script_path )
- fi
- print_screen_output "$SELF_NAME $SELF_VERSION-$SELF_PATCH ($SELF_DATE)"
- if [[ $B_IRC == 'false' ]];then
- print_screen_output "Program Location: $script_path"
- if [[ -n $script_symbolic_start ]];then
- print_screen_output "Started via symbolic link: $script_symbolic_start"
- fi
- print_lines_basic "0" "" "Website:^^or^"
- print_lines_basic "0" "" "IRC:^ channel:^#smxi"
- print_lines_basic "0" "" "Forums:^"
- print_screen_output " "
- print_lines_basic "0" "" "$SELF_NAME - the universal, portable, system information tool for console and irc."
- print_screen_output " "
- print_lines_basic "0" "" "This program started life as a fork of Infobash 3.02: Copyright^(C)^2005-2007^Michiel^de^Boer^a.k.a.^locsmif."
- print_lines_basic "0" "" "Subsequent changes and modifications (after Infobash 3.02): Copyright^(C)^2008-${SELF_DATE%%-*}^Harald^Hope^aka^h2. CPU/Konversation^fixes:^Scott^Rogers^aka^trash80. USB^audio^fixes:^Steven^Barrett^aka^damentz."
- print_screen_output " "
- print_lines_basic "0" "" "This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ("
- fi
+ my $working_path=$self_path;
+ my (@data, @row, @rows, $link, $self_string);
+ if ( $working_path eq '.' ){
+ $working_path = getcwd();
+ }
+ elsif ( $working_path !~ /^\// ){
+ $working_path = getcwd() . "/$working_path";
+ }
+ # handle if it's a symbolic link, rare, but can happen with directories
+ # in irc clients which would only matter if user starts inxi with -! 30 override
+ # in irc client
+ if ( -l "$working_path/$self_name" ){
+ $link="$working_path/$self_name";
+ $working_path = readlink "$working_path/$self_name";
+ $working_path =~ s/[^\/]+$//;
+ }
+ # strange output /./ ending, but just trim it off, I don't know how it happens
+ $working_path =~ s%/\./%/%;
+ @row = ([ 0, '', '', "$self_name $self_version-$self_patch ($self_date)"],);
+ push @data, @row;
+ if ( ! $b_irc ){
+ @row = ([ 0, '', '', ""],);
+ push @data, @row;
+ my $year = (split/-/, $self_date)[0];
+ @row = [ 0, '', '', "Program Location: $working_path" ];
+ push @data, @row;
+ if ( $link ){
+ @row = [ 0, '', '', "Started via symbolic link: $link" ];
+ push @data, @row;
+ }
+ @rows = (
+ [ 0, '', '', "Website:^^or^" ],
+ [ 0, '', '', "IRC:^ channel:^#smxi" ],
+ [ 0, '', '', "Forums:^" ],
+ [ 0, '', '', " " ],
+ [ 0, '', '', "$self_name - the universal, portable, system information tool
+ for console and irc." ],
+ [ 0, '', '', "Using Perl version: $]"],
+ [ 0, '', '', " " ],
+ [ 0, '', '', "This program started life as a fork of Infobash 3.02:
+ Copyright^(C)^2005-2007^Michiel^de^Boer^aka^locsmif." ],
+ [ 0, '', '', "Subsequent changes and modifications (after Infobash 3.02):
+ Copyright^(C)^2008-$year^Harald^Hope^aka^h2.
+ CPU/Konversation^fixes:^Scott^Rogers^aka^trash80.
+ USB^audio^fixes:^Steven^Barrett^aka^damentz." ],
+ [ 0, '', '', '' ],
+ [ 0, '', '', "This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ (" ]
+ );
+ push @data, @rows;
+ }
+ print_basic(@data);
+ exit 1;
-# This needs some cleanup and comments, not quite understanding what is
-# happening, although generally output is known. Parse the null
-# separated commandline under /proc/<pid passed in $1>/cmdline
-# args: $1 - $PPID
- eval $LOGFS
- local i=0 ppid=$1
- if [[ ! -e /proc/$ppid/cmdline ]];then
- echo 0
- return
- fi
- ##print_screen_output "Marker"
- ##print_screen_output "\$ppid='$ppid' -=- $(< /proc/$ppid/cmdline)"
- unset A_CMDL
- #
-# Because BASH internally uses C-style strings, in which '\0' is the terminator,
-# read -d $'\0' is essentially equivalent to read -d ''. This is why I believed
-# read did not accept null-delimited strings. However, it turns out that BASH
-# actually handles this correctly.
-# I checked BASH’s source code and found the delimiter was simply determined by
-# delim = *list_optarg; (bash-3.2/builtins/read.def, line 296) where list_optarg
-# points to the argument following -d. Therefore, it makes no difference to the
-# value of delim whether $'\0' or '' is used.
- ## note: need to figure this one out, and ideally clean it up and make it readable
- while read -d $'\0' L && [[ $i -lt 32 ]]
- do
- A_CMDL[i++]="$L" ## note: make sure this is valid - What does L mean? ##
- done < /proc/$ppid/cmdline
- ##print_screen_output "\$i='$i'"
- if [[ $i -eq 0 ]];then
- A_CMDL[0]=$(< /proc/$ppid/cmdline)
- if [[ -n ${A_CMDL[0]} ]];then
- i=1
- fi
- fi
- log_function_data "CMDL_MAX: $CMDL_MAX"
- eval $LOGFE
-# Determine where inxi was run from, set IRC_CLIENT and IRC_CLIENT_VERSION
- eval $LOGFS
- local Irc_Client_Path='' irc_client_path_lower='' non_native_konvi='' i=''
- local B_Non_Native_App='false' pppid='' App_Working_Name=''
- local b_qt4_konvi='false' ps_parent=''
- if [[ $B_IRC == 'false' ]];then
- IRC_CLIENT='Shell'
- # elif [[ -n $PPID ]];then
- elif [[ -n $PPID && -f /proc/$PPID/exe ]];then
- if [[ $B_OVERRIDE_FILTER != 'true' ]];then
- fi
- Irc_Client_Path=$( readlink /proc/$PPID/exe )
- # Irc_Client_Path=$( ps -p $PPID | gawk '!/[[:space:]]*PID/ {print $5}' )
- # echo $( ps -p $PPID )
- if (( "$BASH" >= 4 ));then
- irc_client_path_lower=${Irc_Client_Path,,}
- else
- irc_client_path_lower=$( tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' <<< "$Irc_Client_Path" )
- fi
- App_Working_Name=${irc_client_path_lower##*/}
- # handles the xchat/sh/bash/dash cases, and the konversation/perl cases, where clients
- # report themselves as perl or unknown shell. IE: when konversation starts inxi
- # from inside itself, as a script, the parent is konversation/xchat, not perl/bash etc
- # note: perl can report as: perl5.10.0, so it needs wildcard handling
- case $App_Working_Name in
- # bsd will never use this section
- bash|dash|sh|python*|perl*) # We want to know who wrapped it into the shell or perl.
- if [[ $BSD_TYPE != 'bsd' ]];then
- pppid=$( ps -p $PPID -o ppid --no-headers 2>/dev/null | gawk '{print $NF}' )
- else
- # without --no-headers we need the second line
- pppid=$( ps -p $PPID -o ppid 2>/dev/null | gawk '$1 ~ /^[0-9]+/ {print $5}' )
- fi
- if [[ -n $pppid && -f /proc/$pppid/exe ]];then
- Irc_Client_Path="$( readlink /proc/$pppid/exe )"
- if (( "$BASH" >= 4 ));then
- irc_client_path_lower=${Irc_Client_Path,,}
- else
- irc_client_path_lower=$( tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' <<< "$Irc_Client_Path" )
- fi
- App_Working_Name=${irc_client_path_lower##*/}
- B_Non_Native_App='true'
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- # sets version number if it can find it
- get_irc_client_version
- else
- ## lets look to see if qt4_konvi is the parent. There is no direct way to tell, so lets infer it.
- ## because $PPID does not work with qt4_konvi, the above case does not work
- if [[ $B_OVERRIDE_FILTER != 'true' ]];then
- fi
- b_qt4_konvi=$( is_this_qt4_konvi )
- if [[ $b_qt4_konvi == 'true' ]];then
- IRC_CLIENT='Konversation'
- IRC_CLIENT_VERSION=" $( konversation -v | gawk '
- /Konversation:/ {
- for ( i=2; i<=NF; i++ ) {
- if (i == NF) {
- print $i
- }
- else {
- printf $i" "
- }
- }
- exit
- }' )"
- else
- # this should handle certain cases where it's ssh or some other startup tool
- # that falls through all the other tests. Also bsd irc clients will land here
- if [[ $BSD_TYPE != 'bsd' ]];then
- App_Working_Name=$(ps -p $PPID --no-headers 2>/dev/null | gawk '{print $NF}' )
- else
- # without --no-headers we need the second line
- App_Working_Name=$(ps -p $PPID 2>/dev/null | gawk '$1 ~ /^[0-9]+/ {print $5}' )
- fi
- if [[ -n $App_Working_Name ]];then
- Irc_Client_Path=$App_Working_Name
- if (( "$BASH" >= 4 ));then
- irc_client_path_lower=${Irc_Client_Path,,}
- else
- irc_client_path_lower=$( tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' <<< "$Irc_Client_Path" )
- fi
- App_Working_Name=${irc_client_path_lower##*/}
- B_Non_Native_App='false'
- get_irc_client_version
- if [[ -z $IRC_CLIENT ]];then
- IRC_CLIENT=$App_Working_Name
- fi
- else
- IRC_CLIENT="PPID=\"$PPID\" - empty?"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- eval $LOGFE
-# note: all variables set in caller so no need to pass
+# StartClient
- local file_data=''
- # replacing loose detection with tight detection, bugs will be handled with app names
- # as they appear.
- case $App_Working_Name in
- # check for shell first
- bash|dash|sh)
- IRC_CLIENT="Shell wrapper"
- ;;
- # now start on irc clients, alphabetically
- bitchx)
- IRC_CLIENT_VERSION=" $( $Irc_Client_Path -v | gawk '
- /Version/ {
- a=tolower($2)
- gsub(/[()]|bitchx-/,"",a)
- print a
- exit
- }
- $2 == "version" {
- a=tolower($3)
- sub(/bitchx-/,"",a)
- print a
- exit
- }' )"
- B_CONSOLE_IRC='true'
- ;;
- finch)
- IRC_CLIENT_VERSION=" $( $Irc_Client_Path -v | gawk 'NR == 1 {
- print $2
- }' )"
- B_CONSOLE_IRC='true'
- IRC_CLIENT="Finch"
- ;;
- gaim)
- IRC_CLIENT_VERSION=" $( $Irc_Client_Path -v | gawk 'NR == 1 {
- print $2
- }' )"
- ;;
- hexchat)
- # the hexchat author decided to make --version/-v return a gtk dialogue box, lol...
- # so we need to read the actual config file for hexchat. Note that older hexchats
- # used xchat config file, so test first for default, then legacy. Because it's possible
- # for this file to be user edited, doing some extra checks here.
- if [[ -f ~/.config/hexchat/hexchat.conf ]];then
- file_data="$( cat ~/.config/hexchat/hexchat.conf )"
- elif [[ -f ~/.config/hexchat/xchat.conf ]];then
- file_data="$( cat ~/.config/hexchat/xchat.conf )"
- fi
- if [[ -n $file_data ]];then
- FS="="
- }
- /^[[:space:]]*version/ {
- # get rid of the space if present
- gsub(/[[:space:]]*/, "", $2 )
- print $2
- exit # usually this is the first line, no point in continuing
- }' <<< "$file_data" )
- else
- fi
- IRC_CLIENT="HexChat"
- ;;
- ircii)
- IRC_CLIENT_VERSION=" $( $Irc_Client_Path -v | gawk 'NR == 1 {
- print $3
- }' )"
- B_CONSOLE_IRC='true'
- ;;
- irssi|irssi-text)
- IRC_CLIENT_VERSION=" $( $Irc_Client_Path -v | gawk 'NR == 1 {
- print $2
- }' )"
- B_CONSOLE_IRC='true'
- IRC_CLIENT="Irssi"
- ;;
- konversation) ## konvi < 1.2 (qt4)
- # this is necessary to avoid the dcop errors from starting inxi as a /cmd started script
- if [[ $B_Non_Native_App == 'true' ]];then ## true negative is confusing
- else # if native app
- fi
- IRC_CLIENT_VERSION=" $( $Irc_Client_Path -v | gawk '
- /Konversation:/ {
- for ( i=2; i<=NF; i++ ) {
- if (i == NF) {
- print $i
- }
- else {
- printf $i" "
- }
+package StartClient;
+# use warnings;
+# use strict;
+my $ppid = '';
+my $pppid = '';
+# NOTE: there's no reason to crete an object, we can just access
+# the features statically.
+# args: none
+# sub new {
+# my $class = shift;
+# my $self = {};
+# # print "$f\n";
+# # print "$type\n";
+# return bless $self, $class;
+# }
+sub get_client_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ $ppid = getppid();
+ main::set_ps_aux() if ! @ps_aux;
+ if (!$b_irc){
+ main::get_shell_data($ppid);
+ }
+ else {
+ $show{'filter'} = 1;
+ get_client_name();
+ if ($client{'konvi'} == 1 || $client{'konvi'} == 3){
+ set_konvi_data();
+ }
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+sub get_client_name {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my $client_name = '';
+ # print "$ppid\n";
+ if ($ppid && -e "/proc/$ppid/exe" ){
+ $client_name = lc(readlink "/proc/$ppid/exe");
+ $client_name =~ s/^.*\///;
+ if ($client_name =~ /^bash|dash|sh|python.*|perl.*$/){
+ $pppid = (main::grabber("ps -p $ppid -o ppid"))[1];
+ #my @temp = (main::grabber("ps -p $ppid -o ppid 2>/dev/null"))[1];
+ $pppid =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
+ $client_name =~ s/[0-9\.]+$//; # clean things like python2.7
+ if ($pppid && -f "/proc/$pppid/exe" ){
+ $client_name = lc(readlink "/proc/$pppid/exe");
+ $client_name =~ s/^.*\///;
+ $client{'native'} = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ $client{'name'} = $client_name;
+ get_client_version();
+ # print "c:$client_name p:$pppid\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ if (! check_modern_konvi() ){
+ $ppid = getppid();
+ $client_name = (main::grabber("ps -p $ppid"))[1];
+ if ($client_name){
+ my @data = split /\s+/, $client_name if $client_name;
+ if ($bsd_type){
+ $client_name = lc($data[5]);
- exit
- }' )"
- if [[ ${T[0]} == *+* ]];then
- # < Sho_> locsmif: The version numbers of SVN versions look like this:
- # "<version number of last release>+ #<build number", i.e. "1.0+ #3177" ...
- # for releases we remove the + and build number, i.e. "1.0" or soon "1.0.1"
- T2="${T[0]/+/}"
- else
- T2="${T[0]}"
- fi
- # Remove any dots except the first, and make sure there are no trailing zeroes,
- T2=$( echo "$T2" | gawk '{
- sub(/\./, " ")
- gsub(/\./, "")
- sub(/ /, ".")
- printf("%g\n", $0)
- }' )
- # Since Konversation 1.0, the DCOP interface has changed a bit: dcop "$DCPORT" Konversation ..etc
- # becomes : dcop "$DCPORT" default ... or dcop "$DCPORT" irc ..etc. So we check for versions smaller
- # than 1 and change the DCOP parameter/object accordingly.
- if [[ $T2 -lt 1 ]];then
- DCOPOBJ="Konversation"
- fi
- IRC_CLIENT="Konversation"
- ;;
- kopete)
- IRC_CLIENT_VERSION=" $( kopete -v | gawk '
- /Kopete:/ {
- print $2
- exit
- }' )"
- IRC_CLIENT="Kopete"
- ;;
- kvirc)
- IRC_CLIENT_VERSION=" $( $Irc_Client_Path -v 2>&1 | gawk '{
- for ( i=2; i<=NF; i++) {
- if ( i == NF ) {
- print $i
- }
- else {
- printf $i" "
- }
+ # gnu/linux uses last value
+ else {
+ $client_name = lc($data[-1]);
- exit
- }' )"
- ;;
- pidgin)
- IRC_CLIENT_VERSION=" $( $Irc_Client_Path -v | gawk 'NR == 1 {
- print $2
- }' )"
- IRC_CLIENT="Pidgin"
- ;;
- # possible failure of wildcard so make it explicit
- quassel*)
- # sample: quassel -v
- ## Qt: 4.5.0 - in Qt4 the output came from src/common/quassel.cpp
- # KDE: 4.2.65 (KDE 4.2.65 (KDE 4.3 >= 20090226))
- # Quassel IRC: v0.4.0 [+60] (git-22effe5)
- # note: early < 0.4.1 quassels do not have -v
- ## Qt: 5: sample: quassel -v
- # quassel v0.13-pre (0.12.0+5 git-8e2f578)
- # because in Qt5 the internal CommandLineParser is used
- IRC_CLIENT_VERSION=" $( $Irc_Client_Path -v 2>/dev/null | gawk '
- clientVersion=""
- }
- # qt 4 -v syntax
- /^Quassel IRC:/ {
- clientVersion = $3
- }
- # qt 5 -v syntax
- /^quassel\s[v]?[0-9]/ {
- clientVersion = $2
- }
- END {
- # this handles pre 0.4.1 cases with no -v
- if ( clientVersion == "" ) {
- clientVersion = "(pre v0.4.1)?"
- }
- print clientVersion
- }' )"
- # now handle primary, client, and core. quasselcore doesn't actually
- # handle scripts with exec, but it's here just to be complete
- case $App_Working_Name in
- quassel)
- IRC_CLIENT="Quassel [M]"
- ;;
- quasselclient)
- IRC_CLIENT="Quassel"
- ;;
- quasselcore)
- IRC_CLIENT="Quassel (core)"
- ;;
- esac
- ;;
- gribble|limnoria|supybot)
- IRC_CLIENT_VERSION=" $( get_program_version 'supybot' '^Supybot' '2' )"
- if [[ -n $IRC_CLIENT_VERSION ]];then
- if [[ -n ${IRC_CLIENT_VERSION/*gribble*/} || $App_Working_Name == 'gribble' ]];then
- IRC_CLIENT="Gribble"
- elif [[ -n ${IRC_CLIENT_VERSION/*limnoria*/} || $App_Working_Name == 'limnoria' ]];then
- IRC_CLIENT="Limnoria"
- else
- IRC_CLIENT="Supybot"
- fi
- fi
- ;;
- weechat|weechat-curses)
- IRC_CLIENT_VERSION=" $( $Irc_Client_Path -v ) "
- B_CONSOLE_IRC='true'
- IRC_CLIENT="WeeChat"
- ;;
- xchat-gnome)
- IRC_CLIENT_VERSION=" $( $Irc_Client_Path -v | gawk 'NR == 1 {
- print $2
- }' )"
- IRC_CLIENT="X-Chat-Gnome"
- ;;
- xchat)
- IRC_CLIENT_VERSION=" $( $Irc_Client_Path -v | gawk 'NR == 1 {
- print $2
- }' )"
- ;;
- # then do some perl type searches, do this last since it's a wildcard search
- perl*|ksirc|dsirc)
- # KSirc is one of the possibilities now. KSirc is a wrapper around dsirc, a perl client
- get_cmdline $PPID
- for (( i=0; i <= $CMDL_MAX; i++ ))
- do
- case ${A_CMDL[i]} in
- *dsirc*)
- # Dynamic runpath detection is too complex with KSirc, because KSirc is started from
- # kdeinit. /proc/<pid of the grandparent of this process>/exe is a link to /usr/bin/kdeinit
- # with one parameter which contains parameters separated by spaces(??), first param being KSirc.
- # Then, KSirc runs dsirc as the perl irc script and wraps around it. When /exec is executed,
- # dsirc is the program that runs inxi, therefore that is the parent process that we see.
- # You can imagine how hosed I am if I try to make inxi find out dynamically with which path
- # KSirc was run by browsing up the process tree in /proc. That alone is straightjacket material.
- # (KSirc sucks anyway ;)
- IRC_CLIENT_VERSION=" $( ksirc -v | gawk '
- /KSirc:/ {
- print $2
- exit
- }' )"
- break
- ;;
- esac
- done
- B_CONSOLE_IRC='true'
- set_perl_python_client_data "$App_Working_Name"
- ;;
- python*)
- # B_CONSOLE_IRC='true' # are there even any python type console irc clients? check.
- set_perl_python_client_data "$App_Working_Name"
- ;;
- # then unset, set unknown data
- *)
- IRC_CLIENT="Unknown : ${Irc_Client_Path##*/}"
- ;;
- esac
- if [[ $SHOW_IRC -lt 2 ]];then
- fi
+ $client_name =~ s/.*\|-(|)//;
+ $client_name =~ s/[0-9\.]+$//; # clean things like python2.7
+ $client{'name'} = $client_name;
+ $client{'native'} = 1;
+ get_client_version();
+ }
+ else {
+ $client{'name'} = "PPID='$ppid' - Empty?";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($b_log){
+ my $string = "Client: $client{'name'} :: version: $client{'version'} :: konvi: $client{'konvi'} :: PPID: $ppid";
+ main::log_data('data', $string);
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+sub get_client_version {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ @app = main::program_values($client{'name'});
+ my (@data,@working,$string);
+ if (@app){
+ $string = ($client{'name'} =~ /^gribble|limnoria|supybot$/) ? 'supybot' : $client{'name'};
+ $client{'version'} = main::program_version($string,$app[0],$app[1],$app[2],$app[4],$app[5],$app[6]);
+ $client{'name-print'} = $app[3];
+ $client{'console-irc'} = $app[4];
+ }
+ if ($client{'name'} =~ /^bash|dash|sh$/ ){
+ $client{'name-print'} = 'shell wrapper';
+ $client{'console-irc'} = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($client{'name'} eq 'bitchx') {
+ @data = main::grabber("$client{'name'} -v");
+ $string = awk(\@data,'Version');
+ if ($string){
+ $string =~ s/[()]|bitchx-//g;
+ @data = split /\s+/, $string;
+ $_=lc for @data;
+ $client{'version'} = ($data[1] eq 'version') ? $data[2] : $data[1];
+ }
+ }
+ # 'hexchat' => ['',0,'','HexChat',0,0], # special
+ # the hexchat author decided to make --version/-v return a gtk dialogue box, lol...
+ # so we need to read the actual config file for hexchat. Note that older hexchats
+ # used xchat config file, so test first for default, then legacy. Because it's possible
+ # for this file to be user edited, doing some extra checks here.
+ elsif ($client{'name'} eq 'hexchat') {
+ if ( -f '~/.config/hexchat/hexchat.conf' ){
+ @data = main::reader('~/.config/hexchat/hexchat.conf','strip');
+ }
+ elsif ( -f '~/.config/hexchat/xchat.conf' ){
+ @data = main::reader('~/.config/hexchat/xchat.conf','strip');
+ }
+ $client{'version'} = main::awk(\@data,'version',2,'\s*=\s*');
+ $client{'name-print'} = 'HexChat';
+ }
+ # note: see legacy inxi konvi logic if we need to restore any of the legacy code.
+ elsif ($client{'name'} eq 'konversation') {
+ $client{'konvi'} = ( ! $client{'native'} ) ? 2 : 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($client{'name'} =~ /quassel/) {
+ @data = main::grabber("$client{'name'} -v 2>/dev/null");
+ foreach (@data){
+ if ($_ =~ /^Quassel IRC:/){
+ $client{'version'} = (split /\s+/, $_ )[2];
+ last;
+ }
+ elsif ($_ =~ /quassel\s[v]?[0-9]/){
+ $client{'version'} = (split /\s+/, $_ )[1];
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ $client{'version'} ||= '(pre v0.4.1)?';
+ }
+ # then do some perl type searches, do this last since it's a wildcard search
+ elsif ($client{'name'} =~ /^perl.*|ksirc|dsirc$/ ) {
+ my @cmdline = main::get_cmdline();
+ # Dynamic runpath detection is too complex with KSirc, because KSirc is started from
+ # kdeinit. /proc/<pid of the grandparent of this process>/exe is a link to /usr/bin/kdeinit
+ # with one parameter which contains parameters separated by spaces(??), first param being KSirc.
+ # Then, KSirc runs dsirc as the perl irc script and wraps around it. When /exec is executed,
+ # dsirc is the program that runs inxi, therefore that is the parent process that we see.
+ # You can imagine how hosed I am if I try to make inxi find out dynamically with which path
+ # KSirc was run by browsing up the process tree in /proc. That alone is straightjacket material.
+ # (KSirc sucks anyway ;)
+ foreach (@cmdline){
+ if ( $_ =~ /dsirc/ ){
+ $client{'version'} = main::program_version('ksirc','KSirc:',2,'-v',0,0);
+ $client{'name'} = 'ksirc';
+ $client{'name-print'} = 'KSirc';
+ }
+ }
+ $client{'console-irc'} = 1;
+ perl_python_client();
+ }
+ elsif ($client{'name'} =~ /python/) {
+ perl_python_client();
+ }
+ if (!$client{'name-print'}) {
+ $client{'name-print'} = 'Unknown Client: ' . $client{'name'};
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+sub get_cmdline {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my @cmdline;
+ my $i = 0;
+ $ppid = getppid();
+ if (! -e "/proc/$ppid/cmdline" ){
+ return 1;
+ }
+ local $\ = '';
+ open( my $fh, '<', "/proc/$ppid/cmdline" ) or
+ print_line("Open /proc/$ppid/cmdline failed: $!");
+ my @rows = <$fh>;
+ close $fh;
+ foreach (@rows){
+ push @cmdline, $_;
+ $i++;
+ last if $i > 31;
+ }
+ if ( $i == 0 ){
+ $cmdline[0] = $rows[0];
+ $i = ($cmdline[0]) ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+ main::log_data('string',"cmdline: @cmdline count: $i") if $b_log;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @cmdline;
+sub perl_python_client {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ return 1 if $client{'version'};
+ # this is a hack to try to show konversation if inxi is running but started via /cmd
+ # OR via program shortcuts, both cases in fact now
+ # main::print_line("konvi: " . scalar grep { $_ =~ /konversation/ } @ps_cmd);
+ if ( $b_display && main::check_program('konversation') && ( grep { $_ =~ /konversation/ } @ps_cmd )){
+ @app = main::program_values('konversation');
+ $client{'version'} = main::program_version('konversation',$app[0],$app[1],$app[2],$app[5],$app[6]);
+ $client{'name'} = 'konversation';
+ $client{'name-print'} = $app[3];
+ $client{'console-irc'} = $app[4];
+ }
+ ## NOTE: supybot only appears in ps aux using 'SHELL' command; the 'CALL' command
+ ## gives the user system irc priority, and you don't see supybot listed, so use SHELL
+ elsif ( !$b_display &&
+ (main::check_program('supybot') || main::check_program('gribble') || main::check_program('limnoria')) &&
+ ( grep { $_ =~ /supybot/ } @ps_cmd ) ){
+ @app = main::program_values('supybot');
+ $client{'version'} = main::program_version('supybot',$app[0],$app[1],$app[2],$app[5],$app[6]);
+ if ($client{'version'}){
+ if ( grep { $_ =~ /gribble/ } @ps_cmd ){
+ $client{'name'} = 'gribble';
+ $client{'name-print'} = 'Gribble';
+ }
+ if ( grep { $_ =~ /limnoria/ } @ps_cmd){
+ $client{'name'} = 'limnoria';
+ $client{'name-print'} = 'Limnoria';
+ }
+ else {
+ $client{'name'} = 'supybot';
+ $client{'name-print'} = 'Supybot';
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $client{'name'} = 'supybot';
+ $client{'name-print'} = 'Supybot';
+ }
+ $client{'console-irc'} = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ $client{'name-print'} = "Unknown $client{'name'} client";
+ }
+ if ($b_log){
+ my $string = "namep: $client{'name-print'} name: $client{'name'} version: $client{'version'}";
+ main::log_data('data',$string);
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
## try to infer the use of Konversation >= 1.2, which shows $PPID improperly
## no known method of finding Konvi >= 1.2 as parent process, so we look to see if it is running,
## and all other irc clients are not running. As of 2014-03-25 this isn't used in my cases
- local konvi_qt4_client='' konvi_dbus_exist='' konvi_pid='' konvi_home_dir=''
- local konvi='' b_is_qt4=''
- # fringe cases can throw error, always if untested app, use 2>/dev/null after testing if present
- if [[ $B_QDBUS == 'true' ]];then
- konvi_dbus_exist=$( qdbus 2>/dev/null | grep "org.kde.konversation" )
- fi
+sub check_modern_konvi {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ return 0 if ! $client{'qdbus'};
+ my $b_modern_konvi = 0;
+ my $konvi_version = '';
+ my $konvi = '';
+ my $pid = '';
+ my (@temp);
+ # main::log_data('data',"name: $client{'name'} :: qdb: $client{'qdbus'} :: version: $client{'version'} :: konvi: $client{'konvi'} :: PPID: $ppid") if $b_log;
# sabayon uses /usr/share/apps/konversation as path
- if [[ -n $konvi_dbus_exist ]] && [[ -e /usr/share/kde4/apps/konversation || -e /usr/share/apps/konversation ]]; then
- konvi_pid=$( ps -A | gawk 'BEGIN{IGNORECASE=1} /konversation/ { print $1 }' )
- konvi_home_dir=$( readlink /proc/$konvi_pid/exe )
- konvi=$( echo $konvi_home_dir | sed "s/\// /g" )
- konvi=($konvi)
- if [[ ${konvi[2]} == 'konversation' ]];then
+ if ( -d '/usr/share/kde4/apps/konversation' || -d '/usr/share/apps/konversation' ){
+ $pid = main::awk(\@ps_aux,'konversation',2,'\s+');
+ main::log_data('data',"pid: $pid") if $b_log;
+ $konvi = readlink ("/proc/$pid/exe");
+ $konvi =~ s/^.*\///; # basename
+ @app = main::program_values('konversation');
+ if ($konvi){
+ @app = main::program_values('konversation');
+ $konvi_version = main::program_version($konvi,$app[0],$app[1],$app[2],$app[5],$app[6]);
+ @temp = split /\./, $konvi_version;
+ $client{'console-irc'} = $app[4];
+ $client{'konvi'} = 3;
+ $client{'name'} = 'konversation';
+ $client{'name-print'} = $app[3];
+ $client{'version'} = $konvi_version;
# note: we need to change this back to a single dot number, like 1.3, not 1.3.2
- konvi_qt4_client=$( konversation -v | grep -i 'konversation' | \
- gawk '{ print $2 }' | cut -d '.' -f 1,2 )
- if [[ $konvi_qt4_client > 1.1 ]]; then
- b_is_qt4='true'
- fi
- fi
- else
- konvi_qt4="qt3"
- b_is_qt4='false'
- fi
- log_function_data "b_is_qt4: $b_is_qt4"
- echo $b_is_qt4
+ $konvi_version = $temp[0] . "." . $temp[1];
+ if ($konvi_version > 1.1){
+ $b_modern_konvi = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ main::log_data('data',"name: $client{'name'} name print: $client{'name-print'}
+ qdb: $client{'qdbus'} version: $konvi_version konvi: $konvi PID: $pid") if $b_log;
+ main::log_data('data',"b_is_qt4: $b_modern_konvi") if $b_log;
## for testing this module
- #qdbus org.kde.konversation /irc say $1 $2 "getpid_dir: $konvi_qt4 qt4_konvi: $konvi_qt4_ver verNum: $konvi_qt4_ver_num pid: $konvi_pid ppid: $PPID konvi_home_dir: ${konvi[2]}"
+# my $ppid = getppid();
+# system('qdbus org.kde.konversation', '/irc', 'say', $client{'dserver'}, $client{'dtarget'},
+# "getpid_dir: $konvi_qt4 verNum: $konvi_version pid: $pid ppid: $ppid" );
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $b_modern_konvi;
-# args: $1 - App_Working_Name
- if [[ -z $IRC_CLIENT_VERSION ]];then
- local version=''
- # this is a hack to try to show konversation if inxi is running but started via /cmd
- # OR via script shortcuts, both cases in fact now
- if [[ $B_RUNNING_IN_DISPLAY == 'true' && -z ${Ps_aux_Data/*konversation*/} ]];then
- IRC_CLIENT='Konversation'
- version=$( get_program_version 'konversation' '^konversation' '2' )
- B_CONSOLE_IRC='false'
- ## NOTE: supybot only appears in ps aux using 'SHELL' command; the 'CALL' command
- ## gives the user system irc priority, and you don't see supybot listed, so use SHELL
- elif [[ $B_RUNNING_IN_DISPLAY == 'false' && -z ${Ps_aux_Data/*supybot*/} ]];then
- version=$( get_program_version 'supybot' '^Supybot' '2' )
- if [[ -n $version ]];then
- IRC_CLIENT_VERSION=" $version"
- if [[ -z ${version/*gribble*/} ]];then
- IRC_CLIENT='Gribble'
- elif [[ -z ${version/*limnoria*/} ]];then
- IRC_CLIENT='Limnoria'
- else
- IRC_CLIENT='Supybot'
- fi
- else
- IRC_CLIENT='Supybot'
- # currently all use the same actual app name, this will probably change.
- fi
- B_CONSOLE_IRC='true'
- else
- IRC_CLIENT="Unknown $1 client"
- fi
- if [[ -n $version ]];then
- IRC_CLIENT_VERSION=" $version"
- fi
- fi
+sub set_konvi_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my $config_tool = '';
+ #
+ if ( $client{'konvi'} == 3 ){
+ $client{'dserver'} = shift @ARGV;
+ $client{'dtarget'} = shift @ARGV;
+ $client{'dobject'} = 'default';
+ }
+ elsif ( $client{'konvi'} == 1 ){
+ $client{'dport'} = shift @ARGV;
+ $client{'dserver'} = shift @ARGV;
+ $client{'dtarget'} = shift @ARGV;
+ $client{'dobject'} = 'Konversation';
+ }
+ # for some reason this logic hiccups on multiple spaces between args
+ @ARGV = grep { $_ ne '' } @ARGV;
+ # there's no current kde 5 konvi config tool that we're aware of. Correct if changes.
+ if ( main::check_program('kde4-config') ){
+ $config_tool = 'kde4-config';
+ }
+ elsif ( main::check_program('kde5-config') ){
+ $config_tool = 'kde5-config';
+ }
+ elsif ( main::check_program('kde-config') ){
+ $config_tool = 'kde-config';
+ }
+ # The section below is on request of Argonel from the Konversation developer team:
+ # it sources config files like $HOME/.kde/share/apps/konversation/scripts/inxi.conf
+ if ($config_tool){
+ my @data = main::grabber("$config_tool --path data 2>/dev/null",':');
+ main::get_configs(@data);
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+#### OUTPUT
#### -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#### GET DATA
#### -------------------------------------------------------------------
-## create array of sound cards installed on system, and if found, use asound data as well
- eval $LOGFS
- local i='' alsa_data='' audio_driver='' device_count='' a_temp=''
+sub apply_filter {
+ my ($string) = @_;
+ if ($string){
+ $string = ( $show{'filter'} ) ? $filter_string : $string;
+ }
+ else {
+ $string = 'N/A';
+ }
+ return $string;
- IFS=$'\n'
- # this first step handles the drivers for cases where the second step fails to find one
- device_count=$( echo "$LSPCI_V_DATA" | grep -iEc '(multimedia audio controller|audio device)' )
- if [[ $device_count -eq 1 ]] && [[ $B_ASOUND_DEVICE_FILE == 'true' ]];then
- audio_driver=$( gawk -F ']: ' '
+sub clean_characters {
+ my ($data) = @_;
+ # newline, pipe, brackets, + sign, with space, then clear doubled
+ # spaces and then strip out trailing/leading spaces.
+ $data =~ s/\n|\|\+|\[\s\]|\s\s+/ /g if $data;
+ $data =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g if $data;
+ return $data;
+sub cleaner {
+ my ($item) = @_;
+ return $item if !$item;# handle cases where it was 0 or ''
+ $item =~ s/chipset|components|computing|computer|corporation|communications|electronics|electrical|electric|gmbh|group|incorporation|industrial|international|nee|revision|semiconductor|software|technologies|technology|ltd\.|<ltd>|\bltd\b|inc\.|<inc>|\binc\b|intl\.|co\.|<co>|corp\.|<corp>|\(tm\)|\(r\)|®|\(rev ..\)|\'|\"|\sinc\s*$|\?//gi;
+ $item =~ s/,|\*/ /g;
+ $item =~ s/\s\s+/ /g;
+ $item =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
+ return $item;
+sub dmi_cleaner {
+ my ($string) = @_;
+ my $cleaner = '^Base Board .*|^Chassis .*|empty|Undefined.*|.*O\.E\.M\..*|.*OEM.*|^Not .*';
+ $cleaner .= '|^System .*|.*unknow.*|.*N\/A.*|none|^To be filled.*|^0x[0]+$';
+ $cleaner .= '|\[Empty\]|<Bad Index>|Default string|^\.\.$|Manufacturer.*';
+ $cleaner .= '|AssetTagNum|Manufacturer| Or Motherboard|PartNum.*|SerNum';
+ $string =~ s/$cleaner//i;
+ $string =~ s/^\s+|\bbios\b|\bacpi\b|\s+$//gi;
+ $string =~ s/http:\/\/\//Abit/i;
+ $string =~ s/\s\s+/ /g;
+ $string =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
+ $string = remove_duplicates($string) if $string;
+ return $string;
+sub remove_duplicates {
+ my ($string) = @_;
+ return if ! $string;
+ my $holder = '';
+ my (@temp);
+ my @data = split /\s+/, $string;
+ foreach (@data){
+ if ($holder ne $_){
+ push @temp, $_;
- # filtering out modems and usb devices like webcams, this might get a
- # usb audio card as well, this will take some trial and error
- $0 !~ /modem|usb|webcam/ {
- driver=gensub( /^(.+)( - )(.+)$/, "\\1", 1, $2 )
- gsub(/^ +| +$/,"",driver)
- if ( driver != "" ){
- print driver
- }
- log_function_data 'cat' "$FILE_ASOUND_DEVICE"
- fi
- # this is to safeguard against line breaks from results > 1, which if inserted into following
- # array will create a false array entry. This is a hack, not a permanent solution.
- audio_driver=$( echo $audio_driver )
- # now we'll build the main audio data, card name, driver, and port. If no driver is found,
- # and if the first method above is not null, and one card is found, it will use that instead.
- A_AUDIO_DATA=( $( echo "$LSPCI_V_DATA" | gawk -F ': ' -v audioDriver="$audio_driver" '
- }
- /multimedia audio controller|audio device/ {
- audioCard=gensub(/^[0-9a-f:\.]+ [^:]+: (.+)$/,"\\1","g",$0)
- # The doublequotes are necessary because of the pipes in the variable.
- gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_NORMAL"'/, "", audioCard)
- gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_ARRAY"'/, " ", audioCard)
- if ( '$COLS_INNER' < 100 ){
- sub(/Series Family/,"Series", audioCard)
- sub(/High Definition/,"High Def.", audioCard)
- }
- gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", audioCard)
- gsub(/ [ \t]+/, " ", audioCard)
- aPciBusId[audioCard] = gensub(/(^[0-9a-f:\.]+) [^:]+: .+$/,"\\1","g",$0)
- cards[audioCard]++
- # loop until you get to the end of the data block
- while (getline && !/^$/) {
- gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_ARRAY"'/, "", $0 )
- if (/driver in use/) {
- drivers[audioCard] = drivers[audioCard] gensub( /(.*): (.*)/ ,"\\2", "g" ,$0 ) ""
- }
- else if (/kernel modules:/) {
- modules[audioCard] = modules[audioCard] gensub( /(.*): (.*)/ ,"\\2" ,"g" ,$0 ) ""
- }
- else if (/^[[:space:]]*I\/O/) {
- portsTemp = gensub(/\t*I\/O ports at ([a-z0-9]+)(| \[.*\])/,"\\1","g",$0)
- ports[audioCard] = ports[audioCard] portsTemp " "
- }
- }
- }
- END {
- j=0
- for (i in cards) {
- useDrivers=""
- useModules=""
- usePorts=""
- usePciBusId=""
- if (cards[i]>1) {
- a[j]=cards[i]"x "i
- if (drivers[i] != "") {
- useDrivers=drivers[i]
- }
- }
- else {
- a[j]=i
- # little trick here to try to catch the driver if there is
- # only one card and it was null, from the first test of asound/cards
- if (drivers[i] != "") {
- useDrivers=drivers[i]
+ $holder = $_;
+ }
+ $string = join ' ', @temp;
+ return $string;
+# args: $1 - size in KB, return KB, MB, GB, TB, PB, EB
+sub get_size {
+ my ($size,$b_int) = @_;
+ my (@data);
+ return ('','') if ! defined $size;
+ if ($size !~ /^[0-9\.]+$/){
+ $data[0] = $size;
+ $data[1] = '';
+ }
+ elsif ($size > 1024**5){
+ $data[0] = sprintf("%.2f",$size/1024**5);
+ $data[1] = 'EiB';
+ }
+ elsif ($size > 1024**4){
+ $data[0] = sprintf("%.2f",$size/1024**4);
+ $data[1] = 'PiB';
+ }
+ elsif ($size > 1024**3){
+ $data[0] = sprintf("%.2f",$size/1024**3);
+ $data[1] = 'TiB';
+ }
+ elsif ($size > 1024**2){
+ $data[0] = sprintf("%.2f",$size/1024**2);
+ $data[1] = 'GiB';
+ }
+ elsif ($size > 1024){
+ $data[0] = sprintf("%.1f",$size/1024);
+ $data[1] = 'MiB';
+ }
+ else {
+ $data[0] = sprintf("%.0f",$size);
+ $data[1] = 'KiB';
+ }
+ $data[0] = int($data[0]) if $b_int && $data[0];
+ return @data;
+# not used, but keeping logic for now
+sub increment_starters {
+ my ($key,$indexes) = @_;
+ my $result = $key;
+ if (defined $$indexes{$key} ){
+ $$indexes{$key}++;
+ $result = "$key-$$indexes{$key}";
+ }
+ return $result;
+sub memory_data_full {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($source) = @_;
+ my $num = 0;
+ my ($memory,@rows);
+ my ($percent,$total,$used) = ('','','');
+ if (!$show{'info'}){
+ $memory = get_memory_data('splits');
+ if ($memory){
+ my @temp = split /:/, $memory;
+ my @temp2 = get_size($temp[0]);
+ $total = ($temp2[1]) ? $temp2[0] . ' ' . $temp2[1] : $temp2[0];
+ @temp2 = get_size($temp[1]);
+ $used = ($temp2[1]) ? $temp2[0] . ' ' . $temp2[1] : $temp2[0];
+ $used .= " ($temp[2]%)" if $temp[2];
+ }
+ my $key = ($source eq 'process') ? 'System RAM': 'RAM';
+ $rows[0]{main::key($num++,$key)} = '';
+ $rows[0]{main::key($num++,'total')} = $total;
+ $rows[0]{main::key($num++,'used')} = $used;
+ }
+ $b_mem = 1;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @rows;
+sub pci_cleaner {
+ my ($string,$type) = @_;
+ #print "st1 $type:$string\n";
+ my $filter = 'compatible\scontroller|\b(device|controller|multimedia)\b|\([^)]+\)';
+ # \[[^\]]+\]$| not trimming off ending [...] initial type filters removes end
+ $filter = '\[[^\]]+\]$|' . $filter if $type eq 'pci';
+ $string =~ s/$filter//ig;
+ $string =~ s/\s\s+/ /g;
+ $string =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
+ #print "st2 $type:$string\n";
+ $string = remove_duplicates($string) if $string;
+ return $string;
+sub pci_long_filter {
+ my ($string) = @_;
+ if ($string =~ /\[AMD(\/ATI)?\]/){
+ $string =~ s/Advanced\sMicro\sDevices\s\[AMD(\/ATI)?\]/AMD/;
+ }
+ return $string;
+sub row_defaults {
+ my ($type,$id) = @_;
+ $id ||= '';
+ my %unfound = (
+ 'arm-cpu-f' => 'Use -f option to see features',
+ 'arm-pci' => "PCI data type is not supported on ARM systems.",
+ 'battery-data' => "No battery data found. Is one present?",
+ 'battery-data-sys' => "No /sys data found. Old system?",
+ 'cpu-model-null' => "Model N/A",
+ 'darwin-feature' => "Feature not supported iu Darwin/OSX.",
+ 'disk-data-bsd' => "No disk data found for this BSD system.",
+ 'disk-data' => "No Disk data was found.",
+ 'disk-size-0' => "Total N/A",
+ 'display-console' => 'No advanced graphics data found on this system in console.',
+ 'display-null' => 'No advanced graphics data found on this system.',
+ 'display-root' => 'Advanced graphics data unavailable in console for root.',
+ 'display-root-x' => 'Advanced graphics data unavailable for root. Old System?',
+ 'display-server' => "No display server data found. Headless server?",
+ 'glxinfo-missing' => "Unable to show advanced data. Required tool glxinfo missing.",
+ 'display-try' => 'Advanced graphics data unavailable in console. Try -G --display',
+ 'dev' => 'Feature under development',
+ 'dmesg-boot-permissions' => 'dmesg.boot permissions',
+ 'dmesg-boot-missing' => 'dmesg.boot not found',
+ 'IP' => "No $id data found. Connected to the web? SSL issues?",
+ 'machine-data' => "No machine data: try newer kernel.",
+ 'machine-data-alt-33' => "No machine data: try newer kernel. Is dmidecode installed? Try -M --dmidecode.",
+ 'machine-data-dmidecode' => "No machine data: try newer kernel, or install dmidecoce.",
+ 'optical-data' => "No Optical or Floppy data was found.",
+ 'optical-data-bsd' => "No floppy or optical data found for this BSD system.",
+ 'output-limit' => "Output throttled. IPs: $id; Limit: $limit; Override: --limit [1-x;-1 all]",
+ 'partition-data' => "No Partition data was found.",
+ 'pci-advanced-data' => 'bus/chip ids unavailable',
+ 'pci-card-data' => "No PCI card data found.",
+ 'pci-slot-data' => "No PCI slot data found. SOC?",
+ 'raid-data' => "No RAID data was found.",
+ 'ram-data' => "No RAM data was found. SOC?",
+ 'root-required' => "<root required>",
+ 'sensors-data-ipmi' => "No ipmi sensors data was found.",
+ 'sensors-data-linux' => "No sensors data was found. Is sensors configured?",
+ 'sensors-ipmi-root' => "Unable to run ipmi sensors. Are you root?",
+ 'unmounted-data' => "No unmounted partitions found.",
+ 'unmounted-data-bsd' => "No unmounted partition data found for this BSD system.",
+ 'unmounted-file' => "No /proc/partitions file found.",
+ 'usb-data' => "No USB data was found. Server?",
+ 'unknown-desktop-version' => "ERR-101",
+ 'unknown-dev' => "ERR-102",
+ 'unknown-shell' => "ERR-100",
+ 'weather-null' => "No $id found. Internet connection working?",
+ 'xdpyinfo-missing' => '<xdpyinfo missing>',
+ );
+ return $unfound{$type};
+# convert string passed to KB, based on GB/MB/TB id
+# NOTE: K 1024 KB 1000
+sub translate_size {
+ my ($working) = @_;
+ my $size = 0;
+ #print ":$working:\n";
+ return if ! defined $working;
+ my $math = ( $working =~ /B$/) ? 1000: 1024;
+ if ( $working =~ /^([0-9\.]+)M[B]?$/i){
+ $size = $1 * $math;
+ }
+ elsif ( $working =~ /^([0-9\.]+)G[B]?$/i){
+ $size = $1 * $math**2;
+ }
+ elsif ( $working =~ /^([0-9\.]+)T[B]?$/i){
+ $size = $1 * $math**3;
+ }
+ elsif ( $working =~ /^([0-9\.]+)P[B]?$/i){
+ $size = $1 * $math**4;
+ }
+ elsif ( $working =~ /^([0-9\.]+)E[B]?$/i){
+ $size = $1 * $math**5;
+ }
+ elsif ( $working =~ /^([0-9\.]+)K[B]?$/i){
+ $size = $1;
+ }
+ $size = int($size) if $size;
+ return $size;
+#### -------------------------------------------------------------------
+#### -------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub check_output_path {
+ my ($path) = @_;
+ my ($b_good,$dir,$file);
+ $dir = $path;
+ $dir =~ s/([^\/]+)$//;
+ $file = $1;
+ # print "file: $file : dir: $dir\n";
+ $b_good = 1 if (-d $dir && -w $dir && $dir =~ /^\// && $file);
+ return $b_good;
+sub output_handler {
+ my (%data) = @_;
+ # print Dumper \%data;
+ if ($output_type eq 'screen'){
+ print_data(%data);
+ }
+ elsif ($output_type eq 'json'){
+ generate_json(%data);
+ }
+ elsif ($output_type eq 'xml'){
+ generate_xml(%data);
+ }
+# NOTE: file has already been set and directory verified
+sub generate_json {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (%data) = @_;
+ my ($json);
+ my $b_debug = 1;
+ my ($b_cpanel,$b_valid);
+ error_handler('not-in-irc', 'help') if $b_irc;
+ #print Dumper \%data if $b_debug;
+ if (check_module('Cpanel::JSON::XS')){
+ import Cpanel::JSON::XS;
+ $json = Cpanel::JSON::XS::encode_json(\%data);
+ }
+ elsif (check_module('JSON::XS')){
+ import JSON::XS;
+ $json = JSON::XS::encode_json(\%data);
+ }
+ else {
+ error_handler('required-module', 'json', 'Cpanel::JSON::XS OR JSON::XS');
+ }
+ if ($json){
+ #$json =~ s/"[0-9]+#/"/g;
+ if ($output_file eq 'print'){
+ #$json =~ s/\}/}\n/g;
+ print "$json";
+ }
+ else {
+ print_line("Writing JSON data to: $output_file\n");
+ open(my $fh, '>', $output_file) or error_handler('open',$output_file,"$!");
+ print $fh "$json";
+ close $fh;
+ print_line("Data written successfully.\n");
+ }
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+# NOTE: So far xml is substantially more difficult than json, so
+# using a crude dumper rather than making a nice xml file, but at
+# least xml has some output now.
+sub generate_xml {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (%data) = @_;
+ my ($xml);
+ my $b_debug = 0;
+ error_handler('not-in-irc', 'help') if $b_irc;
+ #print Dumper \%data if $b_debug;
+ if (check_module('XML::Dumper')){
+ import XML::Dumper;
+ $xml = XML::Dumper::pl2xml(\%data);
+ #$xml =~ s/"[0-9]+#/"/g;
+ if ($output_file eq 'print'){
+ print "$xml";
+ }
+ else {
+ print_line("Writing XML data to: $output_file\n");
+ open(my $fh, '>', $output_file) or error_handler('open',$output_file,"$!");
+ print $fh "$xml";
+ close $fh;
+ print_line("Data written successfully.\n");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ error_handler('required-module', 'xml', 'XML::Dumper');
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+sub key {
+ return sprintf("%03d#%s", $_[0],$_[1]);
+sub print_basic {
+ my (@data) = @_;
+ my $indent = 18;
+ my $indent_static = 18;
+ my $indent1_static = 5;
+ my $indent2_static = 8;
+ my $indent1 = 5;
+ my $indent2 = 8;
+ my $length = @data;
+ my ($start,$aref,$i,$j,$line);
+ if ( $size{'max'} > 110 ){
+ $indent_static = 22;
+ }
+ elsif ($size{'max'} < 90 ){
+ $indent_static = 15;
+ }
+ # print $length . "\n";
+ for my $i (0 .. $#data){
+ $aref = $data[$i];
+ #print "0: $data[$i][0]\n";
+ if ($data[$i][0] == 0 ){
+ $indent = 0;
+ $indent1 = 0;
+ $indent2 = 0;
+ }
+ elsif ($data[$i][0] == 1 ){
+ $indent = $indent_static;
+ $indent1 = $indent1_static;
+ $indent2= $indent2_static;
+ }
+ elsif ($data[$i][0] == 2 ){
+ $indent = ( $indent_static + 7 );
+ $indent1 = ( $indent_static + 5 );
+ $indent2 = 0;
+ }
+ $data[$i][3] =~ s/\n/ /g;
+ $data[$i][3] =~ s/\s+/ /g;
+ if ($data[$i][1] && $data[$i][2]){
+ $data[$i][1] = $data[$i][1] . ', ';
+ }
+ $start = sprintf("%${indent1}s%-${indent2}s",$data[$i][1],$data[$i][2]);
+ if ($indent > 1 && ( length($start) > ( $indent - 1) ) ){
+ $line = sprintf("%-${indent}s\n", "$start");
+ print_line($line);
+ $start = '';
+ #print "1-print.\n";
+ }
+ if ( ( $indent + length($data[$i][3]) ) < $size{'max'} ){
+ $data[$i][3] =~ s/\^/ /g;
+ $line = sprintf("%-${indent}s%s\n", "$start", $data[$i][3]);
+ print_line($line);
+ #print "2-print.\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ my $holder = '';
+ my $sep = ' ';
+ foreach my $word (split / /, $data[$i][3]){
+ #print "$word\n";
+ if ( ( $indent + length($holder) + length($word) ) < $size{'max'} ) {
+ $word =~ s/\^/ /g;
+ $holder .= $word . $sep;
+ #print "3-hold.\n";
- else if ( audioDriver != "" ) {
- useDrivers=audioDriver
+ #elsif ( ( $indent + length($holder) + length($word) ) >= $size{'max'}){
+ else {
+ $line = sprintf("%-${indent}s%s\n", "$start", $holder);
+ print_line($line);
+ $start = '';
+ $word =~ s/\^/ /g;
+ $holder = $word . $sep;
+ #print "4-print-hold.\n";
- if (ports[i] != "") {
- usePorts = ports[i]
+ if ($holder !~ /^[ ]*$/){
+ $line = sprintf("%-${indent}s%s\n", "$start", $holder);
+ print_line($line);
+ #print "5-print-last.\n";
- if (modules[i] != "" ) {
- useModules = modules[i]
- }
- if ( aPciBusId[i] != "" ) {
- usePciBusId = aPciBusId[i]
+ }
+ }
+# this has to get a hash of hashes, at least for now.
+# because perl does not retain insertion order, I use a prefix for each
+# hash key to force sorts.
+sub print_data {
+ my (%data) = @_;
+ my $array = 0;
+ my $array_holder = 1;
+ my $counter=0;
+ my $split_count = 0;
+ my $hash = 0;
+ my $holder = '';
+ my $id_holder = 0;
+ my $start = '';
+ my $start2 = '';
+ my $length = 0;
+ my $indent = $size{'indent'};
+ my (@temp,@working,@values,%ids,$holder2,%row);
+ my ($key,$line,$val2,$val3);
+ # $size{'max'} = 88;
+ # NOTE: indent < 11 would break the output badly in some cases
+ if ($size{'max'} < $size{'indent-min'} || $size{'indent'} < 11 ){
+ $indent = 2;
+ }
+ #foreach my $key1 (sort { (split/#/, $a)[0] <=> (split/#/, $b)[0] } keys %data) {
+ foreach my $key1 (sort { substr($a,0,3) <=> substr($b,0,3) } keys %data) {
+ #foreach my $key1 (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %data) {
+ $key = (split/#/, $key1)[1];
+ if ($key ne 'SHORT' ) {
+ $start = sprintf("$colors{'c1'}%-${indent}s$colors{'cn'}","$key$sep{'s1'}");
+ if ($indent < 10){
+ $line = "$start\n";
+ print_line($line);
+ $start = '';
+ $line = '';
- # create array primary item for master array
- sub( / $/, "", usePorts ) # clean off trailing whitespace
- print a[j] "," useDrivers "," usePorts "," useModules "," usePciBusId
- j++
- }') )
- # in case of failure of first check do this instead
- if [[ ${#A_AUDIO_DATA[@]} -eq 0 ]] && [[ $B_ASOUND_DEVICE_FILE == 'true' ]];then
- A_AUDIO_DATA=( $( gawk -F ']: ' '
+ else {
+ $indent = 0;
- $1 !~ /modem/ && $2 !~ /modem/ {
- card=gensub( /^(.+)( - )(.+)$/, "\\3", 1, $2 )
- driver=gensub( /^(.+)( - )(.+)$/, "\\1", 1, $2 )
- if ( card != "" ){
- print card","driver
+ if (ref($data{$key1}) eq 'ARRAY'){
+ # @working = @{$data{$key1}};
+ %ids = (
+ 'Array' => 1,
+ 'array' => 1,
+ 'Battery' => 1,
+ 'Card' => 1,
+ 'Device' => 1,
+ 'Floppy' => 1,
+ 'ID' => 1,
+ 'IF-ID' => 1,
+ 'Optical' => 1,
+ );
+ $array_holder = 1;
+ foreach my $val1 (@{$data{$key1}}){
+ $length = $indent;
+ if (ref($val1) eq 'HASH'){
+ #%row = %$val1;
+ $counter=0;
+ $split_count = 0;
+ $hash = scalar %$val1;
+ #foreach my $key2 (sort { (split/#/, $a)[0] <=> (split/#/, $b)[0] } keys %$val1){
+ foreach my $key2 (sort { substr($a,0,3) <=> substr($b,0,3) } keys %$val1){
+ #foreach my $key2 (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %$val1){
+ $key = (split/#/, $key2)[1];
+ # for ram with > 1 system array, we want to reset device count to 1 for each
+ # new array
+ if ($key eq 'Array' && $array_holder != $ids{$key} ){
+ $array_holder = $ids{$key};
+ $ids{'Device'} = 1 if ($ids{'Device'} > 1);
+ }
+ if ($key eq 'Device' && $ids{'array'} > 1 && $id_holder != $ids{$key} ){
+ $id_holder = $ids{$key};
+ $ids{'array'} = 1 if ($ids{'array'} > 1);
+ }
+ if ($counter == 0 && defined $ids{$key}){
+ $key .= '-' . $ids{$key}++;
+ }
+ $val2 = $$val1{$key2};
+ # we have to handle cases where $val2 is 0
+ if ($val2 || $val2 eq '0'){
+ $val2 .= " ";
+ }
+ # see: Use of implicit split to @_ is deprecated. Only get this warning
+ # in Perl 5.08 oddly enough.
+ @temp = split/\s+/, $val2;
+ $split_count = scalar @temp;
+ if ( ( length( "$key$sep{'s2'} $val2" ) + $length ) < $size{'max'} ) {
+ $length += length("$key$sep{'s2'} $val2");
+ $holder .= "$colors{'c1'}$key$sep{'s2'}$colors{'c2'} $val2";
+ #print "one\n";
+ }
+ # handle case where the opening key/value pair is > max, and where
+ # there are a lot of terms, like cpu flags, raid types supported. Raid
+ # can have the last row have a lot of devices, or many raid types
+ elsif ( ( length( "$key$sep{'s2'} $val2" ) + $indent ) > $size{'max'} &&
+ !defined $ids{$key} && $split_count > 2 ) {
+ @values = split/\s+/, $val2;
+ $val3 = shift @values;
+ # $length += length("$key$sep{'s2'} $val3 ") + $indent;
+ $start2 = "$colors{'c1'}$key$sep{'s2'}$colors{'c2'} $val3 ";
+ $holder2 = '';
+ $length += length("$key$sep{'s2'} $val3 ");
+ # print scalar @values,"\n";
+ foreach (@values){
+ # my $l = (length("$_ ") + $length);
+ #print "$l\n";
+ if ( (length("$_ ") + $length) < $size{'max'} ){
+ #print "a\n";
+ if ($start2){
+ $holder2 .= "$start2$_ ";
+ $start2 = '';
+ #$length += $length2;
+ #$length2 = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ $holder2 .= "$_ ";
+ }
+ $length += length("$_ ");
+ }
+ else {
+ #print "three\n";
+ if ($start2){
+ $holder2 = "$start2$holder2";
+ }
+ else {
+ $holder2 = "$colors{'c2'}$holder2";
+ }
+ #print "xx:$holder";
+ $line = sprintf("%-${indent}s%s$colors{'cn'}\n","$start","$holder$holder2");
+ print_line($line);
+ $holder = '';
+ $holder2 = "$_ ";
+ #print "h2: $holder2\n";
+ $length = length($holder2) + $indent;
+ $start2 = '';
+ $start = '';
+ #$length2 = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($holder2 !~ /^\s*$/){
+ #print "four\n";
+ $holder2 = "$colors{'c2'}$holder2";
+ $line = sprintf("%-${indent}s%s$colors{'cn'}\n","$start","$holder$holder2");
+ print_line($line);
+ $holder = '';
+ $holder2 = '';
+ $length = $indent;
+ $start2 = '';
+ $start = '';
+ #$length2 = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ #print "H: $counter $hash\n";
+ if ($holder){
+ #print "five\n";
+ $line = sprintf("%-${indent}s%s$colors{'cn'}\n",$start,"$holder");
+ $holder = "$colors{'c1'}$key$sep{'s2'}$colors{'c2'} $val2";
+ $length = length("$key$sep{'s2'} $val2") + $indent;
+ print_line($line);
+ $start = '';
+ }
+ else {
+ #print "six\n";
+ $holder = "$colors{'c1'}$key$sep{'s2'}$colors{'c2'} $val2";
+ #$line = sprintf("%-${indent}s%s$colors{'cn'}\n",$start,"$holder");
+ $length = $indent;
+ #$holder = '';
+ }
+ }
+ $counter++;
+ }
+ if ($holder !~ /^\s*$/){
+ #print "seven\n";
+ $line = sprintf("%-${indent}s%s$colors{'cn'}\n",$start,"$start2$holder");
+ print_line($line);
+ $holder = '';
+ $length = 0;
+ $start = '';
+ }
+ }
+ # only for repos?
+ elsif (ref($val1) eq 'ARRAY'){
+ #print "eight\n";
+ $array=0;
+ foreach my $item (@$val1){
+ $array++;
+ $line = "$colors{'c1'}$array$sep{'s2'} $colors{'c2'}$item$colors{'cn'}";
+ $line = sprintf("%-${indent}s%s\n","","$line");
+ print_line($line);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ }
- fi
- get_audio_usb_data
- # handle cases where card detection fails, like in PS3, where lspci gives no output, or headless boxes..
- if [[ ${#A_AUDIO_DATA[@]} -eq 0 ]];then
- A_AUDIO_DATA[0]='Failed to Detect Sound Card!'
- fi
- a_temp=${A_AUDIO_DATA[@]}
- log_function_data "A_AUDIO_DATA: $a_temp"
+ }
+ }
- eval $LOGFE
+sub print_line {
+ my ($line) = @_;
+ if ($b_irc && $client{'test-konvi'}){
+ $client{'konvi'} = 3;
+ $client{'dobject'} = 'Konversation';
+ }
+ if ($client{'konvi'} == 1 && $client{'dcop'} ){
+ # konvi doesn't seem to like \n characters, it just prints them literally
+ $line =~ s/\n//g;
+ #qx('dcop "$client{'dport'}" "$client{'dobject'}" say "$client{'dserver'}" "$client{'dtarget'}" "$line 1");
+ system('dcop', $client{'dport'}, $client{'dobject'}, 'say', $client{'dserver'}, $client{'dtarget'}, "$line 1");
+ }
+ elsif ($client{'konvi'} == 3 && $client{'qdbus'} ){
+ # print $line;
+ $line =~ s/\n//g;
+ #qx(qdbus org.kde.konversation /irc say "$client{'dserver'}" "$client{'dtarget'}" "$line");
+ system('qdbus', 'org.kde.konversation', '/irc', 'say', $client{'dserver'}, $client{'dtarget'}, $line);
+ }
+ else {
+ print $line;
+ }
-# alsa usb detection by damentz
+#### -------------------------------------------------------------------
+#### -------------------------------------------------------------------
+# 0 type
+# 1 type_id
+# 2 bus_id
+# 3 sub_id
+# 4 device
+# 5 vendor_id
+# 6 chip_id
+# 7 rev
+# 8 port
+# 9 driver
+# 10 modules
+## AudioData
- eval $LOGFS
- local usb_proc_file='' array_count='' usb_data='' usb_id='' lsusb_data=''
- local a_temp=''
- IFS=$'\n'
- if type -p lsusb &>/dev/null;then
- lsusb_data=$( lsusb 2>/dev/null )
- fi
- log_function_data 'raw' "usb_data:\n$lsusb_data"
- if [[ -n $lsusb_data && -d /proc/asound/ ]];then
- # for every sound card symlink in /proc/asound - display information about it
- for usb_proc_file in /proc/asound/*
- do
- # If the file is a symlink, and contains an important usb exclusive file: continue
- if [[ -L $usb_proc_file && -e $usb_proc_file/usbid ]]; then
- # find the contents of usbid in lsusb and print everything after the 7th word on the
- # corresponding line. Finally, strip out commas as they will change the driver :)
- usb_id=$( cat $usb_proc_file/usbid )
- usb_data=$( grep "$usb_id" <<< "$lsusb_data" )
- if [[ -n $usb_data && -n $usb_id ]];then
- usb_data=$( gawk '
- string=""
- separator=""
+package AudioData;
+sub get {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (@data,@rows);
+ my $num = 0;
+ if ($b_arm){
+ my $key = 'ARM';
+ @data = ({
+ main::key($num++,$key) => main::row_defaults('arm-pci',''),
+ },);
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ }
+ else {
+ @data = card_data();
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ }
+ if ( ( $b_arm || !@rows ) && (my $file = main::system_files('asound-cards') ) ){
+ @data = asound_data($file);
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ }
+ @data = usb_data();
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ if (!@rows){
+ my $key = 'Message';
+ @data = ({
+ main::key($num++,$key) => main::row_defaults('pci-card-data',''),
+ },);
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ }
+ @data = sound_server_data();
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @rows;
+sub card_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (@rows,@data);
+ my ($j,$num) = (0,1);
+ foreach (@pci){
+ $num = 1;
+ my @row = @$_;
+ if ($row[0] eq 'audio' || $row[0] eq 'multimedia'){
+ $j = scalar @rows;
+ my $driver = $row[9];
+ $driver ||= 'N/A';
+ my $card = $row[4];
+ $card = ($card) ? main::pci_cleaner($card,'output') : 'N/A';
+ # have seen absurdly verbose card descriptions, with non related data etc
+ if (length($card) > 85 || $size{'max'} < 110){
+ $card = main::pci_long_filter($card);
+ }
+ @data = ({
+ main::key($num++,'Card') => $card,
+ main::key($num++,'driver') => $driver,
+ },);
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ if ($extra > 0 && !$bsd_type){
+ if ($row[9] ){
+ my $version = main::get_module_version($row[9]);
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'v')} = $version if $version;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($extra > 0){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'bus ID')} = "$row[2].$row[3]";
+ }
+ if ($extra > 1){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'chip ID')} = "$row[5]:$row[6]";
+ }
+ }
+ #print "$row[0]\n";
+ }
+ #my $ref = $pci[-1];
+ #print $$ref[0],"\n";
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @rows;
+# this handles fringe cases where there is no card on pcibus,
+# but there is a card present. I don't know the exact architecture
+# involved but I know this situation exists on at least one old machine.
+sub asound_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ my (@asound,@rows,@data);
+ my ($card,$driver,$j,$num) = ('','',0,1);
+ @asound = main::reader($file);
+ foreach (@asound){
+ # filtering out modems and usb devices like webcams, this might get a
+ # usb audio card as well, this will take some trial and error
+ if ( !/modem|usb/i && /^\s*[0-9]/ ) {
+ $num = 1;
+ my @working = split /:\s*/, $_;
+ # now let's get 1 2
+ $working[1] =~ /(.*)\s+-\s+(.*)/;
+ $card = $2;
+ $driver = $1;
+ if ( $card ){
+ $j = scalar @rows;
+ $driver ||= 'N/A';
+ @data = ({
+ main::key($num++,'Card') => $card,
+ main::key($num++,'driver') => $driver,
+ },);
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ if ($extra > 0){
+ my $version = main::get_module_version($driver);
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'v')} = $version if $version;
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'message')} = main::row_defaults('pci-advanced-data','');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # print Data::Dumper:Dumper \s@rows;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @rows;
+sub usb_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (@rows,@data,@ids,$driver,$product,$product2,@temp2,$vendor,$vendor2);
+ my ($j,$num) = (0,1);
+ if (-d '/proc/asound') {
+ # note: this will double the data, but it's easier this way.
+ # inxi tested for -L in the /proc/asound files, and used only those.
+ my @files = main::globber('/proc/asound/*/usbid');
+ foreach (@files){
+ my $id = (main::reader($_))[0];
+ push @ids, $id if ($id && ! grep {/$id/} @ids);
+ }
+ # lsusb is a very expensive operation
+ if (@ids){
+ if (!$bsd_type && !$b_usb_check){
+ main::set_usb_data();
+ $b_usb_check = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ main::log_data('dump','@ids',\@ids) if $b_log;
+ return if !@usb;
+ foreach my $id (@ids){
+ $j = scalar @rows;
+ foreach my $ref (@usb){
+ my @row = @$ref;
+ # a device will always be the second or > device on the bus
+ if ($row[1] > 1 && $row[2] eq $id){
+ $num = 1;
+ # makre sure to reset, or second device trips last flag
+ ($product,$product2,$vendor,$vendor2) = ('','','','');
+ if ($usb_level == 1){
+ $product = main::cleaner($row[3]);
+ }
+ else {
+ foreach my $line (@row){
+ my @working = split /:/, $line;
+ if ($working[0] eq 'idVendor' && $working[2]){
+ $vendor = main::cleaner($working[2]);
+ }
+ if ($working[0] eq 'idProduct' && $working[2]){
+ $product = main::cleaner($working[2]);
+ }
+ if ($working[0] eq 'iManufacturer' && $working[2]){
+ $vendor2 = main::cleaner($working[2]);
+ }
+ if ($working[0] eq 'iProduct' && $working[2]){
+ $product2 = main::cleaner($working[2]);
+ }
+ if ($working[0] eq 'Descriptor_Configuration'){
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($vendor && $product){
+ $product = ($product =~ /$vendor/) ? $product: "$vendor $product" ;
- {
- gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_ARRAY"'/, " ", $0 )
- gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_NORMAL"'/, "", $0)
- gsub(/ [ \t]+/, " ", $0)
- for ( i=7; i<= NF; i++ ) {
- string = string separator $i
- separator = " "
+ elsif (!$product) {
+ if ($vendor && $product2){
+ $product = ($product2 =~ /$vendor/) ? $product2: "$vendor $product2" ;
- if ( $2 != "" ){
- sub(/:/,"", $4)
- print string ",USB Audio,,," $2 "-" $4 "," $6
+ elsif ($vendor2 && $product2){
+ $product = ($product2 =~ /$vendor2/) ? $product2: "$vendor2 $product2" ;
- }' <<< "$usb_data" )
- fi
- # this method is interesting, it shouldn't work but it does
- #A_AUDIO_DATA=( "${A_AUDIO_DATA[@]}" "$usb_data,USB Audio,," )
- # but until we learn why the above worked, I'm using this one, which is safer
- if [[ -n $usb_data ]];then
- array_count=${#A_AUDIO_DATA[@]}
- A_AUDIO_DATA[$array_count]="$usb_data"
- fi
- fi
- done
- fi
- a_temp=${A_AUDIO_DATA[@]}
- log_function_data "A_AUDIO_DATA: $a_temp"
- eval $LOGFE
+ elsif ($vendor){
+ $product = $vendor;
+ }
+ elsif ($vendor2){
+ $product = $vendor2;
+ }
+ else {
+ $product = 'N/A';
+ }
+ }
+ @temp2 = main::get_usb_drivers($row[0],$row[2]) if !$bsd_type && -d "/sys/devices";
+ if (@temp2 && $temp2[0]){
+ $driver = $temp2[0];
+ }
+ $driver ||= 'snd-usb-audio';
+ @data = ({
+ main::key($num++,'Card') => $product,
+ main::key($num++,'type') => 'USB',
+ main::key($num++,'driver') => $driver,
+ },);
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ if ($extra > 0){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'bus ID')} = "$row[0]:$row[1]";
+ }
+ if ($extra > 1){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'chip ID')} = $row[2];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @rows;
- eval $LOGFS
- local alsa_data='' a_temp=''
- # now we'll get the alsa data if the file exists
- if [[ $B_ASOUND_VERSION_FILE == 'true' ]];then
- IFS=","
- A_ALSA_DATA=( $(
- gawk '
- alsa=""
- version=""
- }
- # some alsa strings have the build date in (...)
- # remove trailing . and remove possible second line if compiled by user
- $0 !~ /compile/ {
- gsub(/Driver | [(].*[)]|\.$/,"",$0 )
- gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_ARRAY"'/, " ", $0)
- gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", $0)
- gsub(/ [ \t]+/, " ", $0)
- sub(/Advanced Linux Sound Architecture/, "ALSA", $0)
- if ( $1 == "ALSA" ){
- alsa=$1
- }
- version=$NF
- print alsa "," version
- log_function_data 'cat' "$FILE_ASOUND_VERSION"
- fi
- a_temp=${A_ALSA_DATA[@]}
- log_function_data "A_ALSA_DATA: $a_temp"
- eval $LOGFE
+sub sound_server_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (@data,$server,$version);
+ my $num = 0;
+ if (my $file = main::system_files('asound-version') ){
+ my $content = (main::reader($file))[0];
+ # some alsa strings have the build date in (...)
+ # remove trailing . and remove possible second line if compiled by user
+# foreach (@content){
+# if (!/compile/i){
+ #$_ =~ s/Advanced Linux Sound Architecture/ALSA/;
+ $version = (split /\s+/, $content)[-1];
+ $version =~ s/\.$//; # trim off period
+ $server = 'ALSA';
+# }
+# }
+ }
+ elsif (my $program = main::check_program('oss')){
+ $server = 'OSS';
+ $version = main::program_version('oss','\S',2);
+ $version ||= 'N/A';
+ }
+ if ($server){
+ @data = ({
+ main::key($num++,'Sound Server') => $server,
+ main::key($num++,'v') => $version,
+ },);
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @data;
+## BatteryData
- eval $LOGFS
- local a_temp='' id_file='' count=0
- local id_dir='/sys/class/power_supply/'
- local ids=$( ls $id_dir 2>/dev/null ) battery_file=''
- # ids='BAT0 BAT1 BAT2'
- if [[ -n $ids && $B_FORCE_DMIDECODE == 'false' ]];then
- for idx in $ids
- do
- battery_file=$id_dir$idx'/uevent'
- if [[ -r $battery_file ]];then
- # echo $battery_file
- count=$(( $count + 1 ))
- IFS=$'\n'
- battery_data=$(
- gawk -F '=' '
- name=""
- status=""
- present=""
- chemistry=""
- cycles=""
- voltage_min_design=""
- voltage_now=""
- power_now=""
- # charge: mAh
- charge_full_design=""
- charge_full=""
- charge_now=""
- # energy: Wh
- energy_full_design=""
- energy_full=""
- energy_now=""
- capacity=""
- capacity_level=""
- model=""
- company=""
- serial=""
- of_orig=""
- location=""
- b_ma="false" # trips ma x voltage
- }
- {
- gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_NORMAL"'|,|battery|unknown/, "", $2)
- gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", $2)
+package BatteryData;
+sub get {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (@rows,$key1,%battery,$val1);
+ my $num = 0;
+ if ($bsd_type || $b_dmidecode_force){
+ my $ref = $alerts{'dmidecode'};
+ if ( $$ref{'action'} ne 'use'){
+ $key1 = $$ref{'action'};
+ $val1 = $$ref{$key1};
+ $key1 = ucfirst($key1);
+ @rows = ({main::key($num++,$key1) => $val1,});
+ }
+ else {
+ %battery = battery_data_dmi();
+ if (!%battery){
+ if ($show{'battery-forced'}){
+ $key1 = 'Message';
+ $val1 = main::row_defaults('battery-data','');
+ @rows = ({main::key($num++,$key1) => $val1,});
- $1 ~ /^POWER_SUPPLY_NAME$/ {
- name=$NF
+ }
+ else {
+ @rows = create_output(%battery);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (-d '/sys/class/power_supply/'){
+ %battery = battery_data_sys();
+ if (!%battery){
+ if ($show{'battery-forced'}){
+ $key1 = 'Message';
+ $val1 = main::row_defaults('battery-data','');
+ @rows = ({main::key($num++,$key1) => $val1,});
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ @rows = create_output(%battery);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($show{'battery-forced'}){
+ $key1 = 'Message';
+ $val1 = main::row_defaults('battery-data-sys','');
+ @rows = ({main::key($num++,$key1) => $val1,});
+ }
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @rows;
+# alarm capacity capacity_level charge_full charge_full_design charge_now
+# cycle_count energy_full energy_full_design energy_now location manufacturer model_name
+# power_now present serial_number status technology type voltage_min_design voltage_now
+# 0 name - battery id, not used
+# 1 status
+# 2 present
+# 3 technology
+# 4 cycle_count
+# 5 voltage_min_design
+# 6 voltage_now
+# 7 power_now
+# 8 energy_full_design
+# 9 energy_full
+# 10 energy_now
+# 11 capacity
+# 12 capacity_level
+# 13 of_orig
+# 14 model_name
+# 15 manufacturer
+# 16 serial_number
+# 17 location
+sub create_output {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (%battery,@data,@rows) = @_;
+ my ($key);
+ my $num = 0;
+ my $j = 0;
+ foreach $key (sort keys %battery){
+ $num = 0;
+ my ($charge,$condition,$model,$serial,$status,$volts) = ('','','','','','');
+ my ($chemistry,$cycles,$location) = ('','','');
+ # $battery{$key}{''};
+ # we need to handle cases where charge or energy full is 0
+ $charge = ($battery{$key}{'energy_now'} || $battery{$key}{'energy_now'} eq 0) ? "$battery{$key}{'energy_now'} Wh" : 'N/A';
+ if ($battery{$key}{'energy_full'} || $battery{$key}{'energy_full_design'}){
+ $battery{$key}{'energy_full_design'} ||= 'N/A';
+ $battery{$key}{'energy_full'}= ($battery{$key}{'energy_full'} || $battery{$key}{'energy_full'} eq 0) ? $battery{$key}{'energy_full'} : 'N/A';
+ $condition = "$battery{$key}{'energy_full'}/$battery{$key}{'energy_full_design'} Wh";
+ if ($battery{$key}{'of_orig'}){
+ $condition .= " ($battery{$key}{'of_orig'}%)";
+ }
+ }
+ $condition ||= 'N/A';
+ $j = scalar @rows;
+ @data = ({
+ main::key($num++,'ID') => $key,
+ main::key($num++,'charge') => $charge,
+ main::key($num++,'condition') => $condition,
+ },);
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ if ($extra > 0){
+ if ($extra > 1){
+ if ($battery{$key}{'voltage_min_design'} || $battery{$key}{'voltage_now'}){
+ $battery{$key}{'voltage_min_design'} ||= 'N/A';
+ $battery{$key}{'voltage_now'} ||= 'N/A';
+ $volts = "$battery{$key}{'voltage_now'}/$battery{$key}{'voltage_min_design'}";
- status=$NF
+ $volts ||= 'N/A';
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'volts')} = $volts;
+ }
+ if ($battery{$key}{'manufacturer'} || $battery{$key}{'model_name'}) {
+ if ($battery{$key}{'manufacturer'} && $battery{$key}{'model_name'}){
+ $model = "$battery{$key}{'manufacturer'} $battery{$key}{'model_name'}";
- $1 ~ /^POWER_SUPPLY$/ {
- present=$NF
+ elsif ($battery{$key}{'manufacturer'}){
+ $model = $battery{$key}{'manufacturer'};
- chemistry=$NF
+ elsif ($battery{$key}{'model_name'}){
+ $model = $battery{$key}{'model_name'};
- cycles=$NF
+ }
+ else {
+ $model = 'N/A';
+ }
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'model')} = $model;
+ if ($extra > 2){
+ $chemistry = ( $battery{$key}{'technology'} ) ? $battery{$key}{'technology'}: 'N/A';
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'type')} = $chemistry;
+ }
+ if ($extra > 1){
+ $serial = main::apply_filter($battery{$key}{'serial_number'});
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'serial')} = $serial;
+ }
+ $status = ($battery{$key}{'status'}) ? $battery{$key}{'status'}: 'N/A';
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'status')} = $status;
+ if ($extra > 2){
+ if ($battery{$key}{'cycle_count'}){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'cycles')} = $battery{$key}{'cycle_count'};
- voltage_min_design = $NF / 1000000
- voltage_min_design = sprintf( "%.1f", voltage_min_design )
+ if ($battery{$key}{'location'}){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'location')} = $battery{$key}{'location'};
- voltage_now = $NF / 1000000
- voltage_now = sprintf( "%.1f", voltage_now )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @rows;
+# charge: mAh energy: Wh
+sub battery_data_sys {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($b_ma,%battery,$file,$id,$item,$path,$value);
+ my $num = 0;
+ # NOTE: known ids: BAT[0-9] CMB[0-9]
+ my @batteries = main::globber("/sys/class/power_supply/[BC][AM][TB]*/");
+ # note: there is no 'location' file, but dmidecode has it
+ # 'type' is generic, like: Battery
+ # capacity_level is a string, like: Normal
+ my @items = qw(alarm capacity capacity_level charge_full charge_full_design charge_now
+ cycle_count energy_full energy_full_design energy_now location manufacturer model_name
+ power_now present serial_number status technology type voltage_min_design voltage_now);
+ foreach $item (@batteries){
+ $b_ma = 0;
+ $id = $item;
+ $id =~ s%/sys/class/power_supply/|\/$%%g;
+ $battery{$id} = ({});
+ foreach $file (@items){
+ $path = "$item$file";
+ $value = (-f $path) ? (main::reader($path))[0]: '';
+ if ($value){
+ if ($file eq 'voltage_min_design'){
+ $value = sprintf("%.1f", $value/1000000);
- power_now=$NF
+ elsif ($file eq 'voltage_now'){
+ $value = sprintf("%.1f", $value/1000000);
- energy_full_design = $NF / 1000000
+ elsif ($file eq 'energy_full_design'){
+ $value = $value/1000000;
- energy_full = $NF / 1000000
+ elsif ($file eq 'energy_full'){
+ $value = $value/1000000;
- energy_now = $NF / 1000000
- energy_now = sprintf( "%.1f", energy_now )
+ elsif ($file eq 'energy_now'){
+ $value = sprintf("%.1f", $value/1000000);
# note: the following 3 were off, 100000 instead of 1000000
# why this is, I do not know. I did not document any reason for that
# so going on assumption it is a mistake. CHARGE is mAh, which are converted
# to Wh by: mAh x voltage. Note: voltage fluctuates so will make results vary slightly.
- charge_full_design = $NF / 1000000
- b_ma="true"
- }
- charge_full = $NF / 1000000
- b_ma="true"
+ elsif ($file eq 'charge_full_design'){
+ $value = $value/1000000;
+ $b_ma = 1;
- charge_now = $NF / 1000000
- b_ma="true"
+ elsif ($file eq 'charge_full'){
+ $value = $value/1000000;
+ $b_ma = 1;
- if ( $NF != "" ){
- capacity=$NF "%"
- }
+ elsif ($file eq 'charge_now'){
+ $value = $value/1000000;
+ $b_ma = 1;
- capacity_level=$NF
+ elsif ($file eq 'manufacturer'){
+ $value = main::dmi_cleaner($value);
- model=$NF
+ elsif ($file eq 'model_name'){
+ $value = main::dmi_cleaner($value);
- company=$NF
- }
- serial=$NF
- }
- END {
- # note:voltage_now fluctuates, which will make capacity numbers change a bit
- # if any of these values failed, the math will be wrong, but no way to fix that
- # tests show more systems give right capacity/charge with voltage_min_design
- # than with voltage_now
- if (b_ma == "true" && voltage_min_design != ""){
- if (charge_now != ""){
- energy_now=charge_now*voltage_min_design
- }
- if (charge_full != ""){
- energy_full=charge_full*voltage_min_design
- }
- if (charge_full_design != ""){
- energy_full_design=charge_full_design*voltage_min_design
- }
- }
- if (energy_now != "" && energy_full != "" ){
- capacity = 100*energy_now/energy_full
- capacity = sprintf( "%.1f%", capacity )
- }
- if (energy_full_design != "" && energy_full != "" ){
- of_orig=100*energy_full/energy_full_design
- of_orig = sprintf( "%.0f%", of_orig )
- }
- if (energy_now != "" ){
- energy_now = sprintf( "%.1f", energy_now )
- }
- if (energy_full_design != "" ){
- energy_full_design = sprintf( "%.1f", energy_full_design )
- }
- if ( energy_full != "" ){
- energy_full = sprintf( "%.1f", energy_full )
- }
- entry = name "," status "," present "," chemistry "," cycles "," voltage_min_design "," voltage_now ","
- entry = entry power_now "," energy_full_design "," energy_full "," energy_now "," capacity ","
- entry = entry capacity_level "," of_orig "," model "," company "," serial "," location
- print entry
- }' < $battery_file )
- # <<< "$data" )
- # < $battery_file )
- A_BATTERY_DATA[$count]=$battery_data
- fi
- done
- elif [[ $B_FORCE_DMIDECODE == 'true' ]] || [[ ! -d $id_dir && -z $ids ]];then
- set_dmidecode_data
- if [[ -n $DMIDECODE_DATA ]];then
- if [[ $DMIDECODE_DATA == 'dmidecode-error-'* ]];then
- # please note: only dmidecode version 2.11 or newer supports consistently the -s flag
- else
- IFS=$'\n'
- # NOTE: this logic has a flaw, which is multiple batteries, which won't work without
- # gawk arrays, but sorry, too much of a pain given how little useful data from dmidecode
- A_BATTERY_DATA=( $( gawk -F ':' '
- name=""
- status=""
- present=""
- chemistry=""
- cycles=""
- voltage_min_design=""
- voltage_now=""
- power_now=""
- charge_full_design=""
- charge_full=""
- charge_now=""
- capacity=""
- capacity_level=""
- model=""
- company=""
- serial=""
- of_orig=""
- location=""
- bItemFound="false"
+ }
+ $battery{$id}{$file} = $value;
+ # print "$battery{$id}{$file}\n";
+ }
+ # note:voltage_now fluctuates, which will make capacity numbers change a bit
+ # if any of these values failed, the math will be wrong, but no way to fix that
+ # tests show more systems give right capacity/charge with voltage_min_design
+ # than with voltage_now
+ if ($b_ma && $battery{$id}{'voltage_min_design'}){
+ if ($battery{$id}{'charge_now'}){
+ $battery{$id}{'energy_now'} = $battery{$id}{'charge_now'} * $battery{$id}{'voltage_min_design'};
+ }
+ if ($battery{$id}{'charge_full'}){
+ $battery{$id}{'energy_full'} = $battery{$id}{'charge_full'}*$battery{$id}{'voltage_min_design'};
+ }
+ if ($battery{$id}{'charge_full_design'}){
+ $battery{$id}{'energy_full_design'} = $battery{$id}{'charge_full_design'} * $battery{$id}{'voltage_min_design'};
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $battery{$id}{'energy_now'} && $battery{$id}{'energy_full'} ){
+ $battery{$id}{'capacity'} = 100 * $battery{$id}{'energy_now'}/$battery{$id}{'energy_full'};
+ $battery{$id}{'capacity'} = sprintf( "%.1f", $battery{$id}{'capacity'} );
+ }
+ if ( $battery{$id}{'energy_full_design'} && $battery{$id}{'energy_full'} ){
+ $battery{$id}{'of_orig'} = 100 * $battery{$id}{'energy_full'}/$battery{$id}{'energy_full_design'};
+ $battery{$id}{'of_orig'} = sprintf( "%.0f", $battery{$id}{'of_orig'} );
+ }
+ if ( $battery{$id}{'energy_now'} ){
+ $battery{$id}{'energy_now'} = sprintf( "%.1f", $battery{$id}{'energy_now'} );
+ }
+ if ( $battery{$id}{'energy_full_design'} ){
+ $battery{$id}{'energy_full_design'} = sprintf( "%.1f",$battery{$id}{'energy_full_design'} );
+ }
+ if ( $battery{$id}{'energy_full'} ){
+ $battery{$id}{'energy_full'} = sprintf( "%.1f", $battery{$id}{'energy_full'} );
+ }
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return %battery;
+# note, dmidecode does not have charge_now or charge_full
+sub battery_data_dmi {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (%battery,$id);
+ my $i = 0;
+ foreach (@dmi){
+ my @ref = @$_;
+ # Portable Battery
+ if ($ref[0] == 22){
+ $id = "BAT$i";
+ $i++;
+ $battery{$id} = ({});
+ # skip first three row, we don't need that data
+ splice @ref, 0, 3 if @ref;
+ foreach my $item (@ref){
+ my @value = split /:\s+/, $item;
+ next if !$value[0];
+ if ($value[0] eq 'Location') {$battery{$id}{'location'} = $value[1] }
+ elsif ($value[0] eq 'Manufacturer') {$battery{$id}{'manufacturer'} = main::dmi_cleaner($value[1]) }
+ elsif ($value[0] =~ /Chemistry/) {$battery{$id}{'technology'} = $value[1] }
+ elsif ($value[0] =~ /Serial Number/) {$battery{$id}{'serial_number'} = $value[1] }
+ elsif ($value[0] =~ /^Name/) {$battery{$id}{'model_name'} = main::dmi_cleaner($value[1]) }
+ elsif ($value[0] eq 'Design Capacity') {
+ $value[1] =~ s/\s*mwh$//i;
+ $battery{$id}{'energy_full_design'} = sprintf( "%.1f", $value[1]/1000);
- {
- gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_NORMAL"'|,|battery|unknown/, "", $2)
- gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", $1)
- gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", $2)
- }
- /^Portable Battery/ {
- while ( getline && !/^$/ ) {
- if ( $1 ~ /^Location/ ) { location=$2 }
- if ( $1 ~ /^Manufacturer/ ) { company=$2 }
- if ( $1 ~ /^Serial/ ) { serial=$2 }
- if ( $1 ~ /^Name/ ) { model=$2 }
- if ( $1 ~ /^Design Capacity/ ) {
- sub(/^[[:space:]]*mwh/, "", $2)
- charge_full_design = $NF / 1000
- charge_full_design = sprintf( "%.1f", charge_full_design )
- }
- if ( $1 ~ /^Design Voltage/ ) {
- sub(/^[[:space:]]*mv/, "", $2)
- voltage_min_design = $NF / 1000
- voltage_min_design = sprintf( "%.1f", voltage_min_design )
- }
- if ( $1 ~ /^SBDS Chemistry/ ) { chemistry=$2 }
- }
- testString=company serial model charge_full_design voltage_min_design
- if ( testString != "" ) {
- bItemFound="true"
- exit # exit loop, we are not handling > 1 batteries
- }
+ elsif ($value[0] eq 'Design Voltage') {
+ $value[1] =~ s/\s*mv$//i;
+ $battery{$id}{'voltage_min_design'} = sprintf( "%.1f", $value[1]/1000);
- END {
- if ( bItemFound == "true" ) {
- name="BAT-1"
- if (charge_now != "" && charge_full != "" ){
- capacity = 100*charge_now/charge_full
- capacity = sprintf( "%.1f%", capacity )
- }
- if (charge_full_design != "" && charge_full != "" ){
- of_orig=100*charge_full/charge_full_design
- of_orig = sprintf( "%.0f%", of_orig )
- }
- entry = name "," status "," present "," chemistry "," cycles "," voltage_min_design "," voltage_now ","
- entry = entry power_now "," charge_full_design "," charge_full "," charge_now "," capacity ","
- entry = entry capacity_level "," of_orig "," model "," company "," serial "," location
- print entry
- }
- }' <<< "$DMIDECODE_DATA" ) )
- fi
- fi
- fi
- # echo $array_string
- #echo ${#A_BATTERY_DATA[@]}
- a_temp=${A_BATTERY_DATA[@]}
- # echo $a_temp
- log_function_data "A_BATTERY_DATA: $a_temp"
- eval $LOGFE
+ }
+ if ($battery{$id}{'energy_now'} && $battery{$id}{'energy_full'} ){
+ $battery{$id}{'capacity'} = 100 * $battery{$id}{'energy_now'} / $battery{$id}{'energy_full'};
+ $battery{$id}{'capacity'} = sprintf( "%.1f%", $battery{$id}{'capacity'} );
+ }
+ if ($battery{$id}{'energy_full_design'} && $battery{$id}{'energy_full'} ){
+ $battery{$id}{'of_orig'} = 100 * $battery{$id}{'energy_full'} / $battery{$id}{'energy_full_design'};
+ $battery{$id}{'of_orig'} = sprintf( "%.0f%", $battery{$id}{'of_orig'} );
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($ref[0] > 22){
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ # print Data::Dumper::Dumper \%battery;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return %battery;
-## args: $1 type [intel|amd|centaur|arm]; $2 family [hex]; $3 model id [hex];
- eval $LOGFS
- case $1 in
- #
- amd)
- case $2 in
- 4)
- case $3 in
- 3|7|8|9|A)ARCH='Am486';;
- E|F)ARCH='Am5x86';;
- esac
- ;;
- 5)
- case $3 in
- 0|1|2|3)ARCH='K5';;
- 6|7)ARCH='K6';;
- 8)ARCH='K6-2';;
- 9|D)ARCH='K6-3';;
- A)ARCH='Geode';;
- esac
- ;;
- 6)
- case $3 in
- 1|2)ARCH='K7';;
- 3|4)ARCH='K7 Thunderbird';;
- 6|7|8|A)ARCH='K7 Palomino+';;
- *)ARCH='K7';;
- esac
- ;;
- F)
- case $3 in
- 4|5|7|8|B|C|E|F|14|15|17|18|1B|1C|1F)ARCH='K8';;
- 21|23|24|25|27|28|2C|2F)ARCH='K8 rev.E';;
- 41|43|48|4B|4C|4F|5D|5F|68|6B|6C|6F|7C|7F|C1)ARCH='K8 rev.F+';;
- *)ARCH='K8';;
- esac
- ;;
- 10)
- case $3 in
- 2|4|5|6|8|9|A)ARCH='K10';;
- *)ARCH='K10';;
- esac
- ;;
- 11)
- case $3 in
- 3)ARCH='Turion X2 Ultra';;
- esac
- ;;
- 12) # might also need cache handling like 14/16
- case $3 in
- 1)ARCH='Fusion';;
- *)ARCH='Fusion';;
- esac
- ;;
- 14) # SOC, apu
- case $3 in
- 1|2)ARCH='Bobcat';;
- *)ARCH='Bobcat';;
- esac
- ;;
- 15)
- case $3 in
- 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|A|B|C|D|E|F)ARCH='Bulldozer';;
- 10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|1A|1B|1C|1D|1E|1F)ARCH='Piledriver';;
- 30|31|32|33|34|35|36|37|38|39|3A|3B|3C|3D|3E|3F)ARCH='Steamroller';;
- 60|61|62|63|64|65|66|67|68|69|6A|6B|6C|6D|6E|6F|70|71|72|73|74|75|76|77|78|79|7A|7B|7C|7D|7E|7F)ARCH='Excavator';;
- *)ARCH='Bulldozer';;
- esac
- ;;
- 16) # SOC, apu
- case $3 in
- 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|A|B|C|D|E|F)ARCH='Jaguar';;
- 30|31|32|33|34|35|36|37|38|39|3A|3B|3C|3D|3E|3F)ARCH='Puma';;
- *)ARCH='Jaguar';;
- esac
- ;;
- 17)
- case $3 in
- 1)ARCH='Zen';;
- *)ARCH='Zen';;
- esac
- ;;
- esac
- ;;
- arm)
- if [[ "$2" != '' ]];then
- ARCH="ARMv$2"
- else
- fi
- ;;
- centaur) # aka VIA
- case $2 in
- 5)
- case $3 in
- 4)ARCH='WinChip C6';;
- 8)ARCH='WinChip 2';;
- 9)ARCH='WinChip 3';;
- esac
- ;;
- 6)
- case $3 in
- 6)ARCH='WinChip-based';;
- 7|8)ARCH='C3';;
- 9)ARCH='C3-2';;
- A|D)ARCH='C7';;
- F)ARCH='Isaiah';;
- esac
- ;;
- esac
- ;;
- intel)
- case $2 in
- 4)
- case $3 in
- 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9)ARCH='486';;
- esac
- ;;
- 5)
- case $3 in
- 1|2|3|7)ARCH='P5';;
- 4|8)ARCH='P5';; # MMX
- 9)ARCH='Quark';;
- esac
- ;;
- 6)
- case $3 in
- 1)ARCH='P6 Pro';;
- 3|5|6)ARCH='P6 II';;
- 7|8|A|B)ARCH='P6 III';;
- 9)ARCH='Banias';; # pentium M
- 15)ARCH='Dothan Tolapai';; # pentium M system on chip
- D)ARCH='Dothan';; # Pentium M
- E)ARCH='Yonah';;
- F|16)ARCH='Conroe';;
- 17|1D)ARCH='Penryn';;
- 1A|1E|1F|2E|25|2C|2F)ARCH='Nehalem';;
- 1C|26)ARCH='Bonnell';;
- 27|35|36)ARCH='Saltwell';;
- 25|2C|2F)ARCH='Westmere';;
- 26|27)ARCH='Bonnell';;
- 2A|2D)ARCH='Sandy Bridge';;
- 37|4A|4D|5A)ARCH='Silvermont';;
- 3A|3E)ARCH='Ivy Bridge';;
- 3C|3F|45|46)ARCH='Haswell';;
- 3D|47|4F|56)ARCH='Broadwell';;
- 4E|55|9E)ARCH='Skylake';;
- 5E)ARCH='Skylake-S';;
- 4C|5D)ARCH='Airmont';;
- 8E|9E)ARCH='Kaby Lake';;
- 57)ARCH='Knights Landing';;
- 85)ARCH='Knights Mill';;
- # product codes:
- # coming: coffee lake; cannonlake; icelake; tigerlake
- esac
- ;;
- B)
- case $3 in
- 1)ARCH='Knights Corner';;
- esac
- ;;
- F)
- case $3 in
- 0|1|2)ARCH='Netburst Willamette';;
- 3|4|6)ARCH='Netburst Prescott';; # Nocona
- *)ARCH='Netburst';;
- esac
- ;;
- esac
- ;;
- esac
- log_function_data "ARCH: $ARCH"
- eval $LOGFE
-## create A_CPU_CORE_DATA, currently with two values: integer core count; core string text
-## return value cpu core count string, this helps resolve the multi redundant lines of old style output
- eval $LOGFS
- local cpu_physical_count='' cpu_core_count='' cpu_type='' cores_per_cpu=''
- local array_data=''
- if [[ $B_CPUINFO_FILE == 'true' ]]; then
- # load the A_CPU_TYPE_PCNT_CCNT core data array
- get_cpu_ht_multicore_smp_data
- ## Because of the upcoming release of cpus with core counts over 6, a count of cores is given after Deca (10)
- # count the number of processors given
- cpu_physical_count=${A_CPU_TYPE_PCNT_CCNT[1]}
- cpu_core_count=${A_CPU_TYPE_PCNT_CCNT[2]}
- cpu_type=${A_CPU_TYPE_PCNT_CCNT[0]}
- # match the numberic value to an alpha value
- get_cpu_core_count_alpha "$cpu_core_count"
- # create array, core count integer; core count string
- # A_CPU_CORE_DATA=( "$cpu_core_count" "$CPU_COUNT_ALPHA Core$cpu_type" )
- array_data="$cpu_physical_count,$CPU_COUNT_ALPHA,$cpu_type,$cpu_core_count"
- IFS=','
- A_CPU_CORE_DATA=( $array_data )
- elif [[ -n $BSD_TYPE ]];then
- local gawk_fs=': '
- if [[ $BSD_VERSION == 'openbsd' ]];then
- gawk_fs='='
- fi
- cpu_core_count=$( gawk -F "$gawk_fs" -v bsdVersion="$BSD_VERSION" '
- # note: on openbsd can also be hw.ncpufound so exit after first
- coreCount=""
- }
- $1 ~ /^hw.ncpu$/ {
- coreCount=$NF
- }
- /^machdep.cpu.core_count/ {
- coreCount=$NF
- }
- END {
- print coreCount
- }' <<< "$SYSCTL_A_DATA" )
- cores_per_cpu=$( gawk -F "$gawk_fs" '
- /^machdep.cpu.cores_per_package/ {
- print $NF
- }' <<< "$SYSCTL_A_DATA" )
- if [[ -n $( grep -E '^[0-9]+$' <<< "$cpu_core_count" ) ]];then
- get_cpu_core_count_alpha "$cpu_core_count"
- if [[ $cpu_core_count -gt 1 ]];then
- cpu_type='-SMP-'
- else
- cpu_type='-UP-'
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -n $cores_per_cpu ]];then
- cpu_physical_count=$(( $cpu_core_count / $cores_per_cpu ))
- if [[ $cores_per_cpu -gt 1 ]];then
- cpu_type='-MCP-'
- fi
- # do not guess here, only use phys count if it actually exists, otherwise handle in print_cpu..
- # this 1 value should not be used for output, and is just to avoid math errors
- else
- cpu_physical_count=1
- fi
- array_data="$cpu_physical_count,$CPU_COUNT_ALPHA,$cpu_type,$cpu_core_count"
- IFS=','
- A_CPU_CORE_DATA=( $array_data )
- fi
- a_temp=${A_CPU_CORE_DATA[@]}
- # echo $a_temp :: ${#A_CPU_CORE_DATA[@]}
- log_function_data "A_CPU_CORE_DATA: $a_temp"
- eval $LOGFE
-# args: $1 - integer core count
+## CpuData
- eval $LOGFS
- case $1 in
- 1) CPU_COUNT_ALPHA='Single';;
- 2) CPU_COUNT_ALPHA='Dual';;
- 3) CPU_COUNT_ALPHA='Triple';;
- 4) CPU_COUNT_ALPHA='Quad';;
- esac
- log_function_data "CPU_COUNT_ALPHA: $CPU_COUNT_ALPHA"
- eval $LOGFE
+package CpuData;
+sub get {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($type) = @_;
+ my (@data,@rows,$single,$key1,$val1);
+ my $num = 0;
+ if ($type eq 'short' || $type eq 'basic'){
+ @rows = data_short($type);
+ }
+ else {
+ @rows = create_output_full();
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @rows;
-## main cpu data collector
- eval $LOGFS
- local i='' j='' cpu_array_nu='' a_cpu_working='' multi_cpu='' bits='' a_temp=''
- local bsd_cpu_flags='' min_speed='' max_speed=''
- if [[ -f /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq ]];then
- max_speed=$(cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq)
- if [[ -f /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_min_freq ]];then
- min_speed=$(cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_min_freq)
- fi
- fi
- if [[ $B_CPUINFO_FILE == 'true' ]];then
- # stop script for a bit to let cpu slow down before parsing cpu /proc file
- sleep $CPU_SLEEP
- IFS=$'\n'
- A_CPU_DATA=( $(
- gawk -v cpuMin="$min_speed" -v cpuMax="$max_speed" -F': ' '
- # need to prime nr for arm cpus, which do not have processor number output in some cases
- nr = 0
- count = 0
- bArm = "false"
- bProcInt = "false" # this will avoid certain double counts with processor/Processor lines
- # ARM cpus are erratic in /proc/cpuinfo this hack can sometimes resolve it. Linux only.
- sysSpeed="'$(get_cpu_speed_hack)'"
- speed = 0
- max = 0
- min = 0
- type=""
- family=""
- model_nu=""
- rev=""
- }
- # TAKE STRONGER NOTE: \t+ does NOT always work, MUST be [ \t]+
- # TAKE NOTE: \t+ will work for $FILE_CPUINFO, but SOME ARBITRARY FILE used for TESTING might contain SPACES!
- # Therefore PATCH to use [ \t]+ when TESTING!
- /^processor[ \t]+:/ {
- gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_ARRAY"'/, " ", $NF)
- gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", $NF)
- if ( $NF ~ "^[0-9]+$" ) {
- nr = $NF
- bProcInt = "true"
+sub create_output_full {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my $num = 0;
+ my ($b_flags,$flag_key,@flags,%cpu,@data,@rows);
+ my $sleep = $cpu_sleep * 1000000;
+ if ($b_hires){
+ eval 'Time::HiRes::usleep( $sleep )';
+ }
+ else {
+ select(undef, undef, undef, $cpu_sleep);
+ }
+ if (my $file = main::system_files('cpuinfo')){
+ %cpu = data_cpuinfo($file,'full');
+ }
+ elsif ($bsd_type ){
+ my ($key1,$val1) = ('','');
+ if ( $alerts{'sysctl'} ){
+ if ( $alerts{'sysctl'}{'action'} eq 'use' ){
+# $key1 = 'Status';
+# $val1 = main::row_defaults('dev');
+ %cpu = data_sysctl('full');
else {
- # this protects against double processor lines, one int, one string
- if ( bProcInt == "false" ){
- count += 1
- nr = count - 1
- }
- # note: alternate:
- # Processor : AArch64 Processor rev 4 (aarch64)
- # but no model name type
- if ( $NF ~ "(ARM|AArch)" ) {
- bArm = "true"
- if ( type=""){
- type="arm"
- }
- }
- gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_NORMAL"'/, "", $NF )
- gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_CPU"'/, "", $NF )
- gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", $NF)
- gsub(/ [ \t]+/, " ", $NF)
- cpu[nr, "model"] = $NF
+ $key1 = ucfirst($alerts{'sysctl'}{'action'});
+ $val1 = $alerts{'sysctl'}{$alerts{'sysctl'}{'action'}};
+ @data = ({main::key($num++,$key1) => $val1,});
+ return @data;
- # arm
- /^cpu architecture/ && (family = "") {
- gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", $NF)
- family=$NF
+ }
+ my %properties = cpu_properties(%cpu);
+ my $type = ($properties{'cpu-type'}) ? $properties{'cpu-type'}: '';
+ my $ref = $cpu{'processors'};
+ my @processors = @$ref;
+ my @speeds = cpu_speeds(@processors);
+ my $j = scalar @rows;
+ $cpu{'model_name'} ||= 'N/A';
+ @data = ({
+ main::key($num++,'Topology') => $properties{'cpu-layout'},
+ main::key($num++,'model') => $cpu{'model_name'},
+ },);
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ $properties{'bits-sys'} ||= 'N/A';
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'bits')} = $properties{'bits-sys'};
+ if ($type){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'type')} = $type;
+ }
+ if ($extra > 0){
+ $cpu{'arch'} ||= 'N/A';
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'arch')} = $cpu{'arch'};
+ if ( $cpu{'arch'} ne 'N/A' && $cpu{'rev'} ){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'rev')} = $cpu{'rev'};
- /^cpu family/ && ( family == ""){
- gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", $NF)
- family=toupper( sprintf("%x", $NF) )
+ }
+ $properties{'l2-cache'} ||= 'N/A';
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'L2 cache')} = $properties{'l2-cache'} if (!$b_arm || ($b_arm && $properties{'l2-cache'} ne 'N/A'));
+ if ($extra > 0 && !$show{'cpu-flag'}){
+ $j = scalar @rows;
+ @flags = split /\s+/, $cpu{'flags'} if $cpu{'flags'};
+ $flag_key = ($b_arm || $bsd_type) ? 'features': 'flags';
+ my $flag = 'N/A';
+ if (@flags){
+ # failure to read dmesg.boot: dmesg.boot permissions
+ @flags = grep {/^(dmesg.boot|lm|nx|pae|permissions|pni|svm|vmx|(sss|ss)e([2-9])?([a-z])?(_[0-9])?)$/} @flags;
+ @flags = map {s/pni/sse3/; $_} @flags;
+ @flags = sort(@flags);
+ $flag = join ' ', @flags if @flags;
+ }
+ if ($b_arm && $flag eq 'N/A'){
+ $flag = main::row_defaults('arm-cpu-f');
- /^(stepping|cpu revission)/ && ( rev == "" ){
- gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", $NF)
- rev=$NF
+ @data = ({
+ main::key($num++,$flag_key) => $flag,
+ },);
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ $b_flags = 1;
+ }
+ if ($extra > 0 && !$bsd_type){
+ my $bogomips = ($cpu{'bogomips'}) ? int($cpu{'bogomips'}) : 'N/A';
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'bogomips')} = $bogomips;
+ }
+ $j = scalar @rows;
+ my $core_key = (scalar @speeds > 1) ? 'Core speeds (MHz)' : 'Core speed (MHz)';
+ my $speed_key = ($properties{'speed-key'}) ? $properties{'speed-key'}: 'Speed';
+ my $min_max = ($properties{'min-max'}) ? $properties{'min-max'}: 'N/A';
+ my $min_max_key = ($properties{'min-max-key'}) ? $properties{'min-max-key'}: 'min/max';
+ my $speed = (defined $properties{'speed'}) ? $properties{'speed'}: 'N/A';
+ # aren't able to get per core speeds in bsds yet
+ my $core_speeds_value = (@speeds) ? '' : 'N/A';
+ $j = scalar @rows;
+ @data = ({
+ main::key($num++,$speed_key) => $speed,
+ main::key($num++,$min_max_key) => $min_max,
+ main::key($num++,$core_key) => $core_speeds_value,
+ }, );
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ my $i = 1;
+ foreach (@speeds){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,$i++)} = $_;
+ }
+ if ($show{'cpu-flag'} && !$b_flags){
+ $flag_key = ($b_arm || $bsd_type) ? 'Features': 'Flags';
+ @flags = split /\s+/, $cpu{'flags'} if $cpu{'flags'};
+ my $flag = 'N/A';
+ if (@flags){
+ @flags = sort(@flags);
+ $flag = join ' ', @flags if @flags;
- /^model[ \t]*:/ && ( model_nu == ""){
- gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", $NF)
- model_nu=toupper( sprintf("%x", $NF) )
+ @data = ({
+ main::key($num++,$flag_key) => $flag,
+ },);
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @rows;
+sub create_output_short {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (@cpu) = @_;
+ my @data;
+ my $num = 0;
+ $cpu[1] ||= main::row_defaults('cpu-model-null');
+ $cpu[2] ||= 'N/A';
+ @data = ({
+ main::key($num++,$cpu[0]) => $cpu[1],
+ main::key($num++,'type') => $cpu[2],
+ },);
+ if ($extra > 0){
+ $data[0]{main::key($num++,'arch')} = $cpu[7];
+ }
+ $data[0]{main::key($num++,$cpu[3])} = $cpu[4];
+ if ($cpu[6]){
+ $data[0]{main::key($num++,$cpu[5])} = $cpu[6];
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @data;
+sub data_short {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($type) = @_;
+ my $num = 0;
+ my (%cpu,@data,%speeds);
+ my $sys = '/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0';
+ my $sleep = $cpu_sleep * 1000000;
+ if ($b_hires){
+ eval 'Time::HiRes::usleep( $sleep )';
+ }
+ else {
+ select(undef, undef, undef, $cpu_sleep);
+ }
+ # NOTE: : Permission denied, ie, this is not always readable
+ # /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_cur_freq
+ if (my $file = main::system_files('cpuinfo')){
+ %cpu = data_cpuinfo($file,$type);
+ }
+ elsif ($bsd_type ){
+ my ($key1,$val1) = ('','');
+ if ( $alerts{'sysctl'} ){
+ if ( $alerts{'sysctl'}{'action'} eq 'use' ){
+# $key1 = 'Status';
+# $val1 = main::row_defaults('dev');
+ %cpu = data_sysctl($type);
+ }
+ else {
+ $key1 = ucfirst($alerts{'sysctl'}{'action'});
+ $val1 = $alerts{'sysctl'}{$alerts{'sysctl'}{'action'}};
+ @data = ({main::key($num++,$key1) => $val1,});
+ return @data;
+ }
- /^model name|^cpu\t+:/ {
- gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_NORMAL"'/, "", $NF )
- gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_CPU"'/, "", $NF )
- gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_ARRAY"'/, " ", $NF)
- gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", $NF)
- gsub(/ [ \t]+/, " ", $NF)
- cpu[nr, "model"] = $NF
- if ( $NF ~ "^(ARM|AArch)" ) {
- bArm = "true"
+ }
+ # $cpu{'cur-freq'} = $cpu[0]{'core-id'}[0]{'speed'};
+ if ($type eq 'short' || $type eq 'basic'){
+ @data = prep_short_data(%cpu);
+ }
+ if ($type eq 'basic'){
+ @data = create_output_short(@data);
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @data;
+sub prep_short_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (%cpu) = @_;
+ my %properties = cpu_properties(%cpu);
+ my ($cpu,$speed_key,$speed,$type) = ('','speed',0,'');
+ $cpu = $cpu{'model_name'} if $cpu{'model_name'};
+ $type = $properties{'cpu-type'} if $properties{'cpu-type'};
+ $speed_key = $properties{'speed-key'} if $properties{'speed-key'};
+ $speed = $properties{'speed'} if $properties{'speed'};
+ my @result = (
+ $properties{'cpu-layout'},
+ $cpu,
+ $type,
+ $speed_key,
+ $speed,
+ $properties{'min-max-key'},
+ $properties{'min-max'},
+ );
+ if ($extra > 0){
+ $cpu{'arch'} ||= 'N/A';
+ $result[7] = $cpu{'arch'};
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @result;
+sub data_cpuinfo {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($file,$type)= @_;
+ my ($arch,@ids,@line,$b_first,$b_proc_int,$starter);
+ # use --arm flag when testing arm cpus
+ # $file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/cpu/arm/arm-4-core-pinebook-1.txt";
+ # $file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/cpu/arm/armv6-single-core-1.txt";
+ # $file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/cpu/arm/armv7-dual-core-1.txt";
+ # $file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/cpu/arm/armv7-new-format-model-name-single-core.txt";
+ # $file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/cpu/arm/arm-2-die-96-core-rk01.txt";
+ # $file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/cpu/amd/16-core-32-mt-ryzen.txt";
+ # $file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/cpu/amd/2-16-core-epyc-abucodonosor.txt";
+ # $file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/cpu/amd/2-core-probook-antix.txt";
+ # $file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/cpu/amd/4-core-jean-antix.txt";
+ # $file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/cpu/amd/4-core-althlon-mjro.txt";
+ # $file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/cpu/amd/4-core-apu-vc-box.txt";
+ # $file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/cpu/amd/4-core-a10-5800k-1.txt";
+ # $file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/cpu/intel/2-core-ht-atom-bruh.txt";
+ # $file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/cpu/intel/core-2-i3.txt";
+ # $file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/cpu/intel/8-core-i7-damentz64.txt";
+ # $file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/cpu/intel/2-10-core-xeon-ht.txt";
+ # $file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/cpu/intel/4-core-xeon-fake-dual-die-zyanya.txt";
+ # $file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/cpu/intel/2-core-i5-fake-dual-die-hek.txt";
+ # $file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/cpu/intel/2-1-core-xeon-vm-vs2017.txt";
+ # $file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/cpu/intel/4-1-core-xeon-vps-frodo1.txt";
+ # $file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/cpu/intel/4-6-core-xeon-no-mt-lathander.txt";
+ my %speeds = set_cpu_speeds_sys();
+ my @cpuinfo = main::reader($file);
+ my @phys_cpus = (0);# start with 1 always
+ my ($cache,$core_count,$die_holder,$die_id,$phys_id,$proc_count,$speed) = (0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
+ my ($phys_holder) = (undef);
+ # need to prime for arm cpus, which do not have physical/core ids usually
+ # level 0 is phys id, level 1 is die id, level 2 is core id
+ #$ids[0] = ([(0)]);
+ $ids[0] = ([]);
+ $ids[0][0] = ([]);
+ my %cpu = set_cpu_data();
+ # note, there con be a lot of processors, 32 core HT would have 64, for example.
+ foreach (@cpuinfo){
+ next if /^\s*$/;
+ @line = split /\s*:\s*/, $_;
+ next if !$line[0];
+ $starter = $line[0]; # preserve case for one specific ARM issue
+ $line[0] = lc($line[0]);
+ if ($b_arm && !$b_first && $starter eq 'Processor' && $line[1] !~ /^\d+$/){
+ #print "l1:$line[1]\n";
+ $cpu{'model_name'} = main::cleaner($line[1]);
+ $cpu{'model_name'} = cpu_cleaner($cpu{'model_name'});
+ $cpu{'type'} = 'arm';
+ # Processor : AArch64 Processor rev 4 (aarch64)
+ # Processor : Feroceon 88FR131 rev 1 (v5l)
+ if ($cpu{'model_name'} && $cpu{'model_name'} =~ /(.*)\srev\s([\S]+)\s(\(([\S]+)\))?/){
+ $cpu{'model_name'} = $1;
+ $cpu{'rev'} = $2;
+ if ($4){
+ $cpu{'arch'} = $4;
+ $cpu{'model_name'} .= ' ' . $cpu{'arch'} if $cpu{'model_name'} !~ /$cpu{'arch'}/i;
+ }
+ $cpu{'processors'}[$proc_count] = 0;
+ $b_proc_int = 0;
+ $b_first = 1;
+ #print "p0:\n";
- /^cpu MHz|^clock\t+:/ {
- if (speed == 0) {
- speed = $NF
+ elsif ($line[0] eq 'processor'){
+ # this protects against double processor lines, one int, one string
+ if ($line[1] =~ /^\d+$/){
+ $b_proc_int = 1;
+ $b_first = 1;
+ $cpu{'processors'}[$proc_count] = 0;
+ $proc_count++;
+ #print "p1: $proc_count\n";
else {
- if ($NF < speed) {
- speed = $NF
+ if (!$b_proc_int){
+ $cpu{'processors'}[$proc_count] = 0;
+ $proc_count++;
+ #print "p2a: $proc_count\n";
+ if (!$b_first ){
+ # note: alternate:
+ # Processor : AArch64 Processor rev 4 (aarch64)
+ # but no model name type
+ if ( $b_arm || $line[1] =~ /ARM|AArch/i){
+ $b_arm = 1;
+ $cpu{'type'} = 'arm';
+ }
+ $cpu{'model_name'} = main::cleaner($line[1]);
+ $cpu{'model_name'} = cpu_cleaner($cpu{'model'});
+ #print "p2b:\n";
+ }
+ $b_first = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (!$cpu{'family'} &&
+ ($line[0] eq 'architecture' || $line[0] eq 'cpu family' || $line[0] eq 'cpu architecture' )){
+ if ($line[1] =~ /^\d+$/){
+ # translate integers to hex
+ $cpu{'family'} = uc(sprintf("%x", $line[1]));
- if ($NF > max) {
- max = $NF
+ elsif ($b_arm) {
+ $cpu{'arch'} = $line[1];
- gsub(/MHZ/,"",$NF) ## clears out for cell cpu
- gsub(/.00[0]+$/,".00",$NF) ## clears out excessive zeros
- cpu[nr, "speed"] = $NF
- /^cache size/ {
- cpu[nr, "cache"] = $NF
+ elsif (!$cpu{'rev'} && ($line[0] eq 'stepping' || $line[0] eq 'cpu revision' )){
+ $cpu{'rev'} = $line[1];
- /^flags|^features/ {
- cpu[nr, "flags"] = $NF
- # not all ARM cpus show ARM in model name
- if ( $1 ~ /^features/ ) {
- bArm = "true"
- }
+ # this is hex so uc for cpu arch id
+ elsif (!$cpu{'model_id'} && $line[0] eq 'model' ){
+ $cpu{'model_id'} = uc(sprintf("%x", $line[1]));
- /^bogomips/ {
- cpu[nr, "bogomips"] = $NF
- # print nr " " cpu[nr, "bogomips"] > "/dev/tty"
+ elsif (!$cpu{'model_id'} && $line[0] eq 'cpu variant' ){
+ $cpu{'model_id'} = uc($line[1]);
+ $cpu{'model_id'} =~ s/^0X//;
- /vendor_id/ {
- gsub(/genuine|authentic/,"",$NF)
- cpu[nr, "vendor"] = tolower( $NF )
- if ( type == ""){
- if ( $NF ~ /.*intel.*/ ) {
- type="intel"
- }
- else if ($NF ~ /.*amd.*/){
- type="amd"
- }
- # via
- else if ($NF ~ /.*centaur.*/){
- type="centaur"
+ # cpu can show in arm
+ elsif (!$cpu{'model_name'} &&( $line[0] eq 'model name' || $line[0] eq 'cpu' )){
+ $cpu{'model_name'} = main::cleaner($line[1]);
+ $cpu{'model_name'} = cpu_cleaner($cpu{'model_name'});
+ if ( $b_arm || $line[1] =~ /ARM|AArch/i){
+ $b_arm = 1;
+ $cpu{'type'} = 'arm';
+ if ($cpu{'model_name'} && $cpu{'model_name'} =~ /(.*)\srev\s([\S]+)\s(\(([\S]+)\))?/){
+ $cpu{'model_name'} = $1;
+ $cpu{'rev'} = $2;
+ if ($4){
+ $cpu{'arch'} = $4;
+ $cpu{'model_name'} .= ' ' . $cpu{'arch'} if $cpu{'model_name'} !~ /$cpu{'arch'}/i;
+ }
+ #$cpu{'processors'}[$proc_count] = 0;
- END {
- #if (!nr) { print ",,,"; exit } # <- should this be necessary or should bash handle that
- for ( i = 0; i <= nr; i++ ) {
- # note: assuming bogomips for arm at 1 x clock
- # ARM could change so watch this
- # maybe add: && bArm == "true" but I think most of the bogomips roughly equal cpu speed if not amd/intel
- # 2014-04-08: trying to use sysSpeed hack first, that is more accurate anyway.
- if ( ( cpu[i, "speed"] == "" && sysSpeed != "" ) || \
- ( cpu[i, "speed"] == "" && cpu[i, "bogomips"] != "" && cpu[i, "bogomips"] < 50 ) ) {
- cpu[i, "speed"] = sysSpeed
- }
- else if ( cpu[i, "bogomips"] != "" && cpu[i, "speed"] == "" ) {
- cpu[i, "speed"] = cpu[i, "bogomips"]
- }
- print cpu[i, "model"] "," cpu[i, "speed"] "," cpu[i, "cache"] "," cpu[i, "flags"] "," cpu[i, "bogomips"] "," cpu[nr, "vendor"] "," bArm
+ elsif ( $line[0] eq 'cpu mhz' ){
+ $speed = speed_cleaner($line[1]);
+ $cpu{'processors'}[$proc_count-1] = $speed;
+ #$ids[$phys_id][$die_id] = ([($speed)]);
+ }
+ elsif (!$cpu{'siblings'} && $line[0] eq 'siblings' ){
+ $cpu{'siblings'} = $line[1];
+ }
+ elsif (!$cpu{'cores'} && $line[0] eq 'cpu cores' ){
+ $cpu{'cores'} = $line[1];
+ }
+ # increment by 1 for every new physical id we see. These are in almost all cases
+ # separate cpus, not separate dies within a single cpu body.
+ elsif ( $line[0] eq 'physical id' ){
+ if ( !defined $phys_holder || $phys_holder != $line[1] ){
+ # only increment if not in array counter
+ push @phys_cpus, $line[1] if ! grep {/$line[1]/} @phys_cpus;
+ $phys_holder = $line[1];
+ $ids[$phys_holder] = ([]) if ! exists $ids[$phys_holder];
+ $ids[$phys_holder][$die_id] = ([]) if ! exists $ids[$phys_holder][$die_id];
+ #print "pid: $line[1] ph: $phys_holder did: $die_id\n";
+ $die_id = 0;
+ #$die_holder = 0;
- if (cpuMin != "") {
- min=cpuMin/1000
+ }
+ elsif ( $line[0] eq 'core id' ){
+ #print "ph: $phys_holder did: $die_id l1: $line[1] s: $speed\n";
+ #
+ if ($line[1] > 0 ){
+ $die_holder = $line[1];
+ $core_count++;
- if (cpuMax != "") {
- max=cpuMax/1000
+ # NOTE: this logic won't work for die detections, unforutnately.
+ # ARM uses a different /sys based method, and ryzen relies on math on the cores
+ # in process_data
+ elsif ($line[1] == 0 && $die_holder > 0 ){
+ $die_holder = $line[1];
+ $core_count = 0;
+ $die_id++ if ($cpu{'type'} ne 'intel' && $cpu{'type'} ne 'amd' );
- # create last array index, to be used for min/max output
- sub(/\.[0-9]+$/,"",max)
- sub(/\.[0-9]+$/,"",speed)
- sub(/\.[0-9]+$/,"",min)
- if ( bArm == "true" ){
- type = "arm"
+ $phys_holder = 0 if ! defined $phys_holder;
+ $ids[$phys_holder][$die_id][$line[1]] = $speed;
+ #print "ph: $phys_holder did: $die_id l1: $line[1] s: $speed\n";
+ }
+ if (!$cpu{'type'} && $line[0] eq 'vendor_id' ){
+ $cpu{'type'} = cpu_vendor($line[1]);
+ }
+ ## this is only for -C full cpu output
+ if ( $type eq 'full' ){
+ if (!$cpu{'l2-cache'} && $line[0] eq 'cache size'){
+ if ($line[1] =~ /(\d+)\sKB$/){
+ $cpu{'l2-cache'} = $1;
+ }
+ elsif ($line[1] =~ /(\d+)\sMB$/){
+ $cpu{'l2-cache'} = ($1*1024);
+ }
- if (speed == 0) {
- print "N/A," min "," max "," type "," family "," model_nu
+ if (!$cpu{'flags'} && ($line[0] eq 'flags' || $line[0] eq 'features' )){
+ $cpu{'flags'} = $line[1];
- else {
- # print speed "," min "," max "," type "," family "," model_nu "," rev > "/dev/tty"
- print speed "," min "," max "," type "," family "," model_nu "," rev
+ }
+ if ( $extra > 0 && $type eq 'full' ){
+ if ($line[0] eq 'bogomips'){
+ # new arm shows bad bogomip value, so don't use it
+ $cpu{'bogomips'} += $line[1] if $line[1] > 50;
- }
- log_function_data 'cat' "$FILE_CPUINFO"
- elif [[ -n $BSD_TYPE ]];then
- get_cpu_data_bsd
- fi
- a_temp=${A_CPU_DATA[@]}
- log_function_data "A_CPU_DATA: $a_temp"
-# echo ta: ${a_temp[@]}
- eval $LOGFE
-# echo getMainCpu: ${[@]}
-# this triggers in one and only one case, ARM cpus that have fake bogomips data
- local speed=$( cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq 2>/dev/null )
- if [[ -n $speed ]];then
- speed=${speed%[0-9][0-9][0-9]} # trim off last 3 digits
- fi
- echo $speed
+ }
+ }
+ $cpu{'phys'} = scalar @phys_cpus;
+ $cpu{'dies'} = $die_id++; # count starts at 0, all cpus have 1 die at least
+ if ($b_arm && $cpu{'dies'} <= 1){
+ my $arm_dies = cpu_dies_sys();
+ # case were 4 core arm returned 4 sibling lists, obviously wrong
+ $cpu{'dies'} = $arm_dies if $arm_dies && $proc_count != $arm_dies;
+ }
+ $cpu{'type'} = 'arm' if $b_arm && !$cpu{'type'};
+ $cpu{'ids'} = (\@ids);
+ if ( $extra > 0 && !$cpu{'arch'} && $type ne 'short' ){
+ $cpu{'arch'} = cpu_arch($cpu{'type'},$cpu{'family'},$cpu{'model_id'});
+ #print "$cpu{'type'},$cpu{'family'},$cpu{'model_id'},$cpu{'arch'}\n";
+ }
+ if (!$speeds{'cur-freq'}){
+ $cpu{'cur-freq'} = $cpu{'processors'}[0];
+ $speeds{'min-freq'} = 0;
+ $speeds{'max-freq'} = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ $cpu{'cur-freq'} = $speeds{'cur-freq'};
+ $cpu{'min-freq'} = $speeds{'min-freq'};
+ $cpu{'max-freq'} = $speeds{'max-freq'};
+ }
+ main::log_data('dump','%cpu',\%cpu) if $b_log;
+ print Data::Dumper::Dumper \%cpu if $test[8];
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return %cpu;
- eval $LOGFS
- local bsd_cpu_flags=$( get_cpu_flags_bsd )
- local gawk_fs=': ' cpu_max=''
- if [[ $BSD_VERSION == 'openbsd' ]];then
- gawk_fs='='
- fi
- # avoid setting this for systems where you have no read/execute permissions
- # might be cases where the dmesg boot file was readable but sysctl perms failed
- if [[ -n $SYSCTL_A_DATA || -n $bsd_cpu_flags ]];then
- if [[ -n $DMESG_BOOT_DATA ]];then
- cpu_max=$( gawk -F ':' '
- }
- # NOTE: freebsd may say: 2300-MHz, so check for dash as well
- $1 ~ /^(CPU|cpu0)$/ {
- if ( $NF ~ /[^0-9\.][0-9\.]+[\-[:space:]]*[MG]Hz/) {
- max=gensub(/.*[^0-9\.]([0-9\.]+[\-[:space:]]*[MG]Hz).*/,"\\1",1,$NF)
- if (max ~ /MHz/) {
- sub(/[-[:space:]]*MHz/,"",max)
- }
- if (max ~ /GHz/) {
- sub(/[-[:space:]]*GHz/,"",max)
- max=max*1000
- }
- print max
- exit
- }
- }' <<< "$DMESG_BOOT_DATA" )
- fi
- IFS=$'\n'
- A_CPU_DATA=( $(
- gawk -F "$gawk_fs" -v bsdVersion=$BSD_VERSION -v cpuFlags="$bsd_cpu_flags" -v cpuMax="$cpu_max" '
- cpuModel=""
- cpuClock=""
- cpuCache=""
- cpuBogomips=""
- cpuVendor=""
- bSwitchFs="false"
- min=0
- max=0
- # these can be found in dmesg.boot just like in cpuinfo except all in one row
- type=""
- family=""
- model_nu=""
- rev=""
- }
- /^hw.model/ && ( bsdVersion != "darwin" ) {
- gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_NORMAL"'/, "", $NF )
- gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_CPU"'/, "", $NF )
- gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_ARRAY"'/," ",$NF)
- sub(/[a-z]+-core/, "", $NF )
- gsub(/^ +| +$|\"/, "", $NF)
- gsub(/ [ \t]+/, " ", $NF)
+sub data_sysctl {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($type) = @_;
+ my %cpu = set_cpu_data();
+ my (@ids,@line,%speeds,@working);
+ my ($sep) = ('');
+ my ($cache,$die_holder,$die_id,$phys_holder,$phys_id,$proc_count,$speed) = (0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
+ foreach (@sysctl){
+ @line = split /\s*:\s*/, $_;
+ next if ! $line[0];
+ # darwin shows machine, like MacBook7,1, not cpu
+ # machdep.cpu.brand_string: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU P8600 @ 2.40GHz
+ if ( ($bsd_type ne 'darwin' && $line[0] eq 'hw.model' ) || $line[0] eq 'machdep.cpu.brand_string' ){
# cut L2 cache/cpu max speed out of model string, if available
- if ( $NF ~ /[0-9]+[[:space:]]*[KM]B[[:space:]]+L2 cache/) {
- cpuCache=gensub(/.*[^0-9]([0-9]+[[:space:]]*[KM]B)[[:space:]]+L2 cach.*/,"\\1",1,$NF)
+ # openbsd 5.6: AMD Sempron(tm) Processor 3400+ ("AuthenticAMD" 686-class, 256KB L2 cache)
+ # freebsd 10: hw.model: AMD Athlon(tm) II X2 245 Processor
+ $line[1] = main::cleaner($line[1]);
+ $line[1] = cpu_cleaner($line[1]);
+ if ( $line[1] =~ /([0-9]+)[\-[:space:]]*([KM]B)\s+L2 cache/) {
+ my $multiplier = ($2 eq 'KB') ? 1024: 1;
+ $cpu{'l2-cache'} = $1 * $multiplier;
- if ( $NF ~ /[^0-9\.][0-9\.]+[\-[:space:]]*[MG]Hz/) {
- max=gensub(/.*[^0-9\.]([0-9\.]+[\-[:space:]]*[MG]Hz).*/,"\\1",1,$NF)
- if (max ~ /MHz/) {
- sub(/[\-[:space:]]*MHz/,"",max)
+ if ( $line[1] =~ /([^0-9\.][0-9\.]+)[\-[:space:]]*[MG]Hz/) {
+ $cpu{'max-freq'} = $1;
+ if ($cpu{'max-freq'} =~ /MHz/i) {
+ $cpu{'max-freq'} =~ s/[\-[:space:]]*MHz//;
+ $cpu{'max-freq'} = speed_cleaner($cpu{'max-freq'},'mhz');
- if (max ~ /GHz/) {
- sub(/[\-[:space:]]*GHz/,"",max)
- max=max*1000
+ elsif ($cpu{'max-freq'} =~ /GHz/) {
+ $cpu{'max-freq'} =~ s/[\-[:space:]]*GHz//i;
+ $cpu{'max-freq'} = $cpu{'max-freq'} / 1000;
+ $cpu{'max-freq'} = speed_cleaner($cpu{'max-freq'},'mhz');
- if ( $NF ~ /\)$/ ){
- sub(/[[:space:]]*\(.*\)$/,"",$NF)
+ if ( $line[1] =~ /\)$/ ){
+ $line[1] =~ s/\s*\(.*\)$//;
- cpuModel=$NF
-# if ( cpuClock != "" ) {
-# exit
-# }
+ $cpu{'model_name'} = $line[1];
+ $cpu{'type'} = cpu_vendor($line[1]);
- /^hw.clock/ {
- cpuClock=$NF
-# if ( cpuModel != "" ) {
-# exit
-# }
+ # NOTE: hw.l1icachesize: hw.l1dcachesize:
+ elsif ($line[0] eq 'hw.l1icachesize') {
+ $cpu{'l1-cache'} = $line[1]/1024;
+ }
+ elsif ($line[0] eq 'hw.l2cachesize') {
+ $cpu{'l2-cache'} = $line[1]/1024;
+ }
+ # this is in mghz in samples
+ elsif ($line[0] eq 'hw.clockrate' || $line[0] eq 'hw.cpuspeed') {
+ $cpu{'cur-freq'} = $line[1];
- /^hw.cpufrequency/ {
- cpuClock = $NF / 1000000
+ # these are in hz: 2400000000
+ elsif ($line[0] eq 'hw.cpufrequency') {
+ $cpu{'cur-freq'} = $line[1]/1000000;
- /^hw.cpuspeed/ {
- cpuClock=$NF
+ elsif ($line[0] eq 'hw.busfrequency_min') {
+ $cpu{'min-freq'} = $line[1]/1000000;
- /^hw.l2cachesize/ {
- cpuCache=$NF/1024
- cpuCache=cpuCache " kB"
+ elsif ($line[0] eq 'hw.busfrequency_max') {
+ $cpu{'max-freq'} = $line[1]/1000000;
- /^machdep.cpu.vendor/ {
- cpuVendor=$NF
+ elsif ($line[0] eq 'machdep.cpu.vendor') {
+ $cpu{'type'} = cpu_vendor($line[1]);
+ }
+ # darwin only?
+ elsif ($line[0] eq 'machdep.cpu.features') {
+ $cpu{'flags'} = lc($line[1]);
+ }
+ elsif ($line[0] eq 'hw.ncpu' ) {
+ $cpu{'cores'} = $line[1];
# Freebsd does some voltage hacking to actually run at lowest listed frequencies.
# The cpu does not actually support all the speeds output here but works in freebsd.
- /^dev.cpu.0.freq_levels/ {
- gsub(/^[[:space:]]+|\/[0-9]+|[[:space:]]+$/,"",$NF)
- if ( $NF ~ /[0-9]+[[:space:]]+[0-9]+/ ) {
- min=gensub(/.*[[:space:]]([0-9]+)$/,"\\1",1,$NF)
- max=gensub(/^([0-9]+)[[:space:]].*/,"\\1",1,$NF)
- }
- }
- /^machdep.cpu.brand_string/ {
- gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_NORMAL"'/, "", $NF )
- gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_CPU"'/, "", $NF )
- gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_ARRAY"'/," ",$NF)
- sub(/[a-z]+-core/, "", $NF )
- gsub(/^ +| +$|\"/, "", $NF)
- gsub(/ [ \t]+/, " ", $NF)
- sub(/[[:space:]]*@.*/,"",$NF)
- cpuModel=$NF
- }
- END {
- if ( max == 0 && cpuMax != "" ) {
- max=cpuMax
- }
- if ( cpuClock == "" ) {
- cpuClock="N/A"
- }
- sub(/\.[0-9]+/,"",cpuClock)
- sub(/\.[0-9]+/,"",min)
- sub(/\.[0-9]+/,"",max)
- print cpuModel "," cpuClock "," cpuCache "," cpuFlags "," cpuBogomips "," cpuVendor
- # triggers print case, for architecture, check source for syntax
- print cpuClock "," min "," max ",,,,"
- }' <<< "$SYSCTL_A_DATA" ) )
- fi
- eval $LOGFE
+ elsif ($line[0] eq 'dev.cpu.0.freq_levels') {
+ $line[1] =~ s/^\s+|\/[0-9]+|\s+$//g;
+ if ( $line[1] =~ /[0-9]+\s+[0-9]+/ ) {
+ my @temp = split /\s+/, $line[1];
+ $cpu{'max-freq'} = $temp[0];
+ $cpu{'min-freq'} = $temp[-1];
+ $cpu{'scalings'} = \@temp;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (!$cpu{'cur-freq'} && $line[0] eq 'dev.cpu.0.freq' ) {
+ $cpu{'cur-freq'} = $line[1];
+ }
+ # the following have only been seen in DragonflyBSD data but thumbs up!
+ elsif ($line[0] eq 'hw.cpu_topology.members' ) {
+ my @temp = split /\s+/, $line[1];
+ my $count = scalar @temp;
+ $count-- if $count > 0;
+ $cpu{'processors'}[$count] = 0;
+ # no way to get per processor speeds yet, so assign 0 to each
+ foreach (0 .. $count){
+ $cpu{'processors'}[$_] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($line[0] eq 'hw.cpu_topology.cpu1.physical_siblings' ) {
+ # string, like: cpu0 cpu1
+ my @temp = split /\s+/, $line[1];
+ $cpu{'siblings'} = scalar @temp;
+ }
+ # increment by 1 for every new physical id we see. These are in almost all cases
+ # separate cpus, not separate dies within a single cpu body.
+ elsif ( $line[0] eq 'hw.cpu_topology.cpu0.physical_id' ){
+ if ($phys_holder != $line[1] ){
+ $phys_id++;
+ $phys_holder = $line[1];
+ $ids[$phys_id] = ([(0)]);
+ $ids[$phys_id][$die_id] = ([(0)]);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ( $line[0] eq 'hw.cpu_topology.cpu0.core_id' ){
+ if ($line[1] > 0 ){
+ $die_holder = $line[1];
+ }
+ # this handles multi die cpus like 16 core ryzen
+ elsif ($line[1] == 0 && $die_holder > 0 ){
+ $die_id++ ;
+ $die_holder = $line[1];
+ }
+ $ids[$phys_id][$die_id][$line[1]] = $speed;
+ $cpu{'dies'} = $die_id;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$cpu{'flags'}){
+ $cpu{'flags'} = cpu_flags_bsd();
+ }
+ main::log_data('dump','%cpu',\%cpu) if $b_log;
+ print Data::Dumper::Dumper \%cpu if $test[8];
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return %cpu;
- eval $LOGFS
- local cpu_flags=''
- local gawk_fs=':'
- if [[ -n $DMESG_BOOT_DATA ]];then
- cpu_flags=$( gawk -v bsdVersion="$BSD_VERSION" -F ":" '
- cpuFlags=""
- }
- /^(CPU:|cpu0:)/ {
- while ( getline && !/memory|real mem/ ) {
- if ( $1 ~ /Features/ || ( bsdVersion == "openbsd" && $0 ~ /^cpu0.*[[:space:]][a-z][a-z][a-z][[:space:]][a-z][a-z][a-z][[:space:]]/ ) ) {
- # clean up odd stuff like <b23>
- gsub(/<[a-z0-9]+>/,"", $2)
- # all the flags are contained within < ... > on freebsd at least
- gsub(/.*<|>.*/,"", $2)
- gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_ARRAY"'/," ", $2)
- cpuFlags = cpuFlags " " $2
- }
- }
- cpuFlags=tolower(cpuFlags)
- print cpuFlags
- exit
- }' <<< "$DMESG_BOOT_DATA" )
- elif [[ -n $SYSCTL_A_DATA ]];then
- if [[ $BSD_VERSION == 'openbsd' ]];then
- gawk_fs=':'
- fi
- cpu_flags=$( gawk -F "$gawk_fs" '
- cpuFlags=""
- }
- /^machdep.cpu.features/ {
- cpuFlags=tolower($NF)
- print cpuFlags
- exit
- }' <<< "$SYSCTL_A_DATA" )
- fi
- echo $cpu_flags
- log_function_data "$cpu_flags"
- eval $LOGFE
-## this is for counting processors and finding HT types
- eval $LOGFS
- # in /proc/cpuinfo
- local a_temp=''
- # note: known bug with xeon intel, they show a_core_id/physical_id as 0 for ht 4 core
- if [[ $B_CPUINFO_FILE == 'true' ]]; then
- gawk '
- FS=": "
- num_of_cores = 0
- num_of_processors = 0
- num_of_physical_cpus = 0
- cpu_core_count = 0
- siblings = 0
- # these 3 arrays cannot be declared because that sets the first element
- # but leaving this here so that we avoid doing that in the future
- # a_core_id = ""
- # a_processor_id = ""
- # a_physical_id = ""
- cpu_type = "-"
- # note: we need separate iterators because some cpuinfo data has only
- # processor, no core id or phys id
- proc_iter = 0
- core_iter = "" # set from actual NF data
- phys_iter = "" # set from actual NF data
- # needed to handle arm cpu, no processor number cases
- arm_count = 0
- nr = 0
- bArm = "false"
- bRyzen = "false"
- bProcInt = "false" # this will avoid certain double counts with processor/Processor lines
- bXeon = "false"
- }
- # hack to handle xeons which can have buggy /proc/cpuinfo files
- /^model name/ && ( $0 ~ /Xeon/ ) {
- bXeon = "true"
- }
- # amd rizen 16/32 core maybe
- /^cpu_family/ && ($2 == 23) {
- bRyzen = "true"
- }
- # only do this once since sibling count does not change.
- /^siblings/ && ( bXeon == "true" || bRyzen == "true" ) && ( siblings == 0 ) {
- gsub(/[^0-9]/,"",$NF)
- if ( $NF != "" ) {
- siblings = $NF
- }
- }
- # array of logical processors, both HT and physical
- # IMPORTANT: some variants have two lines, one the actual cpu id number,
- # the other a misnamed model name line.
- # processor : 0
- # Processor : AArch64 Processor rev 4 (aarch64)
- /^processor/ {
- gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_ARRAY"'/, " ", $NF)
- gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", $NF)
- if ( $NF ~ "^[0-9]+$" ) {
- a_processor_id[proc_iter] = $NF
- proc_iter++
- bProcInt = "true"
+sub cpu_properties {
+ my (%cpu) = @_;
+ my ($b_amd_zen,$b_epyc,$b_ht,$b_intel,$b_ryzen,$b_xeon);
+ if ($cpu{'type'} ){
+ if ($cpu{'type'} eq 'intel'){
+ $b_intel = 1;
+ $b_xeon = 1 if $cpu{'model_name'} =~ /Xeon/i;
+ }
+ elsif ($cpu{'type'} eq 'amd' ){
+ if ( $cpu{'family'} && $cpu{'family'} eq '17' ) {
+ $b_amd_zen = 1;
+ if ($cpu{'model_name'} ){
+ if ($cpu{'model_name'} =~ /Ryzen/i ){
+ $b_ryzen = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($cpu{'model_name'} =~ /EPYC/i){
+ $b_epyc = 1;
+ }
+ }
- else {
- # note, for dual core, this can be off by one because the first
- # line says: Processor : Arm.. but subsequent say: processor : 0 and so on as usual
- # Processor : AArch64 Processor rev 4 (aarch64)
- if ( $NF ~ "^(ARM|AArch)" ) {
- bArm = "true"
- }
- # this protects against double processor lines, one int, one string
- if ( bProcInt == "false" ){
- arm_count += 1
- nr = arm_count - 1
- # note: do not iterate because new ARM syntax puts cpu in processsor : 0 syntax
- a_processor_id[proc_iter] = nr
- }
- }
- }
- # array of physical cpu ids, note, this will be unset for vm cpus in many cases
- # because they have no physical cpu, so we cannot assume this will be here.
- /^physical/ {
- phys_iter = $NF
- a_physical_id[phys_iter] = $NF
- }
- # array of core ids, again, here we may have HT, so we need to create an array of the
- # actual core ids. As With physical, we cannot assume this will be here in a vm
- # also, for xeon/rizen, this can be misleading because there may be two cpus
- # inside the single cpu body, which leads to: 0-7 then 0-7 for a rizen 16 core ht
- /^core id/ {
- core_iter = $NF
- a_core_id[core_iter] = $NF
- }
- # this will be used to fix an intel glitch if needed, cause, intel
- # sometimes reports core id as the same number for each core,
- # so if cpu cores shows greater value than number of cores, use this.
- /^cpu cores/ {
- cpu_core_count = $NF
- }
- END {
- ## Look thru the array and filter same numbers.
- ## only unique numbers required
- ## this is to get an accurate count
- ## we are only concerned with array length
- i = 0
- ## count unique processors ##
- # note, this fails for intel cpus at times
- for ( i in a_processor_id ) {
- num_of_processors++
- }
- i = 0
- ## count unique physical cpus ##
- for ( i in a_physical_id ) {
- num_of_physical_cpus++
- }
- i = 0
- ## count unique cores. Fails for 16 core rizen, which appears to be
- ## using 2x8 core internally, core id 0-7 repeats 2 times.
- for ( i in a_core_id ) {
- num_of_cores++
- }
- # xeon may show wrong core / physical id count, if it does, fix it. A xeon
- # may show a repeated core id : 0 which gives a fake num_of_cores=1
- if ( bXeon == "true" && num_of_cores == 1 && siblings > 1 ) {
- num_of_cores = siblings/2
+ }
+ }
+ #my @dies = $phys[0][0];
+ my $ref = $cpu{'ids'};
+ my @phys = @$ref;
+ my $phyical_count = 0;
+ #my $phyical_count = scalar @phys;
+ my @processors;
+ my ($speed,$speed_key);
+ # handle case where cpu reports say, phys id 0, 2, 4, 6 [yes, seen it]
+ foreach (@phys) {
+ $phyical_count++ if $_;
+ }
+ $phyical_count ||= 1; # assume 1 if no id found, as with ARM
+ # count unique processors ##
+ # note, this fails for intel cpus at times
+ $ref = $cpu{'processors'};
+ @processors = @$ref;
+ #print ref $cpu{'processors'}, "\n";
+ my $processors_count = scalar @processors;
+ #print "p count:$processors_count\n";
+ #print Data::Dumper::Dumper \@processors;
+ # $cpu_cores is per physical cpu
+ my ($cpu_layout,$cpu_type,$min_max,$min_max_key) = ('','','','');
+ my ($cache,$core_count,$cpu_cores,$die_count) = (0,0,0,0);
+ foreach my $die_ref ( @phys ){
+ next if ! $die_ref;
+ my @dies = @$die_ref;
+ $core_count = 0;
+ $die_count = scalar @dies;
+ #$cpu{'dies'} = $die_count;
+ foreach my $core_ref (@dies){
+ next if ref $core_ref ne 'ARRAY';
+ my @cores = @$core_ref;
+ $core_count = 0;# reset for each die!!
+ # NOTE: the counters can be undefined because the index comes from
+ # core id: which can be 0 skip 1 then 2, which leaves index 1 undefined
+ # arm cpus do not actually show core id so ignore that counter
+ foreach my $id (@cores){
+ $core_count++ if defined $id && !$b_arm;
+ }
+ #print 'cores: ' . $core_count, "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ # this covers potentially cases where ARM cpus have > 1 die
+ $cpu{'dies'} = ($b_arm && $die_count <= 1 && $cpu{'dies'} > 1) ? $cpu{'dies'}: $die_count;
+ # this is an attempt to fix the amd family 15 bug with reported cores vs actual cores
+ # NOTE: amd A6-4400M APU 2 core reports: cores: 1 siblings: 2
+ # NOTE: AMD A10-5800K APU 4 core reports: cores: 2 siblings: 4
+ if ($cpu{'cores'} && ! $core_count || $cpu{'cores'} >= $core_count){
+ $cpu_cores = $cpu{'cores'};
+ }
+ elsif ($core_count > $cpu{'cores'}){
+ $cpu_cores = $core_count;
+ }
+ #print "cpu-c:$cpu_cores\n";
+ #$cpu_cores = $cpu{'cores'};
+ # like, intel core duo
+ # NOTE: sadly, not all core intel are HT/MT, oh well...
+ # xeon may show wrong core / physical id count, if it does, fix it. A xeon
+ # may show a repeated core id : 0 which gives a fake num_of_cores=1
+ if ($b_intel){
+ if ($cpu{'siblings'} && $cpu{'siblings'} > 1 && $cpu{'cores'} && $cpu{'cores'} > 1 ){
+ if ( $cpu{'siblings'}/$cpu{'cores'} == 1 ){
+ $b_intel = 0;
+ $b_ht = 0;
- #
- if ( bRyzen == "true"){
- num_of_cores = cpu_core_count
- }
- # final check, override the num of cores value if it clearly is wrong
- # and use the raw core count and synthesize the total instead of real count
- if ( ( num_of_cores == 0 ) && ( cpu_core_count * num_of_physical_cpus > 1 ) ) {
- num_of_cores = cpu_core_count * num_of_physical_cpus
- }
- # last check, seeing some intel cpus and vms with intel cpus that do not show any
- # core id data at all, or siblings.
- if ( num_of_cores == 0 && num_of_processors > 0 ) {
- num_of_cores = num_of_processors
- }
- # ARM/vm cpu fix, if no physical or core found, use count of 1 instead
- if ( num_of_physical_cpus == 0 ) {
- num_of_physical_cpus = 1
- }
-# print "NoCpu: " num_of_physical_cpus
-# print "NoCores: " num_of_cores
-# print "NoProc:" num_of_processors
-# print "CpuCoreCount:" cpu_core_count
- ####################################################################
- # algorithm
- # if > 1 processor && processor id (physical id) == core id then Multi threaded (MT)
- # if siblings > 1 && siblings == 2 * num_of_cores (cpu_core_count) then Multi threaded (MT)
- # if > 1 processor && processor id (physical id) != core id then Multi-Core Processors (MCP)
- # if > 1 processor && processor ids (physical id) > 1 then Symmetric Multi Processing (SMP)
- # if = 1 processor then single core/processor Uni-Processor (UP)
- if ( num_of_processors > 1 || ( bXeon == "true" && siblings > 0 ) ) {
- # non-multicore MT
- if ( num_of_processors == (num_of_cores * 2) ) {
- cpu_type = cpu_type "MT-"
- }
- else if ( bXeon == "true" && siblings > 1 ) {
- cpu_type = cpu_type "MT-"
- }
- else if ( siblings > 1 && siblings == 2 * num_of_cores ){
- cpu_type = cpu_type "MT-"
- }
- # non-MT multi-core or MT multi-core
- if (( num_of_processors == num_of_cores) || ( num_of_physical_cpus < num_of_cores)) {
- cpu_type = cpu_type "MCP-"
- }
- # >1 cpu sockets active: Symetric Multi Processing
- if ( num_of_physical_cpus > 1 ) {
- cpu_type = cpu_type "SMP-"
- }
- }
else {
- cpu_type = cpu_type "UP-"
- }
- print cpu_type " " num_of_physical_cpus " " num_of_cores
+ $cpu_cores = ($cpu{'siblings'}/2);
+ $b_ht = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # ryzen is made out of blocks of 8 core dies
+ elsif ($b_ryzen){
+ $cpu_cores = $cpu{'cores'};
+ # note: posix ceil isn't present in Perl for some reason, deprecated?
+ my $working = $cpu_cores / 8;
+ my @temp = split /\./, $working;
+ $cpu{'dies'} = ($temp[1] && $temp[1] > 0) ? $temp[0]++ : $temp[0];
+ }
+ # these always have 4 dies
+ elsif ($b_epyc) {
+ $cpu_cores = $cpu{'cores'};
+ $cpu{'dies'} = 4;
+ }
+ # final check, override the num of cores value if it clearly is wrong
+ # and use the raw core count and synthesize the total instead of real count
+ if ( $cpu_cores == 0 && ($cpu{'cores'} * $phyical_count > 1)){
+ $cpu_cores = ($cpu{'cores'} * $phyical_count);
+ }
+ # last check, seeing some intel cpus and vms with intel cpus that do not show any
+ # core id data at all, or siblings.
+ if ($cpu_cores == 0 && $processors_count > 0){
+ $cpu_cores = $processors_count;
+ }
+ # this happens with BSDs which have very little cpu data available
+ if ( $processors_count == 0 && $cpu_cores > 0 ){
+ $processors_count = $cpu_cores;
+ if ($bsd_type && ($b_ht || $b_amd_zen) && $cpu_cores > 2 ){
+ $cpu_cores = $cpu_cores/2;;
+ }
+ my $count = $processors_count;
+ $count-- if $count > 0;
+ $cpu{'processors'}[$count] = 0;
+ # no way to get per processor speeds yet, so assign 0 to each
+ # must be a numeric value. Could use raw speed from core 0, but
+ # that would just be a hack.
+ foreach (0 .. $count){
+ $cpu{'processors'}[$_] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ # last test to catch some corner cases
+ # seen a case where a xeon vm in a dual xeon system actually had 2 cores, no MT
+ # so it reported 4 siblings, 2 cores, but actually only had 1 core per virtual cpu
+ #print "prc: $processors_count phc: $phyical_count coc: $core_count cpc: $cpu_cores\n";
+ if (!$b_arm && $processors_count == $phyical_count*$core_count && $cpu_cores > $core_count){
+ $b_ht = 0;
+ #$b_xeon = 0;
+ $b_intel = 0;
+ $cpu_cores = 1;
+ $core_count = 1;
+ $cpu{'siblings'} = 1;
+ }
+ #print "pc: $processors_count s: $cpu{'siblings'} cpuc: $cpu_cores corec: $core_count\n";
+ # Algorithm:
+ # if > 1 processor && processor id (physical id) == core id then Multi threaded (MT)
+ # if siblings > 1 && siblings == 2 * num_of_cores ($cpu{'cores'}) then Multi threaded (MT)
+ # if > 1 processor && processor id (physical id) != core id then Multi-Core Processors (MCP)
+ # if > 1 processor && processor ids (physical id) > 1 then Symmetric Multi Processing (SMP)
+ # if = 1 processor then single core/processor Uni-Processor (UP)
+ if ( $processors_count > 1 || ( $b_intel && $cpu{'siblings'} > 0 ) ) {
+ # non-multicore MT
+ if ($processors_count == ($phyical_count * $cpu_cores * 2)){
+ #print "mt:1\n";
+ $cpu_type .= 'MT';
+ }
+# elsif ($b_xeon && $cpu{'siblings'} > 1){
+# #print "mt:2\n";
+# $cpu_type .= 'MT';
+# }
+ elsif ($cpu{'siblings'} > 1 && ($cpu{'siblings'} == 2 * $cpu_cores )){
+ #print "mt:3\n";
+ $cpu_type .= 'MT';
+ }
+ # non-MT multi-core or MT multi-core
+ if ( ($processors_count == $cpu_cores ) || ($phyical_count < $cpu_cores)){
+ my $sep = ($cpu_type) ? ' ' : '' ;
+ $cpu_type .= $sep . 'MCP';
- fi
- a_temp=${A_CPU_TYPE_PCNT_CCNT[@]}
- log_function_data "A_CPU_TYPE_PCNT_CCNT: $a_temp"
- eval $LOGFE
+ # only solidly known > 1 die cpus will use this, ryzen and arm for now
+ if ( $cpu{'dies'} > 1 ){
+ my $sep = ($cpu_type) ? ' ' : '' ;
+ $cpu_type .= $sep . 'MCM';
+ }
+ # >1 cpu sockets active: Symetric Multi Processing
+ if ($phyical_count > 1){
+ my $sep = ($cpu_type) ? ' ' : '' ;
+ $cpu_type .= $sep . 'SMP';
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $cpu_type = 'UP';
+ }
+ if ($phyical_count > 1){
+ $cpu_layout = $phyical_count . 'x ';
+ }
+ $cpu_layout .= count_alpha($cpu_cores) . 'Core';
+ $cpu_layout .= ' (' . $cpu{'dies'}. '-Die)' if !$bsd_type && $cpu{'dies'} > 1;
+ # the only possible change for bsds is if we can get phys counts in the future
+ if ($bsd_type){
+ $cache = $cpu{'l2-cache'} * $phyical_count;
+ }
+ # AMD SOS chips appear to report full L2 cache per core
+ elsif ($cpu{'type'} eq 'amd' && ($cpu{'family'} eq '14' || $cpu{'family'} eq '15' || $cpu{'family'} eq '16')){
+ $cache = $cpu{'l2-cache'} * $phyical_count;
+ }
+ elsif ($cpu{'type'} ne 'intel'){
+ $cache = $cpu{'l2-cache'} * $cpu_cores * $phyical_count;
+ }
+ ## note: this handles how intel reports L2, total instead of per core like AMD does
+ # note that we need to multiply by number of actual cpus here to get true cache size
+ else {
+ $cache = $cpu{'l2-cache'} * $phyical_count;
+ }
+ if ($cache > 10000){
+ $cache = sprintf("%.01f MiB",$cache/1024); # trim to no decimals?
+ }
+ elsif ($cache > 0){
+ $cache = "$cache KiB";
+ }
+ if ($cpu{'cur-freq'} && $cpu{'min-freq'} && $cpu{'max-freq'} ){
+ $min_max = "$cpu{'min-freq'}/$cpu{'max-freq'} MHz";
+ $min_max_key = "min/max";
+ $speed_key = ($show{'short'} || $show{'cpu-basic'}) ? 'speed' : 'Speed';
+ $speed = "$cpu{'cur-freq'} MHz";
+ }
+ elsif ($cpu{'cur-freq'} && $cpu{'max-freq'}){
+ $min_max = "$cpu{'max-freq'} MHz";
+ $min_max_key = "max";
+ $speed_key = ($show{'short'} || $show{'cpu-basic'}) ? 'speed' : 'Speed';
+ $speed = "$cpu{'cur-freq'} MHz";
+ }
+# elsif ($cpu{'cur-freq'} && $cpu{'max-freq'} && $cpu{'cur-freq'} == $cpu{'max-freq'}){
+# $speed_key = ($show{'short'} || $show{'cpu-basic'}) ? 'speed' : 'Speed';
+# $speed = "$cpu{'cur-freq'} MHz (max)";
+# }
+ elsif ($cpu{'cur-freq'} && $cpu{'min-freq'}){
+ $min_max = "$cpu{'min-freq'} MHz";
+ $min_max_key = "min";
+ $speed_key = ($show{'short'} || $show{'cpu-basic'}) ? 'speed' : 'Speed';
+ $speed = "$cpu{'cur-freq'} MHz";
+ }
+ elsif ($cpu{'cur-freq'} && !$cpu{'max-freq'}){
+ $speed_key = ($show{'short'} || $show{'cpu-basic'}) ? 'speed' : 'Speed';
+ $speed = "$cpu{'cur-freq'} MHz";
+ }
+ if ( !$bits_sys && !$b_arm && $cpu{'flags'} ){
+ $bits_sys = ($cpu{'flags'} =~ /\blm\b/) ? 64 : 32;
+ }
+ my %cpu_properties = (
+ 'bits-sys' => $bits_sys,
+ 'cpu-layout' => $cpu_layout,
+ 'cpu-type' => $cpu_type,
+ 'min-max-key' => $min_max_key,
+ 'min-max' => $min_max,
+ 'speed-key' => $speed_key,
+ 'speed' => $speed,
+ 'l2-cache' => $cache,
+ );
+ main::log_data('dump','%cpu_properties',\%cpu_properties) if $b_log;
+ #print Data::Dumper::Dumper \%cpu;
+ #print Data::Dumper::Dumper \%cpu_properties;
+ #my $dc = scalar @dies;
+ #print 'phys: ' . $pc . ' dies: ' . $dc, "\n";
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return %cpu_properties;
+sub cpu_speeds {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (@processors) = @_;
+ my (@speeds);
+ my @files = main::globber('/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq');
+ foreach (@files){
+ my $speed = (main::reader($_))[0];
+ if ($speed || $speed eq '0'){
+ $speed = sprintf "%.0f", $speed/1000;
+ push @speeds, $speed;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!@speeds){
+ foreach (@processors){
+ if ($_ || $_ eq '0'){
+ $_ = sprintf "%.0f", $_;
+ push @speeds, $_;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #print join '; ', @speeds, "\n";
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @speeds;
+sub set_cpu_speeds_sys {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (@arm,%speeds);
+ my $sys = '/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0';
+ my $sys2 = '/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/';
+ my ($cur,$min,$max) = ('scaling_cur_freq','scaling_min_freq','scaling_max_freq');
+ if (!-d $sys && -d $sys2){
+ $sys = $sys2;
+ ($cur,$min,$max) = ('scaling_cur_freq','cpuinfo_min_freq','cpuinfo_max_freq');
+ }
+ if (-d $sys){
+ $speeds{'cur-freq'} = (main::reader("$sys/$cur"))[0];
+ $speeds{'cur-freq'} = speed_cleaner($speeds{'cur-freq'},'khz');
+ $speeds{'min-freq'} = (main::reader("$sys/$min"))[0];
+ $speeds{'min-freq'} = speed_cleaner($speeds{'min-freq'},'khz');
+ $speeds{'max-freq'} = (main::reader("$sys/$max"))[0];
+ $speeds{'max-freq'} = speed_cleaner($speeds{'max-freq'},'khz');
+ if ($b_arm){
+ @arm = main::globber('/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy*/');
+ # there are arm chips with two dies, that run at different min max speeds!!
+ # see:
+ # it would be slick to show both die min/max/cur speeds, but this is
+ # ok for now.
+ if (scalar @arm > 1){
+ my ($current,$max,$min) = (0,0,0);
+ foreach (@arm){
+ $_ =~ s/\/$//; # strip off last slash in case globs have them
+ my $max_temp = main::reader("$_/cpuinfo_max_freq");
+ $max_temp = speed_cleaner($max_temp,'khz');
+ if ($max_temp > $max){
+ $max = $max_temp;
+ }
+ my $min_temp = main::reader("$_/cpuinfo_min_freq");
+ $min_temp = speed_cleaner($min_temp,'khz');
+ if ($min_temp < $min || $min == 0){
+ $max = $min_temp;
+ }
+ my $cur_temp = main::reader("$_/cpuinfo_max_freq");
+ $cur_temp = speed_cleaner($cur_temp,'khz');
+ if ($cur_temp > $current){
+ $current = $cur_temp;
+ }
+ }
+ $speeds{'cur-freq'} = $current if $current;
+ $speeds{'max-freq'} = $max if $max;
+ $speeds{'min-freq'} = $min if $min;
+ }
+ }
+ # policy4/cpuinfo_max_freq:["2000000"]
+ # policy4/cpuinfo_min_freq:["200000"]
+ if ($speeds{'min-freq'} > $speeds{'max-freq'} || $speeds{'min-freq'} == $speeds{'max-freq'}){
+ $speeds{'min-freq'} = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ main::log_data('dump','%speeds',\%speeds) if $b_log;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return %speeds;
-# Detect desktop environment in use, initial rough logic from: compiz-check
-# NOTE $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP envvar is not reliable, but it shows certain desktops better.
-# most desktops are not using it as of 2014-01-13 (KDE, UNITY, LXDE. Not Gnome)
- eval $LOGFS
- # set the default, this function only runs in X, if null, don't print data out
- local desktop_environment='' xprop_root='' version2=''
- local version='' version_data='' version2_data='' toolkit=''
- # works on 4, assume 5 will id the same, why not, no need to update in future
- # KDE_SESSION_VERSION is the integer version of the desktop
- # NOTE: as of plasma 5, the tool: about-distro MAY be available, that will show
- # actual desktop data, so once that's in debian/ubuntu, if it gets in, add that test
- # note the command is actually like, kded4 --version, so we construct it
- # this was supposed to extend to 5, but 5 changed it, so it uses the more reliable way
- if [[ $KDE_SESSION_VERSION -le 4 ]];then
- version_data=$( kded$KDE_SESSION_VERSION --version 2>/dev/null )
- version=$( grep -si '^KDE Development Platform:' <<< "$version_data" | gawk '{print $4}' )
- else
- # NOTE: this command string is almost certain to change, and break, with next major plasma desktop, ie, 6
- # version=$( qdbus org.kde.plasmashell /MainApplication org.qtproject.Qt.QCoreApplication.applicationVersion 2>/dev/null )
- #Qt: 5.4.2
- #KDE Frameworks: 5.11.0
- #kf5-config: 1.0
- # for QT, and Frameworks if we use it
- if type -p kf$KDE_SESSION_VERSION-config &>/dev/null;then
- version_data=$( kf$KDE_SESSION_VERSION-config --version 2>/dev/null )
- # version=$( grep -si '^KDE Frameworks:' <<< "$version_data" | gawk '{print $NF}' )
- fi
- # plasmashell 5.3.90
- if type -p plasmashell &>/dev/null;then
- version2_data=$( plasmashell --version 2>/dev/null )
- version=$( grep -si '^plasmashell' <<< "$version2_data" | gawk '{print $NF}' )
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -z $version ]];then
- fi
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' && -n $version_data ]];then
- toolkit=$( grep -si '^Qt:' <<< "$version_data" | gawk '{print $2}' )
- if [[ -n $toolkit ]];then
- version="$version (Qt $toolkit)"
- fi
- fi
- desktop_environment="KDE Plasma"
- # KDE_FULL_SESSION property is only available since KDE 3.5.5.
- # src:
- elif [[ $KDE_FULL_SESSION == 'true' ]]; then
- version_data=$( kded --version 2>/dev/null )
- version=$( grep -si '^KDE:' <<< "$version_data" | gawk '{print $2}' )
- # version=$( get_program_version 'kded' '^KDE:' '2' )
- if [[ -z $version ]];then
- version='3.5'
- fi
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- toolkit=$( grep -si '^Qt:' <<< "$version_data" | gawk '{print $2}' )
- if [[ -n $toolkit ]];then
- version="$version (Qt $toolkit)"
- fi
- fi
- desktop_environment="KDE"
- elif [[ $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP == 'Unity' ]];then
- version=$( get_program_version 'unity' '^unity' '2' )
- # not certain will always have version, so keep output right if not
- if [[ -n $version ]];then
- version="$version "
- fi
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- toolkit=$( get_de_gtk_data )
- if [[ -n $toolkit ]];then
- version="$version(Gtk $toolkit)"
- fi
- fi
- desktop_environment="Unity"
- elif [[ $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP == *Budgie* ]];then
- version=$( get_program_version 'budgie-desktop' '^budgie-desktop' '2' )
- # not certain will always have version, so keep output right if not
- if [[ -n $version ]];then
- version="$version "
- fi
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- toolkit=$( get_de_gtk_data )
- if [[ -n $toolkit ]];then
- version="$version(Gtk $toolkit)"
- fi
- fi
- desktop_environment="Budgie"
- elif [[ $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP == 'LXQt' ]];then
-# if type -p lxqt-about &>/dev/null;then
-# version=$( get_program_version 'lxqt-about' '^lxqt-about' '2' )
-# fi
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- if kded$KDE_SESSION_VERSION &>/dev/null;then
- version_data=$( kded$KDE_SESSION_VERSION --version 2>/dev/null )
- toolkit=$( grep -si '^Qt:' <<< "$version_data" | gawk '{print $2}' )
- elif type -p qtdiag &>/dev/null;then
- toolkit=$( get_program_version 'qtdiag' '^qt' '2' )
- fi
- if [[ -n $toolkit ]];then
- version="$version (Qt $toolkit)"
- fi
- fi
- desktop_environment='LXQt'
- # note, X-Cinnamon value strikes me as highly likely to change, so just search for the last part
- elif [[ -n $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP && -z ${XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP/*innamon*/} ]];then
- version=$( get_program_version 'cinnamon' '^cinnamon' '2' )
- # not certain cinn will always have version, so keep output right if not
- if [[ -n $version ]];then
- version="$version "
- fi
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- toolkit=$( get_de_gtk_data )
- if [[ -n $toolkit ]];then
- version="$version(Gtk $toolkit)"
- fi
- fi
- desktop_environment="Cinnamon"
- fi
- # did we find it? If not, start the xprop tests
- if [[ -z $desktop_environment ]];then
- if type -p xprop &>/dev/null;then
- xprop_root="$( xprop -root $DISPLAY_OPT 2>/dev/null | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' )"
- fi
- # note that cinnamon split from gnome, and and can now be id'ed via xprop,
- # but it will still trigger the next gnome true case, so this needs to go before gnome test
- # eventually this needs to be better organized so all the xprop tests are in the same
- # section, but this is good enough for now.
- if [[ -n $xprop_root && -z ${xprop_root/*_muffin*/} ]];then
- version=$( get_program_version 'cinnamon' '^cinnamon' '2' )
- # not certain cinn will always have version, so keep output right if not
- if [[ -n $version ]];then
- version="$version "
- fi
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- toolkit=$( get_de_gtk_data )
- if [[ -n $toolkit ]];then
- version="$version(Gtk $toolkit)"
- fi
- fi
- desktop_environment="Cinnamon"
- elif [[ $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP == 'MATE' ]] || [[ -n $xprop_root && -z ${xprop_root/*_marco*/} ]];then
- version=$( get_program_version 'mate-about' '^MATE[[:space:]]DESKTOP' 'NF' )
- # not certain cinn/mate will always have version, so keep output right if not
- if [[ -n $version ]];then
- version="$version "
- fi
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- toolkit=$( get_de_gtk_data )
- if [[ -n $toolkit ]];then
- version="$version(Gtk $toolkit)"
- fi
- fi
- desktop_environment="MATE"
- # note, GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID is deprecated so we'll see how that works out
- #
- if type -p gnome-shell &>/dev/null;then
- version=$( get_program_version 'gnome-shell' 'gnome' '3' )
- elif type -p gnome-about &>/dev/null;then
- version=$( get_program_version 'gnome-about' 'gnome' '3' )
- fi
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- toolkit=$( get_de_gtk_data )
- if [[ -n $toolkit ]];then
- version="$version (Gtk $toolkit)"
- fi
- fi
- desktop_environment="Gnome"
- fi
- if [[ -z $desktop_environment ]];then
- # now that the primary ones have been handled, next is to find the ones with unique
- # xprop detections possible
- if [[ -n $xprop_root ]];then
- # String: "This is xfdesktop version 4.2.12"
- # alternate: xfce4-about --version > xfce4-about 4.10.0 (Xfce 4.10)
- if [[ -z ${xprop_root/*\"xfce4\"*/} ]];then
- version=$( get_program_version 'xfdesktop' 'xfdesktop[[:space:]]version' '5' )
- # arch linux reports null, so use alternate if null
- if [[ -z $version ]];then
- version=$( get_program_version 'xfce4-panel' '^xfce4-panel' '2' )
- if [[ -z $version ]];then
- version='4'
- fi
- fi
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- toolkit=$( get_program_version 'xfdesktop' 'Built[[:space:]]with[[:space:]]GTK' '4' )
- if [[ -n $toolkit ]];then
- version="$version (Gtk $toolkit)"
- fi
- fi
- desktop_environment="Xfce"
- # when 5 is released, the string may need updating
- elif [[ -z ${xprop_root/*\"xfce5\"*/} ]];then
- version=$( get_program_version 'xfdesktop' 'xfdesktop[[:space:]]version' '5' )
- # arch linux reports null, so use alternate if null
- if [[ -z $version ]];then
- version=$( get_program_version 'xfce5-panel' '^xfce5-panel' '2' )
- if [[ -z $version ]];then
- version='5'
- fi
- fi
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- toolkit=$( get_program_version 'xfdesktop' 'Built[[:space:]]with[[:space:]]GTK' '4' )
- if [[ -n $toolkit ]];then
- version="$version (Gtk $toolkit)"
- fi
- fi
- desktop_environment="Xfce"
- # case where no xfce number exists, just xfce
- elif [[ -z ${xprop_root/*xfce*/} ]];then
- version=$( get_program_version 'xfdesktop' 'xfdesktop[[:space:]]version' '5' )
- # arch linux reports null, so use alternate if null
- if [[ -z $version ]];then
- version=$( get_program_version 'xfce4-panel' '^xfce5-panel' '2' )
- if [[ -z $version ]];then
- # version=$( get_program_version 'xfce5-panel' '^xfce5-panel' '2' )
- #if [[ -z $version ]];then
- # version='5'
- #fi
- version='4'
- fi
- fi
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- toolkit=$( get_program_version 'xfdesktop' 'Built[[:space:]]with[[:space:]]GTK' '4' )
- if [[ -n $toolkit ]];then
- version="$version (Gtk $toolkit)"
- fi
- fi
- desktop_environment="Xfce"
- elif [[ -z ${xprop_root/*blackbox_pid*/} ]];then
- if [[ -z "${Ps_aux_Data/*fluxbox*/}" ]];then
- version=$( get_program_version 'fluxbox' '^fluxbox' '2' )
- desktop_environment='Fluxbox'
- else
- desktop_environment='Blackbox'
- fi
- elif [[ -z ${xprop_root/*openbox_pid*/} ]];then
- # note: openbox-lxde --version may be present, but returns openbox data
- version=$( get_program_version 'openbox' '^openbox' '2' )
- if [[ $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP == 'LXDE' || -z "${Ps_aux_Data/*\/lxsession*/}" ]];then
- if [[ -n $version ]];then
- version="(Openbox $version)"
- fi
- desktop_environment='LXDE'
- elif [[ $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP == 'Razor' || $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP == 'LXQt' ]] || \
- [[ -n $( grep -Es '(razor-desktop|lxqt-session)' <<< "$Ps_aux_Data" ) ]];then
- if [[ -z "${Ps_aux_Data/*lxqt-session*/}" ]];then
- desktop_environment='LXQt'
- elif [[ -z "${Ps_aux_Data/*razor-desktop*/}" ]];then
- desktop_environment='Razor-Qt'
- else
- desktop_environment='LX-Qt-Variant'
- fi
- if [[ -n $version ]];then
- version="(Openbox $version)"
- fi
- else
- desktop_environment='Openbox'
- fi
- elif [[ -z ${xprop_root/*icewm*/} ]];then
- version=$( get_program_version 'icewm' '^icewm' '2' )
- desktop_environment='IceWM'
- elif [[ -z ${xprop_root/*enlightenment*/} ]];then
- # no -v or --version but version is in xprop -root
- # ENLIGHTENMENT_VERSION(STRING) = "Enlightenment 0.16.999.49898"
- version=$( grep -is 'ENLIGHTENMENT_VERSION' <<< "$xprop_root" | cut -d '"' -f 2 | gawk '{print $2}' )
- desktop_environment='Enlightenment'
- # need to check starts line because it's so short
- elif [[ -n $( grep -s '^i3_' <<< "$xprop_root" ) ]];then
- version=$( get_program_version 'i3' '^i3' '3' )
- desktop_environment='i3'
- elif [[ -z ${xprop_root/*windowmaker*/} ]];then
- version=$( get_program_version 'wmaker' '^Window[[:space:]]*Maker' 'NF' )
- if [[ -n $version ]];then
- version="$version "
- fi
- desktop_environment="WindowMaker"
- # need to check starts line because it's so short
- elif [[ -n $( grep -s '^_wm2' <<< "$xprop_root" ) ]];then
- # note; there isn't actually a wm2 version available but error handling should cover it and return null
- # maybe one day they will add it?
- version=$( get_program_version 'wm2' '^wm2' 'NF' )
- # not certain will always have version, so keep output right if not
- if [[ -n $version ]];then
- version="$version "
- fi
- desktop_environment="WM2"
- elif [[ -z "${xprop_root/*herbstluftwm*/}" ]];then
- version=$( get_program_version 'herbstluftwm' '^herbstluftwm' 'NF' )
- if [[ -n $version ]];then
- version="$version "
- fi
- desktop_environment="herbstluftwm"
- fi
- fi
- # a few manual hacks for things that don't id with xprop, these are just good guesses
- # note that gawk is going to exit after first occurrence of search string, so no need for extra
- # for more possible wm
- if [[ -z $desktop_environment ]];then
- if [[ -z "${Ps_aux_Data/*fvwm-crystal*/}" ]];then
- version=$( get_program_version 'fvwm' '^fvwm' '2' )
- desktop_environment='FVWM-Crystal'
- elif [[ -z "${Ps_aux_Data/*fvwm*/}" ]];then
- version=$( get_program_version 'fvwm' '^fvwm' '2' )
- desktop_environment='FVWM'
- elif [[ -z "${Ps_aux_Data/*pekwm*/}" ]];then
- version=$( get_program_version 'pekwm' '^pekwm' '3' )
- desktop_environment='pekwm'
- elif [[ -z "${Ps_aux_Data/*awesome*/}" ]];then
- version=$( get_program_version 'awesome' '^awesome' '2' )
- desktop_environment='Awesome'
- elif [[ -z "${Ps_aux_Data/*scrotwm*/}" ]];then
- version=$( get_program_version 'scrotwm' '^welcome.*scrotwm' '4' )
- desktop_environment='Scrotwm' # no --version for this one
- elif [[ -z "${Ps_aux_Data/*spectrwm*/}" ]];then
- version=$( get_program_version 'spectrwm' '^spectrwm.*welcome.*spectrwm' '5' )
- desktop_environment='Spectrwm' # no --version for this one
- elif [[ -n $( grep -Es '([[:space:]]|/)twm' <<< "$Ps_aux_Data" ) ]];then
- desktop_environment='Twm' # no --version for this one
- elif [[ -n $( grep -Es '([[:space:]]|/)dwm' <<< "$Ps_aux_Data" ) ]];then
- version=$( get_program_version 'dwm' '^dwm' '1' )
- desktop_environment='dwm'
- elif [[ -z "${Ps_aux_Data/*wmii2*/}" ]];then
- version=$( get_program_version 'wmii2' '^wmii2' '1' )
- desktop_environment='wmii2'
- # note: in debian at least, wmii is actuall wmii3
- elif [[ -z "${Ps_aux_Data/*wmii*/}" ]];then
- version=$( get_program_version 'wmii' '^wmii' '1' )
- desktop_environment='wmii'
- elif [[ -n $( grep -Es '([[:space:]]|/)jwm' <<< "$Ps_aux_Data" ) ]];then
- version=$( get_program_version 'jwm' '^jwm' '2' )
- desktop_environment='JWM'
- elif [[ -z "${Ps_aux_Data/*sawfish*/}" ]];then
- version=$( get_program_version 'sawfish' '^sawfish' '3' )
- desktop_environment='Sawfish'
- elif [[ -z "${Ps_aux_Data/*afterstep*/}" ]];then
- version=$( get_program_version 'afterstep' '^afterstep' '3' )
- desktop_environment='AfterStep'
- fi
- fi
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -n $version ]];then
- version=" $version"
- fi
- log_function_data "desktop_environment version: $desktop_environment$version"
- echo "$desktop_environment$version"
- eval $LOGFE
- eval $LOGFS
- local de_data=$( ps -A | gawk '
- desktops=""
- separator=""
- }
- /(gnome-shell|gnome-panel|kicker|lxpanel|mate-panel|plasma-desktop|plasma-netbook|xfce4-panel)$/ {
- # only one entry per type, can be multiple
- if ( desktops !~ $NF ) {
- desktops = desktops separator $NF
- separator = ","
+# right now only using this for ARM cpus, this is not the same in intel/amd
+sub cpu_dies_sys {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my @data = main::globber('/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/topology/core_siblings_list');
+ my (@dies);
+ foreach (@data){
+ my $siblings = (main::reader($_))[0];
+ if (! grep {/$siblings/} @dies){
+ push @dies, $siblings;
- END {
- print desktops
+ my $die_count = scalar @dies;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $die_count;
+sub cpu_flags_bsd {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($flags,$sep) = ('','');
+ # this will be null if it was not readable
+ my $file = main::system_files('dmesg-boot');
+ if ( $file && ! -r $file ){
+ $flags = main::row_defaults('dmesg-boot-permissions');
- ' )
- log_function_data "de_data: $de_data"
- echo $de_data
- eval $LOGFE
+ else {
+ foreach (@dmesg_boot){
+ if ( /Features/ || ( $bsd_type eq "openbsd" && /^cpu0:\s*[a-z0-9]{2,3}(\s|,)[a-z0-9]{2,3}(\s|,)/i ) ) {
+ my @line = split /:\s*/, lc($_);
+ # free bsd has to have weird syntax: <....<b23>,<b34>>
+ $line[1] =~ s/^[^<]*<|>[^>]*$//g;
+ # then get rid of <b23> stuff
+ $line[1] =~ s/<[^>]+>//g;
+ # and replace commas with spaces
+ $line[1] =~ s/,/ /g;
+ $flags .= $sep . $line[1];
+ $sep = ' ';
+ }
+ elsif (/real mem/){
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($flags){
+ $flags =~ s/\s+/ /g;
+ $flags =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
+ }
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $flags;
- eval $LOGFS
- local toolkit=''
- # this is a hack, and has to be changed with every toolkit version change, and only dev systems
- # have this installed, but it's a cross distro command so let's test it first
- if type -p pkg-config &>/dev/null;then
- toolkit=$( pkg-config --modversion gtk+-4.0 2>/dev/null )
- # note: opensuse gets null output here, we need the command to get version and output sample
- if [[ -z $toolkit ]];then
- toolkit=$( pkg-config --modversion gtk+-3.0 2>/dev/null )
- fi
- if [[ -z $toolkit ]];then
- toolkit=$( pkg-config --modversion gtk+-2.0 2>/dev/null )
- fi
- fi
- # now let's go to more specific version tests, this will never cover everything and that's fine.
- if [[ -z $toolkit ]];then
- # we'll try some known package managers next. dpkg will handle a lot of distros
- # this is the most likely order as of: 2014-01-13. Not going to try to support all package managers
- # too much work, just the very biggest ones.
- if type -p dpkg &>/dev/null;then
- toolkit=$( dpkg -s libgtk-3-0 2>/dev/null | gawk -F ':' '/^[[:space:]]*Version/ {print $2}' )
- # just guessing on gkt 4 package name
- if [[ -z $toolkit ]];then
- toolkit=$( dpkg -s libgtk-4-0 2>/dev/null | gawk -F ':' '/^[[:space:]]*Version/ {print $2}' )
- fi
- if [[ -z $toolkit ]];then
- toolkit=$( dpkg -s libgtk2.0-0 2>/dev/null | gawk -F ':' '/^[[:space:]]*Version/ {print $2}' )
- fi
- elif type -p pacman &>/dev/null;then
- toolkit=$( pacman -Qi gtk3 2>/dev/null | gawk -F ':' '/^[[:space:]]*Version/ {print $2}' )
- # just guessing on gkt 4 package name
- if [[ -z $toolkit ]];then
- toolkit=$( pacman -Qi gtk4 2>/dev/null | gawk -F ':' '/^[[:space:]]*Version/ {print $2}' )
- fi
- if [[ -z $toolkit ]];then
- toolkit=$( pacman -Qi gtk2 2>/dev/null | gawk -F ':' '/^[[:space:]]*Version/ {print $2}' )
- fi
- # Name : libgtk-3-0
- # Version : 3.12.2
- elif type -p rpm &>/dev/null;then
- toolkit=$( rpm -qi libgtk-3-0 2>/dev/null | gawk -F ':' '
- /^[[:space:]]*Version/ {
- gsub(/^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$/,"",$2)
- print $2
- }' )
- if [[ -z $toolkit ]];then
- toolkit=$( rpm -qi libgtk-4-0 2>/dev/null | gawk -F ':' '
- /^[[:space:]]*Version/ {
- gsub(/^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$/,"",$2)
- print $2
- }' )
- fi
- if [[ -z $toolkit ]];then
- toolkit=$( rpm -qi libgtk-2-0 2>/dev/null | gawk -F ':' '
- /^[[:space:]]*Version/ {
- gsub(/^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$/,"",$2)
- print $2
- }' )
- fi
- fi
- fi
- log_function_data "toolkit: $toolkit"
- echo $toolkit
- eval $LOGFE
+sub cpu_vendor {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($string) = @_;
+ my ($vendor) = ('');
+ $string = lc($string);
+ if ($string =~ /intel/) {
+ $vendor = "intel"
+ }
+ elsif ($string =~ /amd/){
+ $vendor = "amd"
+ }
+ # via
+ elsif ($string =~ /centaur/){
+ $vendor = "centaur"
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $vendor;
- eval $LOGFS
- local device='un-determined'
- local chasis_id='' dmi_device=''
- # first: linked version
- if [[ -e /sys/class/dmi/id/chassis_type ]];then
- chasis_id=$(cat /sys/class/dmi/id/chassis_type)
- elif [[ -e /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/chassis_type ]];then
- chasis_id=$(cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/chassis_type)
- fi
- # src:
- #
- if [[ $chasis_id != '' ]];then
- case $chasis_id in
- 1)
- device=$(get_device_vm)
- ;;
- 2)
- device='unknown'
- ;;
- # note: 13 is all-in-one which we take as a mac type system
- 3|4|6|7|13|15|24)
- device='desktop'
- ;;
- # 5 - pizza box was a 1 U desktop enclosure, but some old laptops also id this way
- 5)
- device='pizza-box'
- ;;
- # note: lenovo T420 shows as 10, notebook, but it's not a notebook
- 9|10|16)
- device='laptop'
- ;;
- 14)
- device='notebook'
- ;;
- 8|11)
- device='portable'
- ;;
- 17|23|25)
- device='server'
- ;;
- 27|28|29)
- device='blade'
- ;;
- 12)
- device='docking-station'
- ;;
- 18)
- device='expansion-chassis'
- ;;
- 19)
- device='sub-chassis'
- ;;
- 20)
- device='bus-expansion'
- ;;
- 21)
- device='peripheral'
- ;;
- 22)
- device='RAID'
- ;;
- 26)
- device='compact-PCI'
- ;;
- esac
- else
- if ! type -p dmidecode &>/dev/null;then
- device='dmidecode-missing'
- elif [[ $B_ROOT == 'false' ]];then
- device='dmidecode-use-root'
- else
- set_dmidecode_data
- if [[ -n $DMIDECODE_DATA ]];then
- if [[ $DMIDECODE_DATA == 'dmidecode-error-'* ]];then
- device='dmidecode-no-info'
- else
- dmi_device=$( gawk '
- device="test"
- }
- /^Chassis Information/ {
- device= $1
- while (getline && !/^$/ ) {
- if ( $1 ~ /^Type/ ) {
- sub(/Type:\s*/,"",$0)
- device = $0
- break
- }
- }
- }
- END {
- print device
- }' <<< "$DMIDECODE_DATA" )
- if [[ -n $dmi_device ]];then
- device=$dmi_device
- fi
- if [[ $device == 'Other' ]];then
- device=$(get_device_vm)
- fi
- fi
- fi
- fi
- fi
- echo $device
- eval $LOGFE
+sub cpu_arch {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($type,$family,$model) = @_;
+ my $arch = '';
+ #
+ # print "$type;$family;$model\n";
+ if ( $type eq 'amd'){
+ if ($family eq '4'){
+ if ( $model =~ /^(3|7|8|9|A)$/ ) {$arch = 'Am486'}
+ elsif ( $model =~ /^(E|F)$/ ) {$arch = 'Am5x86'}
+ }
+ elsif ($family eq '5'){
+ if ( $model =~ /^(0|1|2|3)$/ ) {$arch = 'K5'}
+ elsif ( $model =~ /^(6|7)$/ ) {$arch = 'K6'}
+ elsif ( $model =~ /^(8)$/ ) {$arch = 'K6-2'}
+ elsif ( $model =~ /^(9|D)$/ ) {$arch = 'K6-3'}
+ elsif ( $model =~ /^(A)$/ ) {$arch = 'Geode'}
+ }
+ elsif ($family eq '6'){
+ if ( $model =~ /^(1|2)$/ ) {$arch = 'K7'}
+ elsif ( $model =~ /^(3|4)$/ ) {$arch = 'K7 Thunderbird'}
+ elsif ( $model =~ /^(6|7|8|A)$/ ) {$arch = 'K7 Palomino+'}
+ else {$arch = 'K7'}
+ }
+ elsif ($family eq 'F'){
+ if ( $model =~ /^(4|5|7|8|B|C|E|F|14|15|17|18|1B|1C|1F)$/ ) {$arch = 'K8'}
+ elsif ( $model =~ /^(21|23|24|25|27|28|2C|2F)$/ ) {$arch = 'K8 rev.E'}
+ elsif ( $model =~ /^(41|43|48|4B|4C|4F|5D|5F|68|6B|6C|6F|7C|7F|C1)$/ ) {$arch = 'K8 rev.F+'}
+ else {$arch = 'K8'}
+ }
+ elsif ($family eq '10'){
+ if ( $model =~ /^(2|4|5|6|8|9|A)$/ ) {$arch = 'K10'}
+ else {$arch = 'K10'}
+ }
+ elsif ($family eq '11'){
+ if ( $model =~ /^(3)$/ ) {$arch = 'Turion X2 Ultra'}
+ }
+ # might also need cache handling like 14/16
+ elsif ($family eq '12'){
+ if ( $model =~ /^(1)$/ ) {$arch = 'Fusion'}
+ else {$arch = 'Fusion'}
+ }
+ # SOC, apu
+ elsif ($family eq '14'){
+ if ( $model =~ /^(1|2)$/ ) {$arch = 'Bobcat'}
+ else {$arch = 'Bobcat'}
+ }
+ elsif ($family eq '15'){
+ if ( $model =~ /^(0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|A|B|C|D|E|F)$/ ) {$arch = 'Bulldozer'}
+ elsif ( $model =~ /^(10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|1A|1B|1C|1D|1E|1F)$/ ) {$arch = 'Piledriver'}
+ elsif ( $model =~ /^(30|31|32|33|34|35|36|37|38|39|3A|3B|3C|3D|3E|3F)$/ ) {$arch = 'Steamroller'}
+ elsif ( $model =~ /^(60|61|62|63|64|65|66|67|68|69|6A|6B|6C|6D|6E|6F|70|71|72|73|74|75|76|77|78|79|7A|7B|7C|7D|7E|7F)$/ ) {$arch = 'Excavator'}
+ else {$arch = 'Bulldozer'}
+ }
+ # SOC, apu
+ elsif ($family eq '16'){
+ if ( $model =~ /^(0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|A|B|C|D|E|F)$/ ) {$arch = 'Jaguar'}
+ elsif ( $model =~ /^(30|31|32|33|34|35|36|37|38|39|3A|3B|3C|3D|3E|3F)$/ ) {$arch = 'Puma'}
+ else {$arch = 'Jaguar'}
+ }
+ elsif ($family eq '17'){
+ if ( $model =~ /^(1)$/ ) {$arch = 'Zen'}
+ else {$arch = 'Zen'}
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ( $type eq 'arm'){
+ if ($family ne ''){$arch="ARMv$family";}
+ else {$arch='ARM';}
+ }
+ # aka VIA
+ elsif ( $type eq 'centaur'){
+ if ($family eq '5'){
+ if ( $model =~ /^(4)$/ ) {$arch = 'WinChip C6'}
+ elsif ( $model =~ /^(8)$/ ) {$arch = 'WinChip 2'}
+ elsif ( $model =~ /^(9)$/ ) {$arch = 'WinChip 3'}
+ }
+ elsif ($family eq '6'){
+ if ( $model =~ /^(6)$/ ) {$arch = 'WinChip-based'}
+ elsif ( $model =~ /^(7|8)$/ ) {$arch = 'C3'}
+ elsif ( $model =~ /^(9)$/ ) {$arch = 'C3-2'}
+ elsif ( $model =~ /^(A|D)$/ ) {$arch = 'C7'}
+ elsif ( $model =~ /^(F)$/ ) {$arch = 'Isaiah'}
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ( $type eq 'intel'){
+ if ($family eq '4'){
+ if ( $model =~ /^(0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9)$/ ) {$arch = '486'}
+ }
+ elsif ($family eq '5'){
+ if ( $model =~ /^(1|2|3|7)$/ ) {$arch = 'P5'}
+ elsif ( $model =~ /^(4|8)$/ ) {$arch = 'P5'} # MMX
+ elsif ( $model =~ /^(9)$/ ) {$arch = 'Quark'}
+ }
+ elsif ($family eq '6'){
+ if ( $model =~ /^(1)$/ ) {$arch = 'P6 Pro'}
+ elsif ( $model =~ /^(3|5|6)$/ ) {$arch = 'P6 II'}
+ elsif ( $model =~ /^(7|8)$/ ) {$arch = 'P6 III'}
+ elsif ( $model =~ /^(9)$/ ) {$arch = 'Banias'} # pentium M
+ elsif ( $model =~ /^(15)$/ ) {$arch = 'Dothan Tolapai'} # pentium M system on chip
+ elsif ( $model =~ /^(D)$/ ) {$arch = 'Dothan'} # Pentium M
+ elsif ( $model =~ /^(E)$/ ) {$arch = 'Yonah'}
+ elsif ( $model =~ /^(F|16)$/ ) {$arch = 'Conroe'}
+ elsif ( $model =~ /^(17|1D)$/ ) {$arch = 'Penryn'}
+ elsif ( $model =~ /^(1A|1E|1F|2E|25|2C|2F)$/ ) {$arch = 'Nehalem'}
+ elsif ( $model =~ /^(1C|26)$/ ) {$arch = 'Bonnell'}
+ elsif ( $model =~ /^(27|35|36)$/ ) {$arch = 'Saltwell'}
+ elsif ( $model =~ /^(25|2C|2F)$/ ) {$arch = 'Westmere'}
+ elsif ( $model =~ /^(26|27)$/ ) {$arch = 'Bonnell'}
+ elsif ( $model =~ /^(2A|2D)$/ ) {$arch = 'Sandy Bridge'}
+ elsif ( $model =~ /^(37|4A|4D|5A)$/ ) {$arch = 'Silvermont'}
+ elsif ( $model =~ /^(3A|3E)$/ ) {$arch = 'Ivy Bridge'}
+ elsif ( $model =~ /^(3C|3F|45|46)$/ ) {$arch = 'Haswell'}
+ elsif ( $model =~ /^(3D|47|4F|56)$/ ) {$arch = 'Broadwell'}
+ elsif ( $model =~ /^(4E|55|9E)$/ ) {$arch = 'Skylake'}
+ elsif ( $model =~ /^(5E)$/ ) {$arch = 'Skylake-S'}
+ elsif ( $model =~ /^(4C|5D)$/ ) {$arch = 'Airmont'}
+ elsif ( $model =~ /^(8E|9E)$/ ) {$arch = 'Kaby Lake'}
+ elsif ( $model =~ /^(57)$/ ) {$arch = 'Knights Landing'}
+ elsif ( $model =~ /^(85)$/ ) {$arch = 'Knights Mill'}
+ # product codes:
+ # coming: coffee lake; cannonlake; icelake; tigerlake
+ }
+ elsif ($family eq 'B'){
+ if ( $model =~ /^(1)$/ ) {$arch = 'Knights Corne'}
+ }
+ elsif ($family eq 'F'){
+ if ( $model =~ /^(0|1|2)$/ ) {$arch = 'Netburst Willamette'}
+ elsif ( $model =~ /^(3|4|6)$/ ) {$arch = 'Netburst Prescott'} # Nocona
+ else {$arch = 'Netburst'}
+ }
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $arch;
- eval $LOGFS
- local vm='other-vm?' vm_data='' vm_test=''
- #
- # note: returns bosh for qemu-kvm so if that's the result, let the other tests
- # run
- if type -p systemd-detect-virt &>/dev/null;then
- vm_test=$(systemd-detect-virt 2>/dev/null | sed 's/none//' )
- if [[ -n $vm_test && $vm_test != 'none' ]];then
- vm=$vm_test
- fi
- fi
- # some simple to detect linux vm id's
- if [[ $vm == 'other-vm?' || $vm == 'bochs' ]];then
- if [[ -e /proc/vz ]];then
- vm='openvz'
- elif [[ -e /proc/xen ]];then
- vm='xen'
- elif [[ -e /dev/vzfs ]];then
- vm='virtuozzo'
- elif type -p lsmod &>/dev/null;then
- vm_data="$( lsmod 2>/dev/null )"
- if [[ -n $( grep -i 'kqemu' <<< "$vm_data" ) ]];then
- vm='kqemu'
- elif [[ -n $( grep -i 'kvm' <<< "$vm_data" ) ]];then
- vm='kvm'
- elif [[ -n $( grep -i 'qemu' <<< "$vm_data" ) ]];then
- vm='qemu'
- fi
- vm_data=''
- fi
- fi
- # this will catch many Linux systems and some BSDs
- if [[ $vm == 'other-vm?' || $vm == 'bochs' ]];then
- vm_data=$vm_data$LSPCI_V_DATA
- vm_data=$vm_data$SYSCTL_A_DATA
- vm_data=$vm_data$DMESG_BOOT_DATA
- if [[ -e /dev/disk/by-id ]];then
- vm_data=$vm_data$(ls -l /dev/disk/by-id 2>/dev/null )
- fi
- if [[ -n $( grep -iEs 'innotek|vbox|virtualbox' <<< $vm_data ) ]];then
- vm='virtualbox'
- elif [[ -n $( grep -is 'vmware' <<< $vm_data ) ]];then
- vm='vmware'
- elif [[ -n $( grep -is 'qemu' <<< $vm_data ) ]];then
- vm='qemu-or-kvm'
- elif [[ -n $( grep -s 'Virtual HD' <<< $vm_data ) ]];then
- vm='hyper-v'
- elif [[ -e /proc/cpuinfo && -n $( grep -is '^flags.*hypervisor' /proc/cpuinfo ) ]];then
- vm='virtual-machine'
- elif [[ -e /dev/vda || -e /dev/vdb || -e /dev/xvda || -e /dev/xvdb ]];then
- vm='virtual-machine'
- fi
- fi
- # this may catch some BSD and fringe Linux cases
- if [[ $vm == 'other-vm?' && $B_ROOT == 'true' ]];then
- if [[ -n $DMIDECODE_DATA && $DMIDECODE_DATA != 'dmidecode-error-'* ]];then
- product_name=$(dmidecode -s system-product-name 2>/dev/null )
- system_manufacturer=$( dmidecode -s system-manufacturer 2>/dev/null )
- if [[ $product_name == 'VMware'* ]];then
- vm='vmware'
- elif [[ $product_name == 'VirtualBox'* ]];then
- vm='virtualbox'
- elif [[ $product_name == 'KVM'* ]];then
- vm='kvm'
- elif [[ $product_name == 'Bochs'* ]];then
- vm='qemu'
- elif [[ $system_manufacturer == 'Xen' ]];then
- vm='xen'
- elif [[ -n $( grep -i 'hypervisor' <<< "$DMIDECODE_DATA" ) ]];then
- vm='virtual-machine'
- fi
- fi
- fi
- echo $vm
- eval $LOGFE
+sub count_alpha {
+ my ($count) = @_;
+ #print "$count\n";
+ my @alpha = qw(Single Dual Triple Quad);
+ if ($count > 4){
+ $count .= '-';
+ }
+ else {
+ $count = $alpha[$count-1] . ' ' if $count > 0;
+ }
+ return $count;
+sub set_cpu_data {
+ my %cpu = (
+ 'arch' => '',
+ 'bogomips' => 0,
+ 'cores' => 0,
+ 'cur-freq' => 0,
+ 'dies' => 0,
+ 'family' => '',
+ 'flags' => '',
+ 'ids' => [],
+ 'l1-cache' => 0, # store in KB
+ 'l2-cache' => 0, # store in KB
+ 'l3-cache' => 0, # store in KB
+ 'max-freq' => 0,
+ 'min-freq' => 0,
+ 'model_id' => '',
+ 'model_name' => '',
+ 'processors' => [],
+ 'rev' => '',
+ 'scalings' => [],
+ 'siblings' => 0,
+ 'type' => '',
+ );
+ return %cpu;
+# MHZ - cell cpus
+sub speed_cleaner {
+ my ($speed,$opt) = @_;
+ return if ! $speed || $speed eq '0';
+ $speed =~ s/[GMK]HZ$//gi;
+ $speed = ($speed/1000) if $opt && $opt eq 'khz';
+ $speed = sprintf "%.0f", $speed;
+ return $speed;
+sub cpu_cleaner {
+ my ($cpu) = @_;
+ return if ! $cpu;
+ my $filters = '@|cpu |cpu deca|([0-9]+|single|dual|two|triple|three|tri|quad|four|';
+ $filters .= 'penta|five|hepta|six|hexa|seven|octa|eight|multi)[ -]core|';
+ $filters .= 'ennea|genuine|multi|processor|single|triple|[0-9\.]+ *[MmGg][Hh][Zz]';
+ $cpu =~ s/$filters//ig;
+ $cpu =~ s/\s\s+/ /g;
+ $cpu =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
+ return $cpu;
-# see which dm has started if any
+## DiskData
- eval $LOGFS
- # ldm - LTSP display manager. Note that sddm does not appear to have a .pid extension in Arch
- # note: to avoid positives with directories, test for -f explicitly, not -e
- local dm_id_list=' sddm slim.lock'
- local dm_id='' dm='' separator=''
- # note we don't need to filter grep if we do it this way
- local x_is_running=$( grep '/usr.*/X' <<< "$Ps_aux_Data" | grep -iv '/Xprt' )
- for dm_id in $dm_id_list
- do
- # note: ${dm_id%.*}/$dm_id will create a dir name out of the dm id, then test if pid is in that
- # note: sddm, in an effort to be unique and special, do not use a pid/lock file, but rather a random
- # string inside a directory called /run/sddm/ so assuming the existence of the pid inside a directory named
- # from the dm. Hopefully this change will not have negative results.
- if [[ -f /run/$dm_id || -d /run/${dm_id%.*}/ || -f /var/run/$dm_id || \
- -d /var/run/${dm_id%.*}/ ]];then
- # just on the off chance that two dms are running, good info to have in that case, if possible
- dm=$dm$separator${dm_id%.*}
- separator=','
- fi
- done
- # might add this in, but the rate of new dm's makes it more likely it's an unknown dm, so
- # we'll keep output to N/A
- if [[ -n $x_is_running && -z $dm ]];then
- if [[ -z "${Ps_aux_Data/*startx*/}" ]];then
- dm='(startx)'
- fi
- fi
- echo $dm
- log_function_data "display manager: $dm"
- eval $LOGFE
-# for more on distro id, please reference this python thread:
-## return distro name/id if found
- eval $LOGFS
- local i='' j='' distro='' distro_file='' a_distro_glob='' a_temp='' b_osr='false'
- # may need modification if archbsd / debian can be id'ed with /etc files
- if [[ -n $BSD_TYPE ]];then
- if [[ $BSD_VERSION != 'darwin' ]];then
- distro=$( uname -sr )
- else
- if [[ -f /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist ]];then
- distro=$( grep -A1 -E '(ProductName|ProductVersion)' /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist | grep '<string>' | sed -E 's/<[\/]?string>//g' )
- distro=$( echo $distro )
- fi
- if [[ -z $distro ]];then
- distro='Mac OS X'
- fi
- fi
- echo "$distro"
- log_function_data "distro: $distro"
- eval $LOGFE
- return 0
- fi
- # get the wild carded array of release/version /etc files if present
- shopt -s nullglob
- cd /etc
- # note: always exceptions, so wild card after release/version: /etc/lsb-release-crunchbang
- # wait to handle since crunchbang file is one of the few in the world that uses this method
- a_distro_glob=(*[-_]{release,version})
- cd "$OLDPWD"
- shopt -u nullglob
- a_temp=${a_distro_glob[@]}
- log_function_data "a_distro_glob: $a_temp"
- if [[ ${#a_distro_glob[@]} -eq 1 ]];then
- distro_file="$a_distro_glob"
- # use the file if it's in the known good lists
- elif [[ ${#a_distro_glob[@]} -gt 1 ]];then
- do
- # Only echo works with ${var[@]}, not print_screen_output() or self_debugger()
- # This is a known bug, search for the word "strange" inside comments
- # echo "i='$i' a_distro_glob[@]='${a_distro_glob[@]}'"
- if [[ " ${a_distro_glob[@]} " == *" $i "* ]];then
- # Now lets see if the distro file is in the known-good working-lsb-list
- # if so, use lsb-release, if not, then just use the found file
- # this is for only those distro's with self named release/version files
- # because Mint does not use such, it must be done as below
- ## this if statement requires the spaces and * as it is, else it won't work
- ##
- if [[ " $DISTROS_LSB_GOOD " == *" $i "* ]] && [[ $B_LSB_FILE == 'true' ]];then
- distro_file='lsb-release'
- elif [[ " $DISTROS_OS_RELEASE_GOOD " == *" $i "* ]] && [[ $B_OS_RELEASE_FILE == 'true' ]];then
- distro_file='os-release'
- else
- distro_file="$i"
- fi
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- log_function_data "distro_file: $distro_file"
- # first test for the legacy antiX distro id file
- if [[ -e /etc/antiX ]];then
- distro="$( grep -Eoi 'antix.*\.iso' <<< $( remove_erroneous_chars '/etc/antiX' ) | sed 's/\.iso//' )"
- # this handles case where only one release/version file was found, and it's lsb-release. This would
- # never apply for ubuntu or debian, which will filter down to the following conditions. In general
- # if there's a specific distro release file available, that's to be preferred, but this is a good backup.
- elif [[ -n $distro_file && $B_LSB_FILE == 'true' && " $DISTROS_LSB_GOOD" == *" $distro_file "* ]];then
- distro=$( get_distro_lsb_os_release_data 'lsb-file' )
- elif [[ $distro_file == 'lsb-release' ]];then
- distro=$( get_distro_lsb_os_release_data 'lsb-file' )
- elif [[ $distro_file == 'os-release' ]];then
- distro=$( get_distro_lsb_os_release_data 'os-release-file' )
- b_osr='true'
- # then if the distro id file was found and it's not in the exluded primary distro file list, read it
- elif [[ -n $distro_file && -s /etc/$distro_file && " $DISTROS_EXCLUDE_LIST " != *" $distro_file "* ]];then
- # new opensuse uses os-release, but older ones may have a similar syntax, so just use the first line
- if [[ $distro_file == 'SuSE-release' ]];then
- # leaving off extra data since all new suse have it, in os-release, this file has line breaks, like os-release
- # but in case we want it, it's: CODENAME = Mantis | VERSION = 12.2
- # for now, just take first occurrence, which should be the first line, which does not use a variable type format
- distro=$( grep -i -m 1 'suse' /etc/$distro_file )
- else
- distro=$( remove_erroneous_chars "/etc/$distro_file" )
- fi
- # otherwise try the default debian/ubuntu /etc/issue file
- elif [[ -f /etc/issue ]];then
- # os-release/lsb gives more manageable and accurate output than issue, but mint should use issue for now
- # some bashism, boolean must be in parenthesis to work correctly, ie [[ $(boolean) ]] not [[ $boolean ]]
- if [[ $B_OS_RELEASE_FILE == 'true' ]] && [[ -z $( grep -i 'mint' /etc/issue ) ]];then
- distro=$( get_distro_lsb_os_release_data 'os-release-file' )
- b_osr='true'
- elif [[ $B_LSB_FILE == 'true' ]] && [[ -z $( grep -i 'mint' /etc/issue ) ]];then
- distro=$( get_distro_lsb_os_release_data 'lsb-file' )
- else
- distro=$( gawk '
- RS=""
+package DiskData;
+my ($b_hddtemp,$b_nvme,$b_sudo);
+my ($hddtemp,$nvme,$sudo) = ('','','');
+my (@by_id,@by_path);
+sub get {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (@data,@rows,$key1,$val1);
+ my ($type) = @_;
+ $type ||= 'standard';
+ my $num = 0;
+ @data = disk_data($type);
+ # NOTE:
+ if (@data){
+ if ($type eq 'standard'){
+ @data = create_output(@data);
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ if ( $bsd_type && !@dm_boot_disk && $type eq 'standard' && $show{'disk'} ){
+ $key1 = 'Drive Report';
+ my $file = main::system_files('dmesg-boot');
+ if ( $file && ! -r $file ){
+ $val1 = main::row_defaults('dmesg-boot-permissions');
+ }
+ elsif (! -e $file){
+ $val1 = main::row_defaults('dmesg-boot-missing');
+ }
+ else {
+ $val1 = main::row_defaults('disk-data-bsd');
+ }
+ @data = ({main::key($num++,$key1) => $val1,});
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
- {
- gsub(/\\[a-z]/, "")
- gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_ARRAY"'/, " ")
- gsub(/^ +| +$/, "")
- gsub(/ [ \t]+/, " ")
- print
- }' /etc/issue )
- # this handles an arch bug where /etc/arch-release is empty and /etc/issue is corrupted
- # only older arch installs that have not been updated should have this fallback required, new ones use
- # os-release
- if [[ -n $( grep -i 'arch linux' <<< $distro ) ]];then
- distro='Arch Linux'
- fi
- fi
- fi
- # a final check. If a long value, before assigning the debugger output, if os-release
- # exists then let's use that if it wasn't tried already. Maybe that will be better.
- if [[ ${#distro} -gt 80 ]] && [[ $B_HANDLE_CORRUPT_DATA != 'true' ]];then
- if [[ $B_OS_RELEASE_FILE == 'true' && $b_osr == 'false' ]];then
- distro=$( get_distro_lsb_os_release_data 'os-release-file' )
- fi
- if [[ ${#distro} -gt 80 ]];then
- distro="${RED}/etc/$distro_file corrupted, use -% to override${NORMAL}"
- fi
- fi
- ## note: would like to actually understand the method even if it's not used
- # : ${distro:=Unknown distro o_O}
- ## test for /etc/lsb-release as a backup in case of failure, in cases where > one version/release file
- ## were found but the above resulted in null distro value
- # Because os-release is now more common, we'll test for it first.
- if [[ -z $distro ]] && [[ $B_OS_RELEASE_FILE == 'true' ]];then
- distro=$( get_distro_lsb_os_release_data 'os-release-file' )
- fi
- if [[ -z $distro ]] && [[ $B_LSB_FILE == 'true' ]];then
- distro=$( get_distro_lsb_os_release_data 'lsb-file' )
- fi
- # now some final null tries
- if [[ -z $distro ]];then
- # if the file was null but present, which can happen in some cases, then use the file name itself to
- # set the distro value. Why say unknown if we have a pretty good idea, after all?
- if [[ -n $distro_file ]] && [[ " $DISTROS_DERIVED $DISTROS_PRIMARY " == *" $distro_file "* ]];then
- distro=$( sed $SED_RX -e 's/[-_]//' -e 's/(release|version)//' <<< $distro_file | sed $SED_RX 's/^([a-z])/\u\1/' )
- fi
- ## finally, if all else has failed, give up
- if [[ -z $distro ]];then
- distro='unknown'
- fi
- fi
- # final step cleanup of unwanted information
- # opensuse has the x86 etc type string in names, not needed as redundant since -S already shows that
- distro=$( gawk '
- }
- {
- sub(/ *\(*(x86_64|i486|i586|i686|686|586|486)\)*/, "", $0)
- print $0
- }' <<< $distro )
- echo "$distro"
- log_function_data "distro: $distro"
- eval $LOGFE
-# args: $1 - lsb-file/lsb-app/os-release-file
- eval $LOGFS
- local distro=''
- case $1 in
- lsb-file)
- if [[ $B_LSB_FILE == 'true' ]];then
- distro=$( gawk -F '=' '
- }
- # clean out unwanted characters
- {
- gsub(/\\|\"|[:\47]/,"", $0 )
- gsub(/^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$/, "", $2 )
- gsub(/^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$/, "", $1 )
- }
- # note: adding the spacing directly to variable to make sure distro output is null if not found
- # this is needed because grep for "arch" is too loose to be safe
- if ( $2 == "arch" ) {
- distroId = "Arch Linux"
- }
- else if ( $2 != "n/a" ) {
- distroId = $2 " "
- }
+ }
+ else {
+ @rows = @data;
+ # print Data::Dumper::Dumper \@rows;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $key1 = 'Message';
+ $val1 = main::row_defaults('disk-data');
+ @rows = ({main::key($num++,$key1) => $val1,});
+ }
+ if (!@rows){
+ $key1 = 'Message';
+ $val1 = main::row_defaults('disk-data');
+ @data = ({main::key($num++,$key1) => $val1,});
+ }
+ #@rows = (@rows,@data);
+ @data = ();
+ if ($show{'optical'} || $show{'optical-basic'}){
+ @data = OpticalData::get();
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ }
+ ($b_hddtemp,$b_nvme,$b_sudo,$hddtemp,$nvme,$sudo) = (undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef);
+ (@by_id,@by_path) = (undef,undef);
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @rows;
+sub create_output {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (@disks) = @_;
+ #print Data::Dumper::Dumper \@disks;
+ my (@data,@rows);
+ my ($num,$j) = (0,0);
+ my ($id,$model,$size,$used,$percent,$size_holder,$used_holder) = ('','','','','','','');
+ my @sizing = main::get_size($disks[0]{'size'}) if $disks[0]{'size'};
+ #print Data::Dumper::Dumper \@disks;
+ if (@sizing){
+ $size = $sizing[0];
+ # note: if a string is returned there will be no Size unit so just use string.
+ if (defined $sizing[0] && $sizing[1]){
+ $size .= ' ' . $sizing[1];
+ }
+ }
+ $size ||= 'N/A';
+ @sizing = main::get_size($disks[0]{'used'}) if $disks[0]{'used'};
+ if (@sizing){
+ $used = $sizing[0];
+ if (defined $sizing[0] && $sizing[1]){
+ $used .= ' ' . $sizing[1];
+ if (( $disks[0]{'size'} && $disks[0]{'size'} =~ /^[0-9]/ ) &&
+ ( $disks[0]{'used'} =~ /^[0-9]/ ) ){
+ $used = $used . ' (' . sprintf("%0.1f", $disks[0]{'used'}/$disks[0]{'size'}*100) . '%)';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $used ||= 'N/A';
+ @data = ({
+ main::key($num++,'HDD Total Size') => $size,
+ main::key($num++,'used') => $used,
+ });
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ shift @disks;
+ if ( $show{'disk'} && @disks){
+ @disks = sort { $a->{'id'} cmp $b->{'id'} } @disks;
+ foreach my $ref (@disks){
+ ($id,$model,$size) = ('','','');
+ my %row = %$ref;
+ $num = 1;
+ $model = ($row{'model'}) ? $row{'model'}: 'N/A';
+ $id = ($row{'id'}) ? "/dev/$row{'id'}":'N/A';
+ my @sizing = main::get_size($row{'size'});
+ #print Data::Dumper::Dumper \@disks;
+ if (@sizing){
+ $size = $sizing[0];
+ # note: if a string is returned there will be no Size unit so just use string.
+ if (defined $sizing[0] && $sizing[1]){
+ $size .= ' ' . $sizing[1];
+ $size_holder = $sizing[0];
- if ( $2 != "n/a" ) {
- distroRelease = $2 " "
- }
+ $size ||= 'N/A';
+ }
+ else {
+ $size = 'N/A';
+ }
+ $j = scalar @rows;
+ @data = ({
+ main::key($num++,'ID') => $id,
+ });
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ if ($row{'type'}){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'type')} = $row{'type'},
+ }
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'model')} = $model;
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'size')} = $size;
+ if ($extra > 0 && $row{'speed'}){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'speed')} = $row{'speed'};
+ }
+ if ($extra > 1){
+ my $serial = main::apply_filter($row{'serial'});
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'serial')} = $serial;
+ if ($row{'firmware'}){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'rev')} = $row{'firmware'};
- if ( $2 != "n/a" ) {
- distroCodename = $2 " "
- }
+ }
+ if ($extra > 0 && $row{'temp'}){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'temp')} = $row{'temp'} . ' C';
+ }
+ # extra level tests already done
+ if (defined $row{'partition-table'}){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'scheme')} = $row{'partition-table'};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @rows;
+sub disk_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($type) = @_;
+ my (@rows,@data,@devs);
+ my $num = 0;
+ my ($used) = (0);
+ PartitionData::partition_data() if !$b_partitions;
+ foreach my $ref (@partitions){
+ my %row = %$ref;
+ # don't count remote used, also, some cases mount
+ # panfs is parallel NAS volume manager, need more data
+ next if ($row{'fs'} && $row{'fs'} =~ /nfs|panfs|sshfs|smbfs|unionfs/);
+ # in some cases, like redhat, mounted cdrom/dvds show up in partition data
+ next if ($row{'dev-base'} && $row{'dev-base'} =~ /^sr[0-9]+$/);
+ # this is used for specific cases where bind, or incorrect multiple mounts
+ # to same partitions, or btrfs sub volume mounts, is present. The value is
+ # searched for an earlier appearance of that partition and if it is present,
+ # the data is not added into the partition used size.
+ if ( $row{'dev-base'} !~ /^\/\/|:\// && ! (grep {/$row{'dev-base'}/} @devs) ){
+ $used += $row{'used'} if $row{'used'};
+ push @devs, $row{'dev-base'};
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$bsd_type && (my $file = main::system_files('partitions'))){
+ @data = proc_data($used,$file);
+ }
+ elsif ($bsd_type) {
+ @data = dmesg_boot_data($used);
+ }
+ #print Data::Dumper::Dumper \@data;
+ main::log_data('data',"used: $used") if $b_log;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @data;
+sub proc_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($used,$file) = @_;
+ my (@data,@drives);
+ my ($b_hdx,$size,$drive_size) = (0,0,0);
+ my @proc_partitions = main::reader($file,'strip');
+ shift @proc_partitions;
+ foreach (@proc_partitions){
+ next if (/^\s*$/);
+ my @row = split /\s+/, $_;
+ if ( $row[-1] =~ /^([hsv]d[a-z]+|(ada|mmcblk|n[b]?d|nvme[0-9]+n)[0-9]+)$/) {
+ $drive_size = $row[2];
+ $b_hdx = 1 if $row[-1] =~ /^hd[a-z]/;
+ @data = ({
+ 'firmware' => '',
+ 'id' => $row[-1],
+ 'model' => '',
+ 'serial' => '',
+ 'size' => $drive_size,
+ 'spec' => '',
+ 'speed' => '',
+ 'temp' => '',
+ 'type' => '',
+ 'vendor' => '',
+ });
+ @drives = (@drives,@data);
+ }
+ # See for major numbers used below
+ # See for kernel 4.x device numbers
+ # if ( $row[0] =~ /^(3|22|33|8)$/ && $row[1] % 16 == 0 ) {
+ # $size += $row[2];
+ # }
+ # special case from this data: 8 0 156290904 sda
+ # 43 0 48828124 nbd0
+ # note: known starters: vm: 252/253/254; grsec: 202; nvme: 259
+ if ( $row[0] =~ /^(3|8|22|33|43|202|252|253|254|259)$/ &&
+ $row[-1] =~ /(n[b]?d[0-9]+|nvme[0-9]+n[0-9]+|[hsv]d[a-z]+)$/ &&
+ ( $row[1] % 16 == 0 || $row[1] % 16 == 8 ) ) {
+ $size += $row[2];
+ }
+ }
+ # print Data::Dumper::Dumper \@drives;
+ main::log_data('data',"size: $size") if $b_log;
+ @data = ({
+ 'size' => $size,
+ 'used' => $used,
+ });
+ #print Data::Dumper::Dumper \@data;
+ if ( $show{'disk'} ){
+ @drives = (@data,@drives);
+ # print 'drives:', Data::Dumper::Dumper \@drives;
+ @data = proc_data_advanced($b_hdx,@drives);
+ }
+ main::log_data('dump','@data',\@data) if $b_log;
+ # print Data::Dumper::Dumper \@data;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @data;
+sub proc_data_advanced {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($b_hdx,@drives) = @_;
+ my ($i) = (0);
+ my (@data,@rows,@scsi,@temp,@working);
+ my ($pt_cmd) = ('unset');
+ my ($block_type,$file,$firmware,$model,$path,$partition_scheme,
+ $serial,$vendor,$working_path);
+ @by_id = main::globber('/dev/disk/by-id/*');
+ @by_path = main::globber('/dev/disk/by-path/*');
+ ## check for all ide type drives, non libata, only do it if hdx is in array
+ ## this is now being updated for new /sys type paths, this may handle that ok too
+ ## skip the first rows in the loops since that's the basic size/used data
+ if ($b_hdx){
+ for ($i = 1; $i < scalar @drives; $i++){
+ $file = "/proc/ide/$drives[$i]{'id'}/model";
+ if ( $drives[$i]{'id'} =~ /^hd[a-z]/ && -e $file){
+ $model = (main::reader($file,'strip'))[0];
+ $drives[$i]{'model'} = $model;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # scsi stuff
+ if ($file = main::system_files('scsi')){
+ @scsi = scsi_data($file);
+ }
+ #print 'drives:', Data::Dumper::Dumper \@drives;
+ for ($i = 1; $i < scalar @drives; $i++){
+ #next if $drives[$i]{'id'} =~ /^hd[a-z]/;
+ ($block_type,$firmware,$model,$partition_scheme,
+ $serial,$vendor,$working_path) = ('','','','','','','');
+ if ($extra > 2){
+ @data = partition_scheme($pt_cmd,$drives[$i]{'id'});
+ $pt_cmd = $data[0];
+ $drives[$i]{'partition-table'} = uc($data[1]) if $data[1];
+ }
+ #print "$drives[$i]{'id'}\n";
+ if ($drives[$i]{'id'} =~ /[sv]d[a-z]/){
+ $block_type = 'sdx';
+ $working_path = "/sys/block/$drives[$i]{'id'}/device/";
+ }
+ elsif ($drives[$i]{'id'} =~ /mmcblk/){
+ $block_type = 'mmc';
+ $working_path = "/sys/block/$drives[$i]{'id'}/device/";
+ }
+ elsif ($drives[$i]{'id'} =~ /nvme/){
+ $block_type = 'nvme';
+ # this results in:
+ # /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:03.2/0000:06:00.0/nvme/nvme0/nvme0n1
+ # but we want to go one level down so slice off trailing nvme0n1
+ $working_path = Cwd::abs_path("/sys/block/$drives[$i]{'id'}");
+ $working_path =~ s/nvme[^\/]*$//;
+ }
+ main::log_data('data',"working path: $working_path") if $b_log;
+ if ($block_type){
+ # NOTE: while path ${working_path}vendor exists, it contains junk value, like: ATA
+ $path = "${working_path}model";
+ if ( -e $path){
+ $model = (main::reader($path,'strip'))[0];
+ if ($model){
+ $model =~ s/\s/_/g;
+ #@temp = split /-/, $model;
+ #$drives[$i]{'model'} = $temp[0];
+ $drives[$i]{'model'} = $model;
- # sometimes some distros cannot do their lsb-release files correctly, so here is
- # one last chance to get it right.
- if ( $2 != "n/a" ) {
- distroDescription = $2
+ }
+ elsif ($block_type eq 'mmc' && -e "${working_path}name"){
+ $path = "${working_path}name";
+ if ( -e $path){
+ $model = (main::reader($path,'strip'))[0];
+ if ($model){
+ $model =~ s/\s/_/g;
+ #@temp = split /-/, $model;
+ #$drives[$i]{'model'} = $temp[0];
+ $drives[$i]{'model'} = $model;
- END {
- fullString=""
- if ( distroId == "" && distroRelease == "" && distroCodename == "" && distroDescription != "" ){
- fullString = distroDescription
- }
- else {
- fullString = distroId distroRelease distroCodename
- }
- print fullString
- }
- log_function_data 'cat' "$FILE_LSB_RELEASE"
- fi
- ;;
- lsb-app)
- # this is HORRIBLY slow, not using
- if type -p lsb_release &>/dev/null;then
- distro=$( echo "$( lsb_release -irc )" | gawk -F ':' '
- }
- # clean out unwanted characters
- {
- gsub(/\\|\"|[:\47]/,"", $0 )
- gsub(/^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$/, "", $2 )
- gsub(/^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$/, "", $1 )
- }
- /^Distributor ID/ {
- distroId = $2
- }
- /^Release/ {
- distroRelease = $2
- }
- /^Codename/ {
- distroCodename = $2
- }
- END {
- print distroId " " distroRelease " (" distroCodename ")"
- }' )
- fi
- ;;
- os-release-file)
- if [[ $B_OS_RELEASE_FILE == 'true' ]];then
- distro=$( gawk -F '=' '
- prettyName=""
- regularName=""
- versionName=""
- versionId=""
- distroName=""
- }
- # clean out unwanted characters
- {
- gsub(/\\|\"|[:\47]/,"", $0 )
- gsub(/^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$/, "", $2 )
- gsub(/^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$/, "", $1 )
- }
- # note: adding the spacing directly to variable to make sure distro output is null if not found
- if ( $2 != "n/a" ) {
- prettyName = $2
+ }
+ elsif (@scsi && @by_id){
+ ## ok, ok, it's incomprehensible, search /dev/disk/by-id for a line that contains the
+ # discovered disk name AND ends with the correct identifier, sdx
+ # get rid of whitespace for some drive names and ids, and extra data after - in name
+ foreach my $ref (@scsi){
+ my %row = %$ref;
+ if ($row{'model'}){
+ $row{'model'} =~ s/\s/_/g;
+ $row{'model'} = (split /-/,$row{'model'})[0];
+ foreach my $id (@by_id){
+ if ($id =~ /$row{'model'}/ && "/dev/$drives[$i]{'id'}" eq Cwd::abs_path($id)){
+ $drives[$i]{'firmware'} = $row{'firmware'};
+ $drives[$i]{'model'} = $row{'model'};
+ $drives[$i]{'vendor'} = $row{'vendor'};
+ last;
+ }
+ }
- /^NAME/ {
- if ( $2 != "n/a" ) {
- regularName = $2
+ }
+ $path = "${working_path}removable";
+ if (-e $path){
+ my $b_removable = (main::reader($path,'strip'))[0]; # 0/1 value
+ $drives[$i]{'type'} = 'Removable' if $b_removable;
+ }
+ }
+ my $peripheral = peripheral_data($drives[$i]{'id'});
+ # note: we only want to update type if we found a peripheral, otherwise preserve value
+ $drives[$i]{'type'} = $peripheral if $peripheral;
+ # print "type:$drives[$i]{'type'}\n";
+ if ($extra > 0){
+ $drives[$i]{'temp'} = hdd_temp("/dev/$drives[$i]{'id'}");
+ if ($extra > 1){
+ $path = "${working_path}serial";
+ if ( -e $path){
+ $serial = (main::reader($path,'strip'))[0];
+ if ($serial){
+ $drives[$i]{'serial'} = $serial;
- /^VERSION/ {
- if ( $2 != "n/a" && $1 == "VERSION" ) {
- versionName = $2
+ else {
+ $drives[$i]{'serial'} = disk_serial_by_id("/dev/$drives[$i]{'id'}");
+ }
+ if ($extra > 2){
+ $path = "${working_path}rev";
+ if ( -e $path){
+ $drives[$i]{'firmware'} = (main::reader($path,'strip'))[0];
- else if ( $2 != "n/a" && $1 == "VERSION_ID" ) {
- versionId = $2
+ $path = "${working_path}fwrev";
+ if ( !$drives[$i]{'firmware'} && -e $path){
+ $drives[$i]{'firmware'} = (main::reader($path,'strip'))[0];
- END {
- # NOTE: tumbleweed has pretty name but pretty name does not have version id
- if ( prettyName != "" && regularName !~ /tumbleweed/ ) {
- distroName = prettyName
- }
- else if ( regularName != "" ) {
- distroName = regularName
- if ( versionName != "" ) {
- distroName = distroName " " versionName
- }
- else if ( versionId != "" ) {
- distroName = distroName " " versionId
- }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # print Data::Dumper::Dumper \@drives;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @drives;
+# camcontrol identify <device> |grep ^serial (this might be (S)ATA specific)
+# smartcl -i <device> |grep ^Serial
+# see smartctl; camcontrol devlist; gptid status;
+sub dmesg_boot_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($used) = @_;
+ my (@data,@drives,@temp);
+ my ($id_holder,$i,$size,$working) = ('',0,0,0);
+ my $file = main::system_files('dmesg-boot');
+ if (@dm_boot_disk){
+ foreach (@dm_boot_disk){
+ my @row = split /:\s*/, $_;
+ next if ! defined $row[1];
+ if ($id_holder ne $row[0]){
+ $i++ if $id_holder;
+ # print "$i $id_holder $row[0]\n";
+ $id_holder = $row[0];
+ }
+ # no dots, note: ada2: 2861588MB BUT: ada2: 600.000MB/s
+ if (! exists $drives[$i]){
+ $drives[$i] = ({});
+ $drives[$i]{'id'} = $row[0];
+ $drives[$i]{'firmware'} = '';
+ $drives[$i]{'temp'} = '';
+ $drives[$i]{'type'} = '';
+ $drives[$i]{'vendor'} = '';
+ }
+ #print "$i\n";
+ if ($bsd_type eq 'openbsd'){
+ if ($row[1] =~ /,\s*([0-9\.]+[MGTPE][B]?),.*\ssectors$|^</){
+ $working = main::translate_size($1);
+ $size += $working if $working;
+ $drives[$i]{'size'} = $working;
+ }
+ if ($row[2] && $row[2] =~ /<([^>]+)>/){
+ $drives[$i]{'model'} = $1 if $1;
+ $drives[$i]{'type'} = 'removable' if $_ =~ /removable$/;
+ # <Generic-, Compact Flash, 1.00>
+ my $count = ($drives[$i]{'model'} =~ tr/,//);
+ if ($count && $count > 1){
+ @temp = split /,\s*/, $drives[$i]{'model'};
+ $drives[$i]{'model'} = $temp[1];
- print distroName
- log_function_data 'cat' "$FILE_OS_RELEASE"
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- echo $distro
- log_function_data "distro: $distro"
- eval $LOGFE
+ # print "openbsd\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($row[1] =~ /^([0-9]+[KMGTPE][B]?)\s/){
+ $working = main::translate_size($1);
+ $size += $working if $working;
+ $drives[$i]{'size'} = $working;
+ }
+ if ($row[1] =~ /device$|^</){
+ $row[1] =~ s/\sdevice$//g;
+ $row[1] =~ /<([^>]*)>\s(.*)/;
+ $drives[$i]{'model'} = $1 if $1;
+ $drives[$i]{'spec'} = $2 if $2;
+ }
+ if ($row[1] =~ /^Serial\sNumber\s(.*)/){
+ $drives[$i]{'serial'} = $1;
+ }
+ if ($row[1] =~ /^([0-9\.]+[MG][B]?\/s)/){
+ $drives[$i]{'speed'} = $1;
+ $drives[$i]{'speed'} =~ s/\.[0-9]+// if $drives[$i]{'speed'};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$size){
+ $size = main::row_defaults('data-bsd');
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ( $file && ! -r $file ){
+ $size = main::row_defaults('dmesg-boot-permissions');
+ }
+ elsif (! -f $file ){
+ $size = main::row_defaults('dmesg-boot-missing');
+ }
+ @data = ({
+ 'size' => $size,
+ 'used' => $used,
+ });
+ #main::log_data('dump','@data',\@data) if $b_log;
+ if ( $show{'disk'} ){
+ @data = (@data,@drives);
+ # print 'drives:', Data::Dumper::Dumper \@drives;
+ }
+ # print Data::Dumper::Dumper \@data;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @data;
- eval $LOGFS
- local separator='' gcc_installed='' gcc_list='' gcc_others='' a_temp=''
- local gcc_version=$(
- gcc --version 2>/dev/null | sed $SED_RX 's/\([^\)]*\)//g' | gawk '
- }
- /^gcc/ {
- print $2
- exit
- }' )
- # can't use xargs -L basename because not all systems support thats
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- gcc_others=$( ls /usr/bin/gcc-* 2>/dev/null )
- if [[ -n $gcc_others ]];then
- for item in $gcc_others
- do
- item=${item##*/}
- gcc_installed=$( gawk -F '-' '
- $2 ~ /^[0-9\.]+$/ {
- print $2
- }' <<< $item )
- if [[ -n $gcc_installed && -z $( grep "^$gcc_installed" <<< $gcc_version ) ]];then
- gcc_list=$gcc_list$separator$gcc_installed
- separator=','
- fi
- done
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -n $gcc_version ]];then
- A_GCC_VERSIONS=( "$gcc_version" $gcc_list )
- fi
- a_temp=${A_GCC_VERSIONS[@]}
- log_function_data "A_GCC_VERSIONS: $a_temp"
- eval $LOGFE
- local gpu_temp='' gpu_fan='' screens='' screen_nu='' gpu_temp_looper=''
- # we'll try for nvidia/ati, then add if more are shown
- if type -p nvidia-settings &>/dev/null;then
- # first get the number of screens. This only work if you are in X
- if [[ $B_RUNNING_IN_DISPLAY == 'true' ]];then
- screens=$( nvidia-settings -q screens | gawk '
- /:[0-9]\.[0-9]/ {
- screens=screens gensub(/(.*)(:[0-9]\.[0-9])(.*)/, "\\2", "1", $0) " "
- }
- END {
- print screens
- }
- ' )
- else
- # do a guess, this will work for most users, it's better than nothing for out of X
- screens=':0.0'
- fi
- # now we'll get the gpu temp for each screen discovered. The print out function
- # will handle removing screen data for single gpu systems
- for screen_nu in $screens
- do
- gpu_temp_looper=$( nvidia-settings -c $screen_nu -q GPUCoreTemp 2>/dev/null | gawk -F ': ' '
- gpuTemp=""
- gpuTempWorking=""
- }
- /Attribute (.*)[0-9]+\.$/ {
- gsub(/\./, "", $2)
- if ( $2 ~ /^[0-9]+$/ ) {
- gpuTemp=gpuTemp $2 "C "
- }
- }
- END {
- print gpuTemp
- }' )
- screen_nu=$( cut -d ':' -f 2 <<< $screen_nu )
- gpu_temp="$gpu_temp$screen_nu:$gpu_temp_looper "
- done
- elif type -p aticonfig &>/dev/null;then
-# gpu_temp=$( aticonfig --adapter=0 --od-gettemperature | gawk -F ': ' '
- gpu_temp=$( aticonfig --adapter=all --od-gettemperature | gawk -F ': ' '
- gpuTemp=""
- gpuTempWorking=""
- }
- /Sensor (.*)[0-9\.]+ / {
- gpuTempWorking=gensub(/(.*) ([0-9\.]+) (.*)/, "\\2", "1", $2)
- if ( gpuTempWorking ~ /^[0-9\.]+$/ ) {
- gpuTemp=gpuTemp gpuTempWorking "C "
- }
- }
- END {
- print gpuTemp
- }' )
- # this handles some newer cases of free driver temp readouts, will require modifications as
- # more user data appears.
- elif [[ -n $Sensors_Data ]];then
- gpu_temp=$(
- gawk '
- gpuTemp=""
- separator=""
- }
- /^('"$SENSORS_GPU_SEARCH"')-pci/ {
- while ( getline && !/^$/ ) {
- if ( /^temp/ ) {
- sub(/^[[:alnum:]]*.*:/, "", $0 ) # clear out everything to the :
- gsub(/[\+ \t°]/, "", $1) # ° is a special case, like a space for gawk
- gpuTemp=gpuTemp separator $1
- separator=","
- }
- }
- }
- END {
- print gpuTemp
- }' <<< "$Sensors_Data" )
- fi
- if [[ -n $gpu_temp ]];then
- echo $gpu_temp
- fi
+# check for usb/firewire/[and thunderwire when data found]
+sub peripheral_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($id) = @_;
+ my ($type) = ('');
+ # print "$id here\n";
+ if (@by_id){
+ foreach (@by_id) {
+ if ("/dev/$id" eq Cwd::abs_path($_)){
+ #print "$id here\n";
+ if (/usb-/i){
+ $type = 'USB';
+ }
+ elsif (/ieee1394--/i){
+ $type = 'FireWire';
+ }
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # note: sometimes with wwn- numbering usb does not appear in by-id but it does in by-path
+ if (!$type && @by_path){
+ foreach (@by_path) {
+ if ("/dev/$id" eq Cwd::abs_path($_)){
+ if (/usb-/i){
+ $type = 'USB';
+ }
+ elsif (/ieee1394--/i){
+ $type = 'FireWire';
+ }
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $type;
-## for possible future data, not currently used
- eval $LOGFS
- local agp_module=''
- if [[ $B_MODULES_FILE == 'true' ]];then
- ## not used currently
- agp_module=$( gawk '
- /agp/ && !/agpgart/ && $3 > 0 {
- print(gensub(/(.*)_agp.*/,"\\1","g",$1))
- log_function_data 'cat' "$FILE_MODULES"
- fi
- log_function_data "agp_module: $agp_module"
- eval $LOGFE
-## create array of gfx cards installed on system
- eval $LOGFS
- local i='' a_temp=''
- IFS=$'\n'
- A_GRAPHICS_CARD_DATA=( $( gawk -F': ' '
- busId=""
- trueCard=""
- card=""
- driver=""
- }
- # not using 3D controller yet, needs research: |3D controller |display controller
- # note: this is strange, but all of these can be either a separate or the same
- # card. However, by comparing bus id, say: 00:02.0 we can determine that the
- # cards are either the same or different. We want only the .0 version as a valid
- # card. .1 would be for example: Display Adapter with bus id x:xx.1, not the right one
- /vga compatible controller|3D controller|Display controller/ {
- driver=""
- gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_NORMAL"'/, "", $NF)
- gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_ARRAY"'/, " ", $NF)
- if ( '$COLS_INNER' < 100 ){
- sub(/Core Processor Family/,"Core", $NF)
- }
- gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", $NF)
- gsub(/ [ \t]+/, " ", $NF)
- card=$NF
- busId=gensub(/^([0-9a-f:\.]+) (.+)$/,"\\1",1,$1)
- trueCard=gensub(/(.*)\.([0-9]+)$/,"\\2",1,busId)
- while ( getline && !/^$/) {
- if ( $1 ~ /Kernel driver in use/ ){
- driver=$2
- }
- }
- if ( trueCard == 0 ) {
- print card "," busId "," driver
- # print card "," busId "," driver > "/dev/tty"
- }
- }' <<< "$LSPCI_V_DATA" ) )
-# for (( i=0; i < ${#A_GRAPHICS_CARD_DATA[@]}; i++ ))
-# do
-# A_GRAPHICS_CARD_DATA[i]=$( sanitize_characters BAN_LIST_NORMAL "${A_GRAPHICS_CARD_DATA[i]}" )
-# done
- # GFXMEM is UNUSED at the moment, because it shows AGP aperture size, which is not necessarily equal to GFX memory..
- # GFXMEM="size=[$(echo "$LSPCI_V_DATA" | gawk '/VGA/{while (!/^$/) {getline;if (/size=[0-9][0-9]*M/) {size2=gensub(/.*\[size=([0-9]+)M\].*/,"\\1","g",$0);if (size<size2){size=size2}}}}END{print size2}')M]"
- a_temp=${A_GRAPHICS_CARD_DATA[@]}
- log_function_data "A_GRAPHICS_CARD_DATA: $a_temp"
- eval $LOGFE
- eval $LOGFS
- # list is from sgfxi plus non-free drivers
- local driver_list='amdgpu|apm|ark|ati|chips|cirrus|cyrix|fbdev|fglrx|glint|i128|i740|i810|iftv|imstt|intel|ivtv|mach64|mesa|mga|modesetting|neomagic|newport|nouveau|nsc|nvidia|nv|openchrome|radeonhd|radeon|rendition|s3virge|s3|savage|siliconmotion|sisimedia|sisusb|sis|tdfx|tga|trident|tseng|unichrome|v4l|vboxvideo|vesa|vga|via|vmware|voodoo'
- local driver='' driver_string='' xorg_log_data='' status='' a_temp=''
- if [[ $B_XORG_LOG == 'true' ]];then
- gawk '
- driver=""
- bLoaded="false"
- }
- # note that in file names, driver is always lower case
- /[[:space:]]Loading.*('"$driver_list"')$/ {
- driver=gensub(/.*[[:space:]]Loading.*('"$driver_list"'), "\\1", 1, $0 )
- # we get all the actually loaded drivers first, we will use this to compare the
- # failed/unloaded, which have not always actually been truly loaded
- aDrivers[driver]="loaded"
- }
- # openbsd uses UnloadModule:
- /(Unloading[[:space:]]|UnloadModule).*('"$driver_list"')(\"||$/ {
- gsub(/\"/,"",$0)
- driver=gensub(/(.*)(Unloading[[:space:]]|UnloadModule).*('"$driver_list"')(\"||$/, "\\3", 1, $0 )
- # we need to make sure that the driver has already been truly loaded, not just discussed
- if ( driver in aDrivers ) {
- aDrivers[driver]="unloaded"
- }
- }
- /Failed.*('"$driver_list"')|Failed.*\"('"$driver_list"')\"/ {
- driver=gensub(/(.*)Failed.*('"$driver_list"'), "\\2", 1, $0 )
- if ( driver == $0 ) {
- driver=gensub(/(.*)Failed.*\"('"$driver_list"')\".*|fred/, "\\2", 1, $0 )
- }
- # we need to make sure that the driver has already been truly loaded, not just discussed
- if ( driver != $0 && driver in aDrivers ) {
- aDrivers[driver]="failed"
- }
- }
- # verify that the driver actually started the desktop, even with false failed messages which can occur
- # this is the driver that is actually driving the display
- /.*\([0-9]+\):[[:space:]]Depth.*framebuffer/ {
- driver=gensub(/.*('"$driver_list"')\([0-9]+\):[[:space:]]Depth.*framebuffer.*/, "\\1", 1, $0 )
- # we need to make sure that the driver has already been truly loaded, not just discussed, also
- # set driver to lower case because sometimes it will show as RADEON or NVIDIA in the actual x start
- driver=tolower(driver)
- if ( driver != $0 && driver in aDrivers ) {
- aDrivers[driver]="loaded"
- }
- }
- END {
- for ( driver in aDrivers ) {
- print driver "," aDrivers[driver]
- }
- }' < $FILE_XORG_LOG ) )
- fi
- a_temp=${A_GRAPHIC_DRIVERS[@]}
- log_function_data "A_GRAPHIC_DRIVERS: $a_temp"
- eval $LOGFE
+sub partition_scheme {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($set_cmd,$id) = @_;
+ my ($cmd,$pt,$program,@data,@return);
+ if ($set_cmd ne 'unset'){
+ $return[0] = $set_cmd;
+ }
+ else {
+ # runs as user, but is SLOW: udisksctl info -b /dev/sda
+ # line: org.freedesktop.UDisks2.PartitionTable:
+ # Type: dos
+ if (!$b_root){
+ if ($program = main::check_program('udevadm')){
+ $return[0] = "$program info -q property -n ";
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$return[0] && $b_root && -e "/lib/udev/udisks-part-id") {
+ $return[0] = "/lib/udev/udisks-part-id /dev/";
+ }
+ elsif (!$return[0] && $b_root && ($program = main::check_program('fdisk'))) {
+ $return[0] = "$program -l /dev/";
+ }
+ if (!$return[0]) {
+ $return[0] = 'na'
+ }
+ }
+ if ($return[0] ne 'na'){
+ $cmd = "$return[0]$id 2>&1";
+ main::log_data('cmd',$cmd) if $b_log;
+ @data = main::grabber($cmd);
+ # for pre ~ 2.30 fdisk did not show gpt, but did show gpt scheme error, so
+ # if no gpt match, it's dos = mbr
+ if ($cmd =~ /fdisk/){
+ foreach (@data){
+ if (/^WARNING:\s+GPT/){
+ $return[1] = 'gpt';
+ last;
+ }
+ elsif (/^Disklabel\stype:\s*(.+)/i){
+ $return[1] = $1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ $return[1] = 'dos' if !$return[1];
+ }
+ else {
+ $return[1] = main::awk(\@data,'^(UDISKS_PARTITION_TABLE_SCHEME|ID_PART_TABLE_TYPE)',2,'=');
+ }
+ $return[1] = 'mbr' if $return[1] eq 'dos';
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @return;
+sub scsi_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ my @temp = main::reader($file);
+ my (@scsi);
+ my ($firmware,$model,$vendor) = ('','','');
+ foreach (@temp){
+ if (/Vendor:\s*(.*)\s+Model:\s*(.*)\s+Rev:\s*(.*)/i){
+ $vendor = $1;
+ $model = $2;
+ $firmware = $3;
+ }
+ if (/Type:/i){
+ if (/Type:\s*Direct-Access/i){
+ my @working = ({
+ 'vendor' => $vendor,
+ 'model' => $model,
+ 'firmware' => $firmware,
+ });
+ @scsi = (@scsi,@working);
+ }
+ else {
+ ($firmware,$model,$vendor) = ('','','');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ main::log_data('dump','@scsi', \@scsi) if $b_log;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @scsi;
-## create array of glx data
- eval $LOGFS
- local a_temp=''
- # if [[ $B_SHOW_DISPLAY_DATA == 'true' && $B_ROOT != 'true' ]];then
- if [[ $B_SHOW_DISPLAY_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- IFS='^'
- # NOTE: glxinfo -B is not always available, unforunately
- A_GLX_DATA=( $( eval glxinfo $DISPLAY_OPT 2>/dev/null | gawk -F ': ' '
- # handle > 1 cases of detections
- function join( arr, sep ) {
- s=""
- i=flag=0
- for ( i in arr ) {
- if ( flag++ ) {
- s = s sep
- }
- s = s i
- }
- return s
- }
- compatVersion=""
- # create empty arrays
- split("", a)
- split("", b)
- split("", c)
- split("", d)
- }
- /opengl renderer/ {
- gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_NORMAL"'/, "", $2)
- gsub(/ [ \t]+/, " ", $2) # get rid of the created white spaces
- gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", $2)
- if ( $2 ~ /mesa/ ) {
- # Allow all mesas
-# if ( $2 ~ / r[3-9][0-9][0-9] / ) {
- a[$2]
- # this counter failed in one case, a bug, and is not needed now
-# f++
-# }
- next
+sub disk_serial_by_id {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($device) = @_;
+ my ($serial) = ('');
+ foreach (@by_id){
+ if ($device eq Cwd::abs_path($_)){
+ my @data = split /_/, $_;
+ $serial = $data[-1];
+ $serial =~ s/-[0-9]+:[0-9]+$//;
+ # print $device, ' ', Cwd::abs_path($_),' ', $serial,"\n";
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $serial;
+# Normally hddtemp requires root, but you can set user rights in /etc/sudoers.
+# args: $1 - /dev/<disk> to be tested for
+sub hdd_temp {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($device) = @_;
+ my ($path) = ('');
+ my (@data,$hdd_temp);
+ if (!$b_sudo){
+ $b_sudo = 1;
+ if (!$b_root && ($path = main::check_program('sudo') )) {
+ $sudo = "$path -n ";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($device =~ /nvme/i){
+ if (!$b_nvme){
+ $b_nvme = 1;
+ if ($path = main::check_program('nvme')) {
+ $nvme = $path;
- $2 && a[$2]
- }
- # dropping all conditions from this test to just show full mesa information
- # there is a user case where not f and mesa apply, atom mobo
- # /opengl version/ && ( f || $2 !~ /mesa/ ) {
- /opengl version/ {
- # fglrx started appearing with this extra string, does not appear to communicate anything of value
- sub(/(Compatibility Profile Context|\(Compatibility Profile\))/, "", $2 )
- gsub(/ [ \t]+/, " ", $2) # get rid of the created white spaces
- gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", $2)
- $2 && b[$2]
- # note: this is going to be off if ever multi opengl versions appear, never seen one
- compatVersion=gensub(/^([^ \t]+)[ \t].*/,"\\1","g",$2)
- }
- /opengl core profile version/ {
- gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_NORMAL"'/, "", $2)
- # fglrx started appearing with this extra string, does not appear to communicate anything of value
- sub(/(Core Profile Context|\(Core Profile\))/, "", $2 )
- gsub(/ [ \t]+/, " ", $2) # get rid of the created white spaces
- gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", $2)
- $2 && d[$2]
- }
- /direct rendering/ {
- $2 && c[$2]
- }
- # if -B was always available, we could skip this, but it is not
- /GLX Visuals/ {
- exit
- }
- END {
- dr = join( c, ", " )
- oglr = join( a, ", " )
- oglv = join( b, ", " )
- oglcpv = join( d, ", " )
- # output processing done in print functions, important! do not use \n IFS
- # because Bash treats an empty value surrounded by \n\n as nothing, not an empty array key!
- # this came up re oglcpv being empty and compatVersion being used instead
- printf( "%s^%s^%s^%s^%s", oglr, oglv, dr, oglcpv, compatVersion )
- }' ) )
- # GLXR=$(glxinfo | gawk -F ': ' 'BEGIN {IGNORECASE=1} /opengl renderer/ && $2 !~ /mesa/ {seen[$2]++} END {for (i in seen) {printf("%s ",i)}}')
- # GLXV=$(glxinfo | gawk -F ': ' 'BEGIN {IGNORECASE=1} /opengl version/ && $2 !~ /mesa/ {seen[$2]++} END {for (i in seen) {printf("%s ",i)}}')
- fi
- a_temp=${A_GLX_DATA[@]}
- log_function_data "A_GLX_DATA: $a_temp"
- eval $LOGFE
-## return screen resolution / tty resolution
-## args: $1 - reg/tty
- eval $LOGFS
- local screen_resolution='' xdpy_data='' screens_count=0 tty_session='' option=$1
- # if [[ $B_SHOW_DISPLAY_DATA == 'true' && $B_ROOT != 'true' ]];then
- if [[ $B_SHOW_DISPLAY_DATA == 'true' && $option != 'tty' ]];then
- # Added the two ?'s , because the resolution is now reported without spaces around the 'x', as in
- # 1400x1050 instead of 1400 x 1050. Change as of version 1.3.0
- xdpy_data="$( xdpyinfo $DISPLAY_OPT 2>/dev/null )"
- xdpy_count=$( grep -c 'dimensions' <<< "$xdpy_data" )
- # we get a bit more info from xrandr than xdpyinfo, but xrandr fails to handle
- # multiple screens from different video cards
- if [[ $xdpy_count -eq 1 ]];then
- screen_resolution=$( xrandr $DISPLAY_OPT 2>/dev/null | gawk '
- /\*/ {
- res[++m] = gensub(/^.* ([0-9]+) ?x ?([0-9]+)[_ ].* ([0-9\.]+)\*.*$/,"\\1x\\2@\\3hz","g",$0)
- }
- END {
- for (n in res) {
- if (res[n] ~ /^[[:digit:]]+x[[:digit:]]+/) {
- line = line ? line ", " res[n] : res[n]
- }
+ }
+ if ($nvme){
+ $device =~ s/n[0-9]//;
+ @data = main::grabber("$sudo$nvme smart-log $device 2>/dev/null");
+ foreach (@data){
+ my @row = split /\s*:\s*/, $_;
+ # other rows may have: Temperature sensor 1 :
+ if ( $row[0] eq 'temperature') {
+ $row[1] =~ s/\s*C//;
+ $hdd_temp = $row[1];
+ last;
- if (line) {
- print(line)
- }
- }' )
- fi
- if [[ -z $screen_resolution || $xdpy_count -gt 1 ]];then
- screen_resolution=$( gawk '
- screens = ""
- separator = ""
- }
- /dimensions/ {
- screens = screens separator # first time, this is null, next, has comma last
- screens = screens $2 # then tack on the new value for nice comma list
- separator = ", "
- }
- END {
- print screens
- }' <<< "$xdpy_data" )
- fi
- else
- if [[ $B_PROC_DIR == 'true' && -z $BSD_TYPE ]];then
- screen_resolution=$( stty -F $( readlink /proc/$PPID/fd/0 ) size | gawk '{
- print $2"x"$1
- }' )
- # really old systems may not support the above method
- if [[ -z $screen_resolution ]];then
- screen_resolution=$( stty -a | gawk -F ';' '
- /^speed/ {
- gsub(/[[:space:]]*(rows|columns)[[:space:]]*/,"",$0)
- gsub(/[[:space:]]*/,"",$2)
- gsub(/[[:space:]]*/,"",$3)
- print $3"x"$2
- }' )
- fi
- # note: this works fine for all systems but keeping the above for now since
- # the above is probably more accurate for linux systems.
- else
- if [[ $B_CONSOLE_IRC != 'true' ]];then
- screen_resolution=$( stty -a | gawk -F ';' '
- /^speed/ {
- gsub(/[[:space:]]*(rows|columns)[[:space:]]*/,"",$0)
- gsub(/[[:space:]]*/,"",$2)
- gsub(/[[:space:]]*/,"",$3)
- print $3"x"$2
- }' )
- else
- if [[ -n $BSD_TYPE ]];then
- tty_session=$( get_tty_console_irc )
- # getting information for tty that owns the irc client
- screen_resolution="$( stty -f /dev/pts/$tty_session size | gawk '{print $2"x"$1}' )"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- fi
- echo "$screen_resolution"
- log_function_data "screen_resolution: $screen_resolution"
- eval $LOGFE
-## create array of display server vendor/version data
- eval $LOGFS
- local vendor='' vendor_version='' a_temp='' xdpy_info='' a_display_vendor_working=''
- # note: this may not always be set, it won't be out of X, for example
- local server="$XDG_SESSION_TYPE" compositor='' compositor_version=''
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- compositor="$(get_graphics_display_compositor)" compositor_version=''
- fi
- if [[ $server == '' ]];then
- if [[ -n "$WAYLAND_DISPLAY" ]];then
- server='wayland'
- fi
- fi
- # if [[ $B_SHOW_DISPLAY_DATA == 'true' && $B_ROOT != 'true' ]];then
- if [[ $B_SHOW_DISPLAY_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- # X vendor and version detection.
- # new method added since radeon and and the disappearance of <X server name> version : ...etc
- # Later on, the normal textual version string returned, e.g. like: X.Org version: 6.8.2
- # A failover mechanism is in place. (if $version is empty, the release number is parsed instead)
- # xdpy_info="$( xdpyinfo )"
- IFS=","
- a_display_vendor_working=( $( xdpyinfo $DISPLAY_OPT 2>/dev/null | gawk -F': +' '
- vendorString=""
- version=""
- vendorRelease=""
- }
- /vendor string/ {
- gsub(/\ythe\y|\yinc\y|foundation|project|corporation/, "", $2)
- gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_ARRAY"'/, " ", $2)
- gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", $2)
- gsub(/ [ \t]+/, " ", $2)
- vendorString = $2
- }
- /version:/ {
- version = $NF
- }
- /vendor release number/ {
- gsub(/0+$/, "", $2)
- gsub(/0+/, ".", $2)
- vendorRelease = $2
- }
- /(supported pixmap|keycode range|number of extensions|^screen)/ {
- exit # we are done with the info we want, no reason to read the rest
- }
- END {
- print vendorString "," version "," vendorRelease
- }' ) )
- vendor=${a_display_vendor_working[0]}
- vendor_version=${a_display_vendor_working[1]}
- # this gives better output than the failure last case, which would only show:
- # for example: 1.9 instead of: 1.9.0
- if [[ -z $vendor_version ]];then
- vendor_version=$( get_graphics_display_x_version )
- fi
- if [[ -z $vendor_version ]];then
- vendor_version=${a_display_vendor_working[2]}
- fi
- # some distros, like fedora, report themselves as the xorg vendor, so quick check
- # here to make sure the vendor string includes Xorg in string
- if [[ -z $( grep -E '(X|xorg|x\.org)' <<< $vendor ) ]];then
- vendor="$vendor"
- fi
- A_DISPLAY_SERVER_DATA[0]="$vendor"
- A_DISPLAY_SERVER_DATA[1]="$vendor_version"
- A_DISPLAY_SERVER_DATA[2]="$server"
- A_DISPLAY_SERVER_DATA[3]="$compositor"
- A_DISPLAY_SERVER_DATA[4]="$compositor_version"
- else
- vendor_version=$( get_graphics_display_x_version )
- if [[ -n $vendor_version ]];then
- vendor=''
- A_DISPLAY_SERVER_DATA[0]="$vendor"
- A_DISPLAY_SERVER_DATA[1]="$vendor_version"
- A_DISPLAY_SERVER_DATA[2]="$server"
- A_DISPLAY_SERVER_DATA[3]="$compositor"
- A_DISPLAY_SERVER_DATA[4]="$compositor_version"
- fi
- fi
- a_temp=${A_DISPLAY_SERVER_DATA[@]}
- log_function_data "A_DISPLAY_SERVER_DATA: $a_temp"
- eval $LOGFE
- eval $LOGFS
- local compositor=''
- if [[ -z "${Ps_aux_Data/*mutter*/}" ]];then
- compositor='mutter'
- elif [[ -z "${Ps_aux_Data/*gnome-shell*/}" ]];then
- compositor='gnome-shell'
- elif [[ -z "${Ps_aux_Data/*kwin*/}" ]];then
- compositor='kwin'
- elif [[ -z "${Ps_aux_Data/*moblin*/}" ]];then
- compositor='moblin'
- elif [[ -z "${Ps_aux_Data/*kmscon*/}" ]];then
- compositor='kmscon'
- elif [[ -z "${Ps_aux_Data/*sway*/}" ]];then
- compositor='sway'
- elif [[ -z "${Ps_aux_Data/*grefson*/}" ]];then
- compositor='grefson'
- elif [[ -z "${Ps_aux_Data/*westford*/}" ]];then
- compositor='westford'
- elif [[ -z "${Ps_aux_Data/*rustland*/}" ]];then
- compositor='rustland'
- elif [[ -z "${Ps_aux_Data/*fireplace*/}" ]];then
- compositor='fireplace'
- elif [[ -z "${Ps_aux_Data/*wayhouse*/}" ]];then
- compositor='wayhouse'
- elif [[ -z "${Ps_aux_Data/*weston*/}" ]];then
- compositor='weston'
- elif [[ -z "${Ps_aux_Data/*compton*/}" ]];then
- compositor='compton'
- elif [[ -z "${Ps_aux_Data/*compiz*/}" ]];then
- compositor='compiz'
- elif [[ -z "${Ps_aux_Data/*swc*/}" ]];then
- compositor='swc'
- elif [[ -z "${Ps_aux_Data/*dwc*/}" ]];then
- compositor='dwc'
- fi
- log_function_data "compositor: $compositor"
- echo $compositor
- eval $LOGFE
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!$b_hddtemp){
+ $b_hddtemp = 1;
+ if ($path = main::check_program('hddtemp')) {
+ $hddtemp = $path;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($hddtemp){
+ $hdd_temp = (main::grabber("$sudo$hddtemp -nq -u C $device 2>/dev/null"))[0];
+ }
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $hdd_temp;
+# gptid/c5e940f1-5ce2-11e6-9eeb-d05099ac4dc2 N/A ada0p1
+sub match_glabel {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($gptid) = @_;
+ return if !@glabel || ! $gptid;
+ #$gptid =~ s/s[0-9]+$//;
+ my ($dev_id) = ('');
+ foreach (@glabel){
+ my @temp = split /\s+/, $_;
+ my $gptid_trimmed = $gptid;
+ # slice off s[0-9] from end in case they use slice syntax
+ $gptid_trimmed =~ s/s[0-9]+$//;
+ if (defined $temp[0] && ($temp[0] eq $gptid || $temp[0] eq $gptid_trimmed ) ){
+ $dev_id = $temp[2];
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ $dev_id ||= $gptid; # no match? return full string
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $dev_id;
+sub set_glabel {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ $b_glabel = 1;
+ if (my $path = main::check_program('glabel')){
+ @glabel = main::grabber("$path status 2>/dev/null");
+ }
+ main::log_data('dump','@glabel:with Headers',\@glabel) if $b_log;
+ # get rid of first header line
+ shift @glabel;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
-## args: $1 - compositor
- eval $LOGFS
- local version=''
- case $1 in
- mutter)
- :
- ;;
- esac
- log_function_data "version: $version"
- echo $version
- eval $LOGFE
-# if other tests fail, try this one, this works for root, out of X also
- eval $LOGFS
- local version='' x_data=''
- # note that some users can have /usr/bin/Xorg but not /usr/bin/X
- if type -p X &>/dev/null;then
- # note: MUST be this syntax: X -version 2>&1
- # otherwise X -version overrides everything and this comes out null.
- # two knowns id strings: X.Org X Server 1.7.5 AND X Window System Version 1.7.5
- #X -version 2>&1 | gawk '/^X Window System Version/ { print $5 }'
- x_data="$( X -version 2>&1 )"
- elif type -p Xorg &>/dev/null;then
- x_data="$( Xorg -version 2>&1)"
- fi
- if [[ -n $x_data ]];then
- version=$(
- gawk '
- }
- /^ x server/ {
- print $4
- exit
- }
- /^X Window System Version/ {
- print $5
- exit
- }' <<< "$x_data" )
- fi
- echo $version
- log_function_data " version: $version"
- eval $LOGFE
-# this gets just the raw data, total space/percent used and disk/name/per disk capacity
+## GraphicData
- eval $LOGFS
- local hdd_used='' a_temp='' df_string=''
- local hdd_data='' df_test='' swap_size=0
- if [[ -z $BSD_TYPE ]];then
- ## NOTE: older df do not have --total (eg: v: 6.10 2008)
- ## keep in mind the only value of use with --total is 'used' in blocks, which
- ## we can use later to calculate the real percentags based on disk sizes, not
- ## mounted partitions. Not using --total because it's more reliable to exclude non /dev
- df_string="df -P -T --exclude-type=aufs --exclude-type=devfs --exclude-type=devtmpfs
- --exclude-type=fdescfs --exclude-type=iso9660 --exclude-type=linprocfs --exclude-type=nfs
- --exclude-type=nfs3 --exclude-type=nfs4 --exclude-type=nfs5 --exclude-type=procfs --exclude-type=smbfs
- --exclude-type=squashfs --exclude-type=sysfs --exclude-type=tmpfs --exclude-type=unionfs"
- if swapon -s &>/dev/null;then
- swap_size=$( swapon -s 2>/dev/null | gawk '
- swapSize=0
- total=0
- }
- ( $2 == "partition" ) && ( $3 ~ /^[0-9]+$/ ) {
- total += ( 1000 / 1024 ) * $3
- }
- END {
- # result in kB, change to 1024 Byte blocks
- total = total * 1000 / 1024
- total = sprintf( "%.1f", total )
- print total
- }' )
- fi
- else
- # default size is 512, , so use -k for 1024 -H only for size in human readable format
- # older bsds don't support -T, pain, so we'll use partial output there
- if df -k -T &>/dev/null;then
- df_string='df -k -T'
- else
- df_string='df -k'
- fi
- if swapctl -l -k &>/dev/null;then
- swap_size=$( swapctl -l -k 2>/dev/null | gawk '
-( $1 ~ /^\/dev/ ) && ( $2 ~ /^[0-9]+$/ ) {
- total += $2
-END {
- # result in blocks already
- print total
-}' )
- fi
- fi
- # echo ss: $swap_size
- hdd_data="$( eval $df_string )"
- # eval $df_string | awk 'BEGIN{tot=0} !/total/ {tot+=$4} END{print tot}'
- log_function_data 'raw' "hdd_data:\n$hdd_data"
- hdd_used=$( echo "$hdd_data" | gawk -v bsdType="$BSD_TYPE" -v swapSize="$swap_size" '
- # this is used for specific cases where bind, or incorrect multiple mounts to same partitions,
- # is present. The value is searched for an earlier appearance of that partition and if it is
- # present, the data is not added into the partition used size.
- partitionsSet=""
- # this handles a case where the same dev item is mounted twice to different points
- devSet=""
- devWorking=""
- mountWorking=""
- used=0
- }
- # using $1, not $2, because older bsd df do not have -T, filesystem type
- ( bsdType != "" ) && $1 ~ /^(aufs|devfs|devtmpfs|fdescfs|filesystem|iso9660|linprocfs|nfs|nfs3|nfs4|nfs5|procfs|squashfs|smbfs|sysfs|tmpfs|type|unionfs)$/ {
- # note use next, not getline or it does not work right
- next
- }
- # also handles odd dm-1 type, from lvm, and mdraid, and some other bsd partition syntax
- # note that linux 3.2.45-grsec-9th types kernels have this type of partition name: /dev/xvdc (no number, letter)
- # note: btrfs does not seem to use partition integers, just the primary /dev/sdx identifier
- # df can also show /dev/disk/(by-label|by-uuid etc)
- /^\/dev\/(disk\/|mapper\/|[hsv]d[a-z]+[0-9]*|dm[-]?[0-9]+|(ada|mmcblk|nvme[0-9]+n)[0-9]+p[0-9]+.*|(ad|sd|wd)[0-9]+[a-z]|md[0-9]+|[aw]d[0-9]+s.*|xvd[a-z]+)|^ROOT/ {
- # this handles the case where the first item is too long
- # and makes df wrap output to next line, so here we advance
- # it to the next line for that single case. Using df -P should
- # make this unneeded but leave it in just in case
- if ( NF < 6 && $0 !~ /.*%/ ) {
- devSet = devSet "~" $1 "~"
- getline
- }
- # if the first item caused a wrap, use one less than standard
- # testing for the field with % in it, ie: 34%, then go down from there
- # this also protects against cases where the mount point has a space in the
- # file name, thus breaking going down from $NF directly.
- # some bsds will also have only 6 items
- if ( $5 ~ /.*%/ ) {
- devWorking="~" $1 "~"
- mountWorking="~" $6 "~"
- if ( partitionsSet !~ mountWorking && devSet !~ devWorking ) {
- used += $3
- }
- partitionsSet = partitionsSet mountWorking
- # make sure to only include bsd real lines here, ie, short df output
- if ( $1 ~ /^\/dev\// ) {
- devSet = devSet devWorking
- }
- }
- # otherwise use standard
- else if ( $6 ~ /.*%/ ) {
- devWorking="~" $1 "~"
- mountWorking="~" $7 "~"
- if ( partitionsSet !~ mountWorking && devSet !~ devWorking ) {
- used += $4
- }
- partitionsSet = partitionsSet mountWorking
- devSet = devSet devWorking
- }
- # and if this is not detected, give up, we need user data to debug
+package GraphicData;
+my $driver = ''; # we need this as a fallback in case no xorg.0.log
+sub get {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (@data,@rows);
+ my $num = 0;
+ if ($b_arm){
+ my $key = 'ARM';
+ @data = ({
+ main::key($num++,$key) => main::row_defaults('arm-pci',''),
+ },);
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ }
+ else {
+ @data = card_data();
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ if (!@rows){
+ my $key = 'Message';
+ @data = ({
+ main::key($num++,$key) => main::row_defaults('pci-card-data',''),
+ },);
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ }
+ }
+ @data = display_data();
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ @data = gl_data();
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @rows;
+# 0 type
+# 1 type_id
+# 2 bus_id
+# 3 sub_id
+# 4 device
+# 5 vendor_id
+# 6 chip_id
+# 7 rev
+# 8 port
+# 9 driver
+# 10 modules
+# not using 3D controller yet, needs research: |3D controller |display controller
+# note: this is strange, but all of these can be either a separate or the same
+# card. However, by comparing bus id, say: 00:02.0 we can determine that the
+# cards are either the same or different. We want only the .0 version as a valid
+# card. .1 would be for example: Display Adapter with bus id x:xx.1, not the right one
+sub card_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (@rows,@data);
+ my ($j,$num) = (0,1);
+ foreach (@pci){
+ $num = 1;
+ my @row = @$_;
+ #print "$row[0] $row[3]\n";
+ if ($row[3] == 0 && ( $row[0] eq 'vga' || $row[0] eq 'display' || $row[0] eq '3d' ) ){
+ #print "$row[0] $row[3]\n";
+ $j = scalar @rows;
+ $driver = $row[9];
+ $driver ||= 'N/A';
+ my $card = main::trimmer($row[4]);
+ $card = ($card) ? main::pci_cleaner($card,'output') : 'N/A';
+ #$card ||= 'N/A';
+ # have seen absurdly verbose card descriptions, with non related data etc
+ if (length($card) > 85 || $size{'max'} < 110){
+ $card = main::pci_long_filter($card);
+ }
+ @data = (
+ {
+ main::key($num++,'Card') => $card,
+ main::key($num++,'driver') => $driver,
+ },
+ );
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ if ($row[9] && !$bsd_type){
+ my $version = main::get_module_version($row[9]);
+ $version ||= 'N/A';
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'v')} = $version;
+ }
+ if ($extra > 0){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'bus ID')} = "$row[2].$row[3]";
+ }
+ if ($extra > 1){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'chip ID')} = "$row[5]:$row[6]";
+ }
+ }
+ #print "$row[0]\n";
+ }
+ #my $ref = $pci[-1];
+ #print $$ref[0],"\n";
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @rows;
+sub display_data(){
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (%graphics,@row);
+ my @xdpyinfo;
+ my $num = 0;
+ my ($protocol,$server) = ('','');
+ # note: these may not always be set, they won't be out of X, for example
+ $protocol = $ENV{'WAYLAND_DISPLAY'} if (!$protocol && $ENV{'WAYLAND_DISPLAY'});
+ # need to confirm that there's a point to this test, I believe no, fails out of x
+ # loginctl also results in the session id
+ if (!$protocol && $b_display && $b_force_display){
+ if (my $program = main::check_program('loginctl')){
+ my $id = '';
+ # $id = $ENV{'XDG_SESSION_ID'}; # returns tty session in console
+ my @data = main::grabber("$program --no-pager --no-legend 2>/dev/null",'','strip');
+ foreach (@data){
+ next if /tty[0-6]$/;
+ $id = (split /\s+/, $_)[0];
+ last; # multiuser? too bad, we'll go for the first one
+ }
+ if ($id ){
+ my $temp = (main::grabber("$program show-session $id -p Type --no-pager --no-legend 2>/dev/null"))[0];
+ $temp =~ s/Type=// if $temp;
+ # ssh will not show /dev/ttyx so would have passed the first test
+ $protocol = $temp if $temp && $temp ne 'tty';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($extra > 1){
+ # initial tests, if wayland, it is certainly a compositor
+ $protocol = lc($protocol) if $protocol;
+ $graphics{'compositor'} = display_compositor($protocol);
+ }
+ if ( $b_display){
+ # X vendor and version detection.
+ # new method added since radeon and and the disappearance of
+ # <X server name> version : ...etc. Later on, the normal textual version string
+ # returned, e.g. like: X.Org version: 6.8.2
+ # A failover mechanism is in place: if $version empty, release number parsed instead
+ if (my $program = main::check_program('xdpyinfo')){
+ my @xdpyinfo = main::grabber("$program $display_opt 2>/dev/null","\n",'strip');
+ #@xdpyinfo = map {s/^\s+//;$_} @xdpyinfo if @xdpyinfo;
+ #print join "\n",@xdpyinfo, "\n";
+ foreach (@xdpyinfo){
+ my @working = split /:\s+/, $_;
+ next if ( ($graphics{'dimensions'} && $working[0] ne 'dimensions' ) || !$working[0] );
+ #print "$_\n";
+ if ($working[0] eq 'vendor string'){
+ $working[1] =~ s/The\s|\sFoundation//g;
+ # some distros, like fedora, report themselves as the xorg vendor,
+ # so quick check here to make sure the vendor string includes Xorg in string
+ if ($working[1] !~ /x/i){
+ $working[1] .= '';
+ }
+ $graphics{'vendor'} = $working[1];
+ }
+ elsif ($working[0] eq 'version number'){
+ $graphics{'version-id'} = $working[1];
+ }
+ elsif ($working[0] eq 'vendor release number'){
+ $graphics{'vendor-release'} = $working[1];
+ }
+ elsif ($working[0] eq 'X.Org version'){
+ $graphics{'xorg-version'} = $working[1];
+ }
+ elsif ($working[0] eq 'dimensions'){
+ $working[1] =~ s/\spixels//;
+ $working[1] =~ s/\smillimeters/ mm/;
+ if ($graphics{'dimensions'}){
+ $graphics{'dimensions'} = ([@{$graphics{'dimensions'}},$working[1]]);
+ }
+ else {
+ $graphics{'dimensions'} = ([$working[1]]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #$graphics{'dimensions'} = (\@dimensions);
+ # we get a bit more info from xrandr than xdpyinfo, but xrandr fails to handle
+ # multiple screens from different video cards
+ my $ref = $graphics{'dimensions'};
+ if (defined $ref){
+ my @screens = @$ref;
+ if (scalar @screens == 1){
+ if (my $program = main::check_program('xrandr')){
+ my @xrandr = main::grabber("$program $display_opt 2>/dev/null",'','strip');
+ foreach (@xrandr){
+ my @working = split /\s+/,$_;
+ print join "$_\n";
+ if ($working[1] =~ /\*/){
+ $working[1] =~ s/\*|\+//g;
+ $working[1] = sprintf("%0.0f",$working[1]);
+ my $screen = "$working[0]~$working[1]Hz";
+ if ($graphics{'screens'}){
+ $graphics{'screens'} = ([@{$graphics{'screens'}},$screen]);
+ }
+ else {
+ $graphics{'screens'} = ([$screen]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $graphics{'tty'} = tty_data();
+ }
+ }
else {
- next
- }
- }
- END {
- used=used + swapSize
- used = sprintf( "%.1f", used )
- print used
- }' )
- # echo hdu:$hdd_used
- if [[ -z $hdd_used ]];then
- hdd_used='na'
- fi
- log_function_data "hdd_used: $hdd_used"
- # create the initial array strings:
- # disk-dev, capacity, name, usb or not
- # final item is the total of the disk
- IFS=$'\n'
- if [[ $B_PARTITIONS_FILE == 'true' ]];then
- A_HDD_DATA=( $(
- gawk -v hddUsed=$hdd_used '
- /([hsv]d[a-z]+|(ada|mmcblk|nvme[0-9]+n)[0-9]+)$/ {
- driveSize = $(NF - 1)*1024/1000**3
- gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_ARRAY"'/, " ", driveSize)
- gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", driveSize)
- printf( $NF",%.1fGB,,\n", driveSize )
+ $graphics{'screens'} = ([main::row_defaults('xdpyinfo-missing')]);
- # See for major numbers used below
- # See for kernel 4.x device numbers
- # $1 ~ /^(3|22|33|8)$/ && $2 % 16 == 0 {
- # size += $3
- # }
- # special case from this data: 8 0 156290904 sda
- # note: known starters: vm: 252/253/254; grsec: 202; nvme: 259
- $1 ~ /^(3|8|22|33|202|252|253|254|259)$/ && $NF ~ /(nvme[0-9]+n[0-9]+|[hsv]d[a-z]+)$/ && ( $2 % 16 == 0 || $2 % 16 == 8 ) {
- size += $3
- }
- END {
- size = size*1024/1000**3 # calculate size in GB size
- workingUsed = hddUsed*1024/1000**3 # calculate workingUsed in GB used
- # this handles a special case with livecds where no hdd_used is detected
- if ( size > 0 && hddUsed == "na" ) {
- size = sprintf( "%.1f", size )
- print size "GB,-,,.."
- }
- else if ( size > 0 && workingUsed > 0 ) {
- diskUsed = workingUsed*100/size # calculate used percentage
- diskUsed = sprintf( "%.1f", diskUsed )
- if ( int(diskUsed) > 100 ) {
- diskUsed = "Used Error!"
+ }
+ else {
+ $graphics{'tty'} = tty_data();
+ }
+ # this gives better output than the failure last case, which would only show:
+ # for example: 1.9 instead of: 1.9.0
+ $graphics{'version'} = $graphics{'xorg-version'} if $graphics{'xorg-version'};;
+ $graphics{'version'} = x_version() if !$graphics{'version'};
+ $graphics{'version'} = $graphics{'version-id'} if !$graphics{'version'};
+ undef @xdpyinfo;
+ #print Data::Dumper::Dumper \%graphics;
+ if (%graphics){
+ my $resolution = '';
+ my $server_string = '';
+ if ($graphics{'vendor'}){
+ my $version = ($graphics{'version'}) ? " $graphics{'version'}" : '';
+ $server_string = "$graphics{'vendor'}$version";
+ }
+ elsif ($graphics{'version'}) {
+ $server_string = " $graphics{'version'}";
+ }
+ if ($graphics{'screens'}){
+ my $ref = $graphics{'screens'};
+ my @screens = @$ref;
+ my $sep = '';
+ foreach (@screens){
+ $resolution .= $sep . $_;
+ $sep = ', ';
+ }
+ }
+ my @drivers = x_drivers();
+ if (!$protocol && !$server_string && !$graphics{'vendor'} && !@drivers){
+ $server_string = main::row_defaults('display-server');
+ @row = ({
+ main::key($num++,'Display') => '',
+ main::key($num++,'server') => $server_string,
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ $server_string ||= 'N/A';
+ # note: if no xorg log, and if wayland, there will be no xorg drivers,
+ # obviously, so we use the last driver found on the card section in that case.
+ # those come from lscpi kernel drivers so there should be no xorg/wayland issues.
+ $driver = ($drivers[0]) ? $drivers[0]: $driver;
+ @row = ({
+ main::key($num++,'Display') => $protocol,
+ main::key($num++,'server') => $server_string,
+ main::key($num++,'driver') => $driver,
+ });
+ if ($drivers[2]){
+ $row[0]{main::key($num++,'FAILED')} = $drivers[2];
+ }
+ if ($drivers[1]){
+ $row[0]{main::key($num++,'unloaded')} = $drivers[1];
+ }
+ if ($graphics{'compositor'}){
+ $row[0]{main::key($num++,'compositor')} = $graphics{'compositor'};
+ }
+ }
+ if ($resolution){
+ $row[0]{main::key($num++,'resolution')} = $resolution;
+ }
+ else {
+ $graphics{'tty'} ||= 'N/A';
+ $row[0]{main::key($num++,'tty')} = $graphics{'tty'};
+ }
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @row;
+sub gl_data(){
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my $num = 0;
+ my (@row,$arg);
+ #print ("$b_display : $b_root\n");
+ if ( $b_display){
+ if (my $program = main::check_program('glxinfo')){
+ # NOTE: glxinfo -B is not always available, unforunately
+ my @glxinfo = main::grabber("$program $display_opt 2>/dev/null");
+ if (!@glxinfo){
+ my $type = 'display-console';
+ if ($b_root){
+ $type = 'display-root-x';
else {
- diskUsed = diskUsed "% used"
+ $type = 'display-null';
- size = sprintf( "%.1f", size )
- print size "GB," diskUsed ",,.."
+ @row = ({
+ main::key($num++,'Message') => main::row_defaults($type),
+ });
+ return @row;
+ }
+ #print join "\n",@glxinfo,"\n";
+ my $compat_version = '';
+ my ($b_compat,@core_profile_version,@direct_render,@renderer,@opengl_version,@working);
+ foreach (@glxinfo){
+ next if /^\s/;
+ if (/^opengl renderer/i){
+ @working = split /:\s*/, $_;
+ $working[1] = main::cleaner($working[1]);
+ # Allow all mesas
+ #if ($working[1] =~ /mesa/i){
+ #
+ #}
+ push @renderer, $working[1];
+ }
+ # dropping all conditions from this test to just show full mesa information
+ # there is a user case where not f and mesa apply, atom mobo
+ # /opengl version/ && ( f || $2 !~ /mesa/ ) {
+ elsif (/^opengl version/i){
+ # fglrx started appearing with this extra string, does not appear
+ # to communicate anything of value
+ @working = split /:\s*/, $_;
+ $working[1] =~ s/(Compatibility Profile Context|\(Compatibility Profile\))//;
+ $working[1] =~ s/\s\s/ /g;
+ $working[1] =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//;
+ push @opengl_version, $working[1];
+ # note: this is going to be off if ever multi opengl versions appear, never seen one
+ @working = split /\s+/, $working[1];
+ $compat_version = $working[0];
+ }
+ elsif (/^opengl core profile version/i){
+ # fglrx started appearing with this extra string, does not appear
+ # to communicate anything of value
+ @working = split /:\s*/, $_;
+ $working[1] =~ s/(Compatibility Profile Context|\((Compatibility|Core) Profile\))//;
+ $working[1] =~ s/\s\s/ /g;
+ $working[1] =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//;
+ push @core_profile_version, $working[1];
+ }
+ elsif (/direct rendering/){
+ @working = split /:\s*/, $_;
+ push @direct_render, $working[1];
+ }
+ # if -B was always available, we could skip this, but it is not
+ elsif (/GLX Visuals/){
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ my ($direct_render,$renderer,$version) = ('N/A','N/A','N/A');
+ $direct_render = join ', ', @direct_render if @direct_render;
+ # non free drivers once filtered and cleaned show the same for core and compat
+ # but this stopped for some reason at 4.5/4.6 nvidia
+ if (@core_profile_version && @opengl_version &&
+ join ('', @core_profile_version) ne join( '', @opengl_version) &&
+ !(grep {/nvidia/i} @opengl_version ) ){
+ @opengl_version = @core_profile_version;
+ $b_compat = 1;
+ }
+ $version = join ', ', @opengl_version if @opengl_version;
+ $renderer = join ', ', @renderer if @renderer;
+ @row = ({
+ main::key($num++,'OpenGL') => '',
+ main::key($num++,'renderer') => $renderer,
+ main::key($num++,'v') => $version,
+ });
+ if ($b_compat && $extra > 1 && $compat_version){
+ $row[0]{main::key($num++,'compat-v')} = $compat_version;
+ }
+ if ($extra > 0){
+ $row[0]{main::key($num++,'direct render')} = $direct_render;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ @row = ({
+ main::key($num++,'Message') => main::row_defaults('glxinfo-missing'),
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ my $type = 'display-console';
+ if (!main::check_program('glxinfo')){
+ $type = 'glxinfo-missing';
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($b_root){
+ $type = 'display-root';
else {
- print "NA,-,,.." # print an empty array, this will be further handled in the print out function
- }
- log_function_data 'cat' "$FILE_PARTITIONS"
- else
- if [[ -n $BSD_TYPE ]];then
- get_hard_drive_data_bsd "$hdd_used"
- fi
- fi
- a_temp=${A_HDD_DATA[@]}
- # echo ${a_temp[@]}
- log_function_data "A_HDD_DATA: $a_temp"
- eval $LOGFE
-## fills out the A_HDD_DATA array with disk names
- eval $LOGFS
- local a_temp_working='' a_temp_scsi='' temp_holder='' temp_name='' i='' j=''
- local sd_ls_by_id='' ls_disk_by_id='' ls_disk_by_path='' usb_exists='' a_temp=''
- local firewire_exists='' thunderbolt_exists='' thunderbolt_exists='' hdd_temp hdd_serial=''
- local firmware_rev='' working_path='' block_type=''
+ $type = 'display-try';
+ }
+ }
+ @row = ({
+ main::key($num++,'Message') => main::row_defaults($type),
+ });
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @row;
+sub tty_data(){
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($tty);
+ if ($size{'term-cols'}){
+ $tty = "$size{'term-cols'}x$size{'term-lines'}";
+ }
+ elsif ($b_irc && $client{'console-irc'}){
+ my $tty_working = main::get_tty_console_irc();
+ if (my $program = main::check_program('stty')){
+ my $tty_arg = ($bsd_type) ? '-f' : '-F';
+ $tty = (main::grabber("$program $tty_arg /dev/pts/$tty_working size 2>/dev/null"))[0];
+ if ($tty){
+ my @temp = split /\s+/, $tty;
+ $tty = "$temp[1]x$temp[0]";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $tty;
+sub x_drivers {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($driver,@driver_data,,%drivers);
+ my ($failed,$loaded,$sep,$unloaded) = ('','','','');
+ if (my $log = main::system_files('xorg-log')){
+ my @xorg = main::reader($log);
+ # list is from sgfxi plus non-free drivers
+ my $list = 'amdgpu|apm|ark|ati|chips|cirrus|cyrix|fbdev|fglrx|glint|';
+ $list .= 'i128|i740|i810|iftv|imstt|intel|ivtv|mach64|mesa|mga|modesetting|';
+ $list .= 'neomagic|newport|nouveau|nsc|nvidia|nv|openchrome|radeonhd|radeon|';
+ $list .= 'rendition|s3virge|s3|savage|siliconmotion|sisimedia|sisusb|sis|tdfx|';
+ $list .= 'tga|trident|tseng|unichrome|v4l|vboxvideo|vesa|vga|via|vmware|voodoo';
+ # it's much cheaper to grab the simple pattern match then do the expensive one
+ # in the main loop.
+ #@xorg = grep {/Failed|Unload|Loading/} @xorg;
+ foreach (@xorg){
+ next if !/Failed|Unload|Loading/;
+ # note that in file names, driver is always lower case
+ if (/\sLoading.*($list)$/i ) {
+ $driver=lc($1);
+ # we get all the actually loaded drivers first, we will use this to compare the
+ # failed/unloaded, which have not always actually been truly loaded
+ $drivers{$driver}="loaded";
+ }
+ # openbsd uses UnloadModule:
+ elsif (/(Unloading\s|UnloadModule).*($list)($/i ) {
+ $driver=lc($2);
+ # we get all the actually loaded drivers first, we will use this to compare the
+ # failed/unloaded, which have not always actually been truly loaded
+ $drivers{$driver}="unloaded" ;
+ }
+ # verify that the driver actually started the desktop, even with false failed messages
+ # which can occur. This is the driver that is actually driving the display
+ elsif (/Failed.*($list)\"?($/i ) {
+ $driver=lc($1);
+ # we need to make sure that the driver has already been truly loaded, not just
+ # discussed, also set driver to lower case because sometimes it will show as
+ # RADEON or NVIDIA in the actual x start
+ if (exists $drivers{$driver}){
+ $drivers{$driver}="failed";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my $sep = '';
+ foreach (sort keys %drivers){
+ if ($drivers{$_} eq 'loaded') {
+ $sep = ($loaded) ? ',' : '';
+ $loaded .= $sep . $_;
+ }
+ elsif ($drivers{$_} eq 'unloaded') {
+ $sep = ($unloaded) ? ',' : '';
+ $unloaded .= $sep . $_;
+ }
+ elsif ($drivers{$_} eq 'failed') {
+ $sep = ($failed) ? ',' : '';
+ $failed .= $sep . $_;
+ }
+ }
+ $loaded ||= 'none';
+ @driver_data = ($loaded,$unloaded,$failed);
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @driver_data;
+sub x_version {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($version,@data,$program);
+ # IMPORTANT: both commands send version data to stderr!
+ if ($program = main::check_program('Xorg')){
+ @data = main::grabber("$program -version 2>&1");
+ }
+ elsif ($program = main::check_program('X')){
+ @data = main::grabber("$program -version 2>&1");
+ }
+ #print Data::Dumper::Dumper \@data;
+ if (@data){
+ foreach (@data){
+ if (/^ X server/i){
+ my @working = split /\s+/, $_;
+ $version = $working[3];
+ last;
+ }
+ elsif (/^X Window System Version/i) {
+ my @working = split /\s+/, $_;
+ $version = $working[4];
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $version;
+# $1 - protocol: wayland|x11
+sub display_compositor {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($protocol) = @_;
+ my ($compositor) = ('');
+ # NOTE: chains of greps of ps data are VERY expensive, so check for program presence
+ if (main::check_program('mutter') && (grep {/mutter/} @ps_cmd ) ) {
+ $compositor = 'mutter';
+ }
+ elsif (main::check_program('kwin') && (grep {/\bkwin\b/} @ps_cmd ) ) {
+ $compositor = 'kwin';
+ }
+ elsif (main::check_program('muffin') && (grep {/muffin/} @ps_cmd ) ) {
+ $compositor = 'muffin';
+ }
+ # Note: other strings have gnome-shell in them, so important to get exact one. Since we
+ # can't fully trust how this will appear, the pattern should tighten it
+ elsif (main::check_program('gnome-shell') && (grep {/^(\/[\S]+\/)?gnome-shell(\s|$)/} @ps_cmd ) ) {
+ $compositor = 'gnome-shell';
+ }
+ elsif (main::check_program('weston') && (grep {/weston/} @ps_cmd ) ) {
+ $compositor = 'weston';
+ }
+ elsif (main::check_program('compton') && (grep {/compton/} @ps_cmd ) ) {
+ $compositor = 'compton';
+ }
+ # owned by: compiz-core in debian
+ elsif (main::check_program('compiz') && (grep {/compiz/} @ps_cmd ) ) {
+ $compositor = 'compiz';
+ }
+ # did not find in debian apt
+ elsif (main::check_program('moblin') && (grep {/moblin/} @ps_cmd ) ) {
+ $compositor = 'moblin';
+ }
+ # did not find in debian apt
+ elsif (main::check_program('kmscon') && (grep {/kmscon/} @ps_cmd ) ) {
+ $compositor = 'kmscon';
+ }
+ # did not find in debian apt
+ elsif (main::check_program('sway') && (grep {/\bsway\b/} @ps_cmd ) ) {
+ $compositor = 'sway';
+ }
+ # did not find in debian apt
+ elsif (main::check_program('grefson') && (grep {/grefson/} @ps_cmd ) ) {
+ $compositor = 'grefson';
+ }
+ # did not find in debian apt
+ elsif (main::check_program('westford') && (grep {/westford/} @ps_cmd ) ) {
+ $compositor = 'westford';
+ }
+ # did not find in debian apt
+ elsif (main::check_program('rustland') && (grep {/rustland/} @ps_cmd ) ) {
+ $compositor = 'rustland';
+ }
+ # did not find in debian apt
+ elsif (main::check_program('ireplace') && (grep {/fireplace/} @ps_cmd ) ) {
+ $compositor = 'fireplace';
+ }
+ # did not find in debian apt
+ elsif (main::check_program('wayhouse') && (grep {/wayhouse/} @ps_cmd ) ) {
+ $compositor = 'wayhouse';
+ }
+ # did not find in debian apt
+ elsif (main::check_program('swc') && (grep {/\bswc\b/} @ps_cmd ) ) {
+ $compositor = 'swc';
+ }
+ # did not find in debian apt
+ elsif (main::check_program('dwc') && (grep {/\bdwc\b/} @ps_cmd ) ) {
+ $compositor = 'dwc';
+ }
+ main::log_data('data',"compositor: $compositor") if $b_log;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $compositor;
- ## check for all ide type drives, non libata, only do it if hdx is in array
- ## this is now being updated for new /sys type paths, this may handle that ok too
- if [[ -n $( grep -Es 'hd[a-z]' <<< ${A_HDD_DATA[@]} ) ]];then
- # remember, we're using the last array item to store the total size of disks
- for (( i=0; i < ${#A_HDD_DATA[@]} - 1; i++ ))
- do
- IFS=","
- a_temp_working=( ${A_HDD_DATA[i]} )
- if [[ -z ${a_temp_working[0]/*hd[a-z]*/} ]];then
- if [[ -e /proc/ide/${a_temp_working[0]}/model ]];then
- a_temp_working[2]="$( remove_erroneous_chars /proc/ide/${a_temp_working[0]}/model )"
- else
- a_temp_working[2]=''
- fi
- # these loops are to easily extend the cpu array created in the gawk script above with more fields per cpu.
- for (( j=0; j < ${#a_temp_working[@]}; j++ ))
- do
- if [[ $j -gt 0 ]];then
- A_HDD_DATA[i]="${A_HDD_DATA[i]},${a_temp_working[$j]}"
- else
- A_HDD_DATA[i]="${a_temp_working[$j]}"
- fi
- done
- fi
- done
- fi
- ## then handle libata names
- # first get the ata device names, put them into an array
- IFS=$'\n'
- if [[ $B_SCSI_FILE == 'true' ]]; then
- a_temp_scsi=( $( gawk '
- }
- /host/ {
- getline a[$0]
- getline b[$0]
- }
- END {
- for (i in a) {
- if (b[i] ~ / *type: *direct-access.*/) {
- #c=gensub(/^ *vendor: (.+) +model: (.+) +rev: (.+)$/,"\\1 \\2 \\3","g",a[i])
- #c=gensub( /^ *vendor: (.+) +model: (.+) +rev:.*$/,"\\1 \\2","g",a[i] )
- # the vendor: string is useless, and is a bug, ATA is not a vendor for example
- c=gensub( /^ *vendor: (.+) +model: (.+) +rev:.*$/, "\\2", "g", a[i] )
- gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_ARRAY"'/, " ", c)
- gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", c)
- gsub(/ [ \t]+/, " ", c)
- #print a[i]
- # we actually want this data, so leaving this off for now
-# if (c ~ /\<flash\>|\<pendrive\>|memory stick|memory card/) {
-# continue
-# }
- print c
- }
- }
- }' $FILE_SCSI ) )
- log_function_data 'cat' "$FILE_SCSI"
- fi
- ## then we'll loop through that array looking for matches.
- if [[ -n $( grep -Es 'sd[a-z]|nvme' <<< ${A_HDD_DATA[@]} ) ]];then
- # first pack the main ls variable so we don't have to keep using ls /dev...
- # not all systems have /dev/disk/by-id
- ls_disk_by_id="$( ls -l /dev/disk/by-id 2>/dev/null )"
- ls_disk_by_path="$( ls -l /dev/disk/by-path 2>/dev/null )"
- for (( i=0; i < ${#A_HDD_DATA[@]} - 1; i++ ))
- do
- firmware_rev=''
- hdd_temp=''
- hdd_serial=''
- temp_name=''
- working_path=''
- block_type=''
- if [[ -z ${A_HDD_DATA[$i]/*nvme*/} ]];then
- block_type='nvme'
- elif [[ -z ${A_HDD_DATA[$i]/*sd[a-z]*/} ]];then
- block_type='sdx'
- fi
- if [[ -n $block_type ]];then
- IFS=","
- a_temp_working=( ${A_HDD_DATA[$i]} )
- if [[ $block_type == 'sdx' ]];then
- working_path=/sys/block/${a_temp_working[0]}/device/
- elif [[ $block_type == 'nvme' ]];then
- # this results in:
- # /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:03.2/0000:06:00.0/nvme/nvme0/nvme0n1
- # but we want to go one level down so slice off trailing nvme0n1
- working_path=$(readlink -f /sys/block/${a_temp_working[0]} 2>/dev/null )
- working_path=${working_path%nvme*}
- fi
- # /sys/block/[sda,hda]/device/model
- # this is handles the new /sys data types first
- if [[ -e ${working_path}model ]];then
- temp_name="$( remove_erroneous_chars ${working_path}model )"
- temp_name=$( cut -d '-' -f 1 <<< ${temp_name// /_} )
- elif [[ ${#a_temp_scsi[@]} -gt 0 ]];then
- for (( j=0; j < ${#a_temp_scsi[@]}; j++ ))
- do
- ## ok, ok, it's incomprehensible, search /dev/disk/by-id for a line that contains the
- # discovered disk name AND ends with the correct identifier, sdx
- # get rid of whitespace for some drive names and ids, and extra data after - in name
- temp_name=$( cut -d '-' -f 1 <<< ${a_temp_scsi[$j]// /_} )
- sd_ls_by_id=$( grep -Em1 ".*$temp_name.*${a_temp_working[0]}$" <<< "$ls_disk_by_id" )
- if [[ -n $sd_ls_by_id ]];then
- temp_name=${a_temp_scsi[$j]}
- break
- else
- # test to see if we can get a better name output when null
- if [[ -n $temp_name ]];then
- temp_name=$temp_name
- fi
- fi
- done
- fi
- # I don't know identifier for thunderbolt in /dev/disk/by-id / /dev/disk/by-path
- if [[ -n $temp_name && -n "$ls_disk_by_id" ]];then
- usb_exists=$( grep -Em1 "usb-.*$temp_name.*${a_temp_working[0]}$" <<< "$ls_disk_by_id" )
- firewire_exists=$( grep -Em1 "ieee1394-.*$temp_name.*${a_temp_working[0]}$" <<< "$ls_disk_by_id" )
- # thunderbolt_exists=$( grep -Em1 "ieee1394-.*$temp_name.*${a_temp_working[0]}$" <<< "$ls_disk_by_id" )
- # note: sometimes with wwn- numbering usb does not appear in by-id but it does in by-path
- fi
- if [[ -n "$ls_disk_by_path" ]];then
- if [[ -z $usb_exists ]];then
- usb_exists=$( grep -Em1 "usb-.*${a_temp_working[0]}$" <<< "$ls_disk_by_path" )
- fi
- if [[ -n $usb_exists ]];then
- a_temp_working[3]='USB'
- fi
- if [[ -z $firewire_exists ]];then
- firewire_exists=$( grep -Em1 "ieee1394-.*${a_temp_working[0]}$" <<< "$ls_disk_by_path" )
- fi
- if [[ -n $firewire_exists ]];then
- a_temp_working[3]='FireWire'
- fi
- fi
- a_temp_working[2]=$temp_name
- for (( j=0; j < ${#a_temp_working[@]}; j++ ))
- do
- if [[ $j -gt 0 ]];then
- A_HDD_DATA[i]="${A_HDD_DATA[i]},${a_temp_working[$j]}"
- else
- A_HDD_DATA[i]="${a_temp_working[$j]}"
- fi
- done
- fi
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- IFS=","
- a_temp_working=( ${A_HDD_DATA[i]} )
- # echo "a:" ${a_temp_working[@]}
- if [[ -n ${a_temp_working[1]} ]];then
- hdd_temp=$( get_hdd_temp_data "/dev/${a_temp_working[0]}" )
- fi
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- if [[ -e ${working_path}serial ]];then
- hdd_serial="$( remove_erroneous_chars ${working_path}serial )"
- else
- hdd_serial=$( get_hdd_serial_number "${a_temp_working[0]}" )
- fi
- if [[ -e ${working_path}firmware_rev ]];then
- firmware_rev="$( remove_erroneous_chars ${working_path}firmware_rev )"
- fi
- fi
- A_HDD_DATA[i]="${a_temp_working[0]},${a_temp_working[1]},${a_temp_working[2]},${a_temp_working[3]},$hdd_serial,$hdd_temp,$firmware_rev"
- # echo b: ${A_HDD_DATA[i]}
- fi
- done
- fi
- a_temp=${A_HDD_DATA[@]}
- log_function_data "A_HDD_DATA: $a_temp"
- eval $LOGFE
-# args: $1 ~ hdd_used
+## MachineData
- eval $LOGFS
- local a_temp=''
- if [[ -n $DMESG_BOOT_DATA ]];then
- IFS=$'\n'
- A_HDD_DATA=( $( gawk -v hddUsed="$1" -F ':' '
- size=0
- bSetSize="false"
- }
- $1 ~ /^(ad|ada|mmcblk|nvme[0-9]+n|sd|wd)[0-9]+(|[[:space:]]at.*)$/ {
- diskId=gensub(/^((ad|ada|mmcblk|nvme[0-9]+n|sd|wd)[0-9]+)[^0-9].*/,"\\1",1,$1)
- # note: /var/run/dmesg.boot may repeat items since it is not created
- # fresh every boot, this way, only the last items will be used per disk id
- if (aIds[diskId] == "" ) {
- aIds[diskId]=diskId
- if ( $0 !~ /raid/) {
- bSetSize="true"
- }
- }
- aDisks[diskId, "id"] = diskId
- if ($0 ~ /[^0-9][0-9\.]+[[:space:]]*[MG]B/ && $0 !~ /MB\/s/) {
- workingSize=gensub(/.*[^0-9]([0-9\.]+[[:space:]]*[MG]B).*/,"\\1",1,$0)
- if (workingSize ~ /GB/ ) {
- sub(/[[:space:]]*GB/,"",workingSize)
- workingSize=workingSize*1000
- }
- else if (workingSize ~ /MB/ ) {
- sub(/[[:space:]]*MB/,"",workingSize)
- workingSize=workingSize
- }
- aDisks[diskId, "size"] = workingSize
- if ( bSetSize == "true" ) {
- if ( workingSize != "" ){
- size=size+workingSize
- bSetSize="false"
- }
+package MachineData;
+sub get {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (%arm_machine,@data,@rows,$key1,$val1,$which);
+ my $num = 0;
+ if ($bsd_type || $b_dmidecode_force){
+ my $ref = $alerts{'dmidecode'};
+ if ( $$ref{'action'} ne 'use'){
+ $key1 = $$ref{'action'};
+ $val1 = $$ref{$key1};
+ $key1 = ucfirst($key1);
+ }
+ else {
+ @data = machine_data_dmi();
+ if (!@data && !$key1){
+ $key1 = 'Message';
+ $val1 = main::row_defaults('machine-data','');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (-d '/sys/class/dmi/id/') {
+ @data = machine_data_sys();
+ if (!@data){
+ $key1 = 'Message';
+ $val1 = main::row_defaults('machine-data-dmidecode','');
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (!$bsd_type) {
+ # this uses /proc/cpuinfo so only GNU/Linux
+ if ($b_arm){
+ %arm_machine = machine_data_arm();
+ if (%arm_machine){
+ @data = create_output_arm(%arm_machine);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!@data){
+ $key1 = 'Message';
+ $val1 = main::row_defaults('machine-data-alt-33','');
+ }
+ }
+ # if error case, null data, whatever
+ if ($key1) {
+ @data = ({main::key($num++,$key1) => $val1,});
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @data;
+## keys for machine data are:
+# 0-sys_vendor 1-product_name 2-product_version 3-product_serial 4-product_uuid
+# 5-board_vendor 6-board_name 7-board_version 8-board_serial
+# 9-bios_vendor 10-bios_version 11-bios_date
+## with extra data:
+# 12-chassis_vendor 13-chassis_type 14-chassis_version 15-chassis_serial
+## unused: 16-bios_rev 17-bios_romsize 18 - firmware type
+sub create_output {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($ref) = @_;
+ my (%data,@row,@rows);
+ %data = %$ref;
+ my $firmware = 'BIOS';
+ my $num = 0;
+ my $j = 0;
+ my ($b_chassis,$b_skip_chassis,$b_skip_system);
+ my ($bios_date,$bios_rev,$bios_romsize,$bios_vendor,$bios_version,$chassis_serial,
+ $chassis_type,$chassis_vendor,$chassis_version, $mobo_model,$mobo_serial,$mobo_vendor,
+ $mobo_version,$product_name,$product_serial,$product_version,$system_vendor);
+# foreach my $key (keys %data){
+# print "$key: $data{$key}\n";
+# }
+ if (!$data{'sys_vendor'} || ($data{'board_vendor'} &&
+ $data{'sys_vendor'} eq $data{'board_vendor'} && !$data{'product_name'} &&
+ !$data{'product_version'} && !$data{'product_serial'})){
+ $b_skip_system = 1;
+ }
+ # found a case of battery existing but having nothing in it on desktop mobo
+ # not all laptops show the first. /proc/acpi/battery is deprecated.
+ elsif ( !glob('/proc/acpi/battery/*') && !glob('/sys/class/power_supply/*') ){
+ # ibm / ibm can be true; dell / quantum is false, so in other words, only do this
+ # in case where the vendor is the same and the version is the same and not null,
+ # otherwise the version information is going to be different in all cases I think
+ if ( ($data{'sys_vendor'} && $data{'sys_vendor'} eq $data{'board_vendor'} ) &&
+ ( ($data{'product_version'} && $data{'product_version'} eq $data{'board_version'} ) ||
+ (!$data{'product_version'} && $data{'product_name'} eq $data{'board_name'} ) ) ){
+ $b_skip_system = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ $data{'device'} ||= 'N/A';
+ $j = scalar @rows;
+ @row = ({
+ main::key($num++,'Type') => ucfirst($data{'device'}),
+ },);
+ @rows = (@rows,@row);
+ if (!$b_skip_system){
+ # this has already been tested for above so we know it's not null
+ $system_vendor = main::cleaner($data{'sys_vendor'});
+ $product_name = ($data{'product_name'}) ? $data{'product_name'}:'N/A';
+ $product_version = ($data{'product_version'}) ? $data{'product_version'}:'N/A';
+ $product_serial = main::apply_filter($data{'product_serial'});
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'System')} = $system_vendor;
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'product')} = $product_name;
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'v')} = $product_version;
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'serial')} = $product_serial;
+ # no point in showing chassis if system isn't there, it's very unlikely that
+ # would be correct
+ if ($extra > 1){
+ if ($data{'board_version'} && $data{'chassis_version'} eq $data{'board_version'}){
+ $b_skip_chassis = 1;
+ }
+ if (!$b_skip_chassis && $data{'chassis_vendor'} ){
+ if ($data{'chassis_vendor'} ne $data{'sys_vendor'} ){
+ $chassis_vendor = $data{'chassis_vendor'};
+ }
+ if ($data{'chassis_type'} ){
+ $chassis_type = $data{'chassis_type'};
+ }
+ if ($data{'chassis_version'}){
+ $chassis_version = $data{'chassis_version'}
+ }
+ $chassis_serial = main::apply_filter($data{'chassis_serial'});
+ $chassis_vendor ||= '';
+ $chassis_type ||= '';
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'Chassis')} = $chassis_vendor;
+ if ($chassis_type){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'type')} = $chassis_type;
+ if ($chassis_version){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'v')} = $chassis_version;
+ }
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'serial')} = $chassis_serial;
- if ( $NF ~ /<.*>/ ){
- gsub(/.*<|>.*/,"",$NF)
- aDisks[diskId, "model"] = $NF
+ }
+ $j++; # start new row
+ }
+ if ($data{'firmware'}){
+ $firmware = $data{'firmware'};
+ }
+ $mobo_vendor = ($data{'board_vendor'}) ? main::cleaner($data{'board_vendor'}) : 'N/A';
+ $mobo_model = ($data{'board_name'}) ? $data{'board_name'}: 'N/A';
+ $mobo_version = ($data{'board_version'})? $data{'board_version'} : '';
+ $mobo_serial = main::apply_filter($data{'board_serial'});
+ $bios_vendor = ($data{'bios_vendor'}) ? main::cleaner($data{'bios_vendor'}) : 'N/A';
+ if ($data{'bios_version'}){
+ $bios_version = $data{'bios_version'};
+ if ($data{'bios_rev'}){
+ $bios_rev = $data{'bios_rev'};
+ }
+ $bios_version ||= 'N/A';
+ }
+ if ($data{'bios_date'}){
+ $bios_date = $data{'bios_date'};
+ }
+ if ($extra > 1 && $data{'bios_romsize'}){
+ $bios_romsize = $data{'bios_romsize'};
+ }
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'Mobo')} = $mobo_vendor;
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'model')} = $mobo_model;
+ if ($mobo_version){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'v')} = $mobo_version;
+ }
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'serial')} = $mobo_serial;
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,$firmware)} = $bios_vendor;
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'v')} = $bios_version;
+ if ($bios_rev){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'rev')} = $bios_rev;
+ }
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'date')} = $bios_date;
+ if ($bios_romsize){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'rom size')} = $bios_romsize;
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @rows;
+sub create_output_arm {
+ my (%data,@row,@rows);
+ my (%arm_machine) = @_;
+ my $num = 0;
+ my $j = 0;
+ #print Data::Dumper::Dumper \%arm_machine;
+ if ($arm_machine{'device'}){
+ my $device = main::cleaner( $arm_machine{'device'} );
+ $device ||= 'N/A';
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'Type')} = 'ARM Device';
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'System')} = $device;
+ }
+ # we're going to print N/A for 0000 values sine the item was there.
+ if ($arm_machine{'firmware'}){
+ # most samples I've seen are like: 0000
+ $arm_machine{'firmware'} =~ s/^[0]+$//;
+ $arm_machine{'firmware'} ||= 'N/A';
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'rev')} = $arm_machine{'firmware'};
+ }
+ # sometimes has value like: 0000
+ if (defined $arm_machine{'serial'}){
+ # most samples I've seen are like: 0000
+ $arm_machine{'serial'} =~ s/^[0]+$//;
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'serial')} = main::apply_filter($arm_machine{'serial'});
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @rows;
+sub machine_data_sys {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (%data,$path,$vm);
+ my $sys_dir = '/sys/class/dmi/id/';
+ my $sys_dir_alt = '/sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/';
+ my @sys_files = qw(bios_vendor bios_version bios_date
+ board_name board_serial board_vendor board_version chassis_type
+ product_name product_serial product_uuid product_version sys_vendor
+ );
+ if ($extra > 1){
+ splice @sys_files, 0, 0, qw( chassis_serial chassis_vendor chassis_version);
+ }
+ $data{'firmware'} = 'BIOS';
+ # print Data::Dumper::Dumper \@sys_files;
+ if (!-d $sys_dir ){
+ if ( -d $sys_dir_alt){
+ $sys_dir = $sys_dir_alt;
+ }
+ else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( -d '/sys/firmware/efi'){
+ $data{'firmware'} = 'UEFI';
+ }
+ elsif ( glob('/sys/firmware/acpi/tables/UEFI*') ){
+ $data{'firmware'} = 'UEFI [Legacy]';
+ }
+ foreach (@sys_files){
+ $path = "$sys_dir$_";
+ if (-r $path){
+ $data{$_} = (main::reader($path))[0];
+ $data{$_} = ($data{$_}) ? main::dmi_cleaner($data{$_}) : '';
+ }
+ else {
+ $data{$_} = '';
+ }
+ }
+ if ($data{'chassis_type'}){
+ if ( $data{'chassis_type'} == 1){
+ $data{'device'} = get_device_vm($data{'sys_vendor'},$data{'product_name'});
+ $data{'device'} ||= 'other-vm?';
+ }
+ else {
+ $data{'device'} = get_device_sys($data{'chassis_type'});
+ }
+ }
+# print "sys:\n";
+# foreach (keys %data){
+# print "$_: $data{$_}\n";
+# }
+ main::log_data('dump','%data',\%data) if $b_log;
+ my @rows = create_output(\%data);
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @rows;
+# this will create an alternate machine data source
+# which will be used for alt ARM machine data in cases
+# where no dmi data present, or by cpu data to guess at
+# certain actions for arm only.
+sub machine_data_arm {
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ my (%arm_machine,@temp);
+ if (my $file = main::system_files('cpuinfo')){
+ #$file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/cpu/arm/arm-shevaplug-1.2ghz.txt";
+ my @data = main::reader($file);
+ foreach (@data){
+ if (/^Hardware/i){
+ @temp = split /\s*:\s*/, $_;
+ $arm_machine{'device'} = $temp[1];
- if ( $NF ~ /serial number/ ){
- sub(/serial[[:space:]]+number[[:space:]]*/,"",$NF)
- aDisks[diskId, "serial"] = $NF
+ elsif (/^Revision/i){
+ @temp = split /\s*:\s*/, $_;
+ $arm_machine{'firmware'} = $temp[1];
+ }
+ elsif (/^Serial/i){
+ @temp = split /\s*:\s*/, $_;
+ $arm_machine{'serial'} = $temp[1];
- END {
- # sde,3.9GB,STORE_N_GO,USB,C200431546D3CF49-0:0,0
- # sdd,250.1GB,ST3250824AS,,9ND08GKX,45
- # multi dimensional pseudo arrays are sorted at total random, not in order of
- # creation, so force a sort of the aIds, which deletes the array index but preserves
- # the sorted keys.
- asort(aIds)
- for ( key in aIds ) {
- # we are not adding to size above for raid, and we do not print it for raid
- # this is re openbsd raid, which uses sd0 for raid array, even though sd is for scsi
- if ( aDisks[aIds[key], "model"] !~ /raid/ ) {
- workingSize = aDisks[aIds[key], "size"]/1000
- workingSize = sprintf( "%.1fGB", workingSize )
- print aDisks[aIds[key], "id"] "," workingSize "," aDisks[aIds[key], "model"] "," "," aDisks[aIds[key], "serial"] ",,"
- }
- }
- size = size/1000 # calculate size in GB size
- # in kb
- workingUsed = hddUsed*1024/1000**3 # calculate workingUsed in GB used
- # this handles a special case with livecds where no hdd_used is detected
- if ( size > 0 && hddUsed == "na" ) {
- size = sprintf( "%.1f", size )
- print size "GB,-,,.."
- }
- else if ( size > 0 && workingUsed > 0 ) {
- diskUsed = workingUsed*100/size # calculate used percentage
- diskUsed = sprintf( "%.1f", diskUsed )
- if ( int(diskUsed) > 100 ) {
- diskUsed = "Used Error!"
+ }
+ #print Data::Dumper::Dumper \%arm_machine;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return %arm_machine;
+# bios_date: 09/07/2010
+# bios_romsize: dmi only
+# bios_vendor: American Megatrends Inc.
+# bios_version: P1.70
+# bios_rev: 8.14: dmi only
+# board_name: A770DE+
+# board_serial:
+# board_vendor: ASRock
+# board_version:
+# chassis_serial:
+# chassis_type: 3
+# chassis_vendor:
+# chassis_version:
+# firmware:
+# product_name:
+# product_serial:
+# product_uuid:
+# product_version:
+# sys_uuid: dmi only
+# sys_vendor:
+sub machine_data_dmi {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (%data,$vm);
+ return if ! @dmi;
+ $data{'firmware'} = 'BIOS';
+ # dmi types:
+ # 0 bios; 1 system info; 2 board|base board info; 3 chassis info;
+ # 4 processor info, use to check for hypervisor
+ foreach (@dmi){
+ my @ref = @$_;
+ # bios/firmware
+ if ($ref[0] == 0){
+ # skip first three row, we don't need that data
+ splice @ref, 0, 3 if @ref;
+ foreach my $item (@ref){
+ if ($item !~ /^~/){ # skip the indented rows
+ my @value = split /:\s+/, $item;
+ if ($value[0] eq 'Release Date') {$data{'bios_date'} = main::dmi_cleaner($value[1]) }
+ elsif ($value[0] eq 'Vendor') {$data{'bios_vendor'} = main::dmi_cleaner($value[1]) }
+ elsif ($value[0] eq 'Version') {$data{'bios_version'} = main::dmi_cleaner($value[1]) }
+ elsif ($value[0] eq 'ROM Size') {$data{'bios_romsize'} = main::dmi_cleaner($value[1]) }
+ elsif ($value[0] eq 'BIOS Revision') {$data{'bios_rev'} = main::dmi_cleaner($value[1]) }
+ elsif ($value[0] =~ /^UEFI is supported/) {$data{'firmware'} = 'UEFI';}
- else {
- diskUsed = diskUsed "% used"
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ # system information
+ elsif ($ref[0] == 1){
+ # skip first three row, we don't need that data
+ splice @ref, 0, 3 if @ref;
+ foreach my $item (@ref){
+ if ($item !~ /^~/){ # skip the indented rows
+ my @value = split /:\s+/, $item;
+ if ($value[0] eq 'Product Name') {$data{'product_name'} = main::dmi_cleaner($value[1]) }
+ elsif ($value[0] eq 'Version') {$data{'product_version'} = main::dmi_cleaner($value[1]) }
+ elsif ($value[0] eq 'Serial Number') {$data{'product_serial'} = main::dmi_cleaner($value[1]) }
+ elsif ($value[0] eq 'Manufacturer') {$data{'sys_vendor'} = main::dmi_cleaner($value[1]) }
+ elsif ($value[0] eq 'UUID') {$data{'sys_uuid'} = main::dmi_cleaner($value[1]) }
- size = sprintf( "%.1f", size )
- print size "GB," diskUsed ",,.."
- else {
- print "NA,-,,.." # print an empty array, this will be further handled in the print out function
+ next;
+ }
+ # baseboard information
+ elsif ($ref[0] == 2){
+ # skip first three row, we don't need that data
+ splice @ref, 0, 3 if @ref;
+ foreach my $item (@ref){
+ if ($item !~ /^~/){ # skip the indented rows
+ my @value = split /:\s+/, $item;
+ if ($value[0] eq 'Product Name') {$data{'board_name'} = main::dmi_cleaner($value[1]) }
+ elsif ($value[0] eq 'Serial Number') {$data{'board_serial'} = main::dmi_cleaner($value[1]) }
+ elsif ($value[0] eq 'Manufacturer') {$data{'board_vendor'} = main::dmi_cleaner($value[1]) }
+ }
- }' <<< "$DMESG_BOOT_DATA" ) )
- fi
- a_temp=${A_HDD_DATA[@]}
- # echo ${a_temp[@]}
- log_function_data "A_HDD_DATA: $a_temp"
- eval $LOGFE
+ next;
+ }
+ # chassis information
+ elsif ($ref[0] == 3){
+ # skip first three row, we don't need that data
+ splice @ref, 0, 3 if @ref;
+ foreach my $item (@ref){
+ if ($item !~ /^~/){ # skip the indented rows
+ my @value = split /:\s+/, $item;
+ if ($value[0] eq 'Serial Number') {$data{'chassis_serial'} = main::dmi_cleaner($value[1]) }
+ elsif ($value[0] eq 'Type') {$data{'chassis_type'} = main::dmi_cleaner($value[1]) }
+ elsif ($value[0] eq 'Manufacturer') {$data{'chassis_vendor'} = main::dmi_cleaner($value[1]) }
+ elsif ($value[0] eq 'Version') {$data{'chassis_version'} = main::dmi_cleaner($value[1]) }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $data{'chassis_type'} && $data{'chassis_type'} ne 'Other' ){
+ $data{'device'} = $data{'chassis_type'};
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ # this may catch some BSD and fringe Linux cases
+ # processor information: check for hypervisor
+ elsif ($ref[0] == 4){
+ # skip first three row, we don't need that data
+ splice @ref, 0, 3 if @ref;
+ if (!$data{'device'}){
+ if (grep {/hypervisor/i} @ref){
+ $data{'device'} = 'virtual-machine';
+ }
+ }
+ last;
+ }
+ elsif ($ref[0] > 4){
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$data{'device'}){
+ $data{'device'} = get_device_vm($data{'sys_vendor'},$data{'product_name'});
+ $data{'device'} ||= 'other-vm?';
+ }
+# print "dmi:\n";
+# foreach (keys %data){
+# print "$_: $data{$_}\n";
+# }
+ main::log_data('dump','%data',\%data) if $b_log;
+ my @rows = create_output(\%data);
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @rows;
-# args: $1 - which drive to get serial number of
- eval $LOGFS
- local hdd_serial=''
- get_partition_dev_data 'id'
- # lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Apr 26 09:32 scsi-SATA_ST3160827AS_5MT2HMH6 -> ../../sdc
- # exception: ata-InnoDisk_Corp._-_mSATA_3ME3_BCA34401050060191 -> ../../sda
- # exit on the first instance
- hdd_serial=$( gawk '
- /'$1'$/ {
- serial=gensub( /(.+)_([^_]+)$/, "\\2", 1, $9 )
- print serial
- exit
- }' <<< "$DEV_DISK_ID" )
- echo $hdd_serial
- log_function_data "hdd serial: $hdd_serial"
- eval $LOGFE
+sub get_device_sys {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($chasis_id) = @_;
+ my ($device) = ('');
+ my @chassis;
+ #
+ $chassis[2] = 'unknown';
+ # note: 13 is all-in-one which we take as a mac type system
+ $chassis[3] = 'desktop';
+ $chassis[4] = 'desktop';
+ $chassis[6] = 'desktop';
+ $chassis[7] = 'desktop';
+ $chassis[13] = 'desktop';
+ $chassis[15] = 'desktop';
+ $chassis[24] = 'desktop';
+ # 5 - pizza box was a 1 U desktop enclosure, but some old laptops also id this way
+ $chassis[5] = 'pizza-box';
+ $chassis[9] = 'laptop';
+ # note: lenovo T420 shows as 10, notebook, but it's not a notebook
+ $chassis[10] = 'laptop';
+ $chassis[16] = 'laptop';
+ $chassis[14] = 'notebook';
+ $chassis[8] = 'portable';
+ $chassis[11] = 'portable';
+ $chassis[17] = 'server';
+ $chassis[23] = 'server';
+ $chassis[25] = 'server';
+ $chassis[27] = 'blade';
+ $chassis[25] = 'blade';
+ $chassis[29] = 'blade';
+ $chassis[12] = 'docking-station';
+ $chassis[18] = 'expansion-chassis';
+ $chassis[19] = 'sub-chassis';
+ $chassis[20] = 'bus-expansion';
+ $chassis[21] = 'peripheral';
+ $chassis[22] = 'RAID';
+ $chassis[26] = 'compact-PCI';
+ $device = $chassis[$chasis_id] if $chassis[$chasis_id];
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $device;
-# a few notes, normally hddtemp requires root, but you can set user rights in /etc/sudoers.
-# args: $1 - /dev/<disk> to be tested for
- eval $LOGFS
- local hdd_temp='' sudo_command='' device=$1
- if [[ $B_SUDO_TESTED != 'true' ]];then
- B_SUDO_TESTED='true'
- SUDO_PATH=$( type -p sudo )
- fi
- # only use sudo if not root, -n option requires sudo -V 1.7 or greater. sudo will just error out
- # which is the safest course here for now, otherwise that interactive sudo password thing is too annoying
- # important: -n makes it non interactive, no prompt for password
- if [[ $B_ROOT != 'true' && -n $SUDO_PATH ]];then
- sudo_command='sudo -n '
- fi
- # try this to see if hddtemp gives result for the base name
- if [[ -z ${device/*nvme*/} ]];then
- if type -p nvme &>/dev/null;then
- device=${device%n[0-9]}
- # this will fail if regular user and no sudo present, but that's fine, it will just return null
- hdd_temp=$( eval $sudo_command nvme smart-log $device 2>/dev/null | gawk -F ':' '
- }
- # other rows may have: Temperature sensor 1 :
- /^temperature\s*:/ {
- gsub(/^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]*C$/,"",$2)
- print $2
- }' )
- fi
- else
- if [[ $B_HDDTEMP_TESTED != 'true' ]];then
- HDDTEMP_PATH=$( type -p hddtemp )
- fi
- if [[ -n $HDDTEMP_PATH && -n $device ]];then
- # this will fail if regular user and no sudo present, but that's fine, it will just return null
- hdd_temp=$( eval $sudo_command $HDDTEMP_PATH -nq -u C $device )
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -n $hdd_temp && -z ${hdd_temp//[0-9]/} ]];then
- echo $hdd_temp
- fi
- eval $LOGFE
- eval $LOGFS
- local init_type='' init_version='' rc_type='' rc_version='' a_temp=''
- local ls_run='' strings_init_version=''
- local runlevel=$( get_runlevel_data )
- local default_runlevel=$( get_runlevel_default )
- # this test is pretty solid, if pid 1 is owned by systemd, it is systemd
- # otherwise that is 'init', which covers the rest of the init systems, I think anyway.
- # more data may be needed for other init systems.
- if [[ -e /proc/1/comm && -n $( grep -s 'systemd' /proc/1/comm ) ]];then
- init_type='systemd'
- if type -p systemd &>/dev/null;then
- init_version=$( get_program_version 'systemd' '^systemd' '2' )
- fi
- if [[ -z $init_version ]];then
- if type -p systemctl &>/dev/null;then
- init_version=$( get_program_version 'systemctl' '^systemd' '2' )
- fi
- fi
- else
- ls_run=$(ls /run)
- # note:
- if [[ -n $( /sbin/init --version 2>/dev/null | grep 'upstart' ) ]];then
- init_type='Upstart'
- # /sbin/init --version == init (upstart 1.12.1)
- init_version=$( get_program_version 'init' 'upstart' '3' )
- elif [[ -e /proc/1/comm && -n $( grep -s 'epoch' /proc/1/comm ) ]];then
- init_type='Epoch'
- # epoch version == Epoch Init System 1.0.1 "Sage"
- init_version=$( get_program_version 'epoch' '^Epoch' '4' )
- # missing data: note, runit can install as a dependency without being the init system
- #
- # NOTE: the proc test won't work on bsds, so if runit is used on bsds we will need more data
- elif [[ -e /proc/1/comm && -n $( grep -s 'runit' /proc/1/comm ) ]];then
- # elif [[ -e /sbin/runit-init || -e /etc/runit || -n $( type -p sv ) ]];then
- init_type='runit' # lower case
- # no data on version yet
- # freebsd at least
- elif type -p launchctl &>/dev/null;then
- init_type='launchd'
- # / launchd/ version.plist /etc/launchd.conf
- # init_version=$( get_program_version 'Launchd' '^Launchd' '4' )
- elif [[ -f /etc/inittab ]];then
- init_type='SysVinit'
- if type -p strings &>/dev/null;then
- strings_init_version="$( strings /sbin/init | grep -E 'version[[:space:]]+[0-9]' )"
- fi
- if [[ -n $strings_init_version ]];then
- init_version=$( gawk '{print $2}' <<< "$strings_init_version" )
- fi
- elif [[ -f /etc/ttys ]];then
- init_type='init (bsd)'
- fi
- if [[ -n $( grep 'openrc' <<< "$ls_run" ) ]];then
- rc_type='OpenRC'
- # /sbin/openrc --version == openrc (OpenRC) 0.13
- if type -p openrc &>/dev/null;then
- rc_version=$( get_program_version 'openrc' '^openrc' '3' )
- # /sbin/rc --version == rc (OpenRC) 0.11.8 (Gentoo Linux)
- elif type -p rc &>/dev/null;then
- rc_version=$( get_program_version 'rc' '^rc' '3' )
- fi
- if [[ -e /run/openrc/softlevel ]];then
- runlevel=$( cat /run/openrc/softlevel 2>/dev/null )
- elif [[ -e /var/run/openrc/softlevel ]];then
- runlevel=$( cat /var/run/openrc/softlevel 2>/dev/null )
- elif type -p rc-status &>/dev/null;then
- runlevel=$( rc-status -r 2>/dev/null )
- fi
- ## assume sysvrc, but this data is too buggy and weird and inconsistent to have meaning
- # leaving this off for now
-# elif [[ -f /etc/inittab ]];then
-# rc_type='SysVrc'
-# # this is a guess that rc and init are same versions, may need updates / fixes
-# rc_version=$init_version
- fi
- fi
- IFS=$'\n'
- "$init_type"
- "$init_version"
- "$rc_type"
- "$rc_version"
- "$runlevel"
- "$default_runlevel" )
- a_temp=${A_INIT_DATA[@]}
- log_function_data "A_INIT_DATA: $a_temp"
- eval $LOGFE
+sub get_device_vm {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($manufacturer,$product_name) = @_;
+ my $vm;
+ if ( my $program = main::check_program('systemd-detect-virt') ){
+ my $vm_test = (main::grabber("$program 2>/dev/null"))[0];
+ if ($vm_test){
+ # kvm vbox reports as oracle, usually, unless they change it
+ if (lc($vm_test) eq 'oracle'){
+ $vm = 'virtualbox';
+ }
+ elsif ( $vm_test ne 'none'){
+ $vm = $vm_test;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$vm || lc($vm) eq 'bochs') {
+ if (-e '/proc/vz'){$vm = 'openvz'}
+ elsif (-e '/proc/xen'){$vm = 'xen'}
+ elsif (-e '/dev/vzfs'){$vm = 'virtuozzo'}
+ elsif (my $program = main::check_program('lsmod')){
+ my @vm_data = main::grabber("$program 2>/dev/null");
+ if (@vm_data){
+ if (grep {/kqemu/i} @vm_data){$vm = 'kqemu'}
+ elsif (grep {/kvm/i} @vm_data){$vm = 'kvm'}
+ elsif (grep {/qemu/i} @vm_data){$vm = 'qemu'}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # this will catch many Linux systems and some BSDs
+ if (!$vm || lc($vm) eq 'bochs' ) {
+ my @vm_data = (@pci,@sysctl,@dmesg_boot);
+ if (-e '/dev/disk/by-id'){
+ my @dev = glob('/dev/disk/by-id/*');
+ @vm_data = (@vm_data,@dev);
+ }
+ if ( grep {/innotek|vbox|virtualbox/i} @vm_data){
+ $vm = 'virtualbox';
+ }
+ elsif (grep {/vmware/i} @vm_data){
+ $vm = 'vmware';
+ }
+ elsif (grep {/Virtual HD/i} @vm_data){
+ $vm = 'hyper-v';
+ }
+ if (!$vm && (my $file = main::system_files('cpuinfo'))){
+ my @info = main::reader($file);
+ $vm = 'virtual-machine' if grep {/^flags.*hypervisor/} @info;
+ }
+ if (!$vm && -e '/dev/vda' || -e '/dev/vdb' || -e '/dev/xvda' || -e '/dev/xvdb' ){
+ $vm = 'virtual-machine';
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$vm && $product_name){
+ if ($product_name eq 'VMware'){
+ $vm = 'vmware';
+ }
+ elsif ($product_name eq 'VirtualBox'){
+ $vm = 'virtualbox';
+ }
+ elsif ($product_name eq 'KVM'){
+ $vm = 'kvm';
+ }
+ elsif ($product_name eq 'Bochs'){
+ $vm = 'qemu';
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$vm && $manufacturer && $manufacturer eq 'Xen'){
+ $vm = 'xen';
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $vm;
- # note that we use gawk to get the last part because beta, alpha, git versions can be non-numeric
- local compiler_version='' compiler_type=''
- if [[ -e /proc/version ]];then
- compiler_version=$( grep -Eio 'gcc[[:space:]]*version[[:space:]]*([^ \t]*)' /proc/version 2>/dev/null | gawk '{print $3}' )
- if [[ -n $compiler_version ]];then
- compiler_type='gcc'
- fi
- else
- if [[ $BSD_VERSION == 'darwin' ]];then
- if type -p gcc &>/dev/null;then
- compiler_version=$( get_program_version 'gcc' 'Apple[[:space:]]LLVM' '4' )
- if [[ -n $compiler_version ]];then
- compiler_type='LLVM-GCC'
- fi
- fi
- else
- if [[ -f /etc/src.conf ]];then
- compiler_type=$( grep '^CC' /etc/src.conf | cut -d '=' -f 2 )
- elif [[ -f /etc/make.conf ]];then
- compiler_type=$( grep '^CC' /etc/make.conf | cut -d '=' -f 2 )
- fi
- if [[ -n $compiler_type ]];then
- if type -p $compiler_type &>/dev/null;then
- if [[ $compiler_type == 'gcc' ]];then
- compiler_version=$( get_program_version 'gcc' '^gcc' '3' )
- elif [[ $compiler_type == 'clang' ]];then
- # FreeBSD clang version 3.0 (tags/RELEASE_30/final 145349) 20111210
- compiler_version=$( get_program_version 'clang' 'clang' '4' )
- fi
- fi
- fi
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -n $compiler_version ]];then
- compiler_version="$compiler_type^$compiler_version"
- fi
- echo $compiler_version
- eval $LOGFS
- local kernel_version='' ksplice_kernel_version=''
- kernel_version=$( uname -rm )
- if [[ $BSD_VERSION == 'darwin' ]];then
- kernel_version="Darwin $kernel_version"
- fi
- if [[ -n $( type -p uptrack-uname ) && -n $kernel_version ]];then
- ksplice_kernel_version=$( uptrack-uname -rm )
- if [[ $kernel_version != $ksplice_kernel_version ]];then
- kernel_version="$ksplice_kernel_version (ksplice)"
- fi
- fi
- log_function_data "kernel_version: $kernel_version - ksplice_kernel_version: $ksplice_kernel_version"
- CURRENT_KERNEL=$kernel_version
- eval $LOGFE
+## NetworkData
- eval $LOGFS
- local a_temp='' separator='' id_file='' file_data='' array_string=''
- local id_dir='/sys/class/dmi/id/' dmi_data='' firmware_type='BIOS'
- local machine_files="
- sys_vendor product_name product_version product_serial product_uuid
- board_vendor board_name board_version board_serial
- bios_vendor bios_version bios_date
- "
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- machine_files="$machine_files
- chassis_vendor chassis_type chassis_version chassis_serial
- "
- fi
- if [[ -d $id_dir && $B_FORCE_DMIDECODE == 'false' ]];then
- if [[ -d /sys/firmware/efi ]];then
- firmware_type='UEFI'
- elif [[ -n $(ls /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/UEFI* 2>/dev/null ) ]];then
- firmware_type='UEFI [Legacy]'
- fi
- for id_file in $machine_files
- do
- file_data=''
- if [[ -r $id_dir$id_file ]];then
- file_data=$( gawk '
+package NetworkData;
+my ($b_ip_run,@ifs_found);
+sub get {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (@data,@rows);
+ my $num = 0;
+ if ($b_arm){
+ my $key = 'ARM';
+ @data = ({
+ main::key($num++,$key) => main::row_defaults('arm-pci',''),
+ },);
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ }
+ else {
+ @data = card_data();
+ @rows = (@rows,@data) if @data;
+ @data = usb_data();
+ @rows = (@rows,@data) if @data;
+ }
+ if ($show{'network-advanced'}){
+ # @ifs_found = ();
+ # shift @ifs_found;
+ # pop @ifs_found;
+ if (!$bsd_type){
+ @data = advanced_data_sys('check','',0,'','');
+ @rows = (@rows,@data) if @data;
+ }
+ else {
+ @data = advanced_data_bsd('check');
+ @rows = (@rows,@data) if @data;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($show{'ip'}){
+ @data = wan_ip();
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @rows;
+# 1 type_id
+# 2 bus_id
+# 3 sub_id
+# 4 device
+# 5 vendor_id
+# 6 chip_id
+# 7 rev
+# 8 port
+# 9 driver
+# 10 modules
+# 11 driver nu (bsds)
+sub card_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($b_wifi,@rows,@data,%holder);
+ my ($j,$num) = (0,1);
+ foreach (@pci){
+ $num = 1;
+ my @row = @$_;
+ #print "$row[0] $row[3]\n";
+ if ($row[0] eq 'network' || $row[0] eq 'ethernet' ){
+ #print "$row[0] $row[3]\n";
+ $j = scalar @rows;
+ my $driver = $row[9];
+ my $chip_id = "$row[5]:$row[6]";
+ # working around a virtuo bug same chip id is used on two nics
+ if (!defined $holder{$chip_id}){
+ $holder{$chip_id} = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ $holder{$chip_id}++;
+ }
+ # first check if it's a known wifi id'ed card, if so, no print of duplex/speed
+ $b_wifi = check_wifi($row[4]);
+ my $card = $row[4];
+ $card = ($card) ? main::pci_cleaner($card,'output') : 'N/A';
+ #$card ||= 'N/A';
+ $driver ||= 'N/A';
+ @data = (
+ {
+ main::key($num++,'Card') => $card,
+ main::key($num++,'driver') => $driver,
+ },
+ );
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ if ($extra > 0){
+ if ($row[9] && !$bsd_type){
+ my $version = main::get_module_version($row[9]);
+ $version ||= 'N/A';
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'v')} = $version;
- {
- gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_NORMAL"'/, "", $0)
- gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_ARRAY"'/, " ", $0)
- # yes, there is a typo in a user data set, unknow
- # Base Board Version|Base Board Serial Number
- # Chassis Manufacturer|Chassis Version|Chassis Serial Number
- # System manufacturer|System Product Name|System Version
- # To Be Filled By O.E.M.
- sub(/^Base Board .*|^Chassis .*|.*O\.E\.M\..*|.*OEM.*|^Not .*|^System .*|.*unknow.*|.*N\/A.*|Default string|none|^To be filled.*/, "", $0)
- gsub(/\ybios\y|\yacpi\y/, "", $0) # note: biostar
- sub(/http:\/\/\//, "Abit", $0)
- gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", $0)
- gsub(/ [ \t]+/, " ", $0)
- print $0
- }' < $id_dir$id_file )
- fi
- array_string="$array_string$separator$file_data"
- separator=','
- done
- if [[ $array_string != '' ]];then
- # note: dmidecode has two more data types possible, so always add 2 more
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- array_string="$array_string,,"
- else
- array_string="$array_string,,,,,,"
- fi
- array_string="$array_string,$firmware_type"
- fi
- else
- set_dmidecode_data
- if [[ -n $DMIDECODE_DATA ]];then
- if [[ $DMIDECODE_DATA == 'dmidecode-error-'* ]];then
- array_string=$DMIDECODE_DATA
- # please note: only dmidecode version 2.11 or newer supports consistently the -s flag
- else
- array_string=$( gawk -F ':' '
- baseboardManufacturer=""
- baseboardProductName=""
- baseboardSerialNumber=""
- baseboardVersion=""
- chassisManufacturer=""
- chassisSerialNumber=""
- chassisType=""
- chassisVersion=""
- firmwareReleaseDate=""
- firmwareRevision="" # only available from dmidecode
- firmwareRomSize="" # only available from dmidecode
- firmwareType="BIOS"
- firmwareVendor=""
- firmwareVersion=""
- systemManufacturer=""
- systemProductName=""
- systemVersion=""
- systemSerialNumber=""
- systemUuid=""
- bItemFound="" # we will only output if at least one item was found
- fullString=""
- testString=""
- bSys=""
- bCha=""
- bBio=""
- bBas=""
- }
- /^Bios Information/ {
- while ( getline && !/^$/ ) {
- if ( $1 ~ /^Release Date/ ) { firmwareReleaseDate=$2 }
- if ( $1 ~ /^BIOS Revision/ ) { firmwareRevision=$2 }
- if ( $1 ~ /^ROM Size/ ) { firmwareRomSize=$2 }
- if ( $1 ~ /^Vendor/ ) { firmwareVendor=$2 }
- if ( $1 ~ /^Version/ ) { firmwareVersion=$2 }
- if ( $1 ~ /^UEFI is supported/ ) { firmwareType="UEFI" }
- }
- testString=firmwareReleaseDate firmwareRevision firmwareRomSize firmwareVendor firmwareVersion
- if ( testString != "" ) {
- bItemFound="true"
- }
- bBio="true"
+ $row[8] ||= 'N/A';
+ # as far as I know, wifi has no port, but in case it does in future, use it
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'port')} = $row[8] if (!$b_wifi || ( $b_wifi && $row[8] ne 'N/A') );
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'bus ID')} = $row[2] . '.' . $row[3];
+ }
+ if ($extra > 1){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'chip ID')} = $chip_id;
+ }
+ if ($show{'network-advanced'}){
+ if (!$bsd_type){
+ @data = advanced_data_sys($row[5],$row[6],$holder{$chip_id},$b_wifi,'');
- /^Base Board Information/ {
- while ( getline && !/^$/ ) {
- if ( $1 ~ /^Manufacturer/ ) { baseboardManufacturer=$2 }
- if ( $1 ~ /^Product Name/ ) { baseboardProductName=$2 }
- if ( $1 ~ /^Serial Number/ ) { baseboardSerialNumber=$2 }
- }
- testString=baseboardManufacturer baseboardProductName baseboardSerialNumber
- if ( testString != "" ) {
- bItemFound="true"
- }
- bBas="true"
- }
- /^Chassis Information/ {
- while ( getline && !/^$/ ) {
- if ( $1 ~ /^Manufacturer/ ) { chassisManufacturer=$2 }
- if ( $1 ~ /^Serial Number/ ) { chassisSerialNumber=$2 }
- if ( $1 ~ /^Type/ ) { chassisType=$2 }
- if ( $1 ~ /^Version/ ) { chassisVersion=$2 }
+ else {
+ @data = advanced_data_bsd("$row[9]$row[11]",$b_wifi);
+ }
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ }
+ }
+ #print "$row[0]\n";
+ }
+ # @rows = ();
+ if (!@rows){
+ my $key = 'Message';
+ @data = ({
+ main::key($num++,$key) => main::row_defaults('pci-card-data',''),
+ },);
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ }
+ #my $ref = $pci[-1];
+ #print $$ref[0],"\n";
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @rows;
+sub usb_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (@data,@rows,@temp2,$b_wifi,$driver,$path,$product,$product2,$test,$vendor,$vendor2);
+ my ($j,$num) = (0,1);
+ return if !@usb;
+ foreach my $ref (@usb){
+ my @row = @$ref;
+ # a device will always be the second or > device on the bus
+ if ($row[1] > 1){
+ $num = 1;
+ ($product,$product2,$test,$vendor,$vendor2) = ('','','','','');
+ if ($usb_level == 1){
+ $product = main::cleaner($row[3]);
+ }
+ else {
+ foreach my $line (@row){
+ my @working = split /:/, $line;
+ if ($working[0] eq 'idVendor' && $working[2]){
+ $vendor = main::cleaner($working[2]);
- testString=chassisManufacturer chassisSerialNumber chassisType chassisVersion
- if ( testString != "" ) {
- bItemFound="true"
+ if ($working[0] eq 'idProduct' && $working[2]){
+ $product = main::cleaner($working[2]);
- bCha="true"
- }
- /^System Information/ {
- while ( getline && !/^$/ ) {
- if ( $1 ~ /^Manufacturer/ ) { systemManufacturer=$2 }
- if ( $1 ~ /^Product Name/ ) { systemProductName=$2 }
- if ( $1 ~ /^Version/ ) { systemVersion=$2 }
- if ( $1 ~ /^Serial Number/ ) { systemSerialNumber=$2 }
- if ( $1 ~ /^UUID/ ) { systemUuid=$2 }
+ if ($working[0] eq 'iVendor' && $working[2]){
+ $product2 = main::cleaner($working[2]);
- testString=systemManufacturer systemProductName systemVersion systemSerialNumber systemUuid
- if ( testString != "" ) {
- bItemFound="true"
+ if ($working[0] eq 'iProduct' && $working[2]){
+ $product2 = main::cleaner($working[2]);
- bSys="true"
- }
- ( bSys == "true" && bCha="true" && bBio == "true" && bBas == "true" ) {
- exit # stop the loop
- }
- END {
- # sys_vendor product_name product_version product_serial product_uuid
- # board_vendor board_name board_version board_serial
- # bios_vendor bios_version bios_date
- if ( bItemFound == "true" ) {
- fullString = systemManufacturer "," systemProductName "," systemVersion "," systemSerialNumber
- fullString = fullString "," systemUuid "," baseboardManufacturer "," baseboardProductName
- fullString = fullString "," baseboardVersion "," baseboardSerialNumber "," firmwareVendor
- fullString = fullString "," firmwareVersion "," firmwareReleaseDate "," chassisManufacturer
- fullString = fullString "," chassisType "," chassisVersion "," chassisSerialNumber
- fullString = fullString "," firmwareRevision "," firmwareRomSize "," firmwareType
- print fullString
+ if ($working[0] eq 'Descriptor_Configuration'){
+ last;
- }' <<< "$DMIDECODE_DATA" )
- fi
- fi
- fi
- # echo $array_string
- IFS=','
- A_MACHINE_DATA=( $array_string )
- # echo ${A_MACHINE_DATA[5]}
- a_temp=${A_MACHINE_DATA[@]}
- # echo $a_temp
- log_function_data "A_MACHINE_DATA: $a_temp"
- eval $LOGFE
-# B_ROOT='true';get_machine_data;exit
-## return memory used/installed
- eval $LOGFS
- local memory='' memory_full='' used_memory=''
- if [[ $B_MEMINFO_FILE == 'true' ]];then
- memory=$( gawk '
- /^MemTotal:/ {
- tot = $2
- }
- /^(MemFree|Buffers|Cached):/ {
- notused+=$2
- }
- END {
- used = tot - notused
- printf("%.1f/%.1fMB\n", used/1024, tot/1024)
- log_function_data 'cat' "$FILE_MEMINFO"
- elif [[ $B_SYSCTL == 'true' && -n $SYSCTL_A_DATA ]];then
- local gawk_fs=': '
- # darwin sysctl is broken and uses both : and = and repeats these items
- if [[ $BSD_VERSION == 'openbsd' ]];then
- gawk_fs='='
- fi
- # use this for all bsds, maybe we can get some useful data on other ones
- if [[ -n $( type -p vmstat) ]];then
- # avail mem:2037186560 (1942MB)
- used_memory=$( vmstat 2>/dev/null | tail -n 1 | gawk '
- # openbsd/linux
- # procs memory page disks traps cpu
- # r b w avm fre flt re pi po fr sr wd0 wd1 int sys cs us sy id
- # 0 0 0 55256 1484092 171 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 12 460 39 3 1 96
- # freebsd:
- # procs memory page disks faults cpu
- # r b w avm fre flt re pi po fr sr ad0 ad1 in sy cs us sy id
- # 0 0 0 21880M 6444M 924 32 11 0 822 827 0 0 853 832 463 8 3 88
- # dragonfly
- # procs memory page disks faults cpu
- # r b w avm fre flt re pi po fr sr ad0 ad1 in sy cs us sy id
- # 0 0 0 0 84060 30273993 2845 12742 1164 407498171 320960902 0 0 424453025 1645645889 1254348072 35 38 26
- memory=""
+ }
+ if ($vendor && $product){
+ $product = ($product =~ /$vendor/) ? $product: "$vendor $product";
+ }
+ elsif ($vendor && $product2){
+ $product = ($product2 =~ /$vendor/) ? $product2: "$vendor $product2";
+ }
+ elsif ($vendor2 && $product){
+ $product = ($product =~ /$vendor2/) ? $product: "$vendor2 $product";
+ }
+ elsif ($vendor2 && $product2){
+ $product = ($product2 =~ /$vendor2/) ? $product2: "$vendor2 $product2";
+ }
+ elsif ($vendor){
+ $product = $vendor;
+ }
+ elsif ($vendor2){
+ $product = $vendor2;
+ }
+ $test = "$vendor $product $vendor2 $vendor2";
- {
- if ($4 ~ /M/ ){
- sub(/M/,"",$4)
- memory=$4*1024
+ if ($product && network_device($test)){
+ @temp2 = main::get_usb_drivers($row[0],$row[2]) if !$bsd_type && -d "/sys/devices";
+ if (@temp2){
+ $driver = $temp2[0] if $temp2[0];
+ $path = $temp2[1] if $temp2[1];
- else if ($4 ~ /G/ ){
- sub(/G/,"",$4)
- memory=$4*1024*1000
+ $driver ||= 'usb-network';
+ @data = ({
+ main::key($num++,'Card') => $product,
+ main::key($num++,'type') => 'USB',
+ main::key($num++,'driver') => $driver,
+ },);
+ $b_wifi = check_wifi($product);
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ if ($extra > 0){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'bus ID')} = "$row[0]:$row[1]";
- else {
- sub(/K/,"",$4)
- # dragonfly can have 0 avm, but they may fix that so make test dynamic
- if ( $4 != 0 ) {
- memory=$4
- }
- else {
- memory="avm-0-" $5
+ if ($extra > 1){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'chip ID')} = $row[2];
+ }
+ $j = scalar @rows;
+ if ($show{'network-advanced'}){
+ if (!$bsd_type){
+ my (@temp,$vendor,$chip);
+ @temp = split (/:/, $row[2]) if $row[2];
+ ($vendor,$chip) = ($temp[0],$temp[1]) if @temp;
+ @data = advanced_data_sys($vendor,$chip,0,$b_wifi,$path);
+ # NOTE: we need the driver.number, like wlp0 to get a match, and
+ # we can't get that from usb data, so we have to let it fall back down
+ # to the check function for BSDs.
+ #else {
+ # @data = advanced_data_bsd($row[2],$b_wifi);
+ #}
+ @rows = (@rows,@data) if @data;
- print memory " "
- exit
- }' )
- fi
- # for dragonfly, we will use free mem, not used because free is 0
- memory=$( grep -i 'mem' <<< "$SYSCTL_A_DATA" | gawk -v usedMemory="$used_memory" -F "$gawk_fs" '
- realMemory=""
- freeMemory=""
- }
- # freebsd seems to use bytes here
- /^hw.physmem/ && ( realMemory == "" ) {
- gsub(/^[^0-9]+|[^0-9]+$/,"",$2)
- realMemory = $2/1024
- if ( freeMemory != "" ) {
- exit
- }
- }
- # But, it uses K here. Openbsd does not seem to have this item
- # this can be either: Free Memory OR Free Memory Pages
- $1 ~ /^Free Memory/ {
- gsub(/[^0-9]/,"",$NF)
- freeMemory = $NF
- if ( realMemory != "" ) {
- exit
- }
- }
- END {
- # hack: temp fix for openbsd/darwin: in case no free mem was detected but we have physmem
- if ( freeMemory == "" && realMemory != "" ) {
- # use openbsd/dragonfly avail mem data if available
- if (usedMemory != "" ) {
- if (usedMemory !~ /^avm-0-/ ) {
- printf("%.1f/%.1fMB\n", usedMemory/1024, realMemory/1024)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @rows;
+sub advanced_data_sys {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ return if ! -d '/sys/class/net';
+ my ($vendor,$chip,$count,$b_wifi,$path_usb) = @_;
+ my $num = 0;
+ my $key = 'IF';
+ my ($b_check,$b_usb,$if,$path,@paths,@row,@rows);
+ # ntoe: we've already gotten the base path, now we
+ # we just need to get the IF path, which is one level in:
+ # usb1/1-1/1-1:1.0/net/enp0s20f0u1/
+ if ($path_usb){
+ $b_usb = 1;
+ @paths = main::globber("${path_usb}*/net/*");
+ }
+ else {
+ @paths = main::globber('/sys/class/net/*');
+ }
+ @paths = grep {!/\/lo$/} @paths;
+ if ( $count > 0 && $count < scalar @paths ){
+ @paths = splice @paths, $count, scalar @paths;
+ }
+ if ($vendor eq 'check'){
+ $b_check = 1;
+ $key = 'IF-ID';
+ }
+ #print join '; ', @paths, $count, "\n";
+ foreach (@paths){
+ my ($data1,$data2,$duplex,$mac,$speed,$state);
+ # for usb, we already know where we are
+ if (!$b_usb){
+ $path = "$_/device/vendor";
+ $data1 = (main::reader($path))[0] if -e $path;
+ $data1 =~ s/^0x// if $data1;
+ $path = "$_/device/device";
+ $data2 = (main::reader($path))[0] if -e $path;
+ $data2 =~ s/^0x// if $data2;
+ # this is a fix for a redhat bug in virtio
+ $data2 = (defined $data2 && $data2 eq '0001' && defined $chip && $chip eq '1000') ? '1000' : $data2;
+ }
+ #print "d1:$data1 v:$vendor d2:$data2 c:$chip\n";
+ if ( $b_usb || $b_check || ( $data1 && $data2 && $data1 eq $vendor && $data2 eq $chip )) {
+ $if = $_;
+ $if =~ s/^\/.+\///;
+ # print "top: if: $if ifs: @ifs_found\n";
+ next if ($b_check && grep {/$if/} @ifs_found);
+ $path = "$_/duplex";
+ $duplex = (main::reader($path))[0] if -e $path;
+ $duplex ||= 'N/A';
+ $path = "$_/address";
+ $mac = (main::reader($path))[0] if -e $path;
+ $mac = main::apply_filter($mac);
+ $path = "$_/speed";
+ $speed = (main::reader($path))[0] if -e $path;
+ $speed ||= 'N/A';
+ $path = "$_/operstate";
+ $state = (main::reader($path))[0] if -e $path;
+ $state ||= 'N/A';
+ #print "$speed \n";
+ @row = ({
+ main::key($num++,$key) => $if,
+ main::key($num++,'state') => $state,
+ },);
+ #my $j = scalar @row - 1;
+ push (@ifs_found, $if) if (!$b_check && (! grep {/$if/} @ifs_found));
+ # print "push: if: $if ifs: @ifs_found\n";
+ # no print out for wifi since it doesn't have duplex/speed data available
+ # note that some cards show 'unknown' for state, so only testing explicitly
+ # for 'down' string in that to skip showing speed/duplex
+ # /sys/class/net/$if/wireless : nont always there, but worth a try: wlan/wl/ww/wlp
+ $b_wifi = 1 if !$b_wifi && ( -e "$_$if/wireless" || $if =~ /^(wl|ww)/);
+ if (!$b_wifi && $state ne 'down' && $state ne 'no'){
+ # make sure the value is strictly numeric before appending Mbps
+ $speed = ($speed =~ /^[0-9]+$/) ? "$speed Mbps" : $speed;
+ $row[0]{main::key($num++,'speed')} = $speed;
+ $row[0]{main::key($num++,'duplex')} = $duplex;
+ }
+ $row[0]{main::key($num++,'mac')} = $mac;
+ if ($b_check){
+ @rows = (@rows,@row);
+ }
+ else {
+ @rows = @row;
+ }
+ if ($show{'ip'}){
+ @row = if_ip($if);
+ @rows = (@rows,@row);
+ }
+ last if !$b_check;
+ }
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @rows;
+sub advanced_data_bsd {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ return if ! @ifs_bsd;
+ my ($if,$b_wifi) = @_;
+ my (@data,@row,@rows,$working_if);
+ my ($b_check,$state,$speed,$duplex,$mac);
+ my $num = 0;
+ my $key = 'IF';
+ my $j = 0;
+ if ($if eq 'check'){
+ $b_check = 1;
+ $key = 'IF-ID';
+ }
+ foreach my $ref (@ifs_bsd){
+ if (ref $ref ne 'ARRAY'){
+ $working_if = $ref;
+ # print "$working_if\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ else {
+ @data = @$ref;
+ }
+ if ( $b_check || $working_if eq $if){
+ $if = $working_if if $b_check;
+ # print "top: if: $if ifs: @ifs_found\n";
+ next if ($b_check && grep {/$if/} @ifs_found);
+ foreach my $line (@data){
+ # ($state,$speed,$duplex,$mac)
+ $duplex = $data[2];
+ $duplex ||= 'N/A';
+ $mac = main::apply_filter($data[3]);
+ $speed = $data[1];
+ $speed ||= 'N/A';
+ $state = $data[0];
+ $state ||= 'N/A';
+ #print "$speed \n";
+ @row = ({
+ main::key($num++,$key) => $if,
+ main::key($num++,'state') => $state,
+ },);
+ push (@ifs_found, $if) if (!$b_check && (! grep {/$if/} @ifs_found ));
+ # print "push: if: $if ifs: @ifs_found\n";
+ # no print out for wifi since it doesn't have duplex/speed data available
+ # note that some cards show 'unknown' for state, so only testing explicitly
+ # for 'down' string in that to skip showing speed/duplex
+ if (!$b_wifi && $state ne 'down' && $state ne 'no'){
+ # make sure the value is strictly numeric before appending Mbps
+ $speed = ($speed =~ /^[0-9]+$/) ? "$speed Mbps" : $speed;
+ $row[0]{main::key($num++,'speed')} = $speed;
+ $row[0]{main::key($num++,'duplex')} = $duplex;
+ }
+ $row[0]{main::key($num++,'mac')} = $mac;
+ }
+ @rows = (@rows,@row);
+ if ($show{'ip'}){
+ @row = if_ip($if) if $if;
+ @rows = (@rows,@row) if @row;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @rows;
+## values:
+# 0 - ipv
+# 1 - ip
+# 2 - broadcast, if found
+# 3 - scope, if found
+# 4 - scope if, if different from if
+sub if_ip {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ $b_ip_run = 1;
+ my ($if) = @_;
+ my (@data,@row,@rows,$working_if);
+ my $num = 0;
+ my $j = 0;
+ foreach my $ref (@ifs){
+ if (ref $ref ne 'ARRAY'){
+ $working_if = $ref;
+ # print "if:$if wif:$working_if\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ else {
+ @data = @$ref;
+ # print "ref:$ref\n";
+ }
+ if ($working_if eq $if){
+ foreach my $ref2 (@data){
+ $j = scalar @rows;
+ $num = 1;
+ if ($limit > 0 && $j >= $limit){
+ @row = ({
+ main::key($num++,'Message') => main::row_defaults('output-limit',scalar @data),
+ },);
+ @rows = (@rows,@row);
+ last OUTER;
+ }
+ my @data2 = @$ref2;
+ #print "$data2[0] $data2[1]\n";
+ my ($ipv,$ip,$broadcast,$scope,$scope_id);
+ $ipv = ($data2[0])? $data2[0]: 'N/A';
+ $ip = main::apply_filter($data2[1]);
+ $scope = ($data2[3])? $data2[3]: 'N/A';
+ if ($if ne 'all'){
+ if (defined $data2[4] && $working_if ne $data2[4]){
+ # scope global temporary deprecated dynamic
+ # scope global dynamic
+ # scope global temporary deprecated dynamic
+ # scope site temporary deprecated dynamic
+ # scope global eth0
+ # scope link
+ # scope site dynamic
+ # scope link
+ my $key = ($data2[4] =~ /deprecated|dynamic|temporary/ ) ? 'type':'virtual' ;
+ @row = ({
+ main::key($num++,"IP v$ipv") => $ip,
+ main::key($num++,$key) => $data2[4],
+ main::key($num++,'scope') => $scope,
+ },);
else {
- sub(/avm-0-/,"",usedMemory)
- int(usedMemory)
- # using free mem, not used for dragonfly
- usedMemory = realMemory - usedMemory
- printf("%.1f/%.1fMB\n", usedMemory/1024, realMemory/1024)
+ @row = ({
+ main::key($num++,"IP v$ipv") => $ip,
+ main::key($num++,'scope') => $scope,
+ },);
else {
- printf("NA/%.1fMB\n", realMemory/1024)
+ @row = ({
+ main::key($num++,'IF') => $if,
+ main::key($num++,"IP v$ipv") => $ip,
+ main::key($num++,'scope') => $scope,
+ },);
+ }
+ @rows = (@rows,@row);
+ if ($extra > 1 && $data2[2]){
+ $broadcast = main::apply_filter($data2[2]);
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'broadcast')} = $broadcast;
- else if ( freeMemory != "" && realMemory != "" ) {
- used = realMemory - freeMemory
- printf("%.1f/%.1fMB\n", used/1024, realMemory/1024)
- }
- }' )
- fi
- log_function_data "memory: $memory"
- MEMORY="$memory"
- eval $LOGFE
+ }
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @rows;
-## create array of network cards
- eval $LOGFS
- local B_USB_NETWORKING='false' a_temp=''
- IFS=$'\n'
- echo "$LSPCI_V_DATA" | gawk '
- # NOTE: see version 2.1.28 or earlier for old logic if for some reason it is needed again
- # that used a modified string made from nic name for index, why, I have no idea, makes no sense and leads
- # to wrong ordered output as well. get_audio_data uses the old logic for now too.
- counter=0
- }
- /^[0-9a-f:\.]+ ((ethernet|network) (controller|bridge)|infiniband)/ || /^[0-9a-f:\.]+ [^:]+: .*(ethernet|infiniband|network).*$/ {
- aNic[counter]=gensub(/^[0-9a-f:\.]+ [^:]+: (.+)$/,"\\1","g",$0)
- #gsub(/realtek semiconductor/, "Realtek", aNic[counter])
- #gsub(/davicom semiconductor/, "Davicom", aNic[counter])
- # The doublequotes are necessary because of the pipes in the variable.
- gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_NORMAL"'/, "", aNic[counter])
- gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_ARRAY"'/, " ", aNic[counter])
- if ( '$COLS_INNER' < 100 ){
- sub(/PCI Express/,"PCIE", aNic[counter])
- }
- gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", aNic[counter])
- gsub(/ [ \t]+/, " ", aNic[counter])
- aPciBusId[counter] = gensub(/(^[0-9a-f:\.]+) [^:]+: .+$/,"\\1","g",$0)
- while ( getline && !/^$/ ) {
- gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_ARRAY"'/, "", $0)
- if ( /^[[:space:]]*I\/O/ ) {
- aPorts[counter] = aPorts[counter] $4 " "
- }
- if ( /driver in use/ ) {
- aDrivers[counter] = aDrivers[counter] gensub( /(.*): (.*)/ ,"\\2" ,"g" ,$0 ) ""
- }
- else if ( /kernel modules/ ) {
- aModules[counter] = aModules[counter] gensub( /(.*): (.*)/ ,"\\2" ,"g" ,$0 ) ""
- }
- }
- counter++
- }
- END {
- for (i=0;i<counter;i++) {
- useDrivers=""
- usePorts=""
- useModules=""
- useNic=""
- usePciBusId=""
- ## note: this loses the plural ports case, is it needed anyway?
- if ( aPorts[i] != "" ) {
- usePorts = aPorts[i]
- }
- if ( aDrivers[i] != "" ) {
- useDrivers = aDrivers[i]
- }
- if ( aModules[i] != "" ) {
- useModules = aModules[i]
- }
- if ( aNic[i] != "" ) {
- useNic=aNic[i]
- }
- if ( aPciBusId[i] != "" ) {
- usePciBusId = aPciBusId[i]
- }
- # create array primary item for master array
- sub( / $/, "", usePorts ) # clean off trailing whitespace
- print useNic "," useDrivers "," usePorts "," useModules, "," usePciBusId
- }
- }' ) )
- get_networking_usb_data
- if [[ $B_SHOW_ADVANCED_NETWORK == 'true' || $B_USB_NETWORKING == 'true' ]];then
- if [[ -z $BSD_TYPE ]];then
- get_network_advanced_data
- fi
- fi
- a_temp=${A_NETWORK_DATA[@]}
- log_function_data "A_NETWORK_DATA: $a_temp"
- eval $LOGFE
+# get ip using downloader to stdout. This is a clean, text only IP output url,
+# single line only, ending in the ip address. May have to modify this in the future
+# to handle ipv4 and ipv6 addresses but should not be necessary.
+# ip=$( echo 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334 | gawk --re-interval '
+# ip=$( wget -q -O - $WAN_IP_URL | gawk --re-interval '
+# this generates a direct dns based ipv4 ip address, but if goes down,
+# the fall backs will still work.
+# note: consistently slower than domain based:
+# dig +short +time=1 +tries=1 A @
+sub wan_ip {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (@data,$ip);
+ my $num = 0;
+ # time: 0.06 - 0.07 seconds
+ if (my $program = main::check_program('dig')){
+ $ip = (main::grabber("$program +short +time=1 +tries=1 \ 2>/dev/null"))[0];
+ }
+ else {
+ # note: tests: akamai: 0.055 - 0.065 0.177 0.164
+ # smxi: 0.525, so almost 10x slower. Dig is fast too
+ # leaving smxi as last test because I know it will always be up.
+ my @urls = qw(;
+ foreach (@urls){
+ $ip = main::download_file('stdout',$_);
+ if ($ip){
+ # print "$_\n";
+ chomp $ip;
+ $ip = (split /\s+/, $ip)[-1];
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($ip && $show{'filter'}){
+ $ip = $filter_string;
+ }
+ $ip ||= main::row_defaults('IP', 'WAN IP');
+ @data = ({
+ main::key($num++,'WAN IP') => $ip,
+ },);
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @data;
- eval $LOGFS
- local a_network_adv_working='' if_data='' working_path='' working_uevent_path='' dir_path=''
- local if_id='' speed='' duplex='' mac_id='' oper_state='' chip_id='' b_path_made='true'
- local usb_data='' usb_vendor='' usb_product='' product_path='' driver_test='' array_counter=0
- local full_path=''
- # we need to change to holder since we are updating the main array
- IFS=$'\n'
- local a_main_working=(${A_NETWORK_DATA[@]})
- for (( i=0; i < ${#a_main_working[@]}; i++ ))
- do
- IFS=","
- a_network_adv_working=( ${a_main_working[i]} )
- # reset these every go round
- driver_test=''
- if_data=''
- product_path=''
- usb_data=''
- usb_product=''
- usb_vendor=''
- working_path=''
- working_uevent_path=''
- if [[ -z $( grep '^usb-' <<< ${a_network_adv_working[4]} ) ]];then
- # note although this may exist technically don't use it, it's a virtual path
- # and causes weird cat errors when there's a missing file as well as a virtual path
- # /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:02:02.0/net/eth1
- # real paths are: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1e/0/0000:02:02.0/net/eth1/uevent
- # and on older debian kernels: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:02:02.0/net:eth1/uevent
- # but broadcom shows this sometimes, and older kernels maybe:
- # /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.0/0000:05:00.0/net/eth0/
- # /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:03.0/0000:03:00.0/ssb0:0/uevent:['DRIVER=b43', 'MODALIAS=ssb:v4243id0812rev0D']:
- # echo a ${a_network_adv_working[4]}
- if [[ -d /sys/bus/pci/devices/ ]];then
- working_path="/sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:${a_network_adv_working[4]}"
- elif [[ -d /sys/devices/pci0000:00/ ]];then
- working_path="/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.0/0000:${a_network_adv_working[4]}"
- fi
- #echo wp ${a_network_adv_working[4]} $i
- # now we want the real one, that xiin also displays, without symbolic links.
- if [[ -n $working_path && -e $working_path ]];then
- working_path=$( readlink -f $working_path 2>/dev/null )
- else
- working_path=$( find -P /sys/ -type d -name "*:${a_network_adv_working[4]}" 2>/dev/null )
- # just on off chance we get two returns, just one one
- working_path=${working_path%% *}
- fi
- # sometimes there is another directory between the path and /net
- if [[ -n $working_path && ! -e $working_path/net ]];then
- # using find here, probably will need to also use it in usb part since the grep
- # method seems to not be working now. Slice off the rest, which leaves the basic path
- working_path=$( find $working_path/*/net/*/uevent 2>/dev/null | \
- sed 's|/net.*||' )
- fi
- # working_path=$( ls /sys/devices/pci*/*/0000:${a_network_adv_working[4]}/net/*/uevent )
- else
- # now we'll use the actual vendor:product string instead
- usb_data=${a_network_adv_working[10]}
- usb_vendor=$( cut -d ':' -f 1 <<< $usb_data )
- usb_product=$( cut -d ':' -f 2 <<< $usb_data )
- # this grep returns the path plus the contents of the file, with a colon separator, so slice that off
- # /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.0/usb1/1-1/1-1.1/idVendor
- working_path=$( grep -s "$usb_vendor" /sys/devices/pci*/*/usb*/*/*/idVendor | \
- sed -e "s/idVendor:$usb_vendor//" -e '/driver/d' )
- # try an alternate path if first one doesn't work
- # /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:0b.1/usb1/1-1/idVendor
- if [[ -z $working_path ]];then
- working_path=$( grep -s "$usb_vendor" /sys/devices/pci*/*/usb*/*/idVendor | \
- sed -e "s/idVendor:$usb_vendor//" -e '/driver/d' )
- product_path=$( grep -s "$usb_product" /sys/devices/pci*/*/usb*/*/idProduct | \
- sed -e "s/idProduct:$usb_product//" -e '/driver/d' )
- else
- product_path=$( grep -s "$usb_product" /sys/devices/pci*/*/usb*/*/*/idProduct | \
- sed -e "s/idProduct:$usb_product//" -e '/driver/d' )
- fi
- # make sure it's the right product/vendor match here, it will almost always be but let's be sure
- if [[ -n $working_path && -n $product_path ]] && [[ $working_path == $product_path ]];then
- #if [[ -n $working_path ]];then
- # now ls that directory and get the numeric starting sub directory and that should be the full path
- # to the /net directory part
- dir_path=$( ls $working_path 2>/dev/null | grep -sE '^[0-9]' )
- working_uevent_path="$working_path$dir_path"
- fi
- fi
- # /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.0/usb2/2-1/2-1.2/2-1.2:1.0/uevent grep for DRIVER=
- # /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:0b.1/usb1/1-1/1-1:1.0/uevent
- if [[ -n $usb_data ]];then
- driver_test=$( grep -si 'DRIVER=' $working_uevent_path/uevent | cut -d '=' -f 2 )
- if [[ -n $driver_test ]];then
- a_network_adv_working[1]=$driver_test
- fi
- fi
- #echo wp: $working_path
- log_function_data "PRE: working_path: $working_path\nworking_uevent_path: $working_uevent_path"
- # this applies in two different cases, one, default, standard, two, for usb, this is actually
- # the short path, minus the last longer numeric directory name, ie:
- # from debian squeeze 2.6.32-5-686:
- # /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:0b.1/usb1/1-1/net/wlan0/address
- if [[ -e $working_path/net ]];then
- # in cases like infiniband dual port devices, there can be two ids, like ib0 ib1,
- # with line break in output
- if_data=$( ls $working_path/net 2>/dev/null )
- b_path_made='false'
- # this is the normal usb detection if the first one didn't work
- elif [[ -n $usb_data && -e $working_uevent_path/net ]];then
- if_data=$( ls $working_uevent_path/net 2>/dev/null )
- working_path=$working_uevent_path/net/$if_data
- # 2.6.32 debian lenny kernel shows not: /net/eth0 but /net:eth0
- elif [[ -n ${working_path/\/sys*/} ]];then
- if_data=$( ls $working_path 2>/dev/null | grep 'net:' )
- if [[ -n $if_data ]];then
- working_path=$working_path/$if_data
- # we won't be using this for path any more, just the actual if id output
- # so prep it for the loop below
- if_data=$( cut -d ':' -f 2 <<< "$if_data" )
- fi
- fi
- # just in case we got a failed path, like /net or /, clear it out for tests below
- if [[ -n ${working_path/\/sys*/} ]];then
- working_path=''
- fi
- #echo id: $if_data
- log_function_data "POST: working_path: $working_path\nif_data: $if_data - if_id: $if_id"
- # there are virtual devices that will have no if data but which we still want in the array
- # as it loops. These will also have null working_path as well since no **/net is found
- # echo if_data: $if_data
- if [[ -z $if_data ]];then
- if_data='null-if-id'
- fi
- ## note: in cases of dual ports with different ids, this loop will create extra array items
- for if_item in $if_data
- do
- chip_id=
- duplex=''
- full_path=''
- if_id=''
- mac_id=''
- oper_state=''
- speed=''
- # strip out trailing spaces
- if_item=${if_item%% }
- #echo wp1: $working_path
- if [[ $working_path != '' ]];then
- if_id=$if_item
- if [[ $b_path_made == 'false' ]];then
- full_path=$working_path/net/$if_item
- else
- full_path=$working_path
- fi
- if [[ -r $full_path/speed ]];then
- speed=$( cat $full_path/speed 2>/dev/null )
- fi
- if [[ -r $full_path/duplex ]];then
- duplex=$( cat $full_path/duplex 2>/dev/null )
- fi
- if [[ -r $full_path/address ]];then
- mac_id=$( cat $full_path/address 2>/dev/null )
- fi
- if [[ -r $full_path/operstate ]];then
- oper_state=$( cat $full_path/operstate 2>/dev/null )
- fi
- if [[ -n ${a_network_adv_working[10]} ]];then
- chip_id=${a_network_adv_working[10]}
- fi
- fi
- #echo fp: $full_path
- #echo id: $if_id
- # echo "$if_data ii: $if_item $array_counter i: $i"
- A_NETWORK_DATA[$array_counter]=${a_network_adv_working[0]}","${a_network_adv_working[1]}","${a_network_adv_working[2]}","${a_network_adv_working[3]}","${a_network_adv_working[4]}","$if_id","$oper_state","$speed","$duplex","$mac_id","$chip_id
- ((array_counter++))
- done
- done
- a_temp=${A_NETWORK_DATA[@]}
- log_function_data "A_NETWORK_DATA (advanced): $a_temp"
+### USB networking search string data, because some brands can have other products than
+### wifi/nic cards, they need further identifiers, with wildcards.
+### putting the most common and likely first, then the less common, then some specifics
- eval $LOGFE
+# Wi-Fi.*Adapter Wireless.*Adapter Ethernet.*Adapter WLAN.*Adapter
+# Network.*Adapter 802\.11 Atheros Atmel D-Link.*Adapter D-Link.*Wireless Linksys
+# Netgea Ralink Realtek.*Network Realtek.*Wireless Realtek.*WLAN Belkin.*Wireless
+# Belkin.*WLAN Belkin.*Network Actiontec.*Wireless Actiontec.*Network AirLink.*Wireless
+# Asus.*Network Asus.*Wireless Buffalo.*Wireless Davicom DWA-.*RangeBooster DWA-.*Wireless
+# ENUWI-.*Wireless LG.*Wi-Fi Rosewill.*Wireless RNX-.*Wireless Samsung.*LinkStick
+# Samsung.*Wireless Sony.*Wireless TEW-.*Wireless TP-Link.*Wireless
+# WG[0-9][0-9][0-9].*Wireless WNA[0-9][0-9][0-9] WNDA[0-9][0-9][0-9]
+# Zonet.*ZEW.*Wireless
+sub network_device {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($device_string) = @_;
+ my ($b_network);
+ # belkin=050d; d-link=07d1; netgear=0846; ralink=148f; realtek=0bda;
+ # Atmel makes other stuff
+ my @tests = qw(wifi Wi-Fi.*Adapter Ethernet \bLAN\b WLAN Network 802\.11
+ Wireless.*Adapter 54\sMbps Network 100\/1000 Mobile\sBroadband Atheros D-Link.*Adapter
+ Dell.*Wireless D-Link.*Wireless Linksys Netgea Ralink Realtek.*Network Realtek.*Wireless
+ Belkin.*Wireless Actiontec.*Wireless AirLink.*Wireless Asus.*Wireless
+ Buffalo.*Wireless Davicom DWA-.*RangeBooster DWA-.*Wireless
+ ENUWI-.*Wireless LG.*Wi-Fi Rosewill.*Wireless RNX-.*Wireless Samsung.*LinkStick
+ Samsung.*Wireless Sony.*Wireless TEW-.*Wireless TP-Link.*Wireless
+ WG[0-9][0-9][0-9].*Wireless WNA[0-9][0-9][0-9] WNDA[0-9][0-9][0-9]
+ Zonet.*ZEW.*Wireless 050d:935b 0bda:8189 0bda:8197
+ );
+ foreach (@tests){
+ if ($device_string =~ /$_/i ){
+ $b_network = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $b_network;
+sub check_wifi {
+ my ($item) = @_;
+ my $b_wifi = ($item =~ /wireless|wifi|wi-fi|wlan|802\.11|centrino/i) ? 1 : 0;
+ return $b_wifi;
- eval $LOGFS
- local lsusb_path='' lsusb_data='' a_usb='' array_count=''
- # now we'll check for usb wifi, a work in progress
- # alsa usb detection by damentz
- # for every sound card symlink in /proc/asound - display information about it
- lsusb_path=$( type -p lsusb )
- # if lsusb exists, the file is a symlink, and contains an important usb exclusive file: continue
- if [[ -n $lsusb_path ]]; then
- # send error messages of lsusb to /dev/null as it will display a bunch if not a super user
- lsusb_data="$( $lsusb_path 2>/dev/null )"
- # also, find the contents of usbid in lsusb and print everything after the 7th word on the
- # corresponding line. Finally, strip out commas as they will change the driver :)
- if [[ -n $lsusb_data ]];then
- IFS=$'\n'
- a_usb=( $(
- gawk '
- string=""
- separator=""
- }
- /'"$USB_NETWORK_SEARCH"'/ && !/bluetooth| hub|keyboard|mouse|printer| ps2|reader|scan|storage/ {
- string=""
- gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_ARRAY"'/, " ", $0 )
- gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_NORMAL"'/, "", $0)
- gsub(/ [ \t]+/, " ", $0)
- #sub(/realtek semiconductor/, "Realtek", $0)
- #sub(/davicom semiconductor/, "Davicom", $0)
- #sub(/Belkin Components/, "Belkin", $0)
- for ( i=7; i<= NF; i++ ) {
- string = string separator $i
- separator = " "
- }
- if ( $2 != "" ){
- sub(/:/, "", $4 )
- print string ",,,,usb-" $2 "-" $4 ",,,,,," $6
- }
- }' <<< "$lsusb_data" ) )
- if [[ ${#a_usb[@]} -gt 0 ]];then
- array_count=${#A_NETWORK_DATA[@]}
- for (( i=0; i < ${#a_usb[@]}; i++ ))
- do
- A_NETWORK_DATA[$array_count]=${a_usb[i]}
- ((array_count++))
- done
- # need this to get the driver data for -N regular output, but no need
- # to run the advanced stuff unless required
- fi
- fi
- fi
- eval $LOGFE
+## OpticalData
- eval $LOGFS
- local ip='' ip_data='' downloader_error=0 ua='' b_ipv4_good=true no_check_ssl=''
- # get ip using wget redirect to stdout. This is a clean, text only IP output url,
- # single line only, ending in the ip address. May have to modify this in the future
- # to handle ipv4 and ipv6 addresses but should not be necessary.
- # ip=$( echo 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334 | gawk --re-interval '
- # ip=$( wget -q -O - $WAN_IP_URL | gawk --re-interval '
- # this generates a direct dns based ipv4 ip address, but if goes down,
- # the fall backs will still work.
- # note: consistently slower than domain based: dig +short +time=1 +tries=1 A @
- if [[ -n $DNSTOOL ]];then
- ip=$( dig +short +time=1 +tries=1 2>/dev/null)
- fi
- if [[ $ip == '' ]];then
- case $DOWNLOADER in
- curl)
- if [[ -n $( grep '' <<< $WAN_IP_URL ) ]];then
- ua="-A s-tools/inxi-ip"
- fi
- ip_data="$( curl $NO_SSL_OPT $ua -L -y $DL_TIMEOUT -s $WAN_IP_URL )" || downloader_error=$?
- ;;
- fetch)
- ip_data="$( fetch $NO_SSL_OPT -T $DL_TIMEOUT -q -o - $WAN_IP_URL )" || downloader_error=$?
- ;;
- ftp)
- ip_data="$( ftp $NO_SSL_OPT -o - $WAN_IP_URL 2>/dev/null )" || downloader_error=$?
- ;;
- perl)
- if [[ -n $( grep '' <<< $WAN_IP_URL ) ]];then
- ua="s-tools/inxi-ip"
- fi
- ip_data="$( download_file 'ua-stdout' $WAN_IP_URL $ua )" || downloader_man_error=$?
- ;;
- wget)
- if [[ -n $( grep '' <<< $WAN_IP_URL ) ]];then
- ua="-U s-tools/inxi-ip"
- fi
- ip_data="$( wget $NO_SSL_OPT $ua -T $DL_TIMEOUT -q -O - $WAN_IP_URL )" || downloader_error=$?
- ;;
- no-downloader)
- downloader_error=1
- ;;
- esac
- ip=$( gawk --re-interval '
- {
- #gsub("\n","",$2")
- print $NF
- }' <<< "$ip_data" )
- fi
- # validate the data
- if [[ -z $ip ]];then
- ip='None Detected!'
- elif [[ -z $( grep -Es \
- '^([0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}|[[:alnum:]]{0,4}:[[:alnum:]]{0,4}:[[:alnum:]]{0,4}:[[:alnum:]]{0,4}:[[:alnum:]]{0,4}:[[:alnum:]]{0,4}:[[:alnum:]]{0,4}:[[:alnum:]]{0,4})$' <<< $ip ) ]];then
- ip='IP Source Corrupt!'
- fi
- echo "$ip"
- log_function_data "ip: $ip"
- eval $LOGFE
- eval $LOGFS
- local ip_tool_command=$( type -p ip )
- local a_temp='' ip_tool='ip' ip_tool_data=''
- # the chances for all new systems to have ip by default are far higher than
- # the deprecated ifconfig. Only try for ifconfig if ip is not present in system
- if [[ -z $ip_tool_command ]];then
- ip_tool_command=$( type -p ifconfig )
- ip_tool='ifconfig'
- else
- ip_tool_command="$ip_tool_command addr"
- fi
- if [[ -n "$ip_tool_command" ]];then
- if [[ $ip_tool == 'ifconfig' ]];then
- ip_tool_data="$( $ip_tool_command | gawk '
- {
- line=gensub(/^([a-z]+[0-9][:]?[[:space:]].*)/, "\n\\1", $0)
- print line
- }' )"
- # note, ip addr does not have proper record separation, so creating new lines explicitly here at start
- # of each IF record item. Also getting rid of the unneeded numeric line starters, now it can be parsed
- # like ifconfig more or less
- elif [[ $ip_tool == 'ip' ]];then
- ip_tool_data="$( eval $ip_tool_command | sed 's/^[0-9]\+:[[:space:]]\+/\n/' )"
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -z $ip_tool_command ]];then
- A_INTERFACES_DATA=( "Interfaces program 'ip' missing. Please check: $SELF_NAME --recommends" )
- elif [[ -n "$ip_tool_data" ]];then
- IFS=$'\n' # $ip_tool_command
- gawk -v ipTool=$ip_tool -v bsdType=$BSD_TYPE '
- addExtV6 = ""
- addIpV6 = ""
- interface=""
- ipExtV6=""
- ifIpV4=""
- ifIpV6=""
- ifMask=""
- }
- # skip past the lo item
- /^lo/ {
- while (getline && !/^$/ ) {
- # do nothing, just get past this entry item
- }
- }
- /^[a-zA-Z]+[0-9]/ {
- # not clear on why inet is coming through, but this gets rid of it
- # as first line item.
- gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_ARRAY"'/, " ", $0)
- gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", $0)
- gsub(/ [ \t]+/, " ", $0)
- interface = $1
- # prep this this for ip addr: eth0: but NOT eth0:1
- sub(/:$/, "", interface)
- ifIpV4=""
- ifIpV6=""
- ifMask=""
- ipExtV6=""
- aInterfaces[interface]++
+package OpticalData;
+sub get {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (@data,@rows,$key1,$val1);
+ my $num = 0;
+ if ($bsd_type){
+ #@data = optical_data_bsd();
+ $key1 = 'Optical Report';
+ $val1 = main::row_defaults('optical-data-bsd');
+ @data = ({main::key($num++,$key1) => $val1,});
+ if ( @dm_boot_optical){
+ @data = optical_data_bsd();
+ }
+ else{
+ my $file = main::system_files('dmesg-boot');
+ if ( $file && ! -r $file ){
+ $val1 = main::row_defaults('dmesg-boot-permissions');
+ }
+ elsif (! -e $file){
+ $val1 = main::row_defaults('dmesg-boot-missing');
+ }
+ else {
+ $val1 = main::row_defaults('optical-data-bsd');
+ }
+ $key1 = 'Optical Report';
+ @data = ({main::key($num++,$key1) => $val1,});
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ @data = optical_data_linux();
+ }
+ if (!@data){
+ $key1 = 'Message';
+ $val1 = main::row_defaults('optical-data');
+ @data = ({main::key($num++,$key1) => $val1,});
+ }
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @rows;
+sub create_output {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (%devices) = @_;
+ my (@data,@rows);
+ my $num = 0;
+ my $j = 0;
+ # build floppy if any
+ foreach my $key (sort keys %devices){
+ if ($devices{$key}{'type'} eq 'floppy'){
+ @data = ({ main::key($num++,ucfirst($devices{$key}{'type'})) => "/dev/$key"});
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ delete $devices{$key};
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $key (sort keys %devices){
+ $j = scalar @rows;
+ $num = 1;
+ my $vendor = $devices{$key}{'vendor'};
+ $vendor ||= 'N/A';
+ my $model = $devices{$key}{'model'};
+ $model ||= 'N/A';
+ @data = ({
+ main::key($num++,ucfirst($devices{$key}{'type'})) => "/dev/$key",
+ main::key($num++,'vendor') => $vendor,
+ main::key($num++,'model') => $model,
+ });
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ if ($extra > 0){
+ my $rev = $devices{$key}{'rev'};
+ $rev ||= 'N/A';
+ $rows[$j]{ main::key($num++,'rev')} = $rev;
+ }
+ if ($extra > 1 && $devices{$key}{'serial'}){
+ $rows[$j]{ main::key($num++,'serial')} = main::apply_filter($devices{$key}{'serial'});
+ }
+ my $ref = $devices{$key}{'links'};
+ my $links = (@$ref) ? join ',', sort @$ref: 'N/A' ;
+ $rows[$j]{ main::key($num++,'dev-links')} = $links;
+ if ($show{'optical'}){
+ $j = scalar @rows;
+ my $speed = $devices{$key}{'speed'};
+ $speed ||= 'N/A';
+ my ($audio,$multisession) = ('','');
+ if (defined $devices{$key}{'multisession'}){
+ $multisession = ( $devices{$key}{'multisession'} == 1 ) ? 'yes' : 'no' ;
+ }
+ $multisession ||= 'N/A';
+ if (defined $devices{$key}{'audio'}){
+ $audio = ( $devices{$key}{'audio'} == 1 ) ? 'yes' : 'no' ;
+ }
+ $audio ||= 'N/A';
+ my $dvd = 'N/A';
+ my (@rw,$rws);
+ if (defined $devices{$key}{'dvd'}){
+ $dvd = ( $devices{$key}{'dvd'} == 1 ) ? 'yes' : 'no' ;
+ }
+ if ($devices{$key}{'cdr'}){
+ push @rw, 'cd-r';
+ }
+ if ($devices{$key}{'cdrw'}){
+ push @rw, 'cd-rw';
+ }
+ if ($devices{$key}{'dvdr'}){
+ push @rw, 'dvd-r';
+ }
+ if ($devices{$key}{'dvdram'}){
+ push @rw, 'dvd-ram';
+ }
+ $rws = (@rw) ? join ',', @rw: 'none' ;
+ @data = ({
+ main::key($num++,'Features') => '',
+ main::key($num++,'speed') => $speed,
+ main::key($num++,'multisession') => $multisession,
+ main::key($num++,'audio') => $audio,
+ main::key($num++,'dvd') => $dvd,
+ main::key($num++,'rw') => $rws,
+ });
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
- while (getline && !/^$/ ) {
- addIpV6 = ""
- addExtV6 = ""
- if ( ipTool == "ifconfig" ) {
- if (/inet addr:/) {
- ifIpV4 = gensub( /addr:([0-9\.]+)/, "\\1", "g", $2 )
- if (/mask:/) {
- ifMask = gensub( /mask:([0-9\.]+)/, "\\1", "g", $NF )
- }
- }
- if (/inet6 addr:/) {
- # ^fe80:
- if ( $2 ~ /^fe80/) {
- addIpV6 = $2
- }
- else if ( $0 ~ /<global>/ || $0 ~ /Scope:Global/ ) {
- addExtV6 = "sg~" $2
- }
- # ^fec0:
- else if ( $0 ~ /<site>/ || $0 ~ /Scope:Site/ || $2 ~ /^fec0/ || $2 ~ /^fc00/) {
- addExtV6 = "ss~" $2
- }
- else {
- addExtV6 = "su~" $2
- }
- }
- if ( bsdType == "bsd" ) {
- if ( $1 == "inet" ) {
- ifIpV4 = $2
- if ( $3 == "netmask" ) {
- ifMask = $4
- }
- }
- # bsds end ip with %em1 (% + interface name)
- if ( $0 ~ /inet6.*%/ ){
- sub(/%.*/,"",$2)
- if ( $2 ~ /^fe80/ ) {
- addIpV6 = $2
- }
- else if ( $2 ~ /^fec0/ || $2 ~ /^fc00/ ) {
- addExtV6 = "ss~" $2
- }
- else {
- addExtV6 = "sg~" $2
- }
- }
- }
+ if ($extra > 0 ){
+ my $state = $devices{$key}{'state'};
+ $state ||= 'N/A';
+ $rows[$j]{ main::key($num++,'state')} = $state;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #print Data::Dumper::Dumper \%devices;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @rows;
+sub optical_data_bsd {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (@data,%devices,@rows,@temp);
+ my ($count,$i,$working) = (0,0,'');
+ foreach (@dm_boot_optical){
+ $_ =~ s/(cd[0-9]+)\(([^:]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)\):/$1:$2-$3.$4,/;
+ my @row = split /:\s*/, $_;
+ next if ! defined $row[1];
+ if ($working ne $row[0]){
+ # print "$id_holder $row[0]\n";
+ $working = $row[0];
+ }
+ # no dots, note: ada2: 2861588MB BUT: ada2: 600.000MB/s
+ if (! exists $devices{$working}){
+ $devices{$working} = ({});
+ $devices{$working}{'links'} = ([]);
+ $devices{$working}{'model'} = '';
+ $devices{$working}{'rev'} = '';
+ $devices{$working}{'state'} = '';
+ $devices{$working}{'vendor'} = '';
+ $devices{$working}{'temp'} = '';
+ $devices{$working}{'type'} = ($working =~ /^cd/) ? 'optical' : 'unknown';
+ }
+ #print "$_\n";
+ if ($bsd_type ne 'openbsd'){
+ if ($row[1] && $row[1] =~ /^<([^>]+)>/){
+ $devices{$working}{'model'} = $1;
+ $count = ($devices{$working}{'model'} =~ tr/ //);
+ if ($count && $count > 1){
+ @temp = split /\s+/, $devices{$working}{'model'};
+ $devices{$working}{'vendor'} = $temp[0];
+ my $index = ($#temp > 2 ) ? ($#temp - 1): $#temp;
+ $devices{$working}{'model'} = join ' ', @temp[1..$index];
+ $devices{$working}{'rev'} = $temp[-1] if $count > 2;
- else if ( ipTool == "ip" ) {
- if ( $1 == "inet" ) {
- ifIpV4 = $2
+ if ($show{'optical'}){
+ if (/\bDVD\b/){
+ $devices{$working}{'dvd'} = 1;
- if ( $1 == "inet6" ){
- # filter out deprecated IPv6 privacy addresses
- if ( $0 ~ / temporary deprecated/) {
- addExtV6 = ""
- }
- else if ( $0 ~ /scope global temporary/) {
- addExtV6 = "st~" $2
- }
- else if ( $0 ~ /scope global/) {
- addExtV6 = "sg~" $2
- }
- # ^fe80:
- else if ( $2 ~ /^fe80/ || $0 ~ /scope link/) {
- addIpV6 = $2
- }
- # ^fec0:
- else if ( $2 ~ /^fec0/ || $2 ~ /^fc00/ || $0 ~ /scope site/) {
- addExtV6 = "ss~" $2
- }
- else {
- addExtV6 = "su~" $2
- }
+ if (/\bRW\b/){
+ $devices{$working}{'cdrw'} = 1;
+ $devices{$working}{'dvdr'} = 1 if $devices{$working}{'dvd'};
- if ( addIpV6 != "" ) {
- if ( ifIpV6 == "" ) {
- ifIpV6 = addIpV6
- }
- else {
- ifIpV6 = ifIpV6 "^" addIpV6
- }
+ }
+ if ($row[1] && $row[1] =~ /^Serial/){
+ @temp = split /\s+/,$row[1];
+ $devices{$working}{'serial'} = $temp[-1];
+ }
+ if ($show{'optical'}){
+ if ($row[1] =~ /^([0-9\.]+[MGTP][B]?\/s)/){
+ $devices{$working}{'speed'} = $1;
+ $devices{$working}{'speed'} =~ s/\.[0-9]+//;
- if (addExtV6 != "" ){
- if ( ipExtV6 == "" ){
- ipExtV6 = addExtV6
+ if (/\bDVD[-]?RAM\b/){
+ $devices{$working}{'cdr'} = 1;
+ $devices{$working}{'dvdram'} = 1;
+ }
+ if ($row[2] && $row[2] =~ /,\s(.*)$/){
+ $devices{$working}{'state'} = $1;
+ $devices{$working}{'state'} =~ s/\s+-\s+/, /;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($row[2] && $row[2] =~ /<([^>]+)>/){
+ $devices{$working}{'model'} = $1;
+ $count = ($devices{$working}{'model'} =~ tr/,//);
+ #print "c: $count $row[2]\n";
+ if ($count && $count > 1){
+ @temp = split /,\s*/, $devices{$working}{'model'};
+ $devices{$working}{'vendor'} = $temp[0];
+ $devices{$working}{'model'} = $temp[1];
+ $devices{$working}{'rev'} = $temp[2];
+ }
+ if ($show{'optical'}){
+ if (/\bDVD\b/){
+ $devices{$working}{'dvd'} = 1;
- else {
- ipExtV6 = ipExtV6 "^" addExtV6
+ if (/\bRW\b/){
+ $devices{$working}{'cdrw'} = 1;
+ $devices{$working}{'dvdr'} = 1 if $devices{$working}{'dvd'};
+ }
+ if (/\bDVD[-]?RAM\b/){
+ $devices{$working}{'cdr'} = 1;
+ $devices{$working}{'dvdram'} = 1;
- # slice off the digits that are sometimes tacked to the end of the address,
- # like: /64 or /24
- sub(/\/[0-9]+/, "", ifIpV4)
- gsub(/\/[0-9]+/, "", ifIpV6) #
- ipAddresses[interface] = ifIpV4 "," ifMask "," ifIpV6 "," ipExtV6
- }
- END {
- j=0
- for (i in aInterfaces) {
- ifData = ""
- a[j] = i
- if (ipAddresses[i] != "") {
- ifData = ipAddresses[i]
- }
- # create array primary item for master array
- # tested needed to avoid bad data from above, if null it is garbage
- # this is the easiest way to handle junk I found, improve if you want
- if ( ifData != "" ) {
- print a[j] "," ifData
- }
- j++
- }
- }' <<< "$ip_tool_data" ) )
- else
- A_INTERFACES_DATA=( "Interfaces program $ip_tool present but created no data. " )
- fi
- a_temp=${A_INTERFACES_DATA[@]}
- log_function_data "A_INTERFACES_DATA: $a_temp"
- eval $LOGFE
-# get_networking_local_ip_data;exit
- eval $LOGFS
- local a_temp='' sys_uevent_path='' proc_cdrom='' link_list=''
- local separator='' linked='' working_disk='' disk='' item_string='' proc_info_string=''
- local dev_disks_full=''
- dev_disks_full="$( ls /dev/dvd* /dev/cd* /dev/scd* /dev/sr* /dev/fd[0-9] 2>/dev/null | grep -vE 'random' )"
- ## Not using this now because newer kernel is NOT linking all optical drives. Some, but not all
- # Some systems don't support xargs -L plus the unlinked optical drive unit make this not a good option
- # get the actual disk dev location, first try default which is easier to run, need to preserve line breaks
- # local dev_disks_real="$( echo "$dev_disks_full" | xargs -L 1 readlink 2>/dev/null | sort -u )"
- #echo ddl: $dev_disks_full
- for working_disk in $dev_disks_full
- do
- disk=$( readlink $working_disk 2>/dev/null )
- if [[ -z $disk ]];then
- disk=$working_disk
- fi
- disk=${disk##*/} # puppy shows this as /dev/sr0, not sr0
- # if [[ -z $dev_disks_real || -z $( grep $disk <<< $dev_disks_real ) ]];then
- if [[ -n $disk && -z $( grep "$disk" <<< $dev_disks_real ) ]];then
- # need line break IFS for below, no white space
- dev_disks_real="$dev_disks_real$separator$disk"
- separator=$'\n'
- #separator=' '
- fi
- done
- dev_disks_real="$( sort -u <<< "$dev_disks_real" )"
- working_disk=''
- disk=''
- separator=''
- #echo ddr: $dev_disks_real
- # A_OPTICAL_DRIVE_DATA indexes: not going to use all these, but it's just as easy to build the full
- # data array and use what we need from it as to update it later to add features or items
- # 0 - true dev path, ie, sr0, hdc
- # 1 - dev links to true path
- # 2 - device vendor - for hdx drives, vendor model are one string from proc
- # 3 - device model
- # 4 - device rev version
- # 5 - speed
- # 6 - multisession support
- # 7 - MCN support
- # 8 - audio read
- # 9 - cdr
- # 10 - cdrw
- # 11 - dvd read
- # 12 - dvdr
- # 13 - dvdram
- # 14 - state
- if [[ -n $dev_disks_real ]];then
- if [[ $B_SHOW_FULL_OPTICAL == 'true' ]];then
- proc_cdrom="$( cat /proc/sys/dev/cdrom/info 2>/dev/null )"
- fi
- IFS=$'\n'
- for disk in $dev_disks_real
- do
- for working_disk in $dev_disks_full
- do
- if [[ -n $( readlink $working_disk | grep $disk ) ]];then
- linked=${working_disk##*/}
- link_list="$link_list$separator$linked"
- separator='~'
- fi
- done
- item_string="$disk,$link_list"
- link_list=''
- linked=''
- separator=''
- vendor=''
- model=''
- proc_info_string=''
- rev_number=''
- state=""
- sys_path=''
- working_disk=''
- # this is only for new sd type paths in /sys, otherwise we'll use /proc/ide
- if [[ -z $( grep '^hd' <<< $disk ) ]];then
- # maybe newer kernels use this, not enough data.
- sys_path=$( ls /sys/devices/pci*/*/ata*/host*/target*/*/block/$disk/uevent 2>/dev/null | sed "s|/block/$disk/uevent||" )
- # maybe older kernels, this used to work (2014-03-16)
- if [[ -z $sys_path ]];then
- sys_path=$( ls /sys/devices/pci*/*/host*/target*/*/block/$disk/uevent 2>/dev/null | sed "s|/block/$disk/uevent||" )
- fi
- # no need to test for errors yet, probably other user systems will require some alternate paths though
- if [[ -n $sys_path ]];then
- vendor=$( cat $sys_path/vendor 2>/dev/null )
- model=$( cat $sys_path/model 2>/dev/null | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//;s/[[:space:]]*$//;s/,//g' )
- state=$( cat $sys_path/state 2>/dev/null | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//;s/[[:space:]]*$//;s/,//g' )
- rev_number=$( cat $sys_path/rev 2>/dev/null | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//;s/[[:space:]]*$//;s/,//g' )
- fi
- elif [[ -e /proc/ide/$disk/model ]];then
- vendor=$( cat /proc/ide/$disk/model 2>/dev/null )
- fi
- if [[ -n $vendor ]];then
- vendor=$( gawk '
+ if ($show{'optical'}){
+ #print "$row[1]\n";
+ if (($row[1] =~ tr/,//) > 1){
+ @temp = split /,\s*/, $row[1];
+ $devices{$working}{'speed'} = $temp[2];
- {
- gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_NORMAL"'/, "", $0)
- sub(/TSSTcorp/, "TSST ", $0) # seen more than one of these weird ones
- gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_ARRAY"'/, " ", $0)
- gsub(/^[[:space:]]*|[[:space:]]*$/, "", $0)
- gsub(/ [[:space:]]+/, " ", $0)
- print $0
- }' <<< $vendor )
- fi
- # this needs to run no matter if there's proc data or not to create the array comma list
- if [[ $B_SHOW_FULL_OPTICAL == 'true' ]];then
- proc_info_string=$( gawk -v diskId=$disk '
- position=""
- speed=""
- multisession=""
- mcn=""
- audio=""
- cdr=""
- cdrw=""
- dvd=""
- dvdr=""
- dvdram=""
- }
- # first get the position of the device name from top field
- # we will use this to get all the other data for that column
- /drive name:/ {
- for ( position=3; position <= NF; position++ ) {
- if ( $position == diskId ) {
- break
- }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ main::log_data('dump','%devices',\%devices) if $b_log;
+ #print Data::Dumper::Dumper \%devices;
+ @rows = create_output(%devices) if %devices;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @rows;
+sub optical_data_linux {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (@data,%devices,@info,@rows);
+ @data = main::globber('/dev/dvd* /dev/cdr* /dev/scd* /dev/sr* /dev/fd[0-9]');
+ # Newer kernel is NOT linking all optical drives. Some, but not all.
+ # Get the actual disk dev location, first try default which is easier to run,
+ # need to preserve line breaks
+ foreach (@data){
+ my $working = readlink($_);
+ $working = ($working) ? $working: $_;
+ next if $working =~ /random/;
+ # possible fix: puppy has these in /mnt not /dev they say
+ $working =~ s/\/(dev|media|mnt)\///;
+ $_ =~ s/\/(dev|media|mnt)\///;
+ if (! defined $devices{$working}){
+ my @temp = ($_ ne $working) ? ([$_]) : ([]);
+ $devices{$working} = ({'links' => @temp});
+ $devices{$working}{'type'} = ($working =~ /^fd/) ? 'floppy' : 'optical' ;
+ }
+ else {
+ my $ref = $devices{$working}{'links'};
+ push @$ref, $_ if $_ ne $working;
+ }
+ #print "$working\n";
+ }
+ if ($show{'optical'} && -e '/proc/sys/dev/cdrom/info'){
+ @info = main::reader('/proc/sys/dev/cdrom/info','strip');
+ }
+ #print join '; ', @data, "\n";
+ foreach my $key (keys %devices){
+ next if $devices{$key}{'type'} eq 'floppy';
+ my $device = "/sys/block/$key/device";
+ if ( -d $device){
+ if (-e "$device/vendor"){
+ $devices{$key}{'vendor'} = (main::reader("$device/vendor"))[0];
+ $devices{$key}{'vendor'} = main::cleaner($devices{$key}{'vendor'});
+ $devices{$key}{'state'} = (main::reader("$device/state"))[0];
+ $devices{$key}{'model'} = (main::reader("$device/model"))[0];
+ $devices{$key}{'model'} = main::cleaner($devices{$key}{'model'});
+ $devices{$key}{'rev'} = (main::reader("$device/rev"))[0];
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ( -e "/proc/ide/$_/model"){
+ $devices{$key}{'vendor'} = (main::reader("/proc/ide/$_/model"))[0];
+ $devices{$key}{'vendor'} = main::cleaner($devices{$key}{'vendor'});
+ }
+ if ($show{'optical'} && @info){
+ my $index = 0;
+ foreach my $item (@info){
+ next if $item =~ /^\s*$/;
+ my @split = split '\s+', $item;
+ if ($item =~ /^drive name:/){
+ foreach my $id (@split){
+ last if ($id eq $key);
+ $index++;
+ last if ! $index; # index will be > 0 if it was found
- /drive speed:/ {
- speed = $position
- }
- /Can read multisession:/ {
- multisession=$( position + 1 )
+ elsif ($item =~/^drive speed:/) {
+ $devices{$key}{'speed'} = $split[$index];
- /Can read MCN:/ {
- mcn=$( position + 1 )
+ elsif ($item =~/^Can read multisession:/) {
+ $devices{$key}{'multisession'}=$split[$index+1];
- /Can play audio:/ {
- audio=$( position + 1 )
+ elsif ($item =~/^Can read MCN:/) {
+ $devices{$key}{'mcn'}=$split[$index+1];
- /Can write CD-R:/ {
- cdr=$( position + 1 )
+ elsif ($item =~/^Can play audio:/) {
+ $devices{$key}{'audio'}=$split[$index+1];
- /Can write CD-RW:/ {
- cdrw=$( position + 1 )
+ elsif ($item =~/^Can write CD-R:/) {
+ $devices{$key}{'cdr'}=$split[$index+1];
- /Can read DVD:/ {
- dvd=$( position + 1 )
+ elsif ($item =~/^Can write CD-RW:/) {
+ $devices{$key}{'cdrw'}=$split[$index+1];
- /Can write DVD-R:/ {
- dvdr=$( position + 1 )
+ elsif ($item =~/^Can read DVD:/) {
+ $devices{$key}{'dvd'}=$split[$index+1];
- /Can write DVD-RAM:/ {
- dvdram=$( position + 1 )
+ elsif ($item =~/^Can write DVD-R:/) {
+ $devices{$key}{'dvdr'}=$split[$index+1];
- END {
- print speed "," multisession "," mcn "," audio "," cdr "," cdrw "," dvd "," dvdr "," dvdram
+ elsif ($item =~/^Can write DVD-RAM:/) {
+ $devices{$key}{'dvdram'}=$split[$index+1];
- ' <<< "$proc_cdrom" )
- fi
- item_string="$item_string,$vendor,$model,$rev_number,$proc_info_string,$state"
- echo $item_string
- done \
- ) )
- fi
- a_temp=${A_OPTICAL_DRIVE_DATA[@]}
- # echo "$a_temp"
- log_function_data "A_OPTICAL_DRIVE_DATA: $a_temp"
- eval $LOGFE
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ main::log_data('dump','%devices',\%devices) if $b_log;
+ #print Data::Dumper::Dumper \%devices;
+ @rows = create_output(%devices) if %devices;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @rows;
-# get_optical_drive_data;exit
- eval $LOGFS
- local a_temp=''
- if [[ -n $DMESG_BOOT_DATA ]];then
- IFS=$'\n'
- A_OPTICAL_DRIVE_DATA=( $( gawk -F ':' '
- }
- # sde,3.9GB,STORE_N_GO,USB,C200431546D3CF49-0:0,0
- # sdd,250.1GB,ST3250824AS,,9ND08GKX,45
- $1 ~ /^(cd|dvd)[0-9]+/ {
- diskId=gensub(/^((cd|dvd)[0-9]+)[^0-9].*/,"\\1",1,$1)
- # note: /var/run/dmesg.boot may repeat items since it is not created
- # fresh every boot, this way, only the last items will be used per disk id
- if (aIds[diskId] == "" ) {
- aIds[diskId]=diskId
- }
- aDisks[diskId, "id"] = diskId
- if ( $NF ~ /<.*>/ ){
- gsub(/.*<|>.*/,"",$NF)
- rev_number=gensub(/.*[^0-9\.]([0-9\.]+)$/,"\\1",1,$NF)
- if (rev_number ~ /^[0-9\.]+$/) {
- aDisks[diskId, "rev"] = rev_number
- }
- model=gensub(/(.*[^0-9\.])[0-9\.]+$/,"\\1",1,$NF)
- sub(/[[:space:]]+$/,"",model)
- aDisks[diskId, "model"] = model
- }
- if ( $NF ~ /serial number/ ){
- sub(/serial[[:space:]]+number[[:space:]]*/,"",$NF)
- aDisks[diskId, "serial"] = $NF
- }
- if ( $NF ~ /[GM]B\/s/ ){
- speed=gensub(/^([0-9\.]+[[:space:]]*[GM]B\/s).*/,"\\1",1,$NF)
- sub(/\.[0-9]+/,"",speed)
- if ( speed ~ /^[0-9]+/ ) {
- aDisks[diskId, "speed"] = speed
- }
- }
- }
- # "$link,dev-readlinks,$vendor,$model,$rev_number,$proc_info_string,$state"
- # $proc_info_string: print speed "," multisession "," mcn "," audio "," cdr "," cdrw "," dvd "," dvdr "," dvdram
- END {
- # multi dimensional pseudo arrays are sorted at total random, not in order of
- # creation, so force a sort of the aIds, which deletes the array index but preserves
- # the sorted keys.
- asort(aIds)
- for ( key in aIds ) {
- print aDisks[aIds[key], "id"] ",,," aDisks[aIds[key], "model"] "," aDisks[aIds[key], "rev"] "," aDisks[aIds[key], "speed"] ",,,,,,,,"
- }
- }' <<< "$DMESG_BOOT_DATA" ) )
- fi
- a_temp=${A_OPTICAL_DRIVE_DATA[@]}
- # echo ${a_temp[@]}
- log_function_data "A_OPTICAL_DRIVE_DATA: $a_temp"
- eval $LOGFE
+## PartitionData
- eval $LOGFS
- local a_part_working='' dev_item='' a_temp='' dev_working_item=''
- local swap_data='' df_string='' main_partition_data='' fs_type=''
- local mount_data='' dev_bsd_item=''
- #local excluded_file_types='--exclude-type=aufs --exclude-type=tmpfs --exclude-type=iso9660'
- # df doesn't seem to work in script with variables like at the command line
- # added devfs linprocfs sysfs fdescfs which show on debian kfreebsd kernel output
- if [[ -z $BSD_TYPE ]];then
- swap_data="$( swapon -s 2>/dev/null )"
- df_string='df -h -T -P --exclude-type=aufs --exclude-type=devfs --exclude-type=devtmpfs
- --exclude-type=fdescfs --exclude-type=iso9660 --exclude-type=linprocfs --exclude-type=procfs
- --exclude-type=squashfs --exclude-type=sysfs --exclude-type=tmpfs --exclude-type=unionfs'
- else
- swap_data="$( swapctl -l -k 2>/dev/null )"
- # default size is 512, -H only for size in human readable format
- # older bsds don't support -T, pain, so we'll use partial output there
- if df -h -T &>/dev/null;then
- df_string='df -h -T'
- else
- df_string='df -h'
- fi
- fi
- main_partition_data="$( eval $df_string )"
- # set dev disk label/mapper/uuid data globals
- get_partition_dev_data 'label'
- get_partition_dev_data 'mapper'
- get_partition_dev_data 'uuid'
- log_function_data 'raw' "main_partition_data:\n$main_partition_data\n\nswap_data:\n$swap_data"
- # new kernels/df have rootfs and / repeated, creating two entries for the same partition
- # so check for two string endings of / then slice out the rootfs one, I could check for it
- # before slicing it out, but doing that would require the same action twice re code execution
- if [[ $( grep -cs '[[:space:]]/$' <<< "$main_partition_data" ) -gt 1 ]];then
- main_partition_data="$( grep -vs '^rootfs' <<< "$main_partition_data" )"
- fi
- # echo "$main_partition_data"
- log_function_data 'raw' "main_partition_data_post_rootfs:\n$main_partition_data\n\nswap_data:\n$swap_data"
- IFS=$'\n'
- # $NF = partition name; $(NF - 4) = partition size; $(NF - 3) = used, in gB; $(NF - 1) = percent used
- ## note: by subtracting from the last field number NF, we avoid a subtle issue with LVM df output, where if
- ## the first field is too long, it will occupy its own line, this way we are getting only the needed data
- A_PARTITION_DATA=( $( echo "$main_partition_data" | gawk -v bsdType="$BSD_TYPE" -v bsdVersion="$BSD_VERSION" '
- fileSystem=""
- }
- # this has to be nulled for every iteration so it does not retain value from last iteration
- devBase=""
- # skipping these file systems because bsds do not support df --exclude-type=<fstype>
- # note that using $1 to handle older bsd df, which do not support -T. This will not be reliable but we will see
- ( bsdType != "" ) {
- # skip if non disk/partition, or if raid primary id, which will not have a / in it.
- # Note: kfreebsd uses /sys, not sysfs, is this a bug or expected behavior?
- if ( $1 ~ /^(aufs|devfs|devtmpfs|fdescfs|iso9660|linprocfs|procfs|squashfs|\/sys|sysfs|tmpfs|type|unionfs)$/ ||
- ( $1 ~ /^([^\/]+)$/ && $1 !~ /^ROOT/ ) ) {
- # note use next, not getline or it does not work right
- next
- }
- }
- # this is required because below we are subtracting from NF, so it has to be > 5
- # the real issue is long file system names that force the wrap of df output: //fileserver/main
- # but we still need to handle more dynamically long space containing file names, but later.
- # Using df -P should fix this, ie, no wrapping of line lines, but leaving this for now
- ( NF < 6 ) && ( $0 !~ /[0-9]+%/ ) {
- # set the dev location here for cases of wrapped output
- if ( NF == 1 ) {
- devBase=gensub( /^(\/dev\/)(.+)$/, "\\2", 1, $1 )
- }
- getline
- }
- # next set devBase if it didn not get set above here
- ( devBase == "" ) && ( $1 ~ /^\/dev\/|:\/|\/\// ) {
- devBase=gensub( /^(\/dev\/)(.+)$/, "\\2", 1, $1 )
- }
- # this handles zfs type devices/partitions, which do not start with / but contain /
- ( bsdType != "" && devBase == "" && $1 ~ /^[^\/]+\/.+/ ) {
- devBase=gensub( /^([^\/]+\/)([^\/]+)$/, "non-dev-\\1\\2", 1, $1 )
- }
- # this handles yet another fredforfaen special case where a mounted drive
- # has the search string in its name
- $NF ~ /^\/$|^\/boot$|^\/var$|^\/var\/tmp$|^\/var\/log$|^\/home$|^\/opt$|^\/tmp$|^\/usr$/ {
- # note, older df in bsd do not have file system column
- if ( NF == "7" && $(NF - 1) ~ /[0-9]+%/ ) {
- fileSystem=$(NF - 5)
+package PartitionData;
+sub get {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (@rows,$key1,$val1);
+ my $num = 0;
+ partition_data() if !$b_partitions;
+ if (!@partitions) {
+ $key1 = 'Message';
+ #$val1 = ($bsd_type && $bsd_type eq 'darwin') ?
+ # main::row_defaults('darwin-feature') : main::row_defaults('partition-data');
+ $val1 = main::row_defaults('partition-data');
+ @rows = ({main::key($num++,$key1) => $val1,});
+ }
+ else {
+ @rows = create_output();
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @rows;
+sub create_output {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my $num = 0;
+ my $j = 0;
+ my (@data,@data2,%part,@rows,$dev,$dev_type,$fs);
+ @partitions = sort { $a->{'id'} cmp $b->{'id'} } @partitions;
+ foreach my $ref (@partitions){
+ my %row = %$ref;
+ $num = 1;
+ next if $row{'type'} eq 'secondary' && $show{'partition'};
+ @data2 = main::get_size($row{'size'}) if (defined $row{'size'});
+ my $size = (@data2) ? $data2[0] . ' ' . $data2[1]: 'N/A';
+ @data2 = main::get_size($row{'used'}) if (defined $row{'used'});
+ my $used = (@data2) ? $data2[0] . ' ' . $data2[1]: 'N/A';
+ my $percent = (defined $row{'percent-used'}) ? ' (' . $row{'percent-used'} . '%)' : '';
+ %part = ();
+ if (defined $row{'dev-base'}){
+ if ($row{'dev-base'} =~ /^non-dev-/){
+ $row{'dev-base'} =~ s/^non-dev-//;
+ $dev_type = 'raid';
+ $dev = $row{'dev-base'};
+ }
+ # note: I have seen this: beta:data/ for sshfs path
+ elsif ($row{'dev-base'} =~ /^\/\/|:\//){
+ $dev_type = 'remote';
+ $dev = $row{'dev-base'};
+ }
+ # an error has occurred almost for sure
+ elsif (!$row{'dev-base'}){
+ $dev_type = 'dev';
+ $dev = main::row_defaults('unknown-dev');
+ }
+ else {
+ $dev_type = 'dev';
+ $dev = '/dev/' . $row{'dev-base'};
+ }
else {
- fileSystem=""
+ $dev_type = 'dev';
+ }
+ %part = check_lsblk($row{'dev-base'},0) if (@lsblk && $row{'dev-base'} && $dev_type eq 'dev');
+ if (%part && $part{'fs'}){
+ $fs = lc($part{'fs'});
- # /dev/disk0s2 249G 24G 225G 10% 5926984 54912758 10% /
- if ( bsdVersion == "darwin" && $(NF - 4) ~ /[0-9]+%/ ) {
- print $NF "," $(NF - 7) "," $(NF - 6) "," $(NF - 4) ",main," fileSystem "," devBase
+ elsif ($row{'fs'}){
+ $fs = lc($row{'fs'});
else {
- print $NF "," $(NF - 4) "," $(NF - 3) "," $(NF - 1) ",main," fileSystem "," devBase
+ $fs = 'N/A';
+ }
+ $dev ||= 'N/A';
+ $j = scalar @rows;
+ @data = ({
+ main::key($num++,'ID') => $row{'id'},
+ main::key($num++,'size') => $size,
+ main::key($num++,'used') => $used . $percent,
+ main::key($num++,'fs') => $fs,
+ main::key($num++,$dev_type) => $dev,
+ });
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ if ($show{'label'}){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'label')} = ($row{'label'}) ? $row{'label'}: 'N/A';
+ }
+ if ($show{'uuid'}){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'uuid')} = ($row{'uuid'}) ? $row{'uuid'}: 'N/A';
- # skip all these, including the first, header line. Use the --exclude-type
- # to handle new filesystems types we do not want listed here
- $NF !~ /^\/$|^\/boot$|^\/var$|^\/var\/tmp$|^\/var\/log$|^\/home$|^\/opt$|^\/tmp$|^\/usr$|^filesystem/ {
- # this is to avoid file systems with spaces in their names, that will make
- # the test show the wrong data in each of the fields, if no x%, then do not use
- # using 3 cases, first default, standard, 2nd, 3rd, handles one and two spaces in name
- if ( bsdVersion == "darwin" && $(NF - 4) ~ /[0-9]+%/ ) {
- fileSystem=""
- print $NF "," $(NF - 7) "," $(NF - 6) "," $(NF - 4) ",main," fileSystem "," devBase
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @rows;
+sub partition_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ #return if $bsd_type && $bsd_type eq 'darwin'; # darwin has muated output, of course
+ my (@data,@rows,@mapper,@mount,@partitions_working);
+ my ($b_fake_map,$b_fs,$b_load,$cols,$roots) = (0,1,0,6,0);
+ my ($back_size,$back_used) = (4,3);
+ my ($dev_base,$fs,$id,$label,$percent_used,$size,$type,$uuid,$used);
+ $b_partitions = 1;
+ set_lsblk() if !$bsd_type && !$b_lsblk;
+ # set labels, uuid, gpart
+ main::get_partition_extra_data() if !$b_partition_extra;
+ # most current OS support -T and -k, but -P means different things
+ # in freebsd. However since most use is from linux, we make that default
+ if (!$bsd_type){
+ @partitions_working = main::grabber("df -P -T -k 2>/dev/null");
+ if (-d '/dev/mapper'){
+ @mapper = main::globber('/dev/mapper/*');
- else if ( $(NF - 1) ~ /[0-9]+%/ ) {
- # note, older df in bsd do not have file system column
- if ( NF == "7" ) {
- fileSystem=$(NF - 5)
- }
- else {
- fileSystem=""
+ }
+ else {
+ # this is missing the file system data
+ if ($bsd_type ne 'darwin'){
+ @partitions_working = main::grabber("df -T -k 2>/dev/null");
+ }
+ #Filesystem 1024-blocks Used Available Capacity iused ifree %iused Mounted on
+ else {
+ $cols = 8;
+ $b_fake_map = 1;
+ ($back_size,$back_used) = (7,6);
+ }
+ if (!@partitions_working){
+ @partitions_working = main::grabber("df -k 2>/dev/null");
+ $b_fs = 0;
+ $cols = 5 if $bsd_type ne 'darwin';
+ if (my $path = main::check_program('mount')){
+ @mount = main::grabber("$path 2>/dev/null");
- print $NF "," $(NF - 4) "," $(NF - 3) "," $(NF - 1) ",secondary," fileSystem "," devBase
- # these two cases construct the space containing name
- else if ( $(NF - 2) ~ /[0-9]+%/ ) {
- # note, older df in bsd do not have file system column
- if ( NF == "8" && $(NF - 6) !~ /^[0-9]+/ ) {
- fileSystem=$(NF - 6)
+ }
+ # determine positions
+ my $row1 = shift @partitions_working;
+ # new kernels/df have rootfs and / repeated, creating two entries for the same partition
+ # so check for two string endings of / then slice out the rootfs one, I could check for it
+ # before slicing it out, but doing that would require the same action twice re code execution
+ foreach (@partitions_working){
+ if (/\s\/$/){
+ $roots++;
+ }
+ }
+ @partitions_working = grep {!/^rootfs/} @partitions_working if $roots > 1;
+ my $filters = '^(aufs|cgroup.*|cgmfs|configfs|debugfs|\/dev|dev|\/dev/loop[0-9]*|devfs|devtmpfs|';
+ $filters .= 'fdescfs|iso9660|linprocfs|none|procfs|\/run(\/.*)?|run|squashfs|sys|\/sys\/.*|sysfs|';
+ $filters .= 'tmpfs|type|udev|unionfs|vartmp)$';
+ foreach (@partitions_working){
+ # stupid apple bullshit
+ $_ =~ s/^map\s+([\S]+)/map:\/$1/ if $b_fake_map;
+ my @row = split /\s+/, $_;
+ if ($row[0] =~ /$filters/ || $row[0] =~ /^ROOT/i){
+ next;
+ }
+ $dev_base = '';
+ $fs = '';
+ $id = '';
+ $label = '';
+ $size = 0;
+ $used = 0;
+ $percent_used = 0;
+ $type = '';
+ $uuid = '';
+ $b_load = 0;
+ # NOTE: using -P for linux fixes line wraps, and for bsds, assuming they don't use such long file names
+ if ($row[0] =~ /^\/dev\/|:\/|\/\//){
+ # this could point to by-label or by-uuid so get that first. In theory, abs_path should
+ # drill down to get the real path, but it isn't always working.
+ if ($row[0] eq '/dev/root'){
+ $row[0] = get_root();
- else {
- fileSystem=""
+ # sometimes paths are set using /dev/disk/by-[label|uuid] so we need to get the /dev/xxx path
+ if ($row[0] =~ /by-label|by-uuid/){
+ $row[0] = Cwd::abs_path($row[0]);
- print $(NF - 1) " " $NF "," $(NF - 5) "," $(NF - 4) "," $(NF - 2) ",secondary," fileSystem "," devBase
+ elsif ($row[0] =~ /mapper\// && @mapper){
+ $row[0] = get_mapper($row[0],@mapper);
+ }
+ $dev_base = $row[0];
+ $dev_base =~ s/^\/dev\///;
+ }
+ # this handles zfs type devices/partitions, which do not start with / but contain /
+ # note: Main/jails/transmission_1 path can be > 1 deep
+ # Main zfs 3678031340 8156 3678023184 0% /mnt/Main
+ if (!$dev_base && ($row[0] =~ /^([^\/]+\/)(.+)/ || ($row[0] =~ /^[^\/]+$/ && $row[1] =~ /^(btrfs|zfs)$/ ) ) ){
+ $dev_base = "non-dev-$row[0]";
- else if ( $(NF - 3) ~ /[0-9]+%/ ) {
+ # this handles yet another fredforfaen special case where a mounted drive
+ # has the search string in its name
+ if ($row[-1] =~ /^\/$|^\/boot$|^\/var$|^\/var\/tmp$|^\/var\/log$|^\/home$|^\/opt$|^\/tmp$|^\/usr$/){
+ $b_load = 1;
# note, older df in bsd do not have file system column
- if ( NF == "9" && $(NF - 7) !~ /^[0-9]+/ ) {
- fileSystem=$(NF - 7)
+ $type = 'main';
+ }
+ elsif ($row[$cols] !~ /^\/$|^\/boot$|^\/var$|^\/var\/tmp$|^\/var\/log$|^\/home$|^\/opt$|^\/tmp$|^\/usr$|^filesystem/){
+ $b_load = 1;
+ $type = 'secondary';
+ }
+ if ($b_load){
+ if ($show{'label'} && @labels){
+ $label = get_label($row[0]);
- else {
- fileSystem=""
+ if ($show{'uuid'} && @uuids){
+ $uuid = get_uuid($row[0]);
- print $(NF - 2) " " $(NF - 1) " " $NF "," $(NF - 6) "," $(NF - 5) "," $(NF - 3) ",secondary," fileSystem "," devBase
+ if ($bsd_type && @gpart && ($show{'label'} || $show{'uuid'} ) ){
+ my @extra = get_bsd_label_uuid("$dev_base");
+ if (@extra){
+ $label = $extra[0];
+ $uuid = $extra[1];
+ }
+ }
+ $fs = ($b_fs) ? $row[1]: get_bsd_fs($row[0],@mount);
+ $id = join ' ', @row[$cols .. $#row];
+ $id =~ s/\/home\/[^\/]+\/(.*)/\/home\/$filter_string\/$1/ if $show{'filter'};
+ $size = $row[$cols - $back_size];
+ $used = $row[$cols - $back_used];
+ $percent_used = sprintf( "%.1f", ( $used/$size )*100 ) if ($size);
+ @data = ({
+ 'id' => $id,
+ 'dev-base' => $dev_base,
+ 'fs' => $fs,
+ 'label' => $label,
+ 'size' => $size,
+ 'type' => $type,
+ 'used' => $used,
+ 'uuid' => $uuid,
+ 'percent-used' => $percent_used,
+ });
+ @partitions = (@partitions,@data);
+ }
+ }
+ @data = swap_data();
+ @partitions = (@partitions,@data);
+ main::log_data('dump','@partitions',\@partitions) if $b_log;
+ # print Data::Dumper::Dumper \@partitions;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+sub swap_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (@swap,@working,$path,$label,$uuid);
+ my ($s,$j,$size_id,$used_id) = (1,0,2,3);
+ if (!$bsd_type){
+ # faster, avoid subshell, same as swapon -s
+ if ( -r '/proc/swaps'){
+ @working = main::reader("/proc/swaps");
+ }
+ elsif ( $path = main::check_program('swapon') ){
+ # note: while -s is deprecated, --show --bytes is not supported
+ # on older systems
+ @working = main::grabber("$path -s 2>/dev/null");
- }' )
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( $path = main::check_program('swapctl') ){
+ # output in in KB blocks
+ @working = main::grabber("$path -l -k 2>/dev/null");
+ }
+ ($size_id,$used_id) = (1,2);
+ }
# now add the swap partition data, don't want to show swap files, just partitions,
# though this can include /dev/ramzswap0. Note: you can also use /proc/swaps for this
# data, it's the same exact output as swapon -s
- $( echo "$swap_data" | gawk -v bsdType=$BSD_TYPE '
- swapCounter = 1
- usedHolder=""
- sizeHolder=""
+ foreach (@working){
+ next if ! /^\/dev/;
+ my @data = split /\s+/, $_;
+ my $dev_base = $data[0];
+ $dev_base =~ s/^\/dev\///;
+ my $size = $data[$size_id];
+ my $used = $data[$used_id];
+ my $percent_used = sprintf( "%.1f", ( $used/$size )*100 );
+ if ($show{'label'} && @labels){
+ $label = get_label($data[0]);
+ }
+ if ($show{'uuid'} && @uuids){
+ $uuid = get_uuid($data[0]);
+ }
+ if ($bsd_type && @gpart && ($show{'label'} || $show{'uuid'} ) ){
+ my @extra = get_bsd_label_uuid("$dev_base");
+ if (@extra){
+ $label = $extra[0];
+ $uuid = $extra[1];
+ }
+ }
+ @data = ({
+ 'id' => "swap-$s",
+ 'dev-base' => $dev_base,
+ 'fs' => 'swap',
+ 'label' => $label,
+ 'size' => $size,
+ 'type' => 'main',
+ 'used' => $used,
+ 'uuid' => $uuid,
+ 'percent-used' => $percent_used,
+ });
+ @swap = (@swap,@data);
+ $s++;
- /^\/dev/ {
- if ( bsdType == "" ) {
- usedHolder=$4
- sizeHolder=$3
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @swap;
+sub get_bsd_fs {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($item,@mount) = @_;
+ $item =~ s/map:\/(\S+)/map $1/ if $bsd_type eq 'darwin';
+ return 'N/A' if ! @mount;
+ my ($fs) = ('');
+ # linux: /dev/sdb6 on /var/www/m type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered)
+ # bsd: /dev/ada0s1a on / (ufs, local, soft-updates)
+ foreach (@mount){
+ if ($_ =~ /^$item\son.*\(([^,\s]+)[,\s].*/){
+ $fs = $1;
+ last;
- else {
- usedHolder=$3
- sizeHolder=$2
- }
- size = sprintf( "%.2f", sizeHolder*1024/1000**3 )
- devBase = gensub( /^(\/dev\/)(.+)$/, "\\2", 1, $1 )
- used = sprintf( "%.2f", usedHolder*1024/1000**3 )
- percentUsed = sprintf( "%.0f", ( usedHolder/sizeHolder )*100 )
- print "swap-" swapCounter "," size "GB," used "GB," percentUsed "%,main," "swap," devBase
- swapCounter = ++swapCounter
- }' ) )
- a_temp=${A_PARTITION_DATA[@]}
- # echo $a_temp
- log_function_data "1: A_PARTITION_DATA:\n$a_temp"
- # we'll use this for older systems where no filesystem type is shown in df
- if [[ $BSD_TYPE == 'bsd' ]];then
- mount_data="$( mount )"
- fi
- # now we'll handle some fringe cases where irregular df -hT output shows /dev/disk/.. instead of
- # /dev/h|sdxy type data for column 1, . A_PARTITION_DATA[6]
- # Here we just search for the uuid/label and then grab the end of the line to get the right dev item.
- for (( i=0; i < ${#A_PARTITION_DATA[@]}; i++ ))
- do
- IFS=","
- a_part_working=( ${A_PARTITION_DATA[i]} )
- dev_item=${a_part_working[6]} # reset each loop
- fs_type=${a_part_working[5]}
- # older bsds have df minus -T so can't get fs type easily, try using mount instead
- if [[ $BSD_TYPE == 'bsd' ]] && [[ -z $fs_type && -n $dev_item ]];then
- dev_bsd_item=$( sed -e 's/non-dev-//' -e 's|/|\\/|g' <<< "$dev_item" )
- fs_type=$( gawk -v bsdVersion="$BSD_VERSION" -F '(' '
- fileSystem=""
- }
- /'$dev_bsd_item'/ {
- if ( bsdVersion != "openbsd" ) {
- # slice out everything after / plus the first comma
- sub( /,.*/, "", $2 )
- fileSystem=$2
- }
- else {
- # for openbsd: /dev/wd0f on /usr type ffs (local, nodev)
- gsub(/^.*type[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]*$/, "", $1 )
- fileSystem=$1
- }
- print fileSystem
- exit
- }' <<< "$mount_data" )
- fi
- # note: for swap this will already be set
- if [[ -n $( grep -E '(by-uuid|by-label)' <<< $dev_item ) ]];then
- dev_working_item=${dev_item##*/}
- if [[ -n $DEV_DISK_UUID ]];then
- dev_item=$( echo "$DEV_DISK_UUID" | gawk '
- $0 ~ /[ /t]'$dev_working_item'[ /t]/ {
- item=gensub( /..\/..\/(.+)/, "\\1", 1, $NF )
- print item
- exit
- }' )
- fi
- # if we didn't find anything for uuid try label
- if [[ -z $dev_item && -n $DEV_DISK_LABEL ]];then
- dev_item=$( echo "$DEV_DISK_LABEL" | gawk '
- $0 ~ /[ /t]'$dev_working_item'[ /t]/ {
- item=gensub( /..\/..\/(.+)/, "\\1", 1, $NF )
- print item
- exit
- }' )
- fi
- elif [[ -n $( grep 'mapper/' <<< $dev_item ) ]];then
- # get the mapper actual dev item
- dev_item=$( get_dev_processed_item "$dev_item" )
- fi
- if [[ -n $dev_item ]];then
- # assemble everything we could get for dev/h/dx, label, and uuid
- IFS=","
- A_PARTITION_DATA[i]=${a_part_working[0]}","${a_part_working[1]}","${a_part_working[2]}","${a_part_working[3]}","${a_part_working[4]}","$fs_type","$dev_item
- fi
- done
- a_temp=${A_PARTITION_DATA[@]}
- # echo $a_temp;exit
- log_function_data "2: A_PARTITION_DATA:\n$a_temp"
- if [[ $B_SHOW_LABELS == 'true' || $B_SHOW_UUIDS == 'true' ]];then
- get_partition_data_advanced
- fi
- eval $LOGFE
-# first get the locations of the mount points for label/uuid detection
- eval $LOGFS
- local a_part_working='' dev_partition_data=''
- local dev_item='' dev_label='' dev_uuid='' a_temp=''
- local mount_point=''
- # set dev disk label/mapper/uuid data globals
- get_partition_dev_data 'label'
- get_partition_dev_data 'mapper'
- get_partition_dev_data 'uuid'
- if [[ $B_MOUNTS_FILE == 'true' ]];then
- for (( i=0; i < ${#A_PARTITION_DATA[@]}; i++ ))
- do
- IFS=","
- a_part_working=( ${A_PARTITION_DATA[i]} )
- # note: for swap this will already be set
- if [[ -z ${a_part_working[6]} ]];then
- mount_point=$( sed 's|/|\\/|g' <<< ${a_part_working[0]} )
- #echo mount_point $mount_point
- dev_partition_data=$( gawk '
- partition = ""
- partTemp = ""
- }
- # trying to handle space in name
-# gsub(/\\040/, " ", $0 )
- /[ \t]'$mount_point'[ \t]/ && $1 != "rootfs" {
- # initialize the variables
- label = ""
- uuid = ""
- # slice out the /dev
- partition=gensub( /^(\/dev\/)(.+)$/, "\\2", 1, $1 )
- # label and uuid can occur for root, set partition to null now
- if ( partition ~ /by-label/ ) {
- label=gensub( /^(\/dev\/disk\/by-label\/)(.+)$/, "\\2", 1, $1 )
- partition = ""
- }
- if ( partition ~ /by-uuid/ ) {
- uuid=gensub( /^(\/dev\/disk\/by-uuid\/)(.+)$/, "\\2", 1, $1 )
- partition = ""
- }
- # handle /dev/root for / id
- if ( partition == "root" ) {
- # if this works, great, otherwise, just set this to null values
- partTemp="'$( readlink /dev/root 2>/dev/null )'"
- if ( partTemp != "" ) {
- if ( partTemp ~ /[hsv]d[a-z]+[0-9]{1,2}/ ) {
- partition=gensub( /^(\/dev\/)(.+)$/, "\\2", 1, partTemp )
- }
- else if ( partTemp ~ /by-uuid/ ) {
- uuid=gensub( /^(\/dev\/disk\/by-uuid\/)(.+)$/, "\\2", 1, partTemp )
- partition="" # set null to let real location get discovered
- }
- else if ( partTemp ~ /by-label/ ) {
- label=gensub( /^(\/dev\/disk\/by-label\/)(.+)$/, "\\2", 1, partTemp )
- partition="" # set null to let real location get discovered
- }
- }
- else {
- partition = ""
- label = ""
- uuid = ""
- }
- }
- print partition "," label "," uuid
- exit
- # assemble everything we could get for dev/h/dx, label, and uuid
- IFS=","
- A_PARTITION_DATA[i]=${a_part_working[0]}","${a_part_working[1]}","${a_part_working[2]}","${a_part_working[3]}","${a_part_working[4]}","${a_part_working[5]}","$dev_partition_data
- fi
- ## now we're ready to proceed filling in the data
- IFS=","
- a_part_working=( ${A_PARTITION_DATA[i]} )
- # get the mapper actual dev item first, in case it's mapped
- dev_item=$( get_dev_processed_item "${a_part_working[6]}" )
- # make sure not to slice off rest if it's a network mounted file system
- if [[ -n $dev_item && -z $( grep -E '(^//|:/)' <<< $dev_item ) ]];then
- dev_item=${dev_item##*/} ## needed to avoid error in case name still has / in it
- fi
- dev_label=${a_part_working[7]}
- dev_uuid=${a_part_working[8]}
- # then if dev data/uuid is incomplete, try to get missing piece
- # it's more likely we'll get a uuid than a label. But this should get the
- # dev item set no matter what, so then we can get the rest of any missing data
- # first we'll get the dev_item if it's missing
- if [[ -z $dev_item ]];then
- if [[ -n $DEV_DISK_UUID && -n $dev_uuid ]];then
- dev_item=$( echo "$DEV_DISK_UUID" | gawk '
- $0 ~ /[ \t]'$dev_uuid'[ \t]/ {
- item=gensub( /..\/..\/(.+)/, "\\1", 1, $NF )
- print item
- exit
- }' )
- elif [[ -n $DEV_DISK_LABEL && -n $dev_label ]];then
- dev_item=$( echo "$DEV_DISK_LABEL" | gawk '
- # first we need to change space x20 in by-label back to a real space
- #gsub(/x20/, " ", $0 )
- # then we can see if the string is there
- $0 ~ /[ \t]'$dev_label'[ \t]/ {
- item=gensub( /..\/..\/(.+)/, "\\1", 1, $NF )
- print item
- exit
- }' )
- fi
- fi
- # this can trigger all kinds of weird errors if it is a non /dev path, like: remote:/machine/name
- if [[ -n $dev_item && -z $( grep -E '(^//|:/)' <<< $dev_item ) ]];then
- if [[ -n $DEV_DISK_UUID && -z $dev_uuid ]];then
- dev_uuid=$( echo "$DEV_DISK_UUID" | gawk '
- /'$dev_item'$/ {
- print $(NF - 2)
- exit
- }' )
- fi
- if [[ -n $DEV_DISK_LABEL && -z $dev_label ]];then
- dev_label=$( echo "$DEV_DISK_LABEL" | gawk '
- /'$dev_item'$/ {
- print $(NF - 2)
- exit
- }' )
- fi
- fi
- # assemble everything we could get for dev/h/dx, label, and uuid
- IFS=","
- A_PARTITION_DATA[i]=${a_part_working[0]}","${a_part_working[1]}","${a_part_working[2]}","${a_part_working[3]}","${a_part_working[4]}","${a_part_working[5]}","$dev_item","$dev_label","$dev_uuid
- done
- log_function_data 'cat' "$FILE_MOUNTS"
- else
- if [[ $BSD_TYPE == 'bsd' ]];then
- get_partition_data_advanced_bsd
- fi
- fi
- a_temp=${A_PARTITION_DATA[@]}
- # echo $a_temp
- log_function_data "3-advanced: A_PARTITION_DATA:\n$a_temp"
- eval $LOGFE
- eval $LOGFS
- local gpart_data="$( gpart list 2>/dev/null )"
- local a_part_working='' label_uuid='' dev_item=''
- if [[ -n $gpart_data ]];then
- for (( i=0; i < ${#A_PARTITION_DATA[@]}; i++ ))
- do
- IFS=","
- a_part_working=( ${A_PARTITION_DATA[i]} )
- # no need to use the rest of the name if it's not a straight /dev/item
- dev_item=${a_part_working[6]##*/}
- label_uuid=$( gawk -F ':' '
- label=""
- uuid=""
- }
- /^[0-9]+\.[[:space:]]*Name.*'$dev_item'/ {
- while ( getline && $1 !~ /^[0-9]+\.[[:space:]]*Name/ ) {
- if ( $1 ~ /rawuuid/ ) {
- gsub(/^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$/,"",$2)
- uuid=$2
- }
- if ( $1 ~ /label/ ) {
- gsub(/^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$|none|\(null\)/,"",$2)
- label=$2
- }
- }
- print label","uuid
- exit
- }' <<< "$gpart_data" )
- # assemble everything we could get for dev/h/dx, label, and uuid
- IFS=","
- A_PARTITION_DATA[i]=${a_part_working[0]}","${a_part_working[1]}","${a_part_working[2]}","${a_part_working[3]}","${a_part_working[4]}","${a_part_working[5]}","${a_part_working[6]}","$label_uuid
- done
- fi
- eval $LOGFE
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ main::log_data('data',"fs: $fs") if $b_log;
+ return $fs;
-# args: $1 - uuid/label/id/mapper
- eval $LOGFS
- # only run these tests once per directory to avoid excessive queries to fs
- case $1 in
- id)
- if [[ $B_ID_SET != 'true' ]];then
- if [[ -d /dev/disk/by-id ]];then
- DEV_DISK_ID="$( ls -l /dev/disk/by-id )"
- fi
- B_ID_SET='true'
- fi
- ;;
- label)
- if [[ $B_LABEL_SET != 'true' ]];then
- if [[ -d /dev/disk/by-label ]];then
- DEV_DISK_LABEL="$( ls -l /dev/disk/by-label )"
- fi
- B_LABEL_SET='true'
- fi
- ;;
- mapper)
- if [[ $B_MAPPER_SET != 'true' ]];then
- if [[ -d /dev/mapper ]];then
- DEV_DISK_MAPPER="$( ls -l /dev/mapper )"
- fi
- B_MAPPER_SET='true'
- fi
- ;;
- uuid)
- if [[ $B_UUID_SET != 'true' ]];then
- if [[ -d /dev/disk/by-uuid ]];then
- DEV_DISK_UUID="$( ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid )"
- fi
- B_UUID_SET='true'
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- # debugging section, uncomment to insert user data
-# '
-# '
-# '
- eval $LOGFE
-# packs standard card arrays using the pciconf stuff
-# args: $1 - audio/network/display - matches first item in A_PCICONF_DATA arrays
- eval $LOGFS
- local a_temp='' array_string='' j=0 device_string=''
- local ip_tool_command=$( type -p ifconfig )
- local mac='' state='' speed='' duplex='' network_string=''
- for (( i=0;i<${#A_PCICONF_DATA[@]};i++ ))
- do
- IFS=','
- a_temp=( ${A_PCICONF_DATA[i]} )
- if [[ ${a_temp[0]} == $1 ]];then
- # don't print the vendor if it's already in the device name
- if [[ -z $( grep -i "${a_temp[2]}" <<< "${a_temp[1]}" ) ]];then
- device_string="${a_temp[2]} ${a_temp[1]}"
- else
- device_string=${a_temp[1]}
- fi
- case $1 in
- audio)
- array_string="$device_string,${a_temp[3]},,,${a_temp[4]},,${a_temp[5]}"
- A_AUDIO_DATA[j]=$array_string
- ;;
- display)
- array_string="$device_string,${a_temp[4]},${a_temp[5]},${a_temp[3]}"
- A_GRAPHICS_CARD_DATA[j]=$array_string
- ;;
- network)
- if [[ -n $ip_tool_command && -n ${a_temp[3]} ]];then
- network_string=$( $ip_tool_command ${a_temp[3]} | gawk '
- mac=""
- state=""
- speed=""
- duplex=""
- }
- /^[[:space:]]*ether/ {
- mac = $2
- }
- /^[[:space:]]*media/ {
- if ( $0 ~ /<.*>/ ) {
- duplex=gensub(/.*<([^>]+)>.*/,"\\1",$0)
- }
- if ( $0 ~ /\(.*\)/ ) {
- speed=gensub(/.*\(([^<[:space:]]+).*\).*/,"\\1",$0)
- }
- }
- /^[[:space:]]*status/ {
- sub(/.*status[:]?[[:space:]]*/,"", $0)
- state=$0
- }
- END {
- print state "~" speed "~" mac "~" duplex
- }')
- fi
- if [[ -n $network_string ]];then
- mac=$( cut -d '~' -f 3 <<< $network_string )
- state=$( cut -d '~' -f 1 <<< $network_string )
- speed=$( cut -d '~' -f 2 <<< $network_string )
- duplex=$( cut -d '~' -f 4 <<< $network_string )
- fi
- array_string="$device_string,${a_temp[3]},,,${a_temp[4]},${a_temp[3]},$state,$speed,$duplex,$mac,${a_temp[5]}"
- A_NETWORK_DATA[j]=$array_string
- ;;
- esac
- ((j++))
- fi
- done
- eval $LOGFE
+# 1. Name: ada1p1
+# label: (null)
+# label: ssd-root
+# rawuuid: b710678b-f196-11e1-98fd-021fc614aca9
+sub get_bsd_label_uuid {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($item) = @_;
+ my (@data,$b_found);
+ foreach (@gpart){
+ my @working = split /\s*:\s*/, $_;
+ if ($_ =~ /^[0-9]+\.\sName:/ && $working[1] eq $item){
+ $b_found = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($_ =~ /^[0-9]+\.\sName:/ && $working[1] ne $item){
+ $b_found = 0;
+ }
+ if ($b_found){
+ if ($working[0] eq 'label'){
+ $data[0] = $working[1];
+ $data[0] =~ s/\(|\)//g; # eg: label:(null) - we want to show null
+ }
+ if ($working[0] eq 'rawuuid'){
+ $data[1] = $working[1];
+ $data[0] =~ s/\(|\)//g;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ main::log_data('dump','@data',\@data) if $b_log;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @data;
+sub set_lsblk {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ $b_lsblk = 1;
+ my (@temp,@working);
+ if (my $program = main::check_program('lsblk')){
+ @working = main::grabber("$program -bP --output NAME,TYPE,RM,FSTYPE,SIZE,LABEL,UUID,MOUNTPOINT 2>/dev/null");
+ foreach (@working){
+ my ($name,$type,$rm,$fstype,$size) = ('','','','','');
+ if (/NAME="([^"]*)"\s+TYPE="([^"]*)"\s+RM="([^"]*)"\s+FSTYPE="([^"]*)"\s+SIZE="([^"]*)"/){
+ my @temp = ({
+ 'name' => $1,
+ 'type' => $2,
+ 'rm' => $3,
+ 'fs' => $4,
+ 'size' => $5
+ });
+ @lsblk = (@lsblk,@temp);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # print Data::Dumper::Dumper \@lsblk;
+ main::log_data('dump','@lsblk',\@lsblk) if $b_log;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+sub check_lsblk {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($name,$b_size) = @_;
+ my (%part,@row);
+ foreach my $ref (@lsblk){
+ my %row = %$ref;
+ next if ! $row{'name'};
+ if ($name eq $row{'name'}){
+ $part{'fs'} = $row{'fs'};
+ $part{'size'} = $row{'size'}/ 1024 if $b_size && $row{'size'};
+ $part{'rm'} = $row{'rm'} if $row{'rm'};
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ main::log_data('dump','%part',\%part) if $b_log;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return %part;
+sub get_label {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($item) = @_;
+ my $label = '';
+ foreach (@labels){
+ if ($item eq Cwd::abs_path($_)){
+ $label = $_;
+ $label =~ s/\/dev\/disk\/by-label\///;
+ $label =~ s/\\x20/ /g;
+ $label =~ s%\\x2f%/%g;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ $label ||= 'N/A';
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $label;
+# args: $1 - dev item $2 - @mapper
+# check for mapper, then get actual dev item if mapped
+# /dev/mapper/ will usually be a symbolic link to the real /dev id
+sub get_mapper {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($item,@mapper) = @_;
+ my $mapped = '';
+ foreach (@mapper){
+ if ($item eq $_){
+ my $temp = Cwd::abs_path($_);
+ $mapped = $temp if $temp;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ $mapped ||= $item;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $mapped;
+sub get_root {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($path) = ('/dev/root');
+ # note: the path may be a symbolic link to by-label/by-uuid but not
+ # sure how far in abs_path resolves the path.
+ my $temp = Cwd::abs_path($path);
+ $path = $temp if $temp;
+ # note: it's a kernel config option to have /dev/root be a sym link
+ # or not, if it isn't, path will be empty, if so, then try mount
+ if (!$path && (my $program = main::check_program('mount'))){
+ my @data = main::grabber("$program 2>/dev/null");
+ # /dev/sda2 on / type ext4 (rw,noatime,data=ordered)
+ foreach (@data){
+ if (/^([\S]+)\son\s\/\s/){
+ $path = $1;
+ # note: we'll be handing off any uuid/label paths to the next
+ # check tools after get_root() above, so don't trim those.
+ $path =~ s/.*\/// if $path !~ /by-uuid|by-label/;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $path;
-# args: $1 - type cpu/mem
- eval $LOGFS
- local array_length='' reorder_temp='' i=0 head_tail='' sort_type='' ps_data=''
- # bummer, have to make it more complex here because of reverse sort
- # orders in output, pesky lack of support of +rss in old systems
- case $1 in
- mem)
- if [[ $BSD_TYPE != 'bsd' ]];then
- sort_type='ps aux --sort -rss'
- head_tail='head'
- else
- sort_type='ps aux -m'
- head_tail='head'
- fi
- ;;
- cpu)
- if [[ $BSD_TYPE != 'bsd' ]];then
- sort_type='ps aux --sort %cpu'
- head_tail='tail'
- else
- sort_type='ps aux -r'
- head_tail='head'
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- # throttle potential irc abuse
- if [[ $B_IRC == 'true' && $PS_COUNT -gt 5 ]];then
- fi
- # use eval here to avoid glitches with -
- ps_data="$( eval $sort_type )"
- IFS=$'\n'
- # note that inxi can use a lot of cpu, and can actually show up here as the script runs
- A_PS_DATA=( $( echo "$ps_data" | grep -Ev "($SELF_NAME|%CPU|[[:space:]]ps[[:space:]])" | $head_tail -n $PS_COUNT | gawk '
- appName=""
- appPath=""
- appStarterName=""
- appStarterPath=""
- cpu=""
- mem=""
- pid=""
- user=""
- rss=""
- }
- {
- cpu=$3
- mem=$4
- pid=$2
- user=$1
- rss=sprintf( "%.2f", $6/1024 )
- # have to get rid of [,],(,) eg: [lockd] which break the printout function compare in bash
- gsub(/\[|\]|\(|\)/,"~", $0 )
- if ( $12 ~ /^\// ){
- appStarterPath=$11
- appPath=$12
+sub get_uuid {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($item) = @_;
+ my $uuid = '';
+ foreach (@uuids){
+ if ($item eq Cwd::abs_path($_)){
+ $uuid = $_;
+ $uuid =~ s/\/dev\/disk\/by-uuid\///;
+ last;
- else {
- appStarterPath=$11
- appPath=$11
- }
- appStarterName=gensub( /(\/.*\/)(.*)/, "\\2", "1", appStarterPath )
- appName=gensub( /(\/.*\/)(.*)/, "\\2", "1", appPath )
- print appName "," appPath "," appStarterName "," appStarterPath "," cpu "," mem "," pid "," rss "," user
- }
- ' ) )
- # make the array ordered highest to lowest so output looks the way we expect it to
- # this isn't necessary for -rss, and we can't make %cpu ordered the other way, so
- # need to reverse it here. -rss is used because on older systems +rss is not supported
- if [[ $1 == 'cpu' && $BSD_TYPE != 'bsd' ]];then
- array_length=${#A_PS_DATA[@]};
- while (( $i < $array_length/2 ))
- do
- reorder_temp=${A_PS_DATA[i]}
- A_PS_DATA[i]=${A_PS_DATA[$array_length-$i-1]}
- A_PS_DATA[$array_length-$i-1]=$reorder_temp
- (( i++ ))
- done
- fi
-# echo ${A_PS_DATA[@]}
- eval $LOGFE
+ }
+ $uuid ||= 'N/A';
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $uuid;
-# mdstat syntax information:
-# note that this does NOT use either Disk or Partition information for now, ie, there
-# is no connection between the data types, but the output should still be consistent
+## ProcessData
- eval $LOGFS
- local Mdstat=''
- local Zpool_Path=$( type -p zpool 2>/dev/null )
- # note: zfs has been available for Linux for a while. BSD systems
- # will not have mdraid.
- if [[ -n $Zpool_Path ]];then
- RAID_TYPE='zfs'
- get_raid_data_zfs
- fi
- # because there's no way for inxi to handle > 1 types of
- # software raid on one system, we simply have to assume that
- # if it had zfs, it won't have mdraid. Note that systems with
- # no actual mdraid but the kernel module running will have always
- # an array count of at least 2, for the two header lines of mdraid
- if [[ ${#A_RAID_DATA[@]} -eq 0 ]];then
- if [[ $B_MDSTAT_FILE == 'true' ]];then
- Mdstat="$( cat $FILE_MDSTAT 2>/dev/null )"
- fi
- if [[ -n $Mdstat ]];then
- RAID_TYPE='mdraid'
- get_raid_data_mdraid
- fi
- fi
- B_RAID_SET='true'
- a_temp=${A_RAID_DATA[@]}
- log_function_data "A_RAID_DATA: $a_temp"
- # echo ${#A_RAID_DATA[@]}
- # echo -e "A_RAID_DATA:\n${a_temp}"
- eval $LOGFE
+package ProcessData;
+sub get {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (@processes,@rows);
+ if ($show{'ps-cpu'}){
+ @rows = cpu_processes();
+ @processes = (@processes,@rows);
+ }
+ if ($show{'ps-mem'}){
+ @rows = mem_processes();
+ @processes = (@processes,@rows);
+ }
+ return @processes;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+sub cpu_processes {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($j,$num,$cpu,$cpu_mem,$mem) = (0,0,'','','');
+ my (@processes);
+ my $count = ($b_irc)? 5: $ps_count;
+ my @rows = sort {
+ my @a = split(/\s+/,$a);
+ my @b = split(/\s+/,$b);
+ $b[2] <=> $a[2] } @ps_aux;
+ # if there's a count limit, for irc, etc, only use that much of the data
+ @rows = splice @rows,0,$count;
+ $j = scalar @rows;
+ # $cpu_mem = ' - Memory: MiB / % used' if $extra > 0;
+ my $throttled = throttled($ps_count,$count,$j);
+ #my $header = "CPU % used - Command - pid$cpu_mem - top";
+ #my $header = "Top $count by CPU";
+ my @data = ({
+ main::key($num++,'CPU top') => "$count$throttled",
+ },);
+ @processes = (@processes,@data);
+ my $i = 1;
+ foreach (@rows){
+ $num = 1;
+ $j = scalar @processes;
+ my @row = split /\s+/, $_;
+ my @command = process_starter(scalar @row, $row[10],$row[11]);
+ @data = ({
+ main::key($num++,$i++) => '',
+ main::key($num++,'cpu') => $row[2] . '%',
+ main::key($num++,'command') => $command[0],
+ },);
+ @processes = (@processes,@data);
+ if ($command[1]) {
+ $processes[$j]{main::key($num++,'started by')} = $command[1];
+ }
+ $processes[$j]{main::key($num++,'pid')} = $row[1];
+ if ($extra > 0){
+ my $decimals = ($row[5]/1024 > 10 ) ? 1 : 2;
+ $mem = (defined $row[5]) ? sprintf( "%.${decimals}f", $row[5]/1024 ) . ' MiB' : 'N/A';
+ $mem .= ' (' . $row[3] . '%)';
+ $processes[$j]{main::key($num++,'mem')} = $mem;
+ }
+ #print Data::Dumper::Dumper \@processes, "i: $i; j: $j ";
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @processes;
+sub mem_processes {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($j,$num,$cpu,$cpu_mem,$mem) = (0,0,'','','');
+ my (@data,@processes,$memory);
+ my $count = ($b_irc)? 5: $ps_count;
+ my @rows = sort {
+ my @a = split(/\s+/,$a);
+ my @b = split(/\s+/,$b);
+ $b[5] <=> $a[5] } @ps_aux;
+ @rows = splice @rows,0,$count;
+ #print Data::Dumper::Dumper \@rows;
+ @processes = main::memory_data_full('process') if !$b_mem;
+ $j = scalar @rows;
+ my $throttled = throttled($ps_count,$count,$j);
+ #$cpu_mem = ' - CPU: % used' if $extra > 0;
+ #my $header = "Memory MiB/% used - Command - pid$cpu_mem - top";
+ #my $header = "Top $count by Memory";
+ @data = ({
+ main::key($num++,'Memory top') => "$count$throttled",
+ },);
+ @processes = (@processes,@data);
+ my $i = 1;
+ foreach (@rows){
+ $num = 1;
+ $j = scalar @processes;
+ my @row = split /\s+/, $_;
+ my $decimals = ($row[5]/1024 > 10 ) ? 1 : 2;
+ $mem = ($row[5]) ? sprintf( "%.${decimals}f", $row[5]/1024 ) . ' MiB' : 'N/A';
+ my @command = process_starter(scalar @row, $row[10],$row[11]);
+ $mem .= " (" . $row[3] . "%)";
+ @data = ({
+ main::key($num++,$i++) => '',
+ main::key($num++,'mem') => $mem,
+ main::key($num++,'command') => $command[0],
+ },);
+ @processes = (@processes,@data);
+ if ($command[1]) {
+ $processes[$j]{main::key($num++,'started by')} = $command[1];
+ }
+ $processes[$j]{main::key($num++,'pid')} = $row[1];
+ if ($extra > 0){
+ $cpu = $row[2] . '%';
+ $processes[$j]{main::key($num++,'cpu')} = $cpu;
+ }
+ #print Data::Dumper::Dumper \@processes, "i: $i; j: $j ";
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @processes;
+sub process_starter {
+ my ($count, $row10, $row11) = @_;
+ my (@return);
+ # note: [migration/0] would clear with a simple basename
+ if ($count > 11 && $row11 =~ /^\//){
+ $row11 =~ s/^\/.*\///;
+ $return[0] = $row11;
+ $row10 =~ s/^\/.*\///;
+ $return[1] = $row10;
+ }
+ else {
+ $row10 =~ s/^\/.*\///;
+ $return[0] = $row10;
+ $return[1] = '';
+ }
+ return @return;
+sub throttled {
+ my ($ps_count,$count,$j) = @_;
+ my $throttled = '';
+ if ($count > $j){
+ $throttled = " ( $j processes)";
+ }
+ elsif ($count < $ps_count){
+ $throttled = " (throttled from $ps_count)";
+ }
+ return $throttled;
+## RaidData
- eval $LOGFS
- # need to make sure there's always a newline in front of each record type, and
- # also correct possible weird formats for the output from older kernels etc.
- Mdstat="$( sed -e 's/^md/\nmd/' -e 's/^unused[[:space:]]/\nunused /' \
- -e 's/read_ahead/\nread_ahead/' -e 's/^resync=/\nresync=/' -e 's/^Event/\nEvent/' \
- -e 's/^[[:space:]]*$//' -e 's/[[:space:]]read_ahead/\nread_ahead/' <<< "$Mdstat" )"
- # some fringe cases do not end as expected, so need to add newlines plus EOF to make sure while loop doesn't spin
- Mdstat=$( echo -e "$Mdstat\n\nEOF" )
- IFS=$'\n'
- A_RAID_DATA=( $(
- gawk '
- RS="\n"
- }
- /^personalities/ {
- KernelRaidSupport = gensub(/personalities[[:space:]]*:[[:space:]]*(.*)/, "\\1", 1, $0)
- # clean off the brackets
- gsub(/[\[\]]/,"",KernelRaidSupport)
- print "KernelRaidSupport," KernelRaidSupport
- }
- /^read_ahead/ {
- ReadAhead=gensub(/read_ahead (.*)/, "\\1", 1 )
- print "ReadAhead," ReadAhead
- }
- /^Event:/ {
- print "raidEvent," $NF
- }
- # print logic will search for this value and use it to print out the unused devices data
- /^unused devices/ {
- unusedDevices = gensub(/^unused devices:[[:space:]][<]?([^>]*)[>]?.*/, "\\1", 1, $0)
- print "UnusedDevices," unusedDevices
+package RaidData;
+# debugger switches
+my ($b_md,$b_zfs) = (0,0);
+sub get {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (@rows,$key1,$val1);
+ my $num = 0;
+ raid_data() if !$b_raid;
+ #print 'get: ', Data::Dumper::Dumper \@raid;
+ if (!@raid){
+ if ($show{'raid-forced'}){
+ $key1 = 'Message';
+ $val1 = main::row_defaults('raid-data');
+ }
- /^md/ {
- # reset for each record loop through
- deviceState = ""
- bitmapValues = ""
- blocks = ""
- chunkSize = ""
- components = ""
- device = ""
- deviceReport = ""
- finishTime = ""
- recoverSpeed = ""
- recoveryProgressBar = ""
- recoveryPercent = ""
- raidLevel = ""
- sectorsRecovered = ""
- separator = ""
- superBlock = ""
- uData = ""
- while ( !/^[[:space:]]*$/ ) {
- gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_ARRAY"'/, " ", $0 )
- gsub(/[[:space:]]+/, " ", $0 )
- if ( $0 ~ /^md/ ) {
- device = gensub(/(md.*)[[:space:]]?:/, "\\1", "1", $1 )
+ else {
+ @rows = create_output();
+ }
+ if (!@rows && $key1){
+ @rows = ({main::key($num++,$key1) => $val1,});
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ ($b_md,$b_zfs) = undef;
+ return @rows;
+sub create_output {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (@arrays,@arrays_holder,@components,@components_good,@data,@failed,@rows,
+ @sizes,@spare,@temp);
+ my ($allocated,$available,$blocks_avail,$chunk_raid,$component_string,$raid,
+ $ref2,$ref3,$report_size,$size,$status);
+ my ($b_row_1_sizes);
+ my ($i,$j,$num,$status_id) = (0,0,0,0);
+ #print Data::Dumper::Dumper \@raid;
+ if ($extra > 2 && $raid[0]{'system-supported'}){
+ @data = ({
+ main::key($num++,'Supported md-raid types') => $raid[0]{'system-supported'},
+ });
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ }
+ foreach my $ref (@raid){
+ $j = scalar @rows;
+ my %row = %$ref;
+ $b_row_1_sizes = 0;
+ next if !%row;
+ $num = 1;
+ @data = ({
+ main::key($num++,'Device') => $row{'id'},
+ main::key($num++,'type') => $row{'type'},
+ main::key($num++,'status') => $row{'status'},
+ });
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ if ($row{'type'} eq 'mdraid'){
+ $blocks_avail = 'blocks';
+ $chunk_raid = 'chunk size';
+ $report_size = 'report';
+ if ($extra > 0){
+ $available = ($row{'blocks'}) ? $row{'blocks'} : 'N/A';
- if ( $0 ~ /mirror|raid[0-9]+/ ) {
- raidLevel = gensub(/(.*)raid([0-9]+)(.*)/, "\\2", "g", $0 )
+ $size = ($row{'report'}) ? $row{'report'}: '';
+ $size .= " $row{'u-data'}" if $size;
+ $size ||= 'N/A';
+ $status_id = 2;
+ }
+ else {
+ $blocks_avail = 'free';
+ $chunk_raid = 'allocated';
+ $report_size = 'size';
+ @sizes = ($row{'size'}) ? main::get_size($row{'size'}) : ();
+ $size = (@sizes) ? "$sizes[0] $sizes[1]" : '';
+ @sizes = ($row{'free'}) ? main::get_size($row{'free'}) : ();
+ $available = (@sizes) ? "$sizes[0] $sizes[1]" : '';
+ if ($extra > 2){
+ @sizes = ($row{'allocated'}) ? main::get_size($row{'allocated'}) : ();
+ $allocated = (@sizes) ? "$sizes[0] $sizes[1]" : '';
- if ( $0 ~ /(active \(auto-read-only\)|active|inactive)/ ) {
- deviceState = gensub(/(.*) (active \(auto-read-only\)|active|inactive) (.*)/, "\\2", "1", $0 )
+ $status_id = 1;
+ }
+ $ref2 = $row{'arrays'};
+ @arrays = @$ref2;
+ @arrays = grep {defined $_} @arrays;
+ @arrays_holder = @arrays;
+ if (($row{'type'} eq 'mdraid' && $extra == 0 ) || !defined $arrays[0]{'raid'} ){
+ $raid = (defined $arrays[0]{'raid'}) ? $arrays[0]{'raid'}: 'no-raid';
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'raid')} = $raid;
+ }
+ if ( ( $row{'type'} eq 'zfs' || ($row{'type'} eq 'mdraid' && $extra == 0 ) ) && $size){
+ #print "here 0\n";
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,$report_size)} = $size;
+ $size = '';
+ $b_row_1_sizes = 1;
+ }
+ if ( $row{'type'} eq 'zfs' && $available){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,$blocks_avail)} = $available;
+ $available = '';
+ $b_row_1_sizes = 1;
+ }
+ if ( $row{'type'} eq 'zfs' && $allocated){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,$chunk_raid)} = $allocated;
+ $allocated = '';
+ }
+ $i = 0;
+ my $count = scalar @arrays;
+ foreach $ref3 (@arrays){
+ my %row2 = %$ref3;
+ if ($count > 1){
+ $j = scalar @rows;
+ $num = 1;
+ @sizes = ($row2{'size'}) ? main::get_size($row2{'size'}) : ();
+ $size = (@sizes) ? "$sizes[0] $sizes[1]" : 'N/A';
+ @sizes = ($row2{'free'}) ? main::get_size($row2{'free'}) : ();
+ $available = (@sizes) ? "$sizes[0] $sizes[1]" : '';
+ $raid = (defined $row2{'raid'}) ? $row2{'raid'}: 'no-raid';
+ $status = ($row2{'status'}) ? $row2{'status'}: 'N/A';
+ @data = ({
+ main::key($num++,'array') => $raid,
+ main::key($num++,'status') => $status,
+ main::key($num++,'size') => $size,
+ main::key($num++,'free') => $available,
+ });
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
- # gawk will not return all the components using gensub, only last one
- separator = ""
- for ( i=3; i<=NF; i++ ) {
- if ( $i ~ /[hs]d[a-z][0-9]*(\[[0-9]+\])?(\([SF]\))?/ ) {
- components = components separator $i
- separator=" "
+ # items like cache may have one component, with a size on that component
+ elsif (!$b_row_1_sizes && $row{'type'} eq 'zfs'){
+ #print "here $count\n";
+ @sizes = ($row2{'size'}) ? main::get_size($row2{'size'}) : ();
+ $size = (@sizes) ? "$sizes[0] $sizes[1]" : '';
+ @sizes = ($row2{'free'}) ? main::get_size($row2{'free'}) : ();
+ $available = (@sizes) ? "$sizes[0] $sizes[1]" : '';
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'size')} = $size;
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'free')} = $available;
+ if ($extra > 2){
+ @sizes = ($row{'allocated'}) ? main::get_size($row2{'allocated'}) : ();
+ $allocated = (@sizes) ? "$sizes[0] $sizes[1]" : '';
+ if ($allocated){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,$chunk_raid)} = $allocated;
+ }
- if ( $0 ~ /blocks/ ) {
- blocks = gensub(/(.*[[:space:]]+)?([0-9]+)[[:space:]]blocks.*/, "\\2", "1", $0)
- }
- if ( $0 ~ /super[[:space:]][0-9\.]+/ ) {
- superBlock = gensub(/.*[[:space:]]super[[:space:]]([0-9\.]+)[[:space:]].*/, "\\1", "1", $0)
- }
- if ( $0 ~ /algorithm[[:space:]][0-9\.]+/ ) {
- algorithm = gensub(/.*[[:space:]]algorithm[[:space:]]([0-9\.]+)[[:space:]].*/, "\\1", "1", $0)
- }
- if ( $0 ~ /\[[0-9]+\/[0-9]+\]/ ) {
- deviceReport = gensub(/.*[[:space:]]\[([0-9]+\/[0-9]+)\][[:space:]].*/, "\\1", "1", $0)
- uData = gensub(/.*[[:space:]]\[([U_]+)\]/, "\\1", "1", $0)
- }
- # need to avoid this: bitmap: 0/10 pages [0KB], 16384KB chunk
- # while currently all the normal chunks are marked with k, not kb, this can change in the future
- if ( $0 ~ /[0-9]+[k] chunk/ && $0 !~ /bitmap/ ) {
- chunkSize = gensub(/(.*) ([0-9]+[k]) chunk.*/, "\\2", "1", $0)
+ $ref3 = $row2{'components'};
+ @components = (ref $ref3 eq 'ARRAY') ? @$ref3 : ();
+ @failed = ();
+ @spare = ();
+ @components_good = ();
+ # @spare = split(/\s+/, $row{'unused'}) if $row{'unused'};
+ foreach my $item (@components){
+ @temp = split /~/, $item;
+ if (defined $temp[$status_id] && $temp[$status_id] =~ /^(F|DEGRADED|FAULTED|UNAVAIL)$/){
+ $temp[0] = "$temp[0]~$temp[1]" if $status_id == 2;
+ push @failed, $temp[0];
+ }
+ elsif (defined $temp[$status_id] && $temp[$status_id] =~ /(S|OFFLINE)$/){
+ $temp[0] = "$temp[0]~$temp[1]" if $status_id == 2;
+ push @spare, $temp[0];
+ }
+ else {
+ $temp[0] = ($status_id == 2) ? "$temp[0]~$temp[1]" : $temp[0];
+ push @components_good, $temp[0];
+ }
- if ( $0 ~ /^resync=/ ) {
- sub(/resync=/,"")
- print "resyncStatus," $0
+ $component_string = (@components_good) ? join ' ', @components_good : 'N/A';
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'Components')} = '';
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'online')} = $component_string;
+ if (@failed){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'FAILED')} = join ' ', @failed;
- if ( $0 ~ /\[[=]*>[\.]*\].*(resync|recovery)/ ) {
- recoveryProgressBar = gensub(/.*(\[[=]*>[\.]*\]).*/, "\\1",1,$0)
+ if (@spare){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'spare')} = join ' ', @spare;
- if ( $0 ~ / (resync|recovery)[[:space:]]*=/ ) {
- recoveryPercent = gensub(/.* (resync|recovery)[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*([0-9\.]+%).*/, "\\1~\\2", 1 )
- if ( $0 ~ /[[:space:]]\([0-9]+\/[0-9]+\)/ ) {
- sectorsRecovered = gensub(/.* \(([0-9]+\/[0-9]+)\).*/, "\\1", 1, $0 )
+ if ($row{'type'} eq 'mdraid' && $extra > 0 ){
+ $j = scalar @rows;
+ $num = 1;
+ #print Data::Dumper::Dumper \@arrays_holder;
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'Info')} = '';
+ $raid = (defined $arrays_holder[0]{'raid'}) ? $arrays_holder[0]{'raid'}: 'no-raid';
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'raid')} = $raid;
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,$blocks_avail)} = $available;
+ if ($size){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,$report_size)} = $size;
- if ( $0 ~ /finish[[:space:]]*=/ ) {
- finishTime = gensub(/.* finish[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*([[0-9\.]+)([a-z]+) .*/, "\\1 \\2", 1, $0 )
+ my $chunk = ($row{'chunk-size'}) ? $row{'chunk-size'}: 'N/A';
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,$chunk_raid)} = $chunk;
+ if ($extra > 1){
+ if ($row{'bitmap'}){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'bitmap')} = $row{'bitmap'};
+ }
+ if ($row{'super-block'}){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'super blocks')} = $row{'super-block'};
+ }
+ if ($row{'algorithm'}){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'algorithm')} = $row{'algorithm'};
+ }
- if ( $0 ~ /speed[[:space:]]*=/ ) {
- recoverSpeed = gensub(/.* speed[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*([[0-9\.]+)([a-z]+\/[a-z]+)/, "\\1 \\2", 1, $0 )
+ }
+ $i++;
+ }
+ if ($row{'recovery-percent'}){
+ $j = scalar @rows;
+ $num = 1;
+ my $percent = $row{'recovery-percent'};
+ if ($extra > 1 && $row{'progress-bar'}){
+ $percent .= " $row{'progress-bar'}"
+ }
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'Recovering')} = $percent;
+ my $finish = ($row{'recovery-finish'})?$row{'recovery-finish'} : 'N/A';
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'time remaining')} = $finish;
+ if ($extra > 0){
+ if ($row{'sectors-recovered'}){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'sectors')} = $row{'sectors-recovered'};
- if ( $0 ~ /bitmap/ ) {
- bitmapValues = gensub(/(.*[[:space:]])?bitmap:(.*)/, "\\2", 1, $0 )
+ if ($extra > 1 && $row{'recovery-speed'}){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'speed')} = $row{'recovery-speed'};
- getline
- raidString = device "," deviceState "," raidLevel "," components "," deviceReport "," uData
- raidString = raidString "," blocks "," superBlock "," algorithm "," chunkSize "," bitmapValues
- raidString = raidString "," recoveryProgressBar "," recoveryPercent "," sectorsRecovered "," finishTime "," recoverSpeed
- print raidString
- ' <<< "$Mdstat" ) )
- eval $LOGFE
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ #print Data::Dumper::Dumper \@rows;
+ return @rows;
+sub raid_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (@data);
+ $b_raid = 1;
+ if ($b_md || (my $file = main::system_files('mdstat') )){
+ @data = mdraid_data($file);
+ @raid = (@raid,@data) if @data;
+ }
+ if ($b_zfs || (my $path = main::check_program('zpool') )){
+ @data = zfs_data($path);
+ @raid = (@raid,@data) if @data;
+ }
+ main::log_data('dump','@raid',\@raid) if $b_log;
+ #print Data::Dumper::Dumper \@raid;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+sub mdraid_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($mdstat) = @_;
+ my $j = 0;
+ #$mdstat = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/raid/md-4-device-1.txt";
+ #$mdstat = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/raid/md-rebuild-1.txt";
+ #$mdstat = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/raid/md-2-mirror-fserver2-1.txt";
+ #$mdstat = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/raid/md-2-raid10-abucodonosor.txt";
+ my @working = main::reader($mdstat,'strip');
+ #print Data::Dumper::Dumper \@working;
+ my (@data,@mdraid,@temp,$b_found,$system,$unused);
+ # NOTE: a system with empty mdstat will still show these values
+ if ($working[0] && $working[0] =~ /^Personalities/){
+ $system = ( split /:\s*/, $working[0])[1];
+ $system =~ s/\[|\]//g if $system;
+ shift @working;
+ }
+ if ($working[-1] && $working[-1] =~ /^used\sdevices/){
+ $unused = ( split /:\s*/, $working[0])[1];
+ $unused =~ s/<|>|none//g if $unused;
+ pop @working;
+ }
+ foreach (@working){
+ $_ =~ s/\s*:\s*/:/;
+ # print "$_\n";
+ #md126 : active (auto-read-only) raid1 sdq1[0]
+ if (/^(md[0-9]+)\s*:\s*([^\s]+)(\s\([^)]+\))?\s([^\s]+)\s(.*)/){
+ my $id = $1;
+ my $status = $2;
+ my $raid = $4;
+ my $component_string = $5;
+ @temp = ();
+ $raid =~ s/^raid1$/mirror/;
+ $raid =~ s/^raid/raid-/;
+ $raid = 'mirror' if $raid eq '1';
+ # remember, these include the [x] id, so remove that for disk/unmounted
+ my @components = split /\s+/, $component_string;
+ foreach my $component (@components){
+ $component =~ /([\S]+)\[([0-9]+)\]\(?([SF])?\)?/;
+ my $string = "$1~";
+ $string .= (defined $2) ? "c$2" : '';
+ $string .= (defined $3) ? "~$3" : '';
+ push @temp, $string;
+ }
+ @components = @temp;
+ #print "$component_string\n";
+ $j = scalar @mdraid;
+ @data = ({
+ 'id' => $id,
+ 'arrays' => ([],),
+ 'status' => $status,
+ 'type' => 'mdraid',
+ });
+ @mdraid = (@mdraid,@data);
+ $mdraid[$j]{'arrays'}[0]{'raid'} = $raid;
+ $mdraid[$j]{'arrays'}[0]{'components'} = \@components;
+ }
+ #print "$_\n";
+ if ($_ =~ /^([0-9]+)\sblocks/){
+ $mdraid[$j]{'blocks'} = $1;
+ }
+ if ($_ =~ /super\s([0-9\.]+)\s/){
+ $mdraid[$j]{'super-block'} = $1;
+ }
+ if ($_ =~ /algorithm\s([0-9\.]+)\s/){
+ $mdraid[$j]{'algorithm'} = $1;
+ }
+ if ($_ =~ /\[([0-9]+\/[0-9]+)\]\s\[([U_]+)\]/){
+ $mdraid[$j]{'report'} = $1;
+ $mdraid[$j]{'u-data'} = $2;
+ }
+ if ($_ =~ /resync=([\S]+)/){
+ $mdraid[$j]{'resync'} = $1;
+ }
+ if ($_ =~ /([0-9]+[km])\schunk/i){
+ $mdraid[$j]{'chunk-size'} = $1;
+ }
+ if ($_ =~ /(\[[=]*>[\.]*\]).*(resync|recovery)\s*=\s*([0-9\.]+%)?(\s\(([0-9\/]+)\))?/){
+ $mdraid[$j]{'progress-bar'} = $1;
+ $mdraid[$j]{'recovery-percent'} = $3 if $3;
+ $mdraid[$j]{'sectors-recovered'} = $5 if $5;
+ }
+ if ($_ =~ /finish\s*=\s*([\S]+)\s+speed\s*=\s*([\S]+)/){
+ $mdraid[$j]{'recovery-finish'} = $1;
+ $mdraid[$j]{'recovery-speed'} = $2;
+ }
+ #print 'mdraid loop: ', Data::Dumper::Dumper \@mdraid;
+ }
+ if (@mdraid){
+ $mdraid[0]{'system-supported'} = $system if $system;
+ $mdraid[0]{'unused'} = $unused if $unused;
+ }
+ #print Data::Dumper::Dumper \@mdraid;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @mdraid;
- eval $LOGFS
- local zpool_data='' zpool_arg='v'
+sub zfs_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($zpool) = @_;
+ my (@components,@data,@zfs);
+ my ($allocated,$free,$ref,$size,$status);
+ my $b_v = 1;
+ my ($i,$j,$k) = (0,0,0);
+ #my $file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/raid/zpool-list-1-mirror-main-solestar.txt";
+ #my $file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/raid/zpool-list-2-mirror-main-solestar.txt";
+ #my $file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/raid/zpool-list-v-tank-1.txt";
+ #my @working = main::reader($file);$zpool = '';
+ my @working = main::grabber("$zpool list -v 2>/dev/null");
+ DiskData::set_glabel() if $bsd_type && !$b_glabel;
# bsd sed does not support inserting a true \n so use this trick
# some zfs does not have -v
- if $Zpool_Path list -v &>/dev/null;then
- zpool_data="$( $Zpool_Path list -v 2>/dev/null | sed $SED_RX 's/^([^[:space:]])/\
-\1/' )"
- else
- zpool_data="$( $Zpool_Path list 2>/dev/null | sed $SED_RX 's/^([^[:space:]])/\
-\1/' )"
- zpool_arg='no-v'
- fi
-# echo "$zpool_data"
- IFS=$'\n'
- A_RAID_DATA=( $(
- gawk -v bsdType="$BSD_TYPE" '
- raidString=""
- separator=""
- components=""
- reportSize=""
- blocksAvailable=""
- chunkRaidAllocated=""
- }
- sub(/.*ALLOC.*/,"", $0)
- }
- # gptid/d874c7e7-3f6d-11e4-b7dc-080027ea466c
- /^[^[:space:]]/ {
- components=""
- separator=""
- raidLevel=""
- device=$1
- reportSize=$2
- chunkRaidAllocated=$3
- blocksAvailable=$4
- if ( bsdType != "" ){
- deviceState=$7
+ if (!@working){
+ @working = main::grabber("$zpool list 2>/dev/null");
+ $b_v = 0;
+ }
+ #print Data::Dumper::Dumper \@working;
+ main::log_data('dump','@working',\@working) if $b_log;
+ if (!@working){
+ main::log_data('data','no zpool list data') if $b_log;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return ();
+ }
+ my ($status_i) = (0);
+ my $test = shift @working; # get rid of first header line
+ if ($test){
+ foreach (split /\s+/, $test){
+ last if $_ eq 'HEALTH';
+ $status_i++;
- else {
- deviceState=$9
+ }
+ foreach (@working){
+ my @row = split /\s+/, $_;
+ if (/^[\S]+/){
+ @components = ();
+ $i = 0;
+ $size = ($row[1] && $row[1] ne '-')? main::translate_size($row[1]): '';
+ $allocated = ($row[2] && $row[2] ne '-')? main::translate_size($row[2]): '';
+ $free = ($row[3] && $row[3] ne '-')? main::translate_size($row[3]): '';
+ $status = (defined $row[$status_i] && $row[$status_i] ne '') ? $row[$status_i]: 'no-status';
+ $j = scalar @zfs;
+ @data = ({
+ 'id' => $row[0],
+ 'allocated' => $allocated,
+ 'arrays' => ([],),
+ 'free' => $free,
+ 'size' => $size,
+ 'status' => $status,
+ 'type' => 'zfs',
+ });
+ @zfs = (@zfs,@data);
- getline
+ #print Data::Dumper::Dumper \@zfs;
# raid level is the second item in the output, unless it is not, sometimes it is absent
- if ( $1 != "" ) {
- if ( $1 ~ /raid|mirror/ ) {
- raidLevel="zfs " $1
+ if ($row[1] =~ /raid|mirror/){
+ $row[1] =~ s/^raid1/mirror/;
+ #$row[1] =~ s/^raid/raid-/; # need to match in zpool status <device>
+ $ref = $zfs[$j]{'arrays'};
+ $k = scalar @$ref;
+ $zfs[$j]{'arrays'}[$k]{'raid'} = $row[1];
+ $i = 0;
+ $zfs[$j]{'arrays'}[$k]{'size'} = ($row[2] && $row[2] ne '-') ? main::translate_size($row[2]) : '';
+ $zfs[$j]{'arrays'}[$k]{'allocated'} = ($row[3] && $row[3] ne '-') ? main::translate_size($row[3]) : '';
+ $zfs[$j]{'arrays'}[$k]{'free'} = ($row[4] && $row[4] ne '-') ? main::translate_size($row[4]) : '';
+ }
+ #
+ elsif ($row[1] =~ /spares/){
+ next;
+ }
+ # the first is a member of a raid array
+ # ada2 - - - - - -
+ # this second is a single device not in an array
+ # ada0s2 25.9G 14.6G 11.3G - 0% 56%
+ # gptid/3838f796-5c46-11e6-a931-d05099ac4dc2 - - - - - -
+ elsif ($row[1] =~ /^([a-z0-9]+[0-9]+|([\S]+)\/.*)$/ &&
+ ($row[2] eq '-' || $row[2] =~ /^[0-9\.]+[MGTP]$/ )){
+ $row[1] =~ /^([a-z0-9]+[0-9]+|([\S]+)\/.*)\s*(DEGRADED|FAULTED|OFFLINE)?$/;
+ my $working = $1;
+ my $state = ($3) ? $3 : '';
+ if ($working =~ /[\S]+\// && @glabel){
+ $working = DiskData::match_glabel($working);
- else {
- raidLevel="zfs-no-raid"
- components = $1
- separator=" "
+ # kind of a hack, things like cache may not show size/free
+ # data since they have no array row, but they might show it in
+ # component row:
+ # ada0s2 25.9G 19.6G 6.25G - 0% 75%
+ if (!$zfs[$j]{'size'} && $row[2] && $row[2] ne '-') {
+ $size = ($row[2])? main::translate_size($row[2]): '';
+ $zfs[$j]{'arrays'}[$k]{'size'} = $size;
+ }
+ if (!$zfs[$j]{'allocated'} && $row[3] && $row[3] ne '-') {
+ $allocated = ($row[3])? main::translate_size($row[3]): '';
+ $zfs[$j]{'arrays'}[$k]{'allocated'} = $allocated;
+ }
+ if (!$zfs[$j]{'free'} && $row[4] && $row[4] ne '-') {
+ $free = ($row[4])? main::translate_size($row[4]): '';
+ $zfs[$j]{'arrays'}[$k]{'free'} = $free;
+ $zfs[$j]{'arrays'}[$k]{'components'}[$i] = $working . '~' . $state;
+ $i++;
- while ( getline && $1 !~ /^$/ ) {
- #
- if ($1 ~ /spares/) {
- getline
- }
- # print $1
- components = components separator $1
- separator=" "
- }
- # some issues if we use ~ here
- gsub(/\//,"%",components)
- # print $1
- raidString = device "," deviceState "," raidLevel "," components "," reportSize "," uData
- raidString = raidString "," blocksAvailable "," superBlock "," algorithm "," chunkRaidAllocated
- # none of these are used currently
- raidString = raidString "," bitmapValues "," recoveryProgressBar "," recoveryPercent
- raidString = raidString "," sectorsRecovered "," finishTime "," recoverSpeed
- gsub(/~/,"",raidString)
- print raidString
- }' <<< "$zpool_data" ) )
- # pass the zpool type, so we know how to get the components
- get_raid_component_data_zfs "$zpool_arg"
- eval $LOGFE
-# note, we've already tested for zpool so no further tests required
-# args: $1 - zpool type, v will have a single row output, no-v has stacked for components
+ }
+ # print Data::Dumper::Dumper \@zfs;
+ # clear out undefined arrrays values
+ $j = 0;
+ foreach $ref (@zfs){
+ my %row = %$ref;
+ my $ref2 = $row{'arrays'};
+ my @arrays = (ref $ref2 eq 'ARRAY' ) ? @$ref2 : ();
+ @arrays = grep {defined $_} @arrays;
+ $zfs[$j]{'arrays'} = \@arrays;
+ $j++;
+ }
+ @zfs = zfs_status($zpool,@zfs);
+ # print Data::Dumper::Dumper \@zfs;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @zfs;
+sub zfs_status {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($zpool,@zfs) = @_;
+ my ($cmd,$status,$file,$raid,@arrays,@pool_status,@temp);
+ my ($i,$j,$k,$l) = (0,0,0,0);
+ foreach my $ref (@zfs){
+ my %row = %$ref;
+ $i = 0;
+ $k = 0;
+ #$file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/raid/zpool-status-1-mirror-main-solestar.txt";
+ #$file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/raid/zpool-status-2-mirror-main-solestar.txt";
+ #$file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/raid/zpool-status-tank-1.txt";
+ #@pool_status = main::reader($file,'strip');
+ $cmd = "$zpool status $row{'id'} 2>/dev/null";
+ @pool_status = main::grabber($cmd,"\n",'strip');
+ main::log_data('cmd',$cmd) if $b_log;
+ my $ref2 = $row{'arrays'};
+ @arrays = (ref $ref2 eq 'ARRAY' ) ? @$ref2 : ();
+ #print "$row{'id'} rs:$row{'status'}\n";
+ $status = ($row{'status'} && $row{'status'} eq 'no-status') ? check_status($row{'id'},@pool_status): $row{'status'};
+ $zfs[$j]{'status'} = $status if $status;
+ #@arrays = grep {defined $_} @arrays;
+ #print "$row{id} $#arrays\n";
+ #print Data::Dumper::Dumper \@arrays;
+ foreach my $array (@arrays){
+ #print 'ref: ', ref $array, "\n";
+ #next if ref $array ne 'HASH';
+ my %row2 = %$array;
+ my $ref3 = $row2{'components'};
+ my @components = (ref $ref3 eq 'ARRAY') ? @$ref3 : ();
+ $l = 0;
+ # zpool status: mirror-0 ONLINE 2 0 0
+ $raid = ($row2{'raid'}) ? "$row2{'raid'}-$i": $row2{'raid'};
+ $status = ($raid) ? check_status($raid,@pool_status): '';
+ $zfs[$j]{'arrays'}[$k]{'status'} = $status;
+ #print "$raid i:$i j:$j k:$k $status\n";
+ foreach my $component (@components){
+ my @temp = split /~/, $component;
+ $status = ($temp[0]) ? check_status($temp[0],@pool_status): '';
+ $zfs[$j]{'arrays'}[$k]{'components'}[$l] .= $status if $status;
+ $l++;
+ }
+ $k++;
+ # haven't seen a raid5/6 type array yet
+ $i++ if $row2{'raid'}; # && $row2{'raid'} eq 'mirror';
+ }
+ $j++;
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @zfs;
+sub check_status {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($item,@pool_status) = @_;
+ my ($status) = ('');
+ foreach (@pool_status){
+ my @temp = split /\s+/, $_;
+ if ($temp[0] eq $item){
+ last if !$temp[1];
+ $status = $temp[1];
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $status;
+## RamData
- eval $LOGFS
- local a_raid_data='' array_string='' component='' component_string=''
- local zpool_status='' device='' separator='' component_status=''
- for (( i=0; i<${#A_RAID_DATA[@]}; i++))
- do
- IFS=","
- a_raid_data=( ${A_RAID_DATA[i]} )
- separator=''
- component_string=''
- component_status=''
- zpool_status=''
- device=${a_raid_data[0]}
- zpool_status="$( zpool status $device )"
- log_function_data "zpool status $device:\n$zpool_status"
- # we will remove ONLINE for status and only use OFFLINE/DEGRADED as tests
- # for print output display of issues with components
- # note: different zfs outputs vary, some have the components listed by line
- if [[ $1 == 'v' ]];then
- for component in ${a_raid_data[3]}
- do
- component_status=$( gawk '
- separator=""
+package RamData;
+sub get {
+ my (@data,@rows,$key1,@ram,$val1);
+ my $num = 0;
+ my $ref = $alerts{'dmidecode'};
+ @rows = main::memory_data_full('ram') if !$b_mem;
+ if ( $$ref{'action'} ne 'use'){
+ $key1 = $$ref{'action'};
+ $val1 = $$ref{$key1};
+ @data = ({
+ main::key($num++,'RAM Report') => '',
+ main::key($num++,$key1) => $val1,
+ });
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ }
+ else {
+ @ram = dmidecode_data();
+ if (@ram){
+ @data = create_output(@ram);
+ }
+ else {
+ $key1 = 'message';
+ $val1 = main::row_defaults('ram-data');
+ @data = ({
+ main::key($num++,'RAM Report') => '',
+ main::key($num++,$key1) => $val1,
+ });
+ }
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @rows;
+sub create_output {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (@ram) = @_;
+ return if !@ram;
+ my $num = 0;
+ my $j = 0;
+ my (@data,@rows);
+ foreach (@ram){
+ $j = scalar @rows;
+ my %ref = %$_;
+ $num = 1;
+ @data = ({
+ main::key($num++,'Array') => '',
+ main::key($num++,'capacity') => process_size($ref{'capacity'}),
+ });
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ if ($ref{'cap-qualifier'}){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'note')} = $ref{'cap-qualifier'};
+ }
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'slots')} = $ref{'slots'};
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'EC')} = $ref{'eec'};
+ if ($extra > 0 ){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'max module size')} = process_size($ref{'max-module-size'});
+ if ($ref{'mod-qualifier'}){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'note')} = $ref{'mod-qualifier'};
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $ref2 ($ref{'modules'}){
+ my @modules = @$ref2;
+ # print Data::Dumper::Dumper \@modules;
+ foreach my $ref3 ( @modules){
+ $num = 1;
+ $j = scalar @rows;
+ # multi array setups will start index at next from previous array
+ next if ref $ref3 ne 'HASH';
+ my %mod = %$ref3;
+ $mod{'locator'} ||= 'N/A';
+ @data = ({
+ main::key($num++,'Device') => $mod{'locator'},
+ main::key($num++,'size') => process_size($mod{'size'}),
+ });
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ next if ($mod{'size'} =~ /\D/);
+ if ($extra > 1 && $mod{'type'} ){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'info')} = $mod{'type'};
- {
- gsub(/\//,"%",$1)
- }
- $1 ~ /^'$component'$/ {
- sub( /ONLINE/, "", $2 )
- print "'$component'" $2
- exit
- }' <<< "$zpool_status" )
- component_string="$component_string$separator$component_status"
- separator=' '
- done
- array_string="$device,${a_raid_data[1]},${a_raid_data[2]},${component_string//%/\/},${a_raid_data[4]}"
- array_string="$array_string,${a_raid_data[5]},${a_raid_data[6]},${a_raid_data[7]},${a_raid_data[8]}"
- array_string="$array_string,${a_raid_data[9]},${a_raid_data[10]},${a_raid_data[11]},${a_raid_data[12]},"
- array_string="$array_string${a_raid_data[13]},${a_raid_data[14]},${a_raid_data[15]}"
- else
- component_string=$( gawk '
- separator=""
- components=""
- raidLevel=""
- }
- $1 ~ /^'$device'$/ {
- while ( getline && !/^$/ ) {
- # raid level is the second item in the output, unless it is not, sometimes it is absent
- if ( $1 != "" ) {
- if ( raidLevel == "" ) {
- if ( $1 ~ /raid|mirror/ ) {
- raidLevel="zfs " $1
- getline
- }
- else {
- raidLevel="zfs-no-raid"
- }
- }
- }
- #
- if ($1 ~ /spares/) {
- getline
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'speed')} = $mod{'speed'};
+ if ($extra > 0 ){
+ $mod{'device-type'} ||= 'N/A';
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'type')} = $mod{'device-type'};
+ if ($extra > 2 && $mod{'device-type'} ne 'N/A'){
+ $mod{'device-type-detail'} ||= 'N/A';
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'detail')} = $mod{'device-type-detail'};
- sub( /ONLINE/, "", $2 )
- components=components separator $1 separator $2
- separator=" "
- }
- print raidLevel "," components
- }' <<< "$zpool_status" )
- # note: component_string is raid type AND components
- array_string="$device,${a_raid_data[1]},$component_string,${a_raid_data[4]}"
- array_string="$array_string,${a_raid_data[5]},${a_raid_data[6]},${a_raid_data[7]},${a_raid_data[8]}"
- array_string="$array_string,${a_raid_data[9]},${a_raid_data[10]},${a_raid_data[11]},${a_raid_data[12]},"
- array_string="$array_string${a_raid_data[13]},${a_raid_data[14]},${a_raid_data[15]}"
- fi
- IFS=","
- A_RAID_DATA[i]=$array_string
- done
- eval $LOGFE
+ }
+ if ($extra > 2 ){
+ $mod{'data-width'} ||= 'N/A';
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'bus width')} = $mod{'data-width'};
+ $mod{'total-width'} ||= 'N/A';
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'total')} = $mod{'total-width'};
+ }
+ if ($extra > 1 ){
+ $mod{'manufacturer'} ||= 'N/A';
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'manufacturer')} = $mod{'manufacturer'};
+ $mod{'part-number'} ||= 'N/A';
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'part-no')} = $mod{'part-number'};
+ }
+ if ($extra > 2 ){
+ $mod{'serial'} = main::apply_filter($mod{'serial'});
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'serial')} = $mod{'serial'};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @rows;
-# get_raid_data_zfs;exit
- eval $LOGFS
- local a_temp='' array_string=''
- set_dmidecode_data
- if [[ -n $DMIDECODE_DATA ]];then
- if [[ $DMIDECODE_DATA == 'dmidecode-error-'* ]];then
- # please note: only dmidecode version 2.11 or newer supports consistently the -s flag
- else
- IFS=$'\n'
- gawk -F ':' '
- arrayHandle=""
- bankLocator=""
- clockSpeed=""
- configuredClockSpeed=""
- dataWidth=""
- deviceManufacturer=""
- devicePartNumber=""
- deviceSerialNumber=""
- deviceSpeed=""
- deviceType=""
- deviceTypeDetail=""
- deviceSize=""
- errorCorrection=""
- formFactor=""
- handle=""
- location=""
- locator=""
- aArrayData[0,"maxCapacity5"]=0
- aArrayData[0,"maxCapacity16"]=0
- aArrayData[0,"usedCapacity"]=0
- aArrayData[0,"maxModuleSize"]=0
- aArrayData[0,"derivedModuleSize"]=0
- aArrayData[0,"deviceCount5"]=0
- aArrayData[0,"deviceCount16"]=0
- aArrayData[0,"deviceCountFound"]=0
- aArrayData[0,"moduleVoltage5"]=""
- moduleVoltage=""
- numberOfDevices=""
- primaryType=""
- totalWidth=""
- use=""
- i=0
- j=0
- k=0
- bDebugger1="false"
- dDebugger2="false"
- bType5="false"
- }
- function calculateSize(data,size) {
- if ( data ~ /^[0-9]+[[:space:]]*[GMTP]B/) {
- if ( data ~ /GB/ ) {
- data=gensub(/([0-9]+)[[:space:]]*GB/,"\\1",1,data) * 1024
- }
- else if ( data ~ /MB/ ) {
- data=gensub(/([0-9]+)[[:space:]]*MB/,"\\1",1,data)
- }
- else if ( data ~ /TB/ ) {
- data=gensub(/([0-9]+)[[:space:]]*TB/,"\\1",1,data) * 1024 * 1000
- }
- else if ( data ~ /PB/ ) {
- data=gensub(/([0-9]+)[[:space:]]*TB/,"\\1",1,data) * 1024 * 1000 * 1000
- }
- if (data ~ /^[0-9][0-9]+$/ && data > size ) {
- size=data
- }
+sub dmidecode_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($b_5,$handle,@ram,@temp);
+ my ($derived_module_size,$max_cap_5,$max_cap_16,$max_module_size) = (0,0,0,0);
+ my ($i,$j,$k) = (0,0,0);
+ foreach (@dmi){
+ my @ref = @$_;
+ # Portable Battery
+ if ($ref[0] == 5){
+ $ram[$k] = ({}) if !$ram[$k];
+ foreach my $item (@ref){
+ @temp = split /:\s*/, $item;
+ next if ! $temp[1];
+ if ($temp[0] eq 'Maximum Memory Module Size'){
+ $max_module_size = calculate_size($temp[1],$max_module_size);
+ $ram[$k]{'max-module-size'} = $max_module_size;
- return size
- }
- /^Table[[:space:]]+at[[:space:]]/ {
- bType5="false"
- # we need to start count here because for testing > 1 array, and we want always to have
- # the actual module data assigned to the right primary array, even when it is out of
- # position in dmidecode output
- i=0
- j=0
- k++
- }
- # {print k ":k:" $0}
- /^Handle .* DMI[[:space:]]+type[[:space:]]+5(,|[[:space:]])/ {
- while ( getline && !/^$/ ) {
- if ( $1 == "Maximum Memory Module Size" ) {
- aArrayData[k,"maxModuleSize"]=calculateSize($2,aArrayData[k,"maxModuleSize"])
- # print "mms:" aArrayData[k,"maxModuleSize"] ":" $2
- }
- if ($1 == "Maximum Total Memory Size") {
- aArrayData[k,"maxCapacity5"]=calculateSize($2,aArrayData[k,"maxCapacity5"])
- }
- if ( $1 == "Memory Module Voltage" ) {
- aArrayData[k,"moduleVoltage5"]=$2
- }
+ elsif ($temp[0] eq 'Maximum Total Memory Size'){
+ $max_cap_5 = calculate_size($temp[1],$max_cap_5);
+ $ram[$k]{'max-capacity-5'} = $max_cap_5;
- aArrayData[k,"data-type"]="memory-array"
- # print k ":data5:"aArrayData[k,"data-type"]
- bType5="true"
- }
- /^Handle .* DMI[[:space:]]+type[[:space:]]+6(,|[[:space:]])/ {
- while ( getline && !/^$/ ) {
- if ( $1 == "Installed Size" ) {
- # get module size
- aMemory[k,j,18]=calculateSize($2,0)
- # get data after module size
- sub(/ Connection/,"",$2)
- sub(/^[0-9]+[[:space:]]*[MGTP]B[[:space:]]*/,"",$2)
- aMemory[k,j,16]=$2
- }
- if ( $1 == "Current Speed" ) {
- aMemory[k,j,17]=$2
- }
+ elsif ($temp[0] eq 'Memory Module Voltage'){
+ $temp[1] =~ s/\s*V.*$//;
+ $ram[$k]{'voltage'} = $temp[1];
+ }
+ elsif ($temp[0] eq 'Associated Memory Slots'){
+ $ram[$k]{'slots-5'} = $temp[1];
- j++
- /^Handle .* DMI[[:space:]]+type[[:space:]]+16/ {
- arrayHandle=gensub(/Handle[[:space:]]([0-9a-zA-Z]+)([[:space:]]|,).*/,"\\1",$0)
- while ( getline && !/^$/ ) {
- # print $0
- if ( $1 == "Maximum Capacity") {
- aArrayData[k,"maxCapacity16"]=calculateSize($2,aArrayData[k,"maxCapacity16"])
- #print "mc:" aArrayData[k,"maxCapacity16"] ":" $2
- }
- # note: these 3 have cleaned data in set_dmidecode_data, so replace stuff manually
- if ( $1 == "Location") {
- sub(/[[:space:]]Or[[:space:]]Motherboard/,"",$2)
- location=$2
- if ( location == "" ){
- location="System Board"
- }
- }
- if ( $1 == "Use") {
- use=$2
- if ( use == "" ){
- use="System Memory"
- }
- }
- if ( $1 == "Error Correction Type") {
- errorCorrection=$2
- if ( errorCorrection == "" ){
- errorCorrection="None"
- }
- }
- if ( $1 == "Number of Devices") {
- numberOfDevices=$2
- }
+ $ram[$k]{'modules'} = ([],);
+ #print Data::Dumper::Dumper \@ram;
+ $b_5 = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($ref[0] == 6){
+ my ($size,$speed,$type) = (0,0,0);
+ foreach my $item (@ref){
+ @temp = split /:\s*/, $item;
+ next if ! $temp[1];
+ if ($temp[0] eq 'Installed Size'){
+ # get module size
+ $size = calculate_size($temp[1],0);
+ # get data after module size
+ $temp[1] =~ s/ Connection\)?//;
+ $temp[1] =~ s/^[0-9]+\s*[MGTP]B\s*\(?//;
+ $type = lc($temp[1]);
- aArrayData[k,"data-type"]="memory-array"
- # print k ":data16:"aArrayData[k,"data-type"]
- aArrayData[k,"handle"]=arrayHandle
- aArrayData[k,"location"]=location
- aArrayData[k,"deviceCount16"]=numberOfDevices
- aArrayData[k,"use"]=use
- aArrayData[k,"errorCorrection"]=errorCorrection
- # reset
- primaryType=""
- arrayHandle=""
- location=""
- numberOfDevices=""
- use=""
- errorCorrection=""
- moduleVoltage=""
- aDerivedModuleSize[k+1]=0
- aArrayData[k+1,"deviceCountFound"]=0
- aArrayData[k+1,"maxCapacity5"]=0
- aArrayData[k+1,"maxCapacity16"]=0
- aArrayData[k+1,"maxModuleSize"]=0
- }
- /^Handle .* DMI[[:space:]]+type[[:space:]]+17/ {
- while ( getline && !/^$/ ) {
- if ( $1 == "Array Handle") {
- arrayHandle=$2
- }
- if ( $1 == "Data Width") {
- dataWidth=$2
- }
- if ( $1 == "Total Width") {
- totalWidth=$2
- }
- if ( $1 == "Size") {
- # do not try to guess from installed modules, only use this to correct type 5 data
- aArrayData[k,"derivedModuleSize"]=calculateSize($2,aArrayData[k,"derivedModuleSize"])
- workingSize=calculateSize($2,0)
- if ( workingSize ~ /^[0-9][0-9]+$/ ){
- aArrayData[k,"deviceCountFound"]++
- # build up actual capacity found for override tests
- aArrayData[k,"usedCapacity"]=workingSize + aArrayData[k,"usedCapacity"]
- }
- # print aArrayData[k,"derivedModuleSize"] " dm:" k ":mm " aMaxModuleSize[k] " uc:" aArrayData[k,"usedCapacity"]
- # we want any non real size data to be preserved
- if ( $2 ~ /^[0-9]+[[:space:]]*[MTPG]B/ ) {
- deviceSize=workingSize
- }
- else {
- deviceSize=$2
- }
- }
- if ( $1 == "Locator") {
- # sub(/.*_/,"",$2)
- #sub(/RAM slot #|^DIMM/, "Slot",$2)
- sub(/RAM slot #/, "Slot",$2)
- #locator=toupper($2)
- locator=$2
- }
- if ( $1 == "Bank Locator") {
- #sub(/_.*/,"",$2)
- #sub(/RAM slot #|Channel|Chan/,"bank",$2)
- #sub(/RAM slot #|Channel|Chan/,"bank",$2)
- #bankLocator=toupper($2)
- bankLocator=$2
- }
- if ( $1 == "Form Factor") {
- formFactor=$2
- }
- if ( $1 == "Type") {
- deviceType=$2
- }
- if ( $1 == "Type Detail") {
- deviceTypeDetail=$2
- }
- if ( $1 == "Speed") {
- deviceSpeed=$2
+ elsif ($temp[0] eq 'Current Speed'){
+ $speed = $temp[1];
+ }
+ }
+ $ram[$k]{'modules'}[$j] = ({
+ 'size' => $size,
+ 'speed-ns' => $speed,
+ 'type' => $type,
+ });
+ #print Data::Dumper::Dumper \@ram;
+ $j++;
+ }
+ elsif ($ref[0] == 16){
+ $handle = $ref[1];
+ $ram[$handle] = $ram[$k] if $ram[$k];
+ $ram[$k] = undef;
+ $ram[$handle] = ({}) if !$ram[$handle];
+ foreach my $item (@ref){
+ @temp = split /:\s*/, $item;
+ next if ! $temp[1];
+ if ($temp[0] eq 'Maximum Capacity'){
+ $max_cap_16 = calculate_size($temp[1],$max_cap_16);
+ $ram[$handle]{'max-capacity-16'} = $max_cap_16;
+ }
+ # note: these 3 have cleaned data in set_dmidecode_data, so replace stuff manually
+ elsif ($temp[0] eq 'Location'){
+ $temp[1] =~ s/\sOr\sMotherboard//;
+ $temp[1] ||= 'System Board';
+ $ram[$handle]{'location'} = $temp[1];
+ }
+ elsif ($temp[0] eq 'Use'){
+ $temp[1] ||= 'System Memory';
+ $ram[$handle]{'use'} = $temp[1];
+ }
+ elsif ($temp[0] eq 'Error Correction Type'){
+ $temp[1] ||= 'None';
+ $ram[$handle]{'eec'} = $temp[1];
+ }
+ elsif ($temp[0] eq 'Number Of Devices'){
+ $ram[$handle]{'slots-16'} = $temp[1];
+ }
+ #print "0: $temp[0]\n";
+ }
+ $ram[$handle]{'derived-module-size'} = 0;
+ $ram[$handle]{'device-count-found'} = 0;
+ $ram[$handle]{'used-capacity'} = 0;
+ #print "s16: $ram[$handle]{'slots-16'}\n";
+ }
+ elsif ($ref[0] == 17){
+ my ($bank_locator,$configured_clock_speed,$data_width) = ('','','');
+ my ($device_type,$device_type_detail,$form_factor,$locator,$main_locator) = ('','','','','');
+ my ($manufacturer,$part_number,$serial,$speed,$total_width) = ('','','','','');
+ my ($device_size,$i_data,$i_total,$working_size) = (0,0,0,0);
+ foreach my $item (@ref){
+ @temp = split /:\s*/, $item;
+ next if ! $temp[1];
+ if ($temp[0] eq 'Array Handle'){
+ $handle = hex($temp[1]);
+ }
+ elsif ($temp[0] eq 'Data Width'){
+ $data_width = $temp[1];
+ }
+ elsif ($temp[0] eq 'Total Width'){
+ $total_width = $temp[1];
+ }
+ # do not try to guess from installed modules, only use this to correct type 5 data
+ elsif ($temp[0] eq 'Size'){
+ # we want any non real size data to be preserved
+ if ( $temp[1] =~ /^[0-9]+\s*[MTPG]B/ ) {
+ $derived_module_size = calculate_size($temp[1],$derived_module_size);
+ $working_size = calculate_size($temp[1],0);
+ $device_size = $working_size;
- if ( $1 == "Configured Clock Speed") {
- configuredClockSpeed=$2
+ else {
+ $device_size = $temp[1];
- if ( $1 == "Manufacturer") {
- gsub(/(^[0]+$|Undefined.*|.*Manufacturer.*)/,"",$2)
- deviceManufacturer=$2
+ }
+ elsif ($temp[0] eq 'Locator'){
+ $temp[1] =~ s/RAM slot #/Slot/;
+ $locator = $temp[1];
+ }
+ elsif ($temp[0] eq 'Bank Locator'){
+ $bank_locator = $temp[1];
+ }
+ elsif ($temp[0] eq 'Form Factor'){
+ $form_factor = $temp[1];
+ }
+ elsif ($temp[0] eq 'Type'){
+ $device_type = $temp[1];
+ }
+ elsif ($temp[0] eq 'Type Detail'){
+ $device_type_detail = $temp[1];
+ }
+ elsif ($temp[0] eq 'Speed'){
+ $speed = $temp[1];
+ }
+ elsif ($temp[0] eq 'Configured Clock Speed'){
+ $configured_clock_speed = $temp[1];
+ }
+ elsif ($temp[0] eq 'Manufacturer'){
+ $temp[1] = main::dmi_cleaner($temp[1]);
+ $manufacturer = $temp[1];
+ }
+ elsif ($temp[0] eq 'Part Number'){
+ $temp[1] =~ s/(^[0]+$||.*Module.*|Undefined.*|PartNum.*|\[Empty\]|^To be filled.*)//g;
+ $part_number = $temp[1];
+ }
+ elsif ($temp[0] eq 'Serial Number'){
+ $temp[1] =~ s/(^[0]+$|Undefined.*|SerNum.*|\[Empty\]|^To be filled.*)//g;
+ $serial = $temp[1];
+ }
+ }
+ # because of the wide range of bank/slot type data, we will just use
+ # the one that seems most likely to be right. Some have: Bank: SO DIMM 0 slot: J6A
+ # so we dump the useless data and use the one most likely to be visibly correct
+ if ( $bank_locator =~ /DIMM/ ) {
+ $main_locator = $bank_locator;
+ }
+ else {
+ $main_locator = $locator;
+ }
+ if ($working_size =~ /^[0-9][0-9]+$/) {
+ $ram[$handle]{'device-count-found'}++;
+ # build up actual capacity found for override tests
+ $ram[$handle]{'used-capacity'} += $working_size;
+ }
+ # sometimes the data is just wrong, they reverse total/data. data I believe is
+ # used for the actual memory bus width, total is some synthetic thing, sometimes missing.
+ # note that we do not want a regular string comparison, because 128 bit memory buses are
+ # in our future, and 128 bits < 64 bits with string compare
+ $data_width =~ /(^[0-9]+).*/;
+ $i_data = $1;
+ $total_width =~ /(^[0-9]+).*/;
+ $i_total = $1;
+ if ($i_data && $i_total && $i_data > $i_total){
+ my $temp_width = $data_width;
+ $data_width = $total_width;
+ $total_width = $temp_width;
+ }
+ $ram[$handle]{'derived-module-size'} = $derived_module_size;
+ $ram[$handle]{'modules'}[$i]{'configured-clock-speed'} = $configured_clock_speed;
+ $ram[$handle]{'modules'}[$i]{'data-width'} = $data_width;
+ $ram[$handle]{'modules'}[$i]{'size'} = $device_size;
+ $ram[$handle]{'modules'}[$i]{'device-type'} = $device_type;
+ $ram[$handle]{'modules'}[$i]{'device-type-detail'} = lc($device_type_detail);
+ $ram[$handle]{'modules'}[$i]{'form-factor'} = $form_factor;
+ $ram[$handle]{'modules'}[$i]{'locator'} = $main_locator;
+ $ram[$handle]{'modules'}[$i]{'manufacturer'} = $manufacturer;
+ $ram[$handle]{'modules'}[$i]{'part-number'} = $part_number;
+ $ram[$handle]{'modules'}[$i]{'serial'} = $serial;
+ $ram[$handle]{'modules'}[$i]{'speed'} = $speed;
+ $ram[$handle]{'modules'}[$i]{'total-width'} = $total_width;
+ $i++
+ }
+ elsif ($ref[0] < 17 ){
+ next;
+ }
+ elsif ($ref[0] > 17 ){
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ @ram = data_processor(@ram) if @ram;
+ main::log_data('dump','@ram',\@ram) if $b_log;
+ # print Data::Dumper::Dumper \@ram;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @ram;
+sub data_processor {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (@ram) = @_;
+ my $b_debug = 0;
+ my (@return,@temp);
+ my $est = 'est.';
+ foreach (@ram){
+ # because we use the actual array handle as the index,
+ # there will be many undefined keys
+ next if ! defined $_;
+ my %ref = %$_;
+ my ($max_cap,$max_mod_size) = (0,0);
+ my ($alt_cap,$est_cap,$est_mod,$unit) = (0,'','','');
+ $max_cap = $ref{'max-capacity-16'};
+ # make sure they are integers not string if empty
+ $ref{'slots-5'} ||= 0;
+ $ref{'slots-16'} ||= 0;
+ $ref{'max-capacity-5'} ||= 0;
+ $ref{'max-module-size'} ||= 0;
+ #$ref{'max-module-size'} = 0;# debugger
+ # 1: if max cap 1 is null, and max cap 2 not null, use 2
+ if ($b_debug){
+ print "1: mms: $ref{'max-module-size'} :dms: $ref{'derived-module-size'} :mc: $max_cap :uc: $ref{'used-capacity'}\n";
+ print "1a: s5: $ref{'slots-5'} s16: $ref{'slots-16'}\n";
+ }
+ if (!$max_cap && $ref{'max-capacity-5'}) {
+ $max_cap = $ref{'max-capacity-5'};
+ }
+ if ($b_debug){
+ print "2: mms: $ref{'max-module-size'} :dms: $ref{'derived-module-size'} :mc: $max_cap :uc: $ref{'used-capacity'}\n";
+ }
+ # 2: now check to see if actually found module sizes are > than listed max module, replace if >
+ if ( $ref{'max-module-size'} && $ref{'derived-module-size'} &&
+ $ref{'derived-module-size'} > $ref{'max-module-size'} ){
+ $ref{'max-module-size'} = $ref{'derived-module-size'};
+ $est_mod = $est;
+ }
+ if ($b_debug){
+ print "3: dcf: $ref{'device-count-found'} :dms: $ref{'derived-module-size'} :mc: $max_cap :uc: $ref{'used-capacity'}\n";
+ }
+ # note: some cases memory capacity == max module size, so one stick will fill it
+ # but I think only with cases of 2 slots does this happen, so if > 2, use the count of slots.
+ if ($max_cap && ($ref{'device-count-found'} || $ref{'slots-16'}) ){
+ # first check that actual memory found is not greater than listed max cap, or
+ # checking to see module count * max mod size is not > used capacity
+ if ($ref{'used-capacity'} && $ref{'max-capacity-16'}){
+ if ($ref{'used-capacity'} > $max_cap){
+ if ($ref{'max-module-size'} &&
+ $ref{'used-capacity'} < ($ref{'slots-16'} * $ref{'max-module-size'} )){
+ $max_cap = $ref{'slots-16'} * $ref{'max-module-size'};
+ $est_cap = $est;
+ print "A\n" if $b_debug;
- if ( $1 == "Part Number") {
- sub(/(^[0]+$||.*Module.*|Undefined.*)/,"",$2)
- devicePartNumber=$2
+ elsif ($ref{'derived-module-size'} &&
+ $ref{'used-capacity'} < ($ref{'slots-16'} * $ref{'derived-module-size'}) ){
+ $max_cap = $ref{'slots-16'} * $ref{'derived-module-size'};
+ $est_cap = $est;
+ print "B\n" if $b_debug;
- if ( $1 == "Serial Number") {
- gsub(/(^[0]+$|Undefined.*)/,"",$2)
- deviceSerialNumber=$2
+ else {
+ $max_cap = $ref{'used-capacity'};
+ $est_cap = $est;
+ print "C\n" if $b_debug;
- # because of the wide range of bank/slot type data, we will just use
- # the one that seems most likely to be right. Some have: Bank: SO DIMM 0 slot: J6A
- # so we dump the useless data and use the one most likely to be visibly correct
- if ( bankLocator ~ /DIMM/ ) {
- mainLocator=bankLocator
+ }
+ # note that second case will never really activate except on virtual machines and maybe
+ # mobile devices
+ if (!$est_cap){
+ # do not do this for only single modules found, max mod size can be equal to the array size
+ if ($ref{'slots-16'} > 1 && $ref{'device-count-found'} > 1 &&
+ $max_cap < ($ref{'derived-module-size'} * $ref{'slots-16'} ) ){
+ $max_cap = $ref{'derived-module-size'} * $ref{'slots-16'};
+ $est_cap = $est;
+ print "D\n" if $b_debug;
- else {
- mainLocator=locator
- }
- # sometimes the data is just wrong, they reverse total/data. data I believe is
- # used for the actual memory bus width, total is some synthetic thing, sometimes missing.
- # note that we do not want a regular string comparison, because 128 bit memory buses are
- # in our future, and 128 bits < 64 bits with string compare
- intData=gensub(/(^[0-9]+).*/,"\\1",1,dataWidth)
- intTotal=gensub(/(^[0-9]+).*/,"\\1",1,totalWidth)
- if (intData != "" && intTotal != "" && intData > intTotal ) {
- tempWidth=dataWidth
- dataWidth=totalWidth
- totalWidth=tempWidth
+ elsif ($ref{'device-count-found'} > 0 && $max_cap < ( $ref{'derived-module-size'} * $ref{'device-count-found'} )){
+ $max_cap = $ref{'derived-module-size'} * $ref{'device-count-found'};
+ $est_cap = $est;
+ print "E\n" if $b_debug;
+ }
+ ## handle cases where we have type 5 data: mms x device count equals type 5 max cap
+ # however do not use it if cap / devices equals the derived module size
+ elsif ($ref{'max-module-size'} > 0 &&
+ ($ref{'max-module-size'} * $ref{'slots-16'}) == $ref{'max-capacity-5'} &&
+ $ref{'max-capacity-5'} != $ref{'max-capacity-16'} &&
+ $ref{'derived-module-size'} != ($ref{'max-capacity-16'}/$ref{'slots-16'}) ){
+ $max_cap = $ref{'max-capacity-5'};
+ $est_cap = $est;
+ print "F\n" if $b_debug;
- aMemory[k,i,0]="memory-device"
- aMemory[k,i,1]=arrayHandle
- aMemory[k,i,2]=deviceSize
- aMemory[k,i,3]=bankLocator
- aMemory[k,i,4]=locator
- aMemory[k,i,5]=formFactor
- aMemory[k,i,6]=deviceType
- aMemory[k,i,7]=deviceTypeDetail
- aMemory[k,i,8]=deviceSpeed
- aMemory[k,i,9]=configuredClockSpeed
- aMemory[k,i,10]=dataWidth
- aMemory[k,i,11]=totalWidth
- aMemory[k,i,12]=deviceManufacturer
- aMemory[k,i,13]=devicePartNumber
- aMemory[k,i,14]=deviceSerialNumber
- aMemory[k,i,15]=mainLocator
- primaryType=""
- arrayHandle=""
- deviceSize=""
- bankLocator=""
- locator=""
- mainLocator=""
- mainLocator=""
- formFactor=""
- deviceType=""
- deviceTypeDetail=""
- deviceSpeed=""
- configuredClockSpeed=""
- dataWidth=""
- totalWidth=""
- deviceManufacturer=""
- devicePartNumber=""
- deviceSerialNumber=""
- i++
- }
- END {
- ## CRITICAL: gawk keeps changing integers to strings, so be explicit with int() in math
- # print primaryType "," arrayHandle "," location "," maxCapacity "," numberOfDevices "," use "," errorCorrection "," maxModuleSize "," moduleVoltage
- # print primaryType "," arrayHandle "," deviceSize "," bankLocator "," locator "," formFactor "," deviceType "," deviceTypeDetail "," deviceSpeed "," configuredClockSpeed "," dataWidth "," totalWidth "," deviceManufacturer "," devicePartNumber "," deviceSerialNumber "," mainLocator
- for ( m=1;m<=k;m++ ) {
- estCap=""
- estMod=""
- unit=""
- altCap=0
- workingMaxCap=int(aArrayData[m,"maxCapacity16"])
- if ( bDebugger1 == "true" ){
- print ""
- print "count: " m
- print "1: mmods: " aArrayData[m,"maxModuleSize"] " :dmmods: " aArrayData[m,"derivedModuleSize"] " :mcap: " workingMaxCap " :ucap: " aArrayData[m,"usedCapacity"]
- }
- # 1: if max cap 1 is null, and max cap 2 not null, use 2
- if ( workingMaxCap == 0 ) {
- if ( aArrayData[m,"maxCapacity5"] != 0 ) {
- workingMaxCap=aArrayData[m,"maxCapacity5"]
- }
+ }
+ if ($b_debug){
+ print "4: mms: $ref{'max-module-size'} :dms: $ref{'derived-module-size'} :mc: $max_cap :uc: $ref{'used-capacity'}\n";
+ }
+ # some cases of type 5 have too big module max size, just dump the data then since
+ # we cannot know if it is valid or not, and a guess can be wrong easily
+ if ($ref{'max-module-size'} && $max_cap && $ref{'max-module-size'} > $max_cap){
+ $ref{'max-module-size'} = 0;
+ }
+ if ($b_debug){
+ print "5: dms: $ref{'derived-module-size'} :s16: $ref{'slots-16'} :mc: $max_cap\n";
+ }
+ # now prep for rebuilding the ram array data
+ if (!$ref{'max-module-size'}){
+ # ie: 2x4gB
+ if (!$est_cap && $ref{'derived-module-size'} > 0 && $max_cap > ($ref{'derived-module-size'} * $ref{'slots-16'} * 4) ){
+ $est_cap = 'check';
+ print "G\n" if $b_debug;
+ }
+ if ($max_cap && ($ref{'slots-16'} || $ref{'slots-5'})){
+ my $slots = 0;
+ if ($ref{'slots-16'} && $ref{'slots-16'} >= $ref{'slots-5'}){
+ $slots = $ref{'slots-16'};
- if ( aArrayData[m,"deviceCount16"] == "" ) {
- aArrayData[m,"deviceCount16"] = 0
+ elsif ($ref{'slots-5'} && $ref{'slots-5'} > $ref{'slots-16'}){
+ $slots = $ref{'slots-5'};
- if ( bDebugger1 == "true" ){
- print "2: mmods: " aArrayData[m,"maxModuleSize"] " :dmmods: " aArrayData[m,"derivedModuleSize"] " :mcap: " workingMaxCap " :ucap: " aArrayData[m,"usedCapacity"]
+ if ($ref{'derived-module-size'} * $slots > $max_cap){
+ $ref{'max-module-size'} = $ref{'derived-module-size'};
- # 2: now check to see if actually found module sizes are > than listed max module, replace if >
- if (aArrayData[m,"maxModuleSize"] != 0 && aArrayData[m,"derivedModuleSize"] != 0 && int(aArrayData[m,"derivedModuleSize"]) > int(aArrayData[m,"maxModuleSize"]) ) {
- aArrayData[m,"maxModuleSize"]=aArrayData[m,"derivedModuleSize"]
- estMod=" (est)"
+ else {
+ $ref{'max-module-size'} = sprintf("%.f",$max_cap/$slots);
- aArrayData[m,"maxModuleSize"]=int(aArrayData[m,"maxModuleSize"])
- aArrayData[m,"derivedModuleSize"]=int(aArrayData[m,"derivedModuleSize"])
- aArrayData[m,"usedCapacity"]=int(aArrayData[m,"usedCapacity"])
- workingMaxCap=int(workingMaxCap)
- # note: some cases memory capacity == max module size, so one stick will fill it
- # but I think only with cases of 2 slots does this happen, so if > 2, use the count of slots.
- if ( bDebugger1 == "true" ){
- print "3: fmod: " aArrayData[m,"deviceCountFound"] " :modc: " aArrayData[m,"deviceCount16"] " :maxc1: " aArrayData[m,"maxCapacity5"] " :maxc2: " aArrayData[m,"maxCapacity16"]
+ $est_mod = $est;
+ }
+ }
+ # case where listed max cap is too big for actual slots x max cap, eg:
+ # listed max cap, 8gb, max mod 2gb, slots 2
+ else {
+ if (!$est_cap && $ref{'max-module-size'} > 0){
+ if ($max_cap > ( $ref{'max-module-size'} * $ref{'slots-16'})){
+ $est_cap = 'check';
+ print "H\n" if $b_debug;
- if (workingMaxCap != 0 && ( aArrayData[m,"deviceCountFound"] != 0 || aArrayData[m,"deviceCount16"] != 0 ) ) {
- aArrayData[m,"deviceCount16"]=int(aArrayData[m,"deviceCount16"])
- ## first check that actual memory found is not greater than listed max cap, or
- ## checking to see module count * max mod size is not > used capacity
- if ( aArrayData[m,"usedCapacity"] != 0 && aArrayData[m,"maxCapacity16"] != 0 ) {
- if ( aArrayData[m,"usedCapacity"] > workingMaxCap ) {
- if ( aArrayData[m,"maxModuleSize"] != 0 &&
- aArrayData[m,"usedCapacity"] < aArrayData[m,"deviceCount16"] * aArrayData[m,"maxModuleSize"] ) {
- workingMaxCap=aArrayData[m,"deviceCount16"] * aArrayData[m,"maxModuleSize"]
- estCap=" (est)"
- if ( bDebugger1 == "true" ){
- print "A"
- }
- }
- else if ( aArrayData[m,"derivedModuleSize"] != 0 &&
- aArrayData[m,"usedCapacity"] < aArrayData[m,"deviceCount16"] * aArrayData[m,"derivedModuleSize"] ) {
- workingMaxCap=aArrayData[m,"deviceCount16"] * aArrayData[m,"derivedModuleSize"]
- estCap=" (est)"
- if ( bDebugger1 == "true" ){
- print "B"
- }
- }
- else {
- workingMaxCap=aArrayData[m,"usedCapacity"]
- estCap=" (est)"
- if ( bDebugger1 == "true" ){
- print "C"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # note that second case will never really activate except on virtual machines and maybe
- # mobile devices
- if ( estCap == "" ) {
- # do not do this for only single modules found, max mod size can be equal to the array size
- if ( ( aArrayData[m,"deviceCount16"] > 1 && aArrayData[m,"deviceCountFound"] > 1 ) &&
- ( workingMaxCap < aArrayData[m,"derivedModuleSize"] * aArrayData[m,"deviceCount16"] ) ) {
- workingMaxCap = aArrayData[m,"derivedModuleSize"] * aArrayData[m,"deviceCount16"]
- estCap=" (est)"
- if ( bDebugger1 == "true" ){
- print "D"
- }
- }
- else if ( ( aArrayData[m,"deviceCountFound"] > 0 ) &&
- ( workingMaxCap < aArrayData[m,"derivedModuleSize"] * aArrayData[m,"deviceCountFound"] ) ) {
- workingMaxCap = aArrayData[m,"derivedModuleSize"] * aArrayData[m,"deviceCountFound"]
- estCap=" (est)"
- if ( bDebugger1 == "true" ){
- print "E"
- }
- }
- ## handle cases where we have type 5 data: mms x device count equals type 5 max cap
- # however do not use it if cap / devices equals the derived module size
- else if ( aArrayData[m,"maxModuleSize"] > 0 &&
- ( aArrayData[m,"maxModuleSize"] * aArrayData[m,"deviceCount16"] == aArrayData[m,"maxCapacity5"] ) &&
- aArrayData[m,"maxCapacity5"] != aArrayData[m,"maxCapacity16"] &&
- aArrayData[m,"maxCapacity16"] / aArrayData[m,"deviceCount16"] != aArrayData[m,"derivedModuleSize"] ) {
- workingMaxCap = aArrayData[m,"maxCapacity5"]
- altCap=aArrayData[m,"maxCapacity5"] # not used
- estCap=" (check)"
- if ( bDebugger1 == "true" ){
- print "F"
- }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @temp = ({
+ 'capacity' => $max_cap,
+ 'cap-qualifier' => $est_cap,
+ 'eec' => $ref{'eec'},
+ 'location' => $ref{'location'},
+ 'max-module-size' => $ref{'max-module-size'},
+ 'mod-qualifier' => $est_mod,
+ 'modules' => $ref{'modules'},
+ 'slots' => $ref{'slots-16'},
+ 'use' => $ref{'use'},
+ 'voltage' => $ref{'voltage'},
+ });
+ @return = (@return,@temp);
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @return;
+sub process_size {
+ my ($size) = @_;
+ my ($b_trim,$unit) = (0,'');
+ return 'N/A' if ( ! $size );
+ return $size if $size =~ /\D/;
+ if ( $size < 1024 ){
+ $unit='MiB';
+ }
+ elsif ( $size < 1024000 ){
+ $size = $size / 1024;
+ $unit='GiB';
+ $b_trim = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ( $size < 1024000000 ){
+ $size = $size / 1024000;
+ $unit='TiB';
+ $b_trim = 1;
+ }
+ # we only want a max 2 decimal places, and only when it's
+ # a unit > MB
+ $size = sprintf("%.2f",$size) if $b_trim;
+ $size =~ s/\.[0]+$//;
+ $size = "$size $unit";
+ return $size;
+sub calculate_size {
+ my ($data, $size) = @_;
+ if ( $data =~ /^[0-9]+\s*[GMTP]B/) {
+ if ( $data =~ /([0-9]+)\s*GB/ ) {
+ $data = $1 * 1024;
+ }
+ elsif ( $data =~ /([0-9]+)\s*MB/ ) {
+ $data = $1;
+ }
+ elsif ( $data =~ /([0-9]+)\s*TB/ ) {
+ $data = $1 * 1024 * 1000;
+ }
+ elsif ( $data =~ /([0-9]+)\s*PB/ ) {
+ $data = $1 * 1024 * 1000 * 1000;
+ }
+ if ($data =~ /^[0-9][0-9]+$/ && $data > $size ) {
+ $size=$data;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $size = 0;
+ }
+ return $size;
+## RepoData
+package RepoData;
+# easier to keep these package global, but undef after done
+my (@dbg_files,$debugger_dir);
+my $num = 0;
+sub get {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ ($debugger_dir) = @_;
+ my (@data,@rows);
+ if ($bsd_type){
+ @rows = get_repos_bsd();
+ }
+ else {
+ @rows = get_repos_linux();
+ }
+ if ($debugger_dir){
+ @rows = @dbg_files;
+ undef @dbg_files;
+ undef $debugger_dir;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!@rows){
+ my $pm = (!$bsd_type) ? 'package manager': 'OS type';
+ @data = (
+ {main::key($num++,'Alert') => "No repo data detected. Does $self_name support your $pm?"},
+ );
+ @rows = (@data);
+ }
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @rows;
+sub get_repos_linux {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (@content,@data,@data2,@data3,@files,$repo,@repos,@rows);
+ my ($key,$path);
+ my $apk = '/etc/apk/repositories';
+ my $apt = '/etc/apt/sources.list';
+ my $eopkg_dir = '/var/lib/eopkg/';
+ my $pacman = '/etc/pacman.conf';
+ my $pacman_g2 = '/etc/pacman-g2.conf';
+ my $pisi_dir = '/etc/pisi/';
+ my $portage_dir = '/etc/portage/repos.conf/';
+ my $slackpkg = '/etc/slackpkg/mirrors';
+ my $slackpkg_plus = '/etc/slackpkg/slackpkgplus.conf';
+ my $yum_conf = '/etc/yum.conf';
+ my $yum_repo_dir = '/etc/yum.repos.d/';
+ my $zypp_repo_dir = '/etc/zypp/repos.d/';
+ my $b_test = 0;
+ # apt - debian, buntus, also sometimes some yum/rpm repos may create
+ # apt repos here as well
+ if (-f $apt || -d "$apt.d"){
+ my ($apt_arch,$apt_comp,$apt_suites,$apt_types,@apt_urls,@apt_working,
+ $b_apt_enabled,$file,$string);
+ my $counter = 0;
+ @files = main::globber('/etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list');
+ push @files, $apt;
+ main::log_data('data',"apt repo files:\n" . main::joiner(\@files, "\n", 'unset') ) if $b_log;
+ foreach ( sort @files){
+ @data = repo_builder($_,'apt','^\s*deb') if -r $_;
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ }
+ #@files = main::globber("$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/repo/apt/*.sources");
+ @files = main::globber('/etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.sources');
+ main::log_data('data',"apt deb822 repo files:\n" . main::joiner(\@files, "\n", 'unset') ) if $b_log;
+ foreach $file (@files){
+ @data2 = main::reader($file,'strip');
+ my $count = scalar @data2;
+ push @dbg_files, $file if $debugger_dir;
+ #print "$file\n";
+ @apt_urls = ();
+ @apt_working = ();
+ $counter = 0;
+ $b_apt_enabled = 1;
+ foreach my $row (@data2){
+ $counter++;
+ next if $row =~ /^\s*$|^\s*#/;
+ #print "row:$row\n";
+ if ($row =~ /^Types:\s*(.*)/){
+ my $type_holder= $1;
+ #print "ath:$type_holder\n";
+ if ($apt_types && @apt_working){
+ if ($b_apt_enabled){
+ #print "1: url builder\n";
+ foreach $repo (@apt_working){
+ $string = $apt_types;
+ $string .= ' [arch=' . $apt_arch . ']' if $apt_arch;
+ $string .= ' ' . $repo;
+ $string .= ' ' . $apt_suites if $apt_suites ;
+ $string .= ' ' . $apt_comp if $apt_comp;
+ #print "s1:$string\n";
+ push @data3, $string;
+ #print join "\n",@data3,"\n";
+ @apt_urls = (@apt_urls,@data3);
+ @data3 = ();
+ @apt_working = ();
+ $apt_arch = '';
+ $apt_comp = '';
+ $apt_suites = '';
+ $apt_types = '';
- altCap=int(altCap)
- workingMaxCap=int(workingMaxCap)
- if ( bDebugger1 == "true" ){
- print "4: mmods: " aArrayData[m,"maxModuleSize"] " :dmmods: " aArrayData[m,"derivedModuleSize"] " :mcap: " workingMaxCap " :ucap: " aArrayData[m,"usedCapacity"]
- }
- # some cases of type 5 have too big module max size, just dump the data then since
- # we cannot know if it is valid or not, and a guess can be wrong easily
- if ( aArrayData[m,"maxModuleSize"] != 0 && workingMaxCap != "" &&
- ( aArrayData[m,"maxModuleSize"] > workingMaxCap ) ){
- aArrayData[m,"maxModuleSize"] = 0
- # print "yes"
- }
- if ( bDebugger1 == "true" ){
- print "5: dms: " aArrayData[m,"derivedModuleSize"] " :dc: " aArrayData[m,"deviceCount16"] " :wmc: " workingMaxCap
- }
- ## prep for output ##
- if (aArrayData[m,"maxModuleSize"] == 0 ){
- aArrayData[m,"maxModuleSize"]=""
- # ie: 2x4gB
- if ( estCap == "" && int(aArrayData[m,"derivedModuleSize"]) > 0 &&
- workingMaxCap > ( int(aArrayData[m,"derivedModuleSize"]) * int(aArrayData[m,"deviceCount16"]) * 4 ) ) {
- estCap=" (check)"
- if ( bDebugger1 == "true" ){
- print "G"
- }
+ $apt_types = $type_holder;
+ $b_apt_enabled = 1;
+ }
+ if ($row =~ /^Enabled:\s*(.*)/){
+ my $status = $1;
+ $b_apt_enabled = ($status =~ /no/i) ? 0: 1;
+ }
+ if ($row =~ /:\//){
+ my $url = $row;
+ $url =~ s/^URIs:\s*//;
+ push @apt_working, $url if $url;
+ }
+ if ($row =~ /^Suites:\s*(.*)/){
+ $apt_suites = $1;
+ }
+ if ($row =~ /^Components:\s*(.*)/){
+ $apt_comp = $1;
+ }
+ if ($row =~ /^Architectures:\s*(.*)/){
+ $apt_arch = $1;
+ }
+ # we've hit the last line!!
+ if ($counter == $count && @apt_working){
+ #print "2: url builder\n";
+ if ($b_apt_enabled){
+ foreach $repo (@apt_working){
+ my $string = $apt_types;
+ $string .= ' [arch=' . $apt_arch . ']' if $apt_arch;
+ $string .= ' ' . $repo;
+ $string .= ' ' . $apt_suites if $apt_suites ;
+ $string .= ' ' . $apt_comp if $apt_comp;
+ #print "s2:$string\n";
+ push @data3, $string;
- else {
- # case where listed max cap is too big for actual slots x max cap, eg:
- # listed max cap, 8gb, max mod 2gb, slots 2
- if ( estCap == "" && aArrayData[m,"maxModuleSize"] > 0 ) {
- if ( int(workingMaxCap) > int(aArrayData[m,"maxModuleSize"]) * aArrayData[m,"deviceCount16"] ) {
- estCap=" (check)"
- if ( bDebugger1 == "true" ){
- print "H"
- }
+ #print join "\n",@data3,"\n";
+ @apt_urls = (@apt_urls,@data3);
+ @data3 = ();
+ @apt_working = ();
+ $apt_arch = '';
+ $apt_comp = '';
+ $apt_suites = '';
+ $apt_types = '';
+ }
+ }
+ if (@apt_urls){
+ $key = repo_builder('active','apt');
+ @apt_urls = url_cleaner(@apt_urls);
+ }
+ else {
+ $key = repo_builder('missing','apt');
+ }
+ @data = (
+ {main::key($num++,$key) => $file},
+ [@apt_urls],
+ );
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ }
+ @files = ();
+ }
+ # pacman: Arch and derived
+ if (-f $pacman || -f $pacman_g2){
+ $repo = 'pacman';
+ if (-f $pacman_g2 ){
+ $pacman = $pacman_g2;
+ $repo = 'pacman-g2';
+ }
+ @files = main::reader($pacman,'strip');
+ if (@files){
+ @repos = grep {/^\s*Server/i} @files;
+ @files = grep {/^\s*Include/i} @files;
+ }
+ if (@files){
+ @files = map {
+ my @working = split( /\s+=\s+/, $_);
+ $working[1];
+ } @files;
+ }
+ @files = sort(@files);
+ @files = main::uniq(@files);
+ unshift @files, $pacman if @repos;
+ foreach (@files){
+ if (-f $_){
+ @data = repo_builder($_,$repo,'^\s*Server','\s*=\s*',1);
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ }
+ else {
+ # set it so the debugger knows the file wasn't there
+ push @dbg_files, $_ if $debugger_dir;
+ @data = (
+ {main::key($num++,'File listed in') => $pacman},
+ [("$_ does not seem to exist.")],
+ );
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!@rows){
+ @data = (
+ {main::key($num++,repo_builder('missing','no-files')) => $pacman },
+ );
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ }
+ }
+ # slackware
+ if (-f $slackpkg || -f $slackpkg_plus){
+ #$slackpkg = "$ENV{HOME}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/repo/slackware/slackpkg-2.conf";
+ if (-f $slackpkg){
+ @data = repo_builder($slackpkg,'slackpkg','^[[:space:]]*[^#]+');
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ }
+ if (-f $slackpkg_plus){
+ push @dbg_files, $slackpkg_plus if $debugger_dir;
+ @data = main::reader($slackpkg_plus,'strip');
+ my (@repoplus_list,$active_repos);
+ foreach my $row (@data){
+ @data2 = split /\s*=\s*/, $row;
+ @data2 = map { $_ =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g ; $_ } @data2;
+ last if $data2[0] =~ /^SLACKPKGPLUS/ && $data2[1] eq 'off';
+ # REPOPLUS=( slackpkgplus restricted alienbob ktown multilib slacky)
+ if ($data2[0] =~ /^REPOPLUS/){
+ @repoplus_list = split /\s+/, $data2[1];
+ @repoplus_list = map {s/\(|\)//g; $_} @repoplus_list;
+ $active_repos = join ('|',@repoplus_list);
+ }
+ # MIRRORPLUS['multilib']=
+ if ($active_repos && $data2[0] =~ /^MIRRORPLUS/){
+ $data2[0] =~ s/MIRRORPLUS\[\'|\'\]//g;
+ if ($data2[0] =~ /$active_repos/){
+ push @content,"$data2[0] ~ $data2[1]";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (! @content){
+ $key = repo_builder('missing','slackpkg+');
+ }
+ else {
+ @content = url_cleaner(@content);
+ $key = repo_builder('active','slackpkg+');
+ }
+ @data = (
+ {main::key($num++,$key) => $slackpkg_plus},
+ [@content],
+ );
+ @data = url_cleaner(@data);
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ @content = ();
+ }
+ }
+ # redhat/suse
+ if (-d $yum_repo_dir || -f $yum_conf || -d $zypp_repo_dir){
+ if (-d $yum_repo_dir || -f $yum_conf){
+ @files = main::globber("$yum_repo_dir*.repo");
+ push @files, $yum_conf if -f $yum_conf;
+ $repo = 'yum';
+ }
+ elsif (-d $zypp_repo_dir){
+ @files = main::globber("$zypp_repo_dir*.repo");
+ main::log_data('data',"zypp repo files:\n" . main::joiner(\@files, "\n", 'unset')) if $b_log;
+ $repo = 'zypp';
+ }
+ #$repo = 'yum';
+ #push @files, "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/repo/yum/rpmfusion-nonfree-1.repo";
+ if (@files){
+ foreach (sort @files){
+ @data2 = main::reader($_);
+ push @dbg_files, $_ if $debugger_dir;
+ my ($enabled,$url,$title) = (undef,'','');
+ foreach my $line (@data2){
+ # this is a hack, assuming that each item has these fields listed, we collect the 3
+ # items one by one, then when the url/enabled fields are set, we print it out and
+ # reset the data. Not elegant but it works. Note that if enabled was not present
+ # we assume it is enabled then, and print the line, reset the variables. This will
+ # miss the last item, so it is printed if found in END
+ if ($line =~ /^\[(.+)\]/){
+ my $temp = $1;
+ if ($url && $title && defined $enabled){
+ if ($enabled > 0){
+ push @content, "$title ~ $url";
+ ($enabled,$url,$title) = (undef,'','');
- if (aArrayData[m,"maxModuleSize"] > 1023 ) {
- aArrayData[m,"maxModuleSize"]=aArrayData[m,"maxModuleSize"] / 1024 " GB"
- }
- else {
- aArrayData[m,"maxModuleSize"]=aArrayData[m,"maxModuleSize"] " MB"
- }
+ $title = $temp;
- if ( aArrayData[m,"deviceCount16"] == 0 ) {
- aArrayData[m,"deviceCount16"] = ""
+ # Note: it looks like enabled comes before url
+ elsif ($line =~ /^(metalink|mirrorlist|baseurl)\s*=\s*(.*)/){
+ $url = $2;
- if (workingMaxCap != 0 ) {
- if ( workingMaxCap < 1024 ) {
- workingMaxCap = workingMaxCap
- unit=" MB"
- }
- else if ( workingMaxCap < 1024000 ) {
- workingMaxCap = workingMaxCap / 1024
- unit=" GB"
- }
- else if ( workingMaxCap < 1024000000 ) {
- workingMaxCap = workingMaxCap / 1024000
- unit=" TB"
- }
- # we only want a max 2 decimal places, this trick gives 0 to 2
- workingMaxCap=gensub(/([0-9]+\.[0-9][0-9]).*/,"\\1",1,workingMaxCap)
- workingMaxCap = workingMaxCap unit estCap
+ # note: enabled = 1. enabled = 0 means disabled
+ elsif ($line =~ /^enabled\s*=\s*([01])/){
+ $enabled = $1;
- else {
- workingMaxCap == ""
+ # print out the line if all 3 values are found, otherwise if a new
+ # repoTitle is hit above, it will print out the line there instead
+ if ($url && $title && defined $enabled){
+ if ($enabled > 0){
+ push @content, "$title ~ $url";
+ }
+ ($enabled,$url,$title) = (0,'','');
- print aArrayData[m,"data-type"] "," aArrayData[m,"handle"] "," aArrayData[m,"location"] "," workingMaxCap "," aArrayData[m,"deviceCount16"] "," aArrayData[m,"use"] "," aArrayData[m,"errorCorrection"] "," aArrayData[m,"maxModuleSize"] estMod "," aArrayData[m,"voltage5"]
- # print device rows next
- for ( j=0;j<=100;j++ ) {
- if (aMemory[m,j,0] != "" ) {
- unit=""
- workingSize=aMemory[m,j,2]
- if ( workingSize ~ /^[0-9]+$/ ) {
- workingSize=int(workingSize)
- if ( workingSize < 1024 ) {
- workingSize = workingSize
- unit=" MB"
- }
- else if ( workingSize < 1024000 ) {
- workingSize = workingSize / 1024
- unit=" GB"
- }
- else if ( workingSize < 1024000000 ) {
- workingSize = workingSize / 1024000
- unit=" TB"
- }
- # we only want a max 2 decimal places, this trick gives 0 to 2
- workingSize=gensub(/([0-9]+\.[0-9][0-9]).*/,"\\1",1,workingSize)
- workingSize = workingSize unit
+ }
+ # print the last one if there is data for it
+ if ($url && $title && $enabled){
+ push @content, "$title ~ $url";
+ }
+ if (! @content){
+ $key = repo_builder('missing',$repo);
+ }
+ else {
+ @content = url_cleaner(@content);
+ $key = repo_builder('active',$repo);
+ }
+ @data = (
+ {main::key($num++,$key) => $_},
+ [@content],
+ );
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ @content = ();
+ }
+ }
+ # print Data::Dumper::Dumper \@rows;
+ }
+ # gentoo
+ if (-d $portage_dir && main::check_program('emerge')){
+ @files = main::globber("$portage_dir*.conf");
+ $repo = 'portage';
+ if (@files){
+ foreach (sort @files){
+ @data2 = main::reader($_);
+ push @dbg_files, $_ if $debugger_dir;
+ my ($enabled,$url,$title) = (undef,'','');
+ foreach my $line (@data2){
+ # this is a hack, assuming that each item has these fields listed, we collect the 3
+ # items one by one, then when the url/enabled fields are set, we print it out and
+ # reset the data. Not elegant but it works. Note that if enabled was not present
+ # we assume it is enabled then, and print the line, reset the variables. This will
+ # miss the last item, so it is printed if found in END
+ if ($line =~ /^\[(.+)\]/){
+ my $temp = $1;
+ if ($url && $title && defined $enabled){
+ if ($enabled > 0){
+ push @content, "$title ~ $url";
- print aMemory[m,j,0] "," aMemory[m,j,1] "," workingSize "," aMemory[m,j,3] "," aMemory[m,j,4] "," aMemory[m,j,5] "," aMemory[m,j,6] "," aMemory[m,j,7] "," aMemory[m,j,8] "," aMemory[m,j,9] "," aMemory[m,j,10] "," aMemory[m,j,11] "," aMemory[m,j,12] "," aMemory[m,j,13] "," aMemory[m,j,14] "," aMemory[m,j,15] "," aMemory[m,j,16] "," aMemory[m,j,17]
- }
- else {
- break
+ ($enabled,$url,$title) = (undef,'','');
+ $title = $temp;
- }
- }' <<< "$DMIDECODE_DATA" ) )
- fi
- fi
- a_temp=${A_MEMORY_DATA[@]}
- # echo "${a_temp[@]}"
- log_function_data "A_MEMORY_DATA: $a_temp"
- eval $LOGFE
-# Repos will be added as we get distro package manager data to create the repo data.
-# This method will output the file name also, which is useful to create output that's
-# neat and readable. Each line of the total number contains the following sections,
-# separated by a : for splitting in the print function
-# part one, repo type/string : part two, file name, if present, of info : part 3, repo data
-# args: $1 - [file location of debug data file - optional, only for debugging data collection]
- eval $LOGFS
- local repo_file='' repo_data_working='' repo_data_working2='' repo_line='' repo_files=''
- local repo_name=''
- local apt_file='/etc/apt/sources.list' yum_repo_dir='/etc/yum.repos.d/' yum_conf='/etc/yum.conf'
- local pacman_conf='/etc/pacman.conf' pacman_repo_dir='/etc/pacman.d/' pisi_dir='/etc/pisi/'
- local zypp_repo_dir='/etc/zypp/repos.d/' ports_conf='/etc/portsnap.conf' openbsd_conf='/etc/pkg.conf'
- local bsd_pkg_dir='/usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/' slackpkg_file='/etc/slackpkg/mirrors'
- local netbsd_file='/usr/pkg/etc/pkgin/repositories.conf' freebsd_file='/etc/freebsd-update.conf'
- local freebsd_pkg_file='/etc/pkg/FreeBSD.conf' slackpkg_plus_file='/etc/slackpkg/slackpkgplus.conf'
- local portage_repo_dir='/etc/portage/repos.conf/' apk_file='/etc/apk/repositories'
- # apt - debian, buntus, also sometimes some yum/rpm repos may create apt repos here as well
- if [[ -f $apt_file || -d $apt_file.d ]];then
- repo_files=$(ls /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list 2>/dev/null)
- log_function_data "apt repo files: $repo_files"
- for repo_file in $repo_files
- do
- if [[ -n $1 ]];then
- cat $repo_file &> $1/repo-data_${repo_file//\//-}.txt
- fi
- repo_data_working="$( gawk -v repoFile="$repo_file" '
- !/^[[:space:]]*$|^[[:space:]]*#/ {
- print "apt sources^" repoFile "^" $0
- }' $repo_file )"
- get_repo_builder "$repo_data_working"
- done
- repo_data_working=''
- fi
- # yum - fedora, redhat, centos, etc. Note that rpmforge also may create apt sources
- # in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/. Therefore rather than trying to assume what package manager is
- # actually running, inxi will merely note the existence of each repo type for apt/yum.
- # Also, in rpm, you can install apt-rpm for the apt-get command, so it's not good to check for
- # only the commands in terms of selecting which repos to show.
- if [[ -d $yum_repo_dir || -f $yum_conf || -d $zypp_repo_dir ]];then
- if [[ -d $yum_repo_dir || -f $yum_conf ]];then
- # older redhats put their yum data in /etc/yum.conf
- repo_files=$( ls $yum_repo_dir*.repo $yum_conf 2>/dev/null )
- repo_name='yum'
- log_function_data "yum repo files: $repo_files"
- elif [[ -d $zypp_repo_dir ]];then
- repo_files=$( ls $zypp_repo_dir*.repo 2>/dev/null )
- repo_name='zypp'
- log_function_data "zypp repo files: $repo_files"
- fi
- if [[ -n $repo_files ]];then
- for repo_file in $repo_files
- do
- if [[ -n $1 ]];then
- cat $repo_file &> $1/repo-data_${repo_file//\//-}.txt
- fi
- repo_data_working="$( gawk -v repoFile="$repo_file" '
- # construct the string for the print function to work with, file name: data
- function print_line( fileName, repoId, repoUrl ){
- print "'$repo_name' sources^" fileName "^" repoId repoUrl
- }
- FS="\n"
- enabledStatus=""
- repoTitle=""
- urlData=""
- }
- # this is a hack, assuming that each item has these fields listed, we collect the 3
- # items one by one, then when the url/enabled fields are set, we print it out and
- # reset the data. Not elegant but it works. Note that if enabled was not present
- # we assume it is enabled then, and print the line, reset the variables. This will
- # miss the last item, so it is printed if found in END
- /^\[.+\]/ {
- if ( urlData != "" && repoTitle != "" ){
- print_line( repoFile, repoTitle, urlData )
- enabledStatus=""
- urlData=""
- repoTitle=""
+ elsif ($line =~ /^(sync-uri)\s*=\s*(.*)/){
+ $url = $2;
- gsub(/\[|\]/, "", $1 ) # strip out the brackets
- repoTitle = $1 " ~ "
- }
- /^(mirrorlist|baseurl)/ {
- sub( /(mirrorlist|baseurl)[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*/, "", $1 ) # strip out the field starter
- urlData = $1
- }
- # note: enabled = 1. enabled = 0 means disabled
- /^enabled[[:space:]]*=/ {
- enabledStatus = $1
- }
- # print out the line if all 3 values are found, otherwise if a new
- # repoTitle is hit above, it will print out the line there instead
- {
- if ( urlData != "" && enabledStatus != "" && repoTitle != "" ){
- if ( enabledStatus !~ /enabled[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*0/ ){
- print_line( repoFile, repoTitle, urlData )
- }
- enabledStatus=""
- urlData=""
- repoTitle=""
+ # note: enabled = 1. enabled = 0 means disabled
+ elsif ($line =~ /^auto-sync\s*=\s*([01])/){
+ $enabled = $1;
- }
- END {
- # print the last one if there is data for it
- if ( urlData != "" && repoTitle != "" ){
- print_line( repoFile, repoTitle, urlData )
+ # print out the line if all 3 values are found, otherwise if a new
+ # repoTitle is hit above, it will print out the line there instead
+ if ($url && $title && defined $enabled){
+ if ($enabled > 0){
+ push @content, "$title ~ $url";
+ }
+ ($enabled,$url,$title) = (undef,'','');
- ' $repo_file )"
- # then load the global for each file as it gets filled
- get_repo_builder "$repo_data_working"
- done
- fi
- repo_data_working=''
- # pacman - archlinux, going to assume that pisi and arch/pacman, etc don't have the above issue with apt/yum
- elif [[ -f $pacman_conf ]];then
- # get list of mirror include files, trim white space off ends
- repo_data_working="$( gawk '
- FS="="
- }
- /^[[:space:]]*Include/ {
- sub(/^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$/,"",$2)
- print $2
- }
- ' $pacman_conf )"
- # sort into unique paths only, to be used to search for server = data
- repo_data_working=$( sort -bu <<< "$repo_data_working" | uniq )
- repo_data_working="$repo_data_working $pacman_conf"
- for repo_file in $repo_data_working
- do
- if [[ -n $1 ]];then
- cat $repo_file &> $1/repo-data_${repo_file//\//-}.txt
- fi
- if [[ -f $repo_file ]];then
- # inserting a new line after each found / processed match
- repo_data_working2="$repo_data_working2$( gawk -v repoFile=$repo_file '
- FS="="
- }
- /^[[:space:]]*Server/ {
- sub(/^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$/,"",$2)
- print "pacman repo servers^" repoFile "^" $2 "\\n"
- }
- ' $repo_file )"
- else
- echo "Error: file listed in $pacman_conf does not exist - $repo_file"
- fi
- done
- # execute line breaks
- REPO_DATA="$( echo -e $repo_data_working2 )"
- repo_data_working=''
- # pisi - pardus
- elif [[ -f $slackpkg_file || -f $slackpkg_plus_file ]];then
- # note, only one file, but loop it in case more are added in future
- if [[ -f $slackpkg_file ]];then
- if [[ -n $1 ]];then
- cat $slackpkg_file &> $1/repo-data_${slackpkg_file//\//-}.txt
- fi
- repo_data_working="$( gawk -v repoFile="$slackpkg_file" '
- !/^[[:space:]]*$|^[[:space:]]*#/ {
- print "slackpkg sources^" repoFile "^" $0
- }' $slackpkg_file )"
- get_repo_builder "$repo_data_working"
- fi
- if [[ -f $slackpkg_plus_file ]];then
- if [[ -n $1 ]];then
- cat $slackpkg_plus_file &> $1/repo-data_${slackpkg_plus_file//\//-}.txt
- fi
- # see sample for syntax
- repo_data_working="$( gawk -F '=' -v repoFile="$slackpkg_plus_file" '
- activeRepos=""
- }
- # stop if set to off
- if ( $2 == "off" ){
- exit
- }
- }
- # get list of current active repos
- activeRepos=$2
- }
- # print out repo line if found
- if ( activeRepos != "" ) {
- gsub(/MIRRORPLUS\['\''|'\''\]/,"",$1)
- if ( match( activeRepos, $1 ) ){
- print "slackpkg+ sources^" repoFile "^" $1 " ~ " $2
- }
+ # print the last one if there is data for it
+ if ($url && $title && $enabled){
+ push @content, "$title ~ $url";
- }' $slackpkg_plus_file )"
- get_repo_builder "$repo_data_working"
- fi
- repo_data_working=''
- elif [[ -d $portage_repo_dir && -n $( type -p emerge ) ]];then
- repo_files=$( ls $portage_repo_dir*.conf 2>/dev/null )
- repo_name='portage'
- log_function_data "portage repo files: $repo_files"
- if [[ -n $repo_files ]];then
- for repo_file in $repo_files
- do
- if [[ -n $1 ]];then
- cat $repo_file &> $1/repo-data_${repo_file//\//-}.txt
- fi
- repo_data_working="$( gawk -v repoFile="$repo_file" '
- # construct the string for the print function to work with, file name: data
- function print_line( fileName, repoId, repoUrl ){
- print "'$repo_name' sources^" fileName "^" repoId repoUrl
- }
- FS="\n"
- enabledStatus=""
- repoTitle=""
- urlData=""
- }
- # this is a hack, assuming that each item has these fields listed, we collect the 3
- # items one by one, then when the url/enabled fields are set, we print it out and
- # reset the data. Not elegant but it works. Note that if enabled was not present
- # we assume it is enabled then, and print the line, reset the variables. This will
- # miss the last item, so it is printed if found in END
- /^\[.+\]/ {
- if ( urlData != "" && repoTitle != "" ){
- print_line( repoFile, repoTitle, urlData )
- enabledStatus=""
- urlData=""
- repoTitle=""
- }
- gsub(/\[|\]/, "", $1 ) # strip out the brackets
- repoTitle = $1 " ~ "
- }
- /^(sync-uri)/ {
- sub( /sync-uri[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*/, "", $1 ) # strip out the field starter
- urlData = $1
- }
- # note: enabled = 1. enabled = 0 means disabled
- /^auto-sync[[:space:]]*=/ {
- sub( /auto-sync[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*/, "", $1 ) # strip out the field starter
- enabledStatus = $1
- }
- # print out the line if all 3 values are found, otherwise if a new
- # repoTitle is hit above, it will print out the line there instead
- {
- if ( urlData != "" && enabledStatus != "" && repoTitle != "" ){
- if ( enabledStatus !~ /enabled[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*0/ ){
- print_line( repoFile, repoTitle, urlData )
- }
- enabledStatus=""
- urlData=""
- repoTitle=""
- }
+ if (! @content){
+ $key = repo_builder('missing','portage');
- END {
- # print the last one if there is data for it
- if ( urlData != "" && repoTitle != "" ){
- print_line( repoFile, repoTitle, urlData )
- }
+ else {
+ @content = url_cleaner(@content);
+ $key = repo_builder('active','portage');
- ' $repo_file )"
- # then load the global for each file as it gets filled
- get_repo_builder "$repo_data_working"
- done
- fi
- elif [[ -d $pisi_dir && -n $( type -p pisi ) ]];then
- REPO_DATA="$( pisi list-repo )"
- if [[ -n $1 ]];then
- echo "$REPO_DATA" &> $1/repo-data_pisi-list-repo.txt
- fi
- log_function_data "pisi-list-repo: $REPO_DATA"
+ @data = (
+ {main::key($num++,$key) => $_},
+ [@content],
+ );
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ @content = ();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Alpine linux
+ if (-f $apk){
+ @data = repo_builder($apk,'apk','^\s*[^#]+');
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ }
+ # Mandriva/Mageia using: urpmq
+ if ( $path = main::check_program('urpmq') ){
+ @data2 = main::grabber("$path --list-media active --list-url","\n",'strip');
+ main::writer("$debugger_dir/system-repo-data-urpmq.txt",@data2) if $debugger_dir;
# now we need to create the structure: repo info: repo path
# we do that by looping through the lines of the output and then
# putting it back into the <data>:<url> format print repos expects to see
# note this structure in the data, so store first line and make start of line
# then when it's an http line, add it, and create the full line collection.
-# Pardus-2009.1 [Aktiv]
-# Contrib [Aktiv]
- while read repo_line
- do
- repo_line=$( gawk '
- {
- # need to dump leading/trailing spaces and clear out color codes for irc output
- sub(/^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$/,"",$0)
-# gsub(/\x1B\[([0-9]{1,2}(;[0-9]{1,2})?)?[m|K]/,"",$0) # leaving this pattern in case need it
- gsub(/\[([0-9];)?[0-9]+m/,"",$0)
- print $0
- }' <<< $repo_line )
- if [[ -n $( grep '://' <<< $repo_line ) ]];then
- repo_data_working="$repo_data_working^$repo_line\n"
- else
- repo_data_working="${repo_data_working}pisi repo^$repo_line"
- fi
- done <<< "$REPO_DATA"
- # echo and execute the line breaks inserted
- REPO_DATA="$( echo -e $repo_data_working )"
- repo_data_working=''
- # Mandriva/Mageia using: urpmq
- elif type -p urpmq &>/dev/null;then
- REPO_DATA="$( urpmq --list-media active --list-url )"
- if [[ -n $1 ]];then
- echo "$REPO_DATA" &> $1/repo-data_urpmq-list-media-active.txt
- fi
+ # Contrib
+ # Contrib Updates
+ # Non-free
+ # Non-free Updates
+ # Nonfree Updates (Local19) /mnt/data/mirrors/mageia/distrib/cauldron/x86_64/media/nonfree/updates
+ foreach (@data2){
+ # need to dump leading/trailing spaces and clear out color codes for irc output
+ $_ =~ s/\x1B\[([0-9]{1,2}(;[0-9]{1,2})?)?[m|K]//g;
+ $_ =~ s/\e\[([0-9];)?[0-9]+m//g;
+ # urpmq output is the same each line, repo name space repo url, can be:
+ # rsync://, ftp://, file://, http:// OR repo is locally mounted on FS in some cases
+ if (/(.+)\s([\S]+:\/\/.+)/){
+ # pack the repo url
+ push @content, $1;
+ @content = url_cleaner(@content);
+ # get the repo
+ $repo = $2;
+ @data = (
+ {main::key($num++,'urpmq repo') => $repo},
+ [@content],
+ );
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ @content = ();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Pardus/Solus
+ if ( (-d $pisi_dir && ( $path = main::check_program('pisi') ) ) ||
+ (-d $eopkg_dir && ( $path = main::check_program('eopkg') ) ) ){
+ #$path = 'eopkg';
+ my $which = ($path =~ /pisi$/) ? 'pisi': 'eopkg';
+ my $cmd = ($which eq 'pisi') ? "$path list-repo": "$path lr";
+ #my $file = "$ENV{HOME}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/repo/solus/eopkg-2.txt";
+ #@data2 = main::reader($file,'strip');
+ @data2 = main::grabber("$cmd 2>/dev/null","\n",'strip');
+ main::writer("$debugger_dir/system-repo-data-$which.txt",@data2) if $debugger_dir;
# now we need to create the structure: repo info: repo path
# we do that by looping through the lines of the output and then
# putting it back into the <data>:<url> format print repos expects to see
# note this structure in the data, so store first line and make start of line
# then when it's an http line, add it, and create the full line collection.
-# Contrib
-# Contrib Updates
-# Non-free
-# Non-free Updates
-# Nonfree Updates (Local19) /mnt/data/mirrors/mageia/distrib/cauldron/x86_64/media/nonfree/updates
- while read repo_line
- do
- repo_line=$( gawk '
- {
- # need to dump leading/trailing spaces and clear out color codes for irc output
- sub(/^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$/,"",$0)
-# gsub(/\x1B\[([0-9]{1,2}(;[0-9]{1,2})?)?[m|K]/,"",$0) # leaving this pattern in case need it
- gsub(/\[([0-9];)?[0-9]+m/,"",$0)
- print $0
- }' <<< $repo_line )
- # urpmq output is the same each line, repo name space repo url, can be:
- # rsync://, ftp://, file://, http:// OR repo is locally mounted on FS in some cases
- if [[ -n $( grep -E '(://|[[:space:]]/)' <<< $repo_line ) ]];then
- # cut out the repo first
- repo_data_working2=$( grep -Eo '([^[:space:]]+://|[[:space:]]/).*' <<< $repo_line )
- # then get the repo name string by slicing out the url string
- repo_name=$( sed "s|[[:space:]]*$repo_data_working2||" <<< $repo_line )
- repo_data_working="${repo_data_working}urpmq repo^$repo_name^$repo_data_working2\n"
- fi
- done <<< "$REPO_DATA"
- # echo and execute the line breaks inserted
- REPO_DATA="$( echo -e $repo_data_working )"
- # alpine linux
- elif [[ -f $apk_file ]];then
- # note, only one file, but loop it in case more are added in future
- for repo_file in $apk_file
- do
- if [[ -n $1 ]];then
- cat $repo_file &> $1/repo-data_${repo_file//\//-}.txt
- fi
- repo_data_working="$( gawk -v repoFile="$repo_file" '
- !/^[[:space:]]*$|^[[:space:]]*#/ {
- print "APK repo^" repoFile "^" $0
- }' $repo_file )"
- get_repo_builder "$repo_data_working"
- done
- repo_data_working=''
- elif [[ -f $ports_conf || -f $freebsd_file || -d $bsd_pkg_dir ]];then
- if [[ -f $ports_conf ]];then
- if [[ -n $1 ]];then
- cat $ports_conf &> $1/repo-data_${ports_conf//\//-}.txt
- fi
- repo_data_working="$( gawk -F '=' -v repoFile=$ports_conf '
- }
- print "BSD ports server^" repoFile "^" $2
- exit
- }
- ' $ports_conf )"
- get_repo_builder "$repo_data_working"
- fi
- if [[ -f $freebsd_file ]];then
- if [[ -n $1 ]];then
- cat $freebsd_file &> $1/repo-data_${freebsd_file//\//-}.txt
- fi
- repo_data_working="$( gawk -v repoFile=$freebsd_file '
- }
- /^ServerName/ {
- print "FreeBSD update server^" repoFile "^" $2
- exit
- }
- ' $freebsd_file )"
- get_repo_builder "$repo_data_working"
- fi
- if [[ -f $freebsd_pkg_file ]];then
- if [[ -n $1 ]];then
- cat $freebsd_pkg_file &> $1/repo-data_${freebsd_pkg_file//\//-}.txt
- fi
- repo_data_working="$( gawk -F ': ' -v repoFile=$freebsd_pkg_file '
- }
- $1 ~ /^[[:space:]]*url/ {
- gsub(/\"|pkg\+|,/,"",$2)
- print "FreeBSD default pkg server^" repoFile "^" $2
- exit
- }
- ' $freebsd_pkg_file )"
- get_repo_builder "$repo_data_working"
- fi
- if [[ -d $bsd_pkg_dir ]];then
- repo_files=$(ls ${bsd_pkg_dir}*.conf 2>/dev/null )
- for repo_file in $repo_files
- do
- if [[ -n $1 ]];then
- cat $repo_file &> $1/repo-data_${repo_file//\//-}.txt
- fi
- repo_data_working="$( gawk -v repoFile=$repo_file '
- FS=":"
- repoName=""
- repoUrl=""
- enabled=""
- }
- {
- gsub(/{|}|^#.*/,"",$0)
- }
- /^[^[:space:]]/ {
- repoName=$1
- repoUrl=""
- enabled=""
- while ( getline && $0 !~ /^[[:space:]]*$/ ) {
- gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_ARRAY"'/,"",$0)
- gsub(/({|}|^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$)/,"",$1)
- gsub(/({|}|^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$)/,"",$2)
- if ( $1 == "url" ) {
- repoUrl=$2$3
- }
- if ( $1 == "enabled" ) {
- if ( $2 == "yes" ) {
- print "BSD pkg server^" repoFile "^" repoName " ~ " repoUrl
+ # Pardus-2009.1 [Aktiv]
+ #
+ # Contrib [Aktiv]
+ #
+ # Solus [inactive]
+ #
+ foreach (@data2){
+ next if /^\s*$/;
+ # need to dump leading/trailing spaces and clear out color codes for irc output
+ $_ =~ s/\x1B\[([0-9]{1,2}(;[0-9]{1,2})?)?[m|K]//g;
+ $_ =~ s/\e\[([0-9];)?[0-9]+m//g;
+ if (/^\/|:\/\//){
+ push @content, $_ if $repo;
+ }
+ # Local [inactive] Unstable [active]
+ elsif ( /^(.*)\s\[([\S]+)\]/){
+ $repo = $1;
+ $repo = ($2 =~ /^activ/i) ? $repo : '';
+ }
+ if ($repo && @content){
+ @content = url_cleaner(@content);
+ $key = repo_builder('active',$which);
+ @data = (
+ {main::key($num++,$key) => $repo},
+ [@content],
+ );
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ $repo = '';
+ @content = ();
+ }
+ }
+ # last one if present
+ if ($repo && @content){
+ @content = url_cleaner(@content);
+ $key = repo_builder('active',$which);
+ @data = (
+ {main::key($num++,$key) => $repo},
+ [@content],
+ );
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ }
+ }
+ # print Dumper \@rows;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @rows;
+sub get_repos_bsd {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (@content,@data,@data2,@data3,@files,@rows);
+ my ($key);
+ my $bsd_pkg = '/usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/';
+ my $freebsd = '/etc/freebsd-update.conf';
+ my $freebsd_pkg = '/etc/pkg/FreeBSD.conf';
+ my $netbsd = '/usr/pkg/etc/pkgin/repositories.conf';
+ my $openbsd = '/etc/pkg.conf';
+ my $portsnap = '/etc/portsnap.conf';
+ if ( -f $portsnap || -f $freebsd || -d $bsd_pkg){
+ if ( -f $portsnap ) {
+ @data = repo_builder($portsnap,'portsnap','^\s*SERVERNAME','\s*=\s*',1);
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ }
+ if ( -f $freebsd ){
+ @data = repo_builder($freebsd,'freebsd','^\s*ServerName','\s+',1);
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ }
+# if ( -f $freebsd_pkg ){
+# @data = repo_builder($freebsd_pkg,'freebsd-pkg','^\s*url',':\s+',1);
+# @rows = (@rows,@data);
+# }
+ if ( -d $bsd_pkg || -f $freebsd_pkg){
+ @files = main::globber('/usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/*.conf');
+ push @files, $freebsd_pkg if -f $freebsd_pkg;
+ if (@files){
+ my ($url);
+ foreach (@files){
+ push @dbg_files, $_ if $debugger_dir;
+ # these will be result sets separated by an empty line
+ # first dump all lines that start with #
+ @content = main::reader($_,'strip');
+ # then do some clean up on the lines
+ @content = map { $_ =~ s/{|}|,|\*//g; $_; } @content if @content;
+ # get all rows not starting with a # and starting with a non space character
+ my $url = '';
+ foreach my $line (@content){
+ if ($line !~ /^\s*$/){
+ my @data2 = split /\s*:\s*/, $line;
+ @data2 = map { $_ =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; $_; } @data2;
+ if ($data2[0] eq 'url'){
+ $url = "$data2[1]:$data2[2]";
+ $url =~ s/"|,//g;
+ }
+ #print "url:$url\n" if $url;
+ if ($data2[0] eq 'enabled'){
+ if ($url && $data2[1] eq 'yes'){
+ push @data3, "$url"
+ }
+ $url = '';
+ if (! @data3){
+ $key = repo_builder('missing','bsd-package');
+ }
+ else {
+ @data3 = url_cleaner(@data3);
+ $key = repo_builder('active','bsd-package');
+ }
+ @data = (
+ {main::key($num++,$key) => $_},
+ [@data3],
+ );
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ @data3 = ();
- ' $repo_file )"
- get_repo_builder "$repo_data_working"
- done
- fi
- repo_data_working=''
- elif [[ -f $openbsd_conf ]];then
- if [[ -n $1 ]];then
- cat $openbsd_conf &> $1/repo-data_${openbsd_conf//\//-}.txt
- fi
- REPO_DATA="$( gawk -F '=' -v repoFile=$openbsd_conf '
- }
- /^installpath/ {
- print "OpenBSD pkg mirror^" repoFile "^" $2
- }
- ' $openbsd_conf )"
- elif [[ -f $netbsd_file ]];then
- # note, only one file, but loop it in case more are added in future
- for repo_file in $netbsd_file
- do
- if [[ -n $1 ]];then
- cat $repo_file &> $1/repo-data_${repo_file//\//-}.txt
- fi
- repo_data_working="$( gawk -v repoFile="$repo_file" '
- !/^[[:space:]]*$|^[[:space:]]*#/ {
- print "NetBSD pkg servers^" repoFile "^" $0
- }' $repo_file )"
- get_repo_builder "$repo_data_working"
- done
- repo_data_working=''
- fi
- eval $LOGFE
-# build the total REPO_DATA global here
-# args: $1 - the repo line/s
- if [[ -n $1 ]];then
- if [[ -z $REPO_DATA ]];then
- REPO_DATA="$1"
- else
- fi
- fi
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (-f $openbsd) {
+ @data = repo_builder($openbsd,'openbsd','^installpath','\s*=\s*',1);
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ }
+ elsif (-f $netbsd){
+ # not an empty row, and not a row starting with #
+ @data = repo_builder($netbsd,'netbsd','^\s*[^#]+$');
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ }
+ # BSDs do not default always to having repo files, so show correct error
+ # mesage in that case
+ if (!@rows){
+ if ($bsd_type eq 'freebsd'){
+ $key = repo_builder('missing','freebsd-nf');
+ }
+ elsif ($bsd_type eq 'openbsd'){
+ $key = repo_builder('missing','openbsd-nf');
+ }
+ elsif ($bsd_type eq 'netbsd'){
+ $key = repo_builder('missing','netbsd-nf');
+ }
+ else {
+ $key = repo_builder('missing','bsd-nf');
+ }
+ @data = (
+ {main::key($num++,'Message') => $key},
+ [()],
+ );
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ }
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ return @rows;
- eval $LOGFS
- local runlvl=''
- if type -p runlevel &>/dev/null;then
- runlvl="$( runlevel | gawk '{ print $2 }' )"
- fi
- echo $runlvl
- eval $LOGFE
+sub repo_builder {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($file,$type,$search,$split,$count) = @_;
+ my (@content,@data,$missing,$key);
+ my %unfound = (
+ 'apk' => 'No active APK repos in',
+ 'apt' => 'No active apt repos in',
+ 'bsd-package' => 'No enabled BSD pkg servers in',
+ 'bsd-nf' => 'No BSD pkg server files found',
+ 'eopkg' => 'No active eopkg repos found',
+ 'pacman' => 'No active pacman repos in',
+ 'pacman-g2' => 'No active pacman-g2 repos in',
+ 'pisi' => 'No active pisi repos found',
+ 'portage' => 'No enabled portage sources in',
+ 'portsnap' => 'No ports servers in',
+ 'freebsd' => 'No FreeBSD update servers in',
+ 'freebsd-nf' => 'No FreeBSD update server files found',
+ 'freebsd-pkg' => 'No FreeBSD default pkg server in',
+ 'openbsd' => 'No OpenBSD pkg mirrors in',
+ 'openbsd-nf' => 'No OpenBSD pkg mirror files found',
+ 'netbsd' => 'No NetBSD pkg servers in',
+ 'netbsd-nf' => 'No NetBSD pkg server files found',
+ 'no-files' => 'No repo files found in',
+ 'slackpkg' => 'No active slackpkg repos in',
+ 'slackpkg+' => 'No active slackpkg+ repos in',
+ 'yum' => 'No active yum repos in',
+ 'zypp' => 'No active zypp repos in',
+ );
+ $missing = $unfound{$type};
+ return $missing if $file eq 'missing';
+ my %keys = (
+ 'apk' => 'APK repo',
+ 'apt' => 'Active apt repos in',
+ 'bsd-package' => 'BSD enabled pkg servers in',
+ 'eopkg' => 'Active eopkg repo',
+ 'freebsd' => 'FreeBSD update server',
+ 'freebsd-pkg' => 'FreeBSD default pkg server',
+ 'pacman' => 'Active pacman repo servers in',
+ 'pacman-g2' => 'Active pacman-g2 repo servers in',
+ 'pisi' => 'Active pisi repo',
+ 'portage' => 'Enabled portage sources in',
+ 'portsnap' => 'BSD ports server',
+ 'openbsd' => 'OpenBSD pkg mirror',
+ 'netbsd' => 'NetBSD pkg servers',
+ 'slackpkg' => 'slackpkg repos in',
+ 'slackpkg+' => 'slackpkg+ repos in',
+ 'yum' => 'Active yum repos in',
+ 'zypp' => 'Active zypp repos in',
+ );
+ $key = $keys{$type};
+ return $key if $file eq 'active';
+ push @dbg_files, $file if $debugger_dir;
+ @content = main::reader($file);
+ @content = grep {/$search/i && !/^\s*$/} @content if @content;
+ @content = data_cleaner(@content);
+ if ($split){
+ @content = map {
+ my @inner = split (/$split/, $_);
+ $inner[$count];
+ } @content;
+ }
+ if (!@content){
+ $key = $missing;
+ }
+ else {
+ @content = url_cleaner(@content);
+ }
+ @data = (
+ {main::key($num++,$key) => $file},
+ [@content],
+ );
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @data;
+sub data_cleaner {
+ my (@content) = @_;
+ # basics: trim white space, get rid of double spaces
+ @content = map { $_ =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; $_ =~ s/\s\s+/ /g; $_} @content;
+ return @content;
+# clean if irc
+sub url_cleaner {
+ my (@content) = @_;
+ @content = map { $_ =~ s/:\//: \//; $_} @content if $b_irc;
+ return @content;
+sub file_path {
+ my ($filename,$dir) = @_;
+ my ($working);
+ $working = $filename;
+ $working =~ s/^\///;
+ $working =~ s/\//-/g;
+ $working = "$dir/file-repo-$working.txt";
+ return $working;
-# note: it appears that at least as of 2014-01-13, /etc/inittab is going to be used for
-# default runlevel in upstart/sysvinit. systemd default is not always set so check to see
-# if it's linked.
- eval $LOGFS
- local default_runlvl=''
- local inittab='/etc/inittab'
- local systemd_default='/etc/systemd/system/'
- local upstart_default='/etc/init/rc-sysinit.conf'
- # note: systemd systems do not necessarily have this link created
- if [[ -L $systemd_default ]];then
- default_runlvl=$( readlink $systemd_default )
- if [[ -n $default_runlvl ]];then
- default_runlvl=${default_runlvl##*/}
- fi
- #
- # note that technically default can be changed at boot but for inxi purposes that does
- # not matter, we just want to know the system default
- elif [[ -e $upstart_default ]];then
- default_runlvl=$( gawk -F '=' '/^env[[:space:]]+DEFAULT_RUNLEVEL/ {
- print $2
- }' $upstart_default )
- fi
- # handle weird cases where null but inittab exists
- if [[ -z $default_runlvl && -f $inittab ]];then
- default_runlvl=$( gawk -F ':' '
- /^id.*initdefault/ {
- print $2
- }' $inittab )
- fi
- echo $default_runlvl
- eval $LOGFE
+## SensorData
- eval $LOGFS
+package SensorData;
+my (@sensors_data);
+my ($b_ipmi) = (0);
+sub get {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($key1,$program,$val1,@data,@rows,%sensors);
+ my $num = 0;
+ my $source = 'sensors';
+ # we're allowing 1 or 2 ipmi tools, first the gnu one, then the
+ # almost certain to be present in BSDs
+ if ( $b_ipmi ||
+ ( main::globber('/dev/ipmi*') &&
+ ( ( $program = main::check_program('ipmi-sensors') ) ||
+ ( $program = main::check_program('ipmitool') ) ) ) ){
+ if ($b_ipmi || $b_root){
+ %sensors = ipmi_data($program);
+ @data = create_output('ipmi',%sensors);
+ if (!@data) {
+ $key1 = 'Message';
+ $val1 = main::row_defaults('sensors-data-ipmi');
+ #$val1 = main::row_defaults('dev');
+ @data = ({main::key($num++,$key1) => $val1,});
+ }
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ $source = 'lm-sensors'; # trips per sensor type output
+ }
+ else {
+ $key1 = 'Permissions';
+ $val1 = main::row_defaults('sensors-ipmi-root');
+ @data = ({main::key($num++,$key1) => $val1,});
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ }
+ }
+ my $ref = $alerts{'sensors'};
+ if ( $$ref{'action'} ne 'use'){
+ #print "here 1\n";
+ $key1 = $$ref{'action'};
+ $val1 = $$ref{$key1};
+ $key1 = ucfirst($key1);
+ @data = ({main::key($num++,$key1) => $val1,});
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ }
+ else {
+ %sensors = sensors_data();
+ @data = create_output($source,%sensors);
+ #print "here 2\n";
+ if (!@data) {
+ $key1 = 'Message';
+ $val1 = main::row_defaults('sensors-data-linux');
+ @data = ({main::key($num++,$key1) => $val1,});
+ }
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ }
+ undef @sensors_data;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @rows;
+sub create_output {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($source,%sensors) = @_;
+ # note: might revisit this, since gpu sensors data might be present
+ return if ! %sensors;
+ my (@gpu,@data,@rows,@fan_default,@fan_main);
+ my ($data_source) = ('');
+ my $fan_number = 0;
+ my $num = 0;
+ my $j = 0;
+ @gpu = gpu_data() if ( $source eq 'sensors' || $source eq 'lm-sensors' );
+ my $temp_unit = (defined $sensors{'temp-unit'}) ? " $sensors{'temp-unit'}": '';
+ my $cpu_temp = (defined $sensors{'cpu-temp'}) ? $sensors{'cpu-temp'} . $temp_unit: 'N/A';
+ my $mobo_temp = (defined $sensors{'mobo-temp'}) ? $sensors{'mobo-temp'} . $temp_unit: 'N/A';
+ my $cpu1_key = ($sensors{'cpu2-temp'}) ? 'cpu-1': 'cpu' ;
+ $data_source = $source if ($source eq 'ipmi' || $source eq 'lm-sensors');
+ @data = ({
+ main::key($num++,'System Temperatures') => $data_source,
+ main::key($num++,$cpu1_key) => $cpu_temp,
+ });
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ if ($sensors{'cpu2-temp'}){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'cpu-2')} = $sensors{'cpu2-temp'} . $temp_unit;
+ }
+ if ($sensors{'cpu3-temp'}){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'cpu-3')} = $sensors{'cpu3-temp'} . $temp_unit;
+ }
+ if ($sensors{'cpu4-temp'}){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'cpu-4')} = $sensors{'cpu4-temp'} . $temp_unit;
+ }
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'mobo')} = $mobo_temp;
+ if (defined $sensors{'sodimm-temp'}){
+ my $sodimm_temp = $sensors{'sodimm-temp'} . $temp_unit;
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'sodimm')} = $sodimm_temp;
+ }
+ if (defined $sensors{'psu-temp'}){
+ my $psu_temp = $sensors{'psu-temp'} . $temp_unit;
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'psu')} = $psu_temp;
+ }
+ if (scalar @gpu == 1){
+ my $gpu_temp = $gpu[0]{'temp'};
+ my $gpu_type = $gpu[0]{'type'};
+ my $gpu_unit = (defined $gpu[0]{'temp-unit'} && $gpu_temp ) ? " $gpu[0]{'temp-unit'}" : ' C';
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'gpu')} = $gpu_type;
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'temp')} = $gpu_temp . $gpu_unit;
+ }
+ $j = scalar @rows;
+ my $ref_main = $sensors{'fan-main'};
+ my $ref_default = $sensors{'fan-default'};
+ @fan_main = @$ref_main if @$ref_main;
+ @fan_default = @$ref_default if @$ref_default;
+ my $fan_def = ($data_source) ? $data_source : '';
+ if (!@fan_main && !@fan_default){
+ $fan_def = ($fan_def) ? "$data_source N/A" : 'N/A';
+ }
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'Fan Speeds (RPM)')} = $fan_def;
+ my $b_cpu = 0;
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @fan_main; $i++){
+ next if $i == 0;# starts at 1, not 0
+ if (defined $fan_main[$i]){
+ if ($i == 1 || ($i == 2 && !$b_cpu )){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'cpu')} = $fan_main[$i];
+ $b_cpu = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($i == 2 && $b_cpu){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'mobo')} = $fan_main[$i];
+ }
+ elsif ($i == 3){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'psu')} = $fan_main[$i];
+ }
+ elsif ($i == 4){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'sodimm')} = $fan_main[$i];
+ }
+ elsif ($i > 4){
+ $fan_number = $i - 3;
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,"sys-$fan_number")} = $fan_main[$i];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @fan_default; $i++){
+ next if $i == 0;# starts at 1, not 0
+ if (defined $fan_default[$i]){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,"fan-$i")} = $fan_default[$i];
+ }
+ }
+ # note: so far, only nvidia-settings returns speed, and that's in percent
+ if (scalar @gpu == 1 && defined $gpu[0]{'fan-speed'}){
+ my $gpu_fan = $gpu[0]{'fan-speed'} . $gpu[0]{'speed-unit'};
+ my $gpu_type = $gpu[0]{'type'};
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'gpu')} = $gpu_type;
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'fan')} = $gpu_fan;
+ }
+ if (scalar @gpu > 1){
+ $j = scalar @rows;
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'GPU')} = '';
+ my $gpu_unit = (defined $gpu[0]{'temp-unit'} ) ? " $gpu[0]{'temp-unit'}" : ' C';
+ foreach my $ref (@gpu){
+ my %info = %$ref;
+ # speed unit is either '' or %
+ my $gpu_fan = (defined $info{'fan-speed'}) ? $info{'fan-speed'} . $info{'speed-unit'}: undef ;
+ my $gpu_type = $info{'type'};
+ my $gpu_temp = (defined $info{'temp'} ) ? $info{'temp'} . $gpu_unit: 'N/A';
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'device')} = $gpu_type;
+ if (defined $info{'screen'} ){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'screen')} = $info{'screen'};
+ }
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'temp')} = $gpu_temp;
+ if (defined $gpu_fan){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'fan')} = $gpu_fan;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($extra > 0 && $source eq 'ipmi'){
+ $j = scalar @rows;
+ $sensors{'volts-12'} ||= 'N/A';
+ $sensors{'volts-5'} ||= 'N/A';
+ $sensors{'volts-3.3'} ||= 'N/A';
+ $sensors{'volts-dimm-p1'} ||= 'N/A';
+ $sensors{'volts-dimm-p2'} ||= 'N/A';
+ $sensors{'volts-vbat'} ||= 'N/A';
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'Voltages')} = $data_source;
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'12v')} = $sensors{'volts-12'};
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'5v')} = $sensors{'volts-5'};
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'3.3v')} = $sensors{'volts-3.3'};
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'vbat')} = $sensors{'volts-vbat'};
+ if ($extra > 1){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'dimm-p1')} = $sensors{'volts-dimm-p1'} if $sensors{'volts-dimm-p1'};
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'dimm-p2')} = $sensors{'volts-dimm-p2'} if $sensors{'volts-dimm-p2'};
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'soc-p1')} = $sensors{'volts-soc-p1'} if $sensors{'volts-soc-p1'};
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'soc-p2')} = $sensors{'volts-soc-p2'} if $sensors{'volts-soc-p2'};
+ }
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @rows;
+sub ipmi_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($program) = @_;
+ my ($cmd,$file,@data,$fan_working,%sensors,@row,$sys_fan_nu,$temp_working,$working_unit);
+ #$file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/ipmitool/ipmitool-sensors-archerseven-1.txt";
+ #$file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/ipmitool/ipmitool-sensors-crazy-epyc-1.txt";
+ #$file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/ipmitool/ipmi-sensors-crazy-epyc-1.txt";$program='ipmi-sensors';
+ #@data = main::reader($file);
+ $program ||= 'ipmi-xx'; # only for debugging, will always exist if reachers here
+ my ($b_ipmitool,$i_key,$i_value,$i_unit);
+ if ($program =~ /ipmi-sensors$/){
+ $cmd = $program;
+ ($b_ipmitool,$i_key,$i_value,$i_unit) = (0,1,3,4);
+ }
+ else {
+ $cmd = "$program sensors";
+ ($b_ipmitool,$i_key,$i_value,$i_unit) = (1,0,1,2);
+ }
+ @data = main::grabber("$cmd 2>/dev/null");
+ return if ! @data;
+ foreach (@data){
+ next if /^\s*$/;
+ #print "$_\n";
+ @row = split /\s*\|\s*/, $_;
+ #print "$row[$i_key] $row[$i_value]\n";
+ if ($row[$i_key] =~ /^System Temp/i){
+ $sensors{'mobo-temp'} = int($row[$i_value]);
+ $working_unit = $row[$i_unit];
+ $working_unit =~ s/degrees\s// if $b_ipmitool;
+ $sensors{'temp-unit'} = set_temp_unit($sensors{'temp-unit'},$working_unit) if $working_unit;
+ }
+ # Platform Control Hub (PCH), it is the X370 chip on the Crosshair VI Hero.
+ # VRM: voltage regulator module
+ elsif ($row[$i_key] =~ /^CPU[1]?\sTemp/i) {
+ $sensors{'cpu-temp'} = int($row[$i_value]);
+ $working_unit = $row[$i_unit];
+ $working_unit =~ s/degrees\s// if $b_ipmitool;
+ $sensors{'temp-unit'} = set_temp_unit($sensors{'temp-unit'},$working_unit) if $working_unit;
+ }
+ elsif ($row[$i_key] =~ /^CPU([2-4])\sTemp/i) {
+ $temp_working = $1;
+ $sensors{"cpu${temp_working}-temp"} = int($row[$i_value]);
+ $working_unit = $row[$i_unit];
+ $working_unit =~ s/degrees\s// if $b_ipmitool;
+ $sensors{'temp-unit'} = set_temp_unit($sensors{'temp-unit'},$working_unit) if $working_unit;
+ }
+ # for temp1/2 only use temp1/2 if they are null or greater than the last ones
+ if ($row[$i_key] =~ /^Temp 1$/i) {
+ $temp_working = int($row[$i_value]);
+ $working_unit = $row[$i_unit];
+ $working_unit =~ s/degrees\s// if $b_ipmitool;
+ if ( !$sensors{'temp1'} || ( defined $temp_working && $temp_working > 0 ) ) {
+ $sensors{'temp1'} = $temp_working;
+ }
+ $sensors{'temp-unit'} = set_temp_unit($sensors{'temp-unit'},$working_unit) if $working_unit;
+ }
+ if ($row[$i_key] =~ /^Temp 2$/i) {
+ $temp_working = int($row[$i_value]);
+ $working_unit = $row[$i_unit];
+ $working_unit =~ s/degrees\s// if $b_ipmitool;
+ if ( !$sensors{'temp2'} || ( defined $temp_working && $temp_working > 0 ) ) {
+ $sensors{'temp2'} = $temp_working;
+ }
+ $sensors{'temp-unit'} = set_temp_unit($sensors{'temp-unit'},$working_unit) if $working_unit;
+ }
+ # temp3 is only used as an absolute override for systems with all 3 present
+ if ($row[$i_key] =~ /^Temp 3$/i) {
+ $temp_working = int($row[$i_value]);
+ $working_unit = $row[$i_unit];
+ $working_unit =~ s/degrees\s// if $b_ipmitool;
+ if ( !$sensors{'temp3'} || ( defined $temp_working && $temp_working > 0 ) ) {
+ $sensors{'temp3'} = $temp_working;
+ }
+ $sensors{'temp-unit'} = set_temp_unit($sensors{'temp-unit'},$working_unit) if $working_unit;
+ }
+ # note: can be cpu fan:, cpu fan speed:, etc.
+ if ($row[$i_key] =~ /^(CPU|Processor)\sFan/i) {
+ $sensors{'fan-main'} = () if !$sensors{'fan-main'};
+ $sensors{'fan-main'}[1] = int($row[$i_value]);
+ }
+ # note that the counters are dynamically set for fan numbers here
+ # otherwise you could overwrite eg aux fan2 with case fan2 in theory
+ # note: cpu/mobo/ps are 1/2/3
+ if ($row[$i_key] =~ /^FAN([0-9A-F]+)/i) {
+ $sys_fan_nu = hex($1);
+ next if $row[$i_value] !~ /^[0-9\.]+$/;
+ $fan_working = int($row[$i_value]);
+ $sensors{'fan-default'} = () if !$sensors{'fan-default'};
+ if ( $sys_fan_nu =~ /^([0-9]+)$/ ) {
+ # add to array if array index does not exist OR if number is > existing number
+ if ( defined $sensors{'fan-default'}[$sys_fan_nu] ) {
+ if ( $fan_working >= $sensors{'fan-default'}[$sys_fan_nu] ) {
+ $sensors{'fan-default'}[$sys_fan_nu] = $fan_working;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $sensors{'fan-default'}[$sys_fan_nu] = $fan_working;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($extra > 0){
+ if ($row[$i_key] =~ /^12V$/i) {
+ $sensors{'volts-12'} = $row[$i_value];
+ }
+ elsif ($row[$i_key] =~ /^(P5V|5VCC)$/i) {
+ $sensors{'volts-5'} = $row[$i_value];
+ }
+ elsif ($row[$i_key] =~ /^(P3V3|3.3VCC)$/i) {
+ $sensors{'volts-3.3'} = $row[$i_value];
+ }
+ elsif ($row[$i_key] =~ /^VBAT$/i) {
+ $sensors{'volts-vbat'} = $row[$i_value];
+ }
+ elsif (!$sensors{'volts-dimm-p1'} && $row[$i_key] =~ /^(P1_VMEM|VDimmP1)/i) {
+ $sensors{'volts-dimm-p1'} = $row[$i_value];
+ }
+ elsif (! $sensors{'volts-dimm-p2'} && $row[$i_key] =~ /^(P2_VMEM|VDimmP2)/i) {
+ $sensors{'volts-dimm-p2'} = $row[$i_value];
+ }
+ elsif (!$sensors{'volts-soc-p1'} && $row[$i_key] =~ /^(P1_SOC_RUN$)/i) {
+ $sensors{'volts-soc-p1'} = $row[$i_value];
+ }
+ elsif (! $sensors{'volts-soc-p2'} && $row[$i_key] =~ /^(P2_SOC_RUN$)/i) {
+ $sensors{'volts-soc-p2'} = $row[$i_value];
+ }
+ }
+ }
- local a_temp=''
- IFS=$'\n'
- if [[ -n $Sensors_Data ]];then
- # note: non-configured sensors gives error message, which we need to redirect to stdout
- # also, -F ':' no space, since some cases have the data starting right after,like - :1287
- gawk -F ':' -v userCpuNo="$SENSORS_CPU_NO" '
- core0Temp="" # these only if all else fails...
- cpuPeciTemp="" # use if temps are missing or wrong
- cpuTemp=""
- cpuTempReal=""
- fanWorking=""
- indexCountaFanMain=0
- indexCountaFanDefault=0
- i=""
- j=""
- moboTemp=""
- moboTempReal=""
- psuTemp=""
- separator=""
- sysFanString=""
- temp1=""
- temp2=""
- temp3=""
- tempDiff=20 # for C, handled for F after that is determined
- tempFanType="" # set to 1 or 2
- tempUnit=""
- tempWorking=""
- tempWorkingUnit=""
- }
- # new data arriving: gpu temp in sensors, have to skip that
- /^('"$SENSORS_GPU_SEARCH"')-pci/ {
- while ( getline && !/^$/ ) {
- # do nothing, just skip it
- }
- }
- # dumping the extra + signs after testing for them, nobody has negative temps.
- # also, note gawk treats ° as a space, so we have to get the C/F data
- # there are some guesses here, but with more sensors samples it will get closer.
+ # print Data::Dumper::Dumper \%sensors;
+ %sensors = data_processor(%sensors) if %sensors;
+ main::log_data('dump','ipmi: %sensors',\%sensors) if $b_log;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ #print Data::Dumper::Dumper \%sensors;
+ return %sensors;
+sub sensors_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (%sensors);
+ my ($b_valid,$sys_fan_nu) = (0,0);
+ my ($adapter,$fan_working,$temp_working,$working_unit) = ('','','','');
+ #my $file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/sensors/amdgpu-w-fan-speed-stretch-k10.txt";
+ #my $file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/sensors/peci-tin-geggo.txt";
+ #my $file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/sensors/sensors-w-other-biker.txt";
+ #@sensors_data = main::reader($file);
+ @sensors_data = main::grabber(main::check_program('sensors') . " 2>/dev/null");
+ #print @sensors_data;
+ @sensors_data = map {$_ =~ s/\s*:\s*\+?/:/;$_} @sensors_data;
+ foreach (@sensors_data){
+ # we get this from gpu_data()
+ if (/^(amdgpu|intel|nouveau|radeon)-pci/){
+ $b_valid = 0;
+ $adapter = '';
+ next;
+ }
+ if (/^(?:(?!amdgpu|intel|nouveau|radeon).)*-(isa|pci|virtual)-/){
+ $b_valid = 1;
+ $adapter = $1;
+ next;
+ }
+ next if !$b_valid;
+ my @working = split /:/, $_;
+ next if !$working[0] || /^Adapter/;
+ #print "$working[0]:$working[1]\n";
+ # There are some guesses here, but with more sensors samples it will get closer.
# note: using arrays starting at 1 for all fan arrays to make it easier overall
- # more validation because gensub if fails to get match returns full string, so
- # we have to be sure we are working with the actual real string before assiging
+ # we have to be sure we are working with the actual real string before assigning
# data to real variables and arrays. Extracting C/F degree unit as well to use
# when constructing temp items for array.
- # note that because of charset issues, no tempUnit="°" tempWorkingUnit degree sign
- # used, but it is required in testing regex to avoid error.
- /^(M\/B|MB|SIO|SYS)(.*)\+([0-9]+)(.*)[ \t°](C|F)/ && $2 ~ /^[ \t]*\+([0-9]+)/ {
- moboTemp=gensub( /[ \t]+\+([0-9\.]*)(.*)/, "\\1", 1, $2 )
- tempWorkingUnit=gensub( /[ \t]+\+([0-9\.]+)[ \t°]+([CF])(.*)/, "\\2", 1, $2 )
- if ( tempWorkingUnit ~ /^C|F$/ && tempUnit == "" ){
- tempUnit=tempWorkingUnit
- }
+ # note that because of charset issues, no "°" degree sign used, but it is required
+ # in testing regex to avoid error. It might be because I got that data from a forum post,
+ # note directly via debugger.
+ if (/^(AMBIENT|M\/B|MB|SIO|SYS).*:([0-9\.]+)[\s°]*(C|F)/i) {
+ $sensors{'mobo-temp'} = $2;
+ $working_unit = $3;
+ $sensors{'temp-unit'} = set_temp_unit($sensors{'temp-unit'},$working_unit) if $working_unit;
# issue 58 msi/asus show wrong for CPUTIN so overwrite it if PECI 0 is present
- /^CPU(.*)\+([0-9]+)(.*)[ \t°](C|F)/ && $2 ~ /^[ \t]*\+([0-9]+)/ {
- cpuTemp=gensub( /[ \t]+\+([0-9\.]+)(.*)/, "\\1", 1, $2 )
- tempWorkingUnit=gensub( /[ \t]+\+([0-9\.]+)[ \t°]+([CF])(.*)/, "\\2", 1, $2 )
- if ( tempWorkingUnit ~ /^C|F$/ && tempUnit == "" ){
- tempUnit=tempWorkingUnit
- }
+ # NOTE: had: ^CPU.*\+([0-9]+): but that misses: CPUTIN and anything not with + in starter
+ # However, "CPUTIN is not a reliable measurement because it measures difference to Tjmax,
+ # which is the maximum CPU temperature reported as critical temperature by coretemp"
+ # NOTE: I've seen an inexplicable case where: CPU:52.0°C fails to match with [\s°] but
+ # does match with: [\s°]*. I can't account for this, but that's why the * is there
+ if (/^CPU.*:([0-9\.]+)[\s°]*(C|F)/i) {
+ $sensors{'cpu-temp'} = $1;
+ $working_unit = $2;
+ $sensors{'temp-unit'} = set_temp_unit($sensors{'temp-unit'},$working_unit) if $working_unit;
- /^PECI[[:space:]]Agent[[:space:]]0(.*)\+([0-9]+)(.*)[ \t°](C|F)/ && $2 ~ /^[ \t]*\+([0-9]+)/ {
- cpuPeciTemp=gensub( /[ \t]+\+([0-9\.]+)(.*)/, "\\1", 1, $2 )
- tempWorkingUnit=gensub( /[ \t]+\+([0-9\.]+)[ \t°]+([CF])(.*)/, "\\2", 1, $2 )
- if ( tempWorkingUnit ~ /^C|F$/ && tempUnit == "" ){
- tempUnit=tempWorkingUnit
- }
+ if (/^PECI\sAgent\s0.*:([0-9\.]+)[\s°]*(C|F)/i) {
+ $sensors{'cpu-peci-temp'} = $1;
+ $working_unit = $2;
+ $sensors{'temp-unit'} = set_temp_unit($sensors{'temp-unit'},$working_unit) if $working_unit;
- /^(P\/S|Power)(.*)\+([0-9]+)(.*)[ \t°](C|F)/ && $2 ~ /^[ \t]*\+([0-9]+)/ {
- psuTemp=gensub( /[ \t]+\+([0-9\.]+)(.*)/, "\\1", 1, $2 )
- tempWorkingUnit=gensub( /[ \t]+\+([0-9\.]+)[ \t°]+([CF])(.*)/, "\\2", 1, $2 )
- if ( tempWorkingUnit ~ /^C|F$/ && tempUnit == "" ){
- tempUnit=tempWorkingUnit
- }
+ if (/^(P\/S|Power).*:([0-9\.]+)[\s°]*(C|F)/i) {
+ $sensors{'psu-temp'} = $2;
+ $working_unit = $3;
+ $sensors{'temp-unit'} = set_temp_unit($sensors{'temp-unit'},$working_unit) if $working_unit;
+ }
+ if (/^SODIMM.*:([0-9\.]+)[\s°]*(C|F)/i) {
+ $sensors{'sodimm-temp'} = $1;
+ $working_unit = $2;
+ $sensors{'temp-unit'} = set_temp_unit($sensors{'temp-unit'},$working_unit) if $working_unit;
# for temp1/2 only use temp1/2 if they are null or greater than the last ones
- $1 ~ /^temp1$/ && $2 ~ /^[ \t]*\+([0-9]+)/ {
- tempWorking=gensub( /[ \t]+\+([0-9\.]+)(.*)/, "\\1", 1, $2 )
- if ( temp1 == "" || ( tempWorking != "" && tempWorking > 0 ) ) {
- temp1=tempWorking
- }
- tempWorkingUnit=gensub( /[ \t]+\+([0-9\.]+)[ \t°]+([CF])(.*)/, "\\2", 1, $2 )
- if ( tempWorkingUnit ~ /^C|F$/ && tempUnit == "" ){
- tempUnit=tempWorkingUnit
+ if (/^temp1:([0-9\.]+)[\s°]*(C|F)/i) {
+ $temp_working = $1;
+ $working_unit = $2;
+ if ( !$sensors{'temp1'} || ( defined $temp_working && $temp_working > 0 ) ) {
+ $sensors{'temp1'} = $temp_working;
+ $sensors{'temp-unit'} = set_temp_unit($sensors{'temp-unit'},$working_unit) if $working_unit;
- $1 ~ /^temp2$/ && $2 ~ /^[ \t]*\+([0-9]+)/ {
- tempWorking=gensub( /[ \t]+\+([0-9\.]+)(.*)/, "\\1", 1, $2 )
- if ( temp2 == "" || ( tempWorking != "" && tempWorking > 0 ) ) {
- temp2=tempWorking
- }
- tempWorkingUnit=gensub( /[ \t]+\+([0-9\.]+)[ \t°]+([CF])(.*)/, "\\2", 1, $2 )
- if ( tempWorkingUnit ~ /^C|F$/ && tempUnit == "" ){
- tempUnit=tempWorkingUnit
+ if (/^temp2:([0-9\.]+)[\s°]*(C|F)/i) {
+ $temp_working = $1;
+ $working_unit = $2;
+ if ( !$sensors{'temp2'} || ( defined $temp_working && $temp_working > 0 ) ) {
+ $sensors{'temp2'} = $temp_working;
+ $sensors{'temp-unit'} = set_temp_unit($sensors{'temp-unit'},$working_unit) if $working_unit;
# temp3 is only used as an absolute override for systems with all 3 present
- $1 ~ /^temp3$/ && $2 ~ /^[ \t]*\+([0-9]+)/ {
- tempWorking=gensub( /[ \t]+\+([0-9\.]+)(.*)/, "\\1", 1, $2 )
- if ( temp3 == "" || ( tempWorking != "" && tempWorking > 0 ) ) {
- temp3=tempWorking
- }
- tempWorkingUnit=gensub( /[ \t]+\+([0-9\.]+)[ \t°]+([CF])(.*)/, "\\2", 1, $2 )
- if ( tempWorkingUnit ~ /^C|F$/ && tempUnit == "" ){
- tempUnit=tempWorkingUnit
+ if (/^temp3:([0-9\.]+)[\s°]*(C|F)/i) {
+ $temp_working = $1;
+ $working_unit = $2;
+ if ( !$sensors{'temp3'} || ( defined $temp_working && $temp_working > 0 ) ) {
+ $sensors{'temp3'} = $temp_working;
+ $sensors{'temp-unit'} = set_temp_unit($sensors{'temp-unit'},$working_unit) if $working_unit;
# final fallback if all else fails, funtoo user showed sensors putting
# temp on wrapped second line, not handled
- /^(core0|core 0|Physical id 0)(.*)\+([0-9]+)(.*)[ \t°](C|F)/ && $2 ~ /^[ \t]*\+([0-9]+)/ {
- tempWorking=gensub( /[ \t]+\+([0-9\.]+)(.*)/, "\\1", 1, $2 )
- if ( tempWorking != "" && core0Temp == "" && tempWorking > 0 ) {
- core0Temp=tempWorking
- }
- tempWorkingUnit=gensub( /[ \t]+\+([0-9\.]+)[ \t°]+([CF])(.*)/, "\\2", 1, $2 )
- if ( tempWorkingUnit ~ /^C|F$/ && tempUnit == "" ){
- tempUnit=tempWorkingUnit
+ if (/^(core0|core 0|Physical id 0)(.*):([0-9\.]+)[\s°]*(C|F)/i) {
+ $temp_working = $3;
+ $working_unit = $4;
+ if ( !$sensors{'core-0-temp'} || ( defined $temp_working && $temp_working > 0 ) ) {
+ $sensors{'core-0-temp'} = $temp_working;
+ $sensors{'temp-unit'} = set_temp_unit($sensors{'temp-unit'},$working_unit) if $working_unit;
+ }
+ # note: can be cpu fan:, cpu fan speed:, etc.
+ if (/^(CPU|Processor).*:([0-9]+)[\s]RPM/i) {
+ $sensors{'fan-main'} = () if !$sensors{'fan-main'};
+ $sensors{'fan-main'}[1] = $2;
- # note: can be cpu fan:, cpu fan speed:, etc. Some cases have no space before
- # $2 starts (like so :1234 RPM), so skip that space test in regex
- /^CPU(.*)[ \t]*([0-9]+)[ \t]RPM/ {
- aFanMain[1]=gensub( /[ \t]*([0-9]+)[ \t]+(.*)/, "\\1", 1, $2 )
+ if (/^(M\/B|MB|SYS).*:([0-9]+)[\s]RPM/i) {
+ $sensors{'fan-main'} = () if !$sensors{'fan-main'};
+ $sensors{'fan-main'}[2] = $2;
- /^(M\/B|MB|SYS)(.*)[ \t]*([0-9]+)[ \t]RPM/ {
- aFanMain[2]=gensub( /[ \t]*([0-9]+)[ \t]+(.*)/, "\\1", 1, $2 )
+ if (/(Power|P\/S|POWER).*:([0-9]+)[\s]RPM/i) {
+ $sensors{'fan-main'} = () if !$sensors{'fan-main'};
+ $sensors{'fan-main'}[3] = $2;
- /(Power|P\/S|POWER)(.*)[ \t]*([0-9]+)[ \t]RPM/ {
- aFanMain[3]=gensub( /[ \t]*([0-9]+)[ \t]+(.*)/, "\\1", 1, $2 )
+ if (/(SODIMM).*:([0-9]+)[\s]RPM/i) {
+ $sensors{'fan-main'} = () if !$sensors{'fan-main'};
+ $sensors{'fan-main'}[4] = $2;
# note that the counters are dynamically set for fan numbers here
# otherwise you could overwrite eg aux fan2 with case fan2 in theory
# note: cpu/mobo/ps are 1/2/3
- # NOTE: test: ! i in array does NOT work, this appears to be an awk/gawk bug
- /^(AUX(1)? |CASE(1)? |CHASSIS(1)? )(.*)[ \t]*([0-9]+)[ \t]RPM/ {
- for ( i = 4; i < 7; i++ ){
- if ( i in aFanMain ){
- ##
- }
- else {
- aFanMain[i]=gensub( /[ \t]*([0-9]+)[ \t]+(.*)/, "\\1", 1, $2 )
- break
+ if (/^(AUX[1]? |CASE[1]? |CHASSIS[1]? ).*:([0-9]+)[\s]RPM/i) {
+ $temp_working = $2;
+ $sensors{'fan-main'} = () if !$sensors{'fan-main'};
+ for ( my $i = 5; $i < 7; $i++ ){
+ next if defined $sensors{'fan-main'}[$i];
+ if ( !defined $sensors{'fan-main'}[$i] ){
+ $sensors{'fan-main'}[$i] = $temp_working;
+ last;
- /^(AUX([2-9]) |CASE([2-9]) |CHASSIS([2-9]) )(.*)[ \t]*([0-9]+)[ \t]RPM/ {
- for ( i = 5; i < 30; i++ ){
- if ( i in aFanMain ) {
- ##
- }
- else {
- sysFanNu = i
- aFanMain[i]=gensub( /[ \t]*([0-9]+)[ \t]+(.*)/, "\\1", 1, $2 )
- break
+ if (/^(AUX[2-9] |CASE[2-9] |CHASSIS[2-9] ).*:([0-9]+)[\s]RPM/i) {
+ $temp_working = $2;
+ $sensors{'fan-main'} = () if !$sensors{'fan-main'};
+ for ( my $i = 5; $i < 30; $i++ ){
+ next if defined $sensors{'fan-main'}[$i];
+ if ( !defined $sensors{'fan-main'}[$i] ){
+ $sys_fan_nu = $i;
+ $sensors{'fan-main'}[$i] = $temp_working;
+ last;
# in rare cases syntax is like: fan1: xxx RPM
- /^(FAN(1)?[ \t:])(.*)[ \t]*([0-9]+)[ \t]RPM/ {
- aFanDefault[1]=gensub( /[ \t]*([0-9]+)[ \t]+(.*)/, "\\1", 1, $2 )
+ if (/^FAN(1)?:([0-9]+)[\s]RPM/i) {
+ $sensors{'fan-default'} = () if !$sensors{'fan-default'};
+ $sensors{'fan-default'}[1] = $2;
- /^FAN([2-9]|1[0-9])(.*)[ \t]*([0-9]+)[ \t]RPM/ {
- fanWorking=gensub( /[ \t]*([0-9]+)[ \t]+(.*)/, "\\1", 1, $2 )
- sysFanNu=gensub( /fan([0-9]+)/, "\\1", 1, $1 )
- if ( sysFanNu ~ /^([0-9]+)$/ ) {
+ if (/^FAN([2-9]|1[0-9]).*:([0-9]+)[\s]RPM/i) {
+ $fan_working = $2;
+ $sys_fan_nu = $1;
+ $sensors{'fan-default'} = () if !$sensors{'fan-default'};
+ if ( $sys_fan_nu =~ /^([0-9]+)$/ ) {
# add to array if array index does not exist OR if number is > existing number
- if ( sysFanNu in aFanDefault ) {
- if ( fanWorking >= aFanDefault[sysFanNu] ) {
- aFanDefault[sysFanNu]=fanWorking
+ if ( defined $sensors{'fan-default'}[$sys_fan_nu] ) {
+ if ( $fan_working >= $sensors{'fan-default'}[$sys_fan_nu] ) {
+ $sensors{'fan-default'}[$sys_fan_nu] = $fan_working;
else {
- aFanDefault[sysFanNu]=fanWorking
+ $sensors{'fan-default'}[$sys_fan_nu] = $fan_working;
- END {
- # first we need to handle the case where we have to determine which temp/fan to use for cpu and mobo:
- # note, for rare cases of weird cool cpus, user can override in their prefs and force the assignment
- # this is wrong for systems with > 2 tempX readings, but the logic is too complex with 3 variables
- # so have to accept that it will be wrong in some cases, particularly for motherboard temp readings.
- if ( temp1 != "" && temp2 != "" ){
- if ( userCpuNo != "" && userCpuNo ~ /(1|2)/ ) {
- tempFanType=userCpuNo
- }
- else {
- # first some fringe cases with cooler cpu than mobo: assume which is cpu temp based on fan speed
- # but only if other fan speed is 0.
- if ( temp1 >= temp2 && 1 in aFanDefault && 2 in aFanDefault && aFanDefault[1] == 0 && aFanDefault[2] > 0 ) {
- tempFanType=2
- }
- else if ( temp2 >= temp1 && 1 in aFanDefault && 2 in aFanDefault && aFanDefault[2] == 0 && aFanDefault[1] > 0 ) {
- tempFanType=1
- }
- # then handle the standard case if these fringe cases are false
- else if ( temp1 >= temp2 ) {
- tempFanType=1
- }
- else {
- tempFanType=2
- }
- }
+ }
+ # print Data::Dumper::Dumper \%sensors;
+ %sensors = data_processor(%sensors) if %sensors;
+ main::log_data('dump','lm-sensors: %sensors',\%sensors) if $b_log;
+ # print Data::Dumper::Dumper \%sensors;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return %sensors;
+# oddly, openbsd sysctl actually has hw.sensors data!
+sub sysctl_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (@data,%sensors);
+ foreach (@sysctl_sensors){
+ if (/^hw.sensors\.([0-9a-z]+)\.(temp|fan|volt)([0-9])/){
+ my $sensor = $1;
+ my $type = $2;
+ my $number = $3;
+ my @working = split /:/, $_;
+ }
+ last if /^(hw.cpuspeed|hw.vendor|hw.physmem)/;
+ }
+ %sensors = data_processor(%sensors) if %sensors;
+ main::log_data('dump','%sensors',\%sensors) if $b_log;
+ # print Data::Dumper::Dumper \%sensors;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return %sensors;
+sub set_temp_unit {
+ my ($sensors,$working) = @_;
+ my $return_unit = '';
+ if ( !$sensors && $working ){
+ $return_unit = $working;
+ }
+ elsif ($sensors){
+ $return_unit = $sensors;
+ }
+ return $return_unit;
+sub data_processor {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (%sensors) = @_;
+ my ($cpu_temp,$cpu2_temp,$cpu3_temp,$cpu4_temp,$index_count_fan_default,
+ $index_count_fan_main,$mobo_temp,$psu_temp) = (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
+ my ($fan_type,$i,$j) = (0,0,0);
+ my $temp_diff = 20; # for C, handled for F after that is determined
+ my (@fan_main,@fan_default);
+ # first we need to handle the case where we have to determine which temp/fan to use for cpu and mobo:
+ # note, for rare cases of weird cool cpus, user can override in their prefs and force the assignment
+ # this is wrong for systems with > 2 tempX readings, but the logic is too complex with 3 variables
+ # so have to accept that it will be wrong in some cases, particularly for motherboard temp readings.
+ if ( $sensors{'temp1'} && $sensors{'temp2'} ){
+ if ( $sensors_cpu_nu ) {
+ $fan_type = $sensors_cpu_nu;
+ }
+ else {
+ # first some fringe cases with cooler cpu than mobo: assume which is cpu temp based on fan speed
+ # but only if other fan speed is 0.
+ if ( $sensors{'temp1'} >= $sensors{'temp2'} &&
+ defined $fan_default[1] && defined $fan_default[2] && $fan_default[1] == 0 && $fan_default[2] > 0 ) {
+ $fan_type = 2;
- # need a case for no temps at all reported, like with old intels
- else if ( temp2 == "" && cpuTemp == "" ){
- if ( temp1 == "" && moboTemp == "" ){
- tempFanType=1
- }
- else if ( temp1 != "" && moboTemp == "" ){
- tempFanType=1
- }
- else if ( temp1 != "" && moboTemp != "" ){
- tempFanType=1
- }
+ elsif ( $sensors{'temp2'} >= $sensors{'temp1'} &&
+ defined $fan_default[1] && defined $fan_default[2] && $fan_default[2] == 0 && $fan_default[1] > 0 ) {
+ $fan_type = 1;
+ }
+ # then handle the standard case if these fringe cases are false
+ elsif ( $sensors{'temp1'} >= $sensors{'temp2'} ) {
+ $fan_type = 1;
- # convert the diff number for F, it needs to be bigger that is
- if ( tempUnit == "F" ) {
- tempDiff = tempDiff * 1.8
+ else {
+ $fan_type = 2;
- if ( cpuTemp != "" ) {
- # specific hack to handle broken CPUTIN temps with PECI
- if ( cpuPeciTemp != "" && ( cpuTemp - cpuPeciTemp ) > tempDiff ){
- cpuTempReal=cpuPeciTemp
+ }
+ }
+ # need a case for no temps at all reported, like with old intels
+ elsif ( !$sensors{'temp2'} && !$sensors{'cpu-temp'} ){
+ if ( !$sensors{'temp1'} && !$sensors{'mobo-temp'} ){
+ $fan_type = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ( $sensors{'temp1'} && !$sensors{'mobo-temp'} ){
+ $fan_type = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ( $sensors{'temp1'} && $sensors{'mobo-temp'} ){
+ $fan_type = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ # convert the diff number for F, it needs to be bigger that is
+ if ( $sensors{'temp-unit'} && $sensors{'temp-unit'} eq "F" ) {
+ $temp_diff = $temp_diff * 1.8
+ }
+ if ( $sensors{'cpu-temp'} ) {
+ # specific hack to handle broken CPUTIN temps with PECI
+ if ( $sensors{'cpu-peci-temp'} && ( $sensors{'cpu-temp'} - $sensors{'cpu-peci-temp'} ) > $temp_diff ){
+ $cpu_temp = $sensors{'cpu-peci-temp'};
+ }
+ # then get the real cpu temp, best guess is hottest is real, though only within narrowed diff range
+ else {
+ $cpu_temp = $sensors{'cpu-temp'};
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($fan_type ){
+ # there are some weird scenarios
+ if ( $fan_type == 1 ){
+ if ( $sensors{'temp1'} && $sensors{'temp2'} && $sensors{'temp2'} > $sensors{'temp1'} ) {
+ $cpu_temp = $sensors{'temp2'};
- # then get the real cpu temp, best guess is hottest is real
else {
- cpuTempReal=cpuTemp
+ $cpu_temp = $sensors{'temp1'};
else {
- if ( tempFanType != "" ){
- # there are some weird scenarios
- if ( tempFanType == 1 ){
- if ( temp1 != "" && temp2 != "" && temp2 > temp1 ) {
- cpuTempReal=temp2
- }
- else {
- cpuTempReal=temp1
- }
- }
- else {
- if ( temp1 != "" && temp2 != "" && temp1 > temp2 ) {
- cpuTempReal=temp1
- }
- else {
- cpuTempReal=temp2
- }
- }
+ if ( $sensors{'temp1'} && $sensors{'temp2'} && $sensors{'temp1'} > $sensors{'temp2'} ) {
+ $cpu_temp = $sensors{'temp1'};
else {
- cpuTempReal=temp1 # can be null, that is ok
- }
- if ( cpuTempReal != "" ) {
- # using temp3 is just not reliable enough, more errors caused than fixed imo
- #if ( temp3 != "" && temp3 > cpuTempReal ) {
- # cpuTempReal=temp3
- #}
- # there are some absurdly wrong temp1: acpitz-virtual-0 temp1: +13.8°C
- if ( core0Temp != "" && (core0Temp - cpuTempReal) > tempDiff ) {
- cpuTempReal=core0Temp
- }
+ $cpu_temp = $sensors{'temp2'};
- # if all else fails, use core0/peci temp if present and cpu is null
- if ( cpuTempReal == "" ) {
- if ( core0Temp != "" ) {
- cpuTempReal=core0Temp
- }
- # note that peci temp is known to be colder than the actual system
- # sometimes so it is the last fallback we want to use even though in theory
- # it is more accurate, but fact suggests theory wrong.
- else if ( cpuPeciTemp != "" ) {
- cpuTempReal=cpuPeciTemp
- }
+ }
+ else {
+ $cpu_temp = $sensors{'temp1'}; # can be null, that is ok
+ }
+ if ( $cpu_temp ) {
+ # using $sensors{'temp3'} is just not reliable enough, more errors caused than fixed imo
+ #if ( $sensors{'temp3'} && $sensors{'temp3'} > $cpu_temp ) {
+ # $cpu_temp = $sensors{'temp3'};
+ #}
+ # there are some absurdly wrong $sensors{'temp1'}: acpitz-virtual-0 $sensors{'temp1'}: +13.8°C
+ if ( $sensors{'core-0-temp'} && ($sensors{'core-0-temp'} - $cpu_temp) > $temp_diff ) {
+ $cpu_temp = $sensors{'core-0-temp'};
- # then the real mobo temp
- if ( moboTemp != "" ){
- moboTempReal=moboTemp
+ }
+ }
+ # if all else fails, use core0/peci temp if present and cpu is null
+ if ( !$cpu_temp ) {
+ if ( $sensors{'core-0-temp'} ) {
+ $cpu_temp = $sensors{'core-0-temp'};
+ }
+ # note that peci temp is known to be colder than the actual system
+ # sometimes so it is the last fallback we want to use even though in theory
+ # it is more accurate, but fact suggests theory wrong.
+ elsif ( $sensors{'cpu-peci-temp'} ) {
+ $cpu_temp = $sensors{'cpu-peci-temp'};
+ }
+ }
+ # then the real mobo temp
+ if ( $sensors{'mobo-temp'} ){
+ $mobo_temp = $sensors{'mobo-temp'};
+ }
+ elsif ( $fan_type ){
+ if ( $fan_type == 1 ) {
+ if ( $sensors{'temp1'} && $sensors{'temp2'} && $sensors{'temp2'} > $sensors{'temp1'} ) {
+ $mobo_temp = $sensors{'temp1'};
- else if ( tempFanType != "" ){
- if ( tempFanType == 1 ) {
- if ( temp1 != "" && temp2 != "" && temp2 > temp1 ) {
- moboTempReal=temp1
- }
- else {
- moboTempReal=temp2
- }
- }
- else {
- if ( temp1 != "" && temp2 != "" && temp1 > temp2 ) {
- moboTempReal=temp2
- }
- else {
- moboTempReal=temp1
- }
- }
- ## NOTE: not safe to assume temp3 is the mobo temp, sad to say
- #if ( temp1 != "" && temp2 != "" && temp3 != "" && temp3 < moboTempReal ) {
- # moboTempReal= temp3
- #}
+ else {
+ $mobo_temp = $sensors{'temp2'};
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( $sensors{'temp1'} && $sensors{'temp2'} && $sensors{'temp1'} > $sensors{'temp2'} ) {
+ $mobo_temp = $sensors{'temp2'};
else {
- moboTempReal=temp2
+ $mobo_temp = $sensors{'temp1'};
- # then set the cpu fan speed
- if ( aFanMain[1] == "" ) {
- # note, you cannot test for aFanDefault[1] or [2] != ""
- # because that creates an array item in gawk just by the test itself
- if ( tempFanType == 1 && 1 in aFanDefault ) {
- aFanMain[1]=aFanDefault[1]
- aFanDefault[1]=""
- }
- else if ( tempFanType == 2 && 2 in aFanDefault ) {
- aFanMain[1]=aFanDefault[2]
- aFanDefault[2]=""
+ }
+ ## NOTE: not safe to assume $sensors{'temp3'} is the mobo temp, sad to say
+ #if ( $sensors{'temp1'} && $sensors{'temp2'} && $sensors{'temp3'} && $sensors{'temp3'} < $mobo_temp ) {
+ # $mobo_temp = $sensors{'temp3'};
+ #}
+ }
+ else {
+ $mobo_temp = $sensors{'temp2'};
+ }
+ @fan_main = @{$sensors{'fan-main'}} if $sensors{'fan-main'};
+ $index_count_fan_main = (@fan_main) ? scalar @fan_main : 0;
+ @fan_default = @{$sensors{'fan-default'}} if $sensors{'fan-default'};
+ $index_count_fan_default = (@fan_default) ? scalar @fan_default : 0;
+ # then set the cpu fan speed
+ if ( ! $fan_main[1] ) {
+ # note, you cannot test for $fan_default[1] or [2] != ""
+ # because that creates an array item in gawk just by the test itself
+ if ( $fan_type == 1 && defined $fan_default[1] ) {
+ $fan_main[1] = $fan_default[1];
+ $fan_default[1] = undef;
+ }
+ elsif ( $fan_type == 2 && defined $fan_default[2] ) {
+ $fan_main[1] = $fan_default[2];
+ $fan_default[2] = undef;
+ }
+ }
+ # clear out any duplicates. Primary fan real trumps fan working always if same speed
+ for ($i = 1; $i <= $index_count_fan_main; $i++) {
+ if ( defined $fan_main[$i] && $fan_main[$i] ) {
+ for ($j = 1; $j <= $index_count_fan_default; $j++) {
+ if ( defined $fan_default[$j] && $fan_main[$i] == $fan_default[$j] ) {
+ $fan_default[$j] = undef;
- # then we need to get the actual numeric max array count for both fan arrays
- for (i = 0; i <= 29; i++) {
- if ( i in aFanMain && i > indexCountaFanMain ) {
- indexCountaFanMain=i
- }
+ }
+ }
+ # now see if you can find the fast little mobo fan, > 5000 rpm and put it as mobo
+ # note that gawk is returning true for some test cases when $fan_default[j] < 5000
+ # which has to be a gawk bug, unless there is something really weird with arrays
+ # note: 500 > $fan_default[j] < 1000 is the exact trigger, and if you manually
+ # assign that value below, the > 5000 test works again, and a print of the value
+ # shows the proper value, so the corruption might be internal in awk.
+ # Note: gensub is the culprit I think, assigning type string for range 501-1000 but
+ # type integer for all others, this triggers true for >
+ for ($j = 1; $j <= $index_count_fan_default; $j++) {
+ if ( defined $fan_default[$j] && $fan_default[$j] > 5000 && !$fan_main[2] ) {
+ $fan_main[2] = $fan_default[$j];
+ $fan_default[$j] = '';
+ # then add one if required for output
+ if ( $index_count_fan_main < 2 ) {
+ $index_count_fan_main = 2;
- for (i = 0; i <= 14; i++) {
- if ( i in aFanDefault && i > indexCountaFanDefault ) {
- indexCountaFanDefault=i
+ }
+ }
+ # if they are ALL null, print error message. psFan is not used in output currently
+ if ( !$cpu_temp && !$mobo_temp && !$fan_main[1] && !$fan_main[2] && !$fan_main[1] && !@fan_default ) {
+ %sensors = ();
+ }
+ else {
+ my ($psu_temp,$sodimm_temp,$v_12,$v_5,$v_3_3,$v_dimm_p1,$v_dimm_p2,$v_soc_p1,$v_soc_p2,$v_vbat);
+ $psu_temp = $sensors{'psu-temp'} if $sensors{'psu-temp'};
+ # sodimm fan is fan_main[4]
+ $sodimm_temp = $sensors{'sodimm-temp'} if $sensors{'sodimm-temp'};
+ $cpu2_temp = $sensors{'cpu2-temp'} if $sensors{'cpu2-temp'};
+ $cpu3_temp = $sensors{'cpu3-temp'} if $sensors{'cpu3-temp'};
+ $cpu4_temp = $sensors{'cpu4-temp'} if $sensors{'cpu4-temp'};
+ # so far only for ipmi, sensors data is junk for volts
+ if ($extra > 0 && $sensors{'volts-12'} ){
+ $v_12 = $sensors{'volts-12'} if $sensors{'volts-12'};
+ $v_5 = $sensors{'volts-5'} if $sensors{'volts-5'};
+ $v_3_3 = $sensors{'volts-3.3'} if $sensors{'volts-3.3'};
+ $v_vbat = $sensors{'volts-vbat'} if $sensors{'volts-vbat'};
+ $v_dimm_p1 = $sensors{'volts-dimm-p1'} if $sensors{'volts-dimm-p1'};
+ $v_dimm_p2 = $sensors{'volts-dimm-p2'} if $sensors{'volts-dimm-p2'};
+ $v_soc_p1 = $sensors{'volts-soc-p1'} if $sensors{'volts-soc-p1'};
+ $v_soc_p2 = $sensors{'volts-soc-p2'} if $sensors{'volts-soc-p2'};
+ }
+ %sensors = (
+ 'cpu-temp' => $cpu_temp,
+ 'cpu2-temp' => $cpu2_temp,
+ 'cpu3-temp' => $cpu3_temp,
+ 'cpu4-temp' => $cpu4_temp,
+ 'mobo-temp' => $mobo_temp,
+ 'psu-temp' => $psu_temp,
+ 'temp-unit' => $sensors{'temp-unit'},
+ 'fan-main' => \@fan_main,
+ 'fan-default' => \@fan_default,
+ );
+ if ($psu_temp){
+ $sensors{'psu-temp'} = $psu_temp;
+ }
+ if ($sodimm_temp){
+ $sensors{'sodimm-temp'} = $sodimm_temp;
+ }
+ if ($extra > 0 && ($v_12 || $v_5 || $v_3_3) ){
+ $sensors{'volts-12'} = $v_12;
+ $sensors{'volts-5'} = $v_5;
+ $sensors{'volts-3.3'} = $v_3_3;
+ $sensors{'volts-vbat'} = $v_vbat;
+ $sensors{'volts-dimm-p1'} = $v_dimm_p1;
+ $sensors{'volts-dimm-p2'} = $v_dimm_p2;
+ $sensors{'volts-soc-p1'} = $v_soc_p1;
+ $sensors{'volts-soc-p2'} = $v_soc_p2;
+ }
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return %sensors;
+sub gpu_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ return @gpudata if $b_gpudata;
+ my ($cmd,@data,@data2,$path,@screens,$temp);
+ my ($j) = (0);
+ if ($path = main::check_program('nvidia-settings')){
+ # first get the number of screens. This only work if you are in X
+ if ($b_display) {
+ @data = main::grabber("$path -q screens 2>/dev/null");
+ foreach (@data){
+ if ( /(:[0-9]\.[0-9])/ ) {
+ push @screens, $1;
- # clear out any duplicates. Primary fan real trumps fan working always if same speed
- for (i = 1; i <= indexCountaFanMain; i++) {
- if ( i in aFanMain && aFanMain[i] != "" && aFanMain[i] != 0 ) {
- for (j = 1; j <= indexCountaFanDefault; j++) {
- if ( j in aFanDefault && aFanMain[i] == aFanDefault[j] ) {
- aFanDefault[j] = ""
- }
+ }
+ # do a guess, this will work for most users, it's better than nothing for out of X
+ else {
+ $screens[0] = ':0.0';
+ }
+ # now we'll get the gpu temp for each screen discovered. The print out function
+ # will handle removing screen data for single gpu systems. -t shows only data we want
+ # GPUCurrentClockFreqs: 520,600
+ # GPUCurrentFanSpeed: 50 0-100, not rpm, percent I think
+ # VideoRam: 1048576
+ # CUDACores: 16
+ # PCIECurrentLinkWidth: 16
+ # PCIECurrentLinkSpeed: 5000
+ # RefreshRate: 60.02 Hz [oer screen]
+ # ViewPortOut=1280x1024+0+0}, DPY-1: nvidia-auto-select @1280x1024 +1280+0 {ViewPortIn=1280x1024,
+ # ViewPortOut=1280x1024+0+0}
+ # ThermalSensorReading: 50
+ # PCIID: 4318,2661 - the pci stuff doesn't appear to work
+ # PCIBus: 2
+ # PCIDevice: 0
+ # Irq: 30
+ foreach my $screen (@screens){
+ my $screen2 = $screen;
+ $screen2 =~ s/\.[0-9]$//;
+ $cmd = '-q GPUCoreTemp -q VideoRam -q GPUCurrentClockFreqs -q PCIECurrentLinkWidth ';
+ $cmd .= '-q Irq -q PCIBus -q PCIDevice -q GPUCurrentFanSpeed';
+ $cmd = "$path -c $screen2 $cmd 2>/dev/null";
+ @data = main::grabber($cmd);
+ main::log_data('cmd',$cmd) if $b_log;
+ @data = (@data,@data2);
+ $j = scalar @gpudata;
+ $gpudata[$j] = ({});
+ foreach my $item (@data){
+ if ($item =~ /^\s*Attribute\s\'([^']+)\'\s.*:\s*([\S]+)\.$/){
+ my $attribute = $1;
+ my $value = $2;
+ $gpudata[$j]{'type'} = 'nvidia';
+ $gpudata[$j]{'speed-unit'} = '%';
+ $gpudata[$j]{'screen'} = $screen;
+ if (!$gpudata[$j]{'temp'} && $attribute eq 'GPUCoreTemp'){
+ $gpudata[$j]{'temp'} = $value;
- }
- }
- # now see if you can find the fast little mobo fan, > 5000 rpm and put it as mobo
- # note that gawk is returning true for some test cases when aFanDefault[j] < 5000
- # which has to be a gawk bug, unless there is something really weird with arrays
- # note: 500 > aFanDefault[j] < 1000 is the exact trigger, and if you manually
- # assign that value below, the > 5000 test works again, and a print of the value
- # shows the proper value, so the corruption might be internal in awk.
- # Note: gensub is the culprit I think, assigning type string for range 501-1000 but
- # type integer for all others, this triggers true for >
- for (j = 1; j <= indexCountaFanDefault; j++) {
- if ( j in aFanDefault && int( aFanDefault[j] ) > 5000 && aFanMain[2] == "" ) {
- aFanMain[2] = aFanDefault[j]
- aFanDefault[j] = ""
- # then add one if required for output
- if ( indexCountaFanMain < 2 ) {
- indexCountaFanMain = 2
+ elsif (!$gpudata[$j]{'ram'} && $attribute eq 'VideoRam'){
+ $gpudata[$j]{'ram'} = $value;
+ }
+ elsif (!$gpudata[$j]{'clock'} && $attribute eq 'GPUCurrentClockFreqs'){
+ $gpudata[$j]{'clock'} = $value;
+ }
+ elsif (!$gpudata[$j]{'bus'} && $attribute eq 'PCIBus'){
+ $gpudata[$j]{'bus'} = $value;
+ }
+ elsif (!$gpudata[$j]{'bus-id'} && $attribute eq 'PCIDevice'){
+ $gpudata[$j]{'bus-id'} = $value;
+ }
+ elsif (!$gpudata[$j]{'fan-speed'} && $attribute eq 'GPUCurrentFanSpeed'){
+ $gpudata[$j]{'fan-speed'} = $value;
- # then construct the sys_fan string for echo, note that iteration 1
- # makes: fanDefaultString separator null, ie, no space or ,
- for (j = 1; j <= indexCountaFanDefault; j++) {
- fanDefaultString = fanDefaultString separator aFanDefault[j]
- separator=","
+ }
+ }
+ if ($path = main::check_program('aticonfig')){
+ # aticonfig --adapter=0 --od-gettemperature
+ @data = main::grabber("$path --adapter=all --od-gettemperature 2>/dev/null");
+ foreach (@data){
+ if (/Sensor [^0-9]*([0-9\.]+) /){
+ $j = scalar @gpudata;
+ $gpudata[$j] = ({});
+ my $value = $1;
+ $gpudata[$j]{'type'} = 'amd';
+ $gpudata[$j]{'temp'} = $value;
- separator="" # reset to null for next loop
- # then construct the sys_fan string for echo
- for (j = 1; j <= indexCountaFanMain; j++) {
- fanMainString = fanMainString separator aFanMain[j]
- separator=","
+ }
+ }
+ if (@sensors_data){
+ my ($b_found,$holder) = (0,'');
+ foreach (@sensors_data){
+ next if (/^Adapter:/ || /^\s*$/);
+ if (/^(amdgpu|intel|nouveau|radeon)-pci-(.*)/){
+ $b_found = 1;
+ $holder = $1;
+ $j = scalar @gpudata;
- # and then build the temps:
- if ( moboTempReal != "" ) {
- moboTempReal = moboTempReal tempUnit
+ if ($b_found){
+ if (/^temp.*:([0-9]+).*(C|F)/){
+ $gpudata[$j]{'temp'} = $1;
+ $gpudata[$j]{'type'} = $holder;
+ $gpudata[$j]{'unit'} = $2;
+ }
+ if (/^fan.*:([0-9]+).*(RPM)?/){
+ $gpudata[$j]{'fan-speed'} = $1;
+ # NOTE: we test for nvidia %, everything else stays with nothing
+ $gpudata[$j]{'speed-unit'} = '';
+ }
+ main::log_data('dump','sensors output: video: @gpudata',\@gpudata);
- if ( cpuTempReal != "" ) {
- cpuTempReal = cpuTempReal tempUnit
+ if (/^(?:(?!amdgpu|intel|nouveau|radeon).)*-(pci|virtual|isa)-(.*)/){
+ $b_found = 0;
+ $holder = '';
- # if they are ALL null, print error message. psFan is not used in output currently
- if ( cpuTempReal == "" && moboTempReal == "" && aFanMain[1] == "" && aFanMain[2] == "" && aFanMain[3] == "" && fanDefaultString == "" ) {
- print "No active sensors found. Have you configured your sensors yet?"
+ }
+ }
+ # we'll probably use this data elsewhere so make it a one time call
+ $b_gpudata = 1;
+ # print Data::Dumper::Dumper \@gpudata;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @gpudata;
+## SlotData
+package SlotData;
+sub get {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (@data,@rows,$key1,$val1);
+ my $num = 0;
+ my $ref = $alerts{'dmidecode'};
+ if ($b_arm){
+ $key1 = 'ARM';
+ $val1 = main::row_defaults('arm-pci','');
+ @rows = ({main::key($num++,$key1) => $val1,});
+ }
+ elsif ( $$ref{'action'} ne 'use'){
+ $key1 = $$ref{'action'};
+ $val1 = $$ref{$key1};
+ $key1 = ucfirst($key1);
+ @rows = ({main::key($num++,$key1) => $val1,});
+ }
+ else {
+ @rows = slot_data();
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @rows;
+sub slot_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (@data,@rows);
+ my $num = 0;
+ foreach (@dmi){
+ $num = 1;
+ my @ref = @$_;
+ if ($ref[0] == 9){
+ my ($designation,$id,$length,$type,$usage) = ('','','','','');
+ # skip first two row, we don't need that data
+ splice @ref, 0, 2 if @ref;
+ my $j = scalar @rows;
+ foreach my $item (@ref){
+ if ($item !~ /^~/){ # skip the indented rows
+ my @value = split /:\s+/, $item;
+ if ($value[0] eq 'Type'){
+ $type = $value[1];
+ }
+ if ($value[0] eq 'Designation'){
+ $designation = $value[1];
+ }
+ if ($value[0] eq 'Current Usage'){
+ $usage = $value[1];
+ }
+ if ($value[0] eq 'ID'){
+ $id = $value[1];
+ }
+ if ($extra > 1 && $value[0] eq 'Length'){
+ $length = $value[1];
+ }
+ }
- else {
- # then build array arrays:
- print cpuTempReal "," moboTempReal "," psuTemp
- # this is for output, a null print line does NOT create a new array index in bash
- if ( fanMainString == "" ) {
- fanMainString=","
+ if ($type){
+ $id = 'N/A' if ($id eq '' );
+ if ($type eq 'Other' && $designation){
+ $type = $designation;
+ }
+ elsif ($type && $designation) {
+ $type = "$type $designation";
+ }
+ @data = (
+ {
+ main::key($num++,'Slot') => $id,
+ main::key($num++,'type') => $type,
+ main::key($num++,'status') => $usage,
+ },
+ );
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ if ($extra > 1 ){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'length')} = $length;
- print fanMainString
- print fanDefaultString
- }' <<< "$Sensors_Data" ) )
- fi
- a_temp=${A_SENSORS_DATA[@]}
- log_function_data "A_SENSORS_DATA: $a_temp"
- eval $LOGFE
+ }
+ }
+ if (!@rows){
+ my $key = 'Message';
+ @data = ({
+ main::key($num++,$key) => main::row_defaults('pci-slot-data',''),
+ },);
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @rows;
- local sensors_data=''
- if type -p sensors &>/dev/null;then
- sensors_data="$( sensors 2>/dev/null )"
- if [[ -n "$sensors_data" ]];then
- # make sure the file ends in newlines then characters, the newlines are lost in the echo unless
- # the data ends in some characters
- sensors_data="$sensors_data\n\n###"
- fi
- fi
- echo -e "$sensors_data"
- eval $LOGFS
- local shell_type="$( ps -p $PPID -o comm= 2>/dev/null )"
- local shell_version=''
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' && -n $shell_type ]];then
- case $shell_type in
- bash)
- shell_version=$( get_program_version "$shell_type" "^GNU[[:space:]]bash,[[:space:]]version" "4" | \
- sed $SED_RX 's/(\(.*|-release|-version)//' )
- ;;
- # csh/dash use dpkg package version data, debian/buntu only
- csh)
- shell_version=$( get_program_version "$shell_type" "^tcsh" "2" )
- ;;
- dash)
- shell_version=$( get_program_version "$shell_type" "$shell_type" "3" )
- ;;
- ksh)
- shell_version=$( get_program_version "$shell_type" "version" "5" )
- ;;
- tcsh)
- shell_version=$( get_program_version "$shell_type" "^tcsh" "2" )
- ;;
- zsh)
- shell_version=$( get_program_version "$shell_type" "^zsh" "2" )
- ;;
- esac
- fi
- if [[ -n $shell_version ]];then
- shell_type="$shell_type $shell_version"
- fi
- echo $shell_type
- log_function_data "shell type: $shell_type"
- eval $LOGFE
- eval $LOGFS
- local shell_parent='' script_parent=''
- # removed --no-headers to make bsd safe, adding in -j to make output the same
- script_parent=$( ps -j -fp $PPID 2>/dev/null | gawk '/'"$PPID"'/ { print $3 }' )
- log_function_data "script parent: $script_parent"
- shell_parent=$( ps -j -p $script_parent 2>/dev/null | gawk '/'"$script_parent"'/ { print $NF}' )
- # no idea why have to do script_parent action twice in su case, but you do, oh well.
- if [[ $shell_parent == 'su' ]];then
- script_parent=$( ps -j -fp $script_parent 2>/dev/null | gawk '/'"$script_parent"'/ { print $3 }' )
- script_parent=$( ps -j -fp $script_parent 2>/dev/null | gawk '/'"$script_parent"'/ { print $3 }' )
- shell_parent=$( ps -j -p $script_parent 2>/dev/null | gawk '/'"$script_parent"'/ { print $NF}' )
- fi
- echo $shell_parent
- log_function_data "shell parent final: $shell_parent"
- eval $LOGFE
- eval $LOGFS
- local tty_number=''
- if [[ -n $IRC_CLIENT ]];then
- tty_number=$( gawk '
- }
- # if multiple irc clients open, can give wrong results
- # so make sure to also use the PPID number to get the right tty
- /.*'$PPID'.*'$IRC_CLIENT'/ {
- gsub(/[^0-9]/, "", $7)
- print $7
- exit
- }' <<< "$Ps_aux_Data" )
- fi
- log_function_data "tty_number: $tty_number"
- echo $tty_number
- eval $LOGFE
- eval $LOGFS
- local tty_number=$( tty 2>/dev/null | sed 's/[^0-9]*//g' )
- tty_number=${tty_number##*/}
- echo ${tty_number##*/}
- eval $LOGFE
+## UnmountedData
- eval $LOGFS
- local a_unmounted_working='' mounted_partitions='' separator='|' unmounted_fs=''
- local dev_working='' uuid_working='' label_working='' a_raid_working='' raid_partitions=''
- if [[ $B_PARTITIONS_FILE == 'true' ]];then
- # set dev disk label/uuid data globals
- get_partition_dev_data 'label'
- get_partition_dev_data 'uuid'
- # load the raid data array here so we can exclude its partitions
- if [[ $B_RAID_SET != 'true' ]];then
- get_raid_data
- fi
- # sr0 type cd drives are showing up now as unmounted partitions.
- mounted_partitions="scd[0-9]+|sr[0-9]+|cdrom[0-9]*|cdrw[0-9]*|dvd[0-9]*|dvdrw[0-9]*|fd[0-9]|ram[0-9]*"
- # create list for slicing out the mounted partitions
- for (( i=0; i < ${#A_PARTITION_DATA[@]}; i++ ))
- do
- IFS=","
- a_unmounted_working=( ${A_PARTITION_DATA[i]} )
- if [[ -n ${a_unmounted_working[6]} ]];then
- # escape '/' for remote mounts, the path would be: [domain|ip]:/path/in/remote
- mounted_partitions="$mounted_partitions$separator${a_unmounted_working[6]//\//\\/}"
- fi
- done
- # now we need to exclude the mdraid partitions from the unmounted partition output as well
- for (( i=0; i < ${#A_RAID_DATA[@]}; i++ ))
- do
- IFS=","
- a_raid_working=( ${A_RAID_DATA[i]} )
- if [[ -n ${a_raid_working[3]} ]];then
- raid_partitions=$( sed $SED_RX 's/(\([^\)]*\)|\[[^\]]*\])//g' <<< ${a_raid_working[3]}\
- | sed 's/[[:space:]]\+/|/g' )
- mounted_partitions="$mounted_partitions$separator$raid_partitions"
- fi
- done
- # grep -Ev '[[:space:]]('$mounted_partitions')$' $FILE_PARTITIONS |
+package UnmountedData;
+sub get {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (@data,@rows,$key1,$val1);
+ my $num = 0;
+ if ($bsd_type){
+ $key1 = 'Message';
+ $val1 = main::row_defaults('unmounted-data-bsd');
+ }
+ else {
+ if (my $file = main::system_files('partitions')){
+ @data = unmounted_data($file);
+ if (!@data){
+ $key1 = 'Message';
+ $val1 = main::row_defaults('unmounted-data');
+ }
+ else {
+ @rows = create_output(@data);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $key1 = 'Message';
+ $val1 = main::row_defaults('unmounted-file');
+ }
+ }
+ if (!@rows && $key1){
+ @rows = ({main::key($num++,$key1) => $val1,});
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @rows;
+sub create_output {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (@unmounted) = @_;
+ my (@data,@rows,$fs);
+ my $num = 0;
+ @unmounted = sort { $a->{'dev-base'} cmp $b->{'dev-base'} } @unmounted;
+ foreach my $ref (@unmounted){
+ my %row = %$ref;
+ $num = 1;
+ my @data2 = main::get_size($row{'size'}) if (defined $row{'size'});
+ my $size = (@data2) ? $data2[0] . ' ' . $data2[1]: 'N/A';
+ if ($row{'fs'}){
+ $fs = lc($row{'fs'});
+ }
+ else {
+ if (main::check_program('file')){
+ $fs = ($b_root) ? 'N/A' : main::row_defaults('root-required');
+ }
+ else {
+ $fs = 'requires file';
+ }
+ @data = ({
+ main::key($num++,'ID') => , "/dev/$row{'dev-base'}",
+ main::key($num++,'size') => , $size,
+ main::key($num++,'fs') => , $fs,
+ main::key($num++,'label') => , $row{'label'},
+ main::key($num++,'uuid') => , $row{'uuid'},
+ });
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @rows;
+sub unmounted_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ my ($fs,$size,@data,%part,@unmounted);
+ my @mounted = ('scd[0-9]+','sr[0-9]+','cdrom[0-9]*','cdrw[0-9]*',
+ 'dvd[0-9]*','dvdrw[0-9]*','fd[0-9]','ram[0-9]*');
+ my @mounts = main::reader($file,'strip');
+ my $num = 0;
+ PartitionData::set_lsblk() if !$bsd_type && !$b_lsblk;
+ # set labels, uuid, gpart
+ PartitionData::partition_data() if !$b_partitions;
+ main::get_partition_extra_data() if !$b_partition_extra;
+ RaidData::raid_data() if !$b_raid;
+ @mounted = get_mounted(@mounted);
+ foreach (@mounts){
+ my @working = split /\s+/, $_;
+ ($fs,$size) = ('','');
# note that size 1 means it is a logical extended partition container
# lvm might have dm-1 type syntax
# need to exclude loop type file systems, squashfs for example
- /[a-z][0-9]+$|dm-[0-9]+$/ && $3 != 1 && $NF !~ /loop/ && $NF !~ /'$mounted_partitions'/ {
- size = sprintf( "%.2f", $3*1024/1000**3 )
- print $4 "," size "G"
- for (( i=0; i < ${#A_UNMOUNTED_PARTITION_DATA[@]}; i++ ))
- do
- IFS=","
- a_unmounted_working=( ${A_UNMOUNTED_PARTITION_DATA[i]} )
- label_working=$( grep -E "${a_unmounted_working[0]}$" <<< "$DEV_DISK_LABEL" | gawk '{
- print $(NF - 2)
- }' )
- uuid_working=$( grep -E "${a_unmounted_working[0]}$" <<< "$DEV_DISK_UUID" | gawk '{
- print $(NF - 2)
- }' )
- unmounted_fs=$( get_unmounted_partition_filesystem "/dev/${a_unmounted_working[0]}" )
- IFS=","
- A_UNMOUNTED_PARTITION_DATA[i]=${a_unmounted_working[0]}","${a_unmounted_working[1]}","$label_working","$uuid_working","$unmounted_fs
- done
- fi
-# echo "${A_PARTITION_DATA[@]}"
- eval $LOGFE
-# a few notes, normally file -s requires root, but you can set user rights in /etc/sudoers.
-# list of file systems:
-# args: $1 - /dev/<disk><part> to be tested for
- eval $LOGFS
- local partition_filesystem='' sudo_command=''
- if [[ $B_FILE_TESTED != 'true' ]];then
- B_FILE_TESTED='true'
- FILE_PATH=$( type -p file )
- fi
- if [[ $B_SUDO_TESTED != 'true' ]];then
- B_SUDO_TESTED='true'
- SUDO_PATH=$( type -p sudo )
- fi
- if [[ -n $FILE_PATH && -n $1 ]];then
- # only use sudo if not root, -n option requires sudo -V 1.7 or greater. sudo will just error out
- # which is the safest course here for now, otherwise that interactive sudo password thing is too annoying
+ # NOTE: nvme needs special treatment because the main device is: nvme0n1
+ if ( $working[-1] !~ /^nvme[0-9]+n[0-9]+$/ &&
+ $working[-1] =~ /[a-z][0-9]+$|dm-[0-9]+$/ && $working[2] != 1 &&
+ $working[-1] !~ /loop/ && !(grep {$working[-1] =~ /$_/} @mounted)){
+ my $label = PartitionData::get_label("/dev/$working[-1]");
+ my $uuid = PartitionData::get_uuid("/dev/$working[-1]");
+ %part = PartitionData::check_lsblk($working[-1],0) if (@lsblk && $working[-1]);
+ if (%part){
+ $fs = $part{'fs'};
+ $size = $part{'size'} if $part{'size'} && !$working[2];
+ }
+ $size ||= $working[2];
+ $fs = unmounted_filesystem($working[-1]) if ! $fs;
+ @data = ({
+ 'dev-base' => $working[-1],
+ 'fs' => $fs,
+ 'label' => $label,
+ 'size' => $size,
+ 'uuid' => $uuid,
+ });
+ @unmounted = (@unmounted,@data);
+ }
+ }
+ # print Data::Dumper::Dumper @unmounted;
+ main::log_data('dump','@unmounted',\@unmounted) if $b_log;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @unmounted;
+sub get_mounted {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (@mounted) = @_;
+ foreach my $ref (@partitions){
+ my %row = %$ref;
+ push @mounted, $row{'dev-base'} if $row{'dev-base'};
+ }
+ foreach my $ref (@raid){
+ my %row = %$ref;
+ my $ref2 = $row{'arrays'};
+ my @arrays = (ref $ref2 eq 'ARRAY' ) ? @$ref2 : ();
+ @arrays = grep {defined $_} @arrays;
+ foreach my $array (@arrays){
+ my %row2 = %$array;
+ my $ref3 = $row2{'components'};
+ my @components = (ref $ref3 eq 'ARRAY') ? @$ref3 : ();
+ foreach my $component (@components){
+ my @temp = split /~/, $component;
+ push @mounted, $temp[0];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @mounted;
+sub unmounted_filesystem {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($item) = @_;
+ my ($data,%part);
+ my ($file,$fs,$path,$sudo) = ('','','','');
+ if ($path = main::check_program('file')) {
+ $file = $path;
+ }
+ # order matters in this test!
+ my @filesystems = ('ext2','ext3','ext4','ext5','ext','ntfs',
+ 'fat32','fat16','FAT\s\(.*\)','vfat','fatx','tfat','swap','btrfs',
+ 'ffs','hammer','hfs\+','hfs\splus','hfs\sextended\sversion\s[1-9]','hfsj',
+ 'hfs','jfs','nss','reiserfs','reiser4','ufs2','ufs','xfs','zfs');
+ if ($file){
+ # only use sudo if not root, -n option requires sudo -V 1.7 or greater.
+ # sudo will just error out which is the safest course here for now,
+ # otherwise that interactive sudo password thing is too annoying
# important: -n makes it non interactive, no prompt for password
- if [[ $B_ROOT != 'true' && -n $SUDO_PATH ]];then
- sudo_command='sudo -n '
- fi
+ if (!$b_root && ($path = main::check_program('sudo') )) {
+ $sudo = "$path -n ";
+ }
# this will fail if regular user and no sudo present, but that's fine, it will just return null
# note the hack that simply slices out the first line if > 1 items found in string
# also, if grub/lilo is on partition boot sector, no file system data is available
- # BSD fix: -Eio -Em 1
- partition_filesystem=$( eval $sudo_command $FILE_PATH -s $1 | grep -Eio '(ext2|ext3|ext4|ext5|ext[[:space:]]|ntfs|fat32|fat16|fat[[:space:]]\(.*\)|vfat|fatx|tfat|swap|btrfs|ffs[[:space:]]|hfs\+|hfs[[:space:]]plus|hfs[[:space:]]extended[[:space:]]version[[:space:]][1-9]|hfsj|hfs[[:space:]]|jfs[[:space:]]|nss[[:space:]]|reiserfs|reiser4|ufs2|ufs[[:space:]]|xfs[[:space:]]|zfs[[:space:]])' | grep -Em 1 '.*' )
- if [[ -n $partition_filesystem ]];then
- echo $partition_filesystem
- fi
- fi
- eval $LOGFE
+ $data = (main::grabber("$sudo$file -s /dev/$item 2>/dev/null"))[0];
+ if ($data){
+ foreach (@filesystems){
+ if ($data =~ /($_)[\s,]/i){
+ $fs = $1;
+ $fs = main::trimmer($fs);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ main::log_data('data',"fs: $fs") if $b_log;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $fs;
-## return uptime string
- eval $LOGFS
- local uptime_value=''
- ## note: removing gsub(/ /,"",a); to get get space back in there, goes right before print a
- if type -p uptime &>/dev/null;then
- uptime_value="$( uptime | gawk '{
- a = gensub(/^.*up *([^,]*).*$/,"\\1","g",$0)
- print a
- }' )"
- fi
- log_function_data "uptime_value: $uptime_value"
- UP_TIME="$uptime_value"
- eval $LOGFE
+## UsbData
- eval $LOGFS
- local location_site=''
- local weather_feed=''
- local weather_spider=''
- local data_grab_error='' downloader_error=0
- local b_test_loc=false b_test_weather=false b_debug=false
- local test_dir="$HOME/bin/scripts/inxi/data/weather/"
- local test_location='location2.xml' test_weather='weather-feed.xml'
- local location_data='' location='' weather_data='' location_array_value='' a_location=''
- local weather_array_value='' site_elevation='' a_temp=''
- # first we get the location data, once that is parsed and handled, we move to getting the
- # actual weather data, assuming no errors
- # note, this api does not support spaces in names, replace spaces with + sign.
- else
- if [[ $b_test_loc != 'true' ]];then
- case $DOWNLOADER in
- curl)
- location_data="$( curl $NO_SSL_OPT -L -y $DL_TIMEOUT -s $location_site )" || downloader_error=$?
- ;;
- fetch)
- location_data="$( fetch $NO_SSL_OPT -T $DL_TIMEOUT -q -o - $location_site )" || downloader_error=$?
- ;;
- ftp)
- location_data="$( ftp $NO_SSL_OPT -o - $location_site 2>/dev/null )" || downloader_error=$?
- ;;
- perl)
- location_data="$( download_file 'stdout' $location_site )" || downloader_error=$?
- ;;
- wget)
- location_data="$( wget $NO_SSL_OPT -t 1 -T $DL_TIMEOUT -q -O - $location_site )" || downloader_error=$?
- ;;
- no-downloader)
- downloader_error=100
- ;;
- esac
- log_function_data "$location_data"
- if [[ $downloader_error -ne 0 ]];then
- if [[ $downloader_error -eq 100 ]];then
- data_grab_error="Error: No downloader tool available. Install wget, curl, or fetch."
- else
- data_grab_error="Error: location server up but download error - $DOWNLOADER: $downloader_error"
- fi
- fi
- downloader_error=0
- else
- if [[ -f $test_dir$test_location ]];then
- location_data="$( cat $test_dir$test_location )"
- else
- data_grab_error="Error: location xml local file not found."
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -n $data_grab_error ]];then
- :
- elif [[ -z $( grep -i '<Response' <<< $location_data ) ]];then
- data_grab_error="Error: location downloaded but data contains no xml."
- else
- # clean up xml and make easy to process with newlines, note, bsd sed has no support for inserting
- # \n dircctly so we have to use this hack
- # location_data="$( sed $SED_RX 's|><|>\n<|g' <<< $location_data )"
- location_data="$( sed $SED_RX 's|><|>\
-<|g' <<< $location_data )"
- # echo -e "ld:\n$location_data"
- location_array_value=$( gawk '
- function clean(data) {
- returnData=""
- # some lines might be empty, so ignore those
- if (data !~ /^<[^>]+>$/ ) {
- returnData=gensub(/(.*>)([^<]*)(<.*)/, "\\2", 1, data)
- }
- return returnData
- }
- locationString=""
- countryCode=""
- countryCode3=""
- countryName=""
- regionCode=""
- regionName=""
- city=""
- postalCode=""
- latitude=""
- longitude=""
- timeZone=""
- areaCode=""
- }
- /CountryCode/ {
- if ( $0 ~ /CountryCode3/ ){
- countryCode3=clean($0)
+package UsbData;
+sub get {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (@data,@rows,$key1,$val1);
+ my $num = 0;
+ my $ref = $alerts{'lsusb'};
+ my $ref2 = $alerts{'usbdevs'};
+ if ( $$ref{'action'} ne 'use' && $$ref2{'action'} ne 'use'){
+ if ($os eq 'linux' ){
+ $key1 = $$ref{'action'};
+ $val1 = $$ref{$key1};
+ }
+ else {
+ $key1 = $$ref2{'action'};
+ $val1 = $$ref2{$key1};
+ }
+ $key1 = ucfirst($key1);
+ @rows = ({main::key($num++,$key1) => $val1,});
+ }
+ else {
+ @rows = usb_data();
+ if (!@rows){
+ my $key = 'Message';
+ @data = ({
+ main::key($num++,$key) => main::row_defaults('usb-data',''),
+ },);
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ }
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @rows;
+sub usb_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ return if ! @usb;
+ my (@data,@row,@rows,$bus_id,$chip_id,$speed,$protocol,$class,$vendor,$product);
+ my $num = 0;
+ my $j = 0;
+ # note: the data has been presorted in set_lsusb_data by:
+ # bus id then device id, so we don't need to worry about the order
+ foreach my $ref (@usb){
+ my @id = @$ref;
+ $j = scalar @rows;
+ $num = 1;
+ $bus_id = "$id[0]:$id[1]";
+ $chip_id = $id[2];
+ my $b_hub = 0;
+ # it's a hub
+ if ($id[1] == 1){
+ foreach my $line (@id){
+ #print "$line\n";
+ @row = split /:/, $line;
+ next if ! defined $row[0];
+ if ($row[0] eq 'bcdUSB' && defined $row[1]){
+ $speed = ($row[1] =~ /^[0-9,\.]+$/) ? sprintf("%1.1f",$row[1]) : $row[1];
- else {
- countryCode=clean($0)
+ elsif ($row[0] eq '~bInterfaceProtocol' && $row[2] ){
+ $protocol = $row[2];
- /CountryName/ {
- countryName = clean($0)
- }
- /RegionCode/ {
- regionCode = clean($0)
- }
- /RegionName/ {
- regionName = clean($0)
- }
- /City/ {
- city = clean($0)
+ $protocol ||= 'N/A';
+ $speed ||= 'N/A';
+ #print "pt0:$protocol\n";
+ @data = ({
+ main::key($num++,'Hub') => $bus_id,
+ main::key($num++,'usb') => $speed,
+ main::key($num++,'type') => $protocol,
+ },);
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ if ($extra > 1){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'chip ID')} = $chip_id;
- /ZipPostalCode/ {
- postalCode = clean($0)
- }
- /Latitude/ {
- latitude = clean($0)
- }
- /Longitude/ {
- longitude = clean($0)
+ }
+ # it's a device
+ else {
+ ($class,$product,$protocol,$vendor,$speed) = ('','','','','');
+ foreach my $line (@id){
+ @row = split /:/, $line;
+ next if ! defined $row[0];
+ if ($row[0] eq 'bcdUSB' && defined $row[1]){
+ $speed = sprintf("%.1f",$row[1]);
+ }
+ elsif ($row[0] eq 'bDeviceClass' && defined $row[1] && $row[1] == 9){
+ $b_hub = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($row[0] eq 'idVendor' && $row[2]){
+ $vendor = main::cleaner($row[2]);
+ }
+ elsif ($row[0] eq 'idProduct' && $row[2]){
+ $product = main::cleaner($row[2]);
+ }
+ # we want hubs to cascade to last item
+ elsif ($row[0] eq '~bInterfaceClass' && $row[2] && defined $row[1] && $row[1] != 9){
+ $class = main::cleaner($row[2]);
+ }
+ elsif ($row[0] eq '~bInterfaceProtocol' && defined $row[2]){
+ $protocol = $row[2];
+ $protocol =~ s/none//i if $protocol;
+ last if $class;
+ }
- /TimeZone/ {
- timeZone = clean($0)
+ if ( $b_hub ){
+ if ($vendor && $product){
+ $protocol = "$vendor $product";
+ }
+ elsif (!$product && $protocol && $vendor){
+ $protocol = "$vendor $protocol";
+ }
+ $speed ||= 'N/A';
+ $protocol ||= 'N/A';
+ #print "pt2:$protocol\n";
+ @data = ({
+ main::key($num++,'Hub') => $bus_id,
+ main::key($num++,'usb') => $speed,
+ main::key($num++,'type') => $protocol,
+ },);
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
- END {
- locationString = city ";" regionCode ";" regionName ";" countryName ";" countryCode ";" countryCode3
- locationString = locationString ";" latitude "," longitude ";" postalCode ";" timeZone
- print locationString
- }' <<< "$location_data" )
- fi
- A_WEATHER_DATA[0]=$location_array_value
- IFS=";"
- a_location=( ${A_WEATHER_DATA[0]} )
- # assign location, cascade from most accurate
- # latitude,longitude first
- if [[ -n ${a_location[6]} ]];then
- location="${a_location[6]}"
- # city,state next
- elif [[ -n ${a_location[0]} && -n ${a_location[1]} ]];then
- location="${a_location[0]},${a_location[1]}"
- # postal code last, that can be a very large region
- elif [[ -n ${a_location[7]} ]];then
- location=${a_location[7]}
- fi
- fi
- if [[ $b_debug == 'true' ]];then
- echo -e "location array:\n${A_WEATHER_DATA[0]}"
- echo "location: $location"
- fi
- log_function_data "location: $location"
- if [[ -z $location && -z $data_grab_error ]];then
- data_grab_error="Error: location data downloaded but no location detected."
- fi
- # now either dump process or go on to get weather data
- if [[ -z $data_grab_error ]];then
- if [[ $b_test_weather != 'true' ]];then
- case $DOWNLOADER in
- curl)
- weather_data="$( curl $NO_SSL_OPT -L -y $DL_TIMEOUT -s $weather_feed"$location" )" || downloader_error=$?
- ;;
- fetch)
- weather_data="$( fetch $NO_SSL_OPT -T $DL_TIMEOUT -q -o - $weather_feed"$location" )" || downloader_error=$?
- ;;
- ftp)
- weather_data="$( ftp $NO_SSL_OPT -o - $weather_feed"$location" 2>/dev/null )" || downloader_error=$?
- ;;
- perl)
- weather_data="$( download_file 'stdout' "$weather_feed$location" )" || downloader_error=$?
- ;;
- wget)
- weather_data="$( wget $NO_SSL_OPT -t 1 -T $DL_TIMEOUT -q -O - $weather_feed"$location" )" || downloader_error=$?
- ;;
- no-downloader)
- downloader_error=100
- ;;
- esac
- if [[ $downloader_error -ne 0 ]];then
- if [[ $downloader_error -eq 100 ]];then
- data_grab_error="Error: No downloader tool available. Install wget, curl, or fetch."
- else
- data_grab_error="Error: weather server up but download error - $DOWNLOADER: $downloader_error"
- fi
- fi
- log_function_data "$weather_data"
- else
- if [[ -f $test_dir$test_weather ]];then
- weather_data="$( cat $test_dir$test_weather)"
- else
- data_grab_error="Error: weather feed xml local file not found."
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -z $data_grab_error && -z $( grep -i '<current_observation' <<< $weather_data ) ]];then
- data_grab_error="Error: weather data downloaded but shows no xml start."
- fi
- if [[ -z $data_grab_error ]];then
- # trim off zeros
- weather_data=$( sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//' <<< "$weather_data" )
- site_elevation=$( grep -im 1 '<elevation>' <<< "$weather_data" | sed $SED_RX -e 's/<[^>]*>//g' \
- -e 's/\.[0-9]*//' )
- # we need to grab the location data from the feed for remote checks
- if [[ -n $ALTERNATE_WEATHER_LOCATION && -n $weather_data ]];then
- location_data=$( sed -e '/<current_observation>/,/<display_location>/d' -e '/<\/display_location>/,/<\/current_observation>/d' <<< "$weather_data" )
- # echo -e "ld1:\n$location_data"
- A_WEATHER_DATA[0]=$( gawk '
- function clean(data) {
- returnData=""
- # some lines might be empty, so ignore those
- if (data !~ /^<[^>]+>$/ ) {
- returnData=gensub(/(.*>)([^<]*)(<.*)/, "\\2", 1, data)
- gsub(/^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$|^NA$|^N\/A$/, "", returnData)
+ else {
+ if ($vendor && $product){
+ if ($product !~ /$vendor/){
+ $product = "$vendor $product";
- return returnData
- city=""
- state=""
- country=""
+ elsif (!$product && !$vendor && $protocol){
+ $product = $protocol;
- /<city>/ {
- city=clean($0)
+ elsif (!$product){
+ $product = $vendor;
- /<state>/ {
- state=clean($0)
+ # bInterfaceProtocol:0 but $row[2] undefined
+ #print "pt3:$class:$product\n";
+ # for we want Mass Storage Device instead of Bulk-Only
+ # we want to filter out certain protocol values that are less
+ # informative than the class type.
+ if ($protocol && $class && $class ne $protocol && protocol_filter($protocol) ){
+ $class = $protocol;
- /<country>/ {
- country=clean($0)
+ $class ||= 'N/A';
+ #print "pt3:$class:$product\n";
+ $product ||= 'N/A';
+ $speed ||= 'N/A';
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'Device')} = $product;
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'bus ID')} = $bus_id;
+ if ($extra > 0){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'usb')} = $speed;
- END {
- print city ";" state ";;;;" country
- }' <<< "$location_data" )
- # echo -e "location:\n${A_WEATHER_DATA[0]}"
- fi
- # clean off everything before/after observation_location
- weather_data=$( sed -e '/<current_observation>/,/<observation_location>/d' \
- -e '/<icons>/,/<\/current_observation>/d' <<< "$weather_data" -e 's/^[[:space:]]*$//g' -e '/^$/d' )
- # echo "$weather_data";exit
- weather_array_value=$( gawk -v siteElevation="$site_elevation" '
- function clean(data) {
- returnData=""
- # some lines might be empty, so ignore those
- if (data !~ /^<[^>]+>$/ ) {
- returnData=gensub(/(.*>)([^<]*)(<.*)/, "\\2", 1, data)
- gsub(/^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$|^NA$|^N\/A$/, "", returnData)
- }
- return returnData
- }
- observationTime=""
- localTime=""
- weather=""
- tempString=""
- humidity=""
- windString=""
- pressureString=""
- dewpointString=""
- heatIndexString=""
- windChillString=""
- weatherString=""
- }
- /observation_time>/ {
- observationTime=clean($0)
- sub(/Last Updated on /, "", observationTime )
- }
- /local_time>/ {
- localTime=clean($0)
- }
- /<weather/ {
- weather=clean($0)
- }
- /temperature_string/ {
- tempString=clean($0)
- }
- /relative_humidity/ {
- humidity=clean($0)
- }
- /wind_string/ {
- windString=clean($0)
- }
- /pressure_string/ {
- pressureString=clean($0)
- }
- /heat_index_string/ {
- heatIndexString=clean($0)
- }
- /windchill_string/ {
- windChillString=clean($0)
- }
- END {
- weatherString = observationTime ";" localTime ";" weather ";" tempString ";" humidity
- weatherString = weatherString ";" windString ";" pressureString ";" dewpointString ";" heatIndexString
- weatherString = weatherString ";" windChillString ";" siteElevation
- print weatherString
- }' <<< "$weather_data" )
- fi
- if [[ -z $weather_array_value ]];then
- data_grab_error="Error: weather info downloaded but no data detected."
- else
- A_WEATHER_DATA[1]=$weather_array_value
- fi
- fi
- # now either dump process or go on to get weather data
- if [[ -n $data_grab_error ]];then
- A_WEATHER_DATA=$data_grab_error
- log_function_data "data grab error: $data_grab_error"
- fi
- if [[ $b_debug == 'true' ]];then
- echo "site_elevation: $site_elevation"
- echo "${A_WEATHER_DATA[1]}"
- fi
- a_temp=${A_WEATHER_DATA[@]}
- log_function_data "A_WEATHER_DATA: $a_temp"
- eval $LOGFE
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'type')} = $class;
+ }
+ if ($extra > 1){
+ $rows[$j]{main::key($num++,'chip ID')} = $chip_id;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #print Data::Dumper::Dumper \@rows;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @rows;
+sub protocol_filter {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($string) = @_;
+ $string =~ s/Bulk-Only|streaming|Bidirectional|None//i if $string;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $string;
-# get_weather_data;exit
-#### -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#### -------------------------------------------------------------------
-# BSD only
- eval $LOGFS
- local dmsg_boot_data=''
- if [[ $B_DMESG_BOOT_FILE == 'true' ]];then
- # replace all indented items with ~ so we can id them easily while processing
- # note that if user, may get error of read permissions
- # for some weird reason, real mem and avail mem are use a '=' separator, who knows why, the others are ':'
- dmsg_boot_data="$( cat $FILE_DMESG_BOOT 2>/dev/null | gawk '
- {
- sub(/[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*|:[[:space:]]*/,":", $0)
- gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_ARRAY"'/," ", $0)
- gsub(/\"/, "", $0)
- gsub(/[[:space:]][[:space:]]/, " ", $0)
- print $0
- }' )"
- fi
- DMESG_BOOT_DATA="$dmsg_boot_data"
- log_function_data "$dmsg_boot_data"
- eval $LOGFE
- eval $LOGFS
- local dmiData="" b_debugger='false'
- if [[ $B_DMIDECODE_SET != 'true' ]];then
- dmidecodePath=$( type -p dmidecode 2>/dev/null )
- if [[ -z $dmidecodePath ]];then
- DMIDECODE_DATA='dmidecode-error-not-installed'
- else
- # note stripping out these lines: Handle 0x0016, DMI type 17, 27 bytes
- # but NOT deleting them, in case the dmidecode data is missing empty lines which will be
- # used to separate results. Then we remove the doubled empty lines to keep it clean and
- # strip out all the stuff we don't want to see in the results. We want the error data in
- # stdout for error handling
- if [[ $b_debugger == 'true' && $HOSTNAME == 'yawn' ]];then
- dmiData="$( cat ~/bin/scripts/inxi/svn/misc/data/dmidecode/dmidecode-memory-variants-2.txt )"
- else
- dmiData="$( $dmidecodePath 2>&1 )"
- fi
- # these tests first, because bsd error messages like this (note how many : are in the string)
- # inxi: line 4928: /usr/local/sbin/dmidecode: Permission denied
- if [[ ${#dmiData} -lt 200 ]];then
- if [[ -z ${dmiData/*Permission denied*/} ]];then
- # if [[ -n $( grep -i 'Permission denied' <<< "$dmiData" ) ]];then
- DMIDECODE_DATA='dmidecode-error-requires-root'
- # this handles very old systems, like Lenny 2.6.26, with dmidecode, but no data
- elif [[ -n $( grep -i 'no smbios ' <<< "$dmiData" ) ]];then
- DMIDECODE_DATA='dmidecode-error-no-smbios-dmi-data'
- else
- DMIDECODE_DATA='dmidecode-error-unknown-error'
- fi
- else
- DMIDECODE_DATA="$( echo "$dmiData" | gawk -F ':' '
- cutExtraTab="false"
- twoData=""
- oneData=""
- }
- {
- # no idea why, but freebsd gawk does not do this right
- oneData=$1
- twoData=$2
- if ( twoData != "" ) {
- twoHolder="true"
- }
- else {
- twoHolder="false"
- }
- if ( $0 ~ /^\tDMI type/ ) {
- sub(/^\tDMI type.*/, "", $0)
- cutExtraTab="true"
- }
- gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_NORMAL"'/, "", twoData)
- gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_ARRAY"'/, " ", twoData)
- # clean out Handle line
- # sub(/^Handle.*/,"", $0)
- sub(/^[[:space:]]*Inactive.*/,"",twoData)
- # yes, there is a typo in a user data set, unknow
- # Base Board Version|Base Board Serial Number
- # Chassis Manufacturer|Chassis Version|Chassis Serial Number
- # System manufacturer|System Product Name|System Version
- # To Be Filled By O.E.M.
- # strip out starting white space so that the following stuff will clear properly
- sub(/^[[:space:]]+/, "", twoData)
- sub(/^Base Board .*|^Chassis .*|empty|.*O\.E\.M\..*|.*OEM.*|^Not .*|^System .*|.*unknow.*|.*N\/A.*|none|^To be filled.*|^0x[0]+$|\[Empty\]|<Bad Index>|Default string|^\.\.$/, "", twoData)
- sub(/.*(AssetTagNum|Manufacturer| Or Motherboard|PartNum.*|SerNum).*/, "", twoData)
- gsub(/\ybios\y|\yacpi\y/, "", twoData) # note: biostar
- sub(/http:\/\/\//, "Abit", twoData)
- # for double indented values replace with ~ so later can test for it, we are trusting that
- # indentation will be tabbed in this case
- # special case, dmidecode 2.2 has an extra tab and a DMI type line
- if ( cutExtraTab == "true" ) {
- sub(/^\t\t\t+/, "~", oneData)
- }
- else {
- sub(/^\t\t+/, "~", oneData)
- }
- gsub(/ [ \t]+/, " ", twoData)
- gsub(/^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$/, "", twoData)
- gsub(/^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$/, "", oneData)
- # reconstructing the line for processing so gawk can use -F : again
- if ( oneData != "" && twoHolder == "true" ) {
- print oneData ":" twoData
- }
- else {
- # make sure all null lines have no spaces in them!
- gsub(/^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$/,"",$0)
- print $0
- }
- }' \
- | sed '/^$/{
-}' \
- )"
- fi
- # echo ":${DMIDECODE_DATA}:"
- log_function_data "DMIDECODE_DATA (PRE): $DMIDECODE_DATA"
- fi
- log_function_data "DMIDECODE_DATA (POST): $DMIDECODE_DATA"
- fi
- eval $LOGFE
-# set_dmidecode_data;echo "$DMIDECODE_DATA";exit
-# args: $1 - v/n
- eval $LOGFS
- local lspci_data=''
- if [[ $B_LSPCI == 'true' ]];then
- lspci_data="$( lspci -$1 | gawk '{
- gsub(/\(prog-if[^)]*\)/,"")
- sub(/^0000:/, "", $0) # seen case where the 0000: is prepended, rare, but happens
- print
- }' )"
- fi
- log_function_data 'raw' "lspci_data $1:\n$lspci_data"
- if [[ $1 == 'v' ]];then
- LSPCI_V_DATA="$lspci_data"
- elif [[ $1 == 'n' ]];then
- LSPCI_N_DATA="$lspci_data"
- fi
- eval $LOGFE
+## add metric / imperial (us) switch
+## WeatherData
- eval $LOGFS
- local pciconf_data='' a_temp=''
- if [[ $B_PCICONF == 'true' ]];then
- pciconf_data="$( pciconf -lv 2>/dev/null )"
- if [[ -n $pciconf_data ]];then
- pciconf_data=$( gawk '
+package WeatherData;
+sub get {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (@rows,$key1,$val1);
+ my $num = 0;
+ @rows = create_output();
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @rows;
+sub create_output {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my $num = 0;
+ my (@data,@location,@rows,%weather,);
+ my ($conditions) = ('NA');
+ if ($show{'weather-location'}){
+ my $location_string;
+ $location_string = $show{'weather-location'};
+ $location_string =~ s/\+/ /g;
+ if ( $location_string =~ /,/){
+ my @temp = split /,/, $location_string;
+ my $sep = '';
+ my $string = '';
+ foreach (@temp){
+ $_ = ucfirst($_);
+ $string .= $sep . $_;
+ $sep = ', ';
- {
- gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_NORMAL"'/, "", $0)
- gsub(/[[:space:]]+=[[:space:]]+/, "=",$0)
- gsub(/^[[:space:]]+|'"'"'|\"|,/, "", $0)
- gsub(/=0x/,"=",$0)
- # line=gensub(/.*[[:space:]]+(class=[^[:space:]]*|card=[^[:space:]]*)|chip=[^[:space:]]*|rev=[^[:space:]]*|hdr=[^[:space:]]*).*/,"\n\\1","g",$0)
- line=gensub(/(.*@.*)/,"\n\\1",$0)
- print line
- }' <<< "$pciconf_data" )
- # create empty last line with this spacing trick
- pciconf_data="$pciconf_data
- # echo "$pciconf_data"
- # now insert into arrays
- IFS=$'\n'
- A_PCICONF_DATA=( $( gawk '
- fullLine=""
- driver=""
- vendor=""
- device=""
- class=""
- chipId=""
- pciId=""
- itemData=""
- }
- /^.*@/ {
- pciId=""
- vendor=""
- class=""
- driver=""
- device=""
- chipId=""
- itemData=$1
- driver=gensub(/^([^@]+)@.*/, "\\1", itemData )
- pciId=gensub(/^.*@pci([0-9\.:]+).*/, "\\1", itemData )
- sub(/:$/, "", pciId)
- itemData=$4
- chipId=gensub(/.*chip=([0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f])([0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f]).*/, "\\2:\\1", itemData )
- if ( $2 ~ /class=020000/ ) {
- class="network"
- }
- else if ( $2 == "class=030000" ) {
- class="display"
- }
- else if ( $2 ~ /class=040300|class=040100/ ) {
- class="audio"
- }
- while ( getline && $1 !~ /^$/ ) {
- if ( $1 ~ /^vendor/ ) {
- sub(/^vendor=/, "", $1 )
- vendor=$0
- }
- else if ( $1 ~ /^device/ ) {
- sub(/^device=/, "", $1 )
- device=$0
- }
- else if ( $1 ~ /^class=/ && class == "" ) {
- sub(/^class=/, "", $1)
- class=$0
- }
- }
- if ( device == "" ) {
- device=vendor
- }
- fullLine=class "," device "," vendor "," driver "," pciId "," chipId
- print fullLine
- }' <<< "$pciconf_data" ))
- fi
- else
- A_PCICONF_DATA='pciconf-not-installed'
- fi
- B_PCICONF_SET='true'
- a_temp=${A_PCICONF_DATA[@]}
- log_function_data "$a_temp"
- log_function_data "$pciconf_data"
- eval $LOGFE
-# this will be used for some bsd data types
-# args: $1 - option type
- eval $LOGFS
- local sysctl_data=''
- if [[ $B_SYSCTL ]];then
- # darwin sysctl has BOTH = and : separators, and repeats data. Why? No bsd discipline, that's for sure
- if [[ $BSD_VERSION == 'darwin' ]];then
- sysctl_data="$( sysctl -$1 | sed 's/[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*/: /' )"
- else
- sysctl_data="$( sysctl -$1 )"
- fi
- fi
- if [[ $1 == 'a' ]];then
- SYSCTL_A_DATA="$sysctl_data"
- fi
- log_function_data "sysctl_data: $sysctl_data"
+ $location_string = $string;
+ }
+ $location_string = main::apply_filter($location_string);
+ @location = ($show{'weather-location'},$location_string,'');
+ }
+ else {
+ @location = get_location();
+ if (!$location[0]) {
+ return @rows = ({
+ main::key($num++,'Message') => main::row_defaults('weather-null','current location'),
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ %weather = get_weather(@location);
+ if (!$weather{'weather'}) {
+ return @rows = ({
+ main::key($num++,'Message') => main::row_defaults('weather-null','weather data'),
+ });
+ }
+ if ($weather{'temp'} && $weather{'weather'} ){
+ $conditions = "$weather{'temp'} - $weather{'weather'}";
+ }
+ elsif ($weather{'temp'}){
+ $conditions = $weather{'temp'};
+ }
+ elsif ($weather{'weather'}) {
+ $conditions = $weather{'weather'};
+ }
+ @data = ({
+ main::key($num++,'Conditions') => $conditions,
+ },);
+ @rows = (@rows,@data);
+ if ($extra > 0){
+ $rows[0]{main::key($num++,'Wind')} = $weather{'wind'};
+ $rows[0]{main::key($num++,'Humidity')} = $weather{'humidity'};
+ $rows[0]{main::key($num++,'Pressure')} = $weather{'pressure'};
+ }
+ if ($extra > 1){
+ if ($weather{'heat-index'}){
+ $rows[0]{main::key($num++,'Heat Index')} = $weather{'heat-index'};
+ }
+ if ($weather{'windchill'}){
+ $rows[0]{main::key($num++,'Wind Chill')} = $weather{'windchill'};
+ }
+ if ($weather{'dewpoint'}){
+ $rows[0]{main::key($num++,'Dew Point')} = $weather{'dewpoint'};
+ }
+ }
+ if ($extra > 2){
+ if (!$show{'filter'}){
+ $rows[0]{main::key($num++,'Location')} = $location[1];
+ $rows[0]{main::key($num++,'altitude')} = $weather{'elevation'};
+ }
+ }
+ $rows[0]{main::key($num++,'Time')} = $weather{'date-time'};
+ if ($extra > 2){
+ $rows[0]{main::key($num++,'Observation Time')} = $weather{'observation-time-local'};
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @rows;
+sub get_weather {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (@location) = @_;
+ my $now = POSIX::strftime "%Y%m%d%H%M", localtime;
+ my ($date_time,$freshness,$tz,@weather_data,%weather);
+ my $loc_name = lc($location[0]);
+ $loc_name =~ s/-\/|\s|,/-/g;
+ $loc_name =~ s/--/-/g;
+ my $file_cached = "$user_data_dir/weather-$loc_name.txt";
+ if (-f $file_cached){
+ @weather_data = main::reader($file_cached);
+ $freshness = (split /\^\^/, $weather_data[0])[1];
+ #print "$now:$freshness\n";
+ }
+ if (!$freshness || $freshness < $now - 90) {
+ my $url = "$location[0]";
+ my $temp;
+# {
+# #my $file2 = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/weather/weather-1.xml";
+# # my $file2 = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/weather/feed-oslo-1.xml";
+# local $/;
+# my $file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/weather/weather-1.xml";
+# open my $fh, '<', $file or die "can't open $file: $!";
+# $temp = <$fh>;
+# }
+ $temp = main::download_file('stdout',$url);
+ $temp =~ s/\r|\n\n/\n/g;
+ my @weather_temp = split /\n/, $temp;
+ foreach (@weather_temp){
+ chomp $_;
+ $_ =~ s/<\/[^>]+>//;
+ $_ =~ s/.*icon.*|\r//g;
+ $_ =~ s/\s\s/ /g;
+ $_ =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
+ $_ =~ s/>/^^/;
+ $_ =~ s/^<|NA$//g;
+ $_ =~ s/^(current|credit|terms|image|title|link|.*_url).*//;
+ push @weather_data, $_ if $_ !~ /^\s*$/;
+ }
+ unshift (@weather_data,("timestamp^^$now"));
+ main::writer($file_cached,\@weather_data);
+ #print "$file_cached: download/cleaned\n";
+ }
+ #print join "\n", @weather_data, "\n";
- eval $LOGFE
+ foreach (@weather_data){
+ my @working = split /\s*\^\^\s*/,$_;
+ if ( $working[0] eq 'local_time' ){
+ $weather{'local-time'} = $working[1];
+ }
+ elsif ( $working[0] eq 'weather' ){
+ $weather{'weather'} = $working[1];
+ }
+ elsif ( $working[0] eq 'temperature_string' ){
+ $weather{'temp'} = $working[1];
+# $weather{'temp'} =~ s/\sF/\xB0 F/; # B0
+# $weather{'temp'} =~ s/\sF/\x{2109}/;
+# $weather{'temp'} =~ s/\sC/\x{2103}/;
+ }
+ elsif ( $working[0] eq 'relative_humidity' ){
+ $weather{'humidity'} = $working[1];
+ }
+ elsif ( $working[0] eq 'wind_string' ){
+ $weather{'wind'} = $working[1];
+ }
+ elsif ( $working[0] eq 'pressure_string' ){
+ $weather{'pressure'} = $working[1];
+ }
+ elsif ( $working[0] eq 'heat_index_string' ){
+ $weather{'heat-index'} = $working[1];
+ }
+ elsif ( $working[0] eq 'windchill_string' ){
+ $weather{'windchill'} = $working[1];
+ }
+ elsif ( $working[0] eq 'dewpoint_string' ){
+ $weather{'dewpoint'} = $working[1];
+ }
+ elsif ( $working[0] eq 'observation_time_rfc822' ){
+ $weather{'observation-time-gmt'} = $working[1];
+ }
+ elsif ( $working[0] eq 'observation_time_rfc822' ){
+ $weather{'observation-time-gmt'} = $working[1];
+ }
+ elsif ( $working[0] eq 'observation_time' ){
+ $weather{'observation-time-local'} = $working[1];
+ $weather{'observation-time-local'} =~ s/Last Updated on //;
+ }
+ elsif (!$weather{'elevation'} && $working[0] eq 'elevation'){
+ # note: bug in source data uses ft for meters, not 100% of time, but usually
+ $weather{'elevation'} = $working[1];
+ $weather{'elevation'} =~ s/ft/m/;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($show{'weather-location'}){
+ $weather{'observation-time-local'} =~ /^(.*)\s([\S]+)$/;
+ $tz = $2;
+ # very clever trick, just make the system think it's in the
+ # remote timezone for this local block only
+ local $ENV{'TZ'} = $tz;
+ $date_time = POSIX::strftime "%c", localtime;
+ $weather{'date-time'} = $date_time;
+ }
+ else {
+ $date_time = POSIX::strftime "%c", localtime;
+ $tz = ( $location[2] ) ? " ($location[2])" : '';
+ $weather{'date-time'} = $date_time . $tz;
+ }
+ return %weather;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+sub get_location {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($city,$country,$freshness,%loc,$loc_arg,$loc_string,@loc_data,$state);
+ my $now = POSIX::strftime "%Y%m%d%H%M", localtime;
+ my $file_cached = "$user_data_dir/location-main.txt";
+ if (-f $file_cached){
+ @loc_data = main::reader($file_cached);
+ $freshness = (split /\^\^/, $loc_data[0])[1];
+ }
+ if (!$freshness || $freshness < $now - 90) {
+ my $temp;
+ my $url = "";
+# {
+# local $/;
+# my $file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/weather/location-1.xml";
+# open my $fh, '<', $file or die "can't open $file: $!";
+# $temp = <$fh>;
+# }
+ $temp = main::download_file('stdout',$url);
+ @loc_data = split /\n/, $temp;
+ @loc_data = map {
+ s/<\?.*<Response>//;
+ s/<\/[^>]+>/\n/g;
+ s/>/^^/g;
+ s/<//g;
+ $_;
+ } @loc_data;
+ @loc_data = split /\n/, $loc_data[0];
+ unshift (@loc_data,("timestamp^^$now"));
+ main::writer($file_cached,\@loc_data);
+ #print "$file_cached: download/cleaned\n";
+ }
+ foreach (@loc_data){
+ my @working = split /\s*\^\^\s*/,$_;
+ #print "$working[0]:$working[1]\n";
+ if ($working[0] eq 'CountryCode3' ) {
+ $loc{'country3'} = $working[1];
+ }
+ elsif ($working[0] eq 'CountryCode' ) {
+ $loc{'country'} = $working[1];
+ }
+ elsif ($working[0] eq 'CountryName' ) {
+ $loc{'country2'} = $working[1];
+ }
+ elsif ($working[0] eq 'RegionCode' ) {
+ $loc{'region-id'} = $working[1];
+ }
+ elsif ($working[0] eq 'RegionName' ) {
+ $loc{'region'} = $working[1];
+ }
+ elsif ($working[0] eq 'City' ) {
+ $loc{'city'} = $working[1];
+ }
+ elsif ($working[0] eq 'ZipPostalCode' ) {
+ $loc{'zip'} = $working[1];
+ }
+ elsif ($working[0] eq 'Latitude' ) {
+ $loc{'lat'} = $working[1];
+ }
+ elsif ($working[0] eq 'Longitude' ) {
+ $loc{'long'} = $working[1];
+ }
+ elsif ($working[0] eq 'TimeZone' ) {
+ $loc{'tz'} = $working[1];
+ }
+ }
+ #print Data::Dumper::Dumper \%loc;
+ # assign location, cascade from most accurate
+ # latitude,longitude first
+ if ($loc{'lat'} && $loc{'long'}){
+ $loc_arg = "$loc{'lat'},$loc{'long'}";
+ }
+ # city,state next
+ elsif ($loc{'city'} && $loc{'region-id'}){
+ $loc_arg = "$loc{'city'},$loc{'region-id'}";
+ }
+ # postal code last, that can be a very large region
+ elsif ($loc{'zip'}){
+ $loc_arg = $loc{'zip'};
+ }
+ $country = ($loc{'country3'}) ? $loc{'country3'} : $loc{'country'};
+ $city = ($loc{'city'}) ? $loc{'city'} : 'City N/A';
+ $state = ($loc{'region-id'}) ? $loc{'region-id'} : 'Region N/A';
+ $loc_string = main::apply_filter("$city, $state, $country");
+ my @location = ($loc_arg,$loc_string,$loc{'tz'});
+ #print ($loc_arg,"\n", join "\n", @loc_data, "\n",scalar @loc_data, "\n");
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @location;
#### -------------------------------------------------------------------
#### -------------------------------------------------------------------
-## multiply the core count by the data to be calculated, bmips, cache
-# args: $1 - string to handle; $2 - cpu count
- eval $LOGFS
- local string_number=$1 string_data=''
- if [[ -n $( grep -Ei '( mb| kb)' <<< $1 ) ]];then
- string_data=" $( gawk '{print $2}' <<< $1 )" # add a space for output
- string_number=$( gawk '{print $1}' <<< $1 )
- fi
- # handle weird error cases where it's not a number
- if [[ -n $( grep -E '^[0-9\.,]+$' <<< $string_number ) ]];then
- string_number=$( echo $string_number $2 | gawk '{
- total = $1*$2
- print total
- }' )
- elif [[ $string_number == '' ]];then
- string_number='N/A'
- else
- # I believe that the above returns 'unknown' by default so no need for extra text
- string_number="$string_number "
- fi
- echo "$string_number$string_data"
- log_function_data "string_numberstring_data: $string_number$string_data"
- eval $LOGFE
-# used in partitions get and print functions
-# args: $1 - dev item, check for mapper, then get actual dev item if mapped
-# eg: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Sep 26 15:10 truecrypt1 -> ../dm-2
- eval $LOGFS
- local dev_item=$1 dev_return=''
- if [[ -n $DEV_DISK_MAPPER && -n $( grep -is 'mapper/' <<< $dev_item ) ]];then
- dev_return=$( echo "$DEV_DISK_MAPPER" | gawk '
- $( NF - 2 ) ~ /^'${dev_item##*/}'$/ {
- item=gensub( /..\/(.+)/, "\\1", 1, $NF )
- print item
- }' )
- fi
- if [[ -z $dev_return ]];then
- dev_return=$dev_item
- fi
- echo $dev_return
- eval $LOGFE
+sub get_compiler_version {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (@compiler);
+ if (my $file = system_files('version') ) {
+ @compiler = get_compiler_version_linux($file);
+ }
+ else {
+ @compiler = get_compiler_version_bsd();
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @compiler;
-# Note: useless because this is just absurdly inaccurate, too bad...
- eval $LOGFS
- local installed=''
- if ls -al --time-style '+FORMAT %Y-%m-%d' /usr 2>/dev/null;then
- installed=$(ls -al --time-style '+FORMAT %Y-%m-%d' / | awk '/lost\+found/ {print $7;exit}' )
-# elif
-# :
- fi
- echo $installed
+sub get_compiler_version_bsd {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (@compiler,@working);
+ if ($alerts{'sysctl'}{'action'} eq 'use'){
+ # for dragonfly, we will use free mem, not used because free is 0
+ my @working;
+ foreach (@sysctl){
+ # freebsd seems to use bytes here
+ # Not every line will have a : separator though the processor should make
+ # most have it. This appears to be 10.x late feature add, I don't see it
+ # on earlier BSDs
+ if (/^kern.compiler_version/){
+ @working = split /:\s*/, $_;
+ $working[1] =~ /.*(gcc|clang)\sversion\s([\S]+)\s.*/;
+ @compiler = ($1,$2);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ @compiler = ('N/A','');
+ }
+ log_data('dump','@compiler',\@compiler) if $b_log;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @compiler;
+sub get_compiler_version_linux {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ my (@compiler,$type);
+ my @data = reader($file);
+ my $result = $data[0] if @data;
+ if ($result){
+ $result =~ /(gcc|clang).*version\s([\S]+)/;
+ # $result = $result =~ /\*(gcc|clang)\*eval\*/;
+ if ($1){
+ $type = $2;
+ $type ||= 'N/A'; # we don't really know what linux clang looks like!
+ @compiler = ($1,$type);
+ }
+ }
+ log_data('dump','@compiler',\@compiler) if $b_log;
- eval $LOGFE
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @compiler;
-# args: $1 - busid
+## Get DesktopEnvironment
+## returns array:
+# 0 - desktop name
+# 1 - version
+# 2 - toolkit
+# 3 - toolkit version
+# 4 - info extra desktop data
+# 5 - wm
- eval $LOGFS
- local chip_id=''
- chip_id=$( gawk '
- /^'$1'/ {
- if ( $3 != "" ) {
- print $3
+package DesktopEnvironment;
+my ($b_xprop,$kde_session_version,$xdg_desktop,@desktop,@data,@xprop);
+sub get {
+ # NOTE $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP envvar is not reliable, but it shows certain desktops better.
+ # most desktops are not using it as of 2014-01-13 (KDE, UNITY, LXDE. Not Gnome)
+ $xdg_desktop = ( $ENV{'XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP'} ) ? lc($ENV{'XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP'}) : '';
+ $kde_session_version = ($ENV{'KDE_SESSION_VERSION'}) ? $ENV{'KDE_SESSION_VERSION'} : '';
+ get_kde_data();
+ if (!@desktop){
+ get_env_de_data();
+ }
+ if (!@desktop){
+ get_env_xprop_de_data();
+ }
+ if (!@desktop && $b_xprop ){
+ get_xprop_de_data();
+ }
+ if (!@desktop){
+ get_ps_de_data();
+ }
+ if ($extra > 2 && @desktop){
+ set_info_data();
+ }
+ if ($b_display && !$b_force_display && $extra > 2){
+ get_wm();
+ }
+ main::log_data('dump','@desktop', \@desktop) if $b_log;
+ # ($b_xprop,$kde_session_version,$xdg_desktop,@data,@xprop) = undef;
+ return @desktop;
+sub get_kde_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($program,@version_data,@version_data2);
+ my $kde_full_session = ($ENV{'KDE_FULL_SESSION'}) ? $ENV{'KDE_FULL_SESSION'} : '';
+ return 1 if ($xdg_desktop ne 'kde' && !$kde_session_version && $kde_full_session ne 'true' );
+ # works on 4, assume 5 will id the same, why not, no need to update in future
+ # KDE_SESSION_VERSION is the integer version of the desktop
+ # NOTE: as of plasma 5, the tool: about-distro MAY be available, that will show
+ # actual desktop data, so once that's in debian/ubuntu, if it gets in, add that test
+ if ($xdg_desktop eq 'kde' || $kde_session_version ){
+ if ($kde_session_version && $kde_session_version <= 4){
+ @data = main::program_values("kded$kde_session_version");
+ if (@data){
+ $desktop[0] = $data[3];
+ $desktop[1] = main::program_version("kded$kde_session_version",$data[0],$data[1],$data[2],$data[5],$data[6]);
+ # kded exists, so we can now get the qt data string as well
+ if ($desktop[1] && ($program = main::check_program("kded$kde_session_version")) ){
+ @version_data = main::grabber("$program --version 2>/dev/null");
+ }
+ }
+ $desktop[0] = 'KDE' if !$desktop[0];
- }' <<< "$LSPCI_N_DATA" )
- echo $chip_id
- eval $LOGFE
+ else {
+ # NOTE: this command string is almost certain to change, and break, with next
+ # major plasma desktop, ie, 6.
+ # qdbus org.kde.plasmashell /MainApplication org.qtproject.Qt.QCoreApplication.applicationVersion
+ # Qt: 5.4.2
+ # KDE Frameworks: 5.11.0
+ # kf5-config: 1.0
+ # for QT, and Frameworks if we use it
+ if (!@version_data && ($program = main::check_program("kf$kde_session_version-config") )){
+ @version_data = main::grabber("$program --version 2>/dev/null");
+ }
+ if (!@version_data && ($program = main::check_program("kded$kde_session_version"))){
+ @version_data = main::grabber("$program --version 2>/dev/null");
+ }
+ if ($program = main::check_program("plasmashell")){
+ @version_data2 = main::grabber("$program --version 2>/dev/null");
+ $desktop[1] = main::awk(\@version_data2,'^plasmashell',-1,'\s+');
+ }
+ $desktop[0] = 'KDE Plasma';
+ }
+ if (!$desktop[1]){
+ $desktop[1] = ($kde_session_version) ? $kde_session_version: main::row_defaults('unknown-desktop-version');
+ }
+ # print Data::Dumper::Dumper \@version_data;
+ if ($extra > 0 && @version_data){
+ $desktop[2] = 'Qt';
+ $desktop[3] = main::awk(\@version_data,'^Qt:', 2,'\s+');
+ }
+ }
+ # KDE_FULL_SESSION property is only available since KDE 3.5.5.
+ elsif ($kde_full_session eq 'true'){
+ @version_data = main::grabber("kded --version 2>/dev/null");
+ $desktop[0] = 'KDE';
+ $desktop[1] = main::awk(\@version_data,'^KDE:',2,'\s+') if @version_data;
+ if (!$desktop[1]){
+ $desktop[1] = '3.5';
+ }
+ if ($extra > 0 && @version_data){
+ $desktop[2] = 'Qt';
+ $desktop[3] = main::awk(\@version_data,'^Qt:',2,'\s+') if @version_data;
+ }
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+sub get_env_de_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($program,@version_data);
+ if ($xdg_desktop eq 'unity'){
+ @data = main::program_values('unity');
+ $desktop[0] = $data[3];
+ $desktop[0] ||= 'Unity';
+ $desktop[1] = main::program_version('cinnamon',$data[0],$data[1],$data[2],$data[5],$data[6]);
+ set_gtk_data() if $extra > 0;
+ }
+ elsif ( $xdg_desktop =~ /budgie/ ){
+ @data = main::program_values('budgie');
+ $desktop[0] = $data[3];
+ $desktop[1] = main::program_version('budgie-desktop',$data[0],$data[1],$data[2],$data[5],$data[6]);
+ set_gtk_data() if $extra > 0;
+ }
+ elsif ( $xdg_desktop eq 'lxqt' ){
+ @data = main::program_values('lxqt');
+ $desktop[0] = $data[3];
+ $desktop[0] ||= 'LXQT';
+ $desktop[1] = main::program_version('lxqt-about',$data[0],$data[1],$data[2],$data[5],$data[6]);
+ if ( $extra > 0 ){
+ if ($program = main::check_program("kded$kde_session_version") ){
+ @version_data = main::grabber("$program --version 2>/dev/null");
+ $desktop[2] = 'Qt';
+ $desktop[3] = main::awk(\@version_data,'^Qt:',2);
+ }
+ elsif ($program = main::check_program("qtdiag") ){
+ @data = main::program_values('qtdiag');
+ $desktop[3] = main::program_version($program,$data[0],$data[1],$data[2],$data[5],$data[6]);
+ $desktop[2] = $data[3];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # note, X-Cinnamon value strikes me as highly likely to change, so just
+ # search for the last part
+ elsif ( $xdg_desktop =~ /cinnamon/ ){
+ @data = main::program_values('cinnamon');
+ $desktop[0] = $data[3];
+ $desktop[1] = main::program_version('cinnamon',$data[0],$data[1],$data[2],$data[5],$data[6]);
+ set_gtk_data() if $extra > 0;
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+sub get_env_xprop_de_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($program,$value,@version_data);
+ # NOTE: Always add to set_prop the search term if you add an item!!
+ set_xprop();
+ # note that cinnamon split from gnome, and and can now be id'ed via xprop,
+ # but it will still trigger the next gnome true case, so this needs to go
+ # before gnome test eventually this needs to be better organized so all the
+ # xprop tests are in the same section, but this is good enough for now.
+ # NOTE: was checking for 'muffinr' but that's not part of cinnom
+ if ( (main::check_program('muffin') || main::check_program('cinnamon-session') ) &&
+ ($b_xprop && main::awk(\@xprop,'_muffin') )){
+ @data = main::program_values('cinnamon');
+ $desktop[0] = $data[3];
+ $desktop[1] = main::program_version('cinnamon',$data[0],$data[1],$data[2],$data[5],$data[6]);
+ set_gtk_data() if $extra > 0;
+ $desktop[0] ||= 'Cinnamon';
+ }
+ elsif ($xdg_desktop eq 'mate' || ( $b_xprop && main::awk(\@xprop,'_marco') )){
+ # NOTE: mate-about reported wrong version, 1.18.0 when actual was 1.18.2
+ if ($program = main::check_program('mate-session') ) {
+ $value = 'mate-session';
+ }
+ elsif ($program = main::check_program('mate-about')) {
+ $value = 'mate-about';
+ }
+ if ($value){
+ @data = main::program_values($value);
+ $desktop[0] = $data[3];
+ $desktop[1] = main::program_version($program,$data[0],$data[1],$data[2],$data[5],$data[6]);
+ }
+ set_gtk_data() if $extra > 0;
+ $desktop[0] ||= 'MATE';
+ }
+ # note, GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID is deprecated so we'll see how that works out
+ #
+ # NOTE: manjaro is leaving XDG data null, which forces the manual check for gnome, sigh...
+ elsif ($xdg_desktop eq 'gnome' || $ENV{'GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID'} ||
+ (main::check_program('gnome-shell') && $b_xprop && main::awk(\@xprop,'^_gnome') ) ){
+ if ($program = main::check_program('gnome-about') ) {
+ @data = main::program_values('gnome-about');
+ $desktop[1] = main::program_version('gnome-about',$data[0],$data[1],$data[2],$data[5],$data[6]);
+ }
+ elsif ($program = main::check_program('gnome-shell') ) {
+ @data = main::program_values('gnome-shell');
+ $desktop[1] = main::program_version('gnome-shell',$data[0],$data[1],$data[2],$data[5],$data[6]);
+ }
+ set_gtk_data() if $extra > 0;
+ $desktop[0] = ( $data[3] ) ? $data[3] : 'Gnome';
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+sub get_xprop_de_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($program,@version_data,$version);
+ #print join "\n", @xprop, "\n";
+ # String: "This is xfdesktop version 4.2.12"
+ # alternate: xfce4-about --version > xfce4-about 4.10.0 (Xfce 4.10)
+ if ($xdg_desktop eq 'xfce' || main::awk(\@xprop,'xfce' )){
+ # this is a very expensive test that doesn't usually result in a find
+ # talk to xfce to see what id they will be using for xfce 5
+# if (main::awk(\@xprop, 'xfce4')){
+# $version = '4';
+# }
+ if (main::awk(\@xprop, 'xfce5')){
+ $version = '5';
+ }
+ else {
+ $version = '4';
+ }
+ @data = main::program_values('xfdesktop');
+ $desktop[0] = $data[3];
+ # xfdesktop --version out of x fails to get display, so no data
+ @version_data = main::grabber('xfdesktop --version 2>/dev/null');
+ # out of x, this error goes to stderr, so it's an empty result
+ $desktop[1] = main::awk(\@version_data,$data[0],$data[1],'\s+');
+ #$desktop[1] = main::program_version('xfdesktop',$data[0],$data[1],$data[2],$data[5],$data[6]);
+ if ( !$desktop[1] ){
+ @data = main::program_values("xfce${version}-panel");
+ # print Data::Dumper::Dumper \@data;
+ # this returns an error message to stdout in x, which breaks the version
+ # xfce4-panel --version out of x fails to get display, so no data
+ $desktop[1] = main::program_version("xfce${version}-panel",$data[0],$data[1],$data[2],$data[5],$data[6]);
+ # out of x this kicks out an error: xfce4-panel: Cannot open display
+ $desktop[1] = '' if $desktop[1] !~ /[0-9]\./;
+ }
+ $desktop[0] ||= 'Xfce';
+ $desktop[1] ||= 4;
+ if ($extra > 0){
+ @data = main::program_values('xfdesktop-toolkit');
+ #$desktop[3] = main::program_version('xfdesktop',$data[0],$data[1],$data[2],$data[5],$data[6]);
+ $desktop[3] = main::awk(\@version_data,$data[0],$data[1],'\s+');
+ $desktop[2] = $data[3];
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ( (main::check_program('blackbox') || main::check_program('fluxbox')) && main::awk(\@xprop,'blackbox_pid' )){
+ if (grep {/fluxbox/} @ps_cmd){
+ @data = main::program_values('fluxbox');
+ $desktop[0] = $data[3];
+ $desktop[1] = main::program_version('fluxbox',$data[0],$data[1],$data[2],$data[5],$data[6]);
+ }
+ else {
+ @data = main::program_values('blackbox');
+ $desktop[0] = $data[3];
+ $desktop[1] = main::program_version('blackbox',$data[0],$data[1],$data[2],$data[5],$data[6]);
+ }
+ }
+ # debian package: lxde-core
+ elsif ( (main::check_program('lxpanel') || main::check_program('lxqt-session') ||
+ main::check_program('razor-session')) && main::awk(\@xprop,'openbox_pid' )){
+ # note: openbox-lxde --version may be present, but returns openbox data
+ @data = main::program_values('openbox');
+ $desktop[1] = main::program_version('openbox',$data[0],$data[1],$data[2],$data[5],$data[6]);
+ if ($xdg_desktop eq 'lxde' || main::awk(\@ps_cmd, 'lxsession')){
+ $desktop[1] = "(Openbox $desktop[1])" if $desktop[1];
+ $desktop[0] = 'LXDE';
+ }
+ elsif ($xdg_desktop eq 'razor' || $xdg_desktop eq 'lxqt' || main::awk(\@ps_cmd, 'razor-desktop|lxqt-session')) {
+ if (main::awk(\@ps_cmd,'lxqt-session' )){
+ $desktop[0] = 'LXQt';
+ }
+ elsif (main::awk(\@ps_cmd, 'razor-desktop')){
+ $desktop[0] = 'Razor-Qt';
+ }
+ else {
+ $desktop[0] = 'LX-Qt-Variant';
+ }
+ $desktop[1] = "(Openbox $desktop[1])" if $desktop[1];
+ }
+ else {
+ $desktop[0] = 'Openbox';
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (main::check_program('icewm') && main::awk(\@xprop,'icewm' )){
+ @data = main::program_values('icewm');
+ $desktop[0] = $data[3];
+ $desktop[1] = main::program_version('icewm',$data[0],$data[1],$data[2],$data[5],$data[6]);
+ }
+ elsif (main::check_program('enlightenment') && main::awk(\@xprop,'enlightenment' )){
+ $desktop[0] = 'Enlightenment';
+ # no -v or --version but version is in xprop -root
+ # ENLIGHTENMENT_VERSION(STRING) = "Enlightenment 0.16.999.49898"
+ $desktop[1] = main::awk(\@xprop,'enlightenment_version',2,'\s+=\s+' );
+ $desktop[1] = (split /"/, $desktop[1])[1] if $desktop[1];
+ $desktop[1] = (split /\s+/, $desktop[1])[1] if $desktop[1];
+ }
+ # debian package: i3-wm
+ elsif (main::check_program('i3') && main::awk(\@xprop,'^i3_' )){
+ @data = main::program_values('i3');
+ $desktop[0] = $data[3];
+ $desktop[1] = main::program_version('i3',$data[0],$data[1],$data[2],$data[5],$data[6]);
+ }
+ # debian package name: wmaker
+ elsif (main::check_program('WindowMaker') && main::awk(\@xprop,'^windowmaker' )){
+ @data = main::program_values('wmaker');
+ $desktop[0] = $data[3];
+ $desktop[1] = main::program_version('wmaker',$data[0],$data[1],$data[2],$data[5],$data[6]);
+ }
+ elsif (main::check_program('wm2') && main::awk(\@xprop,'^_wm2' )){
+ @data = main::program_values('wm2');
+ $desktop[0] = $data[3];
+ $desktop[1] = main::program_version('wm2',$data[0],$data[1],$data[2],$data[5],$data[6]);
+ }
+ elsif (main::check_program('herbstluftwm') && main::awk(\@xprop,'herbstluftwm' )){
+ @data = main::program_values('herbstluftwm');
+ $desktop[0] = $data[3];
+ $desktop[1] = main::program_version('herbstluftwm',$data[0],$data[1],$data[2],$data[5],$data[6]);
+ }
+ # need to check starts line because it's so short
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+sub get_ps_de_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($program,@version_data);
+ if ( main::check_program('fvwm-crystal') && main::awk(\@ps_cmd,'fvwm-crystal' )){
+ @data = main::program_values('fvwm-crystal');
+ $desktop[0] = $data[3];
+ $desktop[1] = main::program_version('fvwm',$data[0],$data[1],$data[2],$data[5],$data[6]);
+ }
+ elsif ((main::check_program('fvwm2') || main::check_program('fvwm')) && main::awk(\@ps_cmd,'fvwm' )){
+ @data = main::program_values('fvwm');
+ $desktop[0] = $data[3];
+ $desktop[1] = main::program_version('fvwm',$data[0],$data[1],$data[2],$data[5],$data[6]);
+ }
+ elsif (main::check_program('pekwm') && main::awk(\@ps_cmd,'pekwm' )){
+ @data = main::program_values('pekwm');
+ $desktop[0] = $data[3];
+ $desktop[1] = main::program_version('pekwm',$data[0],$data[1],$data[2],$data[5],$data[6]);
+ }
+ elsif (main::check_program('awesome') && main::awk(\@ps_cmd,'awesome' )){
+ @data = main::program_values('awesome');
+ $desktop[0] = $data[3];
+ $desktop[1] = main::program_version('awesome',$data[0],$data[1],$data[2],$data[5],$data[6]);
+ }
+ # not in debian apt
+ elsif (main::check_program('scrotwm') && main::awk(\@ps_cmd,'scrotwm' )){
+ @data = main::program_values('scrotwm');
+ $desktop[0] = $data[3];
+ $desktop[1] = main::program_version('scrotwm',$data[0],$data[1],$data[2],$data[5],$data[6]);
+ }
+ elsif (main::check_program('spectrwm') && main::awk(\@ps_cmd,'spectrwm' )){
+ @data = main::program_values('spectrwm');
+ $desktop[0] = $data[3];
+ $desktop[1] = main::program_version('spectrwm',$data[0],$data[1],$data[2],$data[5],$data[6]);
+ }
+ elsif (main::check_program('twm') && main::awk(\@ps_cmd,'(\s|\/)twm' )){
+ # no version
+ $desktop[0] = 'Twm';
+ }
+ # note: built from source, but I assume it will show: /usr/bin/dwm
+ elsif (main::check_program('dwm') && main::awk(\@ps_cmd,'(\s|\/)dwm' )){
+ @data = main::program_values('dwm');
+ $desktop[0] = $data[3];
+ $desktop[1] = main::program_version('dwm',$data[0],$data[1],$data[2],$data[5],$data[6]);
+ }
+ # not in debian apt, current is wmii, version 3
+ elsif (main::check_program('wmii2') && main::awk(\@ps_cmd,'wmii2' )){
+ @data = main::program_values('wmii2');
+ $desktop[0] = $data[3];
+ $desktop[1] = main::program_version('wmii2',$data[0],$data[1],$data[2],$data[5],$data[6]);
+ }
+ elsif (main::check_program('wmii') && main::awk(\@ps_cmd,'wmii' )){
+ @data = main::program_values('wmii');
+ $desktop[0] = $data[3];
+ $desktop[1] = main::program_version('wmii',$data[0],$data[1],$data[2],$data[5],$data[6]);
+ }
+ elsif (main::check_program('jwm') && main::awk(\@ps_cmd,'(\s|\/)jwm' )){
+ @data = main::program_values('jwm');
+ $desktop[0] = $data[3];
+ $desktop[1] = main::program_version('jwm',$data[0],$data[1],$data[2],$data[5],$data[6]);
+ }
+ elsif (main::check_program('sawfish') && main::awk(\@ps_cmd,'sawfish' )){
+ @data = main::program_values('sawfish');
+ $desktop[0] = $data[3];
+ $desktop[1] = main::program_version('sawfish',$data[0],$data[1],$data[2],$data[5],$data[6]);
+ }
+ elsif ( main::check_program('afterstep') && grep {/afterstep/} @ps_cmd){
+ @data = main::program_values('afterstep');
+ $desktop[0] = $data[3];
+ $desktop[1] = main::program_version('afterstep',$data[0],$data[1],$data[2],$data[5],$data[6]);
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
-# process and return module version data
- eval $LOGFS
- local module_version=''
- if [[ $B_MODINFO_TESTED != 'true' ]];then
- MODINFO_PATH=$( type -p modinfo )
- fi
+sub get_wm {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ if ( my $program = main::check_program('wmctrl') ){
+ my $cmd = "$program -m 2>/dev/null";
+ my @data = main::grabber($cmd,'','strip');
+ $desktop[5] = main::awk(\@data,'^Name',2,'\s*:\s*');
+ if ($desktop[5]){
+ # IceWM 1.3.8 (Linux 3.2.0-4-amd64/i686)
+ $desktop[5] =~ s/[0-9]+\.[0-9][\S]+|[\[\(].*[\)\]]//g;
+ $desktop[5] = main::trimmer($desktop[5]);
+ }
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
- if [[ -n $MODINFO_PATH ]];then
- module_version=$( $MODINFO_PATH $1 2>/dev/null | gawk '
+sub set_gtk_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($version,$program,@data);
+ # this is a hack, and has to be changed with every toolkit version change, and
+ # only dev systems # have this installed, but it's a cross distro command try it.
+ if ($program = main::check_program('pkg-config')){
+ @data = main::grabber("$program --modversion gtk+-4.0 2>/dev/null");
+ $version = main::awk(\@data,'\S');
+ # note: opensuse gets null output here, we need the command to get version and output sample
+ if ( !$version ){
+ @data = main::grabber("$program --modversion gtk+-3.0 2>/dev/null");
+ $version = main::awk(\@data,'\S');
- /^version/ {
- gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_ARRAY"'/, " ", $2)
- gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", $2)
- gsub(/ [ \t]+/, " ", $2)
- print $2
+ if ( !$version ){
+ @data = main::grabber("$program --modversion gtk+-2.0 2>/dev/null");
+ $version = main::awk(\@data,'\S');
- ' )
- fi
+ }
+ # now let's go to more specific version tests, this will never cover everything and that's fine.
+ if (!$version){
+ # we'll try some known package managers next. dpkg will handle a lot of distros
+ # this is the most likely order as of: 2014-01-13. Not going to try to support all
+ # package managers too much work, just the very biggest ones.
+ if ($program = main::check_program('dpkg')){
+ @data = main::grabber("$program -s libgtk-3-0 2>/dev/null");
+ $version = main::awk(\@data,'^\s*Version',2,'\s+');
+ # just guessing on gkt 4 package name
+ if (!$version){
+ @data = main::grabber("$program -s libgtk-4-0 2>/dev/null");
+ $version = main::awk(\@data,'^\s*Version',2,'\s+');
+ }
+ if (!$version){
+ @data = main::grabber("$program -s libgtk2.0-0 2>/dev/null");
+ $version = main::awk(\@data,'^\s*Version',2,'\s+');
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($program = main::check_program('pacman')){
+ @data = main::grabber("$program -Qi gtk3 2>/dev/null");
+ $version = main::awk(\@data,'^\s*Version',2,'\s*:\s*');
+ # just guessing on gkt 4 package name
+ if (!$version){
+ @data = main::grabber("$program -Qi gtk4 2>/dev/null");
+ $version = main::awk(\@data,'^\s*Version',2,'\s*:\s*');
+ }
+ if (!$version){
+ @data = main::grabber("$program -Qi gtk2 2>/dev/null");
+ $version = main::awk(\@data,'^\s*Version',2,'\s*:\s*');
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($program = main::check_program('rpm')){
+ @data = main::grabber("$program -qi libgtk-3-0 2>/dev/null");
+ $version = main::awk(\@data,'^\s*Version',2,'\s*:\s*');
+ # just guessing on gkt 4 package name
+ if (!$version){
+ @data = main::grabber("$program -qi libgtk-4-0 2>/dev/null");
+ $version = main::awk(\@data,'^\s*Version',2,'\s*:\s*');
+ }
+ if (!$version){
+ @data = main::grabber("$program -qi libgtk-3-0 2>/dev/null");
+ $version = main::awk(\@data,'^\s*Version',2,'\s*:\s*');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $desktop[2] = 'Gtk';
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+sub set_info_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (@data,@info,$item);
+ my $pattern = 'gnome-shell|gnome-panel|kicker|lxpanel|mate-panel|';
+ $pattern .= 'plasma-desktop|plasma-netbook|xfce4-panel';
+ if (@data = grep {/($pattern)(\s|$)/} @ps_cmd ) {
+ # only one entry per type, can be multiple
+ foreach $item (@data){
+ if (! grep {$item =~ /$_/} @info){
+ $item = main::trimmer($item);
+ $item =~ s/.*\///;
+ push @info, (split /\s+/, $item)[0];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $desktop[4] = join (',', @info) if @info;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
- echo "$module_version"
- log_function_data "module_version: $module_version"
- eval $LOGFE
+sub set_xprop {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ if (my $program = main::check_program('xprop')){
+ @xprop = main::grabber("xprop -root $display_opt 2>/dev/null");
+ if (@xprop){
+ # add wm / de as required, but only add what is really tested for above
+ my $pattern = 'blackbox_pid|enlightenment|^_gnome|herbstluftwm|';
+ $pattern .= '^i3_|icewm|_marco|_muffin|openbox_pid|^windowmaker|^_wm2|xfce';
+ # let's only do these searches once
+ @xprop = grep {/^\S/ && /($pattern)/i} @xprop;
+ $_ = lc for @xprop;
+ $b_xprop = 1 if scalar @xprop > 0;
+ }
+ }
+ # print "@xprop\n";
+ eval $end if $b_log;
- SELF_PATCH=${SELF_PATCH##*[0]} # strip leading zero(s)
- if [[ -n $SELF_PATCH ]];then
- # for cases where it was for example: 00-bsd cleaned to --bsd trim out one -
- fi
-# note: gawk doesn't support white spaces in search string, gave errors, so use [[:space:]] instead
-# args: $1 - desktop/app command for --version; $2 - search string; $3 - gawk print number
- local version_data='' version='' get_version='--version'
- # mate-about -v = MATE Desktop Environment 1.4.0
- case $1 in
- # legacy fluxbox had no --version, and current -v works
- dwm|fluxbox|jwm|mate-about|wmii|wmii2)
- get_version='-v'
- ;;
- epoch)
- get_version='version'
- ;;
- esac
- case $1 in
- # note, some wm/apps send version info to stderr instead of stdout
- dwm|ksh|scrotwm|spectrwm)
- version_data="$( $1 $get_version 2>&1 )"
- ;;
- csh)
- version_data="$( tcsh $get_version 2>/dev/null )"
- ;;
- # quick debian/buntu hack until I find a universal way to get version for these
- dash)
- if type -p dpkg &>/dev/null;then
- version_data="$( dpkg -l $1 2>/dev/null )"
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- version_data="$( $1 $get_version 2>/dev/null )"
- ;;
- esac
- log_function_data "version data: $version_data"
- if [[ -n $version_data ]];then
- version=$( gawk '
- }
- /'$2'/ {
- # sample: dwm-5.8.2, ©.. etc, why no space? who knows. Also get rid of v in number string
- # xfce, and other, output has , in it, so dump all commas and parentheses
- gsub(/(,|dwm-|wmii2-|wmii-|v|V|\(|\))/, "",$'$3')
- print $'$3'
- exit # quit after first match prints
- }' <<< "$version_data" )
- fi
- log_function_data "program version: $version"
- echo $version
-# prints out shortened list of flags, the main ones of interest
-# args: $1 - string of cpu flags to process
+sub get_display_manager {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (@data,@found,$temp,$working);
+ # ldm - LTSP display manager. Note that sddm does not appear to have a .pid
+ # extension in Arch note: to avoid positives with directories, test for -f
+ # explicitly, not -e
+ my @dms = qw(
+ sddm slim.lock
+ # this is the only one I know of so far that has --version
+ # lightdm outputs to stderr, so it has to be redirected
+ my @dms_version = qw(lightdm);
+ foreach my $id (@dms){
+ # note: ${dm_id%.*}/$dm_id will create a dir name out of the dm id, then
+ # test if pid is in that note: sddm, in an effort to be unique and special,
+ # do not use a pid/lock file, but rather a random string inside a directory
+ # called /run/sddm/ so assuming the existence of the pid inside a directory named
+ # from the dm. Hopefully this change will not have negative results.
+ $working = $id;
+ $working =~ s/\.\S+$//;
+ # note: there's always been an issue with duplicated dm's in inxi, this should now correct it
+ if ( ( -f "/run/$id" || -d "/run/$working" || -f "/var/run/$id" ) && ! grep {/$working/} @found ){
+ if ($extra > 2 && awk( \@dms_version, $working) ){
+ @data = main::grabber("$working --version 2>&1");
+ $temp = awk(\@data,'\S',2,'\s+');
+ $working .= ' ' . $temp if $temp;
+ }
+ push @found, $working;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!@found && grep {/\/usr.*\/x/ && !/\/xprt/} @ps_cmd){
+ if (awk (\@ps_cmd, 'startx') ){
+ $found[0] = 'startx';
+ }
+ elsif (awk (\@ps_cmd, 'xinit') ){
+ $found[0] = 'xinit';
+ }
+ }
+ # might add this in, but the rate of new dm's makes it more likely it's an
+ # unknown dm, so we'll keep output to N/A
+ log_data('dump','display manager: @found',\@found) if $b_log;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return join ',', @found if @found;
+## Get DistroData
- eval $LOGFS
- local cpu_flags_working=$1
- local bits=$( uname -m | grep 64 )
- # no need to show pae for 64 bit cpus, it's pointless
- if [[ -n $bits ]];then
- cpu_flags_working=$( sed 's/[[:space:]]*pae//' <<< "$cpu_flags_working" )
- fi
- # must have a space after last item in list for RS=" "
- cpu_flags_working="$cpu_flags_working "
- # nx = AMD stack protection extensions
- # lm = Intel 64bit extensions
- # sse, sse2, pni = sse1,2,3,4,5 gfx extensions
- # svm = AMD pacifica virtualization extensions
- # vmx = Intel IVT (vanderpool) virtualization extensions
- cpu_flags=$( gawk '
- RS=" "
- count = 0
- i = 1 # start at one because of for increment issue
- flag_string = ""
+package DistroData;
+my ($distro);
+sub get {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ if ($bsd_type){
+ get_bsd_os();
- /^(lm|nx|pae|pni|svm|vmx|(sss|ss)e([2-9])?([a-z])?(_[0-9])?)$/ {
- if ( $0 == "pni" ){
- a_flags[i] = "sse3"
+ else {
+ get_linux_distro();
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $distro;
+sub get_bsd_os {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ if ($bsd_type eq 'darwin'){
+ my $file = '/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist';
+ if (-f $file){
+ my @data = main::reader($file);
+ @data = grep {/(ProductName|ProductVersion)/} @data if @data;
+ @data = grep {/<string>/} @data if @data;
+ @data = map {s/<[\/]?string>//g; } @data if @data;
+ $distro = join (' ', @data);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $distro = "$uname[0] $uname[2]";
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $distro;
+sub get_linux_distro {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($distro_file) = ('');
+ my ($b_osr,@working);
+ my @derived = qw(antix-version aptosid-version kanotix-version knoppix-version
+ mandrake-release manjaro-release mx-version pardus-release porteus-version sabayon-release
+ siduction-version sidux-version slitaz-release solusos-release turbolinux-release
+ zenwalk-version);
+ my $derived_s = join "|", @derived;
+ my @primary = qw(arch-release gentoo-release redhat-release slackware-version
+ SuSE-release);
+ my $primary_s = join "|", @primary;
+ my $exclude_s = 'debian_version|devuan_version|ubuntu_version';
+ my $lsb_good_s = 'mandrake-release|mandriva-release|mandrakelinux-release|manjaro-release';
+ my $os_release_good_s = 'arch-release|SuSE-release';
+ # note: always exceptions, so wild card after release/version:
+ # /etc/lsb-release-crunchbang
+ # wait to handle since crunchbang file is one of the few in the world that
+ # uses this method
+ my @distro_files = glob('/etc/*[-_]{[rR]elease,[vV]ersion}*');
+ my $lsb_release = '/etc/lsb-release';
+ my $issue = '/etc/issue';
+ my $os_release = '/etc/os-release';
+ my $b_os_release = ( -f $os_release ) ? 1 : 0;
+ my $b_lsb = ( -f $lsb_release ) ? 1 : 0;
+ main::log_data('dump','@distro_files',\@distro_files) if $b_log;
+ if ( scalar @distro_files == 1 ){
+ $distro_file = $distro_files[0];
+ }
+ elsif (scalar @distro_files > 1) {
+ # special case, to force manjaro which also has arch-release
+ # manjaro should use lsb, which has the full info, arch uses os release
+ if (grep {/manjaro/} @distro_files){
+ @distro_files = grep {!/arch-release/} @distro_files;
+ }
+ my $distro_files_s = join "|", @distro_files;
+ @working = (@derived,@primary);
+ foreach my $file (@working){
+ if ( "/etc/$file" =~ /($distro_files_s)$/){
+ # Now lets see if the distro file is in the known-good working-lsb-list
+ # if so, use lsb-release, if not, then just use the found file
+ # this is for only those distro's with self named release/version files
+ # because Mint does not use such, it must be done as below
+ if ($b_lsb && $file =~ /$lsb_good_s/){
+ $distro_file = $lsb_release;
+ }
+ elsif ($b_os_release && $file =~ /($os_release_good_s)$/){
+ $distro_file = $os_release;
+ }
+ else {
+ $distro_file = "/etc/$file";
+ }
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ main::log_data('data',"distro_file: $distro_file") if $b_log;
+ # first test for the legacy antiX distro id file
+ if ( -f '/etc/antiX'){
+ @working = main::reader('/etc/antiX');
+ $distro = main::awk(\@working,'antix.*\.iso') if @working;
+ $distro = main::clean_characters($distro) if $distro;
+ }
+ # this handles case where only one release/version file was found, and it's lsb-release.
+ # This would never apply for ubuntu or debian, which will filter down to the following
+ # conditions. In general if there's a specific distro release file available, that's to
+ # be preferred, but this is a good backup.
+ elsif ($distro_file && $b_lsb && ($distro_file =~ /\/etc\/($lsb_good_s)$/ || $distro_file eq $lsb_release) ){
+ $distro = get_lsb_release();
+ }
+ elsif ($distro_file eq $os_release){
+ $distro = get_os_release();
+ $b_osr = 1;
+ }
+ # if distro id file was found and it's not in the exluded primary distro file list, read it
+ elsif ( $distro_file && -s $distro_file && $distro_file !~ /\/etc\/($exclude_s)$/){
+ # new opensuse uses os-release, but older ones may have a similar syntax, so just use
+ # the first line
+ if ($distro_file eq '/etc/SuSE-release'){
+ # leaving off extra data since all new suse have it, in os-release, this file has
+ # line breaks, like os-release but in case we want it, it's:
+ # CODENAME = Mantis | VERSION = 12.2
+ # for now, just take first occurrence, which should be the first line, which does
+ # not use a variable type format
+ @working = main::reader($distro_file);
+ $distro = main::awk(\@working,'suse');
+ $distro = main::clean_characters($distro) if $distro;
+ }
+ else {
+ $distro = (main::reader($distro_file))[0];
+ }
+ }
+ # otherwise try the default debian/ubuntu /etc/issue file
+ elsif (-f $issue){
+ @working = main::reader($issue);
+ my $b_mint = scalar (grep {/mint/i} @working);
+ # os-release/lsb gives more manageable and accurate output than issue,
+ # but mint should use issue for now.
+ if ($b_os_release && !$b_mint){
+ $distro = get_os_release();
+ $b_osr = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($b_lsb && !$b_mint){
+ $distro = get_lsb_release();
else {
- a_flags[i] = $0
+ # debian issue can end with weird escapes like \n \l
+ @working = main::reader($issue);
+ $distro = (map {s/\\[a-z]|,|\*|\\||\"|[:\47]|^\s+|\s+$|n\/a//ig; $_} @working)[0] if @working;
+ # this handles an arch bug where /etc/arch-release is empty and /etc/issue
+ # is corrupted only older arch installs that have not been updated should
+ # have this fallback required, new ones use os-release
+ if ( $distro =~ /arch linux/i){
+ $distro = 'Arch Linux';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # a final check. If a long value, before assigning the debugger output, if os-release
+ # exists then let's use that if it wasn't tried already. Maybe that will be better.
+ # not handling the corrupt data, maybe later if needed
+ if ($distro && length($distro) > 50 ){
+ if (!$b_osr && $b_os_release){
+ $distro = get_os_release();
+ }
+ }
+ # test for /etc/lsb-release as a backup in case of failure, in cases
+ # where > one version/release file were found but the above resulted
+ # in null distro value.
+ if (!$distro){
+ if ($b_os_release){
+ $distro = get_os_release();
+ }
+ elsif ($b_lsb){
+ $distro = get_lsb_release();
+ }
+ }
+ # now some final null tries
+ if (!$distro ){
+ # if the file was null but present, which can happen in some cases, then use
+ # the file name itself to set the distro value. Why say unknown if we have
+ # a pretty good idea, after all?
+ if ($distro_file){
+ $distro_file =~ s/[-_]|release|version//g;
- i++
- END {
- count = asort( a_flags )
- # note: why does gawk increment before the loop and not after? weird.
- for ( i=0; i <= count; i++ ){
- if ( flag_string == "" ) {
- flag_string = a_flags[i]
+ ## finally, if all else has failed, give up
+ $distro ||= 'unknown';
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $distro;
+sub get_lsb_release {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($distro,$id,$release,$codename,$description) = ('','','','','');
+ my @content = main::reader('/etc/lsb-release');
+ main::log_data('dump','@content',\@content) if $b_log;
+ @content = map {s/,|\*|\\||\"|[:\47]|^\s+|\s+$|n\/a//ig; $_} @content if @content;
+ foreach (@content){
+ next if /^\s*$/;
+ my @working = split /\s*=\s*/, $_;
+ next if !$working[0];
+ if ($working[0] eq 'DISTRIB_ID' && $working[1]){
+ if ($working[1] =~ /^Manjaro/i){
+ $id = 'Manjaro Linux';
+ # in the old days, arch used lsb_release
+# elsif ($working[1] =~ /^Arch$/i){
+# $id = 'Arch Linux';
+# }
else {
- flag_string = flag_string " " a_flags[i]
+ $id = $working[1];
+ }
+ }
+ if ($working[0] eq 'DISTRIB_RELEASE' && $working[1]){
+ $release = $working[1];
+ }
+ if ($working[0] eq 'DISTRIB_CODENAME' && $working[1]){
+ $codename = $working[1];
+ }
+ # sometimes some distros cannot do their lsb-release files correctly,
+ # so here is one last chance to get it right.
+ if ($working[0] eq 'DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION' && $working[1]){
+ $description = $working[1];
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$id && !$release && !$codename && $description){
+ $distro = $description;
+ }
+ else {
+ $distro = "$id $release $codename";
+ $distro =~ s/^\s+|\s\s+|\s+$//g; # get rid of double and trailling spaces
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $distro;
+sub get_os_release {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($pretty_name,$name,$version_name,$version_id,
+ $distro_name,$distro) = ('','','','','','');
+ my @content = main::reader('/etc/os-release');
+ main::log_data('dump','@content',\@content) if $b_log;
+ @content = map {s/\\||\"|[:\47]|^\s+|\s+$|n\/a//ig; $_} @content if @content;
+ foreach (@content){
+ next if /^\s*$/;
+ my @working = split /\s*=\s*/, $_;
+ next if !$working[0];
+ if ($working[0] eq 'PRETTY_NAME' && $working[1]){
+ $pretty_name = $working[1];
+ }
+ if ($working[0] eq 'NAME' && $working[1]){
+ $name = $working[1];
+ }
+ if ($working[0] eq 'VERSION' && $working[1]){
+ $version_name = $working[1];
+ }
+ if ($working[0] eq 'VERSION_ID' && $working[1]){
+ $version_id = $working[1];
+ }
+ }
+ # NOTE: tumbleweed has pretty name but pretty name does not have version id
+ if ($pretty_name && $pretty_name !~ /tumbleweed/i){
+ $distro = $pretty_name;
+ }
+ elsif ($name){
+ $distro = $name;
+ if ($version_name){
+ $distro .= ' ' . $version_name;
+ }
+ elsif ($version_id){
+ $distro .= ' ' . $version_id;
+ }
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $distro;
+sub get_gcc_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($gcc,@data,@gccs,@temp);
+ # NOTE: We can't use program_version because we don't yet know where
+ # the version number is
+ if (my $program = check_program('gcc') ){
+ @data = grabber("$program --version 2>/dev/null");
+ $gcc = awk(\@data,'^gcc');
+ }
+ if ($gcc){
+ # strip out: gcc (Debian 6.3.0-18) 6.3.0 20170516
+ # gcc (GCC) 4.2.2 20070831 prerelease [FreeBSD]
+ $gcc =~ s/\([^\)]*\)//g;
+ $gcc = get_piece($gcc,2);
+ }
+ if ($extra > 1){
+ # glob /usr/bin for gccs, strip out all non numeric values
+ @temp = globber('/usr/bin/gcc-*');
+ foreach (@temp){
+ if (/\/gcc-([0-9.]+)$/){
+ push @gccs, $1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unshift @gccs, $gcc;
+ log_data('dump','@gccs',\@gccs) if $b_log;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @gccs;
+sub get_hostname {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my $hostname = '';
+ if ( $ENV{'HOSTNAME'} ){
+ $hostname = $ENV{'HOSTNAME'};
+ }
+ elsif ( !$bsd_type && -f "/proc/sys/kernel/hostname" ){
+ $hostname = (reader('/proc/sys/kernel/hostname'))[0];
+ }
+ # puppy removed this from core modules, sigh
+ # this is faster than subshell of hostname
+ elsif (check_module('Sys::Hostname')){
+ import Sys::Hostname;
+ $hostname = Sys::Hostname::hostname();
+ }
+ elsif (my $program = check_program('hostname')) {
+ $hostname = (grabber("$program 2>/dev/null"))[0];
+ }
+ $hostname ||= 'N/A';
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $hostname;
+sub get_init_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my $runlevel = get_runlevel_data();
+ my $default = ($extra > 1) ? get_runlevel_default() : '';
+ my ($init,$init_version,$rc,$rc_version,$program) = ('','','','','');
+ my $comm = ( -e '/proc/1/comm' ) ? (reader('/proc/1/comm'))[0] : '';
+ my (@data);
+ # this test is pretty solid, if pid 1 is owned by systemd, it is systemd
+ # otherwise that is 'init', which covers the rest of the init systems.
+ # more data may be needed for other init systems.
+ if ( $comm ){
+ if ( $comm =~ /systemd/ ){
+ $init = 'systemd';
+ if ( $program = check_program('systemd')){
+ $init_version = program_version($program,'^systemd','2','--version');
+ }
+ if (!$init_version && ($program = check_program('systemctl') ) ){
+ $init_version = program_version($program,'^systemd','2','--version');
+ }
+ }
+ # epoch version == Epoch Init System 1.0.1 "Sage"
+ elsif ($comm =~ /epoch/){
+ $init = 'Epoch';
+ $init_version = program_version('epoch', '^Epoch', '4','version');
+ }
+ # missing data: note, runit can install as a dependency without being the
+ # init system:
+ # NOTE: the proc test won't work on bsds, so if runit is used on bsds we
+ # will need more data
+ elsif ($comm =~ /runit/){
+ $init = 'runit';
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$init){
+ # output: /sbin/init --version: init (upstart 1.1)
+ # init (upstart 0.6.3)
+ if ($init_version = program_version('init', 'upstart', '3','--version')){
+ $init = 'Upstart';
+ }
+ elsif (check_program('launchctl')){
+ $init = 'launchd';
+ }
+ elsif ( -f '/etc/inittab' ){
+ $init = 'SysVinit';
+ if (check_program('strings')){
+ @data = grabber('strings /sbin/init');
+ $init_version = awk(\@data,'version\s+[0-9]');
+ $init_version = get_piece($init_version,2) if $init_version;
- print flag_string
- }' <<< "$cpu_flags_working" )
+ elsif ( -f '/etc/ttys' ){
+ $init = 'init (BSD)';
+ }
+ }
+ if ( grep { /openrc/ } globber('/run/*openrc*') ){
+ $rc = 'OpenRC';
+ # /sbin/openrc --version == openrc (OpenRC) 0.13
+ if ($program = check_program('openrc')){
+ $rc_version = program_version($program, '^openrc', '3','--version');
+ }
+ # /sbin/rc --version == rc (OpenRC) 0.11.8 (Gentoo Linux)
+ elsif ($program = check_program('rc')){
+ $rc_version = program_version($program, '^rc', '3','--version');
+ }
+ if ( -e '/run/openrc/softlevel' ){
+ $runlevel = (reader('/run/openrc/softlevel'))[0];
+ }
+ elsif ( -e '/var/run/openrc/softlevel'){
+ $runlevel = (reader('/var/run/openrc/softlevel'))[0];
+ }
+ elsif ( $program = check_program('rc-status')){
+ $runlevel = (grabber("$program -r 2>/dev/null"))[0];
+ }
+ }
+ my %init = (
+ 'init-type' => $init,
+ 'init-version' => $init_version,
+ 'rc-type' => $rc,
+ 'rc-version' => $rc_version,
+ 'runlevel' => $runlevel,
+ 'default' => $default,
+ );
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return %init;
+sub get_kernel_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($kernel,$ksplice) = ('','');
+ # Linux; yawn; 4.9.0-3.1-liquorix-686-pae; #1 ZEN SMP PREEMPT liquorix 4.9-4 (2017-01-14); i686
+ # FreeBSD;; 8.2-STABLE; FreeBSD 8.2-STABLE #0: Tue May 31 14:36:14 EDT 2016; amd64
+ if (@uname){
+ $kernel = $uname[2];
+ if (check_program('uptrack-uname') && $kernel){
+ $ksplice = qx(uptrack-uname -rm);
+ $ksplice = trimmer($ksplice);
+ $kernel = ($ksplice) ? $ksplice . ' (ksplice)' : $kernel;
+ }
+ $kernel .= ' ' . $uname[-1];
+ $kernel = ($bsd_type) ? $uname[0] . ' ' . $kernel : $kernel;
+ }
+ $kernel ||= 'N/A';
+ log_data('data',"kernel: $kernel ksplice: $ksplice") if $b_log;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $kernel;
+sub get_kernel_bits {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my $bits = '';
+ if (@uname){
+ $bits = $uname[-1];
+ $bits = ($bits =~ /64/ ) ? 64 : 32;
+ }
+ $bits ||= 'N/A';
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $bits;
+sub get_memory_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($type) = @_;
+ my ($memory);
+ if (my $file = system_files('meminfo') ) {
+ $memory = get_memory_data_linux($type,$file);
+ }
+ else {
+ $memory = get_memory_data_bsd($type);
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $memory;
+sub get_memory_data_linux {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($type,$file) = @_;
+ my $memory = '';
+ my $total = 0;
+ my $not_used = 0;
+ my @data = reader($file);
+ foreach (@data){
+ if ($_ =~ /^MemTotal:/){
+ $total = get_piece($_,2);
+ }
+ elsif ($_ =~ /^(MemFree|Buffers|Cached):/){
+ $not_used += get_piece($_,2);
+ }
+ }
+ my $used = $total - $not_used;
+ my $percent = ($used && $total) ? sprintf("%.1f", ($used/$total)*100) : '';
+ if ($type eq 'string'){
+ $percent = " ($percent%)" if $percent;
+ $memory = sprintf("%.1f/%.1f MiB", $used/1024, $total/1024) . $percent;
+ }
+ else {
+ $memory = "$total:$used:$percent";
+ }
+ log_data('data',"memory: $memory") if $b_log;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $memory;
+# openbsd/linux
+# procs memory page disks traps cpu
+# r b w avm fre flt re pi po fr sr wd0 wd1 int sys cs us sy id
+# 0 0 0 55256 1484092 171 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 12 460 39 3 1 96
+# freebsd:
+# procs memory page disks faults cpu
+# r b w avm fre flt re pi po fr sr ad0 ad1 in sy cs us sy id
+# 0 0 0 21880M 6444M 924 32 11 0 822 827 0 0 853 832 463 8 3 88
+# with -H
+# 2 0 0 14925812 936448 36 13 10 0 84 35 0 0 84 30 42 11 3 86
+# dragonfly
+# procs memory page disks faults cpu
+# r b w avm fre flt re pi po fr sr ad0 ad1 in sy cs us sy id
+# 0 0 0 0 84060 30273993 2845 12742 1164 407498171 320960902 0 0 ....
+sub get_memory_data_bsd {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($type) = @_;
+ my $memory = '';
+ my ($avail,$total,$free_mem,$real_mem) = (0,0,0,0);
+ my (@data,$message);
+ my $arg = ($bsd_type ne 'openbsd') ? '-H' : '';
+ if (my $program = check_program('vmstat')){
+ # see above, it's the last line. -H makes it hopefully all in kB so no need
+ # for K/M/G tests
+ my $row = (grabber("vmstat $arg 2>/dev/null",'\n','strip'))[-1];
+ if ( $row ){
+ @data = split /\s+/, $row;
+ # dragonfly can have 0 avg, but they may fix that so make test dynamic
+ if ($data[3] != 0){
+ $avail = ($bsd_type ne 'openbsd') ? sprintf ('%.1f',$data[3]/1024) : $data[3];
+ }
+ elsif ($data[4] != 0){
+ $free_mem = sprintf ('%.1f',$data[4]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## code to get total goes here:
+ my $ref = $alerts{'sysctl'};
+ if ($$ref{'action'} eq 'use'){
+ # for dragonfly, we will use free mem, not used because free is 0
+ my @working;
+ foreach (@sysctl){
+ # freebsd seems to use bytes here
+ if (!$real_mem && /^hw.physmem:/){
+ @working = split /:\s*/,$_;
+ #if ($working[1]){
+ $working[1] =~ s/^[^0-9]+|[^0-9]+$//g;
+ $real_mem = sprintf("%.1f", $working[1]/1024);
+ #}
+ last if $free_mem;
+ }
+ # But, it uses K here. Openbsd/Dragonfly do not seem to have this item
+ # this can be either: Free Memory OR Free Memory Pages
+ elsif (/^Free Memory:/){
+ @working = split /:\s*/,$_;
+ $working[1] =~ s/[^0-9]+//g;
+ $free_mem = sprintf("%.1f", $working[1]);
+ last if $real_mem;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $message = "sysctl $$ref{'action'}"
+ }
+ # not using, but leave in place for a bit in case we want it
+ # my $type = ($free_mem) ? ' free':'' ;
+ # hack: temp fix for openbsd/darwin: in case no free mem was detected but we have physmem
+ if (($avail || $free_mem) && !$real_mem){
+ my $error = ($message) ? $message: 'total N/A';
+ my $used = (!$free_mem) ? $avail : $real_mem - $free_mem;
+ if ($type eq 'string'){
+ $used = sprintf("%.1f",$used/1024);
+ $memory = "$used/($error) MB";
+ }
+ else {
+ $memory = "$error:$used:";
+ }
+ }
+ # use openbsd/dragonfly avail mem data if available
+ elsif (($avail || $free_mem) && $real_mem) {
+ my $used = (!$free_mem) ? $avail : $real_mem - $free_mem;
+ my $percent = ($used && $real_mem) ? sprintf("%.1f", ($used/$real_mem)*100) : '';
+ if ($type eq 'string'){
+ $used = sprintf("%.1f",$used/1024);
+ $real_mem = sprintf("%.1f",$real_mem/1024);
+ $percent = " ($percent)" if $percent;
+ $memory = "$used/$real_mem MB" . $percent;
+ }
+ else {
+ $memory = "$real_mem:$used:$percent";
+ }
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $memory;
- #grep -oE '\<(nx|lm|sse[0-9]?|pni|svm|vmx)\>' | tr '\n' ' '))
- if [[ -z $cpu_flags ]];then
- cpu_flags="-"
- fi
- echo "$cpu_flags"
- log_function_data "cpu_flags: $cpu_flags"
- eval $LOGFE
+sub get_module_version {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($module) = @_;
+ return if ! $module;
+ my ($version);
+ my $path = "/sys/module/$module/version";
+ if (-f $path){
+ $version = (reader($path))[0];
+ }
+ elsif (-f "/sys/module/$module/uevent"){
+ $version = 'kernel';
+ }
+ #print "version:$version\n";
+ if (!$version) {
+ if (my $path = check_program('modinfo')){
+ my @data = grabber("$path $module 2>/dev/null");
+ $version = awk(\@data,'^version',2,':\s+') if @data;
+ }
+ }
+ $version ||= '';
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $version;
+sub get_partition_extra_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ $b_partition_extra = 1;
+ if ( $show{'unmounted'} || $show{'label'} || $show{'uuid'} ){
+ if (!$bsd_type){
+ if (-d '/dev/disk/by-label'){
+ @labels = main::globber('/dev/disk/by-label/*');
+ }
+ if (-d '/dev/disk/by-uuid'){
+ @uuids = main::globber('/dev/disk/by-uuid/*');
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( my $path = main::check_program('gpart')){
+ @gpart = main::grabber("$path list 2>/dev/null",'strip');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+# # check? /var/run/nologin for bsds?
+sub get_runlevel_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my $runlevel = '';
+ if ( my $program = check_program('runlevel')){
+ $runlevel = (grabber("$program 2>/dev/null"))[0];
+ $runlevel =~ s/[^\d]//g if $runlevel;
+ #print_line($runlevel . ";;");
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $runlevel;
+# note: it appears that at least as of 2014-01-13, /etc/inittab is going
+# to be used for default runlevel in upstart/sysvinit. systemd default is
+# not always set so check to see if it's linked.
+sub get_runlevel_default {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my @data;
+ my $default = '';
+ my $b_systemd = 0;
+ my $inittab = '/etc/inittab';
+ my $systemd = '/etc/systemd/system/';
+ my $upstart = '/etc/init/rc-sysinit.conf';
+ # note: systemd systems do not necessarily have this link created
+ if ( -e $systemd){
+ $default = readlink($systemd);
+ $default =~ s/.*\/// if $default;
+ $b_systemd = 1;
+ }
+ #
+ # note that technically default can be changed at boot but for inxi purposes
+ # that does not matter, we just want to know the system default
+ elsif ( -e $upstart){
+ @data = reader($upstart);
+ $default = awk(\@data,'^env\s+DEFAULT_RUNLEVEL',2,'=');
+ }
+ # handle weird cases where null but inittab exists
+ if (!$default && -e $inittab ){
+ @data = reader($inittab);
+ $default = awk(\@data,'^id.*initdefault',2,':');
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $default;
+sub get_self_version {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my $patch = $self_patch;
+ if ( $patch ne '' ){
+ # for cases where it was for example: 00-b1 clean to -b1
+ $patch =~ s/^[0]+-?//;
+ $patch = "-$patch" if $patch;
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $self_version . $patch;
+sub get_shell_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($ppid) = @_;
+ my $cmd = "ps -p $ppid -o comm= 2>/dev/null";
+ my $shell = qx($cmd);
+ log_data('cmd',$cmd) if $b_log;
+ chomp($shell);
+ if ($shell){
+ #print "shell pre: $shell\n";
+ # when run in debugger subshell, would return sh as shell,
+ # and parent as perl, that is, pinxi itself, which is actually right.
+ # trim leading /.../ off just in case. ps -p should return the name, not path
+ # but at least one user dataset suggests otherwise so just do it for all.
+ $shell =~ s/^.*\///;
+ my $working = $ENV{'SHELL'};
+ $working =~ s/^.*\///;
+ # NOTE: su -c "inxi -F" results in shell being su
+ if (($shell eq 'sh' || $shell eq 'sudo' || $shell eq 'su' ) && $shell ne $working){
+ $client{'su-start'} = $shell if ($shell eq 'sudo' || $shell eq 'su');
+ $shell = $working;
+ }
+ #print "shell post: $shell\n";
+ # sh because -v/--version doesn't work on it
+ if ( $shell ne 'sh' ) {
+ @app = main::program_values(lc($shell));
+ if ($app[0]){
+ $client{'version'} = main::program_version($shell,$app[0],$app[1],$app[2],$app[5],$app[6]);
+ }
+ # guess that it's two and --version
+ else {
+ # we're just guessing at the search phrase and position
+ if ($shell){
+ $client{'version'} = main::program_version($shell,$shell,2,'');
+ }
+ else {
+ $client{'version'} = row_defaults('unknown-shell');
+ }
+ }
+ $client{'version'} =~ s/(\(.*|-release|-version)//;
+ }
+ $client{'name'} = lc($shell);
+ $client{'name-print'} = $shell;
+ }
+ else {
+ $client{'name'} = 'shell';
+ $client{'name-print'} = 'Unknown Shell';
+ }
+ $client{'su-start'} = 'sudo' if (!$client{'su-start'} && $ENV{'SUDO_USER'});
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+sub get_shell_source {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (@data);
+ my ($msg,$self_parent,$shell_parent) = ('','','');
+ my $ppid = getppid();
+ $self_parent = get_start_parent($ppid);
+ if ($b_log){
+ $msg = ($ppid) ? "self parent: $self_parent ppid: $ppid": "self parent: undefined";
+ log_data('data',$msg);
+ }
+ #print "self parent: $self_parent ppid: $ppid\n";
+ if ($self_parent){
+ $shell_parent = get_shell_parent($self_parent);
+ $client{'su-start'} = $shell_parent if ($shell_parent eq 'su' && !$client{'su-start'});
+ #print "shell parent 1: $shell_parent\n";
+ if ($b_log){
+ $msg = ($shell_parent) ? "shell parent 1: $shell_parent": "shell parent 1: undefined";
+ log_data('data',$msg);
+ }
+ # in case sudo starts inxi, parent is shell (or perl inxi if run by debugger)
+ if ( $shell_parent && ( $shell_parent eq 'su' ||
+ $shell_parent =~ /^(bash|csh|ksh|lksh|loksh|mksh|pdksh|sh|dash|perl|zsh|tcsh)$/ ) ){
+ my $shell = $1; # we want the first set only if shell is parent
+ # no idea why have to do script_parent action twice in su case, but you do.
+ $self_parent = get_start_parent($self_parent);
+ $shell_parent = get_shell_parent($self_parent) if $shell;
+ #print "shell parent 2: $shell_parent\n";
+ if ($b_log){
+ $msg = ($shell_parent) ? "shell parent 2: $shell_parent": "shell parent 2: undefined";
+ log_data('data',$msg);
+ }
+ if (!$shell ||
+ $shell_parent =~ /^(bash|csh|ksh|lksh|loksh|mksh|pdksh|sh|dash|perl|zsh|tcsh)$/ ){
+ $self_parent = get_start_parent($self_parent);
+ $shell_parent = get_shell_parent($self_parent);
+ }
+ #print "shell parent 3: $shell_parent\n";
+ if ($b_log){
+ $msg = ($shell_parent) ? "shell parent 3: $shell_parent": "shell parent 3: undefined";
+ log_data('data',$msg);
+ }
+ }
+ # to work around a ps -p or gnome-terminal bug, which returns
+ # gnome-terminal- trim - off end
+ $shell_parent =~ s/-$//;
+ }
+ if ($b_log){
+ $self_parent ||= '';
+ $shell_parent ||= '';
+ log_data('data',"parents: self: $self_parent shell: $shell_parent");
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $shell_parent;
+# utilities for get_shell_source
+# arg: 1 - parent id
+sub get_start_parent {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($parent) = @_;
+ # ps -j -fp : bsds ps do not have -f for PPID, so we can't get the ppid
+ my $cmd = "ps -j -fp $parent";
+ log_data('cmd',$cmd) if $b_log;
+ my @data = grabber($cmd);
+ #shift @data if @data;
+ my $self_parent = awk(\@data,"$parent",3,'\s+');
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $self_parent;
+# arg: 1 - parent id
+sub get_shell_parent {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($parent) = @_;
+ my $cmd = "ps -j -p $parent";
+ log_data('cmd',$cmd) if $b_log;
+ my @data = grabber($cmd,'strip');
+ #shift @data if @data;
+ my $shell_parent = awk(\@data, "$parent",-1,'\s+');
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $shell_parent;
+# this will test against default IP like: (:0) vs full IP to determine
+# ssh status. Surprisingly easy test? Cross platform
+sub get_ssh_status {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($b_ssh,$ssh);
+ # fred pts/10 2018-03-24 16:20 (:0.0)
+ # fred-remote pts/1 2018-03-27 17:13 (
+ if (my $program = check_program('who')){
+ $ssh = (grabber("$program am i 2>/dev/null"))[0];
+ # crude IP validation
+ if ($ssh && $ssh =~ /\(([:0-9a-f]{8,}|[1-9][\.0-9]{6,})\)$/){
+ $b_ssh = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $b_ssh;
+sub get_tty_console_irc {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ return $tty_session if $tty_session;
+ my $ppid = getppid();
+ $tty_session = awk(\@ps_aux,".*$ppid.*$client{'name'}",7,'\s+');
+ $tty_session =~ s/^[^[0-9]+// if $tty_session;
+ $tty_session = '' if ! defined $tty_session;
+ log_data('data',"conole-irc-tty:$tty_session") if $b_log;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $tty_session;
+sub get_tty_number {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my $tty = POSIX::ttyname(1);
+ #variants: /dev/pts/1 /dev/tty1 /dev/ttyp2 /dev/ttyra [hex number a]
+ $tty =~ s/.*\/[^0-9]*//g if defined $tty;
+ $tty = '' if ! defined $tty;
+ log_data('data',"tty:$tty") if $b_log;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $tty;
+# 2:58PM up 437 days, 8:18, 3 users, load averages: 2.03, 1.72, 1.77
+# 04:29:08 up 3:18, 3 users, load average: 0,00, 0,00, 0,00
+# 10:23PM up 5 days, 16:17, 1 user, load averages: 0.85, 0.90, 1.00
+# 05:36:47 up 1 day, 3:28, 4 users, load average: 1,88, 0,98, 0,62
+# 05:36:47 up 1 day, 3 min, 4 users, load average: 1,88, 0,98, 0,62
+sub get_uptime {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($days,$hours,$minutes,$uptime) = ('','','','');
+ if (check_program('uptime')){
+ $uptime = qx(uptime);
+ $uptime = trimmer($uptime);
+ #$uptime = '05:36:47 up 3 min, 4 users, load average: 1,88, 0,98, 0,62';
+ if ($uptime &&
+ $uptime =~ /[\S]+\s+up\s+(([0-9]+)\s+day[s]?,\s+)?(([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2})|([0-9]+)\smin),\s+[0-9]+\s+user/){
+ $days = $2 . 'd' if $2;
+ $days .= ' ' if ($days && ($4 || $6));
+ if ($4 && $5){
+ $hours = $4 . 'h ';
+ $minutes = $5 . 'm';
+ }
+ elsif ($6){
+ $minutes = $6 . 'm';
+ }
+ $uptime = $days . $hours . $minutes;
+ }
+ }
+ $uptime ||= 'N/A';
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $uptime;
+# NOTE: annoyingly, /sys does NOT actually use the id, it uses
+# the count of physical devices, starting at 0 for hub, on the bus.
+# args: $1 - $bus number; $2 - vendor:chip id
+sub get_usb_drivers {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($bus,$id) = @_;
+ return if !$bus || !$id;# these will be > 0
+ my ($chip,$driver,$file,$path,$vendor,$working,$working2,@drivers,@temp);
+ @temp = split /:/, $id;
+ $vendor = $temp[0];
+ $chip = $temp[1];
+ # some have it one level deeper than others
+ my @globs = ("/sys/bus/usb/devices/usb$bus/$bus-*/","/sys/bus/usb/devices/usb$bus/$bus-*/$bus-*/");
+ foreach (@globs){
+ $path = get_usb_path($vendor,$chip,$_);
+ last if $path;
+ }
+ if ($path){
+ if ( -e "${path}driver"){
+ if ($working = Cwd::abs_path("${path}driver")){
+ $working =~ s/^.*\///;
+ if ($working && $working ne 'usb' && $working ne 'usbhid'){
+ push @drivers, $working;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # test 2
+ @temp = main::globber("$path$bus-*/");
+ #print "@temp\n";
+ foreach (@temp){
+ #print "p2:". $_ . "driver\n";
+ $file = $_ . 'driver';
+ #print "f:$file\n";
+ if (-e $file){
+ #print "here\n";
+ #print (Cwd::abs_path($file), "\n");
+ if ($working = Cwd::abs_path($file)){
+ #print "w:$working\n";
+ $working =~ s/^.*\///;
+ if ($working && $working ne 'usb' && $working ne 'usbhid' && ! grep {/$working/} @drivers){
+ push @drivers, $working;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #print join "\n", @drivers, "\n";
+ $driver = join ',', @drivers if @drivers;
+ }
+ @temp = ($driver,$path);
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return @temp;
+sub get_usb_path {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($vendor,$chip,$glob) = @_;
+ my ($path,$working,$working2);
+ #print "$vendor,$chip,$glob\n";
+ my @temp = main::globber($glob);
+ #print join "\n", @temp, "\n";
+ # first we need to get the device path, since it's not predictable
+ foreach (@temp){
+ #print "$_\n";
+ $working = $_ . 'idVendor';
+ $working2 = $_ . 'idProduct';
+ if (-e $working && (main::reader($working))[0] eq $vendor &&
+ -e $working2 && (main::reader($working2))[0] eq $chip){
+ $path = $_;
+ #print "$_\n";
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return $path
#### -------------------------------------------------------------------
#### -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#### MASTER PRINT FUNCTION - triggers all line item print functions
-## main function to print out, master for all sub print functions.
- eval $LOGFS
- # note that print_it_out passes local variable values on to its children,
- # and in some cases, their children, if variable syntax: Xxxx_Yyyy
- if [[ -n $BSD_TYPE ]];then
- set_sysctl_data 'a' # set: SYSCTL_A_DATA
- set_dmesg_boot_data # set: DMESG_BOOT_DATA
- fi
- if [[ $B_SHOW_SHORT_OUTPUT == 'true' ]];then
- print_short_data
- else
- set_lspci_data 'v' # set: LSPCI_V_DATA
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- set_lspci_data 'n' # set: LSPCI_N_DATA
- fi
- if [[ $B_SHOW_SYSTEM == 'true' ]];then
- print_system_data
- fi
- if [[ $B_SHOW_MACHINE == 'true' ]];then
- print_machine_data
- fi
- if [[ $B_SHOW_BATTERY == 'true' ]];then
- print_battery_data
- fi
- if [[ $B_SHOW_BASIC_CPU == 'true' || $B_SHOW_CPU == 'true' ]];then
- print_cpu_data
- fi
- if [[ $B_SHOW_MEMORY == 'true' ]];then
- print_ram_data
- fi
- if [[ $B_SHOW_GRAPHICS == 'true' ]];then
- print_graphics_data
- fi
- if [[ $B_SHOW_AUDIO == 'true' ]];then
- print_audio_data
- fi
- if [[ $B_SHOW_NETWORK == 'true' ]];then
- print_networking_data
- fi
- if [[ $B_SHOW_DISK_TOTAL == 'true' || $B_SHOW_BASIC_DISK == 'true' || $B_SHOW_DISK == 'true' ]];then
- print_hard_disk_data
- fi
- if [[ $B_SHOW_PARTITIONS == 'true' ]];then
- print_partition_data
- fi
- if [[ $B_SHOW_RAID == 'true' || $B_SHOW_BASIC_RAID == 'true' ]];then
- print_raid_data
- fi
- if [[ $B_SHOW_UNMOUNTED_PARTITIONS == 'true' ]];then
- print_unmounted_partition_data
- fi
- if [[ $B_SHOW_SENSORS == 'true' ]];then
- print_sensors_data
- fi
- if [[ $B_SHOW_REPOS == 'true' ]];then
- print_repo_data
- fi
- if [[ $B_SHOW_PS_CPU_DATA == 'true' || $B_SHOW_PS_MEM_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- print_ps_data
- fi
- if [[ $B_SHOW_WEATHER == 'true' ]];then
- print_weather_data
- fi
- if [[ $B_SHOW_INFO == 'true' ]];then
- print_info_data
- fi
- fi
- ## last steps, clear any lingering colors
- if [[ $B_IRC == 'false' && $SCHEME -gt 0 ]];then
- echo -n ""
- fi
- eval $LOGFE
+sub set_dmesg_boot_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($file,@temp);
+ my ($counter) = (0);
+ $b_dmesg_boot_check = 1;
+ $file = system_files('dmesg-boot');
+ #$file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/dmesg-boot/bsd-disks-diabolus.txt";
+ #$file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/dmesg-boot/freebsd-disks-solestar.txt";
+ #$file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/dmesg-boot/freebsd-enceladus-1.txt";
+ #$file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/dmesg-boot/openbsd-5.6-dmesg.boot-1.txt";
+ #$file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/dmesg-boot/openbsd-dmesg.boot-1.txt";
+ if ($file){
+ return if ! -r $file;
+ @dmesg_boot = reader($file);
+ # some dmesg repeats, so we need to dump the second and > iterations
+ # replace all indented items with ~ so we can id them easily while
+ # processing note that if user, may get error of read permissions
+ # for some weird reason, real mem and avail mem are use a '=' separator,
+ # who knows why, the others are ':'
+ foreach (@dmesg_boot){
+ $counter++ if /^(OpenBSD|DragonFly|FreeBSD is a registered trademark)/;
+ last if $counter > 1;
+ $_ =~ s/\s*=\s*|:\s*/:/;
+ $_ =~ s/\"//g;
+ $_ =~ s/^\s+/~/;
+ $_ =~ s/\s\s/ /g;
+ $_ =~ s/^(\S+)\sat\s/$1:at /; # ada0 at ahcich0
+ push @temp, $_;
+ }
+ @dmesg_boot = @temp;
+ # FreeBSD: 'da*' is a USB device 'ada*' is a SATA device 'mmcsd*' is an SD card
+ if ($b_dm_boot_disk && @dmesg_boot){
+ @dm_boot_disk = grep {/^(ad|ada|da|mmcblk|mmcsd|nvme[0-9]+n|sd|wd)[0-9]+(:|\sat\s)/} @dmesg_boot;
+ log_data('dump','@dm_boot_disk',\@dm_boot_disk) if $b_log;
+ print Dumper \@dm_boot_disk if $test[9];
+ }
+ if ($b_dm_boot_optical && @dmesg_boot){
+ @dm_boot_optical = grep {/^(cd)[0-9]+(\([^)]+\))?(:|\sat\s)/} @dmesg_boot;
+ log_data('dump','@dm_boot_optical',\@dm_boot_optical) if $b_log;
+ print Dumper \@dm_boot_optical if $test[9];
+ }
+ }
+ log_data('dump','@dmesg_boot',\@dmesg_boot) if $b_log;
+ #print Dumper \@dmesg_boot if $test[9];
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+# note, all actual tests have already been run in check_tools so if we
+# got here, we're good.
+sub set_dmi_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ if ($alerts{'dmidecode'}{'action'} eq 'use' ){
+ set_dmidecode_data();
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
-#### SHORT OUTPUT PRINT FUNCTION, ie, verbosity 0
-# all the get data stuff is loaded here to keep execution time down for single line print commands
-# these will also be loaded in each relevant print function for long output
- eval $LOGFS
- local processes=$(( $( wc -l <<< "$Ps_aux_Data" ) - 1 ))
- local short_data='' i='' b_background_black='false'
- if [[ -z $UP_TIME ]];then
- UP_TIME='N/A - missing uptime?'
- fi
- get_uptime
- get_kernel_version
- get_memory_data
- get_patch_version_string
- # load A_CPU_DATA
- get_cpu_data
- # load A_HDD_DATA
- get_hdd_data_basic
- get_cpu_core_count
- local cpc_plural='' cpu_count_print='' model_plural='' current_max_clock=''
- local cpu_physical_count=${A_CPU_CORE_DATA[0]}
- local cpu_core_count=${A_CPU_CORE_DATA[3]}
- local cpu_core_alpha=${A_CPU_CORE_DATA[1]}
- local cpu_type=${A_CPU_CORE_DATA[2]}
- local kernel_os='' speed_starter='speed'
- local cpu_data_string=''
- if [[ -z $BSD_TYPE || -n $cpu_type ]];then
- cpu_type=" ($cpu_type)"
- fi
- if [[ $BSD_TYPE == 'bsd' ]];then
- kernel_os="${C1}OS${C2}$SEP1$( uname -rsp )"
- else
- kernel_os="${C1}Kernel${C2}$SEP1$CURRENT_KERNEL"
- fi
- if [[ $cpu_physical_count -gt 1 ]];then
- cpc_plural='(s)'
- model_plural='s'
- cpu_count_print="$cpu_physical_count "
- # for multicpu systems, divide total cores by cpu count to get per cpu cores
- $cpu_core_count=$(($cpu_core_count/$cpu_physical_count))
- fi
- if [[ -z $BSD_TYPE ]];then
- cpu_data_string="$cpu_count_print$cpu_core_alpha core"
- else
- cpu_data_string="$cpu_count_print$cpu_core_count core"
- fi
-# local cpu_core_count=${A_CPU_CORE_DATA[0]}
- ## note: if hdd_model is declared prior to use, whatever string you want inserted will
- ## be inserted first. In this case, it's desirable to print out (x) before each disk found.
- local a_hdd_data_count=$(( ${#A_HDD_DATA[@]} - 1 ))
- IFS=","
- local a_hdd_basic_working=( ${A_HDD_DATA[$a_hdd_data_count]} )
- local hdd_capacity=${a_hdd_basic_working[0]}
- local hdd_used=${a_hdd_basic_working[1]}
- IFS=","
- local a_cpu_working=(${A_CPU_DATA[0]})
- # this gets that weird min/max final array item, which almost never contains any data of use
- local current_max_clock_nu=$(( ${#A_CPU_DATA[@]} - 1 ))
- local a_cpu_info=(${A_CPU_DATA[$current_max_clock_nu]})
- local cpu_model="${a_cpu_working[0]}"
- ## assemble data for output
- local cpu_clock="${a_cpu_working[1]}" # old CPU3
- # echo $cpu_clock
- # if [[ -z ${a_cpu_working[1]} || ${a_cpu_working[1]} < 50 ]];then
- # a_cpu_working[1]=$(get_cpu_speed_hack)
- # fi
- # this handles the case of for example ARM cpus, which will not have data for
- # min/max, since they don't have speed. Since that sets a flag, not found, just
- # look for that and use the speed from the first array array, same where we got
- # model from
- # index: 0 speed ; 1 min ; 2 max
- # this handles bsd types which always should show N/A unless we get a way to get min / max data
- if [[ "${a_cpu_info[0]}" == 'N/A' && ${a_cpu_working[1]} != '' ]];then
- current_max_clock="${a_cpu_working[1]} MHz"
- else
- if [[ ${a_cpu_info[2]} != 0 ]];then
- if [[ ${a_cpu_info[0]} == ${a_cpu_info[2]} ]];then
- current_max_clock="${a_cpu_info[0]} MHz (max)"
- else
- current_max_clock="${a_cpu_info[0]}/${a_cpu_info[2]} MHz"
- speed_starter='speed/max'
- fi
- fi
- fi
- #set_color_scheme 12
- if [[ $B_IRC == 'true' ]];then
- for i in $C1 $C2 $CN
- do
- case "$i" in
- b_background_black='true'
- ;;
- esac
- done
- if [[ $b_background_black == 'true' ]];then
- for i in C1 C2 CN
- do
- ## these need to be in quotes, don't know why
- if [[ ${!i} == $NORMAL ]];then
- declare $i="${!i}15,1"
- else
- declare $i="${!i},1"
- fi
- done
- #C1="${C1},1"; C2="${C2},1"; CN="${CN},1"
- fi
- fi
- short_data="${C1}CPU$cpc_plural${C2}$SEP1$cpu_data_string $cpu_model$model_plural$cpu_type ${C1}$speed_starter${C2}$SEP1$current_max_clock$SEP2$kernel_os$SEP2${C1}Up${C2}$SEP1$UP_TIME$SEP2${C1}Mem${C2}$SEP1$MEMORY$SEP2${C1}HDD${C2}$SEP1$hdd_capacity($hdd_used)$SEP2${C1}Procs${C2}$SEP1$processes$SEP2"
- if [[ $SHOW_IRC -gt 0 ]];then
- short_data="$short_data${C1}Client${C2}$SEP1$IRC_CLIENT$IRC_CLIENT_VERSION$SEP2"
- fi
- short_data="$short_data${C1}$SELF_NAME${C2}$SEP1$SELF_VERSION$SELF_PATCH$SEP2${CN}"
- if [[ $SCHEME -gt 0 ]];then
- short_data="$short_data $NORMAL"
- fi
- print_screen_output "$short_data"
- eval $LOGFE
+sub set_dmidecode_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($content,@data,@working,$type,$handle);
+ #my $file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/dmidecode/pci-freebsd-8.2-2";
+ #open my $fh, '<', $file or die "can't open $file: $!";
+ #chomp(@data = <$fh>);
+ my $path = check_program('dmidecode');
+ $content = qx($path 2>/dev/null) if $path;
+ @data = split /\n/, $content;
+ # we don't need the opener lines of dmidecode output
+ # but we do want to preserve the indentation. Empty lines
+ # won't matter, they will be skipped, so no need to handle them.
+ # some dmidecodes do not use empty line separators
+ splice @data, 0, 5 if @data;
+ my $j = 0;
+ my $b_skip = 1;
+ foreach (@data){
+ if (!/^Hand/){
+ next if $b_skip;
+ if (/^[^\s]/){
+ $_ = lc($_);
+ $_ =~ s/\s(information)//;
+ push @working, $_;
+ }
+ elsif (/^\t/){
+ $_ =~ s/^\t\t/~/;
+ $_ =~ s/^\t|\s+$//g;
+ push @working, $_;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (/^Handle\s(0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+).*DMI\stype\s([0-9]+),.*/){
+ $j = scalar @dmi;
+ $handle = hex($1);
+ $type = $2;
+ $b_skip = ( $type > 126 )? 1 : 0;
+ next if $b_skip;
+ # we don't need 32, system boot, or 127, end of table
+ if (@working){
+ if ($working[0] != 32 && $working[0] < 127){
+ $dmi[$j] = (
+ [@working],
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ @working = ($type,$handle);
+ }
+ }
+ if (@working && $working[0] != 32 && $working[0] != 127){
+ $j = scalar @dmi;
+ $dmi[$j] = (
+ [@working],
+ );
+ }
+ # last by not least, sort it by dmi type, now we don't have to worry
+ # about random dmi type ordering in the data, which happens. Also sort
+ # by handle, as secondary sort.
+ @dmi = sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] || $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } @dmi;
+ main::log_data('dump','@dmi',\@dmi) if $b_log;
+ print Dumper \@dmi if $test[2];
+ eval $end if $b_log;
-#### -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#### -------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub set_ip_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ if ($alerts{'ip'}{'action'} eq 'use' ){
+ set_ip_addr();
+ }
+ elsif ($alerts{'ifconfig'}{'action'} eq 'use'){
+ set_ifconfig();
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+sub set_ip_addr {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my $program = check_program('ip');
+ my @data = grabber("$program addr 2>/dev/null",'\n','strip') if $program;
+ #my @data = reader("$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/if/scope-ipaddr-1.txt",'strip') or die $!;
+ my ($b_skip,$broadcast,$if,$ip,@ips,$scope,$if_id,$type,@temp,@temp2);
+ foreach (@data){
+ if (/^[0-9]/){
+ #print "$_\n";
+ if (@ips){
+ #print "$if\n";
+ @temp = ($if,[@ips]);
+ @ifs = (@ifs,@temp);
+ @ips = ();
+ }
+ @temp = split /:\s+/,$_;
+ $if = $temp[1];
+ if ($if eq 'lo'){
+ $b_skip = 1;
+ $if = '';
+ next;
+ }
+ $b_skip = 0;
+ @temp = ();
+ }
+ elsif (!$b_skip && /^inet/){
+ #print "$_\n";
+ @temp = split /\s+/, $_;
+ ($broadcast,$ip,$scope,$if_id,$type) = ('','','','','');
+ $ip = $temp[1];
+ $type = ($temp[0] eq 'inet') ? 4 : 6 ;
+ if ($temp[2] eq 'brd'){
+ $broadcast = $temp[3];
+ }
+ if (/scope\s([^\s]+)(\s(.+))?/){
+ $scope = $1;
+ $if_id = $3;
+ }
+ @temp = ($type,$ip,$broadcast,$scope,$if_id);
+ @ips = (@ips,[@temp]);
+ #print Dumper \@ips;
+ }
+ }
+ #print Dumper \@ips if $test[4];
+ if (@ips){
+ @temp = ($if,[@ips]);
+ @ifs = (@ifs,@temp);
+ }
+ main::log_data('dump','@ifs',\@ifs) if $b_log;
+ print Dumper \@ifs if $test[3];
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+sub set_ifconfig {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my $program = check_program('ifconfig'); # not in user path, sbin
+ my @data = grabber("$program 2>/dev/null",'\n','') if $program;
+ #my @data = reader("$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/if/vps-ifconfig-1.txt",'') or die $!;
+ my ($b_skip,$broadcast,$if,@ips_bsd,$ip,@ips,$scope,$if_id,$type,@temp,@temp2);
+ my ($state,$speed,$duplex,$mac);
+ foreach (@data){
+ if (/^[\S]/i){
+ #print "$_\n";
+ if (@ips){
+ #print "here\n";
+ @temp = ($if,[@ips]);
+ @ifs = (@ifs,@temp);
+ @ips = ();
+ }
+ if ($mac){
+ @temp = ($if,[($state,$speed,$duplex,$mac)]);
+ @ifs_bsd = (@ifs_bsd,@temp);
+ ($state,$speed,$duplex,$mac,$if_id) = ('','','','','');
+ }
+ $if = (split /\s+/,$_)[0];
+ $if =~ s/:$//; # em0: flags=8843
+ $if_id = $if;
+ $if = (split /:/, $if)[0] if $if;
+ if ($if =~ /^lo/){
+ $b_skip = 1;
+ $if = '';
+ $if_id = '';
+ next;
+ }
+ $b_skip = 0;
+ }
+ elsif (!$b_skip && $bsd_type && /^\s+(ether|media|status)/){
+ $_ =~ s/^\s+//;
+ # media: Ethernet 100baseTX <full-duplex> freebsd 7.3
+ # media: Ethernet autoselect (1000baseT <full-duplex>) Freebsd 8.2
+ #
+ if (/^media/){
+ $_ =~ /<([^>]+)>/;
+ $duplex = $1;
+ $_ =~ /[\s\(]([1-9][\S]+\s)/;
+ $speed = $1;
+ $speed =~ s/\s+$// if $speed;
+ }
+ elsif (/^ether/){
+ $mac = (split /\s+/, $_)[1];
+ }
+ elsif (/^status/){
+ $state = (split /\s+/, $_)[1];
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (!$b_skip && /^\s+inet/){
+ #print "$_\n";
+ $_ =~ s/^\s+//;
+ $_ =~ s/addr:\s/addr:/;
+ @temp = split /\s+/, $_;
+ ($broadcast,$ip,$scope,$type) = ('','','','');
+ $ip = $temp[1];
+ # fe80::225:90ff:fe13:77ce%em0
+# $ip =~ s/^addr:|%([\S]+)//;
+ if ($1 && $1 ne $if_id){
+ $if_id = $1;
+ }
+ $type = ($temp[0] eq 'inet') ? 4 : 6 ;
+ if (/(Bcast:|broadcast\s)([\S]+)/){
+ $broadcast = $2;
+ }
+ if (/(scopeid\s[^<]+<|Scope:|scopeid\s)([^>]+)[>]?/){
+ $scope = $2;
+ }
+ $scope = 'link' if $ip =~ /^fe80/;
+ @temp = ($type,$ip,$broadcast,$scope,$if_id);
+ @ips = (@ips,[@temp]);
+ #print Dumper \@ips;
+ }
+ }
+ if (@ips){
+ @temp = ($if,[@ips]);
+ @ifs = (@ifs,@temp);
+ }
+ if ($mac){
+ @temp = ($if,[($state,$speed,$duplex,$mac)]);
+ @ifs_bsd = (@ifs_bsd,@temp);
+ ($state,$speed,$duplex,$mac) = ('','','','');
+ }
+ print Dumper \@ifs if $test[3];
+ print Dumper \@ifs_bsd if $test[3];
+ main::log_data('dump','@ifs',\@ifs) if $b_log;
+ main::log_data('dump','@ifs_bsd',\@ifs_bsd) if $b_log;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
-# print sound card data
- eval $LOGFS
- local i='' card_id='' audio_data='' a_audio_data='' port_data='' pci_bus_id='' card_string=''
- local a_audio_working='' audio_driver='' alsa_data='' port_plural='' module_version='' chip_id=''
- local bus_usb_text='' bus_usb_id='' line_starter='Audio:' alsa='' alsa_version='' print_data=''
- local driver=''
- # set A_AUDIO_DATA and get alsa data
- if [[ $BSD_TYPE == 'bsd' ]];then
- if [[ $B_PCICONF == 'true' ]];then
- if [[ $B_PCICONF_SET == 'false' ]];then
- set_pciconf_data
- fi
- get_pciconf_card_data 'audio'
- elif [[ $B_LSPCI == 'true' ]];then
- get_audio_data
- fi
- else
- get_audio_data
- fi
- get_audio_alsa_data
- # alsa driver data now prints out no matter what
- if [[ -n $A_ALSA_DATA ]];then
- IFS=","
- if [[ -n ${A_ALSA_DATA[0]} ]];then
- alsa=${A_ALSA_DATA[0]}
- else
- alsa='N/A'
- fi
- if [[ -n ${A_ALSA_DATA[1]} ]];then
- alsa_version=${A_ALSA_DATA[1]}
- else
- alsa_version='N/A'
- fi
- alsa_data="${C1}Sound$SEP3${C2} $alsa ${C1}v$SEP3${C2} $alsa_version"
- fi
- # note, error handling is done in the get function, so this will never be null, but
- # leaving the test just in case it's changed.
- if [[ -n ${A_AUDIO_DATA[@]} ]];then
- for (( i=0; i< ${#A_AUDIO_DATA[@]}; i++ ))
- do
- IFS=","
- a_audio_working=( ${A_AUDIO_DATA[i]} )
- port_data=''
- audio_driver=''
- audio_data=''
- card_string=''
- port_plural=''
- module_version=''
- pci_bus_id=''
- bus_usb_text=''
- bus_usb_id=''
- print_data=''
- chip_id=''
- if [[ ${#A_AUDIO_DATA[@]} -gt 1 ]];then
- card_id="-$(( $i + 1 ))"
- fi
- if [[ $BSD_TYPE != 'bsd' ]];then
- if [[ -n ${a_audio_working[3]} && $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- module_version=$( print_module_version "${a_audio_working[3]}" 'audio' )
- elif [[ -n ${a_audio_working[1]} && $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- module_version=$( print_module_version "${a_audio_working[1]}" 'audio' )
- fi
- fi
- # we're testing for the presence of the 2nd array item here, which is the driver name
- if [[ -n ${a_audio_working[1]} ]];then
- # note: linux drivers can have numbers, like tg3
- if [[ $BSD_TYPE == 'bsd' ]];then
- driver=$( sed 's/[0-9]$//' <<< ${a_audio_working[1]} )
- else
- driver=${a_audio_working[1]}
- fi
- audio_driver="${C1}driver$SEP3${C2} $driver "
- fi
- if [[ -n ${a_audio_working[2]} && $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- if [[ $( wc -w <<< ${a_audio_working[2]} ) -gt 1 ]];then
- port_plural='s'
- fi
- port_data="${C1}port$port_plural$SEP3${C2} ${a_audio_working[2]} "
- fi
- if [[ -n ${a_audio_working[4]} && $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- if [[ ${a_audio_working[1]} != 'USB Audio' ]];then
- bus_usb_text='bus-ID'
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- if [[ $BSD_TYPE != 'bsd' ]];then
- chip_id=$( get_lspci_chip_id "${a_audio_working[4]}" )
- else
- chip_id=${a_audio_working[6]}
- fi
- fi
- else
- bus_usb_text='usb-ID'
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- chip_id=${a_audio_working[5]}
- fi
- fi
- bus_usb_id=${a_audio_working[4]}
- pci_bus_id="${C1}$bus_usb_text$SEP3${C2} $bus_usb_id "
- if [[ -n $chip_id ]];then
- chip_id="${C1}chip-ID$SEP3${C2} $chip_id "
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -n ${a_audio_working[0]} ]];then
- card_string="${C1}Card$card_id$EP3${C2} ${a_audio_working[0]} "
- audio_data="$audio_driver$port_data$pci_bus_id$chip_id"
- fi
- # only print alsa on last line if short enough, otherwise print on its own line
- if [[ $i -eq 0 ]];then
- calculate_line_length "$card_string$audio_data$alsa_data"
- if [[ -n $alsa_data && $LINE_LENGTH -lt $COLS_INNER ]];then
- audio_data="$audio_data$alsa_data"
- alsa_data=''
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -n $audio_data ]];then
- calculate_line_length "$card_string$audio_data"
- if [[ $LINE_LENGTH -lt $COLS_INNER ]];then
- print_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$card_string$audio_data" )
- print_screen_output "$print_data"
- # print the line
- else
- # keep the driver on the same line no matter what, looks weird alone on its own line
- if [[ $LINE_LENGTH -gt $COLS_INNER ]];then
- print_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$card_string" )
- print_screen_output "$print_data"
- line_starter=' '
- print_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$audio_data" )
- print_screen_output "$print_data"
- else
- print_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$card_string$audio_data" )
- print_screen_output "$print_data"
- fi
- fi
- line_starter=' '
- fi
- done
- fi
- if [[ -n $alsa_data ]];then
- calculate_line_length "${alsa_data/ALSA/Advanced Linux Sound Architecture}"
- if [[ $LINE_LENGTH -lt $COLS_INNER ]];then
- # alsa_data=$( sed 's/ALSA/Advanced Linux Sound Architecture/' <<< $alsa_data )
- alsa_data=${alsa_data/ALSA/Advanced Linux Sound Architecture}
- fi
- alsa_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$alsa_data" )
- print_screen_output "$alsa_data"
- fi
- eval $LOGFE
- eval $LOGFS
- local line_starter='Battery' print_data=''
- get_battery_data
- if [[ -n ${A_BATTERY_DATA[@]} ]];then
- local battery_data='' battery_string=''
- local present='' chemistry='' cycles='' voltage_min_design='' voltage_now=''
- local power_now='' capacity='' capacity_level='' model='' company='' serial=''
- local of_orig='' model='' condition='' power=''
- # echo ${A_BATTERY_DATA[@]}
- for (( i=0; i< ${#A_BATTERY_DATA[@]}; i++ ))
- do
- battery_data=''
- print_data=''
- battery_string=''
- charge=''
- model=''
- condition=''
- voltage=''
- name=''
- status=''
- present=''
- chemistry=''
- cycles=''
- voltage_min_design=''
- voltage_now=''
- power_now=''
- capacity=''
- capacity_level=''
- of_orig=''
- model=''
- company=''
- serial=''
- location='' # dmidecode only
- IFS=","
- a_battery_working=( ${A_BATTERY_DATA[i]} )
- bat_id="$(( $i + 1 ))"
- if [[ -n ${a_battery_working[10]} ]];then
- charge="${a_battery_working[10]} Wh "
- fi
- if [[ -n ${a_battery_working[11]} ]];then
- charge="$charge${a_battery_working[11]} "
- fi
- if [[ $charge == '' ]];then
- charge='N/A '
- fi
- charge="${C1}charge$SEP3${C2} $charge"
- if [[ -n ${a_battery_working[9]} ]];then
- condition="${a_battery_working[9]}"
- else
- condition='NA'
- fi
- if [[ -n ${a_battery_working[8]} ]];then
- condition="$condition/${a_battery_working[8]} Wh "
- else
- condition="$condition/NA Wh "
- fi
- if [[ -n ${a_battery_working[13]} ]];then
- condition="$condition(${a_battery_working[13]}) "
- fi
- if [[ $condition == '' ]];then
- condition='N/A '
- fi
- condition="${C1}condition$SEP3${C2} $condition"
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- if [[ -n ${a_battery_working[15]} ]];then
- model="${a_battery_working[15]} "
- fi
- if [[ -n ${a_battery_working[14]} ]];then
- model="$model${a_battery_working[14]} "
- fi
- if [[ $model == '' ]];then
- model='N/A '
- fi
- model="${C1}model$SEP3${C2} $model"
- if [[ -n ${a_battery_working[1]} ]];then
- status="${a_battery_working[1]} "
- else
- status="N/A "
- fi
- status="${C1}status$SEP3${C2} $status"
- fi
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- if [[ -n ${a_battery_working[16]} ]];then
- if [[ $B_OUTPUT_FILTER == 'true' ]];then
- else
- serial="${a_battery_working[16]} "
- fi
- else
- serial='N/A '
- fi
- serial="${C1}serial$SEP3${C2} $serial"
- if [[ -n ${a_battery_working[6]} ]];then
- voltage="${a_battery_working[6]}"
- fi
- if [[ -n ${a_battery_working[5]} ]];then
- if [[ $voltage == '' ]];then
- voltage='NA'
- fi
- voltage="$voltage/${a_battery_working[5]} "
- fi
- if [[ $voltage == '' ]];then
- voltage='NA '
- fi
- voltage="${C1}volts$SEP3${C2} $voltage"
- fi
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- if [[ -n ${a_battery_working[3]} ]];then
- chemistry="${a_battery_working[3]} "
- fi
- if [[ -n ${a_battery_working[4]} ]];then
- cycles="${C1}cycles$SEP3${C2} ${a_battery_working[4]} "
- fi
- # location is dmidecode only
- if [[ -n ${a_battery_working[17]} ]];then
- location="${C1}loc$SEP3${C2} ${a_battery_working[17]} "
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -n ${a_battery_working[15]} ]];then
- battery_string="${C1}${a_battery_working[0]}$SEP3${C2} $charge$condition"
- battery_data="$model$chemistry$serial$status$cycles$location"
- fi
- if [[ ${A_BATTERY_DATA[0]} == 'dmidecode-error-'* ]];then
- error_string=$( print_dmidecode_error 'bat' "${A_BATTERY_DATA[0]}" )
- battery_string=${C2}$error_string
- battery_data=''
- voltage=''
- fi
- if [[ -n $battery_string ]];then
- calculate_line_length "$battery_string$voltage$battery_data"
- if [[ $LINE_LENGTH -lt $COLS_INNER ]];then
- #echo one
- print_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$battery_string$voltage$battery_data" )
- print_screen_output "$print_data"
- # print the line
- else
- # keep the driver on the same line no matter what, looks weird alone on its own line
- if [[ $LINE_LENGTH -gt $COLS_INNER ]];then
- calculate_line_length "$battery_string$voltage"
- if [[ $LINE_LENGTH -gt $COLS_INNER ]];then
- print_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$battery_string" )
- print_screen_output "$print_data"
- line_starter=' '
- battery_string=''
- print_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$voltage" )
- print_screen_output "$print_data"
- voltage=''
- else
- print_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$battery_string$voltage" )
- print_screen_output "$print_data"
- line_starter=' '
- voltage=''
- battery_string=''
- fi
- #echo two
- if [[ $battery_data != '' ]];then
- print_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$battery_data" )
- print_screen_output "$print_data"
- fi
- else
- #echo three
- print_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$battery_string$voltage$battery_data" )
- print_screen_output "$print_data"
- fi
- fi
- line_starter=' '
- fi
- done
- elif [[ $B_SHOW_BATTERY_FORCED == 'true' ]];then
- print_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "No battery data found in /sys or dmidecode. Is one present?" )
- print_screen_output "$print_data"
- fi
- eval $LOGFE
- eval $LOGFS
- local cpu_data='' i='' cpu_clock_speed='' cpu_multi_clock_data='' a_cpu_info=''
- local bmip_data='' cpu_cache='' cpu_vendor='' cpu_flags='' flag_feature='flags'
- local a_cpu_working='' cpu_model='' cpu_clock='' cpu_null_error='' max_speed=''
- local cpc_plural='' cpu_count_print='' model_plural='' cpu_data_string=''
- local cpu_physical_count='' cpu_core_count='' cpu_core_alpha='' cpu_type=''
- local cpu_2_data='' working_cpu='' temp1='' per_cpu_cores='' current_max_clock_nu=''
- local line_starter="CPU:" multi_cpu_starter="${C1}clock speeds$SEP3${C2} "
- local speed_starter='speed' arch_data='' arm=' (ARM)' rev='' arch_cache='' cache_data=''
- local flags_bmip=''
- ##print_screen_output "A_CPU_DATA[0]=\"${A_CPU_DATA[0]}\""
- # Array A_CPU_DATA always has one extra element: max clockfreq found.
- # that's why its count is one more than you'd think from cores/cpus alone
- # load A_CPU_DATA
- get_cpu_data
- IFS=","
- a_cpu_working=(${A_CPU_DATA[0]})
- current_max_clock_nu=$(( ${#A_CPU_DATA[@]} - 1 ))
- a_cpu_info=(${A_CPU_DATA[$current_max_clock_nu]})
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- if [[ ${a_cpu_info[3]} != '' ]];then
- get_cpu_architecture "${a_cpu_info[3]}" "${a_cpu_info[4]}" "${a_cpu_info[5]}"
- # note: arm model names usually say what revision it is
- if [[ ${a_cpu_info[3]} != 'arm' && "${a_cpu_info[6]}" != '' ]];then
- if [[ -n "${ARCH/*rev*/}" ]];then
- rev=" rev.${a_cpu_info[6]}"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- if [[ $ARCH == '' ]];then
- ARCH='N/A'
- else
- arm='' # note: to avoid redundant output, only show this without -x option
- fi
- arch_data="${C1}arch$SEP3${C2} $ARCH$rev "
- fi
- # Strange (and also some expected) behavior encountered. If print_screen_output() uses $1
- # as the parameter to output to the screen, then passing "<text1> ${ARR[@]} <text2>"
- # will output only <text1> and first element of ARR. That "@" splits in elements and "*" _doesn't_,
- # is to be expected. However, that text2 is consecutively truncated is somewhat strange, so take note.
- # This has been confirmed by #bash on freenode.
- # The above mentioned only emerges when using the debugging markers below
- ## print_screen_output "a_cpu_working=\"***${a_cpu_working[@]} $hostName+++++++\"----------"
- # unless all these are null, process whatever you have
- if [[ -n ${a_cpu_working[0]} || -n ${a_cpu_working[1]} || -n ${a_cpu_working[2]} || -n ${a_cpu_working[3]} ]];then
- cpu_model="${a_cpu_working[0]}";
- ## assemble data for output
- cpu_clock="${a_cpu_working[1]}"
- cpu_vendor=${a_cpu_working[5]}
- get_cpu_core_count
- cpu_physical_count=${A_CPU_CORE_DATA[0]}
- cpu_core_count=${A_CPU_CORE_DATA[3]}
- cpu_core_alpha=${A_CPU_CORE_DATA[1]}
- cpu_type=${A_CPU_CORE_DATA[2]}
- if [[ $cpu_physical_count -gt 1 ]];then
- cpc_plural='(s)'
- cpu_count_print="$cpu_physical_count "
- model_plural='s'
- fi
- line_starter="CPU$cpc_plural:"
- if [[ -z $BSD_TYPE ]];then
- cpu_data_string="$cpu_count_print$cpu_core_alpha core"
- cpu_data="${C1}$cpu_data_string${C2} $cpu_model$model_plural ($cpu_type) "
- else
- if [[ $cpu_physical_count -gt 1 ]];then
- per_cpu_cores=$(($cpu_core_count/$cpu_physical_count))
- cpu_data_string="${C1}Cores$SEP3${C2} $cpu_core_count ($cpu_physical_count $per_cpu_cores core cpus) "
- else
- cpu_data_string="${C1}Cores$SEP3${C2} $cpu_core_count "
- fi
- if [[ -n $cpu_type ]];then
- cpu_type=" ($cpu_type)"
- fi
- cpu_data="$cpu_data_string${C1}model$SEP3${C2} $cpu_model$cpu_type "
- fi
- if [[ $B_SHOW_CPU == 'true' ]];then
- # update for multicore, bogomips x core count.
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- # if [[ $cpu_vendor != 'intel' ]];then
- # ARM may use the faked 1 cpucorecount to make this work
- # echo $cpu_core_count $cpu_physical_count
- if [[ -n ${a_cpu_working[4]} ]];then
- # new arm shows bad bogomip value, so don't use it
- if [[ ${a_cpu_working[4]%.*} -gt 50 ]];then
- bmip_data=$( calculate_multicore_data "${a_cpu_working[4]}" "$(( $cpu_core_count * $cpu_physical_count ))" )
- fi
- bmip_data=${bmip_data%.*}
- fi
- # else
- # bmip_data="${a_cpu_working[4]}"
- # fi
- # bogomips are a linux thing, but my guess is over time bsds will use them somewhere anyway
- if [[ -n $BSD_TYPE && -z $bmip_data ]];then
- bmip_data=''
- else
- bmip_data="${C1}bmips$SEP3${C2} $bmip_data "
- fi
- fi
- ## note: this handles how intel reports L2, total instead of per core like AMD does
- # note that we need to multiply by number of actual cpus here to get true cache size
- if [[ -n ${a_cpu_working[2]} ]];then
- if [[ -z $BSD_TYPE ]];then
- # AMD SOS chips appear to report full L2 cache per core
- if [[ "${a_cpu_info[3]}" == 'amd' ]] &&
- [[ "${a_cpu_info[4]}" == '14' || "${a_cpu_info[4]}" == '16' ]];then
- cpu_cache=$( calculate_multicore_data "${a_cpu_working[2]}" "$cpu_physical_count" )
- elif [[ $cpu_vendor != 'intel' ]];then
- cpu_cache=$( calculate_multicore_data "${a_cpu_working[2]}" "$(( $cpu_core_count * $cpu_physical_count ))" )
- else
- cpu_cache=$( calculate_multicore_data "${a_cpu_working[2]}" "$cpu_physical_count" )
- fi
- else
- cpu_cache=${a_cpu_working[2]}
- fi
- else
- cpu_cache='N/A'
- fi
- # only print shortened list
- if [[ $B_CPU_FLAGS_FULL != 'true' ]];then
- # gawk has already sorted this output, no flags returns -
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- cpu_flags=$( process_cpu_flags "${a_cpu_working[3]}" "${a_cpu_working[6]}" )
- cpu_flags="($cpu_flags)"
- if [[ ${a_cpu_working[6]} == 'true' ]];then
- flag_feature='features'
- fi
- cpu_flags="${C1}$flag_feature$SEP3${C2} $cpu_flags "
- fi
- fi
- # arm cpus do not have flags or cache
- if [[ ${a_cpu_working[6]} != 'true' ]];then
- cpu_data="$cpu_data${C2}"
- cache_data="${C1}cache$SEP3${C2} $cpu_cache "
- flags_bmip="$cpu_flags$bmip_data"
- else
- cpu_data="$cpu_data${C2}$arm $bmip_data"
- fi
- fi
- # we don't this printing out extra line unless > 1 cpu core
- if [[ ${#A_CPU_DATA[@]} -gt 2 && $B_SHOW_CPU == 'true' ]];then
- cpu_clock_speed='' # null < verbosity level 5
- else
- if [[ -z ${a_cpu_working[1]} ]];then
- if [[ -z ${cpu_data/*ARM*/} ]];then
- temp1="$arm"
- fi
- a_cpu_working[1]="N/A$temp1"
- else
- a_cpu_working[1]="${a_cpu_working[1]%.*} MHz"
- fi
- # this handles bsd case unless we get a way to get max/min cpu speeds
- if [[ ${a_cpu_info[0]} != 'N/A' && ${a_cpu_info[2]} != 0 ]];then
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' && ${#A_CPU_DATA[@]} -eq 2 &&
- $B_SHOW_CPU == 'true' && ${a_cpu_info[1]} != 0 ]];then
- a_cpu_working[1]="${a_cpu_info[0]}/${a_cpu_info[1]}/${a_cpu_info[2]} MHz"
- speed_starter='speed/min/max'
- else
- if [[ ${a_cpu_info[0]} == ${a_cpu_info[2]} ]];then
- a_cpu_working[1]="${a_cpu_info[0]} MHz (max)"
- else
- a_cpu_working[1]="${a_cpu_info[0]}/${a_cpu_info[2]} MHz"
- speed_starter='speed/max'
- fi
- fi
- fi
- cpu_clock_speed="${C1}$speed_starter$SEP3${C2} ${a_cpu_working[1]}"
- fi
- if [[ $B_CPU_FLAGS_FULL == 'true' ]];then
- cpu_2_data=""
- arch_cache="$arch_data$cache_data$bmip_data"
- else
- cpu_2_data="$flags_bmip$cpu_clock_speed"
- arch_cache="$arch_data$cache_data"
- fi
- else
- if [[ $BSD_TYPE == 'bsd' && $B_ROOT != 'true' ]];then
- cpu_null_error=' No permissions for sysctl use?'
- fi
- cpu_data="${C2}No CPU data available.$cpu_null_error"
- fi
-# echo $cpu_data $cpu_2_data
-# echo ln: $( calculate_line_length "$cpu_data $cpu_2_data" )
-# echo cpl: $( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$cpu_2_data" ):
-# echo icols: $COLS_INNER
-# echo tc: $TERM_COLUMNS
- # echo :${cpu_2_data}:
- calculate_line_length "$cpu_data $arch_cache"
- if [[ $LINE_LENGTH -gt $COLS_INNER ]];then
- #echo one
- cpu_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$cpu_data" )
- print_screen_output "$cpu_data"
- cpu_data=$( create_print_line " " "$arch_cache" )
- print_screen_output "$cpu_data"
- line_starter=' '
- cpu_data=''
- arch_cache=''
- fi
- calculate_line_length "$cpu_data$arch_cache$cpu_2_data"
- if [[ -n $cpu_2_data && $LINE_LENGTH -gt $COLS_INNER ]];then
- #echo two
- calculate_line_length "$cpu_data$arch_cache"
- if [[ $LINE_LENGTH -gt $COLS_INNER ]];then
- cpu_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$cpu_data" )
- print_screen_output "$cpu_data"
- else
- cpu_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$cpu_data$arch_cache" )
- print_screen_output "$cpu_data"
- arch_cache=''
- fi
- line_starter=' '
- cpu_data=$( create_print_line " " "$arch_cache$cpu_2_data" )
- print_screen_output "$cpu_data"
- else
- #echo three
- if [[ -n "$cpu_data$arch_cache$cpu_2_data" ]];then
- cpu_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$cpu_data$arch_cache$cpu_2_data" )
- print_screen_output "$cpu_data"
- fi
- fi
- # we don't do this printing out extra line unless > 1 cpu core
- # note the numbering, the last array item is the min/max/not found for cpu speeds
- if [[ ${#A_CPU_DATA[@]} -gt 2 && $B_SHOW_CPU == 'true' ]];then
- if [[ ${a_cpu_info[2]} != 0 ]];then
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' && ${a_cpu_info[1]} != 0 ]];then
- max_speed="${C1}min/max$SEP3${C2} ${a_cpu_info[1]}/${a_cpu_info[2]} MHz "
- else
- max_speed="${C1}max$SEP3${C2} ${a_cpu_info[2]} MHz "
- fi
- fi
- for (( i=0; i < ${#A_CPU_DATA[@]}-1; i++ ))
- do
- IFS=","
- a_cpu_working=(${A_CPU_DATA[i]})
- # note: the first iteration will create a first space, for color code separation below
- # someone actually appeared with a 16 core system, so going to stop the cpu core throttle
- # if this had some other purpose which we can't remember we'll add it back in
- #if [[ $i -gt 10 ]];then
- # break
- #fi
- # echo $(calculate_line_length "$multi_cpu_starter$SEP3 $cpu_multi_clock_data" )
- working_cpu="$max_speed${C1}$(( i + 1 ))$SEP3${C2} ${a_cpu_working[1]%.*} MHz "
- max_speed=''
- calculate_line_length "$multi_cpu_starter$cpu_multi_clock_data$working_cpu"
- if [[ -n $cpu_multi_clock_data && $LINE_LENGTH -gt $COLS_INNER ]];then
- cpu_multi_clock_data=$( create_print_line " " "$multi_cpu_starter$cpu_multi_clock_data" )
- print_screen_output "$cpu_multi_clock_data"
- multi_cpu_starter=''
- cpu_multi_clock_data="$working_cpu"
- else
- cpu_multi_clock_data="$cpu_multi_clock_data$working_cpu"
- fi
- done
- fi
- # print the last line if it exists after loop
- if [[ -n $cpu_multi_clock_data ]];then
- cpu_multi_clock_data=$( create_print_line " " "$multi_cpu_starter$cpu_multi_clock_data" )
- print_screen_output "$cpu_multi_clock_data"
- fi
- if [[ $B_CPU_FLAGS_FULL == 'true' ]];then
- print_cpu_flags_full "${a_cpu_working[3]}" "${a_cpu_working[6]}"
- fi
- eval $LOGFE
-# takes list of all flags, split them and prints x per line
-# args: $1 - cpu flag string; $2 - arm true/false
- eval $LOGFS
- # note: sort only sorts lines, not words in a string, so convert to lines
- local cpu_flags_full="$( echo $1 | tr " " "\n" | sort )"
- local a_cpu_flags='' line_starter='' temp_string=''
- local i=0 counter=0 starter_length=0 flag='' flag_data=''
- local line_length='' flag_feature='Flags' spacer='' flag_string=''
- if [[ $2 == 'true' ]];then
- flag_feature='Features'
- fi
- line_starter="CPU $flag_feature$SEP3"
- starter_length=$(( ${#line_starter} + 1 ))
- line_starter="${C1}$line_starter${C2} "
- line_length=$(( $COLS_INNER - $starter_length ))
- # build the flag line array
- for flag in $cpu_flags_full
- do
- temp_string="$flag_string$spacer$flag"
- spacer=' '
- # handle inner line starter
- if [[ $counter -gt 0 ]];then
- line_length=$COLS_INNER
- fi
- if [[ $line_length -ge ${#temp_string} ]];then
- flag_string=$temp_string
- else
- a_cpu_flags[$counter]=$flag_string
- flag_string=$flag
- (( counter++ ))
- fi
- temp_string=''
- done
- if [[ -n $flag_string ]];then
- a_cpu_flags[$counter]=$flag_string
- else
- a_cpu_flags[$counter]='No CPU flag data found.'
- fi
- # then print it out
- for (( i=0; i < ${#a_cpu_flags[@]};i++ ))
- do
- if [[ $i -gt 0 ]];then
- line_starter=''
- fi
- flag_data=$( create_print_line " " "$line_starter${a_cpu_flags[$i]}" )
- print_screen_output "$flag_data"
- done
- eval $LOGFE
-# args: $1 - type [sys/bat/default]; $2 - set_dmidecode_data error return
- eval $LOGFS
- local error_message='Unknown dmidecode error.'
- local sysDmiError='Using '
- if [[ $1 == 'sys' || $1 == 'bat' ]];then
- if [[ $B_FORCE_DMIDECODE == 'true' ]];then
- sysDmiError='Forcing '
- # dragonfly has /sys, but it's empty
- elif [[ $1 == 'sys' ]] && [[ $BSD_TYPE == '' || -d /sys/devices ]];then
- sysDmiError='No /sys/class/dmi; using '
- #elif [[ $1 == 'bat' ]] && [[ $BSD_TYPE == '' || -d /sys/devices ]];then
- # sysDmiError='No /sys/ battery; using '
- else
- sysDmiError='Using '
- fi
- fi
- if [[ $2 == 'dmidecode-error-requires-root' ]];then
- error_message="${sysDmiError}dmidecode: root required for dmidecode"
- elif [[ $2 == 'dmidecode-error-not-installed' ]];then
- error_message="${sysDmiError}dmidecode: dmidecode is not installed."
- elif [[ $2 == 'dmidecode-error-no-smbios-dmi-data' ]];then
- error_message="${sysDmiError}dmidecode: no smbios data. Old system?"
- elif [[ $2 == 'dmidecode-error-no-battery-data' ]];then
- error_message="${sysDmiError}dmidecode: no battery data."
- elif [[ $2 == 'dmidecode-error-unknown-error' ]];then
- error_message="${sysDmiError}dmidecode: unknown error occurred"
- fi
- echo $error_message
- eval $LOGFE
- eval $LOGFS
- local graphics_data='' card_id='' i='' root_alert='' root_x_string='' a_graphics_working=''
- local b_is_mesa='false' display_full_string='' card_bus_id='' card_data=''
- local res_tty='Resolution' xorg_data='' display_server_string='' chip_id='' sep_pci=''
- local spacer='' driver='' driver_string='' driver_plural='' direct_render_string=''
- local sep_loaded='' sep_unloaded='' sep_failed='' b_pci_driver='false' res_string=''
- local loaded='' unloaded='' failed='' display_server_string='' b_force_tty='false'
- local line_starter='Graphics:' part_1_data='' part_2_data='' b_advanced='true'
- local screen_resolution="$( get_graphics_res_data 'reg' )"
- get_graphics_display_server_data
- local display_vendor=${A_DISPLAY_SERVER_DATA[0]}
- local display_version=${A_DISPLAY_SERVER_DATA[1]}
- local display_server=${A_DISPLAY_SERVER_DATA[2]}
- local compositor=${A_DISPLAY_SERVER_DATA[3]} compositor_string=''
- # set A_GLX_DATA
- get_graphics_glx_data
- # oglr, oglv, dr, oglcpv, compatVersion
- local glx_renderer="${A_GLX_DATA[0]}"
- local glx_version="${A_GLX_DATA[1]}"
- # this can contain a long No case debugging message, so it's being sliced off
- # note: using grep -ioE '(No|Yes)' <<< ${A_GLX_DATA[2]} did not work in Arch, no idea why
- local direct_rendering=$( gawk '{print $1}' <<< "${A_GLX_DATA[2]}" )
- local glx_core_version="${A_GLX_DATA[3]}"
- local glx_compat_version_nu="${A_GLX_DATA[4]}"
- if [[ $BSD_TYPE == 'bsd' ]];then
- if [[ $B_PCICONF == 'true' ]];then
- if [[ $B_PCICONF_SET == 'false' ]];then
- set_pciconf_data
- fi
- get_pciconf_card_data 'display'
- elif [[ $B_LSPCI == 'true' ]];then
- get_graphics_card_data
- fi
- else
- get_graphics_card_data
- fi
- get_graphics_driver
- if [[ ${#A_GRAPHIC_DRIVERS[@]} -eq 0 ]];then
- driver=''
- b_pci_driver='true'
- else
- for (( i=0; i < ${#A_GRAPHIC_DRIVERS[@]}; i++ ))
- do
- IFS=","
- a_graphics_working=( ${A_GRAPHIC_DRIVERS[i]} )
- case ${a_graphics_working[1]} in
- loaded)
- loaded="$loaded$sep_loaded${a_graphics_working[0]}"
- sep_loaded=','
- ;;
- unloaded)
- unloaded="$unloaded$sep_unloaded${a_graphics_working[0]}"
- sep_unloaded=','
- ;;
- failed)
- failed="$failed$sep_failed${a_graphics_working[0]}"
- sep_failed=','
- ;;
- esac
- done
- fi
- if [[ -n $loaded ]];then
- driver="$driver $loaded"
- fi
- if [[ -n $unloaded ]];then
- driver="$driver (unloaded: $unloaded)"
- fi
- if [[ -n $failed ]];then
- driver="$driver ${RED}FAILED$SEP3${C2} $failed"
- fi
- # sometimes for some reason there is no driver found but the array is started
- if [[ -z $driver ]];then
- b_pci_driver='true'
- fi
- if [[ ${#A_GRAPHIC_DRIVERS[@]} -gt 1 ]];then
- driver_plural='s'
- fi
- # some basic error handling:
- if [[ -z $screen_resolution ]];then
- screen_resolution="$( get_graphics_res_data 'tty' )"
- if [[ -z $screen_resolution ]];then
- screen_resolution='N/A'
- else
- b_force_tty='true'
- fi
- fi
- # note: fix this, we may find a display server that has no version
- if [[ -z "${display_vendor// }" || -z "${display_version// }" ]];then
- display_server_string="N/A "
- else
- # note: sometimes display vendor has leading whitespace
- display_server_string="${display_vendor##*[ ]} $display_version "
- fi
- if [[ $display_server != '' ]];then
- display_server_string="$display_server ($display_server_string) "
- fi
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == '' && $compositor != '' ]] &&\
- [[ $display_server == 'wayland' || $display_server == 'mir' ]];then
- compositor_string="${C1}compositor$SEP3${C2} $compositor "
- fi
- if [[ $glx_renderer == '' && $B_ROOT == 'true' ]];then
- root_x_string='for root '
- b_advanced='false'
-# if [[ $B_IRC == 'false' || $B_CONSOLE_IRC == 'true' ]];then
-# res_tty='tty size'
-# fi
- fi
- if [[ $B_RUNNING_IN_DISPLAY != 'true' ]];then
- root_x_string="${root_x_string}out of X"
- res_tty='tty size'
- fi
- # || -n ${screen_resolution/*@*/}
- if [[ $b_force_tty == 'true' || $B_SHOW_DISPLAY_DATA != 'true' || $B_RUNNING_IN_DISPLAY != 'true' ]];then
- res_tty='tty size'
- fi
- if [[ -n $root_x_string ]];then
- root_x_string="${C1}Advanced Data$SEP3${C2} N/A $root_x_string"
- fi
- # note, this comes out with a count of 1 sometimes for null data
- if [[ ${A_GRAPHICS_CARD_DATA[0]} != '' ]];then
- for (( i=0; i < ${#A_GRAPHICS_CARD_DATA[@]}; i++ ))
- do
- IFS=","
- a_graphics_working=( ${A_GRAPHICS_CARD_DATA[i]} )
- card_bus_id=''
- card_data=${a_graphics_working[0]}
- if [[ $b_pci_driver == 'true' && ${a_graphics_working[2]} != '' ]];then
- if [[ $sep_pci == ',' ]];then
- driver_plural='s'
- else
- driver=' ' # front pad to match other matches
- fi
- driver=$driver$sep_pci${a_graphics_working[2]}
- sep_pci=','
- fi
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- if [[ -n ${a_graphics_working[1]} ]];then
- card_bus_id="${a_graphics_working[1]}"
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- if [[ $BSD_TYPE != 'bsd' ]];then
- chip_id=$( get_lspci_chip_id "${a_graphics_working[1]}" )
- else
- chip_id=${a_graphics_working[2]}
- fi
- fi
- else
- card_bus_id='N/A'
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -n $card_bus_id ]];then
- card_bus_id="${C1}bus-ID$SEP3${C2} $card_bus_id "
- fi
- if [[ -n $chip_id ]];then
- chip_id="${C1}chip-ID$SEP3${C2} $chip_id"
- fi
- if [[ ${#A_GRAPHICS_CARD_DATA[@]} -gt 1 ]];then
- card_id="-$(($i+1))"
- fi
+sub set_pci_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ if ( $b_pci ){
+ if (!$bsd_type){
+ if ($alerts{'lspci'}{'action'} eq 'use' ){
+ set_lspci_data();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ #if (1 == 1){
+ if ($alerts{'pciconf'}{'action'} eq 'use'){
+ set_pciconf_data();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+# 0 type
+# 1 type_id
+# 2 bus_id
+# 3 sub_id
+# 4 device
+# 5 vendor_id
+# 6 chip_id
+# 7 rev
+# 8 port
+# 9 driver
+# 10 modules
+# 11 driver_nu [bsd, like: em0 - driver em; nu 0. Used to match IF in -n
+sub set_lspci_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($busid,$busid_nu,$content,$port,$driver,$modules,$device,$vendor_id,$chip_id,$rev,
+ $type,$type_id,@pcis,@temp);
+ # my @pcis = grabber('lspci -nnv','\n','strip');
+ my $path = check_program('lspci');
+ $content = qx($path -nnv 2>/dev/null) if $path;
+ @pcis = split /\n/, $content if $content;
+ #print scalar @pcis;
+ @pcis = map {$_ =~ s/^\s+//; $_} @pcis if @pcis;
+ foreach (@pcis){
+ #print "$_\n";
+ if ($device){
+ if ($_ =~ /^\s*$/) {
+ @temp = ($type,$type_id,$busid,$busid_nu,$device,$vendor_id,$chip_id,
+ $rev,$port,$driver,$modules);
+ @pci = (@pci,[@temp]);
+ $device = '';
+ #print "$busid $device_id r:$rev p: $port\n$type\n$device\n";
+ }
+ elsif ($_ =~ /^I\/O\sports/){
+ $port = (split /\s+/,$_)[3];
+ #print "p:$port\n";
+ }
+ elsif ($_ =~ /^Kernel\sdriver\sin\suse/){
+ $driver = (split /:\s*/,$_)[1];
+ }
+ elsif ($_ =~ /^Kernel\smodules/i){
+ $modules = (split /:\s*/,$_)[1];
+ }
- part_1_data="${C1}Card$card_id$SEP3${C2} $card_data "
- part_2_data="$card_bus_id$chip_id"
+ }
+ elsif ($_ =~ /^([0-9a-f]{2}:[0-9a-f]{2})[.:]([0-9a-f]+)\s(.*)\s\[([0-9a-f]{4}):([0-9a-f]{4})\](\s\(rev\s([^\)]+)\))?/){
+ $busid = $1;
+ $busid_nu = hex($2);
+ my @working = split /:\s+/, $3;
+ $device = $working[1];
+ $type = $working[0];
+ $vendor_id = $4;
+ $chip_id = $5;
+ $rev = ($7)?$7 : '';
+ $device = cleaner($device);
+ $working[0] =~ /\[([^\]]+)\]$/;
+ $type_id = $1;
+ $type = lc($type);
+ $type = pci_cleaner($type,'pci');
+ $type =~ s/\s+$//;
+ $port = '';
+ $driver = '';
+ $modules = '';
+ }
+ }
+ if ($device && $busid){
+ @temp = ($type,$type_id,$busid,$busid_nu,$device,$vendor_id,$chip_id,$rev,$port,$driver,$modules);
+ @pci = (@pci,[@temp]);
+ $device = '';
+ }
+ print Dumper \@pci if $test[4];
+ main::log_data('dump','@pci',\@pci) if $b_log;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+# em0@pci0:6:0:0: class=0x020000 card=0x10d315d9 chip=0x10d38086 rev=0x00 hdr=0x00
+# vendor = 'Intel Corporation'
+# device = 'Intel 82574L Gigabit Ethernet Controller (82574L)'
+# class = network
+# subclass = ethernet
+sub set_pciconf_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($busid,$busid_nu,$content,$port,$driver,$driver_nu,$modules,$device,$vendor,
+ $vendor_id,$chip_id,$rev,$type,$type_id,@data,@temp,@working);
+# my $file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/pciconf/pci-freebsd-8.2-2";
+# open my $fh, '<', $file or die "can't open $file: $!";
+# chomp(@data = <$fh>);
+ my $path = check_program('pciconf');
+ $content = qx($path -lv 2>/dev/null) if $path;
+ @data = split /\n/, $content if $content;
+ foreach (@data){
+ if ($_ =~ /^[^@]+\@pci/){
+ push @working, '';
+ }
+ $_ =~ s/^\s+//;
+ push @working, $_;
+ }
+ foreach (@working){
+ if ($driver){
+ if ($_ =~ /^\s*$/) {
+ $vendor = cleaner($vendor);
+ $device = cleaner($device);
+ if ($vendor && $device){
+ if ($vendor !~ /$device/i){
+ $device = "$vendor $device";
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (!$device){
+ $device = $vendor;
+ }
+ @temp = ($type,$type_id,$busid,$busid_nu,$device,$vendor_id,$chip_id,
+ $rev,$port,$driver,$modules,$driver_nu);
+ @pci = (@pci,[@temp]);
+ $driver = '';
+ #print "$busid $device_id r:$rev p: $port\n$type\n$device\n";
+ }
+ elsif ($_ =~ /^vendor/){
+ $vendor = (split /\s+=\s+/,$_)[1];
+ #print "p:$port\n";
+ }
+ elsif ($_ =~ /^device/){
+ $device = (split /\s+=\s+/,$_)[1];
+ }
+ elsif ($_ =~ /^class/i){
+ $type = (split /\s+=\s+/,$_)[1];
+ }
- if [[ ${#A_GRAPHICS_CARD_DATA[@]} -gt 1 ]];then
- calculate_line_length "$part_1_data$part_2_data"
- if [[ $LINE_LENGTH -gt $COLS_INNER ]];then
- graphics_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$part_1_data" )
- print_screen_output "$graphics_data"
- part_1_data=''
- line_starter=' '
- fi
- if [[ -n $( grep -vE '^[[:space:]]*$' <<< $part_1_data$part_2_data ) ]];then
- graphics_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$part_1_data$part_2_data" )
- print_screen_output "$graphics_data"
- fi
- part_1_data=''
- part_2_data=''
- line_starter=' '
- graphics_data=''
- fi
- done
- # handle cases where card detection fails, like in PS3, where lspci gives no output, or headless boxes..
- else
- part_1_data="${C1}Card$SEP3${C2} Failed to Detect Video Card! "
- fi
- # Print cards if not dual card system
- if [[ -n $part_1_data$part_2_data ]];then
- calculate_line_length "$part_1_data$part_2_data"
- if [[ $LINE_LENGTH -gt $COLS_INNER ]];then
- graphics_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$part_1_data" )
- print_screen_output "$graphics_data"
- part_1_data=''
- line_starter=' '
- fi
- if [[ -n $( grep -vE '^[[:space:]]*$' <<< $part_1_data$part_2_data ) ]];then
- graphics_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$part_1_data$part_2_data" )
- print_screen_output "$graphics_data"
- fi
- fi
- line_starter=' '
- graphics_data=''
- if [[ $driver == '' ]];then
- driver=' N/A'
- fi
- res_string="${C1}$res_tty$SEP3${C2} $screen_resolution "
- display_server_string="${C1}Display Server${SEP3}${C2} $display_server_string$compositor_string"
- driver_string="${C1}driver$driver_plural$SEP3${C2}$driver "
- part_2_data="$res_string$root_x_string"
- calculate_line_length "$display_server_string$driver_string$part_2_data"
- if [[ $LINE_LENGTH -gt $COLS_INNER ]];then
- calculate_line_length "$display_server_string$driver_string"
- if [[ $LINE_LENGTH -gt $COLS_INNER ]];then
- #echo one
- graphics_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$display_server_string" )
- print_screen_output "$graphics_data"
- graphics_data=$( create_print_line " " "$driver_string" )
- print_screen_output "$graphics_data"
- else
- #echo two
- graphics_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$display_server_string$driver_string" )
- print_screen_output "$graphics_data"
- fi
- line_starter=' '
- display_server_string=''
- driver_string=''
- else
- #echo three
- graphics_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$display_server_string$driver_string$part_2_data" )
- print_screen_output "$graphics_data"
- line_starter=' '
- display_server_string=''
- driver_string=''
- part_2_data=''
- fi
- graphics_data=$display_server_string$driver_string$part_2_data
- if [[ -n "${graphics_data// }" ]];then
- #echo four
- graphics_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$display_server_string$driver_string$part_2_data" )
- print_screen_output "$graphics_data"
- line_starter=' '
- fi
- # if [[ -z $glx_renderer || -z $glx_version ]];then
- # b_is_mesa='true'
- # fi
- ## note: if glx render or display_version have no content, then mesa is true
- # if [[ $B_SHOW_DISPLAY_DATA == 'true' ]] && [[ $b_is_mesa != 'true' ]];then
- # if [[ $B_SHOW_DISPLAY_DATA == 'true' && $B_ROOT != 'true' ]];then
- if [[ $B_SHOW_DISPLAY_DATA == 'true' && $b_advanced == 'true' ]];then
- if [[ -z $glx_renderer ]];then
- glx_renderer='N/A'
- fi
- if [[ -z $glx_version ]];then
- glx_version='N/A'
- else
- # non free drivers once filtered and cleaned show the same for core and compat
- if [[ -n $glx_core_version && $glx_core_version != $glx_version ]];then
- glx_version=$glx_core_version
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- if [[ $glx_compat_version_nu != '' ]];then
- glx_version="$glx_version (compat-v$SEP3 $glx_compat_version_nu)"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -z $direct_rendering ]];then
- direct_rendering='N/A'
- fi
- if [[ $B_HANDLE_CORRUPT_DATA == 'true' || $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- direct_render_string=" ${C1}Direct Render$SEP3${C2} $direct_rendering"
- fi
- part_1_data="${C1}OpenGL$SEP3 renderer$SEP3${C2} $glx_renderer "
- part_2_data="${C1}version$SEP3${C2} $glx_version$direct_render_string"
- # echo $line_starter
- calculate_line_length "$part_1_data$part_2_data"
- if [[ $LINE_LENGTH -gt $COLS_INNER ]];then
- graphics_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$part_1_data" )
- print_screen_output "$graphics_data"
- part_1_data=''
- line_starter=' '
- fi
- if [[ -n $part_1_data$part_2_data ]];then
- graphics_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$part_1_data$part_2_data" )
- print_screen_output "$graphics_data"
- fi
- fi
- eval $LOGFE
- eval $LOGFS
- local hdd_data='' hdd_data_2='' a_hdd_working='' hdd_temp_data='' hdd_string=''
- local hdd_serial='' dev_string='/dev/' firmware_rev=''
- local dev_data='' size_data='' hdd_model='' usb_data='' hdd_name=''
- local Line_Starter='Drives:' # inherited by print_optical_drives
- # load A_HDD_DATA - this will also populate the full bsd disk data array values
- get_hdd_data_basic
- ## note: if hdd_model is declared prior to use, whatever string you want inserted will
- ## be inserted first. In this case, it's desirable to print out (x) before each disk found.
- local a_hdd_data_count=$(( ${#A_HDD_DATA[@]} - 1 ))
- IFS=","
- local a_hdd_basic_working=( ${A_HDD_DATA[$a_hdd_data_count]} )
- local hdd_capacity="${a_hdd_basic_working[0]}"
- local hdd_used=${a_hdd_basic_working[1]}
- local bsd_error="No HDD Info. $FILE_DMESG_BOOT not readable?"
- local hdd_name_temp='' part_1_data='' part_2_data=''
- local row_starter="${C1}HDD Total Size$SEP3${C2} $hdd_capacity ($hdd_used) "
- # in bsd, /dev/wd0c is disk id
- if [[ -n $BSD_TYPE ]];then
- dev_string=''
- fi
- if [[ $B_SHOW_BASIC_DISK == 'true' || $B_SHOW_DISK == 'true' ]];then
- ## note: the output part of this should be in the print hdd data function, not here
- get_hard_drive_data_advanced
- # temporary message to indicate not yet supported
- if [[ $BSD_TYPE == 'bsd' && -z $DMESG_BOOT_DATA ]];then
- hdd_data=$bsd_error
- hdd_data=$( create_print_line "$Line_Starter" "$hdd_data" )
- print_screen_output "$hdd_data"
- Line_Starter=' '
- else
- for (( i=0; i < ${#A_HDD_DATA[@]} - 1; i++ ))
- do
- # this adds the (x) numbering in front of each disk found, and creates the full disk string
- IFS=","
- a_hdd_working=( ${A_HDD_DATA[i]} )
- if [[ $B_SHOW_DISK == 'true' ]];then
- if [[ -n ${a_hdd_working[3]} ]];then
- usb_data="${a_hdd_working[3]} "
- else
- usb_data=''
- fi
- size_data=" ${C1}size$SEP3${C2} ${a_hdd_working[1]}"
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- hdd_temp_data=${a_hdd_working[5]}
- # error handling is done in get data function
- if [[ -n $hdd_temp_data ]];then
- hdd_temp_data="${C1}temp$SEP3${C2} ${hdd_temp_data}C "
- else
- hdd_temp_data=''
- fi
- fi
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- if [[ -n ${a_hdd_working[4]} ]];then
- if [[ $B_OUTPUT_FILTER == 'true' ]];then
- hdd_serial=$FILTER_STRING
- else
- hdd_serial=${a_hdd_working[4]}
- fi
- else
- hdd_serial='N/A'
- fi
- hdd_serial="${C1}serial$SEP3${C2} $hdd_serial "
- if [[ -n ${a_hdd_working[6]} ]];then
- firmware_rev=${a_hdd_working[6]}
- firmware_rev="${C1}firmware$SEP3${C2} $firmware_rev "
- else
- firmware_rev=''
- fi
- fi
- dev_data="$dev_string${a_hdd_working[0]} "
- fi
- if [[ -n ${a_hdd_working[2]} ]];then
- hdd_name_temp=${a_hdd_working[2]}
- else
- hdd_name_temp='N/A'
- fi
- # echo "loop: $i"
- hdd_name="${C1}model$SEP3${C2} $hdd_name_temp"
- hdd_string="${C1}ID-$((i+1))$SEP3${C2} $usb_data$dev_data$hdd_name$size_data"
- part_1_data="$hdd_model$hdd_string "
- part_2_data="$hdd_serial$hdd_temp_data$firmware_rev"
- ## Forcing the capacity to print on its own row, and the first drive on its own
- ## then each disk prints on its own line, or two lines, depending on console/output width
- if [[ $i -eq 0 ]];then
- #if [[ $( calculate_line_length "$row_starter$part_1_data" ) -gt 80 ]];then
- if [[ -n $row_starter ]];then
- hdd_data=$( create_print_line "$Line_Starter" "$row_starter" )
- print_screen_output "$hdd_data"
- #echo 0
- Line_Starter=' '
- row_starter=''
- fi
- calculate_line_length "$part_1_data$part_2_data"
- if [[ $LINE_LENGTH -gt $COLS_INNER ]];then
- hdd_data=$( create_print_line "$Line_Starter" "$part_1_data" )
- print_screen_output "$hdd_data"
- part_1_data=''
- hdd_data=$( create_print_line "$Line_Starter" "$part_2_data" )
- print_screen_output "$hdd_data"
- part_2_data=''
- else
- hdd_data=$( create_print_line "$Line_Starter" "$part_1_data$part_2_data" )
- print_screen_output "$hdd_data"
- part_1_data=''
- part_2_data=''
- fi
- #echo 1
- #else
- # hdd_data=$( create_print_line "$Line_Starter" "$row_starter$part_1_data" )
- # print_screen_output "$hdd_data"
- # Line_Starter=' '
- # row_starter=''
- # part_1_data=''
- #echo 2
- #fi
- else
- calculate_line_length "$part_1_data$part_2_data"
- if [[ $LINE_LENGTH -gt $COLS_INNER ]];then
- hdd_data=$( create_print_line "$Line_Starter" "$part_1_data" )
- print_screen_output "$hdd_data"
- part_1_data=''
- hdd_data=$( create_print_line "$Line_Starter" "$part_2_data" )
- print_screen_output "$hdd_data"
- part_2_data=''
- else
- hdd_data=$( create_print_line "$Line_Starter" "$part_1_data$part_2_data" )
- print_screen_output "$hdd_data"
- part_1_data=''
- part_2_data=''
- fi
- fi
- # calculate_line_length "$part_2_data$part_1_data"
-# if [[ $LINE_LENGTH -gt $COLS_INNER ]];then
-# if [[ -n $( grep -vE '^[[:space:]]*$' <<< $part_2_data ) ]];then
-# hdd_data=$( create_print_line "$Line_Starter" "$part_2_data" )
-# print_screen_output "$hdd_data"
-# #echo 3
-# Line_Starter=' '
-# #row_starter=''
-# part_2_data=''
-# fi
-# hdd_data=$( create_print_line "$Line_Starter" "$part_1_data" )
-# print_screen_output "$hdd_data"
-# part_1_data=''
-# #echo 4
-# elif [[ -n $part_2_data && \
-# $( calculate_line_length "$part_2_data$part_1_data" ) -le $COLS_INNER ]];then
-# hdd_data=$( create_print_line "$Line_Starter" "$part_2_data$part_1_data" )
-# print_screen_output "$hdd_data"
-# #echo 3
-# Line_Starter=' '
-# #row_starter=''
-# part_1_data=''
-# part_2_data=''
-# else
-# part_2_data=$part_1_data
-# fi
- done
- # then print any leftover items
-# if [[ -n $part_2_data ]];then
-# hdd_data=$( create_print_line "$Line_Starter" "$part_2_data" )
-# print_screen_output "$hdd_data"
-# #echo 5
-# fi
- fi
- else
- hdd_data="$row_starter"
- hdd_data=$( create_print_line "$Line_Starter" "$hdd_data" )
- print_screen_output "$hdd_data"
- Line_Starter=' '
- fi
- if [[ $B_SHOW_FULL_OPTICAL == 'true' || $B_SHOW_BASIC_OPTICAL == 'true' ]];then
- print_optical_drive_data
- fi
- eval $LOGFE
- eval $LOGFS
- local info_data='' line_starter='Info:' runlvl_default='' runlvl='' runlvl_title='runlevel'
- local init_data='' init_type='' init_version='' rc_type='' rc_version=''
- local client_data='' shell_data='' shell_parent='' tty_session=''
- local processes=$(( $( wc -l <<< "$Ps_aux_Data" ) - 1 ))
- if [[ -z $UP_TIME ]];then
- UP_TIME='N/A - missing uptime?'
- fi
- get_memory_data
- get_uptime
- get_patch_version_string
- local gcc_installed='' gcc_others='' closing_data=''
- if [[ -z $MEMORY ]];then
- fi
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- get_gcc_system_version
- if [[ ${#A_GCC_VERSIONS[@]} -gt 0 ]];then
- if [[ -n ${A_GCC_VERSIONS[0]} ]];then
- gcc_installed=${A_GCC_VERSIONS[0]}
- else
- gcc_installed='N/A'
- fi
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' && -n ${A_GCC_VERSIONS[1]} ]];then
- # gcc_others=" ${C1}alt$SEP3${C2} $( tr ',' '/' <<< ${A_GCC_VERSIONS[1]} )"
- gcc_others=" ${C1}alt$SEP3${C2} ${A_GCC_VERSIONS[1]//,//}"
- fi
- gcc_installed="${C1}Gcc sys$SEP3${C2} $gcc_installed$gcc_others "
- fi
- fi
- if [[ $B_IRC == 'false' ]];then
- shell_data=$( get_shell_data )
- if [[ -n $shell_data ]];then
- # note, if you start this in tty, it will give 'login' as the parent, which we don't want.
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- if [[ $B_RUNNING_IN_DISPLAY != 'true' ]];then
- shell_parent=$( get_tty_number )
- shell_parent="tty $shell_parent"
- else
- shell_parent=$( get_shell_parent )
- fi
- if [[ $shell_parent == 'login' ]];then
- shell_parent=''
- elif [[ -n $shell_parent ]];then
- shell_parent=" running in ${shell_parent##*/}"
- fi
- fi
- IRC_CLIENT="$IRC_CLIENT ($shell_data$shell_parent)"
- fi
- fi
- # Some code could look superfluous but BitchX doesn't like lines not ending in a newline. F*&k that bitch!
- # long_last=$( echo -ne "${C1}Processes$SEP3${C2} $processes${CN} | ${C1}Uptime$SEP3${C2} $UP_TIME${CN} | ${C1}Memory$SEP3${C2} $MEM${CN}" )
- info_data="${C1}Processes$SEP3${C2} $processes ${C1}Uptime$SEP3${C2} $UP_TIME ${C1}Memory$SEP3${C2} $MEMORY "
- # this only triggers if no X data is present or if extra data switch is on
- if [[ $B_SHOW_DISPLAY_DATA != 'true' || $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- get_init_data
- if [[ ${A_INIT_DATA[0]} == 'systemd' && -z $( grep -E '^[0-9]$' <<< ${A_INIT_DATA[4]} ) ]];then
- runlvl_title='target'
- fi
- init_type=${A_INIT_DATA[0]}
- if [[ -z $init_type ]];then
- init_type='N/A'
- fi
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- init_version=${A_INIT_DATA[1]}
- if [[ -z $init_version ]];then
- init_version='N/A'
- fi
- init_version=" ${C1}v$SEP3${C2} $init_version"
- rc_version=${A_INIT_DATA[3]}
- if [[ -n $rc_version ]];then
- rc_version="${C1}v$SEP3${C2} $rc_version "
- fi
- runlvl_default=${A_INIT_DATA[5]}
- fi
- # currently only using openrc here, otherwise show nothing
- rc_type=${A_INIT_DATA[2]}
- if [[ -n $rc_type ]];then
- rc_type="${C1}rc$SEP3${C2} $rc_type $rc_version"
- fi
- init_type="${C1}Init$SEP3${C2} $init_type$init_version "
- runlvl=${A_INIT_DATA[4]}
- if [[ -n $runlvl ]];then
- runlvl="${C1}$runlvl_title$SEP3${C2} $runlvl "
- fi
- if [[ -n $runlvl_default ]];then
- runlvl_default="${C1}default$SEP3${C2} $runlvl_default "
- fi
- init_data="$init_type$rc_type$runlvl$runlvl_default"
- fi
- if [[ $SHOW_IRC -gt 0 ]];then
- client_data="${C1}Client$SEP3${C2} $IRC_CLIENT$IRC_CLIENT_VERSION "
- fi
- # info_data="$info_data"
- closing_data="$client_data${C1}$SELF_NAME$SEP3${C2} $SELF_VERSION$SELF_PATCH"
- # sometimes gcc is very long, and default runlevel can be long with systemd, so create a gcc-less line first
- calculate_line_length "$info_data$init_data$gcc_installed"
- if [[ $LINE_LENGTH -gt $COLS_INNER ]];then
- # info_data=$info_data
- info_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$info_data" )
- print_screen_output "$info_data"
- info_data=''
- # closing_data=''
- line_starter=' '
- #echo 1
- fi
- calculate_line_length "$init_data$gcc_installed"
- if [[ $LINE_LENGTH -gt $COLS_INNER ]];then
- info_data=$init_data
- info_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$info_data" )
- print_screen_output "$info_data"
- info_data=''
- init_data=''
- line_starter=' '
- #echo 2
- fi
- calculate_line_length "$info_data$init_data$gcc_installed$closing_data"
- if [[ $LINE_LENGTH -gt $COLS_INNER ]];then
- info_data=$info_data$init_data$gcc_installed
- info_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$info_data" )
- print_screen_output "$info_data"
- info_data=''
- gcc_installed=''
- init_data=''
- line_starter=' '
- #echo 3
- fi
- info_data="$info_data$init_data$gcc_installed$closing_data"
- info_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$info_data" )
- if [[ $SCHEME -gt 0 ]];then
- info_data="$info_data ${NORMAL}"
- fi
- print_screen_output "$info_data"
- eval $LOGFE
+ }
+ elsif (/^([^@]+)\@pci([0-9]{1,3}:[0-9]{1,3}:[0-9]{1,3}):([0-9]{1,3}).*class=([^\s]+)\scard=([^\s]+)\schip=([^\s]+)\srev=([^\s]+)/){
+ $driver = $1;
+ $busid = $2;
+ $busid_nu = $3;
+ $type_id = $4;
+ #$vendor_id = $5;
+ $vendor_id = substr($6,6,4);
+ $chip_id = substr($6,2,4);
+ $rev = $7;
+ $vendor = '';
+ $device = '';
+ $type = '';
+ $driver =~ /(^[a-z]+)([0-9]+$)/;
+ $driver = $1;
+ $driver_nu = $2;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($driver && $busid){
+ $vendor = cleaner($vendor);
+ $device = cleaner($device);
+ $device = ( $vendor && $device !~ /$vendor/) ? "$vendor $device" : $device;
+ @temp = ($type,$type_id,$busid,$busid_nu,$device,$vendor_id,$chip_id,$rev,$port,$driver,$modules,$driver_nu);
+ @pci = (@pci,[@temp]);
+ $device = '';
+ }
+ print Dumper \@pci if $test[4];
+ main::log_data('dump','@pci',\@pci) if $b_log;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
- eval $LOGFS
- local system_line='' mobo_line='' bios_line='' chassis_line='' #firmware_type='BIOS'
- local mobo_vendor='' mobo_model='' mobo_version='' mobo_serial=''
- local bios_vendor='' bios_version='' bios_date='' bios_rom='' error_string=''
- local system_vendor='' product_name='' product_version='' product_serial='' product_uuid=''
- local chassis_vendor='' chassis_type='' chassis_version='' chassis_serial=''
- local b_skip_system='false' b_skip_chassis='false'
- local sysDmiNull='No /sys/class/dmi machine data: try newer kernel, or install dmidecode'
- local device=$(get_device_data)
- get_machine_data
- IFS=','
- ## keys for machine data are:
- # 0-sys_vendor 1-product_name 2-product_version 3-product_serial 4-product_uuid
- # 5-board_vendor 6-board_name 7-board_version 8-board_serial
- # 9-bios_vendor 10-bios_version 11-bios_date
- ## with extra data:
- # 12-chassis_vendor 13-chassis_type 14-chassis_version 15-chassis_serial
- ## unused: 16-firmware_revision 17-firmware_romsize
- #
- # a null array always has a count of 1
- if [[ ${#A_MACHINE_DATA[@]} -gt 1 ]];then
- # note: in some case a mobo/version will match a product name/version, do not print those
- # but for laptops, or even falsely id'ed desktops with batteries, let's print it all if it matches
- # there can be false id laptops if battery appears so need to make sure system is filled
- if [[ -z ${A_MACHINE_DATA[0]} ]];then
- b_skip_system='true'
- else
- if [[ $B_POSSIBLE_PORTABLE != 'true' ]];then
- # ibm / ibm can be true; dell / quantum is false, so in other words, only do this
- # in case where the vendor is the same and the version is the same and not null,
- # otherwise the version information is going to be different in all cases I think
- if [[ -n ${A_MACHINE_DATA[0]} && ${A_MACHINE_DATA[0]} == ${A_MACHINE_DATA[5]} ]];then
- if [[ -n ${A_MACHINE_DATA[2]} && ${A_MACHINE_DATA[2]} == ${A_MACHINE_DATA[7]} ]] || \
- [[ -z ${A_MACHINE_DATA[2]} && ${A_MACHINE_DATA[1]} == ${A_MACHINE_DATA[6]} ]];then
- b_skip_system='true'
- fi
- fi
- fi
- fi
- # no point in showing chassis if system isn't there, it's very unlikely that would be correct
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' && $b_skip_system != 'true' ]];then
- if [[ -n ${A_MACHINE_DATA[7]} && ${A_MACHINE_DATA[14]} == ${A_MACHINE_DATA[7]} ]];then
- b_skip_chassis='true'
- fi
- if [[ -n ${A_MACHINE_DATA[12]} && $b_skip_chassis != 'true' ]];then
- # no need to print the vendor string again if it's the same
- if [[ ${A_MACHINE_DATA[12]} != ${A_MACHINE_DATA[0]} ]];then
- chassis_vendor=" ${A_MACHINE_DATA[12]}"
- fi
- if [[ -n ${A_MACHINE_DATA[13]} ]];then
- chassis_type=" ${C1}type$SEP3${C2} ${A_MACHINE_DATA[13]}"
- fi
- if [[ -n ${A_MACHINE_DATA[14]} ]];then
- chassis_version=" ${C1}v$SEP3${C2} ${A_MACHINE_DATA[14]}"
- fi
- if [[ -n ${A_MACHINE_DATA[15]} ]];then
- if [[ $B_OUTPUT_FILTER == 'true' ]];then
- chassis_serial=$FILTER_STRING
- else
- chassis_serial=${A_MACHINE_DATA[15]}
- fi
- else
- chassis_serial='N/A'
- fi
- chassis_serial=" ${C1}serial$SEP3${C2} $chassis_serial"
- if [[ -n "$chassis_vendor$chassis_type$chassis_version$chassis_serial" ]];then
- chassis_line="${C1}Chassis$SEP3${C2}$chassis_vendor$chassis_type$chassis_version$chassis_serial"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- # echo ${A_MACHINE_DATA[@]}
- if [[ -n ${A_MACHINE_DATA[18]} ]];then
- firmware_type=${A_MACHINE_DATA[18]}
- fi
- if [[ -n ${A_MACHINE_DATA[5]} ]];then
- mobo_vendor=${A_MACHINE_DATA[5]}
- else
- mobo_vendor='N/A'
- fi
- if [[ -n ${A_MACHINE_DATA[6]} ]];then
- mobo_model=${A_MACHINE_DATA[6]}
- else
- mobo_model='N/A'
- fi
- if [[ -n ${A_MACHINE_DATA[7]} ]];then
- mobo_version=" ${C1}v$SEP3${C2} ${A_MACHINE_DATA[7]}"
- fi
- if [[ -n ${A_MACHINE_DATA[8]} ]];then
- if [[ $B_OUTPUT_FILTER == 'true' ]];then
- mobo_serial=$FILTER_STRING
- else
- mobo_serial=${A_MACHINE_DATA[8]}
- fi
- else
- mobo_serial='N/A'
- fi
- mobo_serial=" ${C1}serial$SEP3${C2} $mobo_serial"
- if [[ -n ${A_MACHINE_DATA[9]} ]];then
- bios_vendor=${A_MACHINE_DATA[9]}
- else
- bios_vendor='N/A'
- fi
- if [[ -n ${A_MACHINE_DATA[10]} ]];then
- bios_version=${A_MACHINE_DATA[10]}
- if [[ -n ${A_MACHINE_DATA[16]} ]];then
- bios_version="$bios_version rv ${A_MACHINE_DATA[16]}"
- fi
- else
- bios_version='N/A'
- fi
- if [[ -n ${A_MACHINE_DATA[11]} ]];then
- bios_date=${A_MACHINE_DATA[11]}
- else
- bios_date='N/A'
- fi
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' && -n ${A_MACHINE_DATA[17]} ]];then
- bios_rom=" ${C1}rom size$SEP3${C2} ${A_MACHINE_DATA[17]}"
- fi
- mobo_line="${C1}Mobo$SEP3${C2} $mobo_vendor ${C1}model$SEP3${C2} $mobo_model$mobo_version$mobo_serial"
- bios_line="${C1}$firmware_type$SEP3${C2} $bios_vendor ${C1}v$SEP3${C2} $bios_version ${C1}date$SEP3${C2} $bios_date$bios_rom"
- calculate_line_length "$mobo_line$bios_line"
- if [[ $LINE_LENGTH -lt $COLS_INNER ]];then
- mobo_line="$mobo_line $bios_line"
- bios_line=''
- fi
- if [[ $b_skip_system == 'true' ]];then
- system_line="${C1}Device$SEP3${C2} $device $mobo_line"
- mobo_line=''
- else
- # this has already been tested for above so we know it's not null
- system_vendor=${A_MACHINE_DATA[0]}
- if [[ -n ${A_MACHINE_DATA[1]} ]];then
- product_name=${A_MACHINE_DATA[1]}
- else
- product_name='N/A'
- fi
- if [[ -n ${A_MACHINE_DATA[2]} ]];then
- product_version=" ${C1}v$SEP3${C2} ${A_MACHINE_DATA[2]}"
- fi
- if [[ -n ${A_MACHINE_DATA[3]} ]];then
- if [[ $B_OUTPUT_FILTER == 'true' ]];then
- product_serial=$FILTER_STRING
- else
- product_serial=${A_MACHINE_DATA[3]}
- fi
- else
- product_serial='N/A'
- fi
- product_serial=" ${C1}serial$SEP3${C2} $product_serial "
- system_line="${C1}Device$SEP3${C2} $device ${C1}System$SEP3${C2} $system_vendor ${C1}product$SEP3${C2} $product_name$product_version$product_serial"
- calculate_line_length "$system_line$chassis_line"
- if [[ -n $chassis_line && $LINE_LENGTH -lt $COLS_INNER ]];then
- system_line="$system_line $chassis_line"
- chassis_line=''
- fi
- fi
- else
- system_line="${C2}$sysDmiNull"
- fi
- # patch to dump all of above if dmidecode was data source and a dmidecode error is present
- if [[ ${A_MACHINE_DATA[0]} == 'dmidecode-error-'* ]];then
- error_string=$( print_dmidecode_error 'sys' "${A_MACHINE_DATA[0]}" )
- system_line=${C2}$error_string
- mobo_line=''
- bios_line=''
- chassis_line=''
- fi
- system_line=$( create_print_line "Machine:" "$system_line" )
- print_screen_output "$system_line"
- if [[ -n $mobo_line ]];then
- mobo_line=$( create_print_line " " "$mobo_line" )
- print_screen_output "$mobo_line"
- fi
- if [[ -n $bios_line ]];then
- bios_line=$( create_print_line " " "$bios_line" )
- print_screen_output "$bios_line"
- fi
- if [[ -n $chassis_line ]];then
- chassis_line=$( create_print_line " " "$chassis_line" )
- print_screen_output "$chassis_line"
- fi
- eval $LOGFE
+sub set_ps_aux {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ @ps_aux = split "\n",qx(ps aux);;
+ shift @ps_aux; # get rid of header row
+ $_=lc for @ps_aux; # this is a super fast way to set to lower
+ # this is for testing for the presence of the command
+ @ps_cmd = map {
+ my @split = split /\s+/, $_;
+ # slice out 10th to last elements of ps aux rows
+ my $final = $#split;
+ # some stuff has a lot of data, chrome for example
+ $final = ($final > 12) ? 12 : $final;
+ @split = @split[10 .. $final ];
+ join " ", @split;
+ } @ps_aux;
+ print Dumper \@ps_aux if $test[5];
+ eval $end if $b_log;
-# args: $1 - module name (could be > 1, so loop it ); $2 - audio (optional)
- eval $LOGFS
- local module_versions='' module='' version='' prefix='' modules=$1
- # note that sound driver data tends to have upper case, but modules are lower
- if [[ $2 == 'audio' ]];then
- if [[ -z $( grep -E '^snd' <<< $modules ) ]];then
- prefix='snd_' # sound modules start with snd_
- fi
- if (( "$BASH" >= 4 ));then
- modules="${modules,,}"
- else
- modules=$( tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' <<< "$modules" )
- fi
- modules=${modules//-/_}
- # special intel processing, generally no version info though
- if [[ $modules == 'hda intel' ]];then
- modules='hda_intel'
- elif [[ $modules == 'intel ich' ]];then
- modules='intel8x0'
- fi
- fi
- for module in $modules
- do
- version=$( get_module_version_number "$prefix$module" )
- if [[ -n $version ]];then
- module_versions="$module_versions $version"
- fi
- done
- if [[ -n $module_versions ]];then
- echo " ${C1}v$SEP3${C2}$module_versions"
- fi
- eval $LOGFE
- eval $LOGFS
- local i='' card_id='' network_data='' a_network_working='' port_data='' driver_data=''
- local card_string='' port_plural='' module_version='' pci_bus_id='' bus_usb_text=''
- local bus_usb_id='' line_starter='Network:' card_string='' card_data='' chip_id=''
- local driver='' part_2_data=''
- if [[ $BSD_TYPE == 'bsd' ]];then
- if [[ $B_PCICONF == 'true' ]];then
- if [[ $B_PCICONF_SET == 'false' ]];then
- set_pciconf_data
- fi
- get_pciconf_card_data 'network'
- elif [[ $B_LSPCI == 'true' ]];then
- get_networking_data
- fi
- else
- get_networking_data
- fi
- # will never be null because null is handled in get_network_data, but in case we change
- # that leaving this test in place.
- if [[ -n ${A_NETWORK_DATA[@]} ]];then
- for (( i=0; i < ${#A_NETWORK_DATA[@]}; i++ ))
- do
- IFS=","
- a_network_working=( ${A_NETWORK_DATA[i]} )
- bus_usb_id=''
- bus_usb_text=''
- card_data=''
- card_string=''
- driver_data=''
- module_version=''
- network_data=''
- pci_bus_id=''
- port_data=''
- port_plural=''
- chip_id=''
- part_2_data=''
- if [[ ${#A_NETWORK_DATA[@]} -gt 1 ]];then
- card_id="-$(( $i + 1 ))"
- fi
- if [[ -n ${a_network_working[1]} && $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' && $BSD_TYPE != 'bsd' ]];then
- module_version=$( print_module_version "${a_network_working[1]}" )
- fi
- if [[ -n ${a_network_working[1]} ]];then
- # note: linux drivers can have numbers, like tg3
- if [[ $BSD_TYPE == 'bsd' ]];then
- driver=$( sed 's/[0-9]*$//' <<< ${a_network_working[1]} )
- else
- driver=${a_network_working[1]}
- fi
- driver_data="${C1}driver$SEP3${C2} $driver$module_version "
- fi
- if [[ -n ${a_network_working[2]} && $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- if [[ $( wc -w <<< ${a_network_working[2]} ) -gt 1 ]];then
- port_plural='s'
- fi
- port_data="${C1}port$port_plural$SEP3${C2} ${a_network_working[2]} "
- fi
- if [[ -n ${a_network_working[4]} && $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- if [[ -z $( grep '^usb-' <<< ${a_network_working[4]} ) ]];then
- bus_usb_text='bus-ID'
- bus_usb_id=${a_network_working[4]}
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- if [[ $BSD_TYPE != 'bsd' ]];then
- chip_id=$( get_lspci_chip_id "${a_network_working[4]}" )
- else
- chip_id=${a_network_working[10]}
- fi
- fi
- else
- bus_usb_text='usb-ID'
- bus_usb_id=$( cut -d '-' -f '2-4' <<< ${a_network_working[4]} )
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- chip_id=${a_network_working[10]}
- fi
- fi
- pci_bus_id="${C1}$bus_usb_text$SEP3${C2} $bus_usb_id"
- if [[ -n $chip_id ]];then
- chip_id=" ${C1}chip-ID$SEP3${C2} $chip_id"
- fi
- fi
- card_string="${C1}Card$card_id$SEP3${C2} ${a_network_working[0]} "
- card_data="$driver_data$port_data"
- part_2_data="$pci_bus_id$chip_id"
- calculate_line_length "$card_string$card_data$part_2_data"
- if [[ $LINE_LENGTH -gt $COLS_INNER ]];then
- network_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$card_string" )
- line_starter=' '
- card_string=''
- print_screen_output "$network_data"
- fi
- calculate_line_length "$card_string$card_data$part_2_data"
- if [[ $LINE_LENGTH -gt $COLS_INNER ]];then
- network_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$card_string$card_data" )
- print_screen_output "$network_data"
- line_starter=' '
- card_data=''
- card_string=''
- fi
- if [[ -n $card_string$card_data$part_2_data ]];then
- network_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$card_string$card_data$part_2_data" )
- print_screen_output "$network_data"
- line_starter=' '
- card_data=''
- card_string=''
- part_2_data=''
- fi
- if [[ $B_SHOW_ADVANCED_NETWORK == 'true' ]];then
- print_network_advanced_data
- fi
- done
- else
- network_data="${C1}Card$SEP3${C2} Failed to Detect Network Card! "
- network_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$network_data" )
- print_screen_output "$network_data"
- fi
- if [[ $B_SHOW_IP == 'true' ]];then
- print_networking_ip_data
- fi
- eval $LOGFE
- eval $LOGFS
- local network_data='' if_id='N/A' duplex='N/A' mac_id='N/A' speed='N/A' oper_state='N/A'
- local b_is_wifi='false' speed_string='' duplex_string='' part_2_data=''
- # first check if it's a known wifi id'ed card, if so, no print of duplex/speed
- if [[ -n $( grep -Esi '(wireless|wifi|wi-fi|wlan|802\.11|centrino)' <<< ${a_network_working[0]} ) ]];then
- b_is_wifi='true'
- fi
- if [[ -n ${a_network_working[5]} ]];then
- if_id=${a_network_working[5]}
- fi
- if [[ -n ${a_network_working[6]} ]];then
- oper_state=${a_network_working[6]}
- fi
- # no print out for wifi since it doesn't have duplex/speed data available
- # note that some cards show 'unknown' for state, so only testing explicitly
- # for 'down' string in that to skip showing speed/duplex
- if [[ $b_is_wifi != 'true' && $oper_state != 'down' ]];then
- if [[ -n ${a_network_working[7]} ]];then
- # make sure the value is strictly numeric before appending Mbps
- if [[ -n $( grep -E '^[0-9\.,]+$' <<< "${a_network_working[7]}" ) ]];then
- speed="${a_network_working[7]} Mbps"
- else
- speed=${a_network_working[7]}
- fi
- fi
- speed_string="${C1}speed$SEP3${C2} $speed "
- if [[ -n ${a_network_working[8]} ]];then
- duplex=${a_network_working[8]}
- fi
- duplex_string="${C1}duplex$SEP3${C2} $duplex "
- fi
- if [[ -n ${a_network_working[9]} ]];then
- if [[ $B_OUTPUT_FILTER == 'true' ]];then
- else
- mac_id=${a_network_working[9]}
- fi
- fi
- network_data="${C1}IF$SEP3${C2} $if_id ${C1}state$SEP3${C2} $oper_state $speed_string$duplex_string"
- part_2_data="${C1}mac$SEP3${C2} $mac_id"
- calculate_line_length "$network_data$part_2_data"
- if [[ $LINE_LENGTH -gt $COLS_INNER ]];then
- network_data=$( create_print_line " " "$network_data" )
- print_screen_output "$network_data"
- network_data=''
- fi
- if [[ -n $network_data$part_2_data ]];then
- network_data=$( create_print_line " " "$network_data$part_2_data" )
- print_screen_output "$network_data"
- network_data=''
- fi
- eval $LOGFE
+sub set_sysctl_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ return if $alerts{'sysctl'}{'action'} ne 'use';
+ # darwin sysctl has BOTH = and : separators, and repeats data. Why?
+ my $program = check_program('sysctl');
+ my @temp = grabber("$program -a 2>/dev/null");
+ foreach (@temp){
+ $_ =~ s/\s*=\s*|:\s+/:/;
+ $_ =~ s/\"//g;
+ push @sysctl, $_;
+ # we're building these here so we can use these arrays to test
+ # in each feature if we will try to build the feature for bsds
+ if (/^hw\.sensors/ && !/^hw\.sensors\.acpi(bat|cmb)/ && !/^hw.sensors.softraid/){
+ push @sysctl_sensors, $_;
+ }
+ elsif (/^hw\.(vendor|product|version|serialno|uuid)/){
+ push @sysctl_machine, $_;
+ }
+ elsif (/^hw\.sensors\.acpi(bat|cmb)/){
+ push @sysctl_battery, $_;
+ }
+ }
+ print Dumper \@sysctl if $test[7];
+ # this thing can get really long.
+ if ($b_log){
+ #main::log_data('dump','@sysctl',\@sysctl);
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+sub set_usb_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ if ($alerts{'lsusb'}{'action'} eq 'use' ){
+ #$usb_level = 2;
+ # NOTE: we can't get reliable usb network device with short
+ if ($usb_level == 2){
+ set_lsusb_data_long();
+ }
+ else {
+ set_lsusb_data_short();
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ( $alerts{'usbdevs'}{'action'} eq 'use'){
+ set_usbdevs_data();
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
- eval $LOGFS
- # $ip should be IPv4
- local ip=$( get_networking_wan_ip_data )
- local wan_ip_data='' a_interfaces_working='' interfaces='' i=0
- local if_id='' if_ip='' if_ipv6='' if_ipv6_string='' full_string='' if_string=''
- local if_id_string='' if_ip_string='' if_string_holding=''
- get_networking_local_ip_data
- # first print output for wan ip line. Null is handled in the get function
- if [[ -z $ip ]];then
- ip='N/A'
- else
- if [[ $B_OUTPUT_FILTER == 'true' ]];then
- fi
- fi
- wan_ip_data="${C1}WAN IP$SEP3${C2} $ip "
- # then create the list of local interface/ip
- i=0 ## loop starts with 1 by auto-increment so it only shows cards > 1
- while [[ -n ${A_INTERFACES_DATA[i]} ]]
- do
- IFS=","
- a_interfaces_working=(${A_INTERFACES_DATA[i]})
- if_id='N/A'
- if_ip='N/A'
- if_ipv6='N/A'
- if_ipv6_string=''
- if [[ -z $( grep '^Interface' <<< ${a_interfaces_working[0]} ) ]];then
- if [[ -n ${a_interfaces_working[1]} ]];then
- if [[ $B_OUTPUT_FILTER == 'true' ]];then
- # we could filter each ipv6 extra address, but that can lead to
- # a LOT of pointless output depending on the ip tool used and how
- # many deprecated addresses there are, so just delete the values
- a_interfaces_working[4]=''
- else
- if_ip=${a_interfaces_working[1]}
- fi
- fi
- if_ip_string=" ${C1}ip-v4$SEP3${C2} $if_ip"
- # this is now going to always show as IPv6 starts to really be used globally
- if [[ -n ${a_interfaces_working[3]} ]];then
- if [[ $B_OUTPUT_FILTER == 'true' ]];then
- if_ipv6=$FILTER_STRING
- else
- # may be more than one address here; get them all as one string
- # but this is only the LINK scope, not Site or Global or Temporary
- if_ipv6=${a_interfaces_working[3]/^/, }
- fi
- fi
- if_ipv6_string=" ${C1}ip-v6-link$SEP3${C2} $if_ipv6"
- fi
- if [[ -n ${a_interfaces_working[0]} ]];then
- if_id=${a_interfaces_working[0]}
- fi
- if_string="${C1}IF$SEP3${C2} $if_id$if_ip_string$if_ipv6_string "
- # first line, print wan on its own line, then the next item
- if [[ $i -eq 0 ]];then
- full_string=$( create_print_line " " "$wan_ip_data" )
- print_screen_output "$full_string"
- wan_ip_data=''
- fi
- full_string=$( create_print_line " " "$if_string" )
- print_screen_output "$full_string"
- if_string=''
- if [[ ${a_interfaces_working[4]} != '' && $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- IFS="^"
- a_ipv6_ext=(${a_interfaces_working[4]})
- for (( j=0; j < ${#a_ipv6_ext[@]}; j++ ))
- do
- print_ipv6_ext_line "${a_ipv6_ext[j]}"
- done
- fi
- ((i++))
- done
- eval $LOGFE
+sub set_lsusb_data_short {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($content,@data);
+ my $b_live = 1;
+ if ($b_live){
+ my $path = check_program('lsusb');
+ $content = qx($path 2>/dev/null) if $path;
+ @data = split /\n/, $content if $content;
+ }
+ else {
+ open my $fh, '<', "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/lsusb/mdmarmer-lsusb.txt" or die $!;
+ chomp(@data = <$fh>);
+ }
+ foreach (@data){
+ next if /^\s*$|^Couldn't/; # expensive second call: || /UNAVAIL/
+ my @working = split /\s+/, $_;
+ $working[3] =~ s/:$//;
+ my $id = int($working[3]);
+ if ($id > 1){
+ my $bus = int($working[1]);
+ my $chip = $working[5];
+ my @temp = @working[6..$#working];
+ my $name = join ' ', @temp;
+ if ($name !~ /hub/i){
+ @usb = (@usb,[$bus,$id,$chip,$name]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ print Dumper \@usb if $test[6];
+ main::log_data('dump','@usb: short',\@usb) if $b_log;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
- eval $LOGFS
- local full_string='' ip_starter='' ip_data='' ip=''
- case $1 in
- sg~*)
- ip_starter="ip-v6-global"
- ip=${1/sg~/}
- ;;
- ss~*)
- ip_starter="ip-v6-site"
- ip=${1/ss~/}
- ;;
- st~*)
- ip_starter="ip-v6-temporary"
- ip=${1/st~/}
- ;;
- su~*)
- ip_starter="ip-v6-unknown"
- ip=${1/su~/}
- ;;
- esac
- if [[ $B_OUTPUT_FILTER == 'true' ]];then
- fi
- ip_data="${C1}$ip_starter$SEP3${C2} $ip"
- full_string=$( create_print_line " " "$ip_data" )
- print_screen_output "$full_string"
- eval $LOGFE
+sub set_lsusb_data_long {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($content,@data,@working,$bus_id,$device_id,$id,$b_skip);
+ my $j = 0;
+ my $b_live = 1;
+ if ($b_live){
+ my $path = check_program('lsusb');
+ $content = qx($path -v 2>/dev/null) if $path;
+ @data = split /\n/, $content if $content;
+ }
+ else {
+ my $file;
+ #$file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/lsusb/mdmarmer-lsusb-v.txt";
+ $file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/lsusb/lsusb-v-dz64.txt";
+ open my $fh, '<', $file or die $!;
+ chomp(@data = <$fh>);
+ }
+ foreach (@data){
+ # we won't need all the lsusb data, so set it to skip
+ # after the last item we might want
+ # Couldn't open device, some information will be missing
+ next if /^\s*$|^Couldn't/; # expensive second call: || /UNAVAIL/
+ if (!$b_skip && $bus_id && /^\s\s/){
+ #if ($_ =~ /\bDescriptor\b:/){
+ if ($_ =~ /^\s+([\S]+)\sDescriptor:/){
+ #$_ =~ /^\s+([\S]+)\sDescriptor:/;
+ $_ = "Descriptor_$1";
+ }
+ else {
+ $_ =~ s/^\s\s|[\s]+$//g;
+ $_ =~ s/^[\s]+/~/g;
+ #$_ =~ s/[\s]+$//g;
+ $_ =~ s/\sType/_Type/g;
+ $_ =~ s/^([\S]+)[\s]+(.*)//;
+ my $one = ($1) ? $1: '';
+ my $two = ($2) ? $2: '';
+ $_ = "$one:$two";
+ $b_skip = 1 if $one eq '~bInterfaceProtocol';
+ #$_ = cleaner($_);
+ if (/([\S]+):([0-9]+|0x[0-9a-f]+)\s(.*)/){
+ $_ = "$1:$2:$3";
+ #$b_skip = 1 if $1 eq '~bInterfaceProtocol';
+ }
+ #print "$1\n";
+ }
+ push @working, $_;
+ }
+ elsif (/^Bus\s([0-9]+)\sDevice\s([0-9]+):\sID\s(([0-9a-f]{4}):([0-9a-f]{4})).*/){
+ #elsif (/^Bus\s/){
+ #if (/^Bus\s([0-9]+)\sDevice\s([0-9]+):\sID\s(([0-9a-f]{4}):([0-9a-f]{4})).*/){
+ $j = scalar @usb;
+ $bus_id = int($1);
+ $device_id = int($2);
+ $id = $3;
+ $b_skip = 0;
+ # we don't need 32, system boot, or 127, end of table
+ if (@working){
+ if ($working[0] != 32 && $working[0] != 127){
+ $usb[$j] = (
+ [@working],
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ @working = ($bus_id,$device_id,$id);
+ #}
+ }
+ }
+ if (@working){
+ $j = scalar @usb;
+ $usb[$j] = (
+ [@working],
+ );
+ }
+ # last by not least, sort it by dmi type, now we don't have to worry
+ # about random dmi type ordering in the data, which happens
+ @usb = sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] || $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } @usb;
+ print Dumper \@usb if $test[6];
+ main::log_data('dump','@usb: long',\@usb) if $b_log;
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+# Controller /dev/usb2:
+# addr 1: full speed, self powered, config 1, UHCI root hub(0x0000), Intel(0x8086), rev 1.00
+# port 1 addr 2: full speed, power 98 mA, config 1, USB Receiver(0xc52b), Logitech(0x046d), rev 12.01
+# port 2 powered
+sub set_usbdevs_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (@data,@working,$class,$bus_id,$addr_id,$id,$speed,$protocol);
+ my $b_live = 1;
+ my $j = 0;
+ my $ports = 0;
+ if ($b_live){
+ my $program = check_program('usbdevs');
+ my $content = qx($program -v 2>/dev/null);
+ @data = split /\n/, $content;
+ }
+ else {
+ open my $fh, '<', "$ENV{'HOME'}/bin/scripts/inxi/data/lsusb/bsd-usbdevs-v-1.txt" or die $!;
+ chomp(@data = <$fh>);
+ }
+ foreach (@data){
+ if (/^Controller\s\/dev\/usb([0-9]+)/){
+ $j = scalar @usb;
+ $ports = 0;
+ $bus_id = $1;
+ @working = ();
+ }
+ elsif (/^addr\s([0-9]+):\s([^,]+),[^,]+,[^,]+,\s?([^,]+)\(0x([0-9a-f]{4})\),\s?([^,]+)\s?\(0x([0-9a-f]{4})\)/){
+ $j = scalar @usb;
+ $addr_id = $1;
+ $speed = "bcdUSB:$2";
+ $id = "$4:$6";
+ $protocol="~bInterfaceProtocol:0:$5 $3";
+ #print "p1:$protocol\n";
+ $class='bDeviceClass:9:Hub';
+ @working = ($bus_id,$addr_id,$id,$speed,$class,$protocol);
+ if (@working){
+ $usb[$j] = (
+ [@working],
+ );
+ }
+ @working = ();
+ }
+ elsif (/^\s+port\s([0-9]+)\saddr\s([0-9]+):\s([^,]+),[^,]+,[^,]+,\s?([^,]+)\(0x([0-9a-f]{4})\),\s?([^,]+)\s?\(0x([0-9a-f]{4})\)/){
+ $j = scalar @usb;
+ $addr_id = "$2";
+ $speed = "bcdUSB:$3";
+ $id = "$5:$7";
+ $protocol="~bInterfaceProtocol:0:$6 $4";
+ #print "p2:$protocol\n";
+ $ports++;
+ @working = ($bus_id,$addr_id,$id,$speed,$protocol);
+ if (@working){
+ $usb[$j] = (
+ [@working],
+ );
+ }
+ @working = ();
+ }
+ elsif (/^\s+port\s([0-9]+)\spowered/){
+ $ports++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (@working){
+ $j = scalar @usb;
+ $usb[$j] = (
+ [@working],
+ );
+ }
+ main::log_data('dump','@usb: usbdevs',\@usb) if $b_log;
+ print Dumper \@usb if $test[6];
+ eval $end if $b_log;
- eval $LOGFS
- local a_drives='' drive_data='' counter='' dev_string='/dev/' speed_string='x'
- local drive_id='' drive_links='' vendor='' speed='' multisession='' mcn='' audio=''
- local dvd='' state='' rw_support='' rev='' separator='' drive_string='' part_2_data=''
- local drive_type='Optical' fd_counter=0 opt_counter=0 b_floppy='false'
- if [[ -z $BSD_TYPE ]];then
- get_optical_drive_data
- else
- get_optical_drive_data_bsd
- dev_string=''
- speed_string=''
- fi
- # 0 - true dev path, ie, sr0, hdc
- # 1 - dev links to true path
- # 2 - device vendor - for hdx drives, vendor model are one string from proc
- # 3 - device model
- # 4 - device rev version
- if [[ ${#A_OPTICAL_DRIVE_DATA[@]} -gt 0 ]];then
- for (( i=0; i < ${#A_OPTICAL_DRIVE_DATA[@]}; i++ ))
- do
- IFS=","
- a_drives=(${A_OPTICAL_DRIVE_DATA[i]})
- audio=''
- drive_data=''
- drive_id=''
- drive_links=''
- dvd=''
- mcn=''
- multisession=''
- rev=''
- rw_support=''
- separator=''
- speed=''
- state=''
- vendor=''
- if [[ ${#A_OPTICAL_DRIVE_DATA[@]} -eq 1 && -z ${a_drives[0]} && -z ${a_drives[1]} ]];then
- drive_string="No optical drives detected."
- else
- if [[ -n ${a_drives[0]/fd*/} ]];then
- opt_counter=$(( $opt_counter + 1 ))
- counter="-$opt_counter"
- drive_type='Optical'
- b_floppy='false'
- else
- fd_counter=$(( $fd_counter + 1 ))
- counter="-$fd_counter"
- drive_type='Floppy'
- b_floppy='true'
- fi
- if [[ -z ${a_drives[0]} ]];then
- drive_id='N/A'
- else
- drive_id="$dev_string${a_drives[0]}"
- fi
- if [[ $b_floppy == 'false' ]];then
- drive_links=$( sed 's/~/,/g' <<< ${a_drives[1]} )
- if [[ -z $drive_links ]];then
- drive_links='N/A'
- fi
- if [[ -n ${a_drives[2]} ]];then
- vendor=${a_drives[2]}
- if [[ -n ${a_drives[3]} ]];then
- vendor="$vendor ${a_drives[3]}"
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -z $vendor ]];then
- if [[ -n ${a_drives[3]} ]];then
- vendor=${a_drives[3]}
- else
- vendor='N/A'
- fi
- fi
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- if [[ -n ${a_drives[4]} ]];then
- rev=${a_drives[4]}
- else
- rev='N/A'
- fi
- rev="${C1}rev$SEP3${C2} $rev "
- fi
- drive_string="$drive_id ${C1}model$SEP3${C2} $vendor "
- part_2_data="$rev${C1}dev-links$SEP3${C2} $drive_links"
- else
- drive_string="$drive_id"
- part_2_data=''
- fi
- fi
- drive_data="${C1}$drive_type${counter}$SEP3${C2} $drive_string"
- calculate_line_length "$drive_data$part_2_data"
- if [[ $LINE_LENGTH -lt $COLS_INNER ]];then
- drive_data=$( create_print_line "$Line_Starter" "$drive_data$part_2_data" )
- print_screen_output "$drive_data"
- Line_Starter=' '
- drive_data=''
- part_2_data=''
- else
- calculate_line_length "$drive_data"
- if [[ $LINE_LENGTH -gt $COLS_INNER ]];then
- drive_data=$( create_print_line "$Line_Starter" "$drive_data" )
- print_screen_output "$drive_data"
- Line_Starter=' '
- drive_data=''
- fi
- calculate_line_length "$drive_data$part_2_data"
- if [[ $LINE_LENGTH -lt $COLS_INNER ]];then
- drive_data=$( create_print_line "$Line_Starter" "$drive_data$part_2_data" )
- print_screen_output "$drive_data"
- Line_Starter=' '
- part_2_data=''
- drive_data=''
- else
- drive_data=$( create_print_line "$Line_Starter" "$drive_data" )
- print_screen_output "$drive_data"
- drive_data=''
- Line_Starter=' '
- drive_data=$( create_print_line "$Line_Starter" "$part_2_data" )
- print_screen_output "$drive_data"
- Line_Starter=' '
- part_2_data=''
- fi
- fi
- # 5 - speed
- # 6 - multisession support
- # 7 - MCN support
- # 8 - audio read
- # 9 - cdr
- # 10 - cdrw
- # 11 - dvd read
- # 12 - dvdr
- # 13 - dvdram
- # 14 - state
- if [[ $B_SHOW_FULL_OPTICAL == 'true' && $b_floppy == 'false' ]];then
- if [[ -z ${a_drives[5]} ]];then
- speed='N/A'
- else
- speed="${a_drives[5]}$speed_string"
- fi
- if [[ -z ${a_drives[8]} ]];then
- audio='N/A'
- elif [[ ${a_drives[8]} == 1 ]];then
- audio='yes'
- else
- audio='no'
- fi
- audio="${C1}audio$SEP3${C2} $audio "
- if [[ -z ${a_drives[6]} ]];then
- multisession='N/A'
- elif [[ ${a_drives[6]} == 1 ]];then
- multisession='yes'
- else
- multisession='no'
- fi
- multisession="${C1}multisession$SEP3${C2} $multisession "
- if [[ -z ${a_drives[11]} ]];then
- dvd='N/A'
- elif [[ ${a_drives[11]} == 1 ]];then
- dvd='yes'
- else
- dvd='no'
- fi
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- if [[ -z ${a_drives[14]} ]];then
- state='N/A'
- else
- state="${a_drives[14]}"
- fi
- state="${C1}state$SEP3${C2} $state "
- fi
- if [[ -n ${a_drives[9]} && ${a_drives[9]} == 1 ]];then
- rw_support='cd-r'
- separator=','
- fi
- if [[ -n ${a_drives[10]} && ${a_drives[10]} == 1 ]];then
- rw_support="$rw_support${separator}cd-rw"
- separator=','
- fi
- if [[ -n ${a_drives[12]} && ${a_drives[12]} == 1 ]];then
- rw_support="$rw_support${separator}dvd-r"
- separator=','
- fi
- if [[ -n ${a_drives[13]} && ${a_drives[13]} == 1 ]];then
- rw_support="$rw_support${separator}dvd-ram"
- separator=','
- fi
- if [[ -z $rw_support ]];then
- rw_support='none'
- fi
- drive_data="${C1}Features: speed$SEP3${C2} $speed $multisession"
- part_2_data="$audio${C1}dvd$SEP3${C2} $dvd ${C1}rw$SEP3${C2} $rw_support $state"
- calculate_line_length "$drive_data$part_2_data"
- if [[ $LINE_LENGTH -lt $COLS_INNER ]];then
- drive_data=$( create_print_line "$Line_Starter" "$drive_data$part_2_data" )
- print_screen_output "$drive_data"
- Line_Starter=' '
- else
- drive_data=$( create_print_line "$Line_Starter" "$drive_data" )
- print_screen_output "$drive_data"
- drive_data=$( create_print_line "$Line_Starter" "$part_2_data" )
- print_screen_output "$drive_data"
- Line_Starter=' '
- fi
- fi
- done
- else
- :
- fi
- eval $LOGFE
- eval $LOGFS
- local a_part_working='' part_used='' partition_data=''
- local counter=0 i=0 part_id=0 a_part_data='' line_starter=''
- local part_id_clean='' part_dev='' full_dev='' part_label='' full_label=''
- local part_uuid='' full_uuid='' dev_remote='' full_fs=''
- local b_non_dev='false' holder='' id_size_used='' label_uuid='' fs_dev=''
- get_partition_data
- for (( i=0; i < ${#A_PARTITION_DATA[@]}; i++ ))
- do
- IFS=","
- a_part_working=(${A_PARTITION_DATA[i]})
- full_label=''
- full_uuid=''
- if [[ $B_SHOW_PARTITIONS_FULL == 'true' ]] || [[ ${a_part_working[4]} == 'main' ]];then
- if [[ -n ${a_part_working[2]} ]];then
- part_used="${C1}used$SEP3${C2} ${a_part_working[2]} (${a_part_working[3]}) "
- else
- part_used='' # reset partition used to null
- fi
- if [[ -n ${a_part_working[5]} ]];then
- full_fs="${a_part_working[5]}"
- else
- full_fs='N/A' # reset partition fs type
- fi
- full_fs="${C1}fs$SEP3${C2} $full_fs "
- if [[ -n ${a_part_working[6]} ]];then
- if [[ -z $( grep -E '(^//|:/|non-dev)' <<< ${a_part_working[6]} ) ]];then
- part_dev="/dev/${a_part_working[6]}"
- dev_remote='dev'
- elif [[ -n $( grep '^non-dev' <<< ${a_part_working[6]} ) ]];then
- holder=$( sed 's/non-dev-//' <<< ${a_part_working[6]} )
- part_dev="$holder"
- dev_remote='raid'
- else
- part_dev="${a_part_working[6]}"
- dev_remote='remote'
- fi
- else
- dev_remote='dev'
- part_dev='N/A'
- fi
- full_dev="${C1}$dev_remote$SEP3${C2} $part_dev "
- if [[ $B_SHOW_LABELS == 'true' || $B_SHOW_UUIDS == 'true' ]];then
- if [[ $B_SHOW_LABELS == 'true' && $dev_remote != 'remote' ]];then
- if [[ -n ${a_part_working[7]} ]];then
- part_label="${a_part_working[7]}"
- else
- part_label='N/A'
- fi
- full_label="${C1}label$SEP3${C2} $part_label "
- fi
- if [[ $B_SHOW_UUIDS == 'true' && $dev_remote != 'remote' ]];then
- if [[ -n ${a_part_working[8]} ]];then
- part_uuid="${a_part_working[8]}"
- else
- part_uuid='N/A'
- fi
- full_uuid="${C1}uuid$SEP3${C2} $part_uuid"
- fi
- fi
- # don't show user names in output
- if [[ $B_OUTPUT_FILTER == 'true' ]];then
- part_id_clean=$( sed $SED_RX "s|/home/([^/]+)/(.*)|/home/$FILTER_STRING/\2|" <<< ${a_part_working[0]} )
- else
- part_id_clean=${a_part_working[0]}
- fi
- id_size_used="${C1}ID-$((part_id+1))$SEP3${C2} $part_id_clean ${C1}size$SEP3${C2} ${a_part_working[1]} $part_used"
- fs_dev="$full_fs$full_dev"
- label_uuid="$full_label$full_uuid"
- calculate_line_length "${a_part_data[$counter]}$id_size_used$fs_dev"
- if [[ $LINE_LENGTH -gt $COLS_INNER ]];then
- a_part_data[$counter]="$id_size_used"
- ((counter++))
- calculate_line_length "$fs_dev$label_uuid"
- if [[ $LINE_LENGTH -le $COLS_INNER ]];then
- a_part_data[$counter]="$fs_dev$label_uuid"
- label_uuid=''
- else
- a_part_data[$counter]="$fs_dev"
- fi
- ((counter++))
- id_size_used=''
- fs_dev=''
- fi
- # label/uuid always print one per line, so only wrap if it's very long
- calculate_line_length "${a_part_data[$counter]}$id_size_used$fs_dev$label_uuid"
- if [[ $B_SHOW_UUIDS == 'true' || $B_SHOW_LABELS == 'true' ]] && \
- [[ $LINE_LENGTH -gt $COLS_INNER ]];then
- a_part_data[$counter]="$id_size_used$fs_dev"
- ((counter++))
- a_part_data[$counter]="$label_uuid"
- else
- if [[ $LINE_LENGTH -gt $COLS_INNER ]];then
- a_part_data[$counter]="${a_part_data[$counter]}"
- ((counter++))
- a_part_data[$counter]="$id_size_used$fs_dev$label_uuid"
- else
- a_part_data[$counter]="${a_part_data[$counter]}$id_size_used$fs_dev$label_uuid"
- fi
- fi
- ((counter++))
- ((part_id++))
- fi
- done
- # print out all lines, line starter on first line
- for (( i=0; i < ${#a_part_data[@]};i++ ))
- do
- if [[ $i -eq 0 ]];then
- line_starter='Partition:'
- else
- line_starter=' '
- fi
- if [[ -n ${a_part_data[$i]} ]];then
- partition_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "${a_part_data[$i]}" )
- print_screen_output "$partition_data"
- fi
- done
- eval $LOGFE
+#### -------------------------------------------------------------------
+#### -------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub assign_data {
+ my (%row) = @_;
+ return if ! %row;
+ if ($output_type eq 'screen'){
+ print_data(%row);
+ }
+ else {
+ %rows = (%rows,%row);
+ }
-# legacy not used
- local program_version="${C1}$SELF_NAME$SEP3${C2} $SELF_VERSION$SELF_PATCH${CN}"
- # great trick from:
- # left pad: sed -e :a -e 's/^.\{1,80\}$/& /;ta'
- # right pad: sed -e :a -e 's/^.\{1,80\}$/ &/;ta'
- # center pad: sed -e :a -e 's/^.\{1,80\}$/ & /;ta'
- #local line_max=$COLS_INNER
- #program_version="$( sed -e :a -e "s/^.\{1,$line_max\}$/ &/;ta" <<< $program_version )" # use to create padding if needed
- # program_version=$( create_print_line "Version:" "$program_version${CN}" )
- print_screen_output "$program_version"
- eval $LOGFS
- local b_print_first='true'
- if [[ $B_SHOW_PS_CPU_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- get_ps_tcm_data 'cpu'
- print_ps_item 'cpu' "$b_print_first"
- b_print_first='false'
- fi
- if [[ $B_SHOW_PS_MEM_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- get_ps_tcm_data 'mem'
- print_ps_item 'mem' "$b_print_first"
- fi
- eval $LOGFE
+sub generate_lines {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my (%row,$b_pci_check,$b_dmi_check);
+ set_ps_aux() if ! @ps_aux;
+ set_sysctl_data() if $b_sysctl;
+ # note: ps aux loads before logging starts, so create debugger data here
+ if ($b_log){
+ # I don't think we need to see this, it's long, but leave in case we do
+ #main::log_data('dump','@ps_aux',\@ps_aux);
+ main::log_data('dump','@ps_cmd',\@ps_cmd);
+ }
+ if ( $show{'short'} ){
+ if ($bsd_type && !$b_dmesg_boot_check){
+ set_dmesg_boot_data();
+ }
+ %row = generate_short_data();
+ assign_data(%row);
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( $show{'system'} ){
+ %row = generate_system_data();
+ assign_data(%row);
+ }
+ if ( $show{'machine'} ){
+ if ($b_dmi && !$b_dmi_check ){
+ set_dmi_data() ;
+ $b_dmi_check = 1;
+ }
+ if ($bsd_type && !$b_dmesg_boot_check){
+ set_dmesg_boot_data();
+ }
+ %row = line_handler('Machine','machine');
+ assign_data(%row);
+ }
+ if ( $show{'battery'} ){
+ set_dmi_data() if $b_dmi && !$b_dmi_check;
+ $b_dmi_check = 1;
+ %row = line_handler('Battery','battery');
+ if (%row || $show{'battery-forced'}){
+ assign_data(%row);
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $show{'ram'} ){
+ set_dmi_data() if $b_dmi && !$b_dmi_check;
+ $b_dmi_check = 1;
+ %row = line_handler('Memory','ram');
+ assign_data(%row);
+ }
+ if ( $show{'slot'} ){
+ set_dmi_data() if $b_dmi && !$b_dmi_check;
+ $b_dmi_check = 1;
+ %row = line_handler('PCI Slots','slot');
+ assign_data(%row);
+ }
+ if ( $show{'cpu'} || $show{'cpu-basic'} ){
+ if ($bsd_type && !$b_dmesg_boot_check){
+ set_dmesg_boot_data();
+ }
+ my $arg = ($show{'cpu-basic'}) ? 'basic' : 'full' ;
+ %row = line_handler('CPU','cpu',$arg);
+ assign_data(%row);
+ }
+ if ( $show{'graphic'} ){
+ set_pci_data() if !$b_pci_check;
+ $b_pci_check = 1;
+ %row = line_handler('Graphics','graphic');
+ assign_data(%row);
+ }
+ if ( $show{'audio'} ){
+ set_pci_data() if !$b_pci_check;
+ $b_pci_check = 1;
+ %row = line_handler('Audio','audio');
+ assign_data(%row);
+ }
+ if ( $show{'network'} ){
+ set_usb_data() if !$b_usb_check;
+ set_pci_data() if !$b_pci_check;
+ set_ip_data() if ($show{'ip'} || ($bsd_type && $show{'network-advanced'}));
+ $b_pci_check = 1;
+ $b_usb_check = 1;
+ %row = line_handler('Network','network');
+ assign_data(%row);
+ }
+ if ( $show{'disk'} || $show{'disk-basic'} || $show{'disk-total'} || $show{'optical'} ){
+ if ($bsd_type && !$b_dmesg_boot_check){
+ set_dmesg_boot_data();
+ }
+ %row = line_handler('Drives','disk');
+ assign_data(%row);
+ }
+ if ( $show{'raid'} ){
+ %row = line_handler('RAID','raid');
+ assign_data(%row);
+ }
+ if ( $show{'partition'} || $show{'partition-full'}){
+ %row = line_handler('Partition','partition');
+ assign_data(%row);
+ }
+ if ( $show{'unmounted'} ){
+ %row = line_handler('Unmounted','unmounted');
+ assign_data(%row);
+ }
+ if ( $show{'usb'} ){
+ set_usb_data() if !$b_usb_check;
+ %row = line_handler('USB','usb');
+ assign_data(%row);
+ $b_usb_check = 1;
+ }
+ if ( $show{'sensor'} ){
+ %row = line_handler('Sensors','sensor');
+ assign_data(%row);
+ }
+ if ( $show{'repo'} ){
+ %row = line_handler('Repos','repo');
+ assign_data(%row);
+ }
+ if ( $show{'process'} ){
+ %row = line_handler('Processes','process');
+ assign_data(%row);
+ }
+ if ( $show{'weather'} ){
+ %row = line_handler('Weather','weather');
+ assign_data(%row);
+ }
+ if ( $show{'info'} ){
+ %row = generate_info_data();
+ assign_data(%row);
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $output_type ne 'screen' ){
+ output_handler(%rows);
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
-# args: $1 - cpu/mem; $2 true/false
- eval $LOGFS
- local a_ps_data='' ps_data='' line_starter='' line_start_data='' full_line=''
- local app_name='' app_pid='' app_cpu='' app_mem='' throttled='' app_daemon=''
- local b_print_first=$2 line_counter=0 i=0 count_nu='' extra_data='' memory_info='' extra_text=''
- if [[ -n $PS_THROTTLED ]];then
- throttled=" ${C1} - throttled from${C2} $PS_THROTTLED"
- fi
- # important: ${C2} $PS_COUNT must have space after ${C2} for irc output or the number vanishes
- case $1 in
- cpu)
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- extra_text=" ${C1}- Memory$SEP3 MB / % used"
- if [[ $B_SHOW_INFO == 'false' && $B_SHOW_PS_MEM_DATA == 'false' ]];then
- get_memory_data
- memory_info=" - ${C1}Used/Total$SEP3${C2} $MEMORY"
- fi
- fi
- line_start_data="${C1}CPU$SEP3 % used$extra_text$memory_info${C1} - top${C2} $PS_COUNT ${C1}active$throttled"
- ;;
- mem)
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- extra_text=" ${C1}- CPU$SEP3 % used"
- fi
- if [[ $B_SHOW_INFO == 'false' ]];then
- get_memory_data
- memory_info=" - ${C1}Used/Total$SEP3${C2} $MEMORY"
- fi
- line_start_data="${C1}Memory$SEP3 MB / % used$memory_info$extra_text${C1} - top${C2} $PS_COUNT ${C1}active$throttled"
- ;;
- esac
- if [[ $b_print_first == 'true' ]];then
- line_starter='Processes:'
- else
- line_starter=' '
- fi
- # appName, appPath, appStarterName, appStarterPath, cpu, mem, pid, vsz, user
- ps_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$line_start_data" )
- print_screen_output "$ps_data"
- for (( i=0; i < ${#A_PS_DATA[@]}; i++ ))
- do
- IFS=","
- a_ps_data=(${A_PS_DATA[i]})
- # handle the converted app names, with ~..~ means it didn't have a path
- if [[ -n $( grep -E '^~.*~$' <<< ${a_ps_data[0]} ) ]];then
- app_daemon='daemon'
- else
- app_daemon='command'
- fi
- app_name=" ${C1}$app_daemon$SEP3${C2} ${a_ps_data[0]}"
- if [[ ${a_ps_data[0]} != ${a_ps_data[2]} ]];then
- app_name="$app_name ${C1}(started by$SEP3${C2} ${a_ps_data[2]}${C1})${C2}"
- fi
- app_pid=" ${C1}pid$SEP3${C2} ${a_ps_data[6]}"
- # ${C1}user$SEP3${C2} ${a_ps_data[8]}
- case $1 in
- cpu)
- app_cpu=" ${C1}cpu$SEP3${C2} ${a_ps_data[4]}%"
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- extra_data=" ${C1}mem$SEP3${C2} ${a_ps_data[7]}MB (${a_ps_data[5]}%)${C2}"
- fi
- ;;
- mem)
- app_mem=" ${C1}mem$SEP3${C2} ${a_ps_data[7]}MB (${a_ps_data[5]}%)${C2}"
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- extra_data=" ${C1}cpu$SEP3${C2} ${a_ps_data[4]}%"
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- (( line_counter++ ))
- count_nu="${C1}$line_counter$SEP3${C2}"
- full_line="$count_nu$app_cpu$app_mem$app_name$app_pid$extra_data"
- ps_data=$( create_print_line " " "$full_line" )
- print_screen_output "$ps_data"
- done
- eval $LOGFE
+sub line_handler {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my ($key,$sub,$arg) = @_;
+ my %subs = (
+ 'audio' => \&AudioData::get,
+ 'battery' => \&BatteryData::get,
+ 'cpu' => \&CpuData::get,
+ 'disk' => \&DiskData::get,
+ 'graphic' => \&GraphicData::get,
+ 'machine' => \&MachineData::get,
+ 'network' => \&NetworkData::get,
+ 'partition' => \&PartitionData::get,
+ 'raid' => \&RaidData::get,
+ 'ram' => \&RamData::get,
+ 'repo' => \&RepoData::get,
+ 'process' => \&ProcessData::get,
+ 'sensor' => \&SensorData::get,
+ 'slot' => \&SlotData::get,
+ 'unmounted' => \&UnmountedData::get,
+ 'usb' => \&UsbData::get,
+ 'weather' => \&WeatherData::get,
+ );
+ my (%data);
+ my $data_name = main::key($prefix++,$key);
+ my @rows = $subs{$sub}->($arg);
+ if (@rows){
+ %data = ($data_name => \@rows,);
+ }
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return %data;
- eval $LOGFS
- local device='' device_string='' device_state='' raid_level='' device_components=''
- local device_report='' u_data='' blocks='' super_blocks='' algorithm='' chunk_size=''
- local bitmap_values='' recovery_progress_bar='' recovery_percent='' recovered_sectors=''
- local finish_time='' recovery_speed='' raid_counter=0 device_counter=1 basic_counter=1
- local a_raid_working='' raid_data='' kernel_support='' read_ahead='' unused_devices=''
- local basic_raid='' basic_raid_separator='' basic_raid_plural='' inactive=''
- local component_separator='' device_id='' print_string='' loop_limit=0 array_count_unused=''
- local array_count='' raid_event='' b_print_lines='true'
- local no_raid_detected='' dev_string='/dev/'
- local empty_raid_data='' report_size='report' blocks_avail='blocks' chunk_raid_usage='chunk size'
- if [[ $B_RAID_SET != 'true' ]];then
- get_raid_data
- fi
- # note, default first tesat is zfs, if empty, falls back to mdraid
- if [[ $RAID_TYPE == 'zfs' ]];then
- no_raid_detected='No zfs software RAID detected-other types not yet supported.'
- empty_raid_data='No zfs RAID data available-other types not yet supported.'
- report_size='size'
- blocks_avail='available'
- chunk_raid_usage='allocated'
- else
- no_raid_detected="No RAID data: $FILE_MDSTAT missing-is md_mod kernel module loaded?"
- empty_raid_data="No RAID devices: $FILE_MDSTAT, md_mod kernel module present"
- fi
- if [[ $BSD_TYPE == 'bsd' ]];then
- dev_string=''
- fi
- for (( i=0; i < ${#A_RAID_DATA[@]}; i++ ))
- do
- IFS=","
- a_raid_working=(${A_RAID_DATA[i]})
- # reset on each iteration
- algorithm=''
- bitmap_values=''
- blocks=''
- component_separator=''
- device=''
- device_components=''
- device_id=''
- device_report=''
- device_state=''
- failed=''
- finish_time=''
- inactive=''
- raid_event=''
- raid_level=''
- recovery_percent=''
- recovery_progress_bar=''
- recovered_sectors=''
- recovery_speed=''
- spare=''
- super_blocks=''
- u_data=''
- # we only want to print lines if anything showed up for md or zfs.
- if [[ $RAID_TYPE == 'mdraid' && -n $( grep '^md' <<< ${a_raid_working[0]} ) ]] || \
- [[ $RAID_TYPE == 'zfs' && ${a_raid_working[0]} != '' ]];then
- if [[ $B_SHOW_BASIC_RAID == 'true' ]];then
- if [[ $basic_raid != '' ]];then
- basic_raid_plural='s'
- fi
- if [[ ${a_raid_working[1]} == 'inactive' ]];then
- inactive=" - ${a_raid_working[1]}"
- fi
- basic_raid="$basic_raid$basic_raid_separator${C1}$basic_counter$SEP3${C2} $dev_string${a_raid_working[0]}$inactive"
- basic_raid_separator=' '
- (( basic_counter++ ))
- else
- device_id="-$device_counter"
- device="$dev_string${a_raid_working[0]}"
- (( device_counter++ ))
- if [[ ${a_raid_working[1]} != '' ]];then
- device_state=" - ${a_raid_working[1]}"
- fi
- if [[ ${a_raid_working[2]} == '' ]];then
- raid_level='N/A'
- else
- raid_level=${a_raid_working[2]}
- fi
- # there's one case: md0 : inactive that has to be protected against
- if [[ ${a_raid_working[2]} == '' && ${a_raid_working[1]} == 'inactive' ]];then
- raid_level=''
- else
- raid_level=" ${C1}raid$SEP3${C2} $raid_level"
- fi
- if [[ ${a_raid_working[4]} != '' ]];then
- device_report="${a_raid_working[4]}"
- else
- device_report="N/A"
- fi
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- if [[ ${a_raid_working[6]} != '' ]];then
- blocks=${a_raid_working[6]}
- else
- blocks='N/A'
- fi
- blocks=" ${C1}$blocks_avail$SEP3${C2} $blocks"
- if [[ ${a_raid_working[9]} != '' ]];then
- chunk_size=${a_raid_working[9]}
- else
- chunk_size='N/A'
- fi
- chunk_size=" ${C1}$chunk_raid_usage$SEP3${C2} $chunk_size"
- if [[ ${a_raid_working[10]} != '' ]];then
- bitmap_value='true'
- bitmap_value=" ${C1}bitmap$SEP3${C2} $bitmap_value"
- fi
- fi
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- if [[ ${a_raid_working[5]} != '' ]];then
- u_data=" ${a_raid_working[5]}"
- fi
- if [[ ${a_raid_working[7]} != '' ]];then
- super_blocks=" ${C1}super blocks$SEP3${C2} ${a_raid_working[7]}"
- fi
- if [[ ${a_raid_working[8]} != '' ]];then
- algorithm=" ${C1}algorithm$SEP3${C2} ${a_raid_working[8]}"
- fi
- fi
- if [[ ${a_raid_working[3]} == '' ]];then
- if [[ ${a_raid_working[1]} != 'inactive' ]];then
- device_components=" ${C1}components$SEP3${C2} N/A"
- fi
- else
- for component in ${a_raid_working[3]}
- do
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA != 'true' ]];then
- component=$( sed 's/\[[0-9]\+\]//' <<< $component )
- fi
- # MDRAID: states are: (F), F, (S), S
- # F and S trigger false positives with ZFS, needs fixing
- if [[ $RAID_TYPE == 'mdraid' && -n $( grep 'F' <<< $component ) ]] || \
- [[ $RAID_TYPE == 'zfs' && -n $( grep -E '(DEGRADED|FAULTED)' <<< $component ) ]];then
- if [[ $RAID_TYPE == 'mdraid' ]];then
- component=$( sed -e 's/(F)//' -e 's/S//' <<< $component )
- else
- component=$( sed -e 's/DEGRADED//' -e 's/FAULTED//' <<< $component )
- fi
- failed="$failed $component"
- component=''
- elif [[ $RAID_TYPE == 'mdraid' && -n $( grep -E 'S' <<< $component ) ]] || \
- [[ $RAID_TYPE == 'zfs' && -n $( grep -E '(OFFLINE)' <<< $component ) ]];then
- if [[ $RAID_TYPE == 'mdraid' ]];then
- component=$( sed -e 's/(S)//' -e 's/S//' <<< $component )
- else
- component=$( sed -e 's/OFFLINE//' <<< $component )
- fi
- spare="$spare $component"
- component=''
- else
- device_components="$device_components$component_separator$component"
- component_separator=' '
- fi
- done
- if [[ $failed != '' ]];then
- failed=" ${C1}FAILED$SEP3${C2}$failed${C2}"
- fi
- if [[ $spare != '' ]];then
- spare=" ${C1}spare$SEP3${C2}$spare${C2}"
- fi
- if [[ -n $device_components || -n $spare || -n $failed ]];then
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA != 'true' && -z $BSD_TYPE ]];then
- if [[ $device_report != 'N/A' && -n $device_components ]];then
- device_components="$device_report - $device_components"
- fi
- fi
- if [[ $device_components == '' ]];then
- device_components='none'
- fi
- device_components="${C1}online$SEP3${C2} $device_components"
- device_components=" ${C1}components$SEP3${C2} $device_components$failed$spare"
- fi
- fi
- a_raid_data[$raid_counter]="${C1}Device$device_id$SEP3${C2} $device$device_state$raid_level$device_components"
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' && ${a_raid_working[1]} != 'inactive' ]];then
- a_raid_data[$raid_counter]="${C1}Device$device_id$SEP3${C2} $device$device_state$device_components"
- (( raid_counter++ ))
- print_string="${C1}Info$SEP3${C2}$raid_level ${C1}$report_size$SEP3${C2} $device_report$u_data"
- print_string="$print_string$blocks$chunk_size$bitmap_value$super_blocks$algorithm"
- a_raid_data[$raid_counter]="$print_string"
- else
- a_raid_data[$raid_counter]="${C1}Device$device_id$SEP3${C2} $device$device_state$raid_level$device_components"
- fi
- (( raid_counter++ ))
- # now let's do the recover line if required
- if [[ ${a_raid_working[12]} != '' ]];then
- recovery_percent=$( cut -d '~' -f 2 <<< ${a_raid_working[12]} )
- if [[ ${a_raid_working[14]} != '' ]];then
- finish_time=${a_raid_working[14]}
- else
- finish_time='N/A'
- fi
- finish_time=" ${C1}time remaining$SEP3${C2} $finish_time"
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- if [[ ${a_raid_working[13]} != '' ]];then
- recovered_sectors=" ${C1}sectors$SEP3${C2} ${a_raid_working[13]}"
- fi
- fi
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- if [[ ${a_raid_working[11]} != '' ]];then
- recovery_progress_bar=" ${a_raid_working[11]}"
- fi
- if [[ ${a_raid_working[15]} != '' ]];then
- recovery_speed=" ${C1}speed$SEP3${C2} ${a_raid_working[15]}"
- fi
- fi
- a_raid_data[$raid_counter]="${C1}Recovering$SEP3${C2} $recovery_percent$recovery_progress_bar$recovered_sectors$finish_time$recovery_speed"
- (( raid_counter++ ))
- fi
- fi
- elif [[ ${a_raid_working[0]} == 'KernelRaidSupport' ]];then
- if [[ ${a_raid_working[1]} == '' ]];then
- kernel_support='N/A'
- else
- kernel_support=${a_raid_working[1]}
- fi
- kernel_support=" ${C1}supported$SEP3${C2} $kernel_support"
- elif [[ ${a_raid_working[0]} == 'ReadAhead' ]];then
- if [[ ${a_raid_working[1]} != '' ]];then
- read_ahead=${a_raid_working[1]}
- read_ahead=" ${C1}read ahead$SEP3${C2} $read_ahead"
- fi
- elif [[ ${a_raid_working[0]} == 'UnusedDevices' ]];then
- if [[ ${a_raid_working[1]} == '' ]];then
- unused_devices='N/A'
- else
- unused_devices=${a_raid_working[1]}
- fi
- unused_devices="${C1}Unused Devices$SEP3${C2} $unused_devices"
- elif [[ ${a_raid_working[0]} == 'raidEvent' ]];then
- if [[ ${a_raid_working[1]} != '' ]];then
- raid_event=${a_raid_working[1]}
- raid_event=" ${C1}Raid Event$SEP3${C2} ${a_raid_working[1]}"
- fi
- fi
- done
- if [[ $B_SHOW_BASIC_RAID == 'true' && $basic_raid != '' ]];then
- a_raid_data[0]="${C1}Device$basic_raid_plural$SEP3${C2} $basic_raid"
- fi
- # This means no /proc/mdstat and no zfs_pool found
- if [[ $RAID_TYPE == '' ]];then
- if [[ $B_SHOW_RAID_R == 'true' ]];then
- a_raid_data[0]="$no_raid_detected"
- else
- b_print_lines='false'
- fi
- else
- if [[ ${a_raid_data[0]} == '' ]];then
- if [[ $B_SHOW_BASIC_RAID != 'true' ]];then
- a_raid_data[0]="$empty_raid_data"
- else
- b_print_lines='false'
- fi
- fi
- # now let's add on the system line and the unused device line. Only print on -xx
- if [[ $kernel_support$read_ahead$raid_event != '' ]];then
- array_count=${#a_raid_data[@]}
- a_raid_data[array_count]="${C1}System$SEP3${C2}$kernel_support$read_ahead$raid_event"
- loop_limit=1
- fi
- if [[ $unused_devices != '' ]];then
- array_count_unused=${#a_raid_data[@]}
- a_raid_data[array_count_unused]="$unused_devices"
- loop_limit=2
- fi
- fi
- # we don't want to print anything if it's -b and no data is present, just a waste of a line
- if [[ $b_print_lines == 'true' ]];then
- # print out all lines, line starter on first line
- for (( i=0; i < ${#a_raid_data[@]} - $loop_limit;i++ ))
- do
- if [[ $i -eq 0 ]];then
- line_starter='RAID:'
- else
- line_starter=' '
- fi
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' && $array_count != '' ]];then
- if [[ $i == 0 ]];then
- raid_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "${a_raid_data[array_count]}" )
- print_screen_output "$raid_data"
- line_starter=' '
- fi
- fi
- raid_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "${a_raid_data[i]}" )
- print_screen_output "$raid_data"
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' && $array_count_unused != '' ]];then
- if [[ $i == $(( array_count_unused - 2 )) ]];then
- raid_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "${a_raid_data[array_count_unused]}" )
- print_screen_output "$raid_data"
- fi
- fi
- done
- fi
- eval $LOGFE
+#### -------------------------------------------------------------------
+#### -------------------------------------------------------------------
- eval $LOGFS
- local memory_line='' line_2='' line_3='' b_module_present='true'
- local error_string='' a_memory_item='' line_starter='Memory:' array_counter=1 device_counter=1
- local dmidecodeNull='No dmidecode memory data: try newer kernel.'
- local manufacturer='' part_nu='' serial_nu='' device_speed='' configured_speed='' bus_width=
- local data_width='' total_width='' device_type='' device_type_detail='' bank='' slot='' form_factor=''
- local device_size='' array_use='' location='' error_correction='' max_capacity='' nu_of_devices=''
- local max_module_size='' module_voltage='' bank_connection='' memory_info=''
- get_ram_data
- #echo ${#A_MEMORY_DATA[@]}
- #echo ${A_MEMORY_DATA[0]}
- if [[ ${#A_MEMORY_DATA[@]} -gt 0 ]];then
- if [[ ${A_MEMORY_DATA[0]} == 'dmidecode-error-'* ]];then
- error_string=$( print_dmidecode_error 'default' "${A_MEMORY_DATA[0]}" )
- memory_line="${C2}$error_string"
- else
- if [[ $B_SHOW_INFO == 'false' && $B_SHOW_PS_MEM_DATA == 'false' ]];then
- get_memory_data
- memory_info="${C1}Used/Total$SEP3${C2} $MEMORY"
- fi
- for (( i=0;i<${#A_MEMORY_DATA[@]};i++ ))
- do
- IFS=','
- a_memory_item=(${A_MEMORY_DATA[i]})
- memory_line=''
- line_2=''
- line_3=''
- bus_width=''
- data_width=
- total_width=
- part_nu=''
- serial_nu=''
- manufacturer=''
- max_module_size=''
- module_voltage=''
- bank_connection=''
- if [[ -n $memory_info ]];then
- memory_line=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$memory_info" )
- print_screen_output "$memory_line"
- line_starter=''
- memory_info=''
- fi
- # memory-array,0x0012,System Board,8 GB,4,System Memory,None,max size,moudule voltage
- if [[ ${a_memory_item[0]} == 'memory-array' ]];then
- if [[ -n ${a_memory_item[4]} ]];then
- nu_of_devices=${a_memory_item[4]}
- else
- nu_of_devices='N/A'
- fi
- if [[ -n ${a_memory_item[3]} ]];then
- max_capacity=${a_memory_item[3]}
- else
- max_capacity='N/A'
- fi
- if [[ -n ${a_memory_item[6]} ]];then
- error_correction=${a_memory_item[6]}
- else
- error_correction='N/A'
- fi
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- if [[ -n ${a_memory_item[7]} ]];then
- max_module_size="${C1}max module size${SEP3}${C2} ${a_memory_item[7]} "
- fi
- fi
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- if [[ -n ${a_memory_item[8]} ]];then
- module_voltage="${C1}module voltage$SEP3${C2} ${a_memory_item[8]}"
- fi
- fi
- memory_line="${C1}Array-$array_counter capacity$SEP3${C2} $max_capacity ${C1}devices$SEP3${C2} $nu_of_devices ${C1}EC$SEP3${C2} $error_correction "
- line_2="$max_module_size$module_voltage"
- calculate_line_length "$memory_line$line_2"
- if [[ -n $line_2 && $LINE_LENGTH -gt $COLS_INNER ]];then
- memory_line=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$memory_line" )
- print_screen_output "$memory_line"
- memory_line="$line_2"
- line_starter=' '
- line_2=''
- else
- memory_line="$memory_line$line_2"
- line_2=''
- fi
- (( array_counter++ ))
- device_counter=1 # reset so device matches device count per array
- else
- # not used for now
-# if [[ -n ${a_memory_item[3333]} ]];then
-# if [[ -z ${a_memory_item[3]/BANK*/} ]];then
-# #bank=${a_memory_item[3]#BANK}
-# bank=${a_memory_item[3]}
-# bank=${bank## }
-# else
-# bank=${a_memory_item[3]}
-# fi
-# else
-# bank='N/A'
-# fi
-# # not used for now
-# if [[ -n ${a_memory_item[44444]} ]];then
-# if [[ -z ${a_memory_item[4]/SLOT*/} ]];then
-# #slot=${a_memory_item[4]#SLOT}
-# slot=${a_memory_item[4]}
-# slot=${slot## }
-# else
-# slot=${a_memory_item[4]}
-# fi
-# else
-# slot='N/A'
-# fi
- if [[ -n ${a_memory_item[15]} ]];then
- locator=${a_memory_item[15]}
- locator=${locator## }
- else
- locator='N/A'
- fi
- if [[ -n ${a_memory_item[2]} ]];then
- device_size=${a_memory_item[2]}
- if [[ $device_size == 'No Module Installed' ]];then
- b_module_present='false'
- else
- b_module_present='true'
- fi
- else
- device_size='N/A'
- fi
- if [[ -n ${a_memory_item[6]} ]];then
- device_type=${a_memory_item[6]}
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' && -n ${a_memory_item[7]} \
- && ${a_memory_item[7]} != 'Other' ]];then
- device_type="$device_type (${a_memory_item[7]})"
- fi
- else
- device_type='N/A'
- fi
- device_type="${C1}type$SEP3${C2} $device_type "
- if [[ -n ${a_memory_item[8]} ]];then
- if [[ -n ${a_memory_item[9]} ]];then
- device_speed=${a_memory_item[9]}
- else
- device_speed=${a_memory_item[8]}
- fi
- else
- device_speed='N/A'
- fi
- if [[ $b_module_present == 'true' ]];then
- device_speed="${C1}speed$SEP3${C2} $device_speed "
- else
- device_speed=''
- fi
- # memory-device,0x002C,8192 MB,ChannelD,ChannelD_Dimm2,DIMM,DDR3,Synchronous,2400 MHz,2400 MHz,64 bits,64 bits,Undefined,F3-19200C10-8GBZH,00000000
- if [[ $b_module_present == 'true' ]];then
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- if [[ -n ${a_memory_item[13]} ]];then
- part_nu=${a_memory_item[13]}
- else
- part_nu='N/A'
- fi
- part_nu="${C1}part$SEP3${C2} $part_nu "
- fi
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- if [[ -n ${a_memory_item[12]} ]];then
- manufacturer=${a_memory_item[12]}
- else
- manufacturer='N/A'
- fi
- manufacturer="${C1}manufacturer$SEP3${C2} $manufacturer "
- if [[ -n ${a_memory_item[14]} ]];then
- if [[ $B_OUTPUT_FILTER == 'true' ]];then
- serial_nu=$FILTER_STRING
- else
- serial_nu=${a_memory_item[14]}
- fi
- else
- serial_nu='N/A'
- fi
- serial_nu="${C1}serial$SEP3${C2} $serial_nu "
- if [[ $device_size != 'N/A' && -n ${a_memory_item[16]} ]];then
- bank_connection=" ${a_memory_item[16]}"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- if [[ $b_module_present == 'true' ]] || \
- [[ -n ${a_memory_item[11]} || -n ${a_memory_item[10]} ]];then
- # only create this if the total exists and is > data width
- if [[ -n ${a_memory_item[10]/ bits/} && -n ${a_memory_item[11]/ bits} && \
- ${a_memory_item[11]/ bits/} -gt ${a_memory_item[10]/ bits/} ]];then
- total_width=" (total$SEP3 ${a_memory_item[11]})"
- fi
- if [[ -n ${a_memory_item[10]} ]];then
- data_width=${a_memory_item[10]}
- else
- data_width='N/A'
- fi
- bus_width="${C1}bus width$SEP3${C2} $data_width$total_width "
- fi
- fi
- memory_line="${C1}Device-$device_counter$SEP3${C2} $locator ${C1}size$SEP3${C2} $device_size$bank_connection $device_speed"
- calculate_line_length "$memory_line$device_type"
- if [[ $LINE_LENGTH -le $COLS_INNER ]];then
- memory_line="$memory_line$device_type"
- device_type=''
- fi
- line_3="$manufacturer$part_nu$serial_nu"
- line_2="$device_type$bus_width"
- # echo $( calculate_line_length "$memory_line" )
- # echo $( calculate_line_length "$memory_line$line_2" )
- calculate_line_length "$memory_line$line_2$line_3"
- if [[ $LINE_LENGTH -gt $COLS_INNER ]];then
- memory_line=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$memory_line" )
- print_screen_output "$memory_line"
- memory_line="$line_2"
- line_starter=' '
- calculate_line_length "$memory_line$line_3"
- if [[ -n $memory_line && -n $line_3 && $LINE_LENGTH -gt $COLS_INNER ]];then
- memory_line=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$memory_line" )
- print_screen_output "$memory_line"
- memory_line="$line_3"
- else
- memory_line="$memory_line$line_3"
- fi
- else
- memory_line="$memory_line$line_2$line_3"
- fi
- (( device_counter++ ))
- fi
- memory_line=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$memory_line" )
- print_screen_output "$memory_line"
- line_starter=' '
- done
- memory_line=' '
- fi
- else
- memory_line="${C2}$dmidecodeNull"
- fi
- memory_line=${memory_line## }
- if [[ -n $memory_line ]];then
- memory_line=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$memory_line" )
- print_screen_output "$memory_line"
- fi
- eval $LOGFE
-# currently only apt using distros support this feature, but over time we can add others
- eval $LOGFS
- local repo_count=0 repo_line='' file_name='' file_content='' file_name_holder=''
- local repo_full='' b_print_next_line='false' repo_type=''
- get_repo_data
- if [[ -n $REPO_DATA ]];then
- # loop through the variable's lines one by one, update counter each iteration
- while read repo_line
- do
- (( repo_count++ ))
- repo_type=$( cut -d '^' -f 1 <<< $repo_line )
- file_name=$( cut -d '^' -f 2 <<< $repo_line )
- file_content=$( cut -d '^' -f 3-7 <<< $repo_line )
- # this will dump unwanted white space line starters. Some irc channels
- # use bots that show page title for urls, so need to break the url by adding
- # a white space.
- if [[ $B_IRC == 'true' ]];then
- file_content=$( echo ${file_content/:\/\//: \/\/} )
- else
- file_content=$( echo $file_content )
- fi
- # echo $file_name : $file_name_holder : $repo_type : $file_content
- # check file name, if different, update the holder for print out
- if [[ $file_name != $file_name_holder ]];then
- if [[ $repo_type == 'pisi repo' || $repo_type == 'urpmq repo' ]];then
- repo_full="${C1}$repo_type$SEP3${C2} $file_name"
- else
- repo_full="${C1}Active $repo_type in file$SEP3${C2} $file_name"
- fi
- file_name_holder=$file_name
- b_print_next_line='true'
- else
- repo_full="${C2}$file_content"
- fi
- # first line print Repos:
- if [[ $repo_count -eq 1 ]];then
- repo_full=$( create_print_line "Repos:" "$repo_full" )
- else
- repo_full=$( create_print_line " " "$repo_full" )
- fi
- print_screen_output "$repo_full"
- # this prints the content of the file as well as the file name
- if [[ $b_print_next_line == 'true' ]];then
- repo_full=$( create_print_line " " "$file_content" )
- print_screen_output "$repo_full"
- b_print_next_line='false'
- fi
- done <<< "$REPO_DATA"
- else
- if [[ $BSD_TYPE == 'bsd' ]];then
- repo_type='OS type'
- else
- repo_type="package manager"
- fi
- repo_full=$( create_print_line "Repos:" "${C1}Error$SEP3${C2} No repo data detected. Does $SELF_NAME support your $repo_type?" )
- print_screen_output "$repo_full"
- fi
- eval $LOGFE
- eval $LOGFS
- local mobo_temp='' cpu_temp='' psu_temp='' cpu_fan='' mobo_fan='' ps_fan='' sys_fans='' sys_fans2=''
- local temp_data='' fan_data='' fan_data2='' b_is_error='false' fan_count=0 gpu_temp=''
- local a_sensors_working=''
- local no_sensors_message='None detected - is lm-sensors installed and configured?'
- local Sensors_Data="$( get_sensors_output )"
- get_sensors_data
- if [[ $BSD_TYPE == 'bsd' ]];then
- no_sensors_message='This feature is not yet supported for BSD systems.'
- fi
- IFS=","
- a_sensors_working=( ${A_SENSORS_DATA[0]} )
- # initial error cases, for missing app or unconfigured sensors. Note that array 0
- # always has at least 3 items, cpu/mobo/psu temp in it. If the count is 0, then
- # no sensors are installed/configured
- if [[ ${#a_sensors_working[@]} -eq 0 ]];then
- cpu_temp=$no_sensors_message
- b_is_error='true'
- else
- for (( i=0; i < ${#A_SENSORS_DATA[@]}; i++ ))
- do
- IFS=","
- a_sensors_working=( ${A_SENSORS_DATA[i]} )
- case $i in
- # first the temp data
- 0)
- if [[ -n ${a_sensors_working[0]} ]];then
- cpu_temp=${a_sensors_working[0]}
- else
- cpu_temp='N/A'
- fi
- cpu_temp="${C1}System Temperatures: cpu$SEP3${C2} $cpu_temp "
- if [[ -n ${a_sensors_working[1]} ]];then
- mobo_temp=${a_sensors_working[1]}
- else
- mobo_temp='N/A'
- fi
- mobo_temp="${C1}mobo$SEP3${C2} $mobo_temp "
- if [[ -n ${a_sensors_working[2]} ]];then
- psu_temp="${C1}psu$SEP3${C2} ${a_sensors_working[2]} "
- fi
- gpu_temp=$( get_gpu_temp_data )
- # dump the unneeded screen data for single gpu systems
- if [[ $( wc -w <<< $gpu_temp ) -eq 1 && $B_EXTRA_DATA != 'true' ]];then
- gpu_temp=${gpu_temp#*:}
- fi
- if [[ -n $gpu_temp ]];then
- gpu_temp="${C1}gpu$SEP3${C2} $gpu_temp "
- fi
- ;;
- # then the fan data from main fan array
- 1)
- for (( j=0; j < ${#a_sensors_working[@]}; j++ ))
- do
- case $j in
- 0)
- # we need to make sure it's either cpu fan OR cpu fan and sys fan 1
- if [[ -n ${a_sensors_working[0]} ]];then
- cpu_fan="${a_sensors_working[0]}"
- elif [[ -z ${a_sensors_working[0]} && -n ${a_sensors_working[1]} ]];then
- cpu_fan="${a_sensors_working[1]}"
- else
- cpu_fan='N/A'
- fi
- cpu_fan="${C1}Fan Speeds (in rpm): cpu$SEP3${C2} $cpu_fan "
- (( fan_count++ ))
- ;;
- 1)
- if [[ -n ${a_sensors_working[1]} ]];then
- mobo_fan="${C1}mobo$SEP3${C2} ${a_sensors_working[1]} "
- (( fan_count++ ))
- fi
- ;;
- 2)
- if [[ -n ${a_sensors_working[2]} ]];then
- ps_fan="${C1}psu$SEP3${C2} ${a_sensors_working[2]} "
- (( fan_count++ ))
- fi
- ;;
- [3-9]|[1-9][0-9])
- if [[ -n ${a_sensors_working[$j]} ]];then
- fan_number=$(( $j - 2 )) # sys fans start on array key 5
- # wrap after fan 6 total
- if [[ $fan_count -lt 7 ]];then
- sys_fans="$sys_fans${C1}sys-$fan_number$SEP3${C2} ${a_sensors_working[$j]} "
- else
- sys_fans2="$sys_fans2${C1}sys-$fan_number$SEP3${C2} ${a_sensors_working[$j]} "
- fi
- (( fan_count++ ))
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- done
- ;;
- 2)
- for (( j=0; j < ${#a_sensors_working[@]}; j++ ))
- do
- case $j in
- [0-9]|[1-9][0-9])
- if [[ -n ${a_sensors_working[$j]} ]];then
- fan_number=$(( $j + 1 )) # sys fans start on array key 5
- # wrap after fan 6 total
- if [[ $fan_count -lt 7 ]];then
- sys_fans="$sys_fans${C1}fan-$fan_number$SEP3${C2} ${a_sensors_working[$j]} "
- else
- sys_fans2="$sys_fans2${C1}fan-$fan_number$SEP3${C2} ${a_sensors_working[$j]} "
- fi
- (( fan_count++ ))
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- done
- ;;
- esac
- done
- fi
- # turning off all output for case where no sensors detected or no sensors output
- # unless -s used explicitly. So for -F type output won't show unless valid or -! 1 used
- if [[ $b_is_error != 'true' || $B_SHOW_SENSORS == 'true' || $B_TESTING_1 == 'true' ]];then
- temp_data="$cpu_temp$mobo_temp$psu_temp$gpu_temp"
- temp_data=$( create_print_line "Sensors:" "$temp_data" )
- print_screen_output "$temp_data"
- # don't print second or subsequent lines if error data
- fan_data="$cpu_fan$mobo_fan$ps_fan$sys_fans"
- if [[ $b_is_error != 'true' && -n $fan_data ]];then
- fan_data=$( create_print_line " " "$fan_data" )
- print_screen_output "$fan_data"
- # and then second wrapped fan line if needed
- if [[ -n $sys_fans2 ]];then
- fan_data2=$( create_print_line " " "$sys_fans2" )
- print_screen_output "$fan_data2"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- eval $LOGFE
- eval $LOGFS
- local system_data='' bits='' desktop_environment='' dm_data='' de_extra_data=''
- local de_string='' distro_string='' line_starter='System:'
- local host_kernel_string='' host_string='' desktop_type='Desktop'
- local host_name=$HOSTNAME bit_comp=''
- local distro="$( get_distro_data )"
- local tty_session='' compiler_string='' distro_os='Distro'
- if [[ -n $BSD_TYPE ]];then
- distro_os='OS'
- fi
- get_kernel_version
- # I think these will work, maybe, if logged in as root and in X
- if [[ $B_RUNNING_IN_DISPLAY == 'true' ]];then
- desktop_environment=$( get_desktop_environment )
- if [[ -z $desktop_environment ]];then
- desktop_environment='N/A'
- fi
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- de_extra_data=$( get_desktop_extra_data )
- if [[ -n $de_extra_data ]];then
- de_extra_data=" ${C1}info$SEP3${C2} $de_extra_data"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- # handle separately since some systems will have no root desktop data
- if [[ $B_RUNNING_IN_DISPLAY == 'false' ]] || [[ $desktop_environment == 'N/A' && $B_ROOT == 'true' ]];then
- tty_session=$( get_tty_number )
- if [[ $desktop_environment == 'N/A' ]];then
- de_extra_data=''
- fi
- if [[ -z $tty_session && $B_CONSOLE_IRC == 'true' ]];then
- tty_session=$( get_tty_console_irc )
- fi
- if [[ -n $tty_session ]];then
- tty_session=" $tty_session"
- fi
- desktop_environment="tty$tty_session"
- desktop_type='Console'
- fi
- # having dm type can be useful if you are accessing remote system
- # or are out of X and don't remember which dm is running the system
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- dm_data=$( get_display_manager )
- # here we only want the dm info to show N/A if in X
- if [[ -z $dm_data && $B_RUNNING_IN_DISPLAY == 'true' ]];then
- dm_data='N/A'
- fi
- # only print out of X if dm_data has info, then it's actually useful, but
- # for headless servers, no need to print dm stuff.
- if [[ -n $dm_data ]];then
- dm_data=" ${C1}dm$SEP3${C2} $dm_data"
- fi
- fi
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- compiler_string=$( get_kernel_compiler_version )
- if [[ -n $compiler_string ]];then
- compiler_string="${C1}${compiler_string%^*}$SEP3${C2} ${compiler_string#*^} "
- fi
- fi
- # check for 64 bit first
- if [[ -n $( uname -m | grep -E '(x86_64|amd64)' ) ]];then
- bits="64"
- else
- bits="32"
- fi
- bits="${C1}bits$SEP3${C2} $bits "
- if [[ $B_SHOW_HOST == 'true' ]];then
- if [[ -z $HOSTNAME ]];then
- if [[ -n $( type p hostname ) ]];then
- host_name=$( hostname )
- fi
- if [[ -z $host_name ]];then
- host_name='N/A'
- fi
- fi
- host_string="${C1}Host$SEP3${C2} $host_name "
- fi
- host_kernel_string="$host_string${C1}Kernel$SEP3${C2} $CURRENT_KERNEL "
- bits_comp="$bits$compiler_string"
- de_string="${C1}$desktop_type$SEP3${C2} $desktop_environment$de_extra_data$dm_data "
- distro_string="${C1}$distro_os$SEP3${C2} $distro "
- calculate_line_length "$host_kernel_string$bits_comp$de_string"
- if [[ $LINE_LENGTH -gt $COLS_INNER ]];then
- calculate_line_length "$host_kernel_string$bits_comp"
- if [[ $LINE_LENGTH -gt $COLS_INNER ]];then
- #echo one
- system_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$host_kernel_string" )
- print_screen_output "$system_data"
- system_data=$( create_print_line " " "$bits_comp" )
- print_screen_output "$system_data"
- else
- #echo two
- system_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$host_kernel_string$bits_comp" )
- print_screen_output "$system_data"
- fi
- host_kernel_string=''
- bits_comp=''
- line_starter=' '
- fi
- calculate_line_length "$host_kernel_string$bits_comp$de_string$distro_string"
- if [[ $LINE_LENGTH -gt $COLS_INNER ]];then
- #echo three
- system_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$host_kernel_string$bits_comp$de_string" )
- print_screen_output "$system_data"
- host_kernel_string=''
- de_string=''
- bits_comp=''
- line_starter=' '
- fi
- system_data="$host_kernel_string$bits_comp$de_string$distro_string"
- if [[ -n $system_data ]];then
- #echo four
- system_data="$host_kernel_string$bits_comp$de_string$distro_string"
- system_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$system_data" )
- print_screen_output "$system_data"
- fi
- eval $LOGFE
+sub generate_short_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my $num = 0;
+ my $kernel_os = ($bsd_type) ? 'OS' : 'Kernel';
+ my $client = $client{'name-print'};
+ my $client_shell = ($b_irc) ? 'Client' : 'Shell';
+ if ($client{'version'}){
+ $client .= ' ' . $client{'version'};
+ }
+ my ($cpu_string,$speed,$speed_key,$type) = ('','','speed','');
+ my $memory = get_memory_data('string');
+ my @cpu = CpuData::get('short');
+ if (scalar @cpu > 1){
+ $type = ($cpu[2]) ? " (-$cpu[2]-)" : '';
+ ($speed,$speed_key) = ('','');
+ if ($cpu[6]){
+ $speed_key = "$cpu[3]/$cpu[5]";
+ $cpu[4] =~ s/ MHz//;
+ $speed = "$cpu[4]/$cpu[6]";
+ }
+ else {
+ $speed_key = $cpu[3];
+ $speed = $cpu[4];
+ }
+ $cpu[1] ||= row_defaults('cpu-model-null');
+ $cpu_string = $cpu[0] . ' ' . $cpu[1] . $type;
+ }
+ elsif ($bsd_type) {
+ if ($alerts{'sysctl'}{'action'}){
+ if ($alerts{'sysctl'}{'action'} ne 'use'){
+ $cpu_string = "sysctl $alerts{'sysctl'}{'action'}";
+ $speed = "sysctl $alerts{'sysctl'}{'action'}";
+ }
+ else {
+ $cpu_string = 'bsd support coming';
+ $speed = 'bsd support coming';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my @disk = DiskData::get('short');
+ # print Dumper \@disk;
+ my $disk_string = 'N/A';
+ my ($size,$used,$size_type,$used_type) = ('','','','');
+ my (@temp,$size_holder,$used_holder);
+ if (@disk){
+ $size = $disk[0]{'size'};
+ if ($disk[0]{'size'} && $disk[0]{'size'} =~ /^[0-9\.]+$/){
+ $size_holder = $disk[0]{'size'};
+ @temp = get_size($size);
+ $size = $temp[0];
+ $size_type = " $temp[1]";
+ }
+ $used = $disk[0]{'used'};
+ if (defined $disk[0]{'used'} && $disk[0]{'used'} =~ /^[0-9\.]+$/){
+ $used_holder = $disk[0]{'used'};
+ @temp = get_size($used);
+ $used = $temp[0];
+ $used_type = " $temp[1]";
+ }
+ # in some fringe cases size can be 0 so only assign 'N/A' if no percents etc
+ if ($size_holder && $used_holder){
+ my $percent = ' (' . sprintf("%.1f", $used_holder/$size_holder*100) . '% used)';
+ $disk_string = "$size$size_type$percent";
+ }
+ else {
+ $size ||= row_defaults('disk-size-0');
+ $disk_string = "$used$used_type/$size$size_type";
+ }
+ }
+ #print join '; ', @cpu, " sleep: $cpu_sleep\n";
+ $memory ||= 'N/A';
+ my @data = ({
+ main::key($num++,'CPU') => $cpu_string,
+ main::key($num++,$speed_key) => $speed,
+ main::key($num++,$kernel_os) => &get_kernel_data(),
+ main::key($num++,'Up') => &get_uptime(),
+ main::key($num++,'Mem') => $memory,
+ main::key($num++,'HDD') => $disk_string,
+ # could make -1 for ps aux itself, -2 for ps aux and self
+ main::key($num++,'Procs') => scalar @ps_aux,
+ main::key($num++,$client_shell) => $client,
+ main::key($num++,$self_name) => &get_self_version(),
+ },);
+ my %row = (
+ main::key($prefix,'SHORT') => [(@data),],
+ );
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return %row;
- eval $LOGFS
- local a_unmounted_data='' line_starter='' unmounted_data='' full_fs=''
- local full_dev='' full_size='' full_label='' full_uuid='' full_string=''
- local bsd_unsupported='This feature is not yet supported for BSD systems.'
- local line_starter='Unmounted:' part_2_data=''
- if [[ -z ${A_PARTITION_DATA} ]];then
- get_partition_data
- fi
- get_unmounted_partition_data
- if [[ ${#A_UNMOUNTED_PARTITION_DATA[@]} -ge 1 ]];then
- for (( i=0; i < ${#A_UNMOUNTED_PARTITION_DATA[@]}; i++ ))
- do
- full_string=''
- part_2_data=''
- IFS=","
- a_unmounted_data=(${A_UNMOUNTED_PARTITION_DATA[i]})
- if [[ -z ${a_unmounted_data[0]} ]];then
- full_dev='N/A'
- else
- full_dev="/dev/${a_unmounted_data[0]}"
- fi
- full_dev="${C1}ID-$((i+1))$SEP3${C2} $full_dev "
- if [[ -z ${a_unmounted_data[1]} ]];then
- full_size='N/A'
- else
- full_size=${a_unmounted_data[1]}
- fi
- full_size="${C1}size$SEP3${C2} $full_size "
- if [[ -z ${a_unmounted_data[2]} ]];then
- full_label='N/A'
- else
- full_label=${a_unmounted_data[2]}
- fi
- full_label="${C1}label$SEP3${C2} $full_label "
- if [[ -z ${a_unmounted_data[3]} ]];then
- full_uuid='N/A'
- else
- full_uuid=${a_unmounted_data[3]}
- fi
- full_uuid="${C1}uuid$SEP3${C2} $full_uuid "
- if [[ -z ${a_unmounted_data[4]} ]];then
- full_fs=''
- else
- full_fs="${C1}fs$SEP3${C2} ${a_unmounted_data[4]} "
- fi
- # temporary message to indicate not yet supported
- if [[ $BSD_TYPE == 'bsd' ]];then
- full_string=$bsd_unsupported
- else
- full_string="$full_dev$full_size$full_fs"
- part_2_data="$full_label$full_uuid"
- fi
- calculate_line_length "$full_string$part_2_data"
- if [[ $LINE_LENGTH -gt $COLS_INNER ]];then
- unmounted_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$full_string" )
- print_screen_output "$unmounted_data"
- line_starter=' '
- unmounted_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$part_2_data" )
- print_screen_output "$unmounted_data"
- else
- unmounted_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$full_string$part_2_data" )
- print_screen_output "$unmounted_data"
- line_starter=' '
- fi
- done
- else
- unmounted_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "No unmounted partitions detected" )
- print_screen_output "$unmounted_data"
- fi
+#### -------------------------------------------------------------------
+#### -------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub generate_info_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my $num = 0;
+ my $gcc_alt = '';
+ my $running_in = '';
+ my $data_name = main::key($prefix++,'Info');
+ my ($b_gcc,%row,$gcc,$index,$ref);
+ my ($parent,$percent,$total,$used) = ('','','','');
+ my $client_shell = ($b_irc) ? 'Client' : 'Shell';
+ my $client = $client{'name-print'};
+ my @gccs = get_gcc_data();
+ if (@gccs){
+ $gcc = shift @gccs;
+ if ($extra > 1 && @gccs){
+ $gcc_alt = join '/', @gccs;
+ }
+ $b_gcc = 1;
+ }
+ $gcc ||= 'N/A';
+ if (!$b_irc && $extra > 1 ){
+ # bsds don't support -f option to get PPID
+ if (($b_display && !$b_force_display) && !$bsd_type){
+ $parent = get_shell_source();
+ }
+ else {
+ $parent = get_tty_number();
+ $parent = "tty $parent" if $parent ne '';
+ }
+ if ($parent eq 'login'){
+ $client{'su-start'} = $parent if !$client{'su-start'};
+ $parent = undef;
+ }
+ # can be tty 0 so test for defined
+ $running_in = $parent if defined $parent;
+ if ($extra > 2 && $running_in && get_ssh_status() ){
+ $running_in .= ' (SSH)';
+ }
+ }
+ my $memory = get_memory_data('splits');
+ if ($memory){
+ my @temp = split /:/, $memory;
+ my @temp2 = get_size($temp[0]);
+ $total = ($temp2[1]) ? $temp2[0] . ' ' . $temp2[1] : $temp2[0];
+ @temp2 = get_size($temp[1]);
+ $used = ($temp2[1]) ? $temp2[0] . ' ' . $temp2[1] : $temp2[0];
+ $used .= " ($temp[2]%)" if $temp[2];
+ }
+ $memory ||= 'N/A';
+ my %data = (
+ $data_name => [{
+ main::key($num++,'Processes') => scalar @ps_aux,
+ main::key($num++,'Uptime') => &get_uptime(),
+ main::key($num++,'Memory') => $total,
+ main::key($num++,'used') => $used,
+ },],
+ );
+ $index = scalar(@{ $data{$data_name} } ) - 1;
+ if ( (!$b_display || $b_force_display) || $extra > 0 ){
+ my %init = get_init_data();
+ my $init_type = ($init{'init-type'}) ? $init{'init-type'}: 'N/A';
+ $data{$data_name}[$index]{main::key($num++,'Init')} = $init_type;
+ if ($extra > 1 ){
+ my $init_version = ($init{'init-version'}) ? $init{'init-version'}: 'N/A';
+ $data{$data_name}[$index]{main::key($num++,'v')} = $init_version;
+ }
+ if ($init{'rc-type'}){
+ $data{$data_name}[$index]{main::key($num++,'rc')} = $init{'rc-type'};
+ if ($init{'rc-version'}){
+ $data{$data_name}[$index]{main::key($num++,'v')} = $init{'rc-version'};
+ }
+ }
+ if ($init{'runlevel'}){
+ $data{$data_name}[$index]{main::key($num++,'runlevel')} = $init{'runlevel'};
+ }
+ if ($extra > 1 ){
+ if ($init{'default'}){
+ my $default = ($init{'init-type'} eq 'systemd' && $init{'default'} =~ /[^0-9]$/ ) ? 'target' : 'default';
+ $data{$data_name}[$index]{main::key($num++,$default)} = $init{'default'};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($extra > 0 ){
+ my $b_clang;
+ my $clang_version = '';
+ if (my $path = check_program('clang')){
+ $clang_version = program_version($path,'clang',3,'--version');
+ $clang_version ||= 'N/A';
+ $b_clang = 1;
+ }
+ my $compiler = ($b_gcc || $b_clang) ? '': 'N/A';
+ $data{$data_name}[$index]{main::key($num++,'Compilers')} = $compiler;
+ if ($b_gcc){
+ $data{$data_name}[$index]{main::key($num++,'gcc')} = $gcc;
+ if ( $extra > 1 && $gcc_alt){
+ $data{$data_name}[$index]{main::key($num++,'alt')} = $gcc_alt;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($b_clang){
+ $data{$data_name}[$index]{main::key($num++,'clang')} = $clang_version;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($extra > 2 && $client{'su-start'}){
+ $client .= " ($client{'su-start'})";
+ }
+ $data{$data_name}[$index]{main::key($num++,$client_shell)} = $client;
+ if ($extra > 0 && $client{'version'}){
+ $data{$data_name}[$index]{main::key($num++,'v')} = $client{'version'};
+ }
+ if ( $running_in ){
+ $data{$data_name}[$index]{main::key($num++,'running in')} = $running_in;
+ }
+ $data{$data_name}[$index]{main::key($num++,$self_name)} = &get_self_version();
- eval $LOGFE
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return %data;
- eval $LOGFS
- local weather_data='' location_string='' local_time='' time_string='' pressure=''
- local a_location='' a_weather='' weather_string='' weather='' temp='' winds='' humidity=''
- local time_zone='' observation_time='' city='' state='' country='' altitude=''
- local heat_index='' wind_chill='' dewpoint='' xxx_humidity=''
- local openP='(' closeP=')'
- if [[ $B_IRC == 'true' ]];then
- openP=''
- closeP=''
- fi
- get_weather_data
- # city ";" regionCode ";" regionName ";" countryName ";" countryCode ";" countryCode3
- # ";" latitude "," longitude ";" postalCode ";" timeZone
+sub generate_system_data {
+ eval $start if $b_log;
+ my $num = 0;
+ my (%row,$ref,$index,$val1);
+ my $data_name = main::key($prefix++,'System');
+ my ($desktop,$desktop_info,$desktop_key,$toolkit,$wm) = ('','','Desktop','','');
+ my (@desktop_data,$desktop_version);
+ my %data = (
+ $data_name => [{}],
+ );
+ $index = scalar(@{ $data{$data_name} } ) - 1;
+ if ($show{'host'}){
+ $data{$data_name}[$index]{main::key($num++,'Host')} = &get_hostname();
+ }
+ $data{$data_name}[$index]{main::key($num++,'Kernel')} = &get_kernel_data();
+ $data{$data_name}[$index]{main::key($num++,'bits')} = &get_kernel_bits;
+ if ($extra > 0){
+ my @compiler = get_compiler_version(); # get compiler data
+ if (scalar @compiler != 2){
+ @compiler = ('N/A', '');
+ }
+ $data{$data_name}[$index]{main::key($num++,'compiler')} = $compiler[0];
+ # if no compiler, obviously no version, so don't waste space showing.
+ if ($compiler[0] ne 'N/A'){
+ $compiler[1] ||= 'N/A';
+ $data{$data_name}[$index]{main::key($num++,'v')} = $compiler[1];
+ }
+ }
+ # note: tty can have the value of 0 but the two tools
+ # return '' if undefined, so we test for explicit ''
+ if ($b_display){
+ my @desktop_data = DesktopEnvironment::get();
+ $desktop = $desktop_data[0] if $desktop_data[0];
+ $desktop_version = $desktop_data[1] if $desktop_data[1];
+ $desktop .= ' ' . $desktop_version if $desktop_version;
+ if ($extra > 0 && $desktop_data[3]){
+ #$desktop .= ' (' . $desktop_data[2];
+ #$desktop .= ( $desktop_data[3] ) ? ' ' . $desktop_data[3] . ')' : ')';
+ $toolkit = "$desktop_data[2] $desktop_data[3]";
+ }
+ if ($extra > 2 && $desktop_data[4]){
+ $desktop_info = $desktop_data[4];
+ }
+ # don't print the desktop if it's a wm and the same
+ if ($desktop_data[5] && (!$desktop_data[0] || index(lc($desktop_data[5]),lc($desktop_data[0])) == -1 )){
+ $wm = $desktop_data[5];
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$b_display || ( ! $desktop && $b_root)) {
+ my $tty = get_tty_number();
+ if (!$desktop){
+ $desktop_info = '';
+ }
+ # it is defined, as ''
+ if ( $tty eq '' && $client{'console-irc'}){
+ $tty = get_tty_console_irc();
+ }
+ $desktop = "tty $tty" if $tty ne '';
+ $desktop_key = 'Console';
+ }
+ $desktop ||= 'N/A';
+ $data{$data_name}[$index]{main::key($num++,$desktop_key)} = $desktop;
+ if ($toolkit){
+ $data{$data_name}[$index]{main::key($num++,'tk')} = $toolkit;
+ }
+ if ($extra > 2){
+ if ($desktop_info){
+ $data{$data_name}[$index]{main::key($num++,'info')} = $desktop_info;
+ }
+ if ($wm){
+ $data{$data_name}[$index]{main::key($num++,'wm')} = $wm;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($extra > 1){
+ my $dms = get_display_manager();
+ $dms ||= 'N/A';
+ $data{$data_name}[$index]{main::key($num++,'dm')} = $dms;
+ }
+ my $distro_key = ($bsd_type) ? 'OS': 'Distro' ;
+ my $distro = DistroData::get();
+ $distro ||= 'N/A';
+ $data{$data_name}[$index]{main::key($num++,$distro_key)} = $distro;
- # observationTime ";" localTime ";" weather ";" tempString ";" humidity
- # ";" windString ";" pressureString ";" dewpointString ";" heatIndexString
- # ";" windChillString ";" siteElevation
- if [[ ${#A_WEATHER_DATA[@]} -eq 2 ]];then
- IFS=";"
- a_location=(${A_WEATHER_DATA[0]})
- a_weather=(${A_WEATHER_DATA[1]})
- if [[ -n ${a_weather[3]} ]];then
- temp=${a_weather[3]}
- else
- temp='N/A'
- fi
- if [[ -n ${a_weather[2]} ]];then
- weather=" - ${a_weather[2]}"
- else
- weather=''
- fi
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- if [[ -n ${a_weather[5]} ]];then
- winds=" ${C1}Wind$SEP3${C2} ${a_weather[5]}"
- fi
- fi
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- if [[ -n ${a_weather[4]} ]];then
- humidity=" ${C1}Humidity$SEP3${C2} ${a_weather[4]}"
- fi
- if [[ -n ${a_weather[6]} ]];then
- pressure="${C1}Pressure$SEP3${C2} ${a_weather[6]} "
- fi
- fi
- weather_string="${C1}Conditions$SEP3${C2} $temp$weather$winds$humidity"
- if [[ -n ${a_weather[1]} ]];then
- local_time=" ${a_weather[1]}"
- else
- local_time=" $(date)"
- fi
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' && -n ${a_location[8]} ]];then
- time_zone=" (${a_location[8]})"
- fi
- time_string="${C1}Time$SEP3${C2}$local_time$time_zone"
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA != 'true' ]];then
- weather_data="$weather_string $time_string"
- weather_data=$( create_print_line "Weather:" "$weather_data" )
- print_screen_output "$weather_data"
- else
- weather_data="$weather_string"
- weather_data=$( create_print_line "Weather:" "$weather_data" )
- print_screen_output "$weather_data"
- if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then
- if [[ -n ${a_weather[8]} ]];then
- heat_index="${C1}Heat Index$SEP3${C2} ${a_weather[8]} "
- fi
- if [[ -n ${a_weather[9]} ]];then
- wind_chill="${C1}Wind Chill$SEP3${C2} ${a_weather[9]} "
- fi
- if [[ -n ${a_weather[7]} ]];then
- dew_point="${C1}Dew Point$SEP3${C2} ${a_weather[7]} "
- fi
- if [[ -n ${a_weather[0]} ]];then
- observation_time=" ${C1}Observation Time$SEP3${C2} ${a_weather[0]} "
- fi
- if [[ $B_OUTPUT_FILTER != 'true' ]];then
- if [[ -n ${a_location[0]} ]];then
- city=" ${a_location[0]}"
- fi
- if [[ -n ${a_location[1]} ]];then
- state=" ${a_location[1]}"
- fi
- if [[ -n ${a_location[5]} ]];then
- country=" $openP${a_location[5]}$closeP"
- fi
- if [[ -n ${a_weather[10]} ]];then
- # note: bug in source data uses ft for meters, not 100% of time, but usually
- altitude=" ${C1}Altitude$SEP3${C2} ${a_weather[10]/ft/m}"
- fi
- location_string="${C1}Location$SEP3${C2}$city$state$country$altitude "
- else
- location_string=$time_string$observation_time
- time_string=''
- observation_time=''
- fi
- # the last three are often blank
- if [[ -z "$heat_index$wind_chill$dew_point" ]];then
- weather_data=$( create_print_line " " "$pressure$location_string" )
- print_screen_output "$weather_data"
- else
- weather_data=$( create_print_line " " "$pressure$heat_index$wind_chill$dew_point" )
- print_screen_output "$weather_data"
- if [[ $B_OUTPUT_FILTER != 'true' ]];then
- weather_data=$( create_print_line " " "$location_string" )
- print_screen_output "$weather_data"
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -n $time_string$observation_time ]];then
- weather_data=$( create_print_line " " "$time_string$observation_time" )
- print_screen_output "$weather_data"
- fi
- else
- if [[ -n $pressure$time_string ]];then
- weather_data="$pressure$time_string"
- weather_data=$( create_print_line " " "$weather_data" )
- print_screen_output "$weather_data"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- else
- weather_data=$( create_print_line "Weather:" "${C2}Weather data failure: $(date)" )
- print_screen_output "$weather_data"
- weather_data=$( create_print_line " " "${C2}${A_WEATHER_DATA}" )
- print_screen_output "$weather_data"
- fi
- eval $LOGFE
+ eval $end if $b_log;
+ return %data;
-main $@ ## From the End comes the Beginning
+main(); ## From the End comes the Beginning
## note: this EOF is needed for smxi handling, this is what triggers the full download ok
diff --git a/inxi.1 b/inxi.1
index d97d551..f475a1d 100644
--- a/inxi.1
+++ b/inxi.1
@@ -1,90 +1,94 @@
-.TH INXI 1 "2017\-12\-07" inxi "inxi manual"
+.TH INXI 1 "2018\-04\-18" inxi "inxi manual"
-inxi \- Command line system information script for console and IRC
+inxi \- Command line system information script for console and IRC
-\fBinxi\fR \- Single line, short form. Very basic output.
-\fBinxi \fR[\fB\-AbBCdDfFGhHiIlmMnNopPrRsSuw\fR] \fR[\fB\-c
-NUMBER\fR] \fR[\fB\-v NUMBER\fR]
+\fBinxi\fR [\fB\-AbBCdDfFGhiIlmMnNopPrRsSuUVwzZ\fR]
-\fBinxi \fR[\fB\-t \fR(\fBc\fR or\fB m\fR or\fB cm\fR or\fB mc
-NUMBER\fR)] \fR[\fB\-x \-OPTION\fR(\fBs\fR)] \fR[\fB\-xx
-\-OPTION\fR(\fBs\fR)] \fR[\fB\-xxx \-OPTION\fR(\fBs\fR)]
+\fBinxi\fR [\fB\-c NUMBER\fR] [\fB\-t\fR [\fBc\fR|\fBm\fR|\fBcm\fR|\fBmc\fR]
+[\fBNUMBER\fR]] [\fB\-v NUMBER\fR] [\fB\-W LOCATION\fR] [\fB\-y WIDTH\fR]
+\fBinxi\fR [\fB\-\-recommends\fR] \fR[\fB\-\-slots\fR] \fR[\fB\-\-usb\fR]
+\fBinxi\fB \-x\fR|\fB\-xx\fR|\fB\-xxx\fR \fB\-OPTION(s) \fR
+All options have long form variants \- see below for these and more advanced options.
-\fBinxi \fR[\fB\-\-help\fR] \fR[\fB\-\-recommends\fR]
-\fR[\fB\-\-version\fR] \fR[\fB\-@ NUMBER\fR]
-\fBinxi\fR is a command line system information script built for for console
-and IRC. It is also used for forum technical support, as a debugging tool,
-to quickly ascertain user system configuration and hardware. inxi shows
-system hardware, CPU, drivers, Xorg, Desktop, Kernel, GCC version(s), Processes,
-RAM usage, and a wide variety of other useful information.
-\fBinxi\fR output varies between CLI and IRC, with some default filters and
-color options applied to IRC use. Script colors can be turned off if desired
-with \fB\-c 0\fR, or changed using the \fB\-c\fR color options listed in the
-OPTIONS section below.
+\fBinxi\fR is a command line system information script built for console
+and IRC. It is also used a debugging tool for forum technical support
+to quickly ascertain users' system configurations and hardware. inxi shows
+system hardware, CPU, drivers, Xorg, Desktop, Kernel, gcc version(s), Processes,
+RAM usage, and a wide variety of other useful information.
+\fBinxi\fR output varies depending on whether it is being used on CLI or IRC,
+with some default filters and color options applied only for IRC use.
+Script colors can be turned off if desired with \fB\-c 0\fR, or changed
+using the \fB\-c\fR color options listed in the STANDARD OPTIONS section below.
-In order to maintain basic privacy and security, inxi filters out automatically
-on IRC things like your network card mac address, WAN and LAN IP, your \fB/home\fR
-username directory in partitions, and a few other things.
+In order to maintain basic privacy and security, inxi used on IRC automatically
+filters out your network card MAC address, WAN and LAN IP, your \fB/home\fR
+username directory in partitions, and a few other items.
-Because inxi is often used on forums for support, you can also trigger this
-filtering with the \fB\-z\fR option (\fB\-Fz\fR, for example). To override
-the IRC filter, you can use the \fB\-Z\fR option. This can be useful to debug
+Because inxi is often used on forums for support, you can also trigger this
+filtering with the \fB\-z\fR option (\fB\-Fz\fR, for example). To override
+the IRC filter, you can use the \fB\-Z\fR option. This can be useful in debugging
network connection issues online in a private chat, for example.
-Options can be combined if they do not conflict. Either group the letters
+Options can be combined if they do not conflict. You can either group the letters
together or separate them.
-Letters with numbers can have no gap or a gap at your discretion unless using
-\fB \-t\fR.
+Letters with numbers can have no gap or a gap at your discretion, except when
+using \fB \-t\fR.
-For example:
-.B inxi
+For example:
+.B inxi
\fB\-AG\fR or \fBinxi \-A \-G\fR or \fBinxi \-c10\fR
+Note that all the short form options have long form equivalents, which are
+listed below. However, usually the short form is used in examples in order to
+keep things simple.
-.B \-A
-Show Audio/sound card information.
+.B \-A\fR,\fB \-\-audio\fR
+Show Audio/sound card(s) information, including card driver.
-.B \-b
-Shows basic output, short form (previously \fB\-d\fR). Same as: \fBinxi \-v 2\fR
+.B \-b\fR,\fB \-\-basic\fR
+Show basic output, short form. Same as: \fBinxi \-v 2\fR
-.B \-B
-Shows Battery data, charge, condition, plus extra information (if battery present).
-Uses \fB/sys\fR or for BSDs, \fBdmidecode\fR. \fBdmidecode\fR does not have very
-much information, and none about current battery state/charge/voltage. Supports
-multiple batteries when using \fB/sys\fR data.
+.B \-B\fR,\fB \-\-battery\fR
+Show Battery data, charge, condition, plus extra information (if battery present).
+Uses \fB/sys\fR or, for BSDs without systctl battery data, \fBdmidecode\fR.
+\fBdmidecode\fR does not have very much information, and none about current battery
+state/charge/voltage. Supports multiple batteries when using \fB/sys\fR data.
-Note on the \fBcharge\fR item, the output shows the current charge, and the
-percent of the available capacity, which can be less than the original design
-capacity. In the following example, the actual current capacity of the battery
-is \fB22.2 Wh\fR, so the charge shows what percent of the current capacity
-is charged.
+Note that for \fBcharge\fR, the output shows the current charge, as well as its
+value as a percentage of the available capacity, which can be less than the original design
+capacity. In the following example, the actual current available capacity of the battery
+is \fB22.2 Wh\fR.
-For example: \fB20.1 Wh 95.4%\fR
+\fBcharge: 20.1 Wh 95.4%\fR
-The \fBcondition\fR item shows the current available capacity / original design
-capacity, then the percentage of original capacity available in the battery.
-In the following example, the battery capacity is only 61% of it's original amount.
+The \fBcondition\fR item shows the remaining available capacity / original design
+capacity, and then this figure as a percentage of original capacity available in the battery.
+\fBcondition: 22.2/36.4 Wh (61%)\fR
+.B \-c\fR,\fB \-\-color\fR \fR[\fB0\fR\-\fB42\fR]
+Set color scheme. If no scheme number is supplied, 0 is assumed.
-For example: \fB22.2/36.4 Wh 61%\fR
-.B \-c
-Available color schemes. Scheme number is required.
-Supported color schemes: \fB0\-42\fR
-.B \-c
+.B \-c \fR[\fB94\fR\-\fB99\fR]
-Color selectors run a color selector option prior to inxi starting which lets
+These color selectors run a color selector option prior to inxi starting which lets
you set the config file value for the selection.
-Color selectors for each type display (NOTE: irc and global only show safe color set):
+Color selectors for each type display (NOTE: IRC and global only show safe color set):
.B \-c 94\fR
\- Console, out of X.
@@ -93,7 +97,7 @@ Color selectors for each type display (NOTE: irc and global only show safe color
\- Terminal, running in X \- like xTerm.
.B \-c 96\fR
-\- Gui IRC, running in X \- like Xchat, Quassel,
+\- GUI IRC, running in X \- like XChat, Quassel,
Konversation etc.
.B \-c 97\fR
@@ -105,168 +109,176 @@ Konversation etc.
.B \-c 99\fR
\- Global \- Overrides/removes all settings.
-Setting specific color type removes the global color selection.
+Setting a specific color type removes the global color selection.
-.B \-C
-Show full CPU output, including per CPU clockspeed and CPU max speed (if available).
-If max speed data present, shows \fB(max)\fR in short output formats (\fB\inxi\fR,
-\fB\inxi \-b\fR) if CPU actual speed matches CPU max speed. If CPU max speed does
-not match CPU actual speed, shows both actual and max speed information.
-See \fB\-x\fR and \fB\-xx\fR for more options.
+.B \-C\fR,\fB \-\-cpu\fR
+Show full CPU output, including per CPU clock speed and CPU max speed (if available).
+If max speed data present, shows \fB(max)\fR in short output formats (\fBinxi\fR,
+\fBinxi \-b\fR) if actual CPU speed matches max CPU speed. If max CPU speed does
+not match actual CPU speed, shows both actual and max speed information.
+See \fB\-x\fR for more options.
+For certain CPUs (some ARM, and AMD Zen family) shows CPU die count.
-CPU description includes technical CPU(s) description: \fB(\-MT\-MCP)\fR
+The details for each CPU include a technical description e.g. \fBtype: MT MCP\fR
-* \fBMT\fR \- Multi/Hyper Threaded CPUs, more than 1 thread per core. (Previously \fBHT\fR)
+* \fBMT\fR \- Multi/Hyper Threaded CPU, more than 1 thread per core (previously \fBHT\fR).
-* \fBMCP\fR \- Multi Core Processor (More than 1 core per CPU)
+* \fBMCM\fR \- Multi Chip Model (more than 1 die per CPU).
-* \fBSMP\fR \- Symmetric Multi Processing (More than 1 physical CPUs)
+* \fBMCP\fR \- Multi Core Processor (more than 1 core per CPU).
-* \fBUP\fR \- Uni (single core) Processor
+* \fBSMP\fR \- Symmetric Multi Processing (more than 1 physical CPU).
+* \fBUP\fR \- Uni (single core) Processor.
-.B \-d
-Shows optical drive data. Same as \fB\-Dd\fR. With \fB\-x\fR, adds features line to
-output. Also shows floppy disks if present. Note that there is no current way to get
-any information about the floppy device that I am aware of, so it will simply show the
-floppy id, without any extra data. \fB\-xx\fR adds a few more features.
+.B \-d\fR,\fB \-\-disk\-full\fR,\fB\-\-optical\fR
+Show optical drive data as well as \fB\-D\fR hard drive data. With \fB\-x\fR, adds a
+feature line to the output. Also shows floppy disks if present. Note that there is
+no current way to get any information about the floppy device that I am aware of,
+so it will simply show the floppy ID without any extra data. \fB\-xx\fR adds a
+few more features.
-.B \-D
-Show full hard Disk info, not only model, ie: \fB/dev/sda ST380817AS 80.0GB\fR.
-Shows disk space total + used percentage. The disk used percentage includes space
-used by swap partition(s), since those are not usable for data storage. Note that
-with RAID disks, the percentage will be wrong since the total is computed from the
-disk sizes, but the used is computed from mounted partition used percentages. This
+.B \-D\fR,\fB \-\-disk\fR
+Show Hard Disk info. Shows total disk space, used percentage, and details for
+each disk. The disk used percentage includes space used by swap partition(s),
+since those are not usable for data storage. Note that
+with RAID disks, the percentage will be wrong since the total is computed from the
+disk sizes, but used is computed from mounted partition used percentages. This
small defect may get corrected in the future. Also, unmounted partitions are not
counted in disk use percentages since inxi has no access to that data.
-.B \-f
-Show all cpu flags used, not just the short list. Not shown with \fB\-F\fR to avoid
-spamming. ARM cpus: show \fBfeatures\fR items.
+.B \-f\fR,\fB \-\-flags\fR
+Show all CPU flags used, not just the short list. Not shown with \fB\-F\fR in order
+to avoid spamming. ARM CPUs: show \fBfeatures\fR items.
-.B \-F
-Show Full output for inxi. Includes all Upper Case line letters, plus \fB\-s\fR
-and \fB\-n\fR. Does not show extra verbose options like
-\fB\-d \-f \-l \-m \-o \-p \-r \-t \-u \-x\fR unless you use those arguments in
-the command, like: \fBinxi \-Frmxx\fR
+.B \-F\fR,\fB \-\-full\fR
+Show Full output for inxi. Includes all Upper Case line letters except \fB\-W\fR,
+plus \fB\-s\fR and \fB\-n\fR. Does not show extra verbose options such as
+\fB\-d \-f \-i \-l \-m \-o \-p \-r \-t \-u \-x\fR unless you use those arguments in
+the command, e.g.: \fBinxi \-Frmxx\fR
-.B \-G
-Show Graphic card information. Card(s), Display Server (vendor and version number),
-for example:
+.B \-G\fR,\fB \-\-graphics\fR
+Show Graphic card(s) information, including details of card and card driver,
+display protocol (if available), display server (vendor and version number), e.g.:
+\fBDisplay: x11 server: Xorg 1.15.1\fR
-\fBDisplay Server: Xorg 1.15.1 \fR
+If protocol is not detected, shows:
-as well as screen resolution(s), OpenGL renderer, OpenGL core profile version/OpenGL
+\fBDisplay: server: Xorg 1.15.1\fR
-If detected (currently only available if on a desktop: will attempt to show the
-server type, ie, x11, wayland, mir. When xorg is present, its version information
-will show after the server type in parentheses. Future versions will show compositor
-information as well.
+Also shows screen resolution(s), OpenGL renderer, OpenGL core profile version/OpenGL
+If detected (currently only available if on a desktop), it will attempt to show the
+server type, i.e., X11, Wayland, Mir. When Xorg is present, its version information
+will show after the server type in parentheses. Compositor information will show if
+detected using \fB\-xx\fR option.
-.B \-h
-The help menu. Features dynamic sizing to fit into terminal window. Set script
-global \fBCOLS_MAX_CONSOLE\fR if you want a different default value, or
+.B \-h\fR,\fB \-\-help\fR
+The help menu. Features dynamic sizing to fit into terminal window. Set script
+global \fBCOLS_MAX_CONSOLE\fR if you want a different default value, or
use \fB\-y <width>\fR to temporarily override the defaults or actual window width.
-.B \-\-help
-Same as \fB\-h\fR
-.B \-H
-The help menu, plus developer options. Do not use dev options in normal
-.B \-i
-Show Wan IP address, and shows local interfaces (requires \fBifconfig\fR or
-\fBip\fR network tool). Same as \-Nni. Not shown with \fB\-F\fR for user security
-reasons, you shouldn't paste your local/wan IP. Shows both IPv4 and IPv6 link IP
+.B \-i\fR,\fB \-\-ip\fR
+Show WAN IP address and local interfaces (latter requires \fBifconfig\fR or
+\fBip\fR network tool), as well as network output from \fB\-n\fR.
+Not shown with \fB\-F\fR for user security reasons. You shouldn't paste your
+local/WAN IP. Shows both IPv4 and IPv6 link IP addresses.
-.B \-I
-Show Information: processes, uptime, memory, irc client (or shell type if run in
-shell, not irc), inxi version. See \fB\-x\fR and \fB\-xx\fR for extra information
+.B \-I\fR,\fB \-\-info\fR
+Show Information: processes, uptime, memory, IRC client (or shell type if run in
+shell, not IRC), inxi version. See \fB\-x\fR and \fB\-xx\fR for extra information
(init type/version, runlevel).
-.B \-l
-Show partition labels. Default: short partition \fB\-P\fR. For full \fB\-p\fR output,
-use: \fB\-pl\fR (or \fB\-plu\fR).
+.B \-l\fR,\fB \-\-label\fR
+Show partition labels. Default: main partitions \fB\-P\fR. For full \fB\-p\fR output,
+use: \fB\-pl\fR.
-.B \-m
-Memory (RAM) data. Does not show with \fB\-b\fR or \fB\-F\fR unless you use \fB\-m\fR
-explicitly. Ordered by system board physical system memory array(s) (\fBArray\-[number]
-capacity:\fR), and individual memory devices (\fBDevice\-[number]\fR). Physical memory
-array(s) data shows array capacity, and number of devices supported, and Error Correction
+.B \-m\fR,\fB \-\-memory\fR
+Memory (RAM) data. Does not display with \fB\-b\fR or \fB\-F\fR unless you use \fB\-m\fR
+explicitly. Ordered by system board physical system memory array(s) (\fBArray\-[number]\fR),
+and individual memory devices (\fBDevice\-[number]\fR). Physical memory
+array data shows array capacity, number of devices supported, and Error Correction
information. Devices shows locator data (highly variable in syntax), size, speed,
-type (eg: \fBtype: DDR3\fR).
-Note that \fB\-m\fR uses \fBdmidecode\fR, which must be run as root (or start
-\fBinxi\fR with \fBsudo\fR), unless you figure out how to set up sudo to permit
-dmidecode to read \fB/dev/mem\fR as user. Note that speed will not show if \fBNo Module
-Installed\fR is found in size. This will also turn off Bus Width data output if it is null.
-If memory information was found, and if the \fB\-I\fR line or the \fB\-tm\fR item have
-not been triggered, will also print the ram used/total.
-Because dmidecode data is extremely unreliable, inxi will try to make best guesses.
-If you see \fB(check)\fR after capacity number, you should check it for sure with
-specifications. \fB(est)\fR is slightly more reliable, but you should still check
-the real specifications before buying ram. Unfortunately there is nothing \fBinxi\fR
-can do to get truly reliable data about the system ram, maybe one day the kernel devs
-will put this data into \fB/sys\fR, and make it real data, taken from the actual system,
-not dmi data. For most people, the data will be right, but a significant percentage of
-users will have either wrong max module size, if present, or max capacity.
-.B \-M
-Show machine data. Device, Motherboard, Bios, and if present, System Builder (Like Lenovo).
-Older systems/kernels without the required \fB/sys\fR data can use dmidecode instead, run
-as root. If using dmidecode, may also show bios revision as well as version. \fB\-! 33\fR
-can force use of \fBdmidecode\fR data instead of \fB/sys\fR. Will also attempt to show
-if the system was booted by BIOS, UEFI, or UEFI [Legacy]. The last one is legacy BIOS
-boot mode in a systemboard using UEFI but booted as BIOS/Legacy.
-Device requires either /sys or dmidecode. Note that 'other\-vm?' is a type that means
-it's usually a vm, but inxi failed to detect which type, or to positively confirm which
-vm it is. Primary vm identification is via systemd\-detect\-virt but fallback tests that
-should support some BSDs as well are used. Less commonly used or harder to detect VMs
-may not be correctly detected, if you get a wrong output, post an issue and we'll get it
-fixed if possible.
-Due to unreliable vendor data, device will show: desktop; laptop; notebook; server;
-blade plus some obscure stuff that inxi is unlikely to ever run on.
-.B \-n
-Show Advanced Network card information. Same as \fB\-Nn\fR. Shows interface, speed,
-mac id, state, etc.
-.B \-N
-Show Network card information. With \fB\-x\fR, shows PCI BusID, Port number.
-.B \-o
+type (eg: \fBtype: DDR3\fR).
+Note that \fB\-m\fR uses \fBdmidecode\fR, which must be run as root (or start
+\fBinxi\fR with \fBsudo\fR), unless you figure out how to set up sudo to permit
+dmidecode to read \fB/dev/mem\fR as user. Note that speed will not show if \fBNo Module
+Installed\fR is found in \fBsize\fR. This will also turn off Bus Width data output if it is null.
+If memory information was found, and if the \fB\-I\fR line or the \fB\-tm\fR item have
+not been triggered, will also print the RAM used/total.
+Because \fBdmidecode\fR data is extremely unreliable, inxi will try to make best guesses.
+If you see \fB(check)\fR after the capacity number, you should check it with the
+specifications. \fB(est)\fR is slightly more reliable, but you should still check
+the real specifications before buying RAM. Unfortunately there is nothing \fBinxi\fR
+can do to get truly reliable data about the system RAM; maybe one day the kernel devs
+will put this data into \fB/sys\fR, and make it real data, taken from the actual system,
+not dmi data. For most people, the data will be right, but a significant percentage of
+users will have either a wrong max module size, if present, or max capacity.
+.B \-M\fR,\fB \-\-machine\fR
+Show machine data. Device, Motherboard, BIOS, and if present, System Builder (Like Lenovo).
+Older systems/kernels without the required \fB/sys\fR data can use \fBdmidecode\fR instead, run
+as root. If using \fBdmidecode\fR, may also show BIOS/UEFI revision as well as version.
+\fB\-\-dmidecode\fR forces use of \fBdmidecode\fR data instead of \fB/sys\fR.
+Will also attempt to show if the system was booted by BIOS, UEFI, or UEFI [Legacy], the
+latter being legacy BIOS boot mode in a system board using UEFI.
+Device information requires either \fB/sys\fR or \fBdmidecode\fR. Note that 'other\-vm?'
+is a type that means it's usually a VM, but inxi failed to detect which type, or
+positively confirm which VM it is. Primary VM identification is via systemd\-detect\-virt
+but fallback tests that should also support some BSDs are used. Less commonly
+used or harder to detect VMs may not be correctly detected. If you get an incorrect output,
+post an issue and we'll get it fixed if possible.
+Due to unreliable vendor data, device type will show: desktop, laptop, notebook, server,
+blade, plus some obscure stuff that inxi is unlikely to ever run on.
+.B \-n\fR,\fB \-\-network\-advanced\fR
+Show Advanced Network card information in addition to that produced by \fB\-N\fR.
+Shows interface, speed, MAC ID, state, etc.
+.B \-N\fR,\fB \-\-network\fR
+Show Network card(s) information, including card driver. With \fB\-x\fR, shows PCI BusID,
+Port number.
+.B \-o\fR,\fB \-\-unmounted\fR
Show unmounted partition information (includes UUID and LABEL if available).
-Shows file system type if you have \fBfile\fR installed, if you are root OR if you have
-added to \fB/etc/sudoers\fR (sudo v. 1.7 or newer):
+Shows file system type if you have \fBlsblk\fR installed (Linux only). For BSD/GNU Linux:
+shows file system type if \fBfile\fR is installed, and if you are root or
+if you have added to \fB/etc/sudoers\fR (sudo v. 1.7 or newer):
.B <username> ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/file (sample)
-Does not show components (partitions that create the md raid array) of md\-raid arrays.
+Does not show components (partitions that create the md\-raid array) of md\-raid arrays.
-.B \-p
-Show full partition information (\fB\-P\fR plus all other detected partitions).
+.B \-p\fR,\fB \-\-partitions\-full\fR
+Show full Partition information (\fB\-P\fR plus all other detected mounted partitions).
-.B \-P
-Show Partition information (shows what \fB\-v 4\fR would show, but without extra data).
-Shows, if detected: \fB/ /boot /home /opt /tmp /usr /var /var/tmp /var/log\fR.
+.B \-P\fR,\fB \-\-partitions\fR
+Show basic Partition information.
+Shows, if detected: \fB/ /boot /home /opt /tmp /usr /var /var/tmp /var/log\fR.
Use \fB\-p\fR to see all mounted partitions.
-.B \-r
+.B \-r\fR,\fB \-\-repos\fR
Show distro repository data. Currently supported repo types:
\fBAPK\fR (Alpine Linux + derived versions)
\fBAPT\fR (Debian, Ubuntu + derived versions)
-\fBPACMAN\fR (Arch Linux + derived versions)
+\fBEOPKG\fR (Solus)
+\fBPACMAN\fR (Arch Linux, KaOS + derived versions)
+\fBPACMAN\-G2\fR (Frugalware + derived versions)
\fBPISI\fR (Pardus + derived versions)
@@ -278,651 +290,796 @@ Show distro repository data. Currently supported repo types:
\fBURPMQ\fR (Mandriva, Mageia + derived versions)
-\fBYUM/ZYPP\fR (Fedora, Redhat, Suse + derived versions)
+\fBYUM/ZYPP\fR (Fedora, Red Hat, Suse + derived versions)
-(as distro data is collected more will be added. If your's is missing please
-show us how to get this information and we'll try to add it.)
+More will be added as distro data is collected. If yours is missing please
+show us how to get this information and we'll try to add it.
-.B \-R
-Show RAID data. Shows RAID devices, states, levels, and components, and
-extra data with \fB\-x\fR / \fB\-xx\fR.
+.B \-R\fR,\fB \-\-raid\fR
+Show RAID data. Shows RAID devices, states, levels and components, and
+extra data with \fB\-x\fR / \fB\-xx\fR.
-md\-raid: If device is resyncing, shows resync progress line as well.
+md\-raid: If device is resyncing, also shows resync progress line.
-Note: Only md\-raid and ZFS are supported. Other software raid types could
-be added, but only if users supply all data required, and if the software
-raid actually can be made to give the required output.
+Note: Only md\-raid and ZFS are currently supported. Other software RAID types could
+be added, but only if users supply all data required, and if the software
+RAID actually can be made to give the required output.
-Note: due to the complexity, only one raid type per system is supported.
-Md\-raid overrides ZFS if no ZFS was found.
-.B \-\-recommends
-Checks inxi application dependencies + recommends, and directories, then shows
-what package(s) you need to install to add support for that feature.
+.B \-\-recommends\fR
+Checks inxi application dependencies and recommends, as well as directories,
+then shows what package(s) you need to install to add support for each feature.
+.B \-s\fR,\fB \-\-sensors\fR
+Show output from sensors if sensors installed/configured: Motherboard/CPU/GPU
+temperatures; detected fan speeds. GPU temperature when available. Nvidia shows
+screen number for multiple screens. IPMI sensors are also used (root required)
+if present.
-.B \-s
-Show sensors output (if sensors installed/configured): mobo/cpu/gpu temp;
-detected fan speeds. Gpu temp only for Fglrx/Nvidia drivers. Nvidia shows
-screen number for > 1 screens.
+.B \-\-slots\fR
+Show PCI slots with type, speed, and status information.
-.B \-S
-Show System information: host name, kernel, desktop environment (if in X),
-distro. With \fB\-xx\fR show dm \- or startx \- (only shows if present and
-running if out of X), and if in X, with \fB\-xxx\fR show more desktop info,
-like shell/panel etc.
+.B \-S\fR,\fB \-\-system\fR
+Show System information: host name, kernel, desktop environment (if in X),
+distro. With \fB\-xx\fR show dm \- or startx \- (only shows if present and
+running if out of X), and if in X, with \fB\-xxx\fR show more desktop info,
+e.g. shell/panel.
-.B \-t
-\fR[\fBc\fR or\fB m\fR or\fB cm\fR or\fB mc NUMBER\fR]\fR
-Show processes. If followed by numbers \fB1\-20\fR, shows that number of
-processes for each type (default: \fB5\fR; if in irc, max: \fB5\fR)
+.B \-t\fR,\fB \-\-processes\fR
+[\fBc\fR|\fBm\fR|\fBcm\fR|\fBmc NUMBER\fR] Show processes. If no arguments, defaults to \fBcm\fR.
+If followed by a number, shows that number of processes for each type
+(default: \fB5\fR; if in IRC, max: \fB5\fR)
-Make sure to have no space between letters and numbers (\fB\-t cm10\fR
-\- right, \fB\-t cm 10\fR \- wrong).
+Make sure that there is no space between letters and numbers (e.g. write as \fB\-t cm10\fR).
.B \-t c\fR
-\- cpu only. With \fB\-x\fR, shows also memory for that process on same line.
+\- CPU only. With \fB\-x\fR, also shows memory for that process on same line.
.B \-t m\fR
-\- memory only. With \fB\-x\fR, shows also cpu for that process on same line.
-If the \-I line is not triggered, will also show the system used/total ram
-information in the first \fBMemory\fR line of output.
+\- memory only. With \fB\-x\fR, also shows CPU for that process on same line.
+If the \-I line is not triggered, will also show the system RAM used/total
.B \-t cm\fR
-\- cpu+memory. With \fB\-x\fR, shows also cpu or memory for that process on
+\- CPU+memory. With \fB\-x\fR, shows also CPU or memory for that process on
same line.
+.B \-\-usb\fR
+Show USB data for attached Hubs and Devices.
-.B \-u
-Show partition UUIDs. Default: short partition \fB\-P\fR. For full \fB\-p\fR
-output, use: \fB\-pu\fR (or \fB\-plu\fR).
+.B \-u\fR,\fB \-\-uuid\fR
+Show partition UUIDs. Default: main partitions \fB\-P\fR. For full \fB\-p\fR
+output, use: \fB\-pu\fR.
-.B \-U
-Note \- Maintainer may have disabled this function.
+.B \-U\fR,\fB \-\-update\fR
+Note \- Maintainer may have disabled this function.
If inxi \fB\-h\fR has no listing for \fB\-U\fR then it's disabled.
-Auto\-update script. Note: if you installed as root, you must be root to
-update, otherwise user is fine. Also installs / updates this Man Page to:
-\fB/usr/local/share/man/man1\fR (if \fB/usr/local/share/man/\fR exists
-AND there is no inxi man page in \fB/usr/share/man/man1\fR, otherwise it
-goes to \fB/usr/share/man/man1\fR). This requires that you be root to write
-to that directory.
+Auto\-update script. Note: if you installed as root, you must be root to
+update, otherwise user is fine. Also installs / updates this man page to:
+\fB/usr/local/share/man/man1\fR (if \fB/usr/local/share/man/\fR exists
+AND there is no inxi man page in \fB/usr/share/man/man1\fR, otherwise it
+goes to \fB/usr/share/man/man1\fR). This requires that you be root to write
+to that directory. See \fB\-\-man\fR or \fB\-\-no\-man\fR to force or disable
+man install.
-Previous versions of inxi manually installed man page were installed to
-\fB/usr/share/man/man1\fR. If you want the man page to go into
-\fB/usr/local/share/man/man1\fR move it there and inxi will update to
-that path from then on.
-.B \-V
+.B \-V\fR,\fB \-\-version\fR
inxi version information. Prints information then exits.
-.B \-\-version
-same as \fB\-V\fR
-.B \-v
-Script verbosity levels. Verbosity level number is required. Should not be
-used with \fB\-b\fR or \fB\-F\fR.
+.B \-v\fR,\fB \-\-verbosity\fR
+Script verbosity levels. If no verbosity level number is given, 0 is assumed.
+Should not be used with \fB\-b\fR or \fB\-F\fR.
-Supported levels: \fB0\-7\fR Examples :\fB inxi \-v 4 \fR or \fB inxi \-v4\fR
+Supported levels: \fB0\-8\fR Examples :\fB inxi \-v 4 \fR or \fB inxi \-v4\fR
-.B \-v 0
+.B \-v 0
\- Short output, same as: \fBinxi\fR
-.B \-v 1
-\- Basic verbose, \fB\-S\fR + basic CPU (cores, model, clock speed, and max
-speed, if available) + \fB\-G\fR + basic Disk + \fB\-I\fR.
+.B \-v 1
+\- Basic verbose, \fB\-S\fR + basic CPU (cores, type, clock speed, and min/max
+speeds, if available) + \fB\-G\fR + basic Disk + \fB\-I\fR.
-.B \-v 2
+.B \-v 2
\- Adds networking card (\fB\-N\fR), Machine (\fB\-M\fR) data, Battery (\fB\-B\fR)
-(if available), and shows basic hard disk data (names only). Same as: \fBinxi \-b\fR
+(if available). Same as: \fBinxi \-b\fR
-.B \-v 3
-\- Adds advanced CPU (\fB\-C\fR); network (\fB\-n\fR) data; triggers \fB\-x\fR
+.B \-v 3
+\- Adds advanced CPU (\fB\-C\fR) and network (\fB\-n\fR) data; triggers \fB\-x\fR
advanced data option.
-.B \-v 4
-\- Adds partition size/filled data (\fB\-P\fR) for (if present):
-\fB/ /home /var/ /boot\fR Shows full disk data (\fB\-D\fR)
+.B \-v 4
+\- Adds partition size/used data (\fB\-P\fR) for (if present):
+\fB/ /home /var/ /boot\fR. Shows full disk data (\fB\-D\fR)
-.B \-v 5
-\- Adds audio card (\fB\-A\fR); memory/ram (\fB\-m\fR);sensors (\fB\-s\fR),
-partition label (\fB\-l\fR) and UUID (\fB\-u\fR), short form of
+.B \-v 5
+\- Adds audio card (\fB\-A\fR), memory/RAM (\fB\-m\fR), sensors (\fB\-s\fR),
+partition label (\fB\-l\fR), UUID (\fB\-u\fR), and short form of
optical drives.
-.B \-v 6
-\- Adds full partition data (\fB\-p\fR), unmounted partition data (\fB\-o\fR),
-optical drive data (\fB\-d\fR); triggers \fB\-xx\fR extra data option.
+.B \-v 6
+\- Adds full mounted partition data (\fB\-p\fR), unmounted partition data (\fB\-o\fR),
+optical drive data (\fB\-d\fR), USB (\fB\-\-usb\fR); triggers \fB\-xx\fR extra data option.
-.B \-v 7
+.B \-v 7
\- Adds network IP data (\fB\-i\fR); triggers \fB\-xxx\fR
-.B \-w
-Adds weather line. Note, this depends on an unreliable api so it may not always
-be working in the future. To get weather for an alternate location, use
-\fB\-W <location_string>\fR. See also \fB\-x\fR, \fB\-xx\fR, \fB\-xxx\fR option.
-Please note, your distribution's maintainer may chose to disable this feature,
-so if \fB\-w\fR or \fB\-W\fR don't work, that's why.
+.B \-v 8
+\- All system data available. Adds Repos (\fB\-r\fR), PCI slots (\fB\-\-slots\fR), processes
+(\fB\-tcm\fR). Useful for testing output and to see what data you can get from your system.
+.B \-w\fR,\fB \-\-weather\fR
+Adds weather line. Note, this depends on an unreliable API so it may not always
+be working in the future. To get weather for an alternate location, use
+\fB\-W\fR. See also \fB\-x\fR, \fB\-xx\fR, \fB\-xxx\fR options.
+Please note that your distribution's maintainer may chose to disable this feature.
-.B \-W <location_string>
-Get weather/time for an alternate location. Accepts postal/zip code,
-city,state pair, or latitude,longitude. Note: city/country/state names must not
-contain spaces. Replace spaces with '\fB+\fR' sign. No spaces around \fB,\fR (comma).
-Use only ascii letters in city/state/country names, sorry.
+.B \-W\fR,\fB \-\-weather\-location <location_string>\fR
+Get weather/time for an alternate location. Accepts postal/zip code,
+city,state pair, or latitude,longitude. Note: city/country/state names must not
+contain spaces. Replace spaces with '\fB+\fR' sign. Don't place spaces around any commas.
+Use only ASCII letters in city/state/country names, sorry.
-Examples: \fB\-W 95623\fR OR \fB\-W Boston,MA\fR OR \fB\-W45.5234,\-122.6762\fR
+Examples: \fB\-W 95623\fR OR \fB\-W Boston,MA\fR OR \fB\-W45.5234,\-122.6762\fR
OR \fB\-W new+york,ny\fR OR \fB\-W bodo,norway\fR.
-.B \-y <integer >= 80>
-This is an absolute width override which sets the output line width max.
-Overrides \fBCOLS_MAX_IRC\fR / \fBCOLS_MAX_CONSOLE\fR globals, or the
-actual widths of the terminal. If used with \fB\-h\fR or \fB\-c 94\-99\fR,
-put \fB\-y\fR option first or the override will be ignored. Cannot be
-used with \fB\-\-help\fR/\fB\-\-version\fR/\fB\-\-recommends\fR type
-long options. Example: \fBinxi \-y 130 \-Fxx\fR
-.B \-z
-Adds security filters for IP addresses, Mac, location (\fB\-w\fR), and user
-home directory name. Default on for irc clients.
-.B \-Z
-Absolute override for output filters. Useful for debugging networking
-issues in irc for example.
+.B \-y\fR,\fB \-\-width <integer>\fR
+This is an absolute width override which sets the output line width max.
+Overrides \fBCOLS_MAX_IRC\fR / \fBCOLS_MAX_CONSOLE\fR globals, or the
+actual widths of the terminal. \fB80\fR is the minimum width supported.
+\fB\-1\fR removes width limits. Example: \fBinxi \-Fxx\ \-y 130\fR
+.B \-z\fR,\fB \-\-filter\fR
+Adds security filters for IP addresses, serial numbers, MAC,
+location (\fB\-w\fR), and user home directory name. On by default for IRC clients.
+.B \-Z\fR,\fB \-\-filter\-override\fR
+Absolute override for output filters. Useful for debugging networking
+issues in IRC for example.
-These options are for long form only, and can be triggered by one or
-more \fB\-x\fR, like \fB\-xx\fR. Alternately, the \fB\-v\fR options
-trigger them in the following way: \fB\-v 3\fR adds \fB\-x\fR;
+These options can be triggered by one or more \fB\-x\fR.
+Alternatively, the \fB\-v\fR options trigger them in the following
+way: \fB\-v 3\fR adds \fB\-x\fR;
\fB\-v 6\fR adds \fB\-xx\fR; \fB\-v 7\fR adds \fB\-xxx\fR
-These extra data triggers can be useful for getting more in\-depth
-data on various options. Can be added to any long form option list,
-like: \fB\-bxx\fR or \fB\-Sxxx\fR
+These extra data triggers can be useful for getting more in\-depth
+data on various options. They can be added to any long form option list,
+e.g.: \fB\-bxx\fR or \fB\-Sxxx\fR
+There are 3 extra data levels:
+\fB\-x\fR, \fB\-xx\fR, \fB\-xxx\fR
-There are 3 extra data levels: \fB\-x\fR; \fB\-xx\fR; and \fB\-xxx\fR
+\fB\-\-extra 1\fR, \fB\-\-extra 2\fR, \fB\-\-extra 3\fR
-The following shows which lines / items get extra information with each
+The following details show which lines / items display extra information for each
extra data level.
-.B \-x \-A
-\- Adds version/port(s)/driver version (if available) for each Audio
+.B \-x \-A\fR
+\- Adds version/port(s)/driver version (if available) for each Audio
-.B \-x \-A
-\- Shows PCI Bus ID/Usb ID number of each Audio device.
+.B \-x \-A\fR
+\- Adds PCI Bus ID/USB ID number of each Audio device.
-.B \-x \-B
-\- Shows Vendor/Model, battery status (if battery present).
-.B \-x \-C
-\- bogomips on CPU (if available); CPU Flags (short list).
-.B \-x \-C
-\- CPU microarchitecture + revision (like Sandy Bridge, K8, ARMv8, P6,
-and so on). Only shows if detected. Newer microarchitectures will have
-to be added as they appear, and require the CPU family id and model id.
+.B \-x \-B\fR
+\- Adds vendor/model, battery status (if battery present).
+.B \-x \-C\fR
+\- Adds bogomips on CPU (if available); CPU Flags (short list).
+.B \-x \-C\fR
+\- Adds CPU microarchitecture + revision (e.g. Sandy Bridge, K8, ARMv8, P6,
+etc.). Only shows data if detected. Newer microarchitectures will have
+to be added as they appear, and require the CPU family ID and model ID.
-Example: \fBarch: Sandy Bridge rev.2\fR, \fBarch: K8 rev.F+\fR
+Examples: \fBarch: Sandy Bridge rev: 2\fR, \fBarch: K8 rev.F+ rev: 2\fR
-.B \-x \-d
-\- Adds items to features line of optical drive; adds rev version to
-optical drive.
+.B \-x \-d\fR
+\- Adds more items to \fBFeatures\fR line of optical drive;
+dds rev version to optical drive.
-.B \-x \-D
-\- Hdd temp with disk data if you have hddtemp installed, if you are root
-OR if you have added to \fB/etc/sudoers\fR (sudo v. 1.7 or newer):
+.B \-x \-D\fR
+\- Adds HDD temperature with disk data if you have hddtemp installed, if you are root
+or if you have added to \fB/etc/sudoers\fR (sudo v. 1.7 or newer):
.B <username> ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/hddtemp (sample)
-.B \-x \-G
-\- Direct rendering status for Graphics.
+.B \-x \-G\fR
+\- Adds direct rendering status.
-.B \-x \-G
-\- (for single gpu, nvidia driver) screen number gpu is running on.
+.B \-x \-G\fR
+\- Adds (for single GPU, nvidia driver) screen number that GPU is running on.
-.B \-x \-G
-\- Shows PCI Bus ID/Usb ID number of each Graphics card.
+.B \-x \-G\fR
+\- Adds PCI Bus ID/USB ID number of each Graphics card.
-.B \-x \-i
-\- Show IP v6 additional scope data, like Global, Site, Temporary for
+.B \-x \-i\fR
+\- Adds IP v6 additional scope data, like Global, Site, Temporary for
each interface.
-Note that there is no way I am aware of to filter out the deprecated
-IP v6 scope site/global temporary addresses from the output of
-\fBifconfig\fR. \fBip\fR tool shows that clearly.
+Note that there is no way I am aware of to filter out the deprecated
+IP v6 scope site/global temporary addresses from the output of
+\fBifconfig\fR. The \fBip\fR tool shows that clearly.
-\fBip\-v6\-temporary\fR \- (\fBip\fR tool only), scope global temporary.
+\fBip\-v6\-temporary\fR \- (\fBip\fR tool only), scope global temporary.
Scope global temporary deprecated is not shown
-\fBip\-v6\-global\fR \- scope global (\fBifconfig\fR will show this for
-all types, global, global temporary, and global temporary deprecated,
+\fBip\-v6\-global\fR \- scope global (\fBifconfig\fR will show this for
+all types, global, global temporary, and global temporary deprecated,
\fBip\fR shows it only for global)
-\fBip\-v6\-link\fR \- scope link (\fBip\fR/\fBifconfig\fR) \- default
-for \fB\-i\fR.
+\fBip\-v6\-link\fR \- scope link (\fBip\fR/\fBifconfig\fR) \- default
+for \fB\-i\fR.
-\fBip\-v6\-site\fR \- scope site (\fBip\fR/\fBifconfig\fR). This has been
-deprecated in IPv6, but still exists. \fBifconfig\fR may show multiple site
+\fBip\-v6\-site\fR \- scope site (\fBip\fR/\fBifconfig\fR). This has been
+deprecated in IPv6, but still exists. \fBifconfig\fR may show multiple site
values, as with global temporary, and global temporary deprecated.
\fBip\-v6\-unknown\fR \- unknown scope
-.B \-x \-I
-\- Show current init system (and init rc in some cases, like OpenRC).
-With \-xx, shows init/rc version number, if available.
-.B \-x \-I
-\- Show system GCC, default. With \-xx, also show other installed GCC
+.B \-x \-I\fR
+\- Adds current init system (and init rc in some cases, like OpenRC).
+With \fB\-xx\fR, shows init/rc version number, if available.
-.B \-x \-I
-\- Show current runlevel (not available with all init systems).
+.B \-x \-I\fR
+\- Adds default system gcc. With \fB\-xx\fR, also show other installed gcc
-.B \-x \-I
-\- If in shell (not in IRC client, that is), show shell version number
-(if available).
+.B \-x \-I\fR
+\- Adds current runlevel (not available with all init systems).
-.B \-x \-m
-\- Shows memory device Part Number (\fBpart:\fR). Useful to order new or
-replacement memory sticks etc. Usually part numbers are unique, particularly
-if you use the word \fBmemory\fR in the search as well. With \fB\-xx\fR,
-shows Serial Number and Manufactorer as well.
+.B \-x \-I\fR
+\- If in shell (i.e. not in IRC client), adds shell version number, if available.
-.B \-x \-m
-\- If present, shows maximum memory module/device size in the Array line.
-Only some systems will have this data available.
+.B \-x \-m\fR
+\- If present, adds maximum memory module/device size in the Array line.
+Only some systems will have this data available. Shows estimate if it can
+generate one.
-.B \-x \-N
+.B \-x \-m\fR
+\- Adds device type in the Device line.
+.B \-x \-N\fR
\- Adds version/port(s)/driver version (if available) for each Network card;
-.B \-x \-N
-\- Shows PCI Bus ID/Usb ID number of each Network card.
+.B \-x \-N\fR
+\- Adds PCI Bus ID/USB ID number of each Network card.
-.B \-x \-R
-\- md\-raid: Shows component raid id. Adds second RAID Info line: raid level;
-report on drives (like 5/5); blocks; chunk size; bitmap (if present). Resync
-line, shows blocks synced/total blocks.
-\- zfs\-raid: Shows raid array full size; available size; portion allocated
-to RAID (ie, not available as storage)."
+.B \-x \-R\fR
+\- md\-raid: Adds second RAID Info line with extra data: blocks, chunk size,
+bitmap (if present). Resync line, shows blocks synced/total blocks.
-.B \-x \-S
-\- Desktop toolkit if available (GNOME/XFCE/KDE only); Kernel gcc version.
+.B \-xx \-s\fR
+\- Adds basic voltages: 12v, 5v, 3.3v, vbat (\fBipmi\fR only).
-.B \-x \-t
-\- Adds memory use output to cpu (\fB\-xt c\fR), and cpu use to memory
-(\fB\-xt m\fR). For \fB\-xt c\fR will also show system Used/Total ram data
-if \fB\-t m\fR (memory) is not used AND \fB\-I\fR is not triggered.
+.B \-x \-S\fR
+\- Adds desktop toolkit (\fBtk\fR), if available (GNOME/Xfce/KDE only).
-.B \-x \-w / \-W
-\- Adds wind speed and time zone (\fB\-w\fR only), and makes output go to
-two lines.
+.B \-x \-S\fR
+\- Kernel gcc version.
-.B \-xx \-A
-\- Adds vendor:product ID of each Audio device.
+.B \-x \-t\fR
+\- Adds memory use output to CPU (\fB\-xt c\fR), and CPU use to memory
+(\fB\-xt m\fR).
-.B \-xx \-B
-\- Adds serial number, voltage (if available).
-Note that \fBvolts\fR shows the data (if available) as: Voltage Now / Minimum
-Design Voltage
+.B \-x \-\-usb\fR
+\- For \fBDevices\fR, adds USB version/speed.
-.B \-xx \-C
-\- Shows Minimum CPU speed (if available).
+.B \-x \-w\fR,\fB \-W\fR
+\- Adds humidity and barometric pressure.
-.B \-xx \-D
-\- Adds disk serial number.
+.B \-x \-w\fR,\fB \-W\fR
+\- Adds wind speed and direction.
-.B \-xx \-D
-\- Adds disk firmware revision number, if available (nvme and possibly other types).
+.B \-xx \-A\fR
+\- Adds vendor:product ID for each Audio device.
-.B \-xx \-G
-\- Adds vendor:product ID of each Graphics card.
+.B \-xx \-B\fR
+\- Adds serial number, voltage (if available). Note that \fBvolts\fR shows the
+data (if available) as the voltage now / minimum design voltage.
-.B \-xx \-G
-\- Wayland/Mir only: if found, attempts to show compositor (experimental).
+.B \-xx \-D\fR
+\- Adds disk serial number.
+.B \-xx \-G\fR
+\- Adds vendor:product ID of each Graphics card.
-.B \-xx \-G
-\- For free drivers, adds OpenGL compatibility version number if it's available.
-For nonfree drivers, the core version and compatibility versions are the same.
+.B \-xx \-G\fR
+\- Adds compositor, if found (experimental).
+.B \-xx \-G\fR
+\- For free drivers, adds OpenGL compatibility version number if available.
+For nonfree drivers, the core version and compatibility versions are usually
+the same. Example:
-\fB3.3 Mesa 11.2.0 (compat\-v: 3.0)\fR
+\fBv: 3.3 Mesa 11.2.0 compat\-v: 3.0\fR
-.B \-xx \-I
-\- Show init type version number (and rc if present).
+.B \-xx \-I\fR
+\- Adds init type version number (and rc if present).
-.B \-xx \-I
-\- Adds other detected installed gcc versions to primary gcc output (if present).
+.B \-xx \-I\fR
+\- Adds other detected installed gcc versions (if present).
-.B \-xx \-I
-\- Show, if detected, system default runlevel. Supports Systemd/Upstart/Sysvinit
-type defaults. Note that not all systemd systems have the default value set, in
-that case, if present, it will use the data from \fB/etc/inittab\fR.
+.B \-xx \-I\fR
+\- Adds system default runlevel, if detected. Supports Systemd/Upstart/SysVinit
+type defaults.
-.B \-xx \-I
-\- Adds parent program (or tty) that started shell, if not IRC client, to shell
+.B \-xx \-I\fR
+\- Adds parent program (or tty) that started shell, if not IRC client.
-.B \-xx \-m
-\- Shows memory device Manufacturer and Serial Number.
+.B \-xx \-m\fR
+\- Adds memory device Manufacturer.
-.B \-xx \-m
-\- Single/double bank memory, if data is found. Note, this may not be 100% right
-all of the time since it depends on the order that data is found in \fBdmidecode\fR
+.B \-xx \-m\fR
+\- Adds memory device Part Number (\fBpart\-no:\fR). Useful for ordering new or
+replacement memory sticks etc. Part numbers are unique, particularly
+if you use the word \fBmemory\fR in the search as well. With \fB\-xxx\fR,
+also shows serial number.
+.B \-xx \-m\fR
+\- Adds single/double bank memory, if data is found. Note, this may not be 100% right
+all of the time since it depends on the order that data is found in \fBdmidecode\fR
output for \fBtype 6\fR and \fBtype 17\fR.
-.B \-xx \-M
-\- Adds chassis information, if any data for that is available. Also shows BIOS
-rom size if using dmidecode.
+.B \-xx \-M\fR
+\- Adds chassis information, if data is available. Also shows BIOS
+ROM size if using \fBdmidecode\fR.
-.B \-xx \-N
-\- Adds vendor:product ID of each Network card.
+.B \-xx \-N\fR
+\- Adds vendor:product ID for each Network card.
-.B \-xx \-R
-\- md\-raid: Adds superblock (if present); algorythm, U data. Adds system info
-sline (kernel support, read ahead, raid events). Adds if present, unused device
-line. If device is resyncing, shows resync progress line as well.
+.B \-xx \-R\fR
+\- md\-raid: Adds superblock (if present) and algorithm. If resync,
+shows progress bar.
-.B \-xx \-S
-\- Adds, if run in X, display manager type to Desktop information, if present.
-If none, shows N/A. Supports most known display managers, like xdm, gdm, kdm,
-slim, lightdm, or mdm.
+.B \-xx \-s\fR
+\- Adds DIMM/SOC voltages, if present (\fBipmi\fR only).
-.B \-xx \-w / \-W
-\- Adds humidity and barometric pressure.
+.B \-xx \-S\fR
+\- Adds, if run in X, display manager (\fBdm\fR) type, if present.q
+If none, shows N/A. Supports most known display managers, including gdm, gdm3,
+idm, kdm, lightdm, lxdm, mdm, nodm, sddm, slim, tint, wdm, and xdm.
+.B \-xx \-\-slots\fR
+\- Adds slot length.
+.B \-xx \-\-usb\fR
+\- Adds vendor:chip id.
-.B \-xx \-@ <11\-14>
-\- Automatically uploads debugger data tar.gz file to \\fR.
+.B \-xx \-w\fR,\fB \-W\fR
+\- Adds wind chill, heat index, and dew point if any of these are available.
-.B \-xxx \-B
-\- Adds battery chemistry (like: \fBLi\-ion\fR), cycles (NOTE: there appears to
-be a problem with the Linux kernel obtaining the cycle count, so this almost
-always shows \fB0\fR. There's nothing that can be done about this glitch, the
-data is simply not available as of 2016\-04\-18), location (only available from
-dmidecode derived output).
+.B \-xxx \-B\fR
+\- Adds battery chemistry (e.g. \fBLi\-ion\fR), cycles (NOTE: there appears to
+be a problem with the Linux kernel obtaining the cycle count, so this almost
+always shows \fB0\fR. There's nothing that can be done about this glitch, the
+data is simply not available as of 2018\-04\-03), location (only available from
+\fBdmidecode\fR derived output).
-.B \-xxx \-m
-\- Memory bus width: primary bus width, and if present, total width. eg:
-bus width: 64 bit (total: 72 bits). Note that total / data widths are mixed up
-sometimes in dmidecode output, so inxi will take the larger value as total if
+.B \-xxx \-D\fR
+\- Adds disk firmware revision number, if available (nvme and possibly other types).
+.B \-xxx \-D\fR
+\- Adds disk partition scheme (in some but not all cases), e.g. scheme: \fBGPT\fR
+.B \-xxx \-I\fR
+\- For \fBShell:\fR adds \fB(su|sudo|login)\fR to shell name if present.
+.B \-xxx \-I\fR
+\- For \fBrunning in:\fR adds \fB(SSH)\fR to parent, if present. SSH detection
+uses the \fBwho am i\fR test.
+.B \-xxx \-m\fR
+\- Adds memory bus width: primary bus width, and if present, total width. e.g.
+\fBbus width: 64 bit (total: 72 bits)\fR. Note that total / data widths are mixed up
+sometimes in dmidecode output, so inxi will take the larger value as the total if
present. If no total width data is found, then inxi will not show that item.
-.B \-xxx \-m
-\- Adds device Type Detail, eg: DDR3 (Synchronous).
+.B \-xxx \-m\fR
+\- Adds device Type Detail, e.g. \fBdetail: DDR3 (Synchronous)\fR.
-.B \-xxx \-m
-\- If present, will add memory module voltage. Only some systems will have this
+.B \-xxx \-m\fR
+\- If present, adds memory module voltage. Only some systems will have this
data available.
-.B \-xxx \-S
-\- Adds, if run in X, shell/panel type info to Desktop information, if present.
-If none, shows nothing. Supports some current desktop extras like gnome\-panel,
+.B \-xxx \-m\fR
+\- Adds device serial number.
+.B \-xxx \-R\fR
+\- md\-raid: Adds system mdraid support types (kernel support, read ahead, RAID events)
+\- zfs\-raid: Adds portion allocated (used) by RAID array/device.
+.B \-xxx \-S\fR
+\- Adds, if run in X, shell/panel type (\fBinfo\fR), if present.
+If none, shows nothing. Supports some current desktop extras like gnome\-panel,
lxde\-panel, and others. Added mainly for Mint support.
-.B \-xxx \-w / \-W
-\- Adds location (city state country), weather observation time, altitude of system.
-If wind chill, heat index, or dew point are available, shows that data as well.
+.B \-xxx \-S\fR
+\- Adds, if run in X, window manager type (\fBwm\fR), if available.
+Not all window managers are supported. Some desktops support using more than one
+window manager, so this can be useful to see what windom manager is actually running.
+If none found, shows nothing.
+.B \-xxx \-w\fR,\fB \-W\fR
+\- Adds location (city state country), altitude, weather observation time.
-.B \-! 31
-Turns off hostname in System line. Useful, with \fB\-z\fR, for anonymizing your
-inxi output for posting on forums or IRC.
+.B \-\-alt 40\fR
+Bypass \fBPerl\fR as a downloader option. Priority is: Perl (HTTP::Tiny),
+Curl, Wget, Fetch, (OpenBSD only) ftp.
-.B \-! 32
-Turns on hostname in System line. Overrides inxi config file value (if set):
+.B \-\-alt 41\fR
+Bypass \fBCurl\fR as a downloader option. Priority is: Perl (HTTP::Tiny),
+Curl, Wget, Fetch, (OpenBSD only) ftp.
-.B \-! 33
-Force use of \fBdmidecode\fR. This will override \fB/sys\fR data in some lines,
-like \fB\-M\fR.
+.B \-\-alt 42\fR
+Bypass \fBFetch\fR as a downloader option. Priority is: Perl (HTTP::Tiny),
+Curl, Wget, Fetch, (OpenBSD only) ftp.
-.B \-! 34
-Skip SSL certificate checks for all downloader actions (\fB\-U\fR, \fB\-w\fR,
-\fB\-W\fR, \fB\-i\fR). Use if your system does not have current SSL certificate
-lists, or if you have problems making a connection for any reason. Only works
-with \fBwget\fR, \fBcurl\fR, and \fBfetch\fR. This must go before the other
-options you use.
+.B \-\-alt 43\fR
+Bypass \fBWget\fR as a downloader option. Priority is: Perl (HTTP::Tiny),
+Curl, Wget, Fetch, OpenBSD only: ftp
-.B \-! 40
-Will try to get display data out of X (does not usually work as root user).
-Default gets display info from display \fB:0\fR. If you use this format:
-\fB\-! 40:1\fR it would get it from display \fB1\fR instead, or any display
-you specify as long as there is no space between \fB\-! 40\fR and the
-\fB:[display id]\fR.
+.B \-\-alt 44\fR
+Bypass \fBCurl\fR, \fBFetch\fR, and \fBWget\fR as downloader options. This
+basically forces the downloader selection to use \fBPerl 5.x\fR \fBHTTP::Tiny\fR,
+which is generally slower than \fBCurl\fR or \fBWget\fR but it may help bypass
+issues with downloading.
-Note that in some cases, \fB\-! 40\fR will cause inxi to hang endlessly when
-running the option in console with Intel graphics (confirmed). Other free
-drivers like nouveau/ati unknown yet. It may be that this is a bug with the
-intel graphics driver, more information required.
+.B \-\-display [:<integer>]\fR
+Will try to get display data out of X (does not usually work as root user).
+Default gets display info from display \fB:0\fR. If you use the format
+\fB\-\-display :1\fR then it would get it from display \fB1\fR instead,
+or any display you specify.
+Note that in some cases, \fB\-\-display\fR will cause inxi to hang endlessly when
+running the option in console with Intel graphics. The situation regarding
+other free drivers such as nouveau/ATI is currently unknown. It may be that
+this is a bug with the Intel graphics driver \- more information is required.
-You can test this easily by running this command out of X/display server:
-\fBglxinfo -display :0\fR
+You can test this easily by running the following command out of X/display server:
+\fBglxinfo \-display :0\fR
-If it hangs, \fB\-! 40\fR will not work.
+If it hangs, \fB\-\-display\fR will not work.
-.B \-! 41
-Bypass \fBCurl\fR as a downloader option. Priority is: Curl, Wget, Fetch,
-HTTP::Tiny, OpenBSD only: ftp
+.B \-\-dmidecode\fR
+Force use of \fBdmidecode\fR. This will override \fB/sys\fR data in some lines,
+e.g. \fB\-M\fR or \fB\-B\fR.
-.B \-! 42
-Bypass \fBFetch\fR as a downloader option.Priority is: Curl, Wget, Fetch,
-HTTP::Tiny, OpenBSD only: ftp
+.B \-\-downloader [curl|fetch|perl|wget]\fR
+Force inxi to use Curl, Fetch, Perl, or Wget for downloads.
-.B \-! 43
-Bypass \fBWget\fR as a downloader option. Priority is: Curl, Wget, Fetch,
-HTTP::Tiny, OpenBSD only: ftp
+.B \-\-host\fR
+Turns on hostname in System line. Overrides inxi config file value (if set):
-.B \-! 44
-Bypass \fBCurl\fR, \fBFetch\fR, and \fBWget\fR as downloader options. This
-basically forces the downloader selection to use \fBPerl 5.x\fR \fBHTTP::Tiny\fR,
-which is in general slower than \fBCurl\fR or \fBWget\fR but it may help bypass
-issues with downloading.
+.B \-\-indent\-min [integer]\fR
+Overrides default indent minimum value. This is the value that makes inxi change from
+wrapped line starters [like \fBInfo\fR] to non wrapped. If less than \fB80\fR,
+no wrapping will occur. Overrides internal default value and user configuration value:
+.B \-\-limit [\-1 \- x]\fR
+Raise or lower max output limit of IP addresses for \fB\-i\fR. \fB\-1\fR removes limit.
-.B \-%
-Overrides defective or corrupted data.
+.B \-\-man\fR
+Updates / installs man page with \fB\-U\fR if \fBpinxi\fR or using \fB\-U 3\fR dev branch.
+(Only active if \fB\-U\fR is is not disabled by maintainers).
-.B \-@
-Triggers debugger output. Requires debugging level \fB1\-14\fR
-(\fB8\-10\fR \- logging of data). Less than 8 just triggers inxi
-debugger output on screen.
+.B \-\-no\-host\fR
+Turns off hostname in System line. Useful, in combination with \fB\-z\fR,
+for anonymizing inxi output for posting on forums or IRC. Same as
+configuration value:
-.B \-@
-\fR[\fB1\fR\-\fB7\fR] \- On screen debugger output.
+.B \-\-no\-man\fR
+Disables man page install with \fB\-U\fR for master and active development branches.
+(Only active if \fB\-U\fR is is not disabled by maintainers).
-.B \-@ 8
-\- Basic logging. Check \fB/home/yourname/.inxi/inxi*.log
+.B \-\-no\-ssl\fR
+Skip SSL certificate checks for all downloader actions (\fB\-U\fR, \fB\-w\fR,
+\fB\-W\fR, \fB\-i\fR). Use if your system does not have current SSL certificate
+lists, or if you have problems making a connection for any reason. Works with
+\fBWget\fR, \fBCurl\fR, and \fBFetch\fR only.
-.B \-@ 9
-\- Full file/sys info logging.
+.B \-\-output [json|screen|xml]\fR
+Change data output type. Requires \-\-output\-file if not fBscreen\fR.
-.B \-@ 10
-\- Color logging.
+.B \-\-output\-file [full path to output file|print]\fR
+The given directory path must exist. The directory path given must exist,
+The \fBprint\fR options prints to stdout.
+Required for non\-screen \fB\-\-output\fR formats (json|xml).
-.B \-@ <11\-14>
-The following create a tar.gz file of system data, plus collecting
-the inxi output to file: To automatically upload debugger data
-tar.gz file to \\fR:
+.B \-\-sleep [0\-x.x]\fR
+Usually in decimals. Change CPU sleep time for \fB\-C\fR (current: \fB\0.35\fR).
+Sleep is used to let the system catch up and show a more accurate CPU use. Example:
+\fBinxi \-Cxxx \-\-sleep 0.15\fR
-\fBinxi \-xx@ <11\-14>\fR
+Overrides default internal value and user configuration value:
-For alternate ftp upload locations: Example:
+.B \-\-debug [1\-3]\fR
+\- On screen debugger output (currently not used).
+.B \-\-debug 10\fR
+\- Basic logging. Check \fB$XDG_DATA_HOME/inxi/inxi.log\fR or
+\fB$HOME/.local/share/inxi/inxi.log\fR or \fB$HOME/.inxi/inxi.log\fR.
+.B \-\-debug 11\fR
+\- Full file/system info logging.
-.B inxi \-!
-\\fB \-xx@ 14\fR
-.B \-@ 11
-\- With tree traversal data file read of \fB/sys\fR, and other system
+.B \-\-debug [20\-22]\fR
+Debugger output generator.
+.B \-\-debug 20\fR
+Creates a tar.gz file of system data and collects the inxi output
+in a file.
+* tree traversal data file read from \fB/sys\fR, and other system
+* xorg conf and log data, xrandr, xprop, xdpyinfo, glxinfo etc.
+* data from dev, disks, partitions, etc.
-.B \-@ 12
-\- With xorg conf and log data, xrandr, xprop, xdpyinfo, glxinfo etc.
+.B \-\-debug 21\fR
+Automatically uploads debugger data tar.gz file to \\fR,
+then removes the debug data directory, but leaves the debug tar.gz file.
+See \fB\-\-ftp\fR for uploading to alternate locations.
-.B \-@ 13
-\- With data from dev, disks, partitions, etc.
+.B \-\-debug 22\fR
+Automatically uploads debugger data tar.gz file to \\fR, then
+removes the debug data directory and the tar.gz file.
+See \fB\-\-ftp\fR for uploading to alternate locations.
-.B \-@ 14
-\- Everything, full data collection.
-BitchX, Gaim/Pidgin, ircII, Irssi, Konversation, Kopete, KSirc, KVIrc, Weechat,
-and Xchat. Plus any others that are capable of displaying either built in or external
+.B \-\-ftp []\fR
+For alternate ftp upload locations: Example:
+\fBinxi \-\-ftp \\fB \-\-debug 21\fR
+BitchX, Gaim/Pidgin, ircII, Irssi, Konversation, Kopete, KSirc, KVIrc, Weechat,
+and Xchat. Plus any others that are capable of displaying either built\-in or external
script output.
-To trigger inxi output in your IRC client, pick the appropriate method from the
+To trigger inxi output in your IRC client, pick the appropriate method from the
list below:
-.B Xchat, irssi
+.B XChat, Irssi
\fR(and many other IRC clients)
-.B /exec \-o inxi
-If you leave off the \fB\-o\fR, only you will see the output on your local
+.B /exec \-o inxi \fR[\fBoptions\fR]
+If you don't include the \fB\-o\fR, only you will see the output on your local
IRC client.
.B Konversation
-.B /cmd inxi
+.B /cmd inxi
-To run inxi in konversation as a native script if your distribution or inxi package
-did not do this for you, create this symbolic link [the first works for KDE 4,
-the second for KDE 5]:
+To run inxi in Konversation as a native script if your distribution or inxi package
+hasn't already done this for you, create this symbolic link:
+KDE 4:
.B ln \-s /usr/local/bin/inxi /usr/share/kde4/apps/konversation/scripts/inxi
+KDE 5:
.B ln \-s /usr/local/bin/inxi /usr/share/konversation/scripts/inxi
-If inxi is somewhere else, change the path \fB/usr/local/bin\fR to wherever it
+If inxi is somewhere else, change the path \fB/usr/local/bin\fR to wherever it
is located.
-If you are using KDE/QT 5, then you may also need to add the following to get
-the konversation \fR/inxi\fR command to work:
+If you are using KDE/QT 5, then you may also need to add the following to get
+the Konversation \fR/inxi\fR command to work:
.B ln \-s /usr/share/konversation /usr/share/apps/
Then you can start inxi directly, like this:
-.B /inxi
+.B /inxi
.B WeeChat
-.B NEW: /exec \-o inxi
+.B NEW: /exec \-o inxi
-.B OLD: /shell \-o inxi
+.B OLD: /shell \-o inxi
-Newer (2014 and later) WeeChats work pretty much the same now as other console
-IRC clients, with \fB/exec \-o inxi \fR[\fBoptions\fR]. Also, newer WeeChats
-have dropped the \fB\-curses\fR part of their program name, ie:
+Newer (2014 and later) WeeChats work pretty much the same now as other console
+IRC clients, with \fB/exec \-o inxi \fR[\fBoptions\fR]. Newer WeeChats
+have dropped the \fB\-curses\fR part of their program name, i.e.:
\fBweechat\fR instead of \fBweechat\-curses\fR.
+inxi will read its configuration/initialization files in the
+following order:
+\fB/etc/inxi.conf\fR contains the default configurations. These can be overridden
+by user configurations found in one of the following locations (inxi will
+store its config file using the following precedence:
+if \fB$XDG_CONFIG_HOME\fR is not empty, it will go there, else if
+\fB$HOME/.conf/inxi.conf\fR exists, it will go there, and as a last default,
+the legacy location is used), i.e.:
-Before WeeChat can run external scripts like inxi, you need to install the
-weechat\-plugins package. This is automatically installed for Debian users.
-Next, if you don't already have it, you need to install,
-which is a python script.
+\fB$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/inxi.conf\fR > \fB$HOME/.conf/inxi.conf\fR >
-In a web browser, Click on the download button at:
-Make the script executable by
+See the documentation page for more complete information on how to set
+these up, and for a complete list of options:
-.B chmod +x
-Move it to your home folder: \fB/.weechat/python/autoload/\fR then logout,
-and start WeeChat with
+Here's a brief overview of the basic options you are likely to want to use:
-.B weechat\-curses
+\fBCOLS_MAX_CONSOLE\fR The max display column width on terminal.
-Top of screen should say what pythons scripts have loaded, and should include
-shell. Then to run inxi, you would enter a command like this:
+\fBCOLS_MAX_IRC\fR The max display column width on IRC clients.
-.B /shell \-o inxi \-bx
+\fBCOLS_MAX_NO_DISPLAY\fR The max display column width in console, out of GUI desktop.
-If you leave off the \fB\-o\fR, only you will see the output on your local
-weechat. WeeChat users may also like to check out the
-inxi will read the following configuration/initialization files in the
-following order:
+\fBCPU_SLEEP\fR Decimal value \fB0\fR or more. Default is usually around \fB0.35\fR
+seconds. Time that inxi will 'sleep' before getting CPU speed data, so that it
+reflects actual system state.
-\fB/etc/inxi.conf\fR is the default configurations. These can be overridden
-by user configurations found in one of the following locations (inxi will
-place its config file using the following precedence as well, that is,
-if \fB$XDG_CONFIG_HOME\fR is not empty, it will go there, else if
-\fB$HOME/.conf/inxi.conf\fR exists, it will go there, and as a last default,
-the legacy location is used:
+\fBDOWNLOADER\fR Sets default inxi downloader: curl, fetch, ftp, perl, wget.
+See \fB\-\-recommends\fR output for more information on downloaders and Perl downloaders.
-\fB$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/inxi.conf\fR or \fB$HOME/.conf/inxi.conf\fR or
+\fBFILTER_STRING\fR Default \fB<filter>\fR. Any string you prefer to see instead
+for filtered values.
-See wiki pages for more information on how to set these up:
-Please report bugs using the following resources.
+\fBINDENT_MIN\fR The point where the line starter wrapping to its own line happens.
+Overrides default. See \fB\-\-indent\-min\fR. If \fB80\fR or less, wrap will never happen.
+\fBLIMIT\fR Overrides default of \fB10\fR IP addresses per IF. This is only of interest
+to sys admins running servers with many IP addresses.
+\fBPS_COUNT\fR The default number of items showing per \fB\-t\fR type, \fBm\fR or
+\fBc\fR. Default is 5.
+\fBSENSORS_CPU_NO\fR In cases of ambiguous temp1/temp2 (inxi can't figure out which
+is the CPU), forces sensors to use either value 1 or 2 as CPU temperature. See the
+above configuration page on for full info.
+\fBSEP2_CONSOLE\fR Replaces default key / value separator of '\fB:\fR'.
+It's best to use the \fB\-c [94\-99]\fR color selector tool to set the following values
+because it will correctly update the configuration file and remove any invalid
+or conflicting items, but if you prefer to create your own configuration files,
+here are the options. All take the integer value from the options available in
+\fB\-c 94\-99\fR.
+\fBCONSOLE_COLOR_SCHEME\fR The color scheme for console output (not in X/Wayland).
+\fBGLOBAL_COLOR_SCHEME\fR Overrides all other color schemes.
-You may be asked to run the inxi debugger tool which will upload a data dump of all
-system files for use in debugging inxi. These data dumps are very important since
-they provide us with all the real system data inxi uses to parse out its report.
+\fBIRC_COLOR_SCHEME\fR Desktop X/Wayland IRC CLI color scheme.
+\fBIRC_CONS_COLOR_SCHEME\fR Out of X/Wayland, IRC CLI color scheme.
+\fBIRC_X_TERM_COLOR_SCHEME\fR In X/Wayland IRC client terminal color scheme.
+\fBVIRT_TERM_COLOR_SCHEME\fR Color scheme for virtual terminal output (in X/Wayland).
+Please report bugs using the following resources.
+You may be asked to run the inxi debugger tool which will upload a data dump of
+system files for use in debugging inxi. These data dumps are very important since
+they provide us with all the real system data inxi uses to parse out its report.
-inxi main website/source/wiki, file an issue report:
+inxi main website/source/wiki, file an issue report:
-post on inxi developer forums:
+post on inxi developer forums:
-You can also visit
-\fRchannel:\fI #smxi\fR to post issues.
+You can also visit
+\fRchannel:\fI #smxi\fR to post issues.
.B inxi
-is is a fork of locsmif's largely unmaintained yet very clever, infobash script.
+is a fork of \fBlocsmif\fR's very clever \fBinfobash\fR script.
Original infobash author and copyright holder:
-Copyright (C) 2005\-2007 Michiel de Boer a.k.a. locsmif
+Copyright (C) 2005\-2007 Michiel de Boer aka locsmif
-inxi version: Copyright (C) 2008\-17 Harald Hope
+inxi version: Copyright (C) 2008\-18 Harald Hope
-Initial CPU logic, konversation version logic, occasional maintenance fixes,
-and the initial tool for /sys parsing (deprecated but still very much
+This man page was originally created by Gordon Spencer (aka aus9) and is
+maintained by Harald Hope (aka h2 or TechAdmin).
+Initial CPU logic, konversation version logic, occasional maintenance fixes,
+and the initial tool for /sys parsing (obsolete, but still very much
appreciated for all the valuable debugger data it helped generate): Scott Rogers
-Further fixes (listed as known):
+Further fixes (listed as known):
Horst Tritremmel <hjt at>
-Steven Barrett (aka: damentz) \- usb audio patch; swap percent used patch.
+Steven Barrett (aka: damentz) \- USB audio patch; swap percent used patch.
-Jarett.Stevens \- dmidecode \-M patch for older systems with no /sys
+Jarett.Stevens \- \fBdmidecode \-M\fR patch for older systems with no \fB/sys\fR.
-And a special thanks to the nice people at channels
-#linux\-smokers\-club and #smxi, who all really have to be considered to
-be co\-developers because of their non\-stop enthusiasm and willingness to
-provide real time testing and debugging of inxi development.
-A further thanks to the Siduction forum members, who have helped get some
-features working by providing a lot of datasets that revealed possible variations,
-particularly for the ram \fB\-m\fR option.
+The nice people at channels #linux\-smokers\-club and #smxi,
+who all really have to be considered to be co\-developers because of their
+non\-stop enthusiasm and willingness to provide real\-time testing and debugging
+of inxi development.
-Further thanks to the various inxi package maintainers, distro support people,
-forum moderators, and in particular, sys admins with their particular issues,
-which almost always help make inxi better, and any others who contribute ideas,
-suggestions, and patches.
+Siduction forum members, who have helped get some features working by providing
+a large number of datasets that have revealed possible variations, particularly for the
+RAM \fB\-m\fR option.
-Without a wide range of diverse Linux kernel based Free Desktop systems to test
-on, we could never have gotten inxi to be as reliable and solid as it's turning
-out to be.
+AntiX users and admins, who have helped greatly with testing and debugging,
+particularly for the 3.0.0 release.
-And of course, big thanks locsmif, who figured out a lot of the core methods,
-logic, and tricks used in inxi.
+ArcherSeven (Max), Brett Bohnenkamper (aka KittyKatt), and Iotaka, who always
+manage to find the weirdest or most extreme hardware and setups that help make
+inxi much more robust.
-This Man page was originally created by Gordon Spencer (aka aus9) and is
-maintained by Harald Hope (aka h2 or TechAdmin).
+For the vastly underrated skill of output error/glitch catching, Pete Haddow. His
+patience and focus in going through inxi repeatedly to find errors and inconsistencies
+is much appreciated.
+All the inxi package maintainers, distro support people, forum moderators,
+and in particular, sys admins with their particular issues, which almost always
+help make inxi better, and any others who contribute ideas, suggestions, and patches.
+Without a wide range of diverse Linux kernel\-based Free Desktop systems to test
+on, we could never have gotten inxi to be as reliable and solid as it's turning
+out to be.
+And of course, a big thanks to locsmif, who figured out a lot of the core methods,
+logic, and tricks originally used in inxi Gawk/Bash.
diff --git a/inxi.1.gz b/inxi.1.gz
deleted file mode 100644
index ceca21e..0000000
--- a/inxi.1.gz
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/inxi.changelog b/inxi.changelog
index 894cb98..82c3aec 100644
--- a/inxi.changelog
+++ b/inxi.changelog
@@ -1,4 +1,788 @@
+Version: 3.0.07
+Patch Version: 00
+Script Date: 2018-04-17
+New version, new man. Bug fixes. BSD fixes.
+Bugs fixed:
+1. CPU: MT/HT was wrong for old xeon, made mt detection more robust and hopefully
+more reliable, removed all explicit b_xeon based tests.
+2. fixed /dev/mapper glitch, that make /dev/mapper links fail to get id'ed.
+3. openbsd: fixed memory handler; fixed cpu flags, fixed partitions handling.
+4. freebsd: fixed similar partition bugs, these were caused by the darwin patch.
+5. man page: fixed top synopis syntax, thanks ESR.
+6. partitions fs: fixed possible failures with lsblk fs. lsblk: added debuggers
+so we can track down this failure in the future.
+7. added sshfs filter for disk used output, note, there is a possible syntax for
+remote fs that isn't handled: AAA:BBB that is, no :/, only the :. This makes
+explicit detection of still unknown remote fs very difficult since : is a legal
+nix filename character.
+-- Harald Hope - Wed, 18 Apr 2018 19:29:02 -0700
+Version: 3.0.06
+Patch Version: 00
+Script Date: 2018-04-17
+New version. 2 bug fixes.
+1. -xtm was showing memory %, not cpu % in cpu item
+2. -G compat-v was showing for nvidia, it's not supposed to, and was also wrong
+for nvidia, they forgot to update one of their gl string numbers.
+-- Harald Hope - Tue, 17 Apr 2018 16:52:05 -0700
+Version: 3.0.05
+Patch Version: 00
+Script Date: 2018-04-17
+New version, new man. Small new enhancements.
+1. Added to -s for ipmi, with -x: voltage 12v,5v,3.3v,vbat; for -xx, dimm/soc p1/p2
+2. enhanced wm: feature, needed more filters and protection against redundant data
+3. basic apple osx fixes to keep it from crashing, but I'm not spending any more
+time on apple junk unless someone pays me for my time, I can't stand the product or
+company, it's the total antitheses of freedom or free software, or even openness.
+4. openbsd/bsd fixes: openbsd was failing to get cpu flags due to a small oversight
+5. -C now shows bits: for the true bits of cpu, not the kernel bits. This is not
+a reliable measurement but should be right about 95+ percent of the time, and
+basically all of the time for GNU/Linux on Intel/AMD, most of the time for ARM.
+When it doesn't know it does not guess, and shows N/A.
+6. bsd fix for usb, was running numeric action on string value
+7. fixed stderr tool for program_version, now it's hard-coded in program_values
+which removes an unneeded regex search for every program version test.
+8. Mate detection, switched to using mate-sesssion instead of mate-about, the
+latter is not getting updated and has the wrong version number on it.
+-- Harald Hope - Tue, 17 Apr 2018 13:17:14 -0700
+Version: 3.0.04
+Patch Version: 00
+Script Date: 2018-04-14
+New version. Fixes several issues.
+1. issue #145 - corrects case with vm xeon where phys id skips numbers, creating
+bad array looping error.
+2. for issue #143, added user PATH to static list of paths, this works around distros
+that have chosen to abandon the FSH standard, sigh... This adds to number of paths that
+have to be checked, but there was no clean way to handle it otherwise.
+3. For MATE, added new version source, mate-session, because mate-about was reporting
+a non-matching version number for current MATE.
+-- Harald Hope - Sat, 14 Apr 2018 17:52:33 -0700
+Version: 3.0.03
+Patch Version: 00
+Script Date: 2018-04-12
+New version. NBD network block device fixes
+Two enhancements/bug fixes:
+1. inxi did not have support for network block devices /dev/nbd0 type syntax in
+2. this caused a slight failure in lsblk output, so I switched to using lsblk -P
+to force paired key values, which are then put into an array of hashes.
+These both appeared on an ARM server system, but surprisingly, there were no ARM
+specific issues at all on that system.
+Both issues/enhancements tested and working fine.
+-- Harald Hope - Thu, 12 Apr 2018 19:22:27 -0700
+Version: 3.0.02
+Patch Version: 00
+Script Date: 2018-04-12
+new version, new man.
+Rolls up a few changes from the latest features:
+1. For -Dxxx, if root, will use fdisk to try to find partition table scheme (mbr/gpt)
+2. For Display: <protocol> server: will try to use loginctl if out of X and using
+--display flag to force display data and not root.
+This completes more or less the very last minute features added pre 3.0.0 version.
+I wanted to get these in because the features were not super useful since they only
+worked on a few systems, particulary the scheme:
+-- Harald Hope - Thu, 12 Apr 2018 15:26:00 -0700
+Version: 3.0.01
+Patch Version: 00
+Script Date: 2018-04-12
+New version, new man. Fine tunings.
+New features:
+1. for a very few systems that have wmctrl installed, shows with -xxxS, wm if present
+2. an attempt to get display protocol from out of X, using --display and loginctl
+1. made xorg display server and protocols show more consistently with other layout:
+Display: x11 server: 1.9.12 drivers: loaded: ...
+if no display protocol found:
+Display: server: 1.9.12 drivers: loaded: ...
+This brings the -G in line with the other lines, of not putting different data types
+inside of parentheses as much as possible. -I still has two of these, but so far it's
+not clear how to otherwise show SSH or su/sudo/login in their respective spaces.
+Debugger data collector also has something I should have added ages ago, gz filename
+now includes the basic 2 digit inxi version number, like 3.0 at end, so I can readily
+determine the debugger inxi version, and thus avoid having to root through lots of
+versions to find new stuff.
+These are all largely cosmetic improvements, or debugger adjustments, except for -Sxxx
+now offering wm: if present.
+Also changed Desktop: name... (toolkit data) to: Desktop: name... tk: toolkit data
+to be more consistent, while not adding great length to the output.
+These two changes should also help export to json/xml since that puts unique key/values
+back into key value pairs, not merging two together.
+-- Harald Hope - Thu, 12 Apr 2018 13:17:26 -0700
+Version: 3.0.00
+Patch Version: 00
+Script Date: 2018-04-09
+New version, new man. Beta / 2.9 testing completed.
+inxi 3.0 is now ready for prime time. No substantial issues have been found over
+the past week. All outstanding issues and bugs have been corrected. The man page
+and help page have been edited fairly heavily to improve usability and readablity.
+All work and development and support for inxi 2.3.56 is ended. No issues for
+2.3.56 will be accepted since there is no way to support that version, it
+being in a different set of languages (Gawk/Bash) than inxi 2.9/3.0 (Perl 5).
+So the sooner you move your distro package pool to new inxi, the sooner your
+users can get support for any issues with current inxi.
+Beta and 2.9 prerelease testing is completed, and has resulted in a much
+better inxi than I could have hoped for.
+There are so many new features and enhancements in the new inxi that it's hard
+to list them all. See previous commits for a more in depth record.
+1. New options: --slots (PCI Slots); --usb
+2. Exports to json/xml with --output options
+3. Every line has been enhanced, with tighter output control, better key / value
+pairings, more accurate values.
+4. Line wrapping is now fully dynamic, which means inxi works down to 80 columns
+and should basically never wrap (except for very long repo lines, but that's not
+really fixable).
+5. More controls, more user configuration options (see man page).
+6. So many small new features that it's hard to list them all. Shows SSH in -I
+if SSH. Shows sudo/su/login in -I if relevant and detectable. Shows disk partioning
+scheme in some cases (more coming). Removes color codes if piped or redirected to
+7. All sizes are now shown in standardized KiB/MiB/GiB/TiB/PiB format, to avoid
+ambiguity about whether M or MB or MiB is meant. All internal size math is done
+using KiB, which further avoids confusion and error. Note that many disk makers
+like using MB or GB instead of MiB or GiB because it makes their disks seem
+8. Sensors -s now supports IPMI sensors, in tandem with lm-sensors.
+Anyway, the changelog will show better all the new features etc, I can't remember
+them all.
+All current issues and glitches have been fixed, any remaining are simply new issues,
+just as they would be in old inxi.
+Note that in the second and third weeks of beta testing a significant number of bugs
+that are in inxi 2.3.56 were fixed. 2.3.56 has been moth-balled into the inxi-legacy
+branch as binxi, to avoid mixing it up with inxi. The development branch is now
+permanently inxi-perl, aka, pinxi, since that worked so well for beta and pre-3.0
+2.9 testing and development.
+This ends the pinxi/inxi development stage. All future development will proceed
+using the inxi-perl branch, and will be the same in terms of new features as pre
+inxi 2.9 was, they will be added, enhanced, as seems appropriate.
+Remember, inxi is a rolling release program, like Arch Linux, Gentoo, Debian
+Testing/Sid, and has no frozen release points, so this is simply the beginning of the
+3.0 line of Perl inxi.
+Thanks to everyone who contributed time, energy, effort, ideas, testing, debugging,
+patience - inxi would not work without you.
+-- Harald Hope - Mon, 09 Apr 2018 01:01:03 -0700
+Version: 2.9.12
+Patch Version: 00
+Script Date: 2018-04-06
+New version, man page. Finished up main man edits. Set new defaults for some options,
+like --sleep and -t.
+Edits to layout and language, removed some legacy options and language from man and
+Added partition table detections, rough initial stage. Only works on systems with
+udev present currently, will be expanded as we find fast tools. Since the systemd
+method is literally up to 25x slower than the udev method, it's not being considered
+except maybe as a last, last resort, and probably will never be used.
+-- Harald Hope - Fri, 06 Apr 2018 15:49:02 -0700
+Version: 2.9.11
+Patch Version: 00
+Script Date: 2018-04-03
+New version, new man. Completed man edits.
+Many small bugs fixed.
+1. in some cases, will detect partition table type (GTP,MBR) either
+with or without root. Uses fast method, which is not available on all systems.
+2. Added IPMI sensors tools ipmitool and ipmi-sensors to -s for systems that
+use IPMI.
+3. Finished man page edits and corrections. Thanks Pete.
+4. Added doubled word filter for main -NGA lines, only for Card items.
+5. Gave more granular uptime output: like: uptime: 23d 5h 34m
+-- Harald Hope - Tue, 03 Apr 2018 23:34:56 -0700
+Version: 2.9.10
+Patch Version: 00
+Script Date: 2018-03-30
+New version, man page. Major man page edits. Bug fixes.
+Bugs fixed:
+1. RAID - both mdraid and zfs bugs corrected. Issue #135
+2. EPYC cpu wrong die count corrected, and also added support for the EPYC type.
+ Issue #135
+3. Possible ARM data glitch that made reader fail on a non-existent file.
+Ongoing updates and edits and corrections and cleanup. Slowly but surely.
+-- Harald Hope - Fri, 30 Mar 2018 20:07:40 -0700
+Version: 2.9.09
+Patch Version: 00
+Script Date: 2018-03-28
+New version, new man. Bug fixes, new features, enhancements
+1. Bug: cause unknown, but crashes on null file sent to reader, but all those files
+have been checked. For now added return if file null.
+2. Features: with -Ixxx: show Shell: csh (sudo|su|login) status; show
+running in: xfce-terminal (SSH)
+ssh session active on remote system.
+Various help and man cleanups and additions.
+-- Harald Hope - Wed, 28 Mar 2018 20:48:22 -0700
+Version: 2.9.08
+Patch Version: 00
+Script Date: 2018-03-26
+New version, new man page. Bug fixes, feature/output tweaks.
+Bugs fixed:
+1. stray undefined value corrected
+2. fixed BSD no pkg server case, now shows correctly that no pkg server files
+were found, not that the OS is not supported.
+1. -t c and m headers cleaned up and simplified
+2. man page edits.
+3. more standarization of key names for fields, some spelling
+and upper/lower case corrections.
+-- Harald Hope - Mon, 26 Mar 2018 14:59:11 -0700
+Version: 2.9.07
+Patch Version: 00
+Script Date: 2018-03-25
+New version, new man. Bug fixes, feature tweaks.
+Bugs fixed:
+1. json/xml outputter had a bug in it that made it validate path wrong.
+2. -G -xx option: compositor: for gnome-shell had a bug that would make it show
+as running when it wasn't, other strings were tripping the match on systems with
+gnome-shell installed but not running,
+3. Finally fixed bug with manjaro full version distro string, and tweaked output
+to show Manjaro Linux instead of given string.
+Features added:
+1. --no-man - this lets users turn off man installs. Only really useful for -U
+from master, since default is off for pinxi and dev 3 branch.
+Man page/help updated to add this option.
+-- Harald Hope - Sun, 25 Mar 2018 18:34:54 -0700
+Version: 2.9.06
+Patch Version: 0
+Script Date: 2018-03-24
+New version, new man. Very new man.
+Man features new section, configuration options, which lists the main config options
+users would be likely to use.
+This should help users who will never check the actual documentation web page
+realize that there are many internal configuration options available.
+Many edits in man, more to come I suspect.
+Bug fixes in inxi:
+1. removed a few stray debuggers that were creating debugging output
+2. fixed a usb driver bug that would create warning messages from Perl (thanks Manjaro
+for finding that one)
+New Option:
+1. Added: --indent-min - goes with the user configuration option: INDENT_MIN
+and allows users to experiment with different indent settings. This is what trips the
+auto line wrap of line starters. This may be revisited, and this switch will make it
+easier for users to see for themselves which they prefer, what trip point, etc.
+This will help determine pre 3.0.0 what the default auto wrap trip point, if any,
+will be.
+Added more data to debugger tool, more lsblk, which is going to need a lot more data
+to solve a new issue with dm/encrypt/lvm, initial $MANPAGE data, to see if anyone
+actually ever uses that environmental variable.
+Special thanks to Manjaro for being as far as I know the first to package Perl inxi.
+Or was AntiX first? Well, it was close, thanks to both.
+-- Harald Hope - Sat, 24 Mar 2018 18:06:33 -0700
+Version: 2.9.05
+Patch Version: 00
+Script Date: 2018-03-24
+New version, new man. Options changes
+To get rid of some non-intuitive options, I've changed some of the --alt values
+to more obvious argument names; --dmidecode --no-ssl --no-host --host
+This makes them easier to remember, hopefully.
+Updated help, man pages to cover this change as well.
+Added some more lsblk debugger output to try to start building enough information to
+really figure out dm/encrypted/lvm and how those are actually handled internally in
+the system in terms of partitions, filesystems, etc.
+-- Harald Hope - Sat, 24 Mar 2018 02:08:42 -0700
+Version: 2.9.04
+Patch Version: 00
+Script Date: 2018-03-22
+New version, new man. Big update
+New features:
+1. now does not require root or 'file' to get unmounted fs type. Also, for many
+mounted partitions, rather than showing the meaningless fuseblock it will usually
+get the filesystem right.
+2. -U now works with optional --man option to download man page for pinxi
+and -U 3 dev server updates. This gets around the fact I had to remove the gz files
+from master to get the size small enough to make maintainers happy. Non branch
+inxi master works as before, updates both from github or from dev server, depending
+on your selection.
+So now inxi and pinxi will grab the inxi.1 or pinxi.1 man file and install it on
+systems that do not have -U blocked. The -U block of course remains the same.
+3. Thanks very much to the people who have been contributing in a positve way,
+helping to make inxi better. The untold number of small and large new features,
+small glitches, etc, that have been fixed this week are simply too many too list.
+Many to most were inxi bugs or weaknesses, now corrected.
+4. binxi branch has now been made fully operational, though I do not plan on doing
+any work beyond the mothballing of that venerable program (gawk->bash inxi), it's
+fully operational, it updates, it gets its man page, but all as binxi, so you can,
+as with pinxi, run all of them separately. This officially terminates my support
+for Gawk/Bash inxi, which can be found as binxi in the inxi-legacy branch.
+5. pinxi has been promoted to permanent development branch, where bug fixes, new
+features, etc, will be tested, along with man page updates etc. This will help
+reduce the number of commits to master branch.
+6. Audio / Network usb cards now show the true driver(s). There are often more
+than one for audio, that's a nice enancement.
+7. inxi outputs to json / xml, which will probably interest some developers
+eventually, well it already did, that was going to wait, but someone wanted it.
+8. Apt repo handler now supports DEB822 format, which is not an easy format to
+Note the following: despite my strong dislike for tags, every commit that touches
+either inxi or inxi.1 man page will be tagged if I think they would be something
+relevant to distro packagers. While github insists on calling my tags releases,
+I want to be crystal clear: inxi has one and only one 'release', the current master
+branch version. The tagged commits that github calls releases are NOT releases,
+they are just tagged commits. The version I release tomorrow will be the current
+master, and all previous versions will be obsolete and will not be supported.
+The .gz files have been removed from the master branch history, thus shrinking it
+a lot. I have removed for this reason the master-plain branch, which mirrored
+master and provided a gz free branch, but apparently this was simply ignored so
+there's no reason to keep it going. If you insist on grabbing all the branches and
+find more data in there, then please correct your practices, you are only getting
+the data from the master branch.
+inxi is rolling release software and has no releases, so the tags are supposed
+to create some illusion that a tag actually means something. Since it doesn't,
+I decided to take the path of least resistance and just add an auto tagging tool
+to my commit scripts and use it when it seems appropriate, like on this commit.
+All development work now will happen via the pinxi branch, so that makes the process
+a lot cleaner, since I can now basically beta test all new commmits to master.
+pinxi and binxi are both standalone versions of inxi, they have their own config
+and data directories, config files, man pages, etc.
+New Perl inxi is already way ahead of Gawk/Bash inxi, more features, more accurate,
+and most bugs being fixed now are because a lot of people are contributing eyes and
+testing, and are finding stuff that was wrong, or simply missing, on old inxi as
+well as on Perl inxi. Fixes to Perl inxi (>2.9) will not be rolled into to binxi
+since the entire reason I spent over 4 months on this project was to never have to
+touch Gawk/Bash inxi again.
+Most imporant, however, is that the simple fact was, Gawk/Bash inxi has been
+nearly impossible to work on despite my following rigorous practices in coding,
+and I simply won't work with that type of stuff anymore. Perl 5.x is a true delight
+in comparison, and makes adding new features, enhancing others, far easier, or
+even possible, where it wasn't before.
+On a technical level, I have tested Perl inxi heavily, and it will run on all
+Perl 5.x versions back to 5.008, which is the cutoff point. This was not that
+hard to do, which is why I picked Perl 5.x as the language. This means that
+you can drop, just as with binxi, Perl inxi onto a 10 year old system, or
+older, and it will run fine, albeit a touch slowly, but much faster than binxi.
+So far users are really liking the new one, it's usually faster in most cases,
+the output is cleaner, there's more data, more options, and basically it's
+gotten the thumbs up from all the testers, and there have been a LOT, who have
+helped. I want to give a special thanks to the following distros for their
+exceptional support and testing:
+0. the people who hang out on #smxi. Very patient, will test things
+with astounding patience, so thanks to them. Archerseven, iotaka and KittyKatt
+have been been incredibly helpful when it comes to testing and debugging, and
+finding corner cases that I would never have found.
+1. AntiX: they were the first to beta test pinxi, and found massive numbers of
+bugs, and stuck with the testing for a long time. They made testing possible for
+the next wave of testers, my hats off to them, I've always liked them.
+2. Manjaro also was very helpful, and found more issues and enhancements.
+3. Ubuntu forums users found more, and helped enhance many features
+4. Mint users have been very helpful, and were the impetus for some nifty
+new features, ilke switching all color codes off when output is piped or sent
+to file. They have reminded me of how valuable people's views can be who may not
+share the same tech world view as you, but are still very talented and observant
+5. Slackware users provided some very thoughtful feedback, which was no surprise
+but welcome nonetheless, thanks.
+6. Same with Debian forums, again, some very useful and constructive ideas and
+observations, and some very arcane and odd hardware that exposed even more corner
+case bugs.
+And several other distros were also helpful, each in their own way. Solus for
+example now has their package manager added in repos.
+-- Harald Hope - Thu, 22 Mar 2018 22:18:24 -0700
+Version: 2.9.03
+Patch Version: 00
+Script Date: 2018-03-21
+New version, new man page. Updates:
+1. added tool lsblk, recommends, for -p and -o, shows better partition data than
+df does. First choice for -p and -o, -p fall back df, -o fallback file.
+2. fixed a big bug with user configs, that would make the configs break every time
+the color editor was used.
+3. Some smaller bugs.
+-- Harald Hope - Wed, 21 Mar 2018 21:44:04 -0700
+Version: 2.9.02
+Patch Version: 00
+Script Date: 2018-03-20
+First small patch fix, corrected a few issues, one for apt deb822 output formatting,
+and a small bug for blank files there.
+Second, made the --output error message more clear for bad file structure now lists
+the 3 requirements: must be full path, must be writeable directory, and must have
+a file in it.
+Third, another subtle thing, after a lot of research, am trying the MiB GiB format
+because it's technically more accurate and less ambiguous than GB, which is used
+either to refer to 1000 bite blocks OR to 1024 blocks, depending on the platform etc.
+So rather than hope people get it, trying that slightly more wordy format, and maybe
+if people wonder what it is.
+-- Harald Hope - Tue, 20 Mar 2018 22:02:39 -0700
+Version: 2.9.01
+Patch Version: 00
+Script Date: 2018-03-20
+New inxi, new man, new tarball.
+It's here! Perl inxi, first official release. So many changes, really too many
+to list.
+But here's a few:
+1. of course, full rewrite to Perl 5.x. Supports as old as 5.008, as new as current.
+2. Better line length nandlers. Fully dynamic, robust, shrinks and expands to fit
+either taste or viewport.
+3. Long options for all options now, plus of course the short options everyone
+is used to.
+4. New options: --usb; --slots (pci slot report); --sleep (change cpu sleep time);
+and many more. Check --help or man page for details.
+5. Vastly improved --recommends, now does per distro package recommends, and shows
+only Linux data to Linux systems, and BSD data to BSD systems.
+6. Hugely improved debugger as well.
+7. Far more accurate output, most output is now in key/value pairs, because:
+8. inxi now exports to json and xml! See --output/--output-file for info.
+9. Enhancedd repo output, added deb822 type, solus
+10. Radically enhanced network data, now shows all IP / IF devices connected to
+each nic, not just one, both IP v4 and v6.
+11. USB audio and network device actual drivers
+12. better handling of compiler data.
+13. Basic ARM machine data now, if present to inxi
+14. Graphics: per card driver info alongside the original xorg drivers.
+15. Better integration of partitions, RAID, unmounted partitions, and HDD data.
+16. Better sensors handling of free video driver sensor data, well, not better,
+it's now there, along with fan speeds for gpus.
+17. RAID is enhanced, and now can show > 1 RAID type on a system, and the RAID
+is improved.
+18. Much improved disk/partition/memory sizing, inxi now always works internally
+with KB units, and changes them on output to the appropriate units.
+19. Fully redone man page for all the new options and the long options.
+And so much more. Anyway, here it is, the first release.
+-- Harald Hope - Tue, 20 Mar 2018 02:54:05 -0700
+Version: 2.3.56
+Patch Version: 00
+Script Date: 2018-02-26
+Maintainer alert: Perl inxi 2.9.01 is looking good for maybe early week of
+2018-03-19 release. I'm putting the last issue requests on the last forums,
+so assuming no real further bugs found, expect Perl inxi 2.9.01 to hit around
+Monday or Tuesday. If any bugs are found, of course, those will be fixed before
+release of the new Perl inxi.
+Basically, if you want to see if you can find bugs, this is the time to do it, not
+AFTER release. I've posted on many forums, and have given the various distros a
+chance to help squash the bugs their users might see, some have been fantastic
+(AntiX, you were the best by far), others, not so much. Their loss in the latter
+case since the purpose of beta testing is to find bugs before, not after, release.
+If you want to see the differences in recommends, and dependencies, grab pinxi
+development branch here:
+wget -O pinxi
+git clone --branch inxi-perl --single-branch
+and run: pinxi --recommends
+The main thing I'd strongly urge all maintainers to add, for long term stability
+and speed and reliability, is dig, which can be used if present to get very fast,
+reliable, WAN IP information.
+All of the other recommends are pretty much the same, for graphics, xdpyinfo,
+xrandr, and glxinfo. For networking, ip or ifconfig, along with dig. For all usb
+related identification, lsusb, unfortunately, I wish I could get rid of that tool,
+it's very slow, but I can't. The --recommends output shows the complete set.
+Obviously, Bash and Gawk are no longer recommends, nor are the tools like grep,
+sed, tr, wc, etc, all those are done with Perl, so any shell plus Perl 5.08 or
+newer Perl 5.x is all that's really required, beyond normal system reporting
+tools like lspci etc.
+For json/xml export, two Perl modules are needed, again, see --recommends
+-- Harald Hope - Sat, 17 Mar 2018 16:44:07 -0700
+Version: 2.3.56
+Patch Version: 00
+Script Date: 2018-02-26
+No real changes, this will probably be the very last Gawk->Bash inxi 2.3.x release.
+Making sure tarball etc is up to date, so it can be stored in 'tarball's branch.
+Pinxi 2.9.00-xxx-p (inxi-perl branch) is nearing completion of its beta test cycle,
+and, barring any new issues or bugs (TEST IT NOW AND REPORT ISSUES NOW!), I expect
+to release pinxi 2.9.00 as inxi 2.9.01 shortly after I complete the advanced
+RAID feature, which should be this week.
+If no real issues appear during the following week after the inxi 2.9.0 release, it
+will be moved to inxi 3.0.0, as the first stable Perl inxi release.
+There will be a new branch, inxi-legacy, that will have the Gawk->Bash inxi 2.3..56
+files for historical purposes only. No further work will be done on inxi 2.3 from
+now on.
+-- Harald Hope - Tue, 13 Mar 2018 11:29:40 -0700
+Version: 2.3.56
+Patch Version: 00
+Script Date: 2018-02-26
+-- Harald Hope - Tue, 13 Mar 2018 11:29:37 -0700
+Version: 2.3.56
+Patch Version: 00
+Script Date: 2018-02-26
+Small cleanup release, no new version. New tarball, just to make sure I have any
+changes included, comments, etc.
+-- Harald Hope - Mon, 26 Feb 2018 14:48:44 -0800
Version: 2.3.56
Patch Version: 00
Script Date: 2018-01-17