diff options
authorLibravatar Janik Kleinhoff <>2016-10-28 13:48:16 +0000
committerLibravatar Janik Kleinhoff <>2016-10-28 14:12:19 +0000
commit3dda2775b73b29ca72f3996eb5788124950f9e70 (patch)
parent546df459147cf5842724d88428794eaf296cb879 (diff)
Use DBIx::Class
For now this is a relatively quick-and-dirty transition, but this enables us to reuse ASM::DB from the website. Yay
10 files changed, 1714 insertions, 278 deletions
diff --git a/cpanfile b/cpanfile
index a617fc0..876b0b3 100644
--- a/cpanfile
+++ b/cpanfile
@@ -21,5 +21,7 @@ requires 'URI::Escape', '3.31';
requires 'DBI', '1.63';
requires 'DBD::mysql', '4.025';
+requires 'DBIx::Class', '0.082840';
+requires 'DateTime::Format::MySQL', '0.06';
# vim: ft=perl
diff --git a/cpanfile.snapshot b/cpanfile.snapshot
index 6883846..8d2985b 100644
--- a/cpanfile.snapshot
+++ b/cpanfile.snapshot
@@ -1,5 +1,14 @@
# carton snapshot format: version 1.0
+ Algorithm-C3-0.10
+ pathname: H/HA/HAARG/Algorithm-C3-0.10.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ Algorithm::C3 0.10
+ requirements:
+ Carp 0.01
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+ Test::More 0.47
+ perl 5.006
pathname: R/RB/RBOW/Apache-Htgroup-1.23.tar.gz
@@ -21,6 +30,21 @@ DISTRIBUTIONS
Array::Utils 0.5
ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+ B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.21
+ pathname: E/ET/ETHER/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.21.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ B::Hooks::EndOfScope 0.21
+ B::Hooks::EndOfScope::PP 0.21
+ B::Hooks::EndOfScope::XS 0.21
+ requirements:
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+ Module::Implementation 0.05
+ Sub::Exporter::Progressive 0.001006
+ Text::ParseWords 0
+ Variable::Magic 0.48
+ perl 5.008001
+ strict 0
+ warnings 0
pathname: L/LE/LEEJO/CGI-4.32.tar.gz
@@ -51,6 +75,144 @@ DISTRIBUTIONS
strict 0
utf8 0
warnings 0
+ Class-Accessor-0.34
+ pathname: K/KA/KASEI/Class-Accessor-0.34.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ Class::Accessor 0.34
+ Class::Accessor::Fast 0.34
+ Class::Accessor::Faster 0.34
+ requirements:
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+ base 1.01
+ Class-Accessor-Chained-0.01
+ pathname: R/RC/RCLAMP/Class-Accessor-Chained-0.01.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ Class::Accessor::Chained 0.01
+ Class::Accessor::Chained::Fast undef
+ requirements:
+ Class::Accessor 0
+ Test::More 0
+ Class-Accessor-Grouped-0.10012
+ pathname: R/RI/RIBASUSHI/Class-Accessor-Grouped-0.10012.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ Class::Accessor::Grouped 0.10012
+ requirements:
+ Carp 0
+ Class::XSAccessor 1.19
+ ExtUtils::CBuilder 0.27
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.59
+ Module::Runtime 0.012
+ Scalar::Util 0
+ Sub::Name 0.05
+ Test::Exception 0.31
+ Test::More 0.88
+ perl 5.006
+ Class-C3-0.32
+ pathname: H/HA/HAARG/Class-C3-0.32.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ Class::C3 0.32
+ requirements:
+ Algorithm::C3 0.07
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+ Scalar::Util 0
+ perl 5.006
+ Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000
+ pathname: F/FR/FREW/Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ Class::C3::Componentised 1.001000
+ Class::C3::Componentised::ApplyHooks undef
+ requirements:
+ Carp 0
+ Class::C3 0.20
+ Class::Inspector 0
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.42
+ MRO::Compat 0
+ Test::Exception 0
+ perl 5.006002
+ Class-Data-Inheritable-0.08
+ pathname: T/TM/TMTM/Class-Data-Inheritable-0.08.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ Class::Data::Inheritable 0.08
+ requirements:
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+ Class-Factory-Util-1.7
+ pathname: D/DR/DROLSKY/Class-Factory-Util-1.7.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ Class::Factory::Util 1.7
+ requirements:
+ Class-Inspector-1.28
+ pathname: A/AD/ADAMK/Class-Inspector-1.28.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ Class::Inspector 1.28
+ Class::Inspector::Functions 1.28
+ requirements:
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.59
+ File::Spec 0.80
+ Test::More 0.47
+ perl 5.006
+ Class-Method-Modifiers-2.12
+ pathname: E/ET/ETHER/Class-Method-Modifiers-2.12.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ Class::Method::Modifiers 2.12
+ requirements:
+ B 0
+ Carp 0
+ Exporter 0
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+ base 0
+ perl 5.006
+ strict 0
+ warnings 0
+ Class-Singleton-1.5
+ pathname: S/SH/SHAY/Class-Singleton-1.5.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ Class::Singleton 1.5
+ requirements:
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+ Class-XSAccessor-1.19
+ pathname: S/SM/SMUELLER/Class-XSAccessor-1.19.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ Class::XSAccessor 1.19
+ Class::XSAccessor::Array 1.19
+ requirements:
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+ Test::More 0
+ Time::HiRes 0
+ XSLoader 0
+ perl 5.008
+ Clone-0.38
+ pathname: G/GA/GARU/Clone-0.38.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ Clone 0.38
+ requirements:
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+ Test::More 0
+ Config-Any-0.27
+ pathname: B/BR/BRICAS/Config-Any-0.27.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ Config::Any 0.27
+ Config::Any::Base undef
+ Config::Any::General undef
+ Config::Any::INI undef
+ Config::Any::JSON undef
+ Config::Any::Perl undef
+ Config::Any::XML undef
+ Config::Any::YAML undef
+ requirements:
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.59
+ Module::Pluggable::Object 3.6
+ Test::More 0
+ perl 5.006
+ Context-Preserve-0.01
+ pathname: J/JR/JROCKWAY/Context-Preserve-0.01.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ Context::Preserve 0.01
+ requirements:
+ Exporter 0
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+ Test::Exception 0
+ Test::More 0
+ ok 0
pathname: R/RS/RSAVAGE/Crypt-PasswdMD5-1.40.tgz
@@ -61,6 +223,25 @@ DISTRIBUTIONS
Test::More 0.94
strict 0
warnings 0
+ DBD-SQLite-1.50
+ pathname: I/IS/ISHIGAKI/DBD-SQLite-1.50.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ DBD::SQLite 1.50
+ DBD::SQLite::Constants undef
+ DBD::SQLite::VirtualTable 1.50
+ DBD::SQLite::VirtualTable::Cursor 1.50
+ DBD::SQLite::VirtualTable::FileContent undef
+ DBD::SQLite::VirtualTable::FileContent::Cursor undef
+ DBD::SQLite::VirtualTable::PerlData undef
+ DBD::SQLite::VirtualTable::PerlData::Cursor undef
+ requirements:
+ DBI 1.57
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+ File::Spec 0.82
+ Test::Builder 0.86
+ Test::More 0.47
+ Tie::Hash 0
+ perl 5.006
pathname: M/MI/MICHIELB/DBD-mysql-4.036.tar.gz
@@ -170,6 +351,144 @@ DISTRIBUTIONS
ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.48
Test::Simple 0.90
perl 5.008
+ DBIx-Class-0.082840
+ pathname: R/RI/RIBASUSHI/DBIx-Class-0.082840.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ DBIx::Class 0.082840
+ DBIx::Class::AccessorGroup undef
+ DBIx::Class::Admin undef
+ DBIx::Class::CDBICompat undef
+ DBIx::Class::Core undef
+ DBIx::Class::Cursor undef
+ DBIx::Class::DB undef
+ DBIx::Class::Exception undef
+ DBIx::Class::FilterColumn undef
+ DBIx::Class::InflateColumn undef
+ DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::DateTime undef
+ DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::File undef
+ DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies undef
+ DBIx::Class::Ordered undef
+ DBIx::Class::PK undef
+ DBIx::Class::PK::Auto undef
+ DBIx::Class::Relationship undef
+ DBIx::Class::Relationship::Base undef
+ DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator undef
+ DBIx::Class::ResultSet undef
+ DBIx::Class::ResultSetColumn undef
+ DBIx::Class::ResultSetManager undef
+ DBIx::Class::ResultSource undef
+ DBIx::Class::ResultSource::Table undef
+ DBIx::Class::ResultSource::View undef
+ DBIx::Class::ResultSourceHandle undef
+ DBIx::Class::ResultSourceProxy::Table undef
+ DBIx::Class::Row undef
+ DBIx::Class::SQLMaker undef
+ DBIx::Class::SQLMaker::LimitDialects undef
+ DBIx::Class::SQLMaker::OracleJoins undef
+ DBIx::Class::Schema undef
+ DBIx::Class::Schema::Versioned undef
+ DBIx::Class::Serialize::Storable undef
+ DBIx::Class::StartupCheck undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::ACCESS undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::ADO undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::ADO::MS_Jet undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::ADO::MS_Jet::Cursor undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::ADO::Microsoft_SQL_Server undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::ADO::Microsoft_SQL_Server::Cursor undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::AutoCast undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Cursor undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::DB2 undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Firebird undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Firebird::Common undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::IdentityInsert undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Informix undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::InterBase undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::MSSQL undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::NoBindVars undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::ODBC undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::ODBC::ACCESS undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::ODBC::DB2_400_SQL undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::ODBC::Firebird undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::ODBC::Microsoft_SQL_Server undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::ODBC::SQL_Anywhere undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Oracle undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Oracle::Generic undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Oracle::WhereJoins undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Pg undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Replicated undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Replicated::Balancer undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Replicated::Balancer::First undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Replicated::Balancer::Random undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Replicated::Pool undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Replicated::Replicant undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Replicated::WithDSN undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::SQLAnywhere undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::SQLAnywhere::Cursor undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::SQLite undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Sybase undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Sybase::ASE undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Sybase::ASE::NoBindVars undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Sybase::FreeTDS undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Sybase::MSSQL undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Sybase::Microsoft_SQL_Server undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Sybase::Microsoft_SQL_Server::NoBindVars undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::UniqueIdentifier undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::mysql undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::Statistics undef
+ DBIx::Class::Storage::TxnScopeGuard undef
+ DBIx::Class::UTF8Columns undef
+ SQL::Translator::Parser::DBIx::Class 1.10
+ SQL::Translator::Producer::DBIx::Class::File 0.1
+ requirements:
+ Class::Accessor::Grouped 0.10012
+ Class::C3::Componentised 1.0009
+ Class::Inspector 1.24
+ Config::Any 0.20
+ Context::Preserve 0.01
+ DBD::SQLite 1.29
+ DBI 1.57
+ Data::Dumper::Concise 2.020
+ Data::Page 2.00
+ Devel::GlobalDestruction 0.09
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.59
+ File::Temp 0.22
+ Hash::Merge 0.12
+ List::Util 1.16
+ MRO::Compat 0.12
+ Module::Find 0.07
+ Moo 2.000
+ Package::Stash 0.28
+ Path::Class 0.18
+ SQL::Abstract 1.81
+ Scope::Guard 0.03
+ Sub::Name 0.04
+ Test::Deep 0.101
+ Test::Exception 0.31
+ Test::More 0.94
+ Test::Warn 0.21
+ Text::Balanced 2.00
+ Try::Tiny 0.07
+ namespace::clean 0.24
+ perl 5.008001
+ Data-Dumper-Concise-2.022
+ pathname: F/FR/FREW/Data-Dumper-Concise-2.022.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ Data::Dumper::Concise 2.022
+ Data::Dumper::Concise::Sugar undef
+ Devel::Dwarn undef
+ requirements:
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.59
+ perl 5.006
+ Data-Page-2.02
+ pathname: L/LB/LBROCARD/Data-Page-2.02.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ Data::Page 2.02
+ requirements:
+ Class::Accessor::Chained::Fast 0
+ Test::Exception 0
+ Test::More 0
pathname: R/RJ/RJBS/Data-UUID-1.221.tar.gz
@@ -177,6 +496,527 @@ DISTRIBUTIONS
Digest::MD5 0
ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+ DateTime-1.39
+ pathname: D/DR/DROLSKY/DateTime-1.39.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ DateTime 1.39
+ DateTime::Duration 1.39
+ DateTime::Helpers 1.39
+ DateTime::Infinite 1.39
+ DateTime::Infinite::Future 1.39
+ DateTime::Infinite::Past 1.39
+ DateTime::LeapSecond 1.39
+ DateTime::PP 1.39
+ DateTime::PPExtra 1.39
+ DateTime::Types 1.39
+ requirements:
+ Carp 0
+ DateTime::Locale 1.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone 2.02
+ Dist::CheckConflicts 0.02
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+ Params::ValidationCompiler 0.13
+ Scalar::Util 0
+ Specio 0.18
+ Specio::Declare 0
+ Specio::Exporter 0
+ Specio::Library::Builtins 0
+ Specio::Library::Numeric 0
+ Specio::Library::String 0
+ Try::Tiny 0
+ XSLoader 0
+ base 0
+ integer 0
+ namespace::autoclean 0.19
+ overload 0
+ parent 0
+ perl 5.008004
+ strict 0
+ warnings 0
+ warnings::register 0
+ DateTime-Format-Builder-0.81
+ pathname: D/DR/DROLSKY/DateTime-Format-Builder-0.81.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ DateTime::Format::Builder 0.81
+ DateTime::Format::Builder::Parser 0.81
+ DateTime::Format::Builder::Parser::Dispatch 0.81
+ DateTime::Format::Builder::Parser::Quick 0.81
+ DateTime::Format::Builder::Parser::Regex 0.81
+ DateTime::Format::Builder::Parser::Strptime 0.81
+ DateTime::Format::Builder::Parser::generic 0.81
+ DateTime::Format::Fall undef
+ DateTime::Format::Simple undef
+ requirements:
+ Carp 0
+ Class::Factory::Util 1.6
+ DateTime 1.00
+ DateTime::Format::Strptime 1.04
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.30
+ Params::Validate 0.72
+ Scalar::Util 0
+ base 0
+ strict 0
+ vars 0
+ warnings 0
+ DateTime-Format-MySQL-0.06
+ pathname: X/XM/XMIKEW/DateTime-Format-MySQL-0.06.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ DateTime::Format::MySQL 0.06
+ requirements:
+ DateTime 0
+ DateTime::Format::Builder 0.6
+ Module::Build 0
+ DateTime-Format-Strptime-1.68
+ pathname: D/DR/DROLSKY/DateTime-Format-Strptime-1.68.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ DateTime::Format::Strptime 1.68
+ requirements:
+ Carp 0
+ DateTime 1.00
+ DateTime::Locale 0.45
+ DateTime::TimeZone 0.79
+ Exporter 0
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+ Package::DeprecationManager 0.15
+ Params::Validate 1.20
+ Try::Tiny 0
+ constant 0
+ strict 0
+ warnings 0
+ DateTime-Locale-1.10
+ pathname: D/DR/DROLSKY/DateTime-Locale-1.10.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ DateTime::Locale 1.10
+ DateTime::Locale::Base 1.10
+ DateTime::Locale::Catalog 1.10
+ DateTime::Locale::Data 1.10
+ DateTime::Locale::FromData 1.10
+ DateTime::Locale::Util 1.10
+ requirements:
+ Carp 0
+ Dist::CheckConflicts 0.02
+ Exporter 0
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+ List::Util 1.45
+ Params::ValidationCompiler 0.13
+ Specio::Declare 0
+ Specio::Library::String 0
+ namespace::autoclean 0.19
+ perl 5.008004
+ strict 0
+ warnings 0
+ DateTime-TimeZone-2.06
+ pathname: D/DR/DROLSKY/DateTime-TimeZone-2.06.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ DateTime::TimeZone 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Africa::Abidjan 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Africa::Accra 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Africa::Algiers 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Africa::Bissau 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Africa::Cairo 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Africa::Casablanca 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Africa::Ceuta 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Africa::El_Aaiun 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Africa::Johannesburg 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Africa::Khartoum 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Africa::Lagos 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Africa::Maputo 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Africa::Monrovia 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Africa::Nairobi 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Africa::Ndjamena 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Africa::Tripoli 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Africa::Tunis 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Africa::Windhoek 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Adak 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Anchorage 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Araguaina 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Argentina::Buenos_Aires 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Argentina::Catamarca 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Argentina::Cordoba 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Argentina::Jujuy 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Argentina::La_Rioja 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Argentina::Mendoza 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Argentina::Rio_Gallegos 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Argentina::Salta 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Argentina::San_Juan 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Argentina::San_Luis 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Argentina::Tucuman 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Argentina::Ushuaia 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Asuncion 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Atikokan 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Bahia 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Bahia_Banderas 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Barbados 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Belem 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Belize 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Blanc_Sablon 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Boa_Vista 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Bogota 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Boise 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Cambridge_Bay 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Campo_Grande 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Cancun 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Caracas 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Cayenne 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Chicago 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Chihuahua 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Costa_Rica 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Creston 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Cuiaba 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Curacao 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Danmarkshavn 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Dawson 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Dawson_Creek 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Denver 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Detroit 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Edmonton 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Eirunepe 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::El_Salvador 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Fort_Nelson 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Fortaleza 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Glace_Bay 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Godthab 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Goose_Bay 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Grand_Turk 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Guatemala 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Guayaquil 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Guyana 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Halifax 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Havana 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Hermosillo 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Indiana::Indianapolis 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Indiana::Knox 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Indiana::Marengo 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Indiana::Petersburg 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Indiana::Tell_City 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Indiana::Vevay 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Indiana::Vincennes 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Indiana::Winamac 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Inuvik 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Iqaluit 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Jamaica 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Juneau 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Kentucky::Louisville 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Kentucky::Monticello 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::La_Paz 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Lima 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Los_Angeles 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Maceio 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Managua 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Manaus 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Martinique 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Matamoros 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Mazatlan 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Menominee 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Merida 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Metlakatla 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Mexico_City 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Miquelon 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Moncton 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Monterrey 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Montevideo 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Nassau 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::New_York 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Nipigon 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Nome 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Noronha 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::North_Dakota::Beulah 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::North_Dakota::Center 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::North_Dakota::New_Salem 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Ojinaga 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Panama 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Pangnirtung 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Paramaribo 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Phoenix 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Port_au_Prince 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Port_of_Spain 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Porto_Velho 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Puerto_Rico 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Rainy_River 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Rankin_Inlet 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Recife 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Regina 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Resolute 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Rio_Branco 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Santarem 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Santiago 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Santo_Domingo 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Sao_Paulo 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Scoresbysund 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Sitka 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::St_Johns 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Swift_Current 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Tegucigalpa 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Thule 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Thunder_Bay 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Tijuana 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Toronto 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Vancouver 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Whitehorse 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Winnipeg 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Yakutat 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::America::Yellowknife 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Antarctica::Casey 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Antarctica::Davis 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Antarctica::DumontDUrville 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Antarctica::Macquarie 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Antarctica::Mawson 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Antarctica::Palmer 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Antarctica::Rothera 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Antarctica::Syowa 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Antarctica::Troll 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Antarctica::Vostok 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Almaty 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Amman 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Anadyr 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Aqtau 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Aqtobe 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Ashgabat 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Baghdad 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Baku 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Bangkok 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Barnaul 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Beirut 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Bishkek 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Brunei 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Chita 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Choibalsan 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Colombo 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Damascus 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Dhaka 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Dili 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Dubai 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Dushanbe 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Gaza 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Hebron 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Ho_Chi_Minh 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Hong_Kong 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Hovd 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Irkutsk 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Jakarta 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Jayapura 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Jerusalem 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Kabul 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Kamchatka 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Karachi 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Kathmandu 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Khandyga 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Kolkata 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Krasnoyarsk 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Kuala_Lumpur 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Kuching 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Macau 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Magadan 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Makassar 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Manila 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Nicosia 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Novokuznetsk 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Novosibirsk 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Omsk 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Oral 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Pontianak 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Pyongyang 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Qatar 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Qyzylorda 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Riyadh 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Sakhalin 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Samarkand 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Seoul 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Shanghai 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Singapore 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Srednekolymsk 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Taipei 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Tashkent 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Tbilisi 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Tehran 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Thimphu 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Tokyo 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Tomsk 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Ulaanbaatar 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Urumqi 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Ust_Nera 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Vladivostok 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Yakutsk 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Yangon 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Yekaterinburg 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Asia::Yerevan 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Atlantic::Azores 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Atlantic::Bermuda 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Atlantic::Canary 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Atlantic::Cape_Verde 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Atlantic::Faroe 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Atlantic::Madeira 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Atlantic::Reykjavik 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Atlantic::South_Georgia 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Atlantic::Stanley 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Australia::Adelaide 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Australia::Brisbane 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Australia::Broken_Hill 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Australia::Currie 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Australia::Darwin 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Australia::Eucla 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Australia::Hobart 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Australia::Lindeman 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Australia::Lord_Howe 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Australia::Melbourne 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Australia::Perth 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Australia::Sydney 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::CET 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::CST6CDT 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Catalog 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::EET 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::EST 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::EST5EDT 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Europe::Amsterdam 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Europe::Andorra 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Europe::Astrakhan 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Europe::Athens 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Europe::Belgrade 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Europe::Berlin 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Europe::Brussels 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Europe::Bucharest 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Europe::Budapest 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Europe::Chisinau 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Europe::Copenhagen 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Europe::Dublin 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Europe::Gibraltar 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Europe::Helsinki 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Europe::Istanbul 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Europe::Kaliningrad 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Europe::Kiev 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Europe::Kirov 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Europe::Lisbon 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Europe::London 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Europe::Luxembourg 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Europe::Madrid 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Europe::Malta 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Europe::Minsk 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Europe::Monaco 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Europe::Moscow 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Europe::Oslo 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Europe::Paris 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Europe::Prague 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Europe::Riga 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Europe::Rome 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Europe::Samara 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Europe::Simferopol 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Europe::Sofia 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Europe::Stockholm 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Europe::Tallinn 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Europe::Tirane 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Europe::Ulyanovsk 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Europe::Uzhgorod 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Europe::Vienna 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Europe::Vilnius 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Europe::Volgograd 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Europe::Warsaw 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Europe::Zaporozhye 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Europe::Zurich 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Floating 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::HST 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Indian::Chagos 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Indian::Christmas 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Indian::Cocos 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Indian::Kerguelen 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Indian::Mahe 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Indian::Maldives 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Indian::Mauritius 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Indian::Reunion 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Local 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Local::Android 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Local::Unix 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Local::VMS 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::MET 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::MST 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::MST7MDT 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::OffsetOnly 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Change 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Observance 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Zone 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::PST8PDT 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Pacific::Apia 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Pacific::Auckland 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Pacific::Bougainville 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Pacific::Chatham 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Pacific::Chuuk 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Pacific::Easter 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Pacific::Efate 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Pacific::Enderbury 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Pacific::Fakaofo 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Pacific::Fiji 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Pacific::Funafuti 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Pacific::Galapagos 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Pacific::Gambier 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Pacific::Guadalcanal 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Pacific::Guam 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Pacific::Honolulu 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Pacific::Kiritimati 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Pacific::Kosrae 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Pacific::Kwajalein 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Pacific::Majuro 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Pacific::Marquesas 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Pacific::Nauru 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Pacific::Niue 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Pacific::Norfolk 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Pacific::Noumea 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Pacific::Pago_Pago 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Pacific::Palau 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Pacific::Pitcairn 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Pacific::Pohnpei 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Pacific::Port_Moresby 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Pacific::Rarotonga 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Pacific::Tahiti 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Pacific::Tarawa 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Pacific::Tongatapu 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Pacific::Wake 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::Pacific::Wallis 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::UTC 2.06
+ DateTime::TimeZone::WET 2.06
+ requirements:
+ Class::Singleton 1.03
+ Cwd 3
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+ File::Basename 0
+ File::Compare 0
+ File::Find 0
+ File::Spec 0
+ List::Util 1.33
+ Module::Runtime 0
+ Params::ValidationCompiler 0.13
+ Specio::Library::Builtins 0
+ Specio::Library::String 0
+ Try::Tiny 0
+ constant 0
+ namespace::autoclean 0
+ parent 0
+ perl 5.008004
+ strict 0
+ warnings 0
+ Devel-GlobalDestruction-0.13
+ pathname: H/HA/HAARG/Devel-GlobalDestruction-0.13.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ Devel::GlobalDestruction 0.13
+ requirements:
+ ExtUtils::CBuilder 0.27
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+ Sub::Exporter::Progressive 0.001011
+ perl 5.006
+ Devel-StackTrace-2.01
+ pathname: D/DR/DROLSKY/Devel-StackTrace-2.01.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ Devel::StackTrace 2.01
+ Devel::StackTrace::Frame 2.01
+ requirements:
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+ File::Spec 0
+ Scalar::Util 0
+ overload 0
+ perl 5.006
+ strict 0
+ warnings 0
pathname: G/GA/GAAS/Digest-HMAC-1.03.tar.gz
@@ -188,6 +1028,18 @@ DISTRIBUTIONS
Digest::SHA 1
ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
perl 5.004
+ Dist-CheckConflicts-0.11
+ pathname: D/DO/DOY/Dist-CheckConflicts-0.11.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ Dist::CheckConflicts 0.11
+ requirements:
+ Carp 0
+ Exporter 0
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.30
+ Module::Runtime 0.009
+ base 0
+ strict 0
+ warnings 0
pathname: G/GA/GAAS/Encode-Locale-1.05.tar.gz
@@ -197,6 +1049,34 @@ DISTRIBUTIONS
Encode::Alias 0
ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
perl 5.008
+ Eval-Closure-0.14
+ pathname: D/DO/DOY/Eval-Closure-0.14.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ Eval::Closure 0.14
+ requirements:
+ Carp 0
+ Exporter 0
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+ Scalar::Util 0
+ constant 0
+ overload 0
+ strict 0
+ warnings 0
+ Exception-Class-1.40
+ pathname: D/DR/DROLSKY/Exception-Class-1.40.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ Exception::Class 1.40
+ Exception::Class::Base 1.40
+ requirements:
+ Class::Data::Inheritable 0.02
+ Devel::StackTrace 2.00
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+ Scalar::Util 0
+ base 0
+ overload 0
+ perl 5.008001
+ strict 0
+ warnings 0
pathname: G/GA/GAAS/File-Listing-6.04.tar.gz
@@ -354,6 +1234,14 @@ DISTRIBUTIONS
ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.36
Socket 1.94
Test::More 0
+ Hash-Merge-0.200
+ pathname: R/RE/REHSACK/Hash-Merge-0.200.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ Hash::Merge 0.200
+ requirements:
+ Clone 0
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+ perl 5.008001
pathname: I/IN/INGY/IO-All-0.86.tar.gz
@@ -417,6 +1305,14 @@ DISTRIBUTIONS
ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
perl 5.006002
+ MRO-Compat-0.12
+ pathname: B/BO/BOBTFISH/MRO-Compat-0.12.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ MRO::Compat 0.12
+ requirements:
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.59
+ Test::More 0.47
+ perl 5.006
pathname: L/LE/LEONT/Module-Build-0.4220.tar.gz
@@ -467,6 +1363,86 @@ DISTRIBUTIONS
Text::ParseWords 0
perl 5.006001
version 0.87
+ Module-Find-0.13
+ pathname: C/CR/CRENZ/Module-Find-0.13.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ Module::Find 0.13
+ ModuleFindTest undef
+ ModuleFindTest::SubMod undef
+ ModuleFindTest::SubMod::SubSubMod undef
+ requirements:
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+ File::Find 0
+ File::Spec 0
+ Test::More 0
+ perl 5.006001
+ Module-Implementation-0.09
+ pathname: D/DR/DROLSKY/Module-Implementation-0.09.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ Module::Implementation 0.09
+ requirements:
+ Carp 0
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+ Module::Runtime 0.012
+ Try::Tiny 0
+ strict 0
+ warnings 0
+ Module-Pluggable-5.2
+ pathname: S/SI/SIMONW/Module-Pluggable-5.2.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ Devel::InnerPackage 0.4
+ Module::Pluggable 5.2
+ Module::Pluggable::Object 5.2
+ requirements:
+ Exporter 5.57
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+ File::Basename 0
+ File::Find 0
+ File::Spec 3.00
+ File::Spec::Functions 0
+ if 0
+ perl 5.00503
+ strict 0
+ Module-Runtime-0.014
+ pathname: Z/ZE/ZEFRAM/Module-Runtime-0.014.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ Module::Runtime 0.014
+ requirements:
+ Module::Build 0
+ Test::More 0
+ perl 5.006
+ strict 0
+ warnings 0
+ Moo-2.002004
+ pathname: H/HA/HAARG/Moo-2.002004.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ Method::Generate::Accessor undef
+ Method::Generate::BuildAll undef
+ Method::Generate::Constructor undef
+ Method::Generate::DemolishAll undef
+ Moo 2.002004
+ Moo::HandleMoose undef
+ Moo::HandleMoose::FakeConstructor undef
+ Moo::HandleMoose::FakeMetaClass undef
+ Moo::HandleMoose::_TypeMap undef
+ Moo::Object undef
+ Moo::Role 2.002004
+ Moo::_Utils undef
+ Moo::_mro undef
+ Moo::_strictures undef
+ Moo::sification undef
+ Sub::Defer 2.002004
+ Sub::Quote 2.002004
+ oo undef
+ requirements:
+ Class::Method::Modifiers 1.1
+ Devel::GlobalDestruction 0.11
+ Exporter 5.57
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+ Module::Runtime 0.014
+ Role::Tiny 2.000002
+ Scalar::Util 0
+ perl 5.006
pathname: A/AB/ABH/Mozilla-CA-20160104.tar.gz
@@ -624,6 +1600,50 @@ DISTRIBUTIONS
MIME::Base64 0
Test::More 0.60_01
perl 5.005
+ Package-DeprecationManager-0.17
+ pathname: D/DR/DROLSKY/Package-DeprecationManager-0.17.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ Package::DeprecationManager 0.17
+ requirements:
+ Carp 0
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+ List::Util 1.33
+ Package::Stash 0
+ Params::Util 0
+ Sub::Install 0
+ Sub::Name 0
+ strict 0
+ warnings 0
+ Package-Stash-0.37
+ pathname: D/DO/DOY/Package-Stash-0.37.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ Package::Stash 0.37
+ Package::Stash::PP 0.37
+ requirements:
+ B 0
+ Carp 0
+ Config 0
+ Dist::CheckConflicts 0.02
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+ File::Spec 0
+ Getopt::Long 0
+ Module::Implementation 0.06
+ Package::Stash::XS 0.26
+ Scalar::Util 0
+ Symbol 0
+ Text::ParseWords 0
+ constant 0
+ strict 0
+ warnings 0
+ Package-Stash-XS-0.28
+ pathname: D/DO/DOY/Package-Stash-XS-0.28.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ Package::Stash::XS 0.28
+ requirements:
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.30
+ XSLoader 0
+ strict 0
+ warnings 0
pathname: R/RO/ROBIN/PadWalker-2.2.tar.gz
@@ -631,6 +1651,76 @@ DISTRIBUTIONS
ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
perl 5.008001
+ Params-Util-1.07
+ pathname: A/AD/ADAMK/Params-Util-1.07.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ Params::Util 1.07
+ requirements:
+ ExtUtils::CBuilder 0.27
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.52
+ File::Spec 0.80
+ Scalar::Util 1.18
+ Test::More 0.42
+ perl 5.00503
+ Params-Validate-1.26
+ pathname: D/DR/DROLSKY/Params-Validate-1.26.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ Params::Validate 1.26
+ Params::Validate::Constants 1.26
+ Params::Validate::PP 1.26
+ Params::Validate::XS 1.26
+ requirements:
+ Carp 0
+ Exporter 0
+ ExtUtils::CBuilder 0
+ Module::Build 0.28
+ Module::Implementation 0
+ Scalar::Util 1.10
+ XSLoader 0
+ perl 5.008001
+ strict 0
+ vars 0
+ warnings 0
+ Params-ValidationCompiler-0.13
+ pathname: D/DR/DROLSKY/Params-ValidationCompiler-0.13.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ Params::ValidationCompiler 0.13
+ Params::ValidationCompiler::Compiler 0.13
+ Params::ValidationCompiler::Exceptions 0.13
+ requirements:
+ Eval::Closure 0
+ Exception::Class 0
+ Exporter 0
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+ Scalar::Util 0
+ overload 0
+ strict 0
+ warnings 0
+ Path-Class-0.37
+ pathname: K/KW/KWILLIAMS/Path-Class-0.37.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ Path::Class 0.37
+ Path::Class::Dir 0.37
+ Path::Class::Entity 0.37
+ Path::Class::File 0.37
+ requirements:
+ Carp 0
+ Cwd 0
+ Exporter 0
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.30
+ File::Copy 0
+ File::Path 0
+ File::Spec 3.26
+ File::Temp 0
+ File::stat 0
+ IO::Dir 0
+ IO::File 0
+ Module::Build 0.3601
+ Perl::OSType 0
+ Scalar::Util 0
+ overload 0
+ parent 0
+ strict 0
pathname: V/VP/VPIT/Regexp-Wildcards-1.05.tar.gz
@@ -641,6 +1731,35 @@ DISTRIBUTIONS
Scalar::Util 0
Text::Balanced 0
perl 5.006
+ Role-Tiny-2.000003
+ pathname: H/HA/HAARG/Role-Tiny-2.000003.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ Role::Tiny 2.000003
+ Role::Tiny::With 2.000003
+ requirements:
+ Exporter 5.57
+ perl 5.006
+ SQL-Abstract-1.81
+ pathname: R/RI/RIBASUSHI/SQL-Abstract-1.81.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ SQL::Abstract 1.81
+ SQL::Abstract::Test undef
+ SQL::Abstract::Tree undef
+ requirements:
+ Exporter 5.57
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.59
+ Hash::Merge 0.12
+ List::Util 0
+ MRO::Compat 0.12
+ Moo 1.004002
+ Scalar::Util 0
+ Storable 0
+ Test::Deep 0.101
+ Test::Exception 0.31
+ Test::More 0.88
+ Test::Warn 0
+ Text::Balanced 2.00
+ perl 5.006
pathname: T/TO/TODDR/Safe-Hole-0.13.tar.gz
@@ -649,6 +1768,84 @@ DISTRIBUTIONS
ExtUtils::CBuilder 0
Module::Build 0.35
Test::More 0.40
+ Scalar-List-Utils-1.46
+ pathname: P/PE/PEVANS/Scalar-List-Utils-1.46.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ List::Util 1.46
+ List::Util::XS 1.46
+ Scalar::Util 1.46
+ Sub::Util 1.46
+ requirements:
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+ Test::More 0
+ perl 5.006
+ Scope-Guard-0.21
+ pathname: C/CH/CHOCOLATE/Scope-Guard-0.21.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ Scope::Guard 0.21
+ requirements:
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+ Test::More 0
+ perl 5.006001
+ Specio-0.30
+ pathname: D/DR/DROLSKY/Specio-0.30.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ Specio 0.30
+ Specio::Coercion 0.30
+ Specio::Constraint::AnyCan 0.30
+ Specio::Constraint::AnyDoes 0.30
+ Specio::Constraint::AnyIsa 0.30
+ Specio::Constraint::Enum 0.30
+ Specio::Constraint::Intersection 0.30
+ Specio::Constraint::ObjectCan 0.30
+ Specio::Constraint::ObjectDoes 0.30
+ Specio::Constraint::ObjectIsa 0.30
+ Specio::Constraint::Parameterizable 0.30
+ Specio::Constraint::Parameterized 0.30
+ Specio::Constraint::Role::CanType 0.30
+ Specio::Constraint::Role::DoesType 0.30
+ Specio::Constraint::Role::Interface 0.30
+ Specio::Constraint::Role::IsaType 0.30
+ Specio::Constraint::Simple 0.30
+ Specio::Constraint::Union 0.30
+ Specio::Declare 0.30
+ Specio::DeclaredAt 0.30
+ Specio::Exception 0.30
+ Specio::Exporter 0.30
+ Specio::Helpers 0.30
+ Specio::Library::Builtins 0.30
+ Specio::Library::Numeric 0.30
+ Specio::Library::Perl 0.30
+ Specio::Library::String 0.30
+ Specio::OO 0.30
+ Specio::PartialDump 0.30
+ Specio::Registry 0.30
+ Specio::Role::Inlinable 0.30
+ Specio::TypeChecks 0.30
+ Test::Specio 0.30
+ requirements:
+ B 0
+ Carp 0
+ Devel::StackTrace 0
+ Eval::Closure 0
+ Exporter 0
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+ IO::File 0
+ List::Util 1.33
+ MRO::Compat 0
+ Role::Tiny 1.003003
+ Role::Tiny::With 0
+ Scalar::Util 0
+ Storable 0
+ Test::Fatal 0
+ Test::More 0.96
+ overload 0
+ parent 0
+ perl 5.008
+ re 0
+ strict 0
+ version 0.83
+ warnings 0
pathname: S/SO/SOENKE/String-CRC32-1.5.tar.gz
@@ -674,6 +1871,127 @@ DISTRIBUTIONS
perl 5.006
strict 0
warnings 0
+ Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001013
+ pathname: F/FR/FREW/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001013.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ Sub::Exporter::Progressive 0.001013
+ requirements:
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+ Sub-Identify-0.12
+ pathname: R/RG/RGARCIA/Sub-Identify-0.12.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ Sub::Identify 0.12
+ requirements:
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+ Test::More 0
+ Sub-Install-0.928
+ pathname: R/RJ/RJBS/Sub-Install-0.928.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ Sub::Install 0.928
+ requirements:
+ B 0
+ Carp 0
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.30
+ Scalar::Util 0
+ strict 0
+ warnings 0
+ Sub-Name-0.21
+ pathname: E/ET/ETHER/Sub-Name-0.21.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ Sub::Name 0.21
+ requirements:
+ Exporter 5.57
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+ XSLoader 0
+ perl 5.006
+ strict 0
+ warnings 0
+ Sub-Uplevel-0.2600
+ pathname: D/DA/DAGOLDEN/Sub-Uplevel-0.2600.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ Sub::Uplevel 0.2600
+ requirements:
+ Carp 0
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.17
+ constant 0
+ perl 5.006
+ strict 0
+ warnings 0
+ Test-Deep-1.123
+ pathname: R/RJ/RJBS/Test-Deep-1.123.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ Test::Deep 1.123
+ Test::Deep::All undef
+ Test::Deep::Any undef
+ Test::Deep::Array undef
+ Test::Deep::ArrayEach undef
+ Test::Deep::ArrayElementsOnly undef
+ Test::Deep::ArrayLength undef
+ Test::Deep::ArrayLengthOnly undef
+ Test::Deep::Blessed undef
+ Test::Deep::Boolean undef
+ Test::Deep::Cache undef
+ Test::Deep::Cache::Simple undef
+ Test::Deep::Class undef
+ Test::Deep::Cmp undef
+ Test::Deep::Code undef
+ Test::Deep::Hash undef
+ Test::Deep::HashEach undef
+ Test::Deep::HashElements undef
+ Test::Deep::HashKeys undef
+ Test::Deep::HashKeysOnly undef
+ Test::Deep::Ignore undef
+ Test::Deep::Isa undef
+ Test::Deep::ListMethods undef
+ Test::Deep::MM undef
+ Test::Deep::Methods undef
+ Test::Deep::NoTest undef
+ Test::Deep::None undef
+ Test::Deep::Number undef
+ Test::Deep::Obj undef
+ Test::Deep::Ref undef
+ Test::Deep::RefType undef
+ Test::Deep::Regexp undef
+ Test::Deep::RegexpMatches undef
+ Test::Deep::RegexpOnly undef
+ Test::Deep::RegexpRef undef
+ Test::Deep::RegexpRefOnly undef
+ Test::Deep::RegexpVersion undef
+ Test::Deep::ScalarRef undef
+ Test::Deep::ScalarRefOnly undef
+ Test::Deep::Set undef
+ Test::Deep::Shallow undef
+ Test::Deep::Stack undef
+ Test::Deep::String undef
+ Test::Deep::SubHash undef
+ Test::Deep::SubHashElements undef
+ Test::Deep::SubHashKeys undef
+ Test::Deep::SubHashKeysOnly undef
+ Test::Deep::SuperHash undef
+ Test::Deep::SuperHashElements undef
+ Test::Deep::SuperHashKeys undef
+ Test::Deep::SuperHashKeysOnly undef
+ requirements:
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+ List::Util 1.09
+ Scalar::Util 1.09
+ Test::Builder 0
+ Test-Exception-0.43
+ pathname: E/EX/EXODIST/Test-Exception-0.43.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ Test::Exception 0.43
+ requirements:
+ Carp 0
+ Exporter 0
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+ Sub::Uplevel 0.18
+ Test::Builder 0.7
+ Test::Builder::Tester 1.07
+ Test::Harness 2.03
+ base 0
+ perl 5.006001
+ strict 0
+ warnings 0
pathname: R/RJ/RJBS/Test-Fatal-0.014.tar.gz
@@ -725,6 +2043,20 @@ DISTRIBUTIONS
Test::SharedFork 0.29
Time::HiRes 0
perl 5.008001
+ Test-Warn-0.30
+ pathname: C/CH/CHORNY/Test-Warn-0.30.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ Test::Warn 0.30
+ Test::Warn::Categorization 0.30
+ requirements:
+ Carp 1.22
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+ File::Spec 0
+ Sub::Uplevel 0.12
+ Test::Builder 0.13
+ Test::Builder::Tester 1.02
+ Test::More 0
+ perl 5.006
pathname: J/JG/JGOLDBERG/Text-LevenshteinXS-0.03.tar.gz
@@ -816,6 +2148,25 @@ DISTRIBUTIONS
parent 0
perl 5.008001
utf8 0
+ Variable-Magic-0.60
+ pathname: V/VP/VPIT/Variable-Magic-0.60.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ Variable::Magic 0.60
+ requirements:
+ Carp 0
+ Config 0
+ Exporter 0
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+ IO::Handle 0
+ IO::Select 0
+ IPC::Open3 0
+ Socket 0
+ Test::More 0
+ XSLoader 0
+ base 0
+ lib 0
+ perl 5.008
pathname: G/GA/GAAS/WWW-RobotRules-6.02.tar.gz
@@ -967,3 +2318,25 @@ DISTRIBUTIONS
URI::Escape 0
WWW::RobotRules 6
perl 5.008001
+ namespace-autoclean-0.28
+ pathname: E/ET/ETHER/namespace-autoclean-0.28.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ namespace::autoclean 0.28
+ requirements:
+ B::Hooks::EndOfScope 0.12
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+ List::Util 0
+ Sub::Identify 0
+ namespace::clean 0.20
+ perl 5.006
+ strict 0
+ warnings 0
+ namespace-clean-0.27
+ pathname: R/RI/RIBASUSHI/namespace-clean-0.27.tar.gz
+ provides:
+ namespace::clean 0.27
+ requirements:
+ B::Hooks::EndOfScope 0.12
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0
+ Package::Stash 0.23
+ perl 5.008001
diff --git a/lib/ASM/ b/lib/ASM/
index c2012d3..39a566f 100644
--- a/lib/ASM/
+++ b/lib/ASM/
@@ -30,9 +30,6 @@ my $cmdtbl = {
'cmd' => \&cmd_mship },
'^;source$' => {
'cmd' => \&cmd_source },
- '^;sql (?<db>main|log) (?<string>.*)' => {
- 'flag' => 'd',
- 'cmd' => \&cmd_sql },
'^;monitor (?<chan>\S+) *$' => {
'flag' => 's',
'cmd' => \&cmd_monitor },
@@ -345,18 +342,6 @@ sub cmd_source {
$conn->privmsg($event->replyto, 'source is at');
-sub cmd_sql {
- my ($conn, $event) = @_;
- if (!defined $::db) {
- $conn->privmsg($event->replyto, "I am set to run without a database, fool.");
- return;
- }
- my $dbh = $::db->{DBH};
- $::db->raw($conn, $event->{to}->[0], $dbh, $+{string});
sub cmd_monitor {
my ($conn, $event) = @_;
@@ -456,13 +441,29 @@ sub cmd_db {
$conn->privmsg($event->replyto, "db is at");
+sub sql_wildcard {
+ my ($str) = @_;
+ # Ugh ...
+ $str =~ s/\*/%/g;
+ $str =~ s/_/\\_/g;
+ $str =~ s/\?/_/g;
+ return $str;
sub cmd_query {
my ($conn, $event) = @_;
return unless defined $::db;
my $channel = defined($2) ? $1 : '%';
- my @nuh = split(/(\!|\@)/, defined($2) ? $2 : $1);
- my $result = $::db->query($channel, $nuh[0], $nuh[2], $nuh[4]);
+ my ($nick, $user, $host) = split(/(\!|\@)/, defined($2) ? $2 : $1);
+ my $result = $::db->resultset('Alertlog')->count( {
+ channel => { like => sql_wildcard($channel) },
+ nick => { like => sql_wildcard($nick) },
+ user => { like => sql_wildcard($user) },
+ host => { like => sql_wildcard($host) },
+ });
$conn->privmsg($event->replyto, "$result results found.");
@@ -479,33 +480,62 @@ sub cmd_investigate {
my $person = $::sn{$nick};
my $user = lc $person->{user};
my $gecos = lc $person->{gecos};
- my $dbh = $::db->{DBH};
+ my $acc = $person->{account};
- my $mnicks = $dbh->do("SELECT * from $::db->{ACTIONTABLE} WHERE nick like " . $dbh->quote($nick) . ';');
- my $musers = ($user ~~ $::mysql->{ignoredidents}) ? "didn't check" : $dbh->do("SELECT * from $::db->{ACTIONTABLE} WHERE user like " . $dbh->quote($person->{user}) . ';');
- my $mhosts = $dbh->do("SELECT * from $::db->{ACTIONTABLE} WHERE host like " . $dbh->quote($person->{host}) . ';');
- my $maccts = $dbh->do("SELECT * from $::db->{ACTIONTABLE} WHERE account like " . $dbh->quote($person->{account}) . ';');
- my $mgecos = ($gecos ~~ $::mysql->{ignoredgecos}) ? "didn't check" : $dbh->do("SELECT * from $::db->{ACTIONTABLE} WHERE gecos like " . $dbh->quote($person->{gecos}) . ';');
+ my $actions = $::db->resultset('Actionlog');
+ my $mnicks = $actions->count({ nick => $nick });
+ my $mhosts = $actions->count({ host => $person->{host} });
+ my $maccts;
+ my $musers;
+ my $mgecos;
+ if (defined $acc and $acc ne '0' and $acc ne '*') {
+ $maccts = $actions->count({ account => $acc });
+ }
+ if ($user !~ $::mysql->{ignoredidents}) {
+ $musers = $actions->count({ user => $person->{user} });
+ }
+ if ($gecos !~ $::mysql->{ignoredgecos}) {
+ $mgecos = $actions->count({ gecos => $person->{gecos} });
+ }
+ my $matchedip;
my $ip = ASM::Util->getNickIP($nick);
- my $matchedip = 0;
- $matchedip = $dbh->do("SELECT * from $::db->{ACTIONTABLE} WHERE ip = " . $dbh->quote($ip) . ';') if defined($ip);
- $mnicks =~ s/0E0/0/;
- $musers =~ s/0E0/0/;
- $mhosts =~ s/0E0/0/;
- $maccts =~ s/0E0/0/;
- $mgecos =~ s/0E0/0/;
- $matchedip =~ s/0E0/0/;
- my $dq = '';
+ if (defined $ip) {
+ $matchedip = $actions->count({ ip => $ip });
+ }
+ my $dq;
if (defined($ip)) {
$dq = join '.', unpack 'C4', pack 'N', $ip;
- $conn->privmsg($event->replyto, "I found $mnicks matches by nick ($nick), $musers by user ($person->{user}), $mhosts by hostname ($person->{host}), " .
- "$maccts by NickServ account ($person->{account}), $mgecos by gecos field ($person->{gecos}), and $matchedip by real IP ($dq). " .
- ASM::Shortener->shorturl('' . uri_escape($nick) .
- (($user ~~ $::mysql->{ignoredidents}) ? '' : '&user=' . uri_escape($person->{user})) .
- '&host=' . uri_escape($person->{host}) . '&account=' . uri_escape($person->{account}) .
- (($gecos ~~ $::mysql->{ignoredgecos}) ? '' : '&gecos=' . uri_escape($person->{gecos})) . '&realip=' . $dq));
+ my $found_by_fmt = '%s%s by %s (%s)';
+ my @found;
+ push @found, sprintf $found_by_fmt, $mnicks, ' matches', 'nick', $nick;
+ push @found, sprintf $found_by_fmt, ($musers // "didn't check"), '', 'user', $person->{user};
+ push @found, sprintf $found_by_fmt, $mhosts, '', 'hostname', $person->{host};
+ push @found, sprintf $found_by_fmt, $maccts, '', 'NickServ account', $person->{account} if defined $maccts;
+ push @found, sprintf $found_by_fmt, ($mgecos // "didn't check"), '', 'gecos field', $person->{gecos};
+ push @found, sprintf $found_by_fmt, $matchedip, '', 'real IP', $dq if defined $ip;
+ my $all_found = ASM::Util->commaAndify(@found);
+ my @queries;
+ push @queries, 'nick=' . uri_escape($nick);
+ push @queries, 'user=' . uri_escape($person->{user}) if defined $musers;
+ push @queries, 'host=' . uri_escape($person->{host});
+ push @queries, 'account=' . uri_escape($person->{account}) if defined $maccts;
+ push @queries, 'gecos=' . uri_escape($person->{gecos}) if defined $mgecos;
+ push @queries, 'realip=' . uri_escape($dq) if defined $ip;
+ my $query_string = join '&', @queries;
+ $conn->privmsg( $event->replyto, "I found $all_found. " .
+ ASM::Shortener->shorturl("$query_string") );
sub cmd_investigate2 {
@@ -515,46 +545,53 @@ sub cmd_investigate2 {
my $nick = lc $+{nick};
my $skip = 0;
$skip = $+{skip} if (defined($+{skip}) and ($+{skip} ne ""));
+ $skip = 1 if $skip < 1;
+ $skip = int(2**31-1) if $skip > int(2**31-1);
cmd_investigate($conn, $event);
unless (defined($::sn{$nick})) {
my $person = $::sn{$nick};
- my $dbh = $::db->{DBH};
- my $query = "SELECT * from $::db->{ACTIONTABLE} WHERE nick like " . $dbh->quote($nick) .
- ((lc $person->{user} ~~ $::mysql->{ignoredidents}) ? '' : ' or user like ' . $dbh->quote($person->{user})) .
- ' or host like ' . $dbh->quote($person->{host}) .
- ' or account like ' . $dbh->quote($person->{account}) .
- ((lc $person->{gecos} ~~ $::mysql->{ignoredgecos}) ? '' : ' or gecos like ' . $dbh->quote($person->{gecos}));
+ my $acc = $person->{account};
+ undef $acc if $acc eq '0' or $acc eq '*';
my $ip = ASM::Util->getNickIP($nick);
- if (defined($ip)) {
- $query = $query . ' or ip = ' . $dbh->quote($ip);
- }
- $query = $query . " order by time desc limit $skip,10;";
- ASM::Util->dprint($query, 'mysql');
- my $query_handle = $dbh->prepare($query);
- $query_handle->execute();
- my @data = @{$query_handle->fetchall_arrayref()};
- if (@data) {
+ my $query = [
+ nick => $nick,
+ host => $person->{host},
+ (defined $acc ? (account => $acc) : ()),
+ (defined $ip ? (ip => $ip) : ()),
+ ($person->{user} ~~ $::mysql->{ignoredidents} ? () : (user => $person->{user})),
+ ($person->{gecos} ~~ $::mysql->{ignoredgecos} ? () : (gecos => $person->{gecos})),
+ ];
+ my @incidents = $::db->resultset('Actionlog')->search($query, {
+ order_by => { -desc => 'time' },
+ rows => 10,
+ page => $skip,
+ })->all;
+ if (@incidents) {
$conn->privmsg($event->replyto, 'Sending you the results...');
} else {
$conn->privmsg($event->replyto, 'No results to send!');
+ return;
-# reverse @data;
-#$data will be an array of arrays,
- my ($xindex, $xtime, $xaction, $xreason, $xchannel, $xnick, $xuser, $xhost, $xip, $xgecos, $xaccount, $xbynick, $xbyuser, $xbyhost, $xbygecos, $xbyaccount ) = ( 0 .. 15 );
- foreach my $line (@data) {
- my $reason = ''; my $channel = '';
- $reason = ' (' . $line->[$xreason] . ')' if defined($line->[$xreason]);
- $channel = ' on ' . $line->[$xchannel] if defined($line->[$xchannel]);
- $conn->privmsg($event->nick, '#' . $line->[$xindex] . ': ' . $line->[$xtime] . ' ' .
- $line->[$xnick] . '!' . $line->[$xuser] . '@' . $line->[$xhost] . ' (' . $line->[$xgecos] . ') ' .
- $line->[$xaction] . $reason . $channel . ' by ' . $line->[$xbynick]); # . "\n";
- }
- if (@data) {
- $conn->privmsg($event->nick, "Only 10 results are shown at a time. For more, do ;investigate2 $nick " . ($skip+10) . '.');
+ my $format = '#%d: %s %s!%s@%s (%s) %s%s%s%s';
+ for my $line (@incidents) {
+ my $out = sprintf $format, ($line->index, $line->time, $line->nick, $line->user, $line->host, $line->gecos, $line->action,
+ (defined $line->reason ? ' (' . $line->reason . ')' : ''),
+ (defined $line->channel ? ' on ' . $line->channel : ''),
+ (defined $line->bynick ? ' by ' . $line->bynick : ''),
+ );
+ $conn->privmsg($event->nick, $out);
+ $conn->privmsg($event->nick, "Only 10 results are shown at a time. For more, do ;investigate2 $nick " . ($skip+1) . '.');
sub cmd_user_add {
diff --git a/lib/ASM/ b/lib/ASM/
index b8c7b63..6bd9519 100644
--- a/lib/ASM/
+++ b/lib/ASM/
@@ -1,205 +1,11 @@
+use utf8;
package ASM::DB;
-no autovivification;
-use warnings;
use strict;
-use DBI;
-use Data::Dumper;
-no if $] >= 5.017011, warnings => 'experimental::smartmatch';
-sub new {
- my $module = shift;
- my ($db, $host, $port, $user, $pass, $table, $actiontable, $dblog) = @_;
- my $self = {};
- $self->{DBH} = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=$db;host=$host;port=$port", $user, $pass);
- $self->{DBH}->{mysql_auto_reconnect} = 1;
- $self->{TABLE} = $table;
- $self->{ACTIONTABLE} = $actiontable;
- bless($self);
- return $self;
-sub raw
- my $self = shift;
- my ($conn, $tgt, $dbh, $qry) = @_;
- my $sth = $dbh->prepare($qry);
- $sth->execute;
- my $names = $sth->{'NAME'};
- my $numFields = $sth->{'NUM_OF_FIELDS'};
- my $string = "";
- for (my $i = 0; $i < $numFields; $i++) {
- $string = $string . sprintf("%s%s", $i ? "," : "", $$names[$i]);
- }
- $conn->privmsg($tgt, $string);
- while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref) {
- $string = "";
- for (my $i = 0; $i < $numFields; $i++) {
- $string = $string . sprintf("%s%s", $i ? "," : "", $$ref[$i]);
- }
- $conn->privmsg($tgt, $string);
- }
-sub record
- my $self = shift;
- my ($channel, $nick, $user, $host, $gecos, $level, $id, $reason) = @_;
- $gecos //= "NOT_DEFINED";
- my $dbh = $self->{DBH};
- $dbh->do("INSERT INTO $self->{TABLE} (channel, nick, user, host, gecos, level, id, reason) VALUES (" .
- $dbh->quote($channel) . ", " . $dbh->quote($nick) . ", " . $dbh->quote($user) .
- ", " . $dbh->quote($host) . ", " . $dbh->quote($gecos) . ", " . $dbh->quote($level) . ", " .
- $dbh->quote($id) . ", " . $dbh->quote($reason) . ");");
-sub actionlog
- my ($self, $event, $modedata1, $modedata2) = @_;
- my $dbh = $self->{DBH};
- my ($action, $reason, $channel,
- $nick, $user, $host, $gecos, $account, $ip,
- $bynick, $byuser, $byhost, $bygecos, $byaccount);
- my ($lcnick, $lcbynick);
- if ($event->{type} eq 'mode') {
- $action = $modedata1;
- $nick = $modedata2;
- $channel = lc $event->{to}->[0];
- $bynick = $event->{nick};
- $byuser = $event->{user};
- $byhost = $event->{host};
- } elsif ($event->{type} eq 'quit') {
- my $quitmsg = $event->{args}->[0];
- if ($quitmsg =~ /^Killed \((\S+) \((.*)\)\)$/) {
- $bynick = $1;
- $reason = $2 unless ($2 eq '<No reason given>');
- return if (($reason // '') =~ /Nickname regained by services/);
- $action = 'kill';
- } elsif ($quitmsg =~ /^K-Lined$/) {
- $action = 'k-line';
- } else {
- return; #quit not forced/tracked
- }
- $nick = $event->{nick};
- $user = $event->{user};
- $host = $event->{host};
- } elsif (($event->{type} eq 'part') && ($event->{args}->[0] =~ /^requested by (\S+) \((.*)\)/)) {
- $bynick = $1;
- $reason = $2 unless (lc $2 eq lc $event->{nick});
- $action = 'remove';
- $nick = $event->{nick};
- $user = $event->{user};
- $host = $event->{host};
- $channel = $event->{to}->[0];
- } elsif ($event->{type} eq 'kick') {
- $action = 'kick';
- $bynick = $event->{nick};
- $byuser = $event->{user};
- $byhost = $event->{host};
- $reason = $event->{args}->[1] unless ($event->{args}->[1] eq $event->{to}->[0]);
- $nick = $event->{to}->[0];
- $channel = $event->{args}->[0];
- }
- return unless defined($action);
- $lcbynick = lc $bynick if defined $bynick; #we will lowercase the NUHGA info later.
- if ( (defined($bynick)) && (defined($::sn{$lcbynick})) ) { #we have the nick taking the action available, fill in missing NUHGA info
- $byuser //= $::sn{$lcbynick}{user};
- $byhost //= $::sn{$lcbynick}{host};
- $bygecos //= $::sn{$lcbynick}{gecos};
- $byaccount //= $::sn{$lcbynick}{account};
- if (($byaccount eq '0') or ($byaccount eq '*')) {
- $byaccount = undef;
- }
- }
- $lcnick = lc $nick if defined $nick;
- if ( (defined($nick)) && (defined($::sn{$lcnick})) ) { #this should always be true, else something has gone FUBAR
- $user //= $::sn{$lcnick}{user};
- $host //= $::sn{$lcnick}{host};
- $gecos //= $::sn{$lcnick}{gecos};
- $account //= $::sn{$lcnick}{account};
- if (($account eq '0') or ($account eq '*')) {
- $account = undef;
- }
- $ip = ASM::Util->getNickIP($lcnick);
- }
-# my ($action, $reason, $channel,
-# $nick, $user, $host, $gecos, $account, $ip
-# $bynick, $byuser, $byhost, $bygecos, $byaccount);
-#Now, time to escape/NULLify everything
- $action = $dbh->quote($action);
- if (defined($reason)) { $reason = $dbh->quote($reason); } else { $reason = 'NULL'; }
-## removed lc's from everything except IP
- if (defined($channel)) { $channel = $dbh->quote($channel); } else { $channel = 'NULL'; }
- if (defined($nick)) { $nick = $dbh->quote($nick); } else { $nick = 'NULL'; }
- if (defined($user)) { $user = $dbh->quote($user); } else { $user = 'NULL'; }
- if (defined($host)) { $host = $dbh->quote($host); } else { $host = 'NULL'; }
- if (defined($gecos)) { $gecos = $dbh->quote($gecos); } else { $gecos = 'NULL'; }
- if (defined($account)) { $account = $dbh->quote($account); } else { $account = 'NULL'; }
- if (defined($ip)) { $ip = $dbh->quote($ip); } else { $ip = 'NULL'; }
- if (defined($bynick)) { $bynick = $dbh->quote($bynick); } else { $bynick = 'NULL'; }
- if (defined($byuser)) { $byuser = $dbh->quote($byuser); } else { $byuser = 'NULL'; }
- if (defined($byhost)) { $byhost = $dbh->quote($byhost); } else { $byhost = 'NULL'; }
- if (defined($bygecos)) { $bygecos = $dbh->quote($bygecos); } else { $bygecos = 'NULL'; }
- if (defined($byaccount)) { $byaccount = $dbh->quote($byaccount); } else { $byaccount = 'NULL'; }
- my $sqlstr = "INSERT INTO $self->{ACTIONTABLE} " .
- "(action, reason, channel, " .
- "nick, user, host, gecos, account, ip, " .
- "bynick, byuser, byhost, bygecos, byaccount)" .
- " VALUES " .
- "($action, $reason, $channel, " .
- "$nick, $user, $host, $gecos, $account, $ip, " .
- "$bynick, $byuser, $byhost, $bygecos, $byaccount);";
- ASM::Util->dprint( $sqlstr, 'mysql' );
- $dbh->do( $sqlstr );
- return $dbh->last_insert_id(undef, undef, $self->{ACTIONTABLE}, undef);
-# $::sn{ow} looks like:
-#$VAR1 = {
-# "account" => "afterdeath",
-# "gecos" => "William Athanasius Heimbigner",
-# "user" => "icxcnika",
-# "mship" => [
-# "#baadf00d",
-# "#antispammeta-debug",
-# "#antispammeta"
-# ],
-# "host" => "freenode/weird-exception/network-troll/afterdeath"
-# };
-sub query
- my $self = shift;
- my ($channel, $nick, $user, $host) = @_;
- my $dbh = $self->{DBH};
- $channel = $dbh->quote($channel);
- $nick = $dbh->quote($nick);
- $user = $dbh->quote($user);
- $host = $dbh->quote($host);
+use warnings;
- $nick =~ s/\*/%/g;
- $nick =~ s/_/\\_/g;
- $nick =~ s/\?/_/g;
+use parent 'DBIx::Class::Schema';
- $user =~ s/\*/%/g;
- $user =~ s/_/\\_/g;
- $user =~ s/\?/_/g;
- $host =~ s/\*/%/g;
- $host =~ s/_/\\_/g;
- $host =~ s/\?/_/g;
- my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * from $self->{TABLE} WHERE channel like $channel and nick like $nick and user like $user and host like $host;");
- $sth->execute;
- my $i = 0;
- while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref) {
- $i++;
- }
- return $i;
-# vim: ts=2:sts=2:sw=2:expandtab
diff --git a/lib/ASM/DB/Result/ b/lib/ASM/DB/Result/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5385650
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ASM/DB/Result/
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+use utf8;
+package ASM::DB::Result::Actionlog;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use parent 'DBIx::Class::Core';
+ index => { data_type => 'bigint', is_auto_increment => 1, is_nullable => 0 },
+ time => {
+ data_type => 'timestamp',
+ datetime_undef_if_invalid => 1,
+ default_value => \'current_timestamp',
+ is_nullable => 0,
+ },
+ action => { data_type => 'varchar', is_nullable => 0, size => 20 },
+ reason => { data_type => 'varchar', is_nullable => 1, size => 512 },
+ channel => { data_type => 'varchar', is_nullable => 1, size => 51 },
+ nick => { data_type => 'varchar', is_nullable => 0, size => 17 },
+ user => { data_type => 'varchar', is_nullable => 1, size => 11 },
+ host => { data_type => 'varchar', is_nullable => 1, size => 64 },
+ ip => { data_type => 'integer', is_nullable => 1, extra => { unsigned => 1 } },
+ gecos => { data_type => 'varchar', is_nullable => 1, size => 512 },
+ account => { data_type => 'varchar', is_nullable => 1, size => 17 },
+ bynick => { data_type => 'varchar', is_nullable => 1, size => 17 },
+ byuser => { data_type => 'varchar', is_nullable => 1, size => 11 },
+ byhost => { data_type => 'varchar', is_nullable => 1, size => 64 },
+ bygecos => { data_type => 'varchar', is_nullable => 1, size => 512 },
+ byaccount => { data_type => 'varchar', is_nullable => 1, size => 17 },
diff --git a/lib/ASM/DB/Result/ b/lib/ASM/DB/Result/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ce22ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ASM/DB/Result/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+use utf8;
+package ASM::DB::Result::Alertlog;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use parent 'DBIx::Class::Core';
+ time => {
+ data_type => 'timestamp',
+ datetime_undef_if_invalid => 1,
+ default_value => \'current_timestamp',
+ is_nullable => 0,
+ },
+ channel => { data_type => 'text', is_nullable => 0 },
+ nick => { data_type => 'text', is_nullable => 0 },
+ user => { data_type => 'text', is_nullable => 0 },
+ host => { data_type => 'text', is_nullable => 0 },
+ gecos => { data_type => 'text', is_nullable => 0 },
+ level => { data_type => 'tinytext', is_nullable => 0 },
+ id => { data_type => 'tinytext', is_nullable => 0 },
+ reason => { data_type => 'text', is_nullable => 0 },
diff --git a/lib/ASM/ b/lib/ASM/
index fac5c06..5e0435c 100644
--- a/lib/ASM/
+++ b/lib/ASM/
@@ -222,8 +222,8 @@ sub on_part
my $nick = lc $event->{nick};
my $chan = lc $event->{to}->[0];
# Ignore channels that are +s and not monitored
- if (defined $::db and $event->{args}->[0] =~ /^requested by/ and (not ((grep { /^s$/ } @{$::sc{$chan}{modes}} ) && ($::channels->{channel}->{$chan}->{monitor} eq "no"))) ) {
- my $idx = $::db->actionlog( $event);
+ if ($event->{args}->[0] =~ /^requested by/ and (not ((grep { /^s$/ } @{$::sc{$chan}{modes}} ) && ($::channels->{channel}->{$chan}->{monitor} eq "no"))) ) {
+ my $idx = $::log->actionlog( $event);
$::log->sqlIncident($chan, $idx) if $idx;
if (defined($::sn{$nick}) && defined($::sn{$nick}->{mship})) {
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ sub on_quit
$event->{to} = \@channels;
if (defined $::db) {
- my $idx = $::db->actionlog($event);
+ my $idx = $::log->actionlog($event);
# Ignore channels that are +s and not monitored
my @actionlog_channels = grep { not ((grep { /^s$/ } @{$::sc{$_}{modes}}) && ($::channels->{channel}->{$_}->{monitor} eq "no")) } @channels;
$::log->sqlIncident( join(',', @actionlog_channels), $idx ) if $idx;
@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ sub on_kick {
if (defined $::db) {
# Ignore channels that are +s and not monitored
if ( not ((grep { /^s$/ } @{$::sc{$chan}{modes}}) && ($::channels->{channel}->{$chan}->{monitor} eq "no")) ) {
- my $idx = $::db->actionlog($event);
+ my $idx = $::log->actionlog($event);
$::log->sqlIncident($chan, $idx) if $idx;
@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ sub on_mode
foreach my $victim (@affected) {
# Ignore channels that are +s and not monitored
if ( not ((grep { /^s$/ } @{$::sc{$chan}{modes}}) && ($::channels->{channel}->{$chan}->{monitor} eq "no")) ) {
- my $idx = $::db->actionlog($event, 'ban', $victim);
+ my $idx = $::log->actionlog($event, 'ban', $victim);
$::log->sqlIncident( $chan, $idx ) if $idx;
@@ -594,7 +594,7 @@ sub on_mode
foreach my $victim (@affected) {
# Ignore channels that are +s and not monitored
if ( not ((grep { /^s$/ } @{$::sc{$chan}{modes}}) && ($::channels->{channel}->{$chan}->{monitor} eq "no")) ) {
- my $idx = $::db->actionlog($event, 'quiet', $victim);
+ my $idx = $::log->actionlog($event, 'quiet', $victim);
$::log->sqlIncident( $chan, $idx ) if $idx;
diff --git a/lib/ASM/ b/lib/ASM/
index d85d10d..d6121fb 100644
--- a/lib/ASM/
+++ b/lib/ASM/
@@ -125,14 +125,11 @@ sub inspect {
return unless (ASM::Util->notRestricted($nick, "notrigger") && ASM::Util->notRestricted($nick, "no$id"));
$xresult = $dct{$id}{xresult};
my $nicereason = interpolate($dct{$id}{reason});
- if (defined $::db) {
- $::db->record($chan, $displaynick, $event->{user}, $event->{host}, $::sn{lc $nick}->{gecos}, $dct{$id}{risk}, $id, $nicereason);
- }
$txtz = "\x03" . $::RCOLOR{$::RISKS{$dct{$id}{risk}}} . "\u$dct{$id}{risk}\x03 risk threat [\x02$chan\x02] - ".
"\x02$displaynick\x02 - ${nicereason}; ping ";
$txtz = $txtz . ASM::Util->commaAndify(ASM::Util->getAlert($chan, $dct{$id}{risk}, 'hilights')) if (ASM::Util->getAlert($chan, $dct{$id}{risk}, 'hilights'));
$txtz = $txtz . ' !att-' . $chan . '-' . $dct{$id}{risk};
- my $uuid = $::log->incident($chan, "$chan: $dct{$id}{risk} risk: $displaynick - $nicereason\n");
+ my $uuid = $::log->incident($chan, $displaynick, $event->{user}, $event->{host}, $::sn{lc $nick}->{gecos}, $dct{$id}{risk}, $id, $nicereason);
$txtz = $txtz . ' ' . ASM::Shortener->shorturl($::settings->{web}->{detectdir} . $uuid . '.txt');
if ($id eq 'last_measure_regex') { #TODO: Note that this is another example of things that shouldn't be hardcoded, but are.
diff --git a/lib/ASM/ b/lib/ASM/
index 46bda4c..e9a6d6f 100644
--- a/lib/ASM/
+++ b/lib/ASM/
@@ -34,12 +34,118 @@ sub new
return $self;
+sub actionlog
+ my ($self, $event, $modedata1, $modedata2) = @_;
+ my ($action, $reason, $channel,
+ $nick, $user, $host, $gecos, $account, $ip,
+ $bynick, $byuser, $byhost, $bygecos, $byaccount);
+ my ($lcnick, $lcbynick);
+ if ($event->{type} eq 'mode') {
+ $action = $modedata1;
+ $nick = $modedata2;
+ $channel = lc $event->{to}->[0];
+ $bynick = $event->{nick};
+ $byuser = $event->{user};
+ $byhost = $event->{host};
+ } elsif ($event->{type} eq 'quit') {
+ my $quitmsg = $event->{args}->[0];
+ if ($quitmsg =~ /^Killed \((\S+) \((.*)\)\)$/) {
+ $bynick = $1;
+ $reason = $2 unless ($2 eq '<No reason given>');
+ return if (($reason // '') =~ /Nickname regained by services/);
+ $action = 'kill';
+ } elsif ($quitmsg =~ /^K-Lined$/) {
+ $action = 'k-line';
+ } else {
+ return; #quit not forced/tracked
+ }
+ $nick = $event->{nick};
+ $user = $event->{user};
+ $host = $event->{host};
+ } elsif (($event->{type} eq 'part') && ($event->{args}->[0] =~ /^requested by (\S+) \((.*)\)/)) {
+ $bynick = $1;
+ $reason = $2 unless (lc $2 eq lc $event->{nick});
+ $action = 'remove';
+ $nick = $event->{nick};
+ $user = $event->{user};
+ $host = $event->{host};
+ $channel = $event->{to}->[0];
+ } elsif ($event->{type} eq 'kick') {
+ $action = 'kick';
+ $bynick = $event->{nick};
+ $byuser = $event->{user};
+ $byhost = $event->{host};
+ $reason = $event->{args}->[1] unless ($event->{args}->[1] eq $event->{to}->[0]);
+ $nick = $event->{to}->[0];
+ $channel = $event->{args}->[0];
+ }
+ return unless defined($action);
+ $lcbynick = lc $bynick if defined $bynick; #we will lowercase the NUHGA info later.
+ if ( (defined($bynick)) && (defined($::sn{$lcbynick})) ) { #we have the nick taking the action available, fill in missing NUHGA info
+ $byuser //= $::sn{$lcbynick}{user};
+ $byhost //= $::sn{$lcbynick}{host};
+ $bygecos //= $::sn{$lcbynick}{gecos};
+ $byaccount //= $::sn{$lcbynick}{account};
+ if (($byaccount eq '0') or ($byaccount eq '*')) {
+ $byaccount = undef;
+ }
+ }
+ $lcnick = lc $nick if defined $nick;
+ if ( (defined($nick)) && (defined($::sn{$lcnick})) ) { #this should always be true, else something has gone FUBAR
+ $user //= $::sn{$lcnick}{user};
+ $host //= $::sn{$lcnick}{host};
+ $gecos //= $::sn{$lcnick}{gecos};
+ $account //= $::sn{$lcnick}{account};
+ if (($account eq '0') or ($account eq '*')) {
+ $account = undef;
+ }
+ $ip = ASM::Util->getNickIP($lcnick);
+ }
+ return $::db->resultset('Actionlog')->create({
+ action => $action,
+ reason => $reason,
+ channel => $channel,
+ nick => $nick,
+ user => $user,
+ host => $host,
+ gecos => $gecos,
+ account => $account,
+ ip => $ip,
+ bynick => $bynick,
+ byuser => $byuser,
+ byhost => $byhost,
+ bygecos => $bygecos,
+ byaccount => $byaccount,
+ })->id;
+# $::sn{ow} looks like:
+#$VAR1 = {
+# "account" => "afterdeath",
+# "gecos" => "William Athanasius Heimbigner",
+# "user" => "icxcnika",
+# "mship" => [
+# "#baadf00d",
+# "#antispammeta-debug",
+# "#antispammeta"
+# ],
+# "host" => "freenode/weird-exception/network-troll/afterdeath"
+# };
sub incident
my $self = shift;
- my ($chan, $header) = @_;
+ my ($chan, $nick, $user, $host, $gecos, $risk, $id, $reason) = @_;
$chan = lc $chan;
my $uuid = $self->{UUID}->create_str();
+ my $header = "$chan: $risk risk: $nick - $reason\n";
open(FH, '>', $self->{CONFIG}->{detectdir} . $uuid . '.txt');
print FH $header;
if (defined($self->{backlog}->{$chan})) {
@@ -47,6 +153,20 @@ sub incident
print FH "\n\n";
+ $gecos //= "NOT_DEFINED";
+ $::db->resultset('Alertlog')->create({
+ channel => $chan,
+ nick => $nick,
+ user => $user,
+ host => $host,
+ gecos => $gecos,
+ level => $risk,
+ id => $id,
+ reason => $reason,
+ });
return $uuid;
diff --git a/ b/
index 7f03197..2e12008 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -123,10 +123,44 @@ sub init {
if (-e "debugsock") {
+ my $mysql_config_bad = 0;
+ if (exists $::mysql->{table}) {
+ if ($::mysql->{table} ne 'alertlog') {
+ warn "The 'table' option in mysql.json is no longer supported. Please ensure your table is named 'alertlog'.\n";
+ $mysql_config_bad++;
+ }
+ else {
+ warn "The 'table' option in mysql.json is no longer supported. Please remove it from the configuration.\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if (exists $::mysql->{actiontable}) {
+ if ($::mysql->{actiontable} ne 'actionlog') {
+ warn "The 'actiontable' option in mysql.json is no longer supported. Please ensure your table is named 'actionlog'.\n";
+ $mysql_config_bad++;
+ }
+ else {
+ warn "The 'actiontable' option in mysql.json is no longer supported. Please remove it from the configuration.\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($mysql_config_bad) {
+ die "The bot cannot operate with the current database configuration.\n";
+ }
if (!$::mysql->{disable}) {
- $::db = ASM::DB->new($::mysql->{db}, $::mysql->{host}, $::mysql->{port},
- $::mysql->{user}, $::mysql->{pass}, $::mysql->{table},
- $::mysql->{actiontable}, $::mysql->{dblog});
+ my $dsn;
+ if (exists $::mysql->{dsn}) {
+ $dsn = $::mysql->{dsn};
+ }
+ else {
+ # This isn't what we *should* do - notably, we'd have to wrap IPv6 addresses given
+ # as host in brackets. It's what the old code did, though, and all we need is
+ # compatibility with that.
+ $dsn = sprintf 'DBI:mysql:database=%s;host=%s;port=%s', @{ $::mysql }{'db', 'host', 'port'};
+ }
+ $::db = ASM::DB->connect($dsn, $::mysql->{user}, $::mysql->{pass});
$conn = $irc->newconn( Server => $host,
Port => $::settings->{port} || '6667',